Spelling suggestions: "subject:"find power."" "subject:"kind power.""
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A design methodology for the supply of subterranean water through the use of wind energyMarais, Brett Richard January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Civil Engineering)-Dept. of of Civil Engineering and Surveying, Durban Institute of Technology, 2005
xii, 89 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm / The Reconstruction and Development Programme adopted by the Government of National Unity is more than a list of the services required to improve the quality of life of the majority of South Africans. It is not just a call for South Africans to unite to build a country free of poverty and misery; it is a programme designed to achieve this objective in an integrated and principled manner.
Based on the strategic objectives, as highlighted in the White Paper on Water Supply and Sanitation Policy, with regard to alleviating the chronic potable water shortages in South Africa, this thesis investigates a design methodology to supply potable water through the use of wind energy. The design focuses on small rural off-grid developments where grid electricity either has not or will not reach, and where renewable energy is the only viable option.
This thesis provides an overview of wind energy and presents the fundamentals of wind power calculations. It also formulates an overview of the historic and present situation with regards to potable water supply, and reflects on the need for urgent intervention.
The feasibility of using wind energy to supply potable water to rural communities in South Africa is explored in a case study. The various problem areas are identified and examined and a wide range of possible solutions are recommended. A final flow chart for the system design is proposed, thus ensuring comprehensive design methodology from which future design of similar systems can be based.
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Synsättet på förnyelsebara elkällor inom fastighetsbranschen / The view of renewable electricity sources in the real estate industryCandell, André, Ehn Jansson, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
För mellan 40-50 år sedan så byggdes en miljon bostäder i Sverige. Idag har arbetet påbörjats med att renovera och restorera dessa bostäder, i samband med dessa åtgärder så görs även många åtgärder för att minska energianvändningen. Syftet med detta arbete var att ta reda på vad som var det mest ekonomiska valet av olika gröna elkällor. Även fastighetsägarnas egna tankar och uppfattningar ställs i relation till slutsatserna vid beräkningarna för att få en uppfattning om det stämmer överens. För att arbetet inte skulle bli för stort och krävande så gjordes dessa avgränsningar: För att tiden skulle räcka till så avgränsades arbetet till Dalaregionen. Arbetet har dessutom avgränsats till att bara undersöka ekonomin vid valet av de olika gröna elkällorna. Genom två olika undersökningar med mentometerknappar så kunde resultatet om fastighetsägarnas egna tankar och uppfattningar redovisas och analyseras. Vidare kunde fastighetsägarnas tankar och uppfattningar jämföras med beräkningarna och dessa slutsatser kunde då dras: Slutsatser: Vindkraft var ej lönsam med dagens elpriser. Av fastighetsbolag kunde det ses att deltagarna trodde olika på vad som gav bäst lönsamhet mellan vindkraft, solel eller grön el. / Between the years 1965 and 1975 one million residences in Sweden were built. Today the work of renovating these buildings has begun, in connection with this work there are many measures taken to reduce energy usage. The purpose of this work was to find out what is the most economical choice of various green power sources. Also the thoughts and beliefs of the property owners are set in relation to the conclusions of the calculations to get an idea of how different the property owner’s beliefs are compared to the calculations. To avoid making the work too large and demanding these boundaries have been set: To get appropriate conclusions the work has been limited to the region of Dalarna. The work has also been limited to examining the economic factor when choosing between various green power sources. Two surveys were conducted with several different property owners as participants and then two calculations of the payback period for solar power, wind power, and green electricity were conducted. These two results were then compered to each other to be able to analyze and present these conclusions. Conclusions: Wind power is not profitable at today’s electricity prices. Real estate owners are uncertain of what choice gives the best profitability of wind power, solar power or green power.
