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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a novel LC-MS/MS method for the detection of adulteration of South African sauvignon blanc wines with 3-alkyl-2-methoxypyrazines

Alberts, P. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / A method for the detection of adulteration of South African Sauvignon blanc wines, by enrichment with foreign sources of 3-alkyl-2-methoxypyrazenes, is described. The levels of three 3-alkyl-2-methoxypyrazenes (3-isobutyl-, 3- isopropyl- and 3-sec-butyl-2-methoxypyrazine) in South African Sauvignon blanc wines were measured with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Sample preparation involved clean-up and pre-concentration by distillation followed by solvent extraction of the distillate with dichloromethane. Extracts were acidified and concentrated by evaporation and finally reconstituted to a fixed volume to affect quantitative pre-concentration of the samples. Sample extracts were separated with reversed phase liquid chromatography utilizing a phenyl-hexyl separation column. Residues were measured with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry utilizing a tandem quadrupole mass spectrometric detector operated in multiple reaction monitoring mode for optimal trace level quantitation. Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization was utilized as electrospray ionization was found to suffer from quenching effects attributed to the sample matrix. Qualitative information was obtained from the relevant molecular ions as well as two secondary ion transitions (and one ion ratio) in each case. Recoveries obtained by the extraction procedure were better than 90% with coefficient of variance of better than 10% at concentrations from 1 to 100 ng/L. The limit of detection of the method was 0.03 ng/L and the limit of quantification 0.10 ng/L for the three analytes measured. The described LC-MS method is more sensitive for the determination of 3-alkyl-2-methoxypyrazines in wine than GC methods reported for the same purpose. From the experimental data, a set of parameters were established to discriminate adulterated South African Sauvignon blanc wines. It was demonstrated that the 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine concentration, despite showing considerable variance, was confined to a relatively narrow range spanning approximately two orders of magnitude (0.20 to 22 ng/L). A clear indication of possible maximum values for this compound in South African Sauvignon blanc wines was obtained from the analysis of a large number of samples (577), spanning most relevant wine producing regions and representing vintages 2003 to 2006. It was also demonstrated that South African Sauvignon blanc wines contain the major 3- alkyl-2-methoxypyrazenes in reasonably distinct relative amounts and that the said ratios of abundance may be used to elucidate authenticity. The expected effect of adulteration with green pepper extracts or some synthetic preparations on the 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine concentration as well as the relative abundances were also determined by characterizing the corresponding profiles in green peppers and some synthetic flavor preparations. Two adulterated samples in the dataset were identified by both outlined criteria. A limited number of wines of other cultivars were also analyzed. The results represent the most complete and accurate data on the 3-alkyl-2-methoxypyrazine content of South African Sauvignon blanc wines to date. A publication covering the work presented in this thesis is currently in preparation.

Scenarios for the future of the South African wine industry

Janssens, Lucille 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / Scenarios are a strategic tool that can stimulate strategic thinking, generate strategic foresight, provide a basis for testing existing strategies, explore and understand complexities of the future. In so doing they can aid decision making and contribute to preparation for the future. As such, this research paper used scenarios to explore a number of plausible futures for the South African Wine Industry in order to stimulate strategic thinking and conversations, pave the way for new ideas and approaches and encourage innovation. This can prepare both the industry and wine producers for possible challenges that they may face in the future. The scenario development process started with an extensive exploration of the existing industry, which included industry trends and patterns as well as factors within the external environment that influence the strategic landscape. Three key driving forces were identified in the external environment which could potentially have the largest impact on the future of the industry. These are impacts of climate change, local industry consolidation and buying power changes. Five scenarios for the South African Wine Industry were developed for the year 2025 based on these driving forces. These scenarios reflected these key driving forces under different circumstances, which provided different perspectives related to their impacts. The scenarios introduced alternative futures which range from one that envisages a consolidated local wine industry which focuses on the export market as a result of the opportunities presented by extreme weather events resulting from global climate change, to a scenario that is characterised by negligible changes in the structure of the local industry and where high buying power changes the industry dynamics and key success factors. A set of main findings relating to each scenario was formulated. These findings were examined in order to identify implications and make recommendations that could be useful to consider and aid strategy development for the industry, as well as for the benefit of individual wine producers. Key findings related to the impact of these key driving forces as well as the risks and potential opportunities that they could present for the industry under certain circumstances.

