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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Развој и примена биокомпозитног плочастог термоизолационог материјала на бази биомасе и мицелијума гљива / Razvoj i primena biokompozitnog pločastog termoizolacionog materijala na bazi biomase i micelijuma gljiva / Development and utilisation of biocomposite thermal insulation panels based on biomass and mushroom mycelium

Maoduš Nikola 08 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Истраживање у оквиру докторске дисертације обухвата анализу могућности производње и примене биокомпозитних термоизолационих плоча заснованих на нуспроизводима пољопривредне производње и мицелијума гљиве буковаче као везивног средства. Циљеви истраживања су развој методе за производњу биокомпозитних термоизолационих материјала и утврђивање морфолошких, физичко-хемијских, механичких и хигротермичких својстава биокомпозита. У складу са резултатима истраживања и закључцима да је могуће произвести и користити биокомпозитни термоизолациони материјал заснован на биомаси и мицелијуму гљива изведена је анализа енергетске ефикасности и животног циклуса материјала. Резултати истраживања представљају значајну полазну основу за производњу и даље унапређење биокомпозитних термоизолационих материјала у грађевинарству, са позитивном оценом мицелијума гљива као везивног средства.</p> / <p>Istraživanje u okviru doktorske disertacije obuhvata analizu mogućnosti proizvodnje i primene biokompozitnih termoizolacionih ploča zasnovanih na nusproizvodima poljoprivredne proizvodnje i micelijuma gljive bukovače kao vezivnog sredstva. Ciljevi istraživanja su razvoj metode za proizvodnju biokompozitnih termoizolacionih materijala i utvrđivanje morfoloških, fizičko-hemijskih, mehaničkih i higrotermičkih svojstava biokompozita. U skladu sa rezultatima istraživanja i zaključcima da je moguće proizvesti i koristiti biokompozitni termoizolacioni materijal zasnovan na biomasi i micelijumu gljiva izvedena je analiza energetske efikasnosti i životnog ciklusa materijala. Rezultati istraživanja predstavljaju značajnu polaznu osnovu za proizvodnju i dalje unapređenje biokompozitnih termoizolacionih materijala u građevinarstvu, sa pozitivnom ocenom micelijuma gljiva kao vezivnog sredstva.</p> / <p>Research in the thesis is focused on development and utilisation of<br />biocomposite thermal insulation panels based on agricultural biomass and<br />oyster mushroom mycelium as a binding agent. The goals of the research are<br />development of production method of biocomposite thermal insulation panels<br />and determination of morphological, physical-chemical, mechanical and<br />hygrothermal properties of the biocomposite. Energy efficiency and life cycle<br />assessment were conducted in accordance with the research results and<br />conclusions that it is possible to manufacture and use the biocomposite<br />thermal insulation panels based on biomass and mushroom mycelium. The<br />research results represent significant starting point for manufacturing and<br />further improvement of biocomposite thermal insulation panels used in civil<br />engineering and confirm the use of mycelium as a binding agent.</p>

Densification of selected agricultural crop residues as feedstock for the biofuel industry