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European Wind Power Development, Factors That Influenced Change and What Can Be Learned.Gillies, John January 2016 (has links)
The success of wind power integration throughout Europe has been largely varied with some European countries showing large boosts in capacity compared to some which show none at all. This Thesis looks at those countries that have been successful in order to determine which factors have led to this success and what if any lessons can be learned in order to assist other countries. The countries studied make up the top three for total wind power capacity and top three for total capacity per capita. The surrounding elements that affect wind power development are assessed and relevant trends are investigated and discussed. Factors such as, support instruments and overall governance are discussed in detail with a number of trends being found. Calculations were conducted developing an average mean annual percentage increase for total capacity which showed that countries with an undeveloped wind power industry switching to a form of quota system could show a boost to total capacity. No evidence was found that suggested switching to or changing an existing feed in tariff system would result in a boost in installed capacity. In assessing governance, a trend was discovered showing obligations and targets helped to drive boosts in capacity especially for the countries who implemented a quota system. Brining these two trends together it was determined that strong top level governance was required to actually kick start boosts in total capacity. The use of combinations of support schemes is assessed and a trend determined that suggests that use a quota system as a primary support scheme is better suited to having tax incentives as a secondary with feed in tariff systems having financial support as a secondary system. A plan for developing wind power in countries with undeveloped wind power industries is developed based on the trends identified within the Thesis. This suggests that a switch to a quota system combined with strong EU and national Governance could help to boost capacity to a point at which time a switch to a form of FIT would be beneficial to build on this steady base.
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Efficient modelling of a wind turbine system for parameter estimation applicationsBekker, Johannes Cornelius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wind energy is a very current topic, both locally and internationally. It is one of the most rapidly growing renewable energy sources with installed capacity doubling every three years. South Africa's installed wind energy currently accounts for only 10 MW of the 197 GW worldwide installed capacity. With a 10 TWh renewable energy production target set for 2013 by the South African government, renewable energy projects have gained momentum in recent years. This target, together with data from case studies and reports on resource planning and technical requirements, shows that South Africa is well positioned for the implementation of wind energy sources.
All this development in the local wind generation market creates a need for local knowledge in the field of wind energy as well as a need to efficiently model and analyse wind turbine systems and grid interactions for local operating conditions. Although the relevant model topologies are well established, obtaining or deriving appropriate parameter values from first principles remains problematic. Some parameters are also dependent on operating conditions and are best determined from site measurements using parameter estimation methodologies. One of the objectives of this project is to investigate whether the system parameter values can be obtained by performing parameter estimation on the model of a wind turbine system. The models used for parameter estimation processes require fast simulation times. Therefore, basic C-code S-function models of the wind turbine system components, i.e., the wind turbine blade, gearbox and generator, were developed and compiled as a Simulink library. These library components were then used for the parameter estimation process.
The developed models, as well as the complete wind turbine system model, were validated and their performance evaluated, by comparing them to existing Simulink block models. These models all proved to be accurate and all showed reductions in simulation times.
The principle of performing parameter estimation on C-code S-function models is proven by case studies performed on the individual models and the complete wind turbine system. The power coefficient matrix parameter values of the individual turbine blade model estimated with 100% accuracy for the excited elements. The individual gearbox parameter values all estimated accurately with errors below 2.5%. The parameter values of the individual generator models were estimated accurately for the ABC model, with errors below 4%, and less accurately for the DQ model with errors below 13%. The estimation results obtained for the complete wind turbine system model showed that the parameter values of the gearbox model and generator model were estimated accurately when the system model was excited through a step in angular velocity and steps in amplitude of the stator voltages respectively. A final estimation showed that a combination of gearbox and generator parameter values were accurately estimated when the model was excited through both a step in angular velocity and steps in the amplitude of the stator voltages. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Windenergie is 'n baie aktuele onderwerp beide plaaslik en internasionaal. Windenergie is een van die vinnigste groeiende hernubare energie bronne met die geïnstalleerde kapasiteit wat driejaarliks verdubbel. Suid-Afrika se geïnstalleerde windenergie maak tans slegs 10 MW uit van die wêreldwye geïnstalleerde kapasiteit van 197 GW. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het ’n 10 TWh hernubare-energie produksie teiken gestel vir 2013. As gevolg hiervan het hernubare-energie projekte die laaste paar jaar momentum gekry. Hierdie teiken, tesame met die data van gevallestudies en verslae oor hulpbronbeplanning en tegniese vereistes, toon dat Suid-Afrika goed geposisioneer is vir die implementering van windenergiebronne.