Screening, isolation and characterisation of antimicrobial/antifungal peptides produced by lactic acid bacteria isolated from wine

Morgan, Joanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Winemaking is an age-old tradition that dates back to as early as 6000 BC. In our modern era there are several insects and microorganisms that pose a threat to the grapevine, the environment and the final wine product. Farmers and winemakers are becoming aware of the threat and the fight against disease, spoilage and/or pathogenic microorganisms is on the rise. Currently, the natural environment is being altered through rural developments, pollution and disaster, which in turn is responsible for altering the natural micro flora. The result is a harsh battle between man and microorganism. The weapon used often against microorganisms is chemical preservatives, such as sulphur dioxide. These chemical preservatives change the nutritional value, quality and wholesomeness of the wine. Chemical preservatives suppress the quality of the wine with a reduction in wine consumption by the consumers. Until the 18th century, wine was regarded as a safe drink and prescribed by doctors. In the zo" century alcohol consumption became the focus point of some health campaigners. Medical science restored the good name of wine in the 1990s when it came to light that moderate red wine consumption may aid in preventing heart disease and assist in stress management. The only drawback that lowers consumption levels is the use of chemical preservatives. It is of utmost importance to place the focus on health issues and the development of natural preservation methods that are environmentally friendly and contributes to the overall wholesomeness of the wine. Due to these demands, the scientific community placed the focus of research projects on the development and enhancement of biopreservation methods, in order to minimise chemical preservation use. One of the most promising biocontrol agents is bacteriocins. These proteinaceous molecules produced by various lactic acid bacteria exert antimicrobial activity towards closely related organism. Research has shown that bacteriocins may aid in the prevention of wine-spoilage and enhance natural preservation techniques. Most of the research on biopreservation in food and beverages has been performed on the bacteriocins of LAB. No evidence could be found that indicated bacteriocin production by wine isolated LAB in South Africa. This study is therefore, of utmost importance and is considered to be novel pioneering work for the South African wine industry. The main objective of this study was to screen wine isolated LAB for the production of antimicrobial and/or antifungal compounds. This was followed by the isolation and characterisation of the produced bacteriocins. This study forms part of a greater project that focuses on wine preservation, under the auspices of the Institute for Wine Biotechnology.The research results in this study indicated the production of bacteriocins by wine isolated LAB of South African origin. It was found that numerous isolates exerted antimicrobial activity towards other wine associated LAB. The most predominant species that gave the highest activity was Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus paracasei. Experimental results indicated that the bacteriocins produced by these two species were thermo-stable and active over a wide pH range, including the temperatures and pH values that reign in the South African wine environment. The antimicrobial activity was lost after treatment with proteolytic enzymes, such as proteinase K and lysozyme. The size, production and growth kinetic curves of the bacteriocins under investigation showed similar results that are comparable to other findings in the literature. Antifungal activity was detected against Botryfis cinerea that indicated limited inhibitory activity towards spore germination, but had no effect on hyphal growth. This study provides novel information regarding bacteriocin production by LAB isolated from the South African wine industry. The results indicate the suitability of these bacteriocins as possible biopreservatives in the wine environment. The proposed results obtained in this study will aid in the development of bacteriocinproducing, tailored made wine yeast or LAB that may in future, play vital roles in the winemaking process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wynmaak is 'n eeu oue tradisie wat terugdateer