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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die impak van trauma op die kind as sekondêre slagoffer in die ongevalle afdeling van ‘n hospitaal

Muller, Corne 10 September 2007 (has links)
This study is aimed at exploring the impact of secondary trauma on the child. A shortcoming has been identified in practice because of the lack of trained social workers and therapists in the field of secondary trauma and children and applying effective therapeutic intervention. The goal of this study was to explore and determine the impact of trauma on the child as the secondary victim in the emergency room of the hospital. In order to reach the required goal, a number of objectives were set. By means of a literature study and consultation with experts in the field of trauma, a theoretical framework was set up with regard to the following: secondary trauma as phenomenon; the child in the middle childhood as part of life; trauma debriefing and the child. An empirical study where semi-structured interviews and participatory observation were used as the methods of data collection was undertaken, to assess the impact of trauma on the child, as the secondary victim in the emergency room of the hospital. The following aspects were handled specifically: 1. the experience of trauma by the child 2. fears and anxiety 3. re-experiencing the event through thoughts 4. sensation, communication and play 5. increase in sensitivity through sight, noises and smell 6. avoidance of memories, thoughts and feelings towards the trauma and then the search for closure Individual semi-structured interviews were used with ten respondents. Applied research was undertaken as the researcher aimed at establishing solutions for problems that occur in the emergency room of the hospital. The researcher used a qualitative research approach. Considering that in this study a relatively unknown field was researched, a phenomenological strategy within an exploratory study was used to explore, understand and interpret the research question, which is not well known. The research question formulated for this study was: “What is the effect of trauma on the child as the secondary victim?” Empirical data, which was obtained by using a semi-structured interview schedule and participatory observation, revealed the following: 1. The secondary traumatized child is the individual that’s been exposed to the trauma by either witnessing the event or through the relationship with the victim. 2. The following phases of trauma were identified through the study of the secondary traumatized child: i. PHASE 1 : Biological impact phase ii. PHASE 2 : Reaction phase iii. PHASE 3 : Avoidance phase iv. PHASE 4 : Reintegration and recovery of homeostasis 3. Role of social support systems for the adaptation of the psycho-social functioning of the victim. 4. External factors that might influence the traumatized child. The study revealed information on the child as the secondary traumatized victim in the emergency room of the hospital, which holds further research possibilities. The desired information was acquired and can be used in further studies and the development of a trauma-debriefing programme. / Dissertation (MSW (Social Health Care))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / MSW (Social Health Care) / Unrestricted

'n Praktykmodel vir privaatpraktykbestuur in maatskaplike werk (Afrikaans)

Bloem, Cornelia Hesther Margaretha 15 December 2006 (has links)
The study is aimed at the development of a Practice Model for Private Practice Management in Social work. It is evident from the literature that no practice model for private practice management exists, peculiar to the nature and modus operandi of Social work. A further problem is that the knowledge base of Social work is often derived and adopted from other professions and disciplines to address problem areas in Social work private practice. The problem lies far deeper. The lack of a practice model for private practice management also implies the lack of guidelines on how to employ social workers within the field of private practice. Poor remuneration and socio-economic change in the external environment put financial and emotional pressure on the social worker, which causes him to leave the social work profession. With reference to the above mentioned the researcher developed a practise model for private practice management in Social work to an extend that the content nature and magnitude of private practice is being familiarised and utilised in practice through this practise model. In order to reach this goal, a theoretical frame of reference for private practice management in Social work is created, the profile of existing private practices in South Africa is explored, a practice model for private practice management is developed through the intervention research model and the developed practice model's value is evaluated through focus groups consisting of private practitioners. Interdependent herewith all relevant concepts, principles, processes and elements as components of a practice model is investigated in both the field of social work and economic and management sciences. From the economic and management science a distinction is made between aspects applicable within entrepreneurship and management to private practice management. Based on a comprehensive literature study the practice model is developed and supported by a secondary data analysis from the national databank of the South African Social Workers in Private Practice. The utilisation value of the developed model is evaluated through three separate focus groups consisting of social workers in private practice. The qualitative data analysed through this process is carefully incorporated into a final practice model. Conclusions and recommendations as a result of the research process conclude the study. Copyright 2004, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Bloem, CHM 2004, 'n Praktykmodel vir privaatpraktykbestuur in maatskaplike werk (Afrikaans), PhD thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-12152006-111832 / > / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted

