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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A produção, o desempenho e o comércio internacional do setor agrícola da África Ocidental / Production, performance and international trade in West Africa\'s agricultural sector

Ansu Mancal 09 March 2018 (has links)
Na África Ocidental iniciou-se desde a década de 1940, com a criação da União Econômica e Monetária do Oeste Africano (UEMOA) em 1945, uma transformação socioeconômica centrada na redefinição das relações entre os países da região. Antes restritas à laços coloniais, com a criação da Comunidade Econômica dos Estados da África Ocidental (CEDEAO) em 1975 as mudanças transcenderam aspectos coloniais. Nesses esforços, o setor agrícola mereceu destaque, que resultou em compilação e harmonização das políticas agrícolas dos países da região para formar políticas regionais do setor - políticas agrícolas da UEMOA e da CEDEAO -. A produção agrícola é a base do desenvolvimento dos países da África Ocidental, constitui importante determinante das dinâmicas socioeconômicas desses países. Assim, o objetivo neste trabalho é investigar a estrutura de produção, desempenho e comércio internacional do setor agrícola da África Ocidental. Utilizou-se a fronteira estocástica na forma funcional transcendental para estimação dos parâmetros estruturais da produção agrícola. Buscou-se detectar o esforço pró-desenvolvimento agrícola por meio de adaptação do modelo de Lei Dinâmica de Verdoorn, com inclusão de fontes locais disponíveis para o financiamento da melhoria de produtividade agrícola. Por meio de teste de raiz unitária aplicado aos dados em painel, foi analisada a convergência da produtividade agrícola entre os países da África Ocidental. E, foi utilizado o modelo gravitacional estrutural expandido para investigar comércio internacional agrícola da região. Os resultados mostraram que, as transformações da Comunidade Econômica dos Estados da África Ocidental (CEDEAO) constituem principais causas da quebra estrutural no setor agrícola regional. As participações relativas dos fatores na produção agrícola entre os subperíodos antes e depois das mudanças políticas da CEDEAO são diferentes, a área é o mais importante determinante da evolução desta produção. Quanto a produtividade, embora convergentes, os países da região não alocaram prioritariamente os recursos disponíveis para o desenvolvimento agrícola, em particular no setor privado. E, o padrão global das transações agrícolas internacionais desta região é dominantemente definido pelas transações extra-regionais e existem diferenças entre os determinantes intra e extra-regionais. Nas transações globais, os fluxos são maiores entre os países membros da Comunidade Econômica dos Estados da África Ocidental (CEDEAO) e União Econômica e Monetária do Oeste Africano (UEMOA) não afeta significativamente esses fluxos. Ao passo que, no comércio agrícola intra-regional a CEDEAO não impacta significativamente e os fluxos são maiores entre os países membros da UEMOA. A distância geográfica não exerce efeitos significativos no comércio internacional agrícola extra-regional da África Ocidental. / In West Africa, it began since 1940s with fundation of West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) in 1945, a socioeconomic transformation centered on the redefinition of relations between the countries of the region. Previously restricted to colonial ties, with the creation of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in 1975 the changes transcended colonial aspects. In these efforts, the agricultural sector was highlighted, which resulted in the compilation and harmonization of the agricultural policies of the countries of the region to form regional policies of the sector - agricultural policies of UEMOA and ECOWAS -. Agricultural production is the basis of development of West African countries, an important determinant of the socioeconomic dynamics of these countries. Thus, the objective in this work is to investigate production structure, performance and international trade of West African agricultural sector. The stochastic frontier was used in the transcendental functional form to estimate the structural parameters of agricultural production. It was sought to detect the pro-agricultural development effort by adapting the Verdoorn Dynamic Law model, with the inclusion of local sources available to finance the improvement of agricultural productivity. Using a unit root test applied to the panel data, the convergence of agricultural productivity among West African countries was analyzed. And, the expanded Structural Gravity Model was used to investigate the region\'s international agricultural trade. The results showed that the transformations of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are the main causes of the structural break in the regional agricultural sector. The relative participation of factors in agricultural production between the subperiods before and after the ECOWAS political changes are different, the area is the most important determinant of the evolution of this production. In terms of productivity, although convergent, the countries of the region did not allocate the resources available to agricultural development as priority, particularly in the private sector. And, the overall pattern of international agricultural transactions in this region is dominantly defined by extra-regional transactions and there are differences between intra- and extra-regional determinants. In global transactions, flows are higher among member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) does not significantly affect these flows. Whereas, in intra-regional agricultural trade, ECOWAS does not have a significant impact and flows are greater among WAEMU member countries. Geographical distance has no significant effect on West African extra-regional agricultural international trade.