Hierdie ontwikkelinge in die plaaslike windenergie mark skep ’n behoefte aan plaaslike kennis op die gebied van windenergie, asook die behoefte vir ’n doeltreffende wyse vir die modellering en analisering van windturbine stelsels en netwerk integrasie vir plaaslike werkskondisies. Alhoewel die betrokke model topologieë reeds goed gevestig is, is die verkryging van toepaslike parameter waardes vanuit eerste beginsels steeds problematies. Sommige parameters is ook afhanklik van die werkskondisies en kan die beste bepaal word deur gebruik te maak van parameter estimasie metodologieë vanaf terrein metings. Een van die doelwitte van die projek is om ondersoek in te stel na die moontlikheid om die stelsel parameter waardes te verkry deur parameter estimasie toe te pas op ’n windturbine stelsel. Die modelle wat gebruik word vir die parameter estimasie prosesse benodig vinnige simulasie tye. Daarom is basiese C-kode S-funksie modelle vir die komponente van windturbine stelsels, d.w.s., die wind turbine lemme, ratkas en generator, ontwikkel en saamgestel as ’n Simulink biblioteek. Die komponente in hierdie biblioteek was toe gebruik vir die parameter estimasie proses.
Die ontwikkelde modelle sowel as die hele windturbine stelsel model was gevalideer en hul werksverrigting geëvalueer, deur dit te vergelyk met bestaande Simulink blok modelle. Hierdie modelle het almal getoon dat hulle akkuraat is en het almal ’n vermindering in simulasie tyd getoon.
Die beginsel van parameter estimasie wat uitgevoer word op C-kode S-funksie modelle, is bewys deur gevallestudies wat op die individuele modelle en die hele windturbine stelsel model uitgevoer was. Die geperturbeerde elemente van die kragkoëffisiënt-matriks arameter van die individuele turbine lemme model se waardes het 100% akkuraatheid geëstimeer. Die individuele ratkas model se parameter waardes was almal akkuraat geëstimeer, met foute kleiner as 2.5%. Die individuele generator modelle se parameter waardes was akkuraat geëstimeer vir die ABC model, met foute kleiner as 4%, en minder akkuraat vir die DQ model, met foute kleiner as 13%. Die resultate wat verkry is van die estimasie wat uitgevoer is op die volledige windturbine stelsel model, het getoon dat die parameter waardes van die ratkas model en die generator model akkuraat geëstimeer word, wanneer die stelsel model onderskeidelik deur ’n trap in die hoeksnelheid en trappe in die amplitude van die stator spannings geperturbeer word. ’n Finale estimasie het getoon dat ’n kombinasie van ratkas en generator parameter waardes akkuraat geëstimeer kan word as die model deur beide die trap in hoeksnelheid en die trappe in die amplitude van die stator spannings geperturbeer word.
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Analysis and design of axial flux permanent magnet wind generator system for direct battery charging applicationsRossouw, Francois Gerhardus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In this study the focus is on the implementation of a coreless axial ux permanent
magnet (AFPM) generator for use in a wind generator application with direct
battery charging. The wind generator power system is analysed and discussed.
The common concerns with AFPM wind generators in recti er-fed direct battery
charging applications, such as maximum power point matching and acoustic noise
emission, are discussed.
In this study the AFPM wind generator is theoretically analysed and the different
winding topologies for this type of machine are evaluated. This evaluation
is based on a theoretical analysis and con rmed by nite element analysis and
practical measurements. It is shown that an AFPM machine equipped with nonoverlapping
windings can give a similar performance to that of normal overlapping
windings, while using less copper.