Adapa, Phani Kumar 07 September 2011
The two main sources of biomass for energy generation are purpose-grown energy crops and waste materials. Energy crops, such as Miscanthus and short rotation woody crops (coppice), are cultivated mainly for energy purposes and are associated with the food vs. fuels debate, which is concerned with whether land should be used for fuel rather than food production. The use of residues from agriculture, such as barley, canola, oat and wheat straw, for energy generation circumvents the food vs. fuel dilemma and adds value to existing crops. In fact, these residues represent an abundant, inexpensive and readily available source of renewable lignocellulosic biomass. In order to reduce industrys operational cost as well as to meet the requirement of raw material for biofuel production, biomass must be processed and handled in an efficient manner. Due to its high moisture content, irregular shape and size, and low bulk density, biomass is very difficult to handle, transport, store, and utilize in its original form. Densification of biomass into durable compacts is an effective solution to these problems and it can reduce material waste. Upon densification, many agricultural biomass materials, especially those from straw and stover, result in a poorly formed pellets or compacts that are more often dusty, difficult to handle and costly to manufacture. This is caused by lack of complete understanding on the natural binding characteristics of the components that make up biomass. An integrated approach to postharvest processing (chopping, grinding and steam explosion), and feasibility study on lab-scale and pilot scale densification of non-treated and steam exploded barley, canola, oat and wheat straw was successfully established to develop baseline data and correlations, that assisted in performing overall specific energy analysis. A new procedure was developed to rapidly characterize the lignocellulosic composition of agricultural biomass using the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. In addition, baseline knowledge was created to determine the physical and frictional properties of non-treated and steam exploded agricultural biomass grinds. Particle size reduction of agricultural biomass was performed to increase the total surface area, pore size of the material and the number of contact points for inter-particle bonding in the compaction process. Predictive regression equations having higher R2 values were developed that could be used by biorefineries to perform economic feasibility of establishing a processing plant. Specific energy required by a hammer mill to grind non-treated and steam exploded barley, canola, oat and wheat straw showed a negative power correlation with hammer mill screen sizes. Rapid and cost effective quantification of lignocellulosic components (cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin) of agricultural biomass (barley, canola, oat and wheat) is essential to determine the effect of various pre-treatments (such as steam explosion) on biomass used as feedstock for the biofuel industry. A novel procedure to quantitatively predict lignocellulosic components of non-treated and steam exploded barley, canola, oat and wheat straw was developed using Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Regression equations having R2 values of 0.89, 0.99 and 0.98 were developed to predict the cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin compounds of biomass, respectively. The average absolute difference in predicted and measured cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin in agricultural biomass was 7.5%, 2.5%, and 3.8%, respectively. Application of steam explosion pre-treatment on agricultural straw significantly altered the physical and frictional properties, which has direct significance on designing new and modifying existing bins, hoppers and feeders for handling and storage of straw for biofuel industry. As a result, regression equations were developed to enhance process efficiency by eliminating the need for experimental procedure while designing and manufacturing of new handling equipment. Compaction of low bulk density agricultural biomass is a critical and desirable operation for sustainable and economic availability of feedstock for the biofuel industry. A comprehensive study of the compression characteristics (density of pellet and total specific energy required for compression) of ground non-treated and steam exploded barley, canola, oat and wheat straw obtained from three hammer mill screen sizes of 6.4, 3.2 and 1.6 mm at 10% moisture content (wb) was conducted. Four preset pressures of 31.6, 63.2, 94.7 and 138.9 MPa, were applied using an Instron testing machine to compress samples in a cylindrical die. It was determined that the applied pressure (60.4%) was the most significant factor affecting pellet density followed by the application of steam explosion pre-treatment (39.4%). Similarly, the type of biomass (47.1%) is the most significant factor affecting durability followed by the application of pre-treatment (38.2%) and grind size (14.6%). Also, the applied pressure (58.3%) was the most significant factor affecting specific energy required to manufacture pellets followed by the biomass (15.3%), pre-treatment (13.3%) and grind size (13.2%), which had lower but similar effect affect on specific energy. In addition, correlations for pellet density and specific energy with applied pressure and hammer mill screen sizes having highest R2 values were developed. Higher grind sizes and lower applied pressures resulted in higher relaxations (lower pellet densities) during storage of pellets. Three compression models, namely: Jones model, Cooper-Eaton model, and Kawakita-Ludde model were considered to determine the pressure-volume and pressure-density relationship of non-treated and steam exploded straws. Kawakita-Ludde model provided the best fit to the experimental data having R2 values of 0.99 for non-treated straw and 1.00 for steam exploded biomass samples. The steam exploded straw had higher porosity than non-treated straw. In addition, the steam exploded straw was easier to compress since it had lower yield strength or failure stress values compared to non-treated straw. Pilot scale pelleting experiments were performed on non-treated, steam exploded and customized (adding steam exploded straw grinds in increments of 25% to non-treated straw) barley, canola, oat and wheat straw grinds obtained from 6.4, 3.2, 1.6 and 0.8 mm hammer mill screen sizes at 10% moisture content (wb). The pilot scale pellet mill produced pellets from ground non-treated straw at hammer mill screen sizes of 0.8 and 1.6 mm and customized samples having 25% steam exploded straw at 0.8 mm. It was observed that the pellet bulk density and particle density are positively correlated. The density and durability of agricultural straw pellets significantly increased with a decrease in hammer mill screen size from 1.6 mm to 0.8 mm. Interestingly, customization of agricultural straw by adding 25% of steam exploded straw by weight resulted in higher durability (> 80%) pellets but did not improve durability compared to non-treated straw pellets. In addition, durability of pellets was negatively correlated to pellet mill throughput and was positively correlated to specific energy consumption. Total specific energy required to form pellets increased with a decrease in hammer mill screen size from 1.6 to 0.8 mm and also the total specific energy significantly increased with customization of straw at 0.8 mm screen size. It has been determined that the net specific energy available for production of biofuel is a significant portion of original agricultural biomass energy (89-94%) for all agricultural biomass.

