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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

n Morfologiese en fisiologiese studie van agt Suid-Afrikaanse gisrasse

Joubert, D. J January 1948 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 1948. / NO ABSTRACT AVAILABLE

n Klimaatstreekindeling van die Suidwes-Kaaplandse wynbougebiede

Le Roux, E. G. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 1974. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

Interaction of water deficit, canopy modification and ripening : effect on the phenolic and colour composition of Shiraz grapes & subsequent wine

Van Noordwyk, Marelize 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Phenolic compounds are important quality indicators of a red wine, as they can contribute to the colour of a young red wine, colour stability during ageing as well as astringency, bitterness, body and overall mouthfeel properties. Wine composition is commonly influenced by winemaking and viticultural practices. In South Africa it often happens that vines are excessively vigorous, resulting in canopies that are too dense, which in turn could have a negative effect on the quantity and quality of the grapes produced. Viticultural practices such as judicious canopy management and irrigation are designed to control vine vigour and yield, thus improving fruit ripening and colour development. Artificial shading and water deficit have been reported to have an influence on the sensory properties of red wine as well as on the flavonoid composition. These effects are dependent on a number of factors, however, including the season, cultivar, light intensity, and the extent and timing of water deficit. There is limited research on the possible interactive effects of grapevine water deficits and canopy manipulation on grape and wine flavonoid composition in Shiraz, as well as the relationships between berry and wine composition. We thus investigated the effect of canopy reduction in combination with water deficit on the phenolic and colour composition of Shiraz grapes at different levels of ripeness, and in their corresponding wines after alcoholic and malolactic fermentation as well as after six months’ ageing. This study found that it is possible to improve the phenolic composition of grapes and wine by shoot removal, and some of the tendencies in the wines were also observed after the ageing period. If the shoot removal is not performed at a very early stage, sunburn damage can occur and this will result in berries with a lower mass and volume at harvest due to excessive exposure without the berry having adapted to the imposed conditions. Harvesting at different ripeness levels also affected the chemical and phenolic composition of the grapes and resulting wines. The water deficit effect on most phenolic parameters measured in the grapes and wine was not as prominent as that of the canopy manipulation treatment. This study improved our understanding of how an improvement in the canopy microclimate of Shiraz could be reflected in the phenolic composition of wines, along with a potentially important effect of harvesting date. On this basis it may be possible to attain a specific wine style. Harvesting at a ripe stage, for example, could result in the production of wines with higher colour density and astringency, while unripe grapes could result in wines with higher levels of perceivable fresh berry attributes. In particular, canopy reduction could increase the astringency and body of wines made from grapes subjected to water deficit. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Fenoliese verbindings is belangrike kwaliteitsparameters van rooiwyn, aangesien dit kan bydra tot die kleur van ‘n rooiwyn, kleurstabiliteit tydens veroudering sowel as frankheid, bitterigheid en mondgevoel. ‘n Wyn se fenoliese samestelling word algemeen bepaal deur wynmaak- en wingerdkundige praktyke. In Suid-Afrika gebeur dit gereeld dat wingerde uitermatig groeikragtig is, wat lei tot te digte lower wat sodoende ‘n negatiewe effek op kwantiteit en kwaliteit van die druiwe wat geproduseer word, het. Wingerdkundige praktyke soos oordeelkundige lowerbestuur en besproeiing is ontwerp om wingerdstokke se groeikrag en opbrengs te beheer, en sodoende vrugrypwording en kleurontwikkeling te verbeter. Kunsmatige beskaduwing en waterstres is gerapporteer om ‘n invloed te hê op die sensoriese eienskappe van rooiwyn sowel as op die flavonoïedsamestelling. Hierdie effekte is egter afhanklik van ‘n verskeidenheid faktore, insluitende die seisoen, kultivar, ligintensiteit en die mate en tyd van waterstres toegepas. Daar is beperkte navorsing op die moontlike interaktiewe effekte van waterstres en lowermanipulasie op die druif en wyn flavonoïedsamestelling in Shiraz, sowel as die verhoudings tussen druif en wyn samestelling. Ons het dus die effekte van lowerbestuur in kombinasie met waterstres op die fenoliese en kleursamestelling van Shiraz druiwe by verskillende rypheidsvlakke ondersoek, asook in hul ooreenstemmende wyne na alkoholieseen appelmelksuurfermentasie sowel as na ses maande veroudering. Hierdie studie het gevind dat dit moontlik is om die fenoliese samestelling van druiwe en wyn deur lootverwydering te verbeter, en sommige van die tendense is ook waargeneem in die wyn na die verouderingsperiode. Indien lootverwydering nie toegepas word by ‘n baie vroeë stadium nie, kan sonbrand voorkom en dit kan lei tot korrels met ‘n laer massa en volume by oes as gevolg van oormatige blootstelling sonder dat die korrel aangepas het by die spesifieke kondisies. Oes by verskillende rypheidsvlakke affekteer ook die chemiese en fenoliese samestelling van die druiwe en ooreenstemmende wyne. Die waterstreseffek op meeste van die fenoliese parameters gemeet in druiwe en wyn was nie so prominent soos dié van die lowermanipulasie behandeling nie. Hierdie studie het ons begrip verbeter van hoe ‘n verbetering van die lower mikroklimaat van Shiraz gereflekteer kan word op die fenoliese samestelling van die wyn, saam met ‘n potensiële belangrike effek van oesdatum. Op grond van hierdie basis is dit dus moontlik om ‘n spesifieke wynstyl te verkry. Oes by ‘n ryp stadium, byvoorbeeld, kan die produksie van wyn met ‘n hoër kleurdigtheid en frankheid tot gevolg hê, terwyl onryp druiwe wyne met hoër vlakke van waarneembare vars bessiekenmerke tot gevolg kan hê. Verlaging van lowerdigtheid kan veral die frankheid en mondgevoel van wyne gemaak van druiwe blootgestel aan waterstres, verbeter.