It is shown in this thesis that the coreless AFPM generator has a relatively low
internal phase synchronous inductance resulting in severe problems with regard to
maximum power matching and noise. A method is proposed and in detail analysed
in this thesis whereby better power point matching is achieved and near-sinusoidal
current is obtained using AFPM generators in direct battery charging wind energy
systems. The wind generator system's performance is verified with a SimplorerTM
simulation package and practical measurements. The calculations from theoretically
derived equations are in good agreement with finite element and measured
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Design and analysis aspects of radial flux air-cored permanent magnet wind generator system for direct battery charging applicationsStegmann, Johannes Abraham 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The electromagnetic and mechanical design aspects of optimally designed doublesided
rotor radial flux permanent magnet wind generators with non-overlap aircored
(iron-less) stator windings are analysed in this thesis. The wind generator is
implemented in a battery charging system for use in rural settlements and farms.
The optimal generator and system design is based on an accurate analytical model
and is confirmed with finite element analysis. It is shown, amongst other things,
that the electromagnetic design and surprisingly not the mechanical design,
determines the rotor yoke dimensions and, hence, largely the mass and cost of the
generator. Alternative battery charging systems are also considered and discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die elektromagnetiese en meganiese ontwerp aspekte van optimaal ontwerpte
dubbel-kant rotor radiale vloed permanente magneet windgenerators met nieoorvleuelende
lug kern (sonder yster) statorwindings word in hierdie tesis
ontleed. Die windgenerator word geplaas in 'n battery-laai stelsel vir gebruik in
landelike nedersettings en plase. Die optimale generator en die stelsel ontwerp is
gegrond op 'n akkurate analitiese model en is bevestig met eindige element
analise. Daar word onder andere getoon dat die elektromagnetiese ontwerp, en nie
die meganiese ontwerp, die rotor juk dimensies en dus grootliks die massa en die
koste van die generator, bepaal. Alternatiewe battery-laai stelsels word ook oorweeg
en bespreek.
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Dynamic modelling of generation capacity investment in electricity markets with high wind penetrationEager, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
The ability of liberalised electricity markets to trigger investment in the generation capacity required to maintain an acceptable level of security of supply risk has been - and will continue to be - a topic of much debate. Like many capital intensive industries, generation investment suffers from long lead and construction times, lumpiness of capacity change and high uncertainty. As a result, the ‘boom-and-bust’ investment cycle phenomenon, characterised by overcapacity and low prices, followed by power shortages and high prices, is a prominent feature in the debate. Modelling the dynamics of generation investment in market environments can provide insights into the complexities involved and address the challenges of market design. Further, many governments who preside over liberalised energy markets are developing policies aimed at promoting investment in renewable generation. Of particular interest is the mix and amount of generation investment over time in response to policies promoting high penetrations of variable output renewable power such as wind. Consequently, improved methods to calculate expected output, costs and revenue of thermal generation subject to varying load and random independent thermal outages in a power system with a high wind penetration are needed. In this interdisciplinary project engineering tools are applied to an economic problem together with knowledge from numerous other disciplines. A dynamic simulation model of the aggregated Great Britain (GB) generation investment market has been developed. Investment is viewed as a negative feedback control mechanism with current and future energy prices acting as the feedback signal. Other disciplines called upon include the use of stochastic processes to address uncertainties such as future fuel prices, and economic theory to gain insights into investor behaviour. An ‘energy-only’ market setting is used where generation companies use a classical NPV approach together with the Value at Risk criterion for investment decisions. Market price mark-ups due to market power are also accounted for. The model’s ability to simulate the market trends witnessed in GB since early 2001 is scrutinised with encouraging findings reported. A reasonably good agreement of the model with reality, gives a degree of confidence in the realism of future projections. An advancement to the dynamic model to account for expected high wind penetrations is also included. Building on the initial model iteration, the short-term energy market is simulated using probabilistic production costing based on theMix of Normals distribution technique with a residual load calculation (load net of wind output). Wind speed measurement data is combined with the outputs of atmospheric models to assess the availability of the GB wind resource and its relationship with aggregate load. Simulation results for 2010-40 suggest that the GB system may experience increased generation adequacy risk during the mid to late the 2020s. In addition, many new investments are unable to recover their fixed costs. This triggered an investigation into the design of a capacity mechanism within the context of the modelling environment. In light of the ongoing GB market electricity market reform debate, two mechanisms are tested; a strategic reserve tender and a marketwide capacity market. The goal of these mechanisms is to mitigate generation adequacy risk concerns by achieving a target winter peak de-rated capacity margin.