tot so vroeg soos 6000 jaar v.C. In ons moderne eeu is daar verskeie insekte en mikro-organismes wat In bedreiging vir die wingerdstok, asook die omgewing en die finale wynproduk inhou. Boere en wynmakers word al hoe meer bewus van hierdie bedreiging, terwyl die stryd teen siektes, bederf en/of patogene mikro-organismes ook aan die toeneem is. Tans word die natuurlike omgewing deur landelike ontwikkeling, besoedeling en natuurlike rampe verander, wat op sy beurt weer verantwoordelik is vir die verandering van mikroflora. Die gevolg is 'n harde stryd tussen die mens en mikro-organismes. Die wapen wat gereeld ingespan word in die stryd teen mikro-organismes, is chemiese preserveermiddels, soos swaweidioksied. Hierdie chemiese preserveermiddels verander die voedingswaarde, kwaliteit en die voedsaamheid van die wyn. Dit onderdruk ook die gehalte van wyn, wat meebring dat minder wyn deur die verbruiker gedrink word. Tot en met die agtiende eeu is wyn deur dokters as 'n veilige drankie voorgeskryf. In die twintigste eeu het alkoholverbruik die fokuspunt van gesondheidskamvegters geword. In die 1990's het die mediese wetenskap wyn se goeie naam in ere herstel toe dit aan die lig gekom het dat In matige verbruik van rooiwyn moontlik hartsiektes kan voorkom en help om stres te beheer. Die enigste nadelige faktor wat verbruikersvlakke verlaag, is die gebruik van chemiese preserveermiddels. Dit is uiters noodsaaklik om die fokus op gesondheidskwessies te plaas en die ontwikkeling van natuurlike preserveermetodes wat omgewingsvriendelik is en tot die algehele voedsaamheid van wyn bydra. As gevolg van hierdie eise het wetenskaplikes die fokus geplaas op navorsingsprojekte vir die ontwikkeling en verbetering van biopreserveringsmetodes met die doelom die gebruik van chemiese preserveermiddels te verminder. Een van die belowendste biokontrolemiddels is bakteriosiene. Hierdie proteïenagtige molekule word deur verskeie melksuurbakterieë vervaardig en oefen anti-mikrobiese aktiwiteit teenoor nabyverwante organismes uit. Navorsing het getoon dat bakteriosiene moontlik kan help in die voorkoming van wynbederf en natuurlike preserveertegnieke kan verbeter. Die meeste van die navorsing op biopreservering in voedsel en drank is op die bakteriosiene van melksuurbakterieë uitgevoer. Geen bewys kon gevind word in Suid Afrika wat bakteriosienproduksie deur wyn-geïsoleerde melksuurbakterieë aangedui het nie. Hierdie studie is daarom baie belangrik en word as baanbreker werk vir die Suid Afrikaanse wynbedryf beskou. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om wyn-geïsoleerde melksuurbakterieë vir die produksie van anti-mikrobiese en/of anti-fungiese substanse te toets. Dit is gevolg deur die isolasie en karakterisering van die geproduseerde bakteriosiene. Hierdie studie maak deel uit van 'n groter projek wat fokus op wynpreservering en wat onder leiding van die Instituut van Wynbiotegnologie uitgevoer word. Navorsingsresultate van hierdie studie dui op die produksie van bakteriosiene deur wyn-geïsoleerde melksuurbakterieë van Suid Afrikaanse oorsrong. Daar is gevind dat verskeie isolate anti-mikrobiese aktiwiteit teenoor ander wynverwante malksuurbakterieë uitgeoefen het. Die oorheersende spesie wat die hoogste aktiwiteit getoon het, was Lactobacillus brevis en Lactobacillus paracasei. Eksperimentele uitslae dui daarop dat die bakteriosiene wat deur hierdie twee spesies geproduseer word, termostabiel en aktief is oor 'n wye pH reeks, insluitende die temperature en pH-waardes wat in die Suid Afrikaanse wynomgewing voorkom. Die anti-mikrobiese aktiwiteit het verlore gegaan na behandeling met proteolitiese ensieme soos proteïnase K. Die groote, produksie en groeikinetika kurwes van die bakteriosiene wat ondersoek is, toon vergelykbare resultate met ander bevindings in die literatuur. Anti-fungiese aktiwiteit is opgemerk teen Botrytis cinerea, wat beperkte inhiberende aktiwiteit ten opsigte van spoorontkieming aangedui het, maar geen effek op hifegroei gehad nie. Hierdie studie verskaf nuwe inligting aangaande bakteriosienproduksie deur melksuurbakterieë wat van die Suid Afrikaanse wynomgewing geïsoleer is. Die resultate dui op die geskiktheid van hierdie bakteriosiene as moontlike biopreserveermiddels in die wynbedryf. Die voorgestelde resultate deur hierdie studie verkry sal help in die ontwikkeling van bakteriosien produserende, spesifiek vervaardigse wyngis of melksuurbakterieë, wat in die toekoms 'n baie belangrike rol in die wynmaakproses sal speel.