Assessing the compatibility and aroma production of NT 202 Co-Inoculant with different wine yeasts and additives

Scholtz, Marene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The influence of malolactic fermentation (MLF) in most red and some white wines is one of many factors that determine or influence wine quality, because it affects the flavour and sensory profile of wine. This process is a decarboxylation process conducted by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) such as Oenococcus, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus and Leuconostoc. Mostly Oenococcus oeni, but recently also Lactobacillus plantarum is used in commercial starter cultures and also the first mixed MLF starter culture (NT 202 Co-Inoculant) was commercialized in 2011. The reason for the predominant use of O. oeni and recently L. plantarum is due to their tolerance to the harsh wine environment. Malolactic fermentation leads to a decrease in acidity and an increase in pH that leaves the wine with a softer mouthfeel. Another reason to conduct MLF is the improvement of microbial stability by the removal of malic acid as carbon source. Research focus has recently shifted to the ability of LAB and MLF as well as the interaction of LAB with yeast to alter the wine aroma profile via the modification and/or production of certain aroma compounds. The main goal of this study was to assess the impact of yeast and nutrient addition on the ability of the NT 202 Co-Inoculant to conduct MLF during co-inoculation and to evaluate the aroma compound production in the final wine. The first aim was to evaluate the impact of different red and white wine yeast strains on the ability of the NT 202 Co-Inoculant to conduct MLF during co-inoculation in Chardonnay, Merlot and Shiraz. Malolactic fermentation was unsuccessful in the Chardonnay due to a low pH, but successful in Merlot and Shiraz. Based on the malic acid degradation ability of the NT 202 Co- Inoculant, the yeasts were grouped into three categories: inhibitory, neutral or stimulatory towards MLF. Co-inoculated MLF showed a clear decrease in total fermentation time while yeast strains such as WE 372 and Exotics showed positive compatibility with the NT 202 Co- Inoculant. The impact of the yeast-bacterial combinations on the aroma compound production in the final wine was evaluated. Co-inoculated MLF showed positive aroma changes in the red wines with a general increase in total esters (associated with fruity characters in wine) especially ethyl lactate and diethyl succinate that also contribute to the mouthfeel of the wine. Production of esters, volatile fatty acids and higher alcohols seemed to depend on the yeastand LAB strain used. The NT 202 Co-Inoculant contributed to the monoterpenes produced and MLF led to increased concentrations of diacetyl and acetoin, which are associated with buttery characters in wine. The second aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of wine additives (used during coinoculation) such as yeast- and bacterial nutrients, clarifying- and detoxifying agents on the ability of the NT 202 Co-Inoculant to conduct MLF and to assess their impact on the aroma compound production in the final wine. No negative or positive impact on the malic acid degradation of the NT 202 Co-Inoculant or the resulting aroma compound production was observed for the different wine additives used in this study. The results generated from this study showed that the selection of yeast strains is important as it will influence both the fermentation duration and final wine aroma. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die invloed van appelmelksuurgisting (AMG) in die meeste rooi- en witwyne is een van baie faktore wat wynkwaliteit beïnvloed, omrede dit die geur en sensoriese profiel van wyn beïnvloed. Hierdie proses is 'n dekarboksileringsaksie wat deur melksuurbakterieë (MSB), soos Oenococcus, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus en Leuconostoc, uitgevoer word. Die mees algemene bakterieë wat gebruik word, is Oenococcus oeni, maar onlangs het Lactobacillus plantarum ook na vore getree in die gebruik van kommersiële aanvangskulture. Die eerste gemengde AMGaanvangskultuur (NT 202 Co-Inoculant) is in 2011 gekommersialiseer. Die rede vir die oorheersende gebruik van O. oeni en L. plantarum word toegeskryf aan hul gehardhiedsgraad in ‘n uitdagende wynomgewing. Appelmelksuurgisting lei tot 'n afname in die suurheidsgraad en 'n toename in die pH van die wyn, wat 'n sagter mondgevoel tot gevolg het. Nog 'n rede waarom AMG deurgevoer word, is om die mikrobiese stabiliteit van die wyn te verbeter deur die verwydering van appelsuur as koolstofbron. Die navorsingsfokus het onlangs verskuif na die vermoë van MSB en AMG, sowel as die interaksie van MSB met die gis, om die wynaromaprofiel te verander deur middel van die verandering en/of produksie van sekere aromaverbindings. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om die impak van die gis en voedingstof te evalueer ten opsigte van die vermoë van die NT 202 Co-Inoculant om AMG uit te voer tydens koïnokulasie. Die produksie van aromakomponente in die finale wyn is ook geëvalueer. Die eerste doelwit was om die impak van verskillende rooi- en witwyngisrasse te evalueer ten opsigte van die vermoë van die NT 202 Co-Inoculant om AMG uit te voer tydens koïnokulasie in Chardonnay, Merlot en Shiraz. Appelmelksuurgisting was onsuksesvol in die Chardonnay weens 'n lae pH, maar suksesvol in Merlot en Shiraz. In terme van die appelsuurafbraakvermoë van die NT 202 Co-Inoculant, is die giste in drie kategorieë gegroepeer: inhiberend, neutraal of stimulerend teenoor AMG. Ge-koïnokuleerde AMG het 'n duidelike afname in die totale fermentasietyd getoon, terwyl gisrasse, soos WE 372 en Exotics, ‘n positiewe verenigbaarheid met die NT 202 Co-Inoculant getoon het. Die impak van die gisbakteriële kombinasies op die aromakomponentproduksie in die finale wyn is geëvalueer. Gekoïnokuleerde AMG het positiewe aromaveranderinge in die rooiwyne getoon met 'n algemene toename in die totale esters (wat geassosieer word met vrugtige karakters in wyn), veral etiellaktaat en dietielsuksinaat, wat ook bydra tot die mondgevoel van die wyn. Dit het voorgekom dat produksie van esters, vlugtige vetsure en hoër alkohole moontlik afhanklik kan wees van die gis- en bakteriële ras gebruik. Die NT 202 Co-Inoculant het bygedra tot die monoterpene wat geproduseer is en AMG het gelei tot verhoogde konsentrasies van diasetiel en asetoïen, wat geassosieer word met botteragtige karakters in wyn. Die tweede doelwit van hierdie studie was om die impak van wyntoevoegingsmiddels (wat tydens koïnokulasie gebruik word) bv. gis- en bakteriese voedingstowwe, verhelderingsagente, asook detoksifiserende agente, te evalueer ten opsigte van die vermoë van die NT 202 Co- Inoculant om AMG uit te voer en om hul impak op die produksie van die aromakomponente van die finale wyn te ontleed. Geen negatiewe of positiewe effekte is waargeneem vir die verskillende wyntoevoegingsmiddels, wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, in terme van die appelsuurafbraak van die NT 202 Co-Inoculant of die gevolglike produksie van aromakomponente nie. Hierdie studie se resultate toon dat die keuse van die gisras belangrik is, omdat dit die fermentasietydperk, asook die finale wynaroma, beïnvloed. / Anchor Yeast, Oenobrands, The National Research Foundation and THRIP, for financial support