Lebanese emigrants in West Africa : their effect on Lebanon and West Africa

Hanna, Marwan I. January 1959 (has links)
No description available.

Mennonite missionaries and African Independent Churches: the development of an Anabaptist missiology in West Africa: 1958-1967

Yoder, Robert Bruce 22 September 2016 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes Mennonite missionary engagement with African Independent Churches in West Africa. The engagement between missionaries and indigenous churches gave rise to a novel mission interaction with a non-western form of Christianity. It led to the early development of mission strategy and theory from an intentionally Anabaptist perspective. Based upon close analysis of archival material, the dissertation examines the extended encounter between missionaries and Independents in southeastern Nigeria between 1958 and 1967. It places the encounter within the context of the religious history of both groups and outlines the influence of the experience on subsequent mission work. This case study sheds new light on the emergence of African indigenous Christian movements and western Christians’ interaction with those movements during the period of decolonization and African nationalism. The history that this study constructs shows that the religious and missiological assumptions that each party brought to the encounter complicated their relationship. The Independents’ religious history led them to expect missionaries to establish traditional mission educational and healthcare institutions that would reinforce their well-being. Missionaries Edwin and Irene Weaver and their colleagues were hesitant to do so, since their experience in India had convinced them that such institutions caused dependency on foreign funds and impeded indigenization. They focused, rather, on encouraging better relationships between estranged Independents and mission churches, capacitating Independent churches through biblical training, and reinforcing Independents’ indigenous identity. Yet some Nigerian Independents insisted on a traditional mission relationship and its accompanying Mennonite identity. Missionaries borrowed mission theory about indigenization from the wider missionary movement, but applied and modified it over time, finally incorporating it into an Anabaptist missionary approach for work in Nigeria, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire and the Republic of Benin. This study suggests that while relationships between streams of the Christian movement are conditioned by their different religious histories and cultures, they nevertheless generate missiological insights. Through this engagement missionaries articulated an Anabaptist missiology that became influential throughout Africa. In turn, the Mennonite missionary presence enabled some Nigerian Independents to network successfully with the world Christian movement via their Mennonite affiliation.

Limits of Liberal Peace in West Africa: Civil War in Mali and French Military Intervention

Francis, David J. January 2017 (has links)
The civil war in Mali and the perception of threat posed by Islamist Jihadists and Al-Qaeda-linked terrorists to international peace and security led to the French military intervention in January 2013 to end the terrorist take-over of Mali, prevent the collapse of the state and spread of insecurity and instability in the conflict-prone and fragile regions of West Africa and the Sahel as well as protect France’s strategic national interests. But what were the real reasons for France’s pre-emptive military intervention in Mali and what does the French and its allied UN, ECOWAS, African Union conflict stabilisation intervention say about donor-driven peacebuilding in Africa, often framed as Liberal peacebuilding intervention? / It will be published by Rienner later this year. David Francis said he would let us know when it is. - sm 05/01/2017 Emailed the publisher for permission 21/12/2016. 22/12/2016 - Lynne Rienner say they're not publishing this book!!! - emailed D Francis! - sm © 2017 Publishers. Reproduced with permission from the publisher. / The full text may be made available after publication and on receipt of permission from the publisher.

Définir l'"Afrique" entre Panafricanisme et Nationalisme en Afrique de l'Ouest. Analyses à travers les transformations sociales au Sénégal, au Ghana et en Haute-Volta au temps de la décolonisation (1945-1962) / Defining "Africa", between Pan-Africanism and Nationalism in West Africa : social Transformations in Senegal, Ghana and the Upper-Volta during Decolonisation (1945-1962)