Densification of selected agricultural crop residues as feedstock for the biofuel industry

Adapa, Phani Kumar 07 September 2011 (has links)
The two main sources of biomass for energy generation are purpose-grown energy crops and waste materials. Energy crops, such as Miscanthus and short rotation woody crops (coppice), are cultivated mainly for energy purposes and are associated with the food vs. fuels debate, which is concerned with whether land should be used for fuel rather than food production. The use of residues from agriculture, such as barley, canola, oat and wheat straw, for energy generation circumvents the food vs. fuel dilemma and adds value to existing crops. In fact, these residues represent an abundant, inexpensive and readily available source of renewable lignocellulosic biomass. In order to reduce industrys operational cost as well as to meet the requirement of raw material for biofuel production, biomass must be processed and handled in an efficient manner. Due to its high moisture content, irregular shape and size, and low bulk density, biomass is very difficult to handle, transport, store, and utilize in its original form. Densification of biomass into durable compacts is an effective solution to these problems and it can reduce material waste. Upon densification, many agricultural biomass materials, especially those from straw and stover, result in a poorly formed pellets or compacts that are more often dusty, difficult to handle and costly to manufacture. This is caused by lack of complete understanding on the natural binding characteristics of the components that make up biomass. An integrated approach to postharvest processing (chopping, grinding and steam explosion), and feasibility study on lab-scale and pilot scale densification of non-treated and steam exploded barley, canola, oat and wheat straw was successfully established to develop baseline data and correlations, that assisted in performing overall specific energy analysis. A new procedure was developed to rapidly characterize the lignocellulosic composition of agricultural biomass using the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. In addition, baseline knowledge was created to determine the physical and frictional properties of non-treated and steam exploded agricultural biomass grinds. Particle size reduction of agricultural biomass was performed to increase the total surface area, pore size of the material and the number of contact points for inter-particle bonding in the compaction process. Predictive regression equations having higher R2 values were developed that could be used by biorefineries to perform economic feasibility of establishing a processing plant. Specific energy required by a hammer mill to grind non-treated and steam exploded barley, canola, oat and wheat straw showed a negative power correlation with hammer mill screen sizes. Rapid and cost effective quantification of lignocellulosic components (cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin) of agricultural biomass (barley, canola, oat and wheat) is essential to determine the effect of various pre-treatments (such as steam explosion) on biomass used as feedstock for the biofuel industry. A novel procedure to quantitatively predict lignocellulosic components of non-treated and steam exploded barley, canola, oat and wheat straw was developed using Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Regression equations having R2 values of 0.89, 0.99 and 0.98 were developed to predict the cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin compounds of biomass, respectively. The average absolute difference in predicted and measured cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin in agricultural biomass was 7.5%, 2.5%, and 3.8%, respectively. Application of steam explosion pre-treatment on agricultural straw significantly altered the physical and frictional properties, which has direct significance on