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Vindkraftens påverkan på sin omgivning : En fallstudieFakhri Fouad, Ghayda January 2013 (has links)
Purpose of this thesis is to study the impact of wind turbines on their surroundings. It also aims to analyze how the communication looks between the authorities, the planner and local residents prior to the establishment of wind turbines in Lännäs/Odensbacken in Örebro, where three wind turbines set up in a group. The results of this survey show that the participants experience themselves not as especially disturbed of the turbines in the form of large noise, shadows, and sleep disturbance indoors and outdoors. Participants felt that no change had taken place on the natural environment (52%) since the turbines became operational. It was 49% of participants had got no information about the establishment of Örebro Municipality, Örebro County Administrative Board or Wind Power Company. Scientists/experts had the highest confidence of 86%, politicians and the media/journalists had least confidence. In the case of knowledge that people have about wind power's impact in their environment, the responses were "quite positive" under the effect of cleaner air (81%), on Odensbacken (79%), on housing value (44%), on outdoor recreation (38%) and on the property value (38%). According to this study, the three plants were well located, the works do not entail any major interventions in the landscape, impact and disruption on the local environment was limited and the area can be assessed as a rugged landscape of new elements. Local people in the area need more knowledge about impact of wind turbines on humans, plants, birds, animals and landscapes. The communication described in our case less participant friendly because there is no transparency. Confidence in the wind as renewable energy, for government agencies or for wind developer can damage players and officials do not choose the right methods for good communication. A lack of communication can thus increase the resistance and can even stop the wind developments in the region in the future. / Uppsatsens syfte är att studera vindkraftverkens påverkan på sin omgivning. Syftet är även att analysera hur kommunikationen ser ut mellan myndigheter, projektören samt närboende före etableringen av vindkraftverken i Lännäs/Odensbacken, i Örebro kommun, där tre vindkraftverk etablerats i en grupp. Resultaten av denna undersökning visade att deltagarna upplevde sig inte som speciellt störda av verken i form av stora bullerstörningar, skuggor, eller sömnstörningar inomhus respektive utomhus. Deltagarna tyckte att ingen förändring hade skett på naturmiljön (52%) sedan vindkraftverken togs i drift. Det var 49% av deltagarna fick ingen information om etableringen av Örebro kommun eller från vindkraftsbolaget. Forskare/experter hade det högsta förtroendet att ge information 86%, politiker och media/journalister hade lägst förtroende 29%. När det gäller kunskap som befolkningen hade om vindkraftens påverkan på sin omgivning svaren var ”ganska positivt” vid påverkan på renare luft (81%), påverkan på Odensbacken (79%), på boendemiljön (44%), på friluftsliv (38%) och på fastighetsvärde (38%). Enligt denna undersökning var de tre verken väl placerade, verken medför inte några stora ingrepp i landskapet, påverkan och störningar på närmiljön hade begränsats och området kan bedömas som ett tåligt landskap för nya inslag. Lokalbefolkningen i området behöver mer kunskap om vindkraftverkens påverkan på människor, på växter, fåglar, djur och på landskap. Kommunikationen beskrivs i vårt fall som mindre deltagarvänlig eftersom det saknas öppenhet. Förtroendet för vindkraftverk som förnyelsebar energi, för myndigheter eller för vindkraftsbolaget kan skadas om aktörerna och tjänstemän inte väljer rätt metoder för en god kommunikation. En bristfällig kommunikation kan därmed öka motstånd och kan även stoppa vindkraftsutvecklingen i området i fram tiden.