Nakao, Sakiko 11 December 2017 (has links)
La période suivant la fin de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale connut à la fois le démantèlement des Empires coloniaux et la montée de la guerre froide. La place de l’Afrique constitua un enjeu crucial dans ce contexte de reconfiguration de l’ordre mondial. Après avoir déterminé les protagonistes politiques et culturels des processus de décolonisation, nous nous proposons d’étudier ses enjeux tels qu’ils s’incarnaient dans les différentes définitions que chaque acteur donnait à sa société, toujours associée à l’« Afrique ». En suivant ainsi l’évolution de la référence « africaine », cette étude veut mettre en lumière la transformation des valeurs dans les sociétés coloniales et postcoloniales de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, afin d’y trouver la genèse des nationalismes. Tout en puisant les exemples dans trois pays ouest-africains, il s’agit de s’intéresser à l’aspect constitutif de chaque entité. Celle-ci fut pensée en interaction avec d’autres entités coloniales, régionales et impériales, souvent au-delà des frontières. À travers l’analyse de l’ensemble du processus de la décolonisation, cette thèse permet de comprendre l’articulation qui s’est opérée entre les deux dynamiques qui le composent : le panafricanisme et le nationalisme. / The post-Second World War period saw both the dismantlement of the colonial empires and the beginnings of the Cold War. The place of Africa became a key issue in the configuration of the new world order. This thesis examines the processes of decolonisation through the examples of certain political and cultural protagonists, and the different ways in which they tried to shape their respective societies in relation to their visions of “Africa”. By following the evolution of the notion of “Africa”, this study aims to shed light on the changing values of the colonial and postcolonial societies of West Africa, linking these to the emergence of their nationalist movements. While drawing its examples from three West African countries, this work also seeks to highlight the constitutive aspects of each of these entities, which were conceived through interactions with other colonial, regional and imperial units, often across borders. By examining the process of decolonisation as a whole, this thesis offers an understanding of the complex dynamics between its two constituent forces: pan-Africanism and nationalism.

Les organisations économiques sous-régionales dans le développement de la réglementation pharmaceutique : cas de l'Afrique de l'ouest / Sub-regional economic organizations in the development of pharmaceutical regulation : case of west Africa

Boka, Paule Mireille 28 September 2018 (has links)
En Afrique de l’ouest, le processus d’harmonisation des réglementations pharmaceutiques se caractérise par des initiatives souvent séparées et propres, d’une part à la Communauté Economiques Des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO), et d’autre part à l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA). Cette étude dont l’objectif était de contribuer à l’optimisation de la réglementation pharmaceutique montre que la CEDEAO a essentiellement élaboré des lignes directrices, tandis que l’UEMOA, mettant à profit la force et la portée juridique des normes à sa disposition et opposables aux Etats membres a pu obtenir des résultats tangibles. L’optimisation de la réglementation pharmaceutique passe par la prise en compte des autres fonctions réglementaires insuffisamment régulées et par une coopération active entre les deux organisations, renforcée par l’intervention de l’Union Africaine, qui permet de construire une démarche incluant la création d’une agence ouest africaine du médicament et la mise en œuvre d’une source innovante de financement, dans le but ultime de favoriser l’accessibilité des populations à des médicaments de qualité. / In West Africa, pharmaceutical regulations harmonization process is characterized by initiatives on one hand separate and specific to Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) and on the other to West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). The present study which aims at contributing to pharmaceutical regulation optimization reveals that ECOWAS has essentialy elaborated guidelines while WAEMU by taking advantage of the strength and scope of legal standards available and opposable to member states succeeded to get tangible results. Pharmaceutical regulation optimization involves taking into account other reglementary functions not sufficiently regulated and in an active cooperation between both organisations reinforced by African Union intervention. This permits to build an approach including the creation of a west african agency for medecine and the implementation of inovatives sources of funding, whith the ultimate goal to promote access of populations to good quality medecines.

Historical Biogeography Of Fishes Of The Fouta Djallon Highlands And Surrounding Areas

January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to elucidate the historical processes that have impacted the fishes of the Fouta Djallon highlands and surrounding areas. This mountainous region in Guinea, West Africa, lies on the northern edge of the Guinean Range. This geologic formation, of Jurassic origins, has long reported to serve as a barrier to dispersal in the region. These highlands currently separate two ichthyo-provinces in the area. The upper-Guinean province encompasses rivers on the Western slopes of the range that flow directly into the Atlantic Ocean. The Nilo-Sudan province is comprised of the rivers and streams on the Eastern slopes of the Guinean Range. These rivers flow west or north through the Sahel and eventually back to the Atlantic Ocean. While these highlands clearly serve as a barrier to dispersal for most fish taxa, some taxa are reported to occur on both sides of the Fouta Djallon. This study investigates three groups of these “amphi-Guinean†taxa to determine if the same taxa are present within both provinces and what processes would have allowed for this dispersal to take place. In addition to the biogeographical questions addressed within the Fouta Djallon region, specimens from the surrounding areas are included to further understand the historical biogeography of these groups in West Africa. This study revealed the presence of numerous undescribed species within the Amphilius, Chiloglanis, and ‘Barbus’ groups investigated. While some taxa do appear to be amphi-Guinean others are restricted to one ichthyo-province or the other. Numerous headwater capture events within the area have allowed taxa to expand ranges and diversify. This study also provides insights on areas of endemism within the region where additional undiscovered diversity is likely to occur. / acase@tulane.edu