designing new and modifying existing bins, hoppers and feeders for handling and storage of straw for biofuel industry. As a result, regression equations were developed to enhance process efficiency by eliminating the need for experimental procedure while designing and manufacturing of new handling equipment. Compaction of low bulk density agricultural biomass is a critical and desirable operation for sustainable and economic availability of feedstock for the biofuel industry. A comprehensive study of the compression characteristics (density of pellet and total specific energy required for compression) of ground non-treated and steam exploded barley, canola, oat and wheat straw obtained from three hammer mill screen sizes of 6.4, 3.2 and 1.6 mm at 10% moisture content (wb) was conducted. Four preset pressures of 31.6, 63.2, 94.7 and 138.9 MPa, were applied using an Instron testing machine to compress samples in a cylindrical die. It was determined that the applied pressure (60.4%) was the most significant factor affecting pellet density followed by the application of steam explosion pre-treatment (39.4%). Similarly, the type of biomass (47.1%) is the most significant factor affecting durability followed by the application of pre-treatment (38.2%) and grind size (14.6%). Also, the applied pressure (58.3%) was the most significant factor affecting specific energy required to manufacture pellets followed by the biomass (15.3%), pre-treatment (13.3%) and grind size (13.2%), which had lower but similar effect affect on specific energy. In addition, correlations for pellet density and specific energy with applied pressure and hammer mill screen sizes having highest R2 values were developed. Higher grind sizes and lower applied pressures resulted in higher relaxations (lower pellet densities) during storage of pellets. Three compression models, namely: Jones model, Cooper-Eaton model, and Kawakita-Ludde model were considered to determine the pressure-volume and pressure-density relationship of non-treated and steam exploded straws. Kawakita-Ludde model provided the best fit to the experimental data having R2 values of 0.99 for non-treated straw and 1.00 for steam exploded biomass samples. The steam exploded straw had higher porosity than non-treated straw. In addition, the steam exploded straw was easier to compress since it had lower yield strength or failure stress values compared to non-treated straw. Pilot scale pelleting experiments were performed on non-treated, steam exploded and customized (adding steam exploded straw grinds in increments of 25% to non-treated straw) barley, canola, oat and wheat straw grinds obtained from 6.4, 3.2, 1.6 and 0.8 mm hammer mill screen sizes at 10% moisture content (wb). The pilot scale pellet mill produced pellets from ground non-treated straw at hammer mill screen sizes of 0.8 and 1.6 mm and customized samples having 25% steam exploded straw at 0.8 mm. It was observed that the pellet bulk density and particle density are positively correlated. The density and durability of agricultural straw pellets significantly increased with a decrease in hammer mill screen size from 1.6 mm to 0.8 mm. Interestingly, customization of agricultural straw by adding 25% of steam exploded straw by weight resulted in higher durability (> 80%) pellets but did not improve durability compared to non-treated straw pellets. In addition, durability of pellets was negatively correlated to pellet mill throughput and was positively correlated to specific energy consumption. Total specific energy required to form pellets increased with a decrease in hammer mill screen size from 1.6 to 0.8 mm and also the total specific energy significantly increased with customization of straw at 0.8 mm screen size. It has been determined that the net specific energy available for production of biofuel is a significant portion of original agricultural biomass energy (89-94%) for all agricultural biomass.