Gaschromatografiese analise van geurstowwe in wyn

Wagener, W. W. D. (Wolfram Wilhelm Dirk) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1965. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

Gaschromatografiese analise vir geurstowwe in wyn

Wenzel, K. W. O. (Klaus Willy Otto) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1966. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

Grape and wine quality of V. vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon/99R in response to irrigation using winery wastewater

Schoeman, Charl 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Grapevine performance and wine quality are influenced by various factors, two of the most important being the availability and quality of irrigation water. In relatively dry countries such as South Africa the conservation and effective use of water is of utmost importance. Expected increases in temperature and decreases in rainfall in the future due to climate change impacts highlights the importance of water conservation. This inspired investigations into possible alternative irrigation water sources and therefore the possibility of vineyard irrigation using winery wastewater is of utmost importance for the sustainability of the wine industry. Winery wastewater contains higher concentrations of certain elements other than water generally used for vineyard irrigation, the most important differences being Na and K levels. Furthermore, winery wastewater contains larger populations of microorganisms such as yeasts, lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria, typical associated with wine production. If irrigation using winery wastewater affects the uptake of certain elements or alters grapevine water status, it may affect grapevine growth, juice and wine composition. Furthermore, if juice and wine composition is affected wine composition and sensorial quality may be affected. Cabernet Sauvignon/99R grapevines, growing in a sandy soil in the Breede River Valley, were subjected to eight irrigation treatments using augmented winery wastewater in addition to irrigation using raw river water as control. The study was carried out during the 2010/11 and 2011/12 seasons. The various wastewater irrigation treatments were made up by augmenting winery wastewater with raw river water to obtain a target chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration. In this study, the level of COD in the irrigation water is a direct indication of water quality, the two being indirectly proportional. The eight wastewater irrigation treatments ranged from 100 mg/L COD up to 3000 mg/L COD. The first objective of the study was to determine the effect of irrigation using augmented winery wastewater on grapevine response, with regards to vegetative growth, berry development and berry composition. The various wastewater irrigation treatments did not affect grapevine vegetative growth or reproductive growth, including yield, throughout berry development up to harvest. Berry sugar accumulation and evolution in acid concentrations were also not affected. An increase in berry juice pH was observed with an increase in the level of COD in the augmented winery wastewater only in the second season. The amount of elements, ions and heavy metals in juice was not affected by wastewater irrigation, indicating that there was no absorption by the grapevines. Berry skin thickness, colour and phenolic content as well as yield and its associated components were not affected by irrigation using augmented winery wastewater. The second objective of the study was to determine the effect of irrigation using augmented winery wastewater on wine microbial and chemical composition, fermentation performance and wine sensorial characteristics. The natural yeast and bacteria flora of juice was not affected by the various wastewater irrigation