Investigating the role of Brettanomyces and Dekkera during winemaking

Oelofse, Adriaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Genetics. Plant Biotechnology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Wine quality is greatly influenced by the number of microorganisms, which occur throughout the winemaking process. These microorganisms are naturally present on the grapes and in the cellar from where they can be introduced to the winemaking process at any given time and consequently impart specific contributions to the wine quality. However, these microorganisms can be seen either as beneficial or as wine spoilage microorganisms, depending on the conditions under which they can proliferate during the winemaking process. Wine yeasts (Saccharomyces spp.) are typically responsible for the alcoholic fermentation; lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are responsible for malolactic fermentation (MLF), while acetic acid bacteria (AAB) and other wild yeasts (non-Saccharomyces spp.) are typically associated with the formation of off-flavours under poorly controlled winemaking conditions. In recent years, evidence from the wine industry has highlighted a specific group of non-Saccharomyces yeast species as a serious cause for wine spoilage that required more research investigations. Yeast of the genus Brettanomyces or its teleomorph Dekkera has been identified as one of the most controversial spoilage microorganisms during winemaking as they can produce several compounds that are detrimental to the organoleptic quality of wine. This has triggered the research initiative behind this doctoral study on the significance of Brettanomyces and Dekkera yeasts during winemaking. In this dissertation, various aspects of the detection, isolation and identification methods of Brettanomyces yeast from the winemaking environment were investigated. As a first objective, a culture collection of Brettanomyces bruxellensis wine isolates had to be established. This followed after the isolation of Brettanomyces yeasts from various red wine cultivars from South African wineries from different stages of the winemaking process. Different conventional microbiological methods such as plating on selective agar media and microscopy were investigated along with molecular identification techniques such as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in this regard. Other focus areas of this study aimed at performing genetic characterisation and differentiation studies of B. bruxellensis wine isolates. For this purpose, different intraspecific identification methods were investigated on several strains, including strains of European origin. The application of molecular techniques allowing strain identification aided in the selection of specific strains that were evaluated for volatile phenol production in synthetic media and wine. The results obtained from this work indicated that a large degree of genetic diversity exists among B. bruxellensis strains and that the volatile phenol production differed between the strains after evaluation in synthetic media and wine. In addition to the molecular intraspecific strain identification techniques that were investigated, a feasibility study was also performed that focused on evaluating Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics as an alternative approach for differentiating between B. bruxellensis strains. The two approaches of FTIR spectroscopy that were investigated involved the use of firstly, Fourier transform mid-infrared (FTMIR) spectroscopy to obtain spectral fingerprints of spoiled wines by different B. bruxellensis strains; and secondly, Attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) to obtain spectral fingerprints from whole cells of B. bruxellensis on microbiological agar media. The results of this study illustrated the potential of FTIR spectroscopy to become a reliable alternative to molecular based methods for differentiating between B. bruxellensis strains and for characterisation studies. The formation of volatile phenols in wine by species of the genera Brettanomyces and Dekkera is one of the primary reasons for their classification as wine spoilage yeasts. The enzymatic activities of this reaction have been identified and involve a phenyl acrylic (phenolic) acid decarboxylase (PAD) and a vinyl phenol reductase (VPR). However, only a limited amount of information is available about these enzymes from Brettanomyces/Dekkera yeasts and no genetic data have been described. It was therefore imperative that this dissertation should include a genetic investigation into the phenylacrylic (hydroxycinnamic) acid decarboxylase from the species B. bruxellensis involved in the formation of volatile phenols. Strategies that were investigated included various molecular DNA techniques and protein purification procedures to obtain either genetic or protein sequence data. The decarboxylase activity of this yeast species towards p-coumaric acid was demonstrated and substantial genetic sequence data was obtained. The results from this dissertation made a substantial contribution to the current available knowledge about Brettanomyces/Dekkera spp. and led to a better understanding of this wine spoilage yeast. This research developed a platform from which further investigations could follow and the knowledge gained will be invaluable for future Brettanomyces research projects at the Institute for Wine Biotechnology at Stellenbosch University.