Digestion anaérobie par voie sèche de résidus lignocellulosiques : Etude dynamique des relations entre paramètres de procédés, caractéristiques du substrat et écosystème microbien / Solid-state anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic residues : Dynamical study of the relationship between process parameters, substrate characteristics and microbial ecosystem

Motte, Jean-Charles 06 November 2013 (has links)
L'optimisation de la digestion anaérobie par voie sèche est actuellement limitée par un manque de connaissances fondamentales. En particulier, les effets des principaux paramètres de procédé sur la dynamique réactionnelle sont peu connus en digestion sèche : teneur en eau, propriétés du substrat ou taux d'inoculation. Ces conditions opératoires ont des conséquences importantes à l'échelle des micro-organismes par la modification des conditions environnementales locales. Si la relation entre les propriétés des substrats lignocellulosiques et l'activité de la biomasse microbienne est au cœur de la dynamique réactionnelle, elle reste très peu prise en compte lors de l'ajustement des conditions opératoires. Ce travail vise à comprendre l'impact des paramètres de procédé (teneur en eau, caractéristiques du substrat, taux d'inoculation) sur le développement, la structuration et l'activité des micro-organismes au cours de la digestion sèche de substrats lignocellulosiques, en vue de maitriser le procédé dans son ensemble. La stratégie retenue a consisté à suivre la dégradation de la paille de blé, modèle des résidus agricoles méthanisables, en réacteurs discontinus faiblement inoculés. Quatre séries d'expériences ont été mises en place pour : i) comprendre comment les paramètres de procédés impactent les réactions, ii) étudier le comportement métabolique des micro-organismes à faibles teneurs en eau, iii) déterminer comment les communautés microbiennes se spécialisent selon l'évolution des caractéristiques du substrat au cours de sa dégradation, et enfin iv) valider les résultats par un taux d'inoculation moins contraignant. Tout d'abord, le criblage des principaux paramètres de procédés (teneur en matières sèches, taille des particules et taux d'inoculation) a montré une évolution progressive de leurs effets au cours de l'avancement de la réaction, sur les processus de digestion. Ensuite, l‘étude de la fermentation en voie sèche a permis de montrer, qu'en présence d'eau libre, l'augmentation de la siccité n'impacte pas le métabolisme microbien, mais modifie les équilibres entre les communautés microbiennes. Le recours à un protocole de compartimentation de la biomasse microbienne spécialement développé dans cette thèse a mis en évidence une spécialisation forte et progressive des communautés microbiennes associées à l'hydrolyse du substrat, au cours de sa dégradation. Des observations par microscopie électronique à transmission indiquent que cette modification coïncide avec la dégradation progressive des tissus de la paille en fonction de leur degré de lignification. La mise en évidence de barrières physiques, récalcitrantes à la biodégradation et rarement décrites dans le contexte de la méthanisation, indique que l'accessibilité du substrat est le paramètre principal limitant la réaction. Ces informations suggèrent que le broyage du substrat est un prétraitement de choix en digestion sèche. Cependant, une dernière expérience a montré qu'en voie sèche, un broyage fin limite les gains de performances du procédé par une augmentation des risques d'acidification des digesteurs. / Nowadays, optimization of solid-state anaerobic digestion is limited by a lack of fundamental knowledge. In particular, the effects of the main process parameters, such as water content, substrate property or inoculation rate, on the reaction dynamics are poorly understood in solid-state anaerobic digestion. In fact, process parameters have consequences at microbial scale by the modification of the local environmental conditions. Nevertheless, even if the relationship between the lignocellulosic substrate characteristics and the microbial activity is a keystone of the reaction dynamics, it is rarely considered for the selection of operating conditions.This work aims to understand the influence of process parameters (total solid content, substrate characteristics, and inoculation ratio) on the microbial development, compartmentation and activity in order to optimize dry anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic substrate. The selected strategy consisted in following wheat straw biodegradation, which is a model of agricultural wastes available for anaerobic digestion, in low inoculated batch reactors. Four series of experiment have been established to: i) understand the impact of process parameters on the reaction, ii) study the metabolic behavior of microorganisms face to low water content, iii) evaluate the relationship between substrate characteristics and modification of microbial communities and finally iv) validate results by less restricting inoculation rate.First, a screening of solid-state process parameters (total solid content, particle size and inoculation rate) showed a progressive change of their effect on digestion process during the reaction progress. Then, the study of dry fermentation indicated that, when water is free within the media, increasing total solid content has a low impact on the microbial metabolism, but modifies equilibriums between microbial communities. Based on a protocol developed to investigate the biomass compartmentation, we enlightened a strong and progressive specialization of the microbial communities associated to substrate hydrolysis during its biodegradation. Observations using transmission electronic microscopy indicated that this modification corresponds to a progressive degradation of the straw tissues depending on their lignification degree. Furthermore, the identification of physical barriers, rarely described in anaerobic digestion, suggests that substrate accessibility is the main parameter limiting the reaction. This information suggests that substrate milling can be theoretically a good pretreatment to improve dry anaerobic digestion. However, a last experiment showed that fine milling limits the process performances by a higher risk of acidification in digesters.