treatments. In addition, the ability of the inoculated yeast and lactic acid bacteria strains to conduct their respective fermentation processes were not affected. With the exception of total titratable acidity (TTA) and pH, irrigation using augmented winery wastewater did not affect wine chemical composition with regards to basic wine parameters as well as colour, phenolic and tannin composition. Similar to juice, phosphorus and selected ions were not affected. None of the measured wine sensorial characteristics were affected by irrigation using augmented winery wastewater. The third objective of the study was to investigate the effect of direct contact between berries and winery wastewater on wine sensorial characteristics. The study focussed on the transference of off-flavours from the wastewater into the wine and the occurrence of off-flavours as a response to contact with winery wastewater. Wine colour and general sensory wine descriptives were not affected by direct contact with winery wastewater. The presence of a winery wastewater-like off-odour and volatile acidity was, however, more detectable in wines made from berries that were in contact with the most concentrated wastewater. Therefore, it may be possible for off-odours to be transferred from the winery wastewater into the wines, or that off-odours are formed as a direct or indirect result of contact with winery wastewater. Under the given conditions, results obtained in this two seasons of the study suggest that irrigation using augmented winery wastewater does not affect grapevine performance or wine quality substantially. The major impact that was observed was an increase in wine pH and a decreasing trend in TTA. Both these parameters could be rectified by simply adding acid to the wines. Therefore, irrigation using augmented winery wastewater may be considered as a possible future alternative source for vineyard irrigation. It is, however, important to remember that some of the effects of wastewater irrigation may be cumulative and could possibly arise only after several years. Furthermore, different field conditions and cultivars may respond differently. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wingerd prestasie en wyngehalte word deur verskeie faktore beïnvloed waarvan twee van die belangrikste die beskikbaarheid en gehalte van besproeiingswater is. In relatiewe droë lande soos Suid Afrika is waterbesparing en die effektiewe benutting van water hulpbronne van uiterste belang. Die verwagte toename in temperatuur en afname in reënval in die toekoms as gevolg van klimaatsveranderinge plaasdieklem op op die belangrikheid van waterbesparing. Dit het navorsing om moontlike alternatiewe vorme van besproeiingswater te ontdek geïnspireer. Na aanleiding van hierdie faktore word daar toenemend gefokus op navorsing oor die moontlikheid om kelder afvalwater as alternatiewe bron van besproeiings water vir wingerde te benut. Kelder afvalwater bevat hoër konsentrasie van sekere elemente as water wat onder normale omstandighede gebruik word vir die besproeiing van wingerde, die belangrikste verskille was die vlakke van Na en K. Benewens die hoër konsentrasie van sekere elemente bevat kelder afvalwater ook groot populasies van mikroörganismes soos giste, melksuurbakterieë en asynsuurbakterieë, tipies geassosieerd met wynbereiding. Indien besproeiing met kelder afvalwater die opname van sekere elemente of die plant water status beϊnvloed, mag wingerd groei, sap en wyn samestelling beϊnvloed word. Daar benewens, indien die mikrobiese samestelling van die sap en wyn beϊnvloed word sal die samestelling en sensoriese gehalte van die wyn moontlik beϊnvloed word. Cabernet Sauvignon/99R wingerde, geleë in sanderige grond in die Breede Rivier Vallei, is onderwerp aan besproeiing met agt verskillende konsentrasies van verdunde kelder afvalwater, bykomend