Interreligioses Lernen in der Offenen Jugendarbeit‘ im landlichen Raum: Eine interdisziplinar-empirische Studie am Beispiel von Dillenburg und Umgebung / Interreligious learning in open youth work in a rural area: an interdisciplinary-empirical study based on the open youth work in and around Dillenburg

Hain, Anne 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German, English and Afrikaans / Text in German / Die vorliegende Masterarbeit untersucht mittels empirisch-theologischer Forschung, inwiefern ‚Offene Jugendarbeit‘ einen Ort interreligiöser Lernprozesse darstellt. Aufbauend auf theologischer und sozialwissenschaftlicher Grundlegung wurden Mitarbeitende von ‚Offenen Jugendarbeiten‘ in und um Dillenburg in Form von qualitativen Experteninterviews nach ihrer Einschätzung bezüglich der Religiosität der Jugendlichen und der Chancen, Grenzen und Anknüpfungspunkte für interreligiöse Lernprozesse befragt. Dabei dient der empirisch-theologische-Praxiszyklus nach Faix als methodologischer Rahmen. Als Ergebnis der Untersuchung können fünf Aspekte für gelingende interreligiöse Lernprozesse in ‚Offenen Jugendarbeiten‘ festgehalten werden: Offenheit, Orientierung an den Jugendlichen, Religionssensibilität, Miteinander und Austausch. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser und der theologischen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Vorüberlegungen werden sowohl Konsequenzen für die Praxis Sozialer Arbeit als auch für die Missionswissenschaft als theologische Disziplin gezogen. Die Studie will zudem einen Beitrag zur Diskussion um die Verhältnisbestimmung von Theologie und Sozialer Arbeit leisten und Handlungsoptionen für ‚Offene Jugendarbeit‘ aufzeigen. / Based on the empirical-theological research approach, this thesis examines how “open youth work” can be seen as a place for interreligious learning. Referring to theological and socio-scientific foundations, employees of open youth work in Dillenburg (Germany) were asked to give an assessment of the youth’s religiousness and opportunities, limitations, and contact points for interreligious learning in open youth work. The empirical-theological practical cycle serves as methodological framework. In summary, five aspects of successful interreligious learning were identified: openness, youth orientation, religious sensitivity, togetherness and exchange. Taking into account the given results and the theological and socio-scientific preliminary considerations, the consequences for missiology and the practice of social work will be drawn together. The study aims to contribute to the discussion about the relationship between theology and social work, identifying courses of action for open youth work. / Op grond van die empiries-teologiese navorsingsbenadering ondersoek hierdie tesis hoe “oop jeugwerk” beskou kan word as 'n geleentheid vir interreligieuse leer. Met verwysing na teologiese en sosiaal-wetenskaplike grondslae is jeugwerkers in Dillenburg (Duitsland) versoek om die godsdienstigheid van jongmense asook die geleenthede, beperkings en kontakpunte vir interreligieuse leer in oop jeugwerk te beoordeel. Die empiries-teologiese praktiese siklus dien as metodologiese raamwerk. Vyf aspekte van geslaagde interreligieuse leer is aangedui: oopheid, jeugoriëntasie, godsdiensgevoeligheid, samehorigheid en uitruiling. Met inagneming van die uitslag en die teologiese en sosiaal-wetenskaplike voorlopige beskouings word afleidings gemaak oor die gevolge vir die missiologie en die praktyk van maatskaplike werk, en word 'n handelswyse vir oop jeugwerk aangetoon. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Malnutrition in children : the perceptions of mothers in Botswana