Study and Engineering of a GH11 endo-beta-xylanase, a biomass-degrading hemicellulase / Etude et ingénierie d’une endo-beta-1,4-xylanase de la famille GH11, une hémicellulase dégradant la biomasse lignocellulosique

Song, Letian 21 July 2011 (has links)
La création de nouvelles enzymes pour l’hydrolyse de la biomasse est une stratégie clé pour ledéveloppement du bioraffinage. Dans ce contexte, les xylanases de la famille GH11 sont déjàdéployées dans de nombreux procédés industriels et donc bien positionnées pour jouer un rôleimportant dans ces procédés. La cible de cette étude, la xylanase GH11 (Tx-Xyl) de la bactérieThermobacillus xylanilyticus, est une enzyme thermostable et donc une bonne candidate pour destravaux d’ingénierie visant l’amélioration de son activité sur des substrats ligno-cellulosiques.Dans cette étude, deux stratégies d’ingénierie des enzymes ont été employées afin d’obtenir denouvelles informations portants sur les relations structure-fonction au sein de Tx-Xyl. La premièrestratégie a consisté en l’utilisation d’une approche de mutagenèse aléatoire, couplée à l’emploi deméthodes de recombinaison in vitro. Ces travaux avaient pour objectif d’améliorer la capacitéhydrolytique de Tx-Xyl sur la paille de blé. La deuxième stratégie mise en oeuvre s’est appuyée surune approche semi-rationnelle visant la création d’une enzyme chimérique, qui bénéficierait d’uneamélioration des interactions enzyme-substrat au niveau du sous-site -3.Le premier résultat majeur de cette thèse concerne le développement d’une méthode de criblagequi permet l’analyse à haut débit de banques de mutants pour la détection de variants quiprésentent une activité hydrolytique accrue directement sur paille de blé. A l’aide de ce crible, nousavons pu analyser plusieurs banques de mutants, représentant un total de six générations demutants, et identifier une série de combinaisons de mutations différentes. D’un côté, un variant,comportant deux mutations silencieuses, permet une meilleure expression de Tx-Xyl, alors qued’autres enzymes mutées présentent des modifications intrinsèques de leurs aptitudes catalytiques.Comparés à l’enzyme parentale Tx-Xyl, certains mutants solubilisent davantage les arabinoxylanes dela paille et, lorsqu’ils sont déployés avec un cocktail de cellulases, participent à une réactionsynergique qui permet un accroissement du rendement des pentoses et du glucose libérés.A l’aide d’une approche semi-rationnelle, une séquence de 17 acides aminés en provenance d’unexylanase GH11 fongique a été ajoutée à l’extrémité N-terminale de Tx-Xyl, afin de créer de nouveauxbrins β. L’enzyme chimérique a pu être exprimée avec succès et caractérisée. Néanmoins, l’analysede ses propriétés catalytiques a révélé que celle-ci ne présente pas davantage d’interactions avec sonsubstrat dans le sous-site -3, mais les résultats obtenus fournissent de nombreux renseignements surles relations structure-fonction au sein de l’enzyme. De plus, ces travaux nous permettent depostuler que Tx-Xyl posséderait un site de fixation secondaire pour les xylanes, un élement jusqu’iciinsoupçonné dans cette enzyme. Par ailleurs, l’analyse de nos résultats nous permet de proposer uneexplication rationnelle pour l’échec de notre stratégie initiale / Engineering new and powerful enzymes for biomass hydrolysis is one area that will facilitate thefuture development of biorefining. In this respect, xylanases from family GH11 are already importantindustrial biocatalysts that can contribute to 2nd generation biorefining. The target of this study, theGH11 xylanase (Tx-Xyl) from Thermobacillus xylanilyticus is thermostable, and is thus an interestingtarget for enzyme engineering, aiming at increasing its specific activity on lignocellulosic biomass,such as wheat straw. Nevertheless, the action of xylanases on complex biomass is not yet wellunderstood, and thus the use of a rational engineering approach is not really feasible.In this doctoral study, to gain new insight into structure-function relationships, two enzymeengineering strategies have been deployed. The first concerns the development of a randommutagenesis and in vitro DNA shuffling approach, which was used in order to improve the hydrolyticpotency of Tx-Xyl on wheat straw, while the second strategy consisted in the creation of a chimericenzyme, with the aim of probing and improving -3 subsite binding, and ultimately improvinghydrolytic activity.The first key results that has been obtained is the development of a novel high-throughputscreening method, which was devised in order to reliably pinpoint mutants that can better hydrolyzewheat straw. Using this screening method, several generations of mutant libraries have beenanalyzed and a series of improved enzyme variants have been identified. One mutant, bearing silentmutations, actually leads to higher gene expression, while others have intrinsically altered catalyticproperties. Testing of mutants has shown that some of the enzyme variants can improve thesolubilization of wheat straw arabinoxylans and can work in synergy with cellulose cocktails torelease both pentose sugars and glucose.Using a semi-rational approach, 17 amino acids have been added to the N-terminal of Tx-Xyl, withthe aim of adding two extra β-strands coming from a GH11 fungal xylanase. A chimeric enzyme hasbeen successfully expressed and purified and its catalytic properties have been investigated.Although this approach has failed to create increased -3 subsite binding, the data presented revealsimportant information on structure-function relationships and suggest that Tx-Xyl may possess ahitherto unknown secondary substrate binding site. Moreover, a rational explanation for the failureof the original strategy is proposed.