tot besproeiing met onbehandelde rivier water wat as kontrole gedien het. Hierdie studie is uitgevoer gedurende die 2010/11 en 2011/12 seisoene. Die teiken besproeiings konsentrasies is verkry deur kelder afvalwater met onbehandelde rivier water te verdun tot ‘n sekere chemiese suurstofbehoefte (CSB) konsentrasie bereik is. Die CSB is in hierdie studie ‘n direkte aanduiding van watergehalte, die twee was indirek eweredig tot mekaar. Die agt CSB konsentrasies waarteen die afvalwater besproei is wissel tussen 100 mg/L CSB en 3000 mg/L CSB. Die eerste doelwit van die studie was om te bepaal wat die effek van besproeiing met verdunde kelder afvalwater op wingerdprestasie, met spesifieke verwysing na vegetatiewe groei, korrelontwikkeling en korrelsamestelling is. Wingerd vegetatiewe en reproduktiewe groei, insluitende opbrengs, is op geen stadium tydens korrelontwikkeling tot en met oes beïnvloed nie. Die laai van suikers gedurende rypwording, sowel as verskuiwings in suurkonsentrasie, is nie deur besproeiing met kelder afvalwater beïnvloed nie. In die tweede seisoen is ‘n toename in sap pH waargeneem soos die CSB konsentrasie van die besproeiings water toegeneem het. Die element, ioon en swaar metaal samestelling van sap was nie beïnvloed deur besproeiing met afvalwater nie wat aandui dat daar geen opname was deur die wingerd nie. Die dikte, kleur en fenoliese samestelling van druifdoppe is ook nie beïnvloed nie. Die tweede doelwit van die studie was om te bepaal wat die effek van besproeiing met verdunde kelder afvalwater op wyn mikrobiese en chemiese samestelling, fermentasie effektiwiteit en wyn sensoriese eienskappe is. Die verskeie afvalwater besproeiings behandelings het geen effek op die natuurlike gis of bakterieë flora van die sap gehad nie. Die vermoë van die geïnokuleerde gis en melksuurbakterieë om hul afsonderlike fermentasie prosesse te voltooi is ook nie beïnvloed nie. Met die uitsondering van totale titreerbare suur (TTS) en pH, is die chemiese samestelling van wyne met betrekking tot basiese wyn parameters, kleur, fenole en tanniene nie beïnvloed nie. Soortgelyk aan sap is wyn fosfor en geselekteerde ioon samestelling nie geaffekteer nie. Die sensoriese karakteristieke was eenders vir wyne van alle behandelings. Die derde doelwit van die studie was om te bepaal wat die effek wat direkte kontak van kelder afvalwater met druiwekorrels op wyn sensoriese eienskappe het. Hierdie studie het gefokus op die oordrag van afgeure vanaf kelder afvalwater na die wyne sowel as die voorkoms van afgeure as ‘n reaksie op kontak met kelder afvalwater. Wyn kleur en algemene sensoriese eienskappe is nie geaffekteer deur kontak tussen druiwe en kelder afvalwater nie. Kelder afvalwater-geassosieerde afgeure en vlugtige suur was meer duidelik waarneembaar in wyne wat gemaak is van druiwe wat in kontak was met die meer gekonsentreerde afvalwater. Dit mag dus moontlik wees dat afgeure vanaf kelder afvalwater oorgedra word na wyne, of dat sekere afgeure gevorm word as ‘n direkte of indirekte reaksie op kontak met kelder afvalwater. Onder die gegewe toestande oor die twee jaar studie periode het resultate getoon dat besproeiing met verdunde kelder afvalwater nie wingerdprestasie en wyn gehalte aansienlik beïnvloed nie. Die grootste impak wat afvalwater besproeiing gehad het, was om ‘n toename in wyn pH en ‘n tendens tot afname in TTS te veroorsaak. Deur eenvoudig suur by die wyn te voeg kan albei hierdie probleme reg gestel word. Op grond van hierdie bevindings kan besproeiing met verdunde kelder afvalwater moontlik as toekomstige bron vir addisionele wingerdbesproeiing dien. Dit is egter belangrik om te onthou dat die effekte van besproeiing met kelder afvalwater mootlik kumulatief kan wees en dat probleme moontlik eers na etlike jare na vore kan kom. Ander kultivars en veldkondisies mag ook lei tot ander resultate.