Ditebo, Gaeboloke Precious 15 August 2011 (has links)
Malnutrition is one of the serious childhood problems that affect children under five (5) years of age, and is common in developing countries Botswana included. The aim of this study was to explore the perceptions of mothers of children diagnosed with malnutrition in Botswana, specifically at Sekgoma Memorial Hospital, Serowe. The said hospital is a district hospital which renders services to Serowe community and the surrounding villages, as such; participants in this study were from Serowe and other surrounding villages like Mabou, Tshimoyapula, Mmashoro and Mogorosi. Applied research was used as a type of research because it is associated with the researcher’s motivation to assist in solving a particular problem facing a particular community. Collective case study was used as a research design. The researcher explored the perceptions of mothers regarding child malnutrition; through the use of semi-structured interviews. Twelve (12) mothers of children with malnutrition were interviewed using systematic random sampling method and subsequently data was analysed according to Creswell’s model. Literature study was done and the following aspects were discussed: Child malnutrition in developing countries; child malnutrition in Botswana; description of child malnutrition; causes of child malnutrition; symptoms of child malnutrition; treatment of child malnutrition; prevention of child malnutrition; psychosocial implications of child malnutrition on the patient, family and community and social work intervention (therapy and prevention). Literature was also compared with research findings when analysing data. The study revealed that mothers had limited knowledge on malnutrition as a condition, the signs and symptoms thereof; causes; prevention and treatment of child malnutrition. This lack of knowledge made mothers to have wrong perceptions about child malnutrition. It was revealed that mothers did not perceive malnutrition as a serious problem that can result in admission for treatment in a hospital, they expected a different diagnosis. They perceive malnutrition as a secondary diagnosis. The majority of mothers had a Setswana diagnosis for their children’s condition. Mothers perceived the signs and symptoms of malnutrition as those of Thibamo, Phogwana (fontanel), or Ntsana. They interpret malnutrition as a Setswana ailment that can be treated traditionally. Factors that were identified to be contributing to malnutrition among children at Sekgoma Memorial Hospital in Serowe were found to be; lack of knowledge about malnutrition, wrong perceptions of malnutrition by mothers, illiteracy and unemployment, and cultural factors like taking a child to a traditional healer instead of a medical health facility. The study shows that mothers’ social functioning is disrupted by their children’s illness and hospitalization and thus a need for support from the hospital multi-disciplinary team, especially the social worker who is a trained counselor. The social worker should provide ongoing supportive counseling during the process of the child’s illness. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted

Aktuelles aus dem deutschen und europäischen Urheberrecht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Open Access-Lizenzierungen

Weller, Michael 04 January 2016 (has links)
Vortrag über aktuell bedeutsame Probleme des Urheberrechts mit dem Schwerpunkt Open Access-Lizenzierung

Geistliche Concerti II: Der Herr ist mein Hirte / Wo ist solch ein Gott, wie du bist / Sie ist fest gegründet auf den heiligen Bergen: für vier- bis zehnstimmigen Chor und Instrumente: Partitur

Schmidt, Johann Christoph 25 July 2022 (has links)
Die Erstveröffentlichung des Bandes II der Geistlichen Concerti für Soli, vier- bis zehnstimmigen Chor und Instrumente enthält den 23. Psalm „Der Herr ist mein Hirte“, den 87. Psalm „Sie ist fest gegründet“ sowie aus Micha 7, Vers 18-19 „Wo ist solch ein Gott“. Die Quellen aus dem Bestand der Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz entstammen der „Sammlung Bokemeyer“ aus Braunschweig, in der zwischen 1675 und 1725 viele kirchenmusikalischen Werke aus dem deutschen Sprachgebiet vereinigt wurden. Bis auf das 2. Concerto mit dem autographen Datum 1701 sind keine weiteren Daten der anderen Kompositionen und der Aufführungen überliefert. Aber die Werke sind ohne Zweifel für den protestantischen Gottesdienst in der Dresdner Schlosskapelle geschaffen, deren musikalische Ausgestaltung der Hofgottesdienste zu den wichtigsten Aufgaben des Hofkapellmeisters Augusts des Starken gehörte. Dieser ließ Schmidt gewähren, da er, wegen der polnischen Krone zum Katholizismus konvertiert, kein Interesse an der protestantischen Kirchenmusik hatte.

Geistliche Concerti III: Bonum est confiteri / Mein Herz ist bereit / Labe mich mit deines Mundes Kuss: für Soli (Alt, Tenor, Sopran) und Instrumente: Partitur

Schmidt, Johann Christoph 25 July 2022 (has links)
Mit der Erstveröffentlichung des Bandes III der Geistlichen Concerti für Soli (Alt, Tenor, Sopran) und Instrumente legen die „Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Dresden“ alle überlieferten Geistlichen Concerti in neuen Ausgaben vor. Der Band III enthält „Bonum est confiteri“, Texte aus dem Graduale Romanum, „Mein Herz ist bereit“, Texte aus den Psalmen 57, 145 und 103, sowie „Labe mich mit deines Mundes Kuss“, ein geistliches Lied und Verse aus Philipp Nicolais „Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern“. Die Quellen aus dem Bestand der Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz entstammen wiederum der „Sammlung Bokemeyer“ aus Braunschweig, in der zwischen 1675 und 1725 viele kirchenmusikalischen Werke aus dem deutschen Sprachgebiet vereinigt wurden. Bis auf das 1. Concerto mit dem autographen Datum 26. November 1696 sind keine weiteren Daten der anderen Kompositionen oder Aufführungen überliefert. Aber die Werke sind ohne Zweifel für den protestantischen Gottesdienst in der Dresdner Schlosskapelle geschaffen, deren musikalische Ausgestaltung der Hofgottesdienste zu den wichtigsten Aufgaben des Hofkapellmeisters Augusts des Starken gehörte. Dieser ließ Schmidt gewähren, da er, wegen der polnischen Krone zum Katholizismus konvertiert, kein Interesse an der protestantischen Kirchenmusik hatte. Das Concerto „Bonum est confiteri“ hat der Altist David Erler, begleitet vom Ensemble L'arpa festante, im Februar 2021 auf seiner Solo-CD „Psalmen & Lobgesänge“ beim Label Christophorus veröffentlicht.