Procédés de fractionnement de la matière végétale : application à la production des polysaccharides du son et de la paille de blé / Fractionation processes of plant material : application to the production of wheat bran and straw polysaccharides

Zeitoun, Rawan 09 March 2011 (has links)
Le son et la paille de blé, riches en hémicelluloses, sont deux co-produits de la récolte de blé, abondants et renouvelables, mais qui restent à mieux valoriser. Dans le but d'extraire ces hémicelluloses, possédant plusieurs propriétés intéressantes (filmogènes, épaississantes, émulsifiantes, stabilisantes…), un procédé de fractionnement a été élaboré. Ce procédé consiste, après extraction alcaline, en la purification des extraits hémicellulosiques obtenus. Deux techniques ont été appliquées : l'ultrafiltration et la chromatographie sur résine échangeuse d'anions. L'ultrafiltration a permis de concentrer les extraits d'hémicelluloses et de les purifier en éliminant dans le perméat la plupart des molécules contaminantes, essentiellement les sucres libres et les sels minéraux. Les principales limitations de cette étape étaient la viscosité des extraits et les phénomènes de polarisation de concentration et de colmatage des membranes. La percolation sur résine, quant à elle, a permis de décolorer les extraits et de produire des poudres d'hémicelluloses plus claires en fixant certaines molécules colorées telles que les molécules possédant des groupements phénoliques. La combinaison des deux techniques a permis de produire des hémicelluloses pures à 60%. L'extrapolation du procédé à l'échelle pilote par l'utilisation d'un extrudeur bi-vis a permis d'obtenir des poudres d'hémicelluloses pures à 40%. / Wheat bran and wheat straw are two by-products abundant and renewable, rich in hemicelluloses, but still not well valued. In order to extract these hemicelluloses characterized by their several interesting properties (film-forming, thickening, emulsifying, stabilizing…), a fractionation process was developed. This process consisted, after alkaline extraction, to purify the hemicellulosic extracts obtained. Two techniques were used: ultrafiltration and chromatography on anion exchange resin. The ultrafiltration allowed to concentrate the extracts and to purify them by removing in the permeate, the contaminating molecules, mostly free sugars and minerals. The main limiting factors of this stage were the extracts viscosity and the fouling of the membranes. The percolation on the resin discoloured the extracts and allowed to produce hemicellulosic powders with lighter colours and that by capturing the coloured compounds such as molecules with phenolic groups. The combination of the two techniques allowed the production of purified hemicelluloses; the purity was about 60%. The extrapolation of the process at a pilot scale using a twin-screw extruder allowed to obtain hemicelluloses with a purity of 40%.