Solids Accumulation Rates of Latrines at Rural Schools in Nimba County, Liberia

Murphy, Caraline M. 16 March 2015 (has links)
Access to appropriate sanitation facilities as well as access to clean drinking water are considered fundamental human rights (Carr, 2001; Bjorklund & Sjodin, 2010), yet roughly 2.5 billion people on the planet lack access to an improved form of sanitation (WHO/UNICEF, 2014). Additionally, many entities responsible for emergency excreta management and sanitation management design guidelines, specifically solids accumulation rates in latrine pits, use rates that are 30-60 years old and may be established from dated knowledge on diet and lifestyle trends (Franceys et al., 1992; Harvey et al., 2002; Harvey, 2007). Using solids accumulation rates that are dated as well as non-local can lead to under design of latrine pits (latrine pits fill faster than expected and designed) or over design of latrine pits (resources and materials are over used in construction and design). Previous research showed that solids accumulation rates in pit latrines ranged from 18 L/person/year to 70 L/person/year though no accumulation rates have been reported for schools. The reported differences in solids accumulation rates were found to depend largely on local user rates and behaviors, the amount of material added to the latrine (both organic and inorganic matter), and the porosity of the soil surrounding the pit. Wood (2013) suggested that solid waste could compose 10-40% of waste accumulated in a pit. Furthermore, fecal generation rates of individuals were also found to differ by country, region and individual (Franceys et al., 1992). An assessment of several methods for measuring accumulation rates was also performed. It was determined that the laser distance meter technique, as well as the use of a graduated metal rod were the best two ways to determine slab to pit content depths in rural communities. Compared to other methods, such as the stereographic imaging technique, and the automated laser scanner technique, the laser distance meter technique and the use of a graduated rod require less expertise and do not require camera and computer resources. This study also developed a method to assess solids accumulation rates of latrines at three rural schools in Saclepea City, Nimba County, Liberia. Depth measurements were taken from the latrine slab to the surface of the pit contents from early May 2014 until mid-June 2014. The accumulation rates were found to be extremely similar for each latrine for all measurements taken, with differences in depth of only 1-3 cm observed over the six-week measurement period. Little research was identified on the effects of feminine waste on solids accumulation rates in latrines and no literature was found concerning the effects of feminine excretions on the degradation of pit contents. More research is thus needed to assess the possible effects the addition of menstrual blood and menstrual excretions can have on degradation rates as well as the lifespan of viruses and other infectious agents in pit contents and the surrounding soil. This is particularly important with the presence of contaminated wastes from victims of Ebola Virus Disease being disposed of in latrines and other sanitation infrastructure in rural areas of West Africa.

Going to come : gorilla crop-raiding in Cross River National P(Ark)

Norberg, Patrik, J E January 2008 (has links)
Due to recent crop-raiding incidents an eight weeks field study to survey threats to endemic gorillas have been conducted in Okwangwo Division of Cross River National Park, Nigeria. The report ratifies that smaller mammals than gorillas are responsible for a majority of damage done to Okwangwo farm crops. Additionally the report identifies issues that need to be dealt with in order to secure regional gorilla protection; most acute is the necessity to relocate three villages that remains within the park, and inclusion of villages that are excluded from Support Zone status in the Bumaji area. Collected data expands previously established gorilla range; therefore valuations concerning gorilla habitat range with non-specific suggestions for restructure of park borders are submitted.

Swapo's struggle for Namibia, 1960-1991 : war by other means /

Dobell, Lauren. January 1998 (has links)
Masters th.--Department of political studies--Kingston (Ont.)--Queen's university, 1992. Titre de soutenance : New lamps for old ? : the evolution of Swapo's philosophy of development, 1960-1991. / Bibliogr. p. 145-168. Index.

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