Die voorkoming van organisasieverwante stres by maatskaplike werkers deur maatskaplikewerkbestuurder

Nortjé, Vasti 03 December 2013 (has links)
Organisasieverwante stres onder maatskaplike werkers is ‘n internasionale verskynsel (Shweta & Siebert, 2007). Maatskaplike dienslewering gaan gewoonlik gepaard met organisasieverwante eise wat ‘n negatiewe uitwerking op die maatskaplike werker sowel as die kwaliteit van dienslewering kan hê indien dit nie vroegtydig geïdentifiseer en voorkom word nie (Werner, 2007:320). Ten spyte van die feit dat maatskaplike werk as een van die mees stresvolle beroepe beskryf word, het organisasieverwante stres binne die maatskaplike diensveld eers in die laaste paar jaar aandag begin geniet (Dillenburger, 2004:213). In die literatuur word daar na drie vlakke van intervensie verwys, naamlik primêre, sekondêre en tersiêre intervensie (Departement van Arbeid, 2003:14; Cooper, Dewe & O’Driscoll, 2001:189). Sekondêre en tersiêre intervensies word as die mees algemene strategieë vir die bestuur van stres in ‘n organisasie geïdentifiseer (Cooper et al., 2001:190; Grobler, Wärnich, Carrell, Elbert & Hatfield, 2002:441). Kritiek op die genoemde vlakke van intervensie sluit in dat die verantwoordelikheid op die maatskaplike werker alleen geplaas word om sy/haar stres te hanteer. Primêre intervensie behels dat die oorsprong van die probleem voorkom word, in plaas daarvan dat die simptome behandel word nadat dit reeds voorgekom het (Satcher, 1999). Hierdie navorsingstudie plaas die fokus op die primêre-intervensiestrategie, nadat daar ‘n leemte in die literatuur in hierdie verband geïdentifseer was. Die doel van die navorsing was om die aard van voorkoming van organisasieverwante stres onder maatskaplike werkers, deur middel van primêre-intervensiestrategieë deur maatskaplikewerkbestuurders, te verken en te beskryf ten einde ‘n voorkomingsriglyn te ontwikkel. Ten einde die navorsingsdoel te kon bereik is die kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering in hierdie studie gebruik, aangesien dit die mees geskikte wyse sou wees om die verkennende en beskrywende aard van die studie te ondersteun (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2007:12). Die populasies vir hierdie kwalitatiewe studie was: • Alle maatskaplikewerkbestuurders wat by regerings- of nie-regeringsorganisasies werksaam is. • Alle maatskaplike werkers wat by regerings- of nie-regeringsorganisasies werksaam is. Binne die raamwerk van die kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is daar van ‘n nie-waarskynlikheidsteekproefmetode en die doelgerigte en sneeubal steekproeftegnieke gebruik gemaak. Die navorser wou gebruik maak van haar eie oordeel oor wie die navorsingsvraag die beste sou kon beantwoord. Die steekproefgrootte was bepaal deur data-versadiging wat waargeneem was na nege onderhoude met maatskaplike werkers en nege onderhoude met maatskaplikewerkbestuurders. Die navorser het by beide populasies semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude as die metode van data-insameling benut. Tesch soos aangehaal in Creswell (2009:186), se agt stappe vir kwalitatiewe data-analise het die navorser ondersteun om die data op ‘n sistematiese wyse tot temas en sub-temas te kodeer. Die data is na afloop van die identifisering van die temas en sub-temas beskryf en gekontroleer met bestaande literatuur. Guba het (in Krefting, 1991:214-222) ‘n model saamgestel om met die verifikasie van kwalitatiewe data te help. Hierdie model is op die volgende vier aspekte gegrond en in hierdie studie benut: geldigheid van die waarheid, toepasbaarheid, bestendigheid en neutraliteit. Die volgende etiese aspekte is tydens die beplanning en uitvoering van hierdie studie in ag geneem: Vermyding van skade; vrywillige deelname; ingeligte toestemming en anonimiteit en konfidensialiteit. Die benutting van bovermelde metodologie het die navorser in staat gestel om voorkomingsriglyne te ontwerp en om gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings te maak. / The goal of this research was to explore and describe the nature of prevention of organisation-related stress among social workers through primary intervention strategies by social work managers to develop a prevention guideline. The qualitative research approach, together with the case study, contextual, explorative and descriptive research designs were used in the study. The two populations included a) all social work managers and b) all social workers that work for government or non-government organisations. Samples from the populations were obtained through the non-probability sampling method and the purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews. Tesch’s framework for qualitative research analysis supported the researcher to identify themes and sub-themes, while Guba’s model was used to assist with the verification of qualitative data. The empirical findings provided the foundation for the development of a prevention guideline. / Prevention of organisation-related stress amongst social workers by social work managers / Prevention of organisation related stress amongst social workers by social work managers / Text in Afrikaans, with abstract and title in Afrikaans and English / Department of Social Work / Ph. D. (Social Work)