Wheat Straw-Clay-Polypropylene Hybrid Composites

Sardashti, Amirpouyan 23 September 2009 (has links)
The preparation of polymeric hybrid composite consisting of organic and inorganic fillers is of interest for industries like automotive, construction and packaging. In order to understand and predict the physical and chemical properties of these hybrid composites, it is necessary to fully understand the nature and properties of the employed fillers. In this study, the preparation of polypropylene hybrid composite consisting of wheat straw and clay was investigated. A detailed study was performed on wheat straw from South Western Ontario region. The effect of grinding the straw and compounding it with polypropylene was investigated. Experiments were carried out to identify the thermal stability of the ground wheat straw with respect to their size and composition. It was important to identify a correlation between these properties in order to minimize the straw degradation by processing and also to improve the final properties of the hybrid composite. The composite samples were prepared through melt blending method using a co-rotating twin-screw extruder. Sample test bars were prepared by injection moulding. The composition of the constituents of the hybrid composite; percentages of wheat straw, clay and coupling agent, were varied in order to investigate their influence on thermal stability, water resistance and mechanical properties. The results of the study indicated that grinding the wheat straw with a hammer mill produced particles with different sizes and shapes. It was found that through the grinding system all particles, regardless of their size, had a multi-layered structure similar to the plant structure. Further hammer milling did not produce plant particles with long aspect ratios that would be expected in a defibrillation process. Analysis of the chemical composition of wheat straw particles of different sizes and shapes was used to measure the ratio of hemicelluloses: lignin and the ash content. It was found that the large particles contained more amount of lignin whereas smaller particles had larger amount of ash content. The thermal stability of the particles was found to be a function of particle size rather than the lignin content. Particle size analysis on the wheat straw particles after the extrusion process indicated a reduction in the particle length and aspect ratio. The thermal stability of the composites was found to be enhanced by the addition of clay particles at higher temperature and the addition of coupling agent at lower temperatures. Increasing the amount of wheat straw and clay content increased the flexural modulus and reduced the resistance for water absorption. Increasing the amount of coupling agent also increased the flexural modulus and resistance for water absorption. The morphological study by scanning electron microscopy revealed that coupling agent increased the interfacial interaction between the particles and the polymer matrix.

Wheat Straw-Clay-Polypropylene Hybrid Composites

Sardashti, Amirpouyan 23 September 2009 (has links)
The preparation of polymeric hybrid composite consisting of organic and inorganic fillers is of interest for industries like automotive, construction and packaging. In order to understand and predict the physical and chemical properties of these hybrid composites, it is necessary to fully understand the nature and properties of the employed fillers. In this study, the preparation of polypropylene hybrid composite consisting of wheat straw and clay was investigated. A detailed study was performed on wheat straw from South Western Ontario region. The effect of grinding the straw and compounding it with polypropylene was investigated. Experiments were carried out to identify the thermal stability of the ground wheat straw with respect to their size and composition. It was important to identify a correlation between these properties in order to minimize the straw degradation by processing and also to improve the final properties of the hybrid composite. The composite samples were prepared through melt blending method using a co-rotating twin-screw extruder. Sample test bars were prepared by injection moulding. The composition of the constituents of the hybrid composite; percentages of wheat straw, clay and coupling agent, were varied in order to investigate their influence on thermal stability, water resistance and mechanical properties. The results of the study indicated that grinding the wheat straw with a hammer mill produced particles with different sizes and shapes. It was found that through the grinding system all particles, regardless of their size, had a multi-layered structure similar to the plant structure. Further hammer milling did not produce plant particles with long aspect ratios that would be expected in a defibrillation process. Analysis of the chemical composition of wheat straw particles of different sizes and shapes was used to measure the ratio of hemicelluloses: lignin and the ash content. It was found that the large particles contained more amount of lignin whereas smaller particles had larger amount of ash content. The thermal stability of the particles was found to be a function of particle size rather than the lignin content. Particle size analysis on the wheat straw particles after the extrusion process indicated a reduction in the particle length and aspect ratio. The thermal stability of the composites was found to be enhanced by the addition of clay particles at higher temperature and the addition of coupling agent at lower temperatures. Increasing the amount of wheat straw and clay content increased the flexural modulus and reduced the resistance for water absorption. Increasing the amount of coupling agent also increased the flexural modulus and resistance for water absorption. The morphological study by scanning electron microscopy revealed that coupling agent increased the interfacial interaction between the particles and the polymer matrix.

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