The taxonomy and physiology of the lactic acid bacteria in South African dry wines

Du Plessis, L. de W. (Ludwig de Wet) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1961. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

Vinflaskans färg, form och vikt : En studie av marknadsföring, konsumentpåverkan och preferens

Collin, Daniel, Nilsson, Patrik January 2013 (has links)
Vinmarknaden av idag präglas av allt tuffare konkurrens, och går från att ha varit traditionsbunden mot att bli mer och mer marknadsorienterad. Det går att se trender i att flaska och förslutning vid sidan av etikett börjat användas allt mer som marknadsföringsredskap. Denna studie avser belysa betydelsen av själva flaskan, genom att specialstudera tre flaskattribut: flaskans färg, form och vikt. Vinflaskans attribut undersöks avseende hur de används, eller kan användas, i marknadsföringssyfte för att påverka kundens preferens vid val av vin. Marknadsföringsaspekten begränsas till att behandla främst produktdifferentiering. Metoden för denna studie är i form av en litteraturstudie av fyra vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet uppvisar viss betydelse av flaskform, flaskfärg och flaskvikt för konsumenters preferens, men att dessa tenderar att vara underordnade andra attribut. Differentierande formgivning kan påvisas påverka konsumenter positivt, oavsett attribut. I diskussionen finner denna studie tydliga samband mellan hur produktdifferentiering som marknadsföringsstrategi beskrivs i litteraturen och hur vinkonsumenters preferensbeteende beskrivs i empirin, vilket leder till slutsatsen att strategierna har kundpåverkan. Studien finner även att det framför allt gällande flaskfärg och flaskvikt finns potential att utveckla den differentierande marknadsföringen ytterligare / B-uppsatser

Finding Terroir in Southwest Iowa

Deines, Dory 08 1900 (has links)
Terroir combines the physical landscape of the vineyard with the grapevines and the methods and techniques used to produce wine from the grapes. This study used a GIS to identify the characteristics of the physical landscape in Pottawattamie, Mills, Montgomery, Fremont, and Page counties in southwestern Iowa. The components were combined in the GIS using a weighted linear index to identify areas suitable for vineyard development and to identify the general characteristics of the area. Vineyard owners were interviewed to help determine the weighting system to use in the GIS and to determine their perceptions of how the physical landscape impacts their vineyards, as well as to determine what grape varieties they plant in their vineyards and their decisions on making wine from these grapes. This information was collected to identify whether the vineyard owners had developed a sense of place for their vineyards and how this sense might aid them in the development of a terroir for their wines. The resulting perceptions about the individual wineries were then considered in conjunction with the results from the GIS modeling to understand how the physical landscape influences the concepts of sense of place and terroir in southwest Iowa. The physical landscape of southwest Iowa was fairly uniform, as were the grape varietals planted in the vineyards. This created a measure of similarity among the wineries, while individuality between wineries was then created by the wine-makers as they used different techniques to produce wine from the grapes. This allows each winery to develop a sense of place, yet be part of a larger sense of place that encompasses multiple wineries within the area.