Investigating the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic reward, job satisfaction, organisational commitment and turnover intention / Anntha Visser.

Visser, Anntha January 2012 (has links)
Retention strategies in the nursing profession have been a significant subject among researchers for decades. The current shortages of these skilled professionals have reached an alarming extent globally, making it difficult for organisations to retain these workers, also in South Africa. It has become evident that nursing professionals from South Africa emigrate to other countries for more lucrative remuneration, sophisticated work resources and better career opportunities, impacting the South African economy and nursing workforce negatively. The general objective of the research was to determine whether a relationship exists between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, job satisfaction, organisational commitment and turnover intention among a group of South African healthcare workers in the private healthcare sector. Specifically of interest was also to see if nurses’ turnover intention could be predicted by the other variables. A cross-sectional survey design was used. A convenience sample of 152 healthcare workers was obtained from three private hospitals in the Gauteng and North-West provinces. A measuring instrument for intrinsic and extrinsic rewards was adapted from a previous study, and applied with measures of job satisfaction, affective organisational commitment and turnover intention. Results indicated that the measure of rewards did not present with sufficient reliability, and it was subjected to factor analysis. This delivered two reliable factors, which were labelled Objective experience of rewards and Perceived lacking organisational support. Objective experience of rewards showed to be significantly related to job satisfaction and inversely to turnover intention, and Perceived lacking organisational support was significantly negatively related to job satisfaction and positively to turnover intention. It was also seen that both job satisfaction and objective experience of rewards showed predictive value in terms of nurses’ turnover intention. Conclusions and limitations regarding this study were made, and recommendations regarding the profession and future research are made. / Thesis (MCom (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Investigating the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic reward, job satisfaction, organisational commitment and turnover intention / Anntha Visser.

Visser, Anntha January 2012 (has links)
Retention strategies in the nursing profession have been a significant subject among researchers for decades. The current shortages of these skilled professionals have reached an alarming extent globally, making it difficult for organisations to retain these workers, also in South Africa. It has become evident that nursing professionals from South Africa emigrate to other countries for more lucrative remuneration, sophisticated work resources and better career opportunities, impacting the South African economy and nursing workforce negatively. The general objective of the research was to determine whether a relationship exists between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, job satisfaction, organisational commitment and turnover intention among a group of South African healthcare workers in the private healthcare sector. Specifically of interest was also to see if nurses’ turnover intention could be predicted by the other variables. A cross-sectional survey design was used. A convenience sample of 152 healthcare workers was obtained from three private hospitals in the Gauteng and North-West provinces. A measuring instrument for intrinsic and extrinsic rewards was adapted from a previous study, and applied with measures of job satisfaction, affective organisational commitment and turnover intention. Results indicated that the measure of rewards did not present with sufficient reliability, and it was subjected to factor analysis. This delivered two reliable factors, which were labelled Objective experience of rewards and Perceived lacking organisational support. Objective experience of rewards showed to be significantly related to job satisfaction and inversely to turnover intention, and Perceived lacking organisational support was significantly negatively related to job satisfaction and positively to turnover intention. It was also seen that both job satisfaction and objective experience of rewards showed predictive value in terms of nurses’ turnover intention. Conclusions and limitations regarding this study were made, and recommendations regarding the profession and future research are made. / Thesis (MCom (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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