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Fostering the delivery of wind power : an evaluation of the performance of policy instruments in three European Union member statesOtitoju, Afolabi January 2010 (has links)
Worldwide energy policies are built on three pillars: ‘cost competitiveness’, ‘security of energy supply’, and ‘environmental responsibility.’ This has brought about the integration of renewable energy sources into national systems with the deployment of policy instruments to make renewable energy sources electricity (RES-E) capable of nearly competing on a commercial basis with traditional forms of electricity generation. At the national level within the EU, there has been much experimentation with different policy instruments with varying levels of success. Nevertheless the EU as a whole will not meet its stipulated renewable energy target. This study challenges the theoretical and abstract evaluation presented in the literature about EU wind power delivery systems and has developed an integrative evaluation framework. This evaluation framework is used in this study to present the views of key stakeholders on their experiences with the performance of key policy instruments (feed-in tariff, and renewables obligation) implemented in three EU Member States namely: Germany, The Netherlands, and United Kingdom. It also challenges the EU-wide harmonised renewable energy policy agenda as proposed in Directive 2001/77/EC. The concept of path dependency of the historical institutional approach was adopted in order to explore the diversity of the wind power industry across the three country cases. An indepth semi-structured interview with fifty-five senior wind power policy makers and experts was conducted to explore the historical emergence, the architect, and the outcome of the support and implementation of the policy instruments. Findings showed that the approach to wind power deployment in the three country cases differs significantly and this has affected the pattern of each country’s wind power policy instrument. Also, the role and contribution of the stakeholder groups to the success of the wind power policy instruments differ significantly in each of the country cases. This helps to explain the performance of the different policy instruments adopted. Concerning the harmonisation of EU renewable energy policy instruments which have received much attention in recent times, this study found that harmonisation based on a single policy instrument is not feasible and may ultimately inhibit the growth of the European wind power market. A harmonised system may cause uncertainties amongst willing investors, thereby causing a withdrawal of further investment in the wind power market. If this happens, Europe may also lose its position as the world leader in the wind power market. Furthermore, national histories demonstrates that Member States have different culture, stakeholder groups, political, and business practices that will influence policy instruments and the likelihood of any policy succeeding. Thus, rather than promoting harmonisation and political market for wind power, it is important that Member States adopt and implement, stable, flexible, and transparent policy instruments that enable wind power and other renewable energy sources to emerge, develop, and go through the R&D stage to a point of maturity where they can compete with other energy sources with limited financial support.
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Grid Optimization Of Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Plants : Case Study Of Internal Grid ConnectionsStorgärd, Per January 2016 (has links)
Hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) have proven to be a more stable and feasible source of energy than heir single source counterparts. The benefit of HRES is their ability to balance the stochastic behavior of wind and solar production. As result of this, they have been used as stand-alone systems with great success. Optimization studies in the field have shown optimum sizing of the components in the system to be a key element in order to increase feasibility. This paper focuses on the HRES impact on internal grid design and cost. The goal of the thesis is to create a mathematical function and graph on the internal grid design/cost relation for a virtual site with varying wind speed and solar irradiation. A secondary goal is to analyze how much Photovoltaics (PV) in Megawatt (MW) that can be connected to the internal grid post realization of the wind farm and to performed this analyze on the two specific case projects, Site A (17.25 MW) in Sweden and Site B (51.75 MW) in Italy. By utilizing a case study methodology, a mathematical model was created based on two case projects, both with potential to be a combined Wind-PV hybrid plants provided by the wind developer OX2. Identifiers for the two cases studied in this thesis where removed with respect to OX2’s ongoing projects. Hybrid renewable energy systems is a method of increasing the utilization of a regions RES, the system has an increase in overall power output compared to the single RES alternative. However, the internal grid cost was shown to be 3.85 % more expensive Site A and 5.3 % in Site B. This stood in direct correlation to the HRES in Site A using 8.6 % more cable for its internal grid and 29.7 % more in Site B, this is highly depending (depending on the location of the PV array). Furthermore, the case projects showed that the maximum PV to be connected post realization of the farm without major curtailment would be 11.5% of the wind farms rated power in the case of site A and 67.6 % in the case of Site B. Variations in wind speed and solar irradiation were shown to have some impact on grid cost. However, the results pointed out that grid cost in HRES is to a higher degree affected by total cable length in the internal grid than fluctuation in available energy sources. The extent of increase in cable length, the total grid investment cost rises up to 53.4 % for the two case projects.
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