Cork and talk: The cognitive and perceptual bases of wine expertise

Hughson, Angus Rannoch Leith January 2003 (has links)
A number of previous studies have found that wine experts can more accurately discriminate between and describe wine samples than novices. However, the mechanisms that underlie these disparities remain unclear. This collection of studies is an investigation of whether the expert advantage is based on long-term memory structures, such as found for other obviously more cognitive skills, such as chess and bridge expertise. Experiments 1, 2 and 3 investigated whether wine experts are better than novices in recall of wine descriptions. It was hypothesised that experts would show more accurate recall than novices, although only when the descriptions were configured in a meaningful manner, that is, consistent with grape varieties commonly grown in Australia. The findings were as expected, with experts showing impaired recall for descriptions that did not match any grape variety (Experiment 2). In addition, expert recall was superior on an incidental task (Experiment 3), when recall was unexpected, suggesting that experts automatically refer to verbal long-term memory structures during a wine-related task. These structures consist of wine-relevant terms, and are organised by their relationship to grape varieties, and more broadly, grape colour. Experiments 4, 5, 6 and 7 investigated the role of the above-mentioned long-term memory structures in expert descriptive ability. The results supported their involvement, since expert�s ability to identify components was affected by sample configuration (Experiment 6) in a similar way to that found for recall of wine descriptions. Additional evidence comes from the finding that, novices, when provided with a small set of grape-relevant labels during a descriptive task, performed better than subjects given either no list or a long list of labels relevant to all the different grape varieties (Experiment 4). While experts correctly identified more flavours than novices, they also made more errors (Experiment 6), suggesting that verbal long-term memory structures do not increase the accuracy of the identification of aromas and flavours by experts. Rather, they inform experts as to which labels are likely to be correct for particular styles of wine. Experiments 8, 9 and 10 investigated both the discrimination performance of novices, intermediates and experts, as well as the role of long-term memory structures in any expert discriminative advantage. Experts (Experiments 8 and 10) and intermediates (Experiment 9) showed greater powers of discrimination than novices. However, results were equivocal in relation to the role of verbal long-term memory structures (Experiment 10), suggesting that other factors, such as perceptual learning and or memory, may be important in the expert discriminative advantage. Overall, results from these studies illustrate that long-term memory structures are essential, not only in domains of expertise that are obviously based on cognitive skills, but also that of descriptive ability with respect to wine. However, unlike in other domains, these structures do not serve to improve the relative accuracy of descriptive performance, at least with regard to aromas and flavours.

A comparison of on-line and in-store customer behaviour in wine retailing

Stening, Sally January 2004 (has links)
Researchers have been quick to illustrate how traditional retail theory can be adapted to e-tail (Spiller and Lohse, 1997, 1998; Eroglu, Machleit and Davis, 2000). Similarly traditional high street retailers (bricks and mortar retailers) have sought to replicate their offering on-line via the internet. Despite the apparent parallels between on-line and in-store retail, practitioners merely replicating their in-store offering on-line have been unable to compete in this new format and in many cases have seen one format cannibalise the other (Chen and Leteney, 2000; Enders and Jalessi, 2000). Although there are obvious differences between the Internet and traditional bricks and mortar retail formats, there are likely to be some retail theories that hold true for both formats. This thesis provides a starting point in determining how existing retail knowledge can be adapted to the Internet by comparing aspects of customer behaviour on and off-line. The advent of the World Wide Web (WWW) signified global opportunities for members and stakeholders of the wine industry. Wine retailers have been quick to trial the on-line format and their trials have been met with varying degrees of success. Wine producers have also seized opportunities to promote and sell their products via the Internet. In recent years tax incentives have been introduced to encourage wine producers to sell directly to the consumer, with most wine producers being located in rural areas the Internet offers an opportunity to bring customers closer to wine products. This thesis utilises data collected through a customer database and via surveys customer behaviour has been compared. The findings of this research show that not only do a unique group of customers use the Internet for their wine purchases, but also that these customers modify their behaviour to maximise the benefit they gain from their on-line transactions. Results show that, contrary to popular belief, customers are not using the Internet to purchase the same products (as they would purchase in-store) at a lower price. A comparison of the same of the same customers purchases on-line and in-store showed customers spent more per item on-line and purchased a greater number of items per transaction on-line compared to in-store. Furthermore, a comparison of these customers' in-store transactions with customers who only purchased in-store, showed that on-line customers spent more per item and purchased in greater quantities than other customers irrespective of format. Individual characteristics identified in this research allow the targeting of customers more likely to adopt the internet as a retail format. By focusing efforts on these individuals marketers can realize optimal results from their efforts. For academic research, the established differences in retail behaviour point to areas where existing retail can be expanded to the Internet and highlight areas for future research. / Thesis (MBusiness-Research)--University of South Australia, 2004

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