Evaluating ethanol yields of wine yeast strains under various fermentative conditions

Morgenroth, Olaf 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The market for high quality lower alcohol wines is growing globally. Several factors are responsible for this trend, with socio-economic and health concerns being considered as being the most relevant. It is therefore no surprise that in the past three decades many systems have been developed to reduce wine ethanol levels, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. However, current systems are not always cost effective and frequently result in unwanted side-effects. Microbiological methods primarily based on redirecting carbon flux in existing, or novel Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces yeast strains, might have the potential to eliminate or reduce such shortcomings. However, little base-line information regarding differences in ethanol yields of existing wine yeast strains, and on the impact of fermentation conditions on such yields is currently available. In this study the ethanol yield of 15 wine yeast strains was investigated in synthetic wine must under varied wine fermentative conditions including changes in yeast assimilable nitrogen, sugar concentration, pH and fermenting temperatures to identify strains that produce lower ethanol yields and conditions that would favour such an outcome. Most strains and conditions resulted in very similar ethanol yields, however in some cases interesting differences were observed. Some of the strains showed significant differences between high and low nitrogen containing must. Results from synthetic must were confirmed in grape must (Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon), but no consistent response could be observed. Interestingly the Shiraz fermentations always showed a higher ethanol yield for all strains investigated. This may be due to a parameter (or combination thereof) which was not included as an experimental factor in our study. Glycerol yield was also studied in the grape must experiments and was found to be more significantly condition dependent than ethanol yield. Temperature and glycerol seemed to be directly proportional confirming the results of previous studies. While temperature did increase glycerol production, it was concluded that the redirection of carbon towards glycerol was not substantial enough to have measurable effect on the final ethanol concentration. The most notable differences which were observed were very specific to a particular yeast strain and condition pairing, thus no generally applicable treatment to achieve lower ethanol yields could be established. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Deesdae is daar ‘n groeiende mark vir lae alkohol wyne van hoë gehalte. Verskeie faktore is verantwoordelik vir hierdie verskynsel, met sosio-ekonomiese en gesondheidskwessies as die hoof rolspelers. Vir hierdie rede is daar gedurende die laaste drie dekades baie stelsels ontwikkel om wyn etanol vlakke te verlaag, elkeen met voor- en nadele. Meeste van die huidige stelsels is nie koste effektief nie en lei gewoonlik tot ongewenste newe effekte. Mikrobiologiese metodes wat gebaseer is op koolstof vloei veranderinge in wyn gisrasse mag die potensiaal bied om hierdie tekortkominge te verminder of te oorbrug. ‘n Alternatief is om nuwe Saccharomyces en nie-Saccharomyces gisrasse te identifiseer wat laer etanol opbrengste lewer. In hierdie studie is die etanol opbrengste van 15 wyn gisrasse ondersoek in ‘n sintetiese mos in verskeie toestande, bv. veranderde stikstof vlakke, suiker vlakke, pH en temperatuur, om die rasse te identifiseer wat laer etanol opbrengste lewer (asook die toestande wat laer etanol opbrengste bevorder). Meeste rasse en toestande het soortgelyke etanol opbrengste getoon, alhoewel daar in sekere gevalle interessante verskille was rakende sekere rasse wat verskillende resultate lewer in mos met verskillende stikstof vlakke. Die resultate van die sintetiese mos eksperimente was bevestig in druiwe mos van vier kultivars (Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Shiraz en Cabernet Sauvignon), maar geen algemene tendens kon afgelei word nie. Wat interessant was is die feit dat die Shiraz fermentasies altyd hoër etanol opbrengste gelewer het vir al vier gisrasse wat gebruik is vir hierdie eksperimente. Dit mag wees weens ‘n eksperimentele faktor wat nie bestudeer was in die raamwerk van hierdie projek nie. Die opbrengs van gliserol was ook bepaal in die verskeie eksperimente en daar was gevind dat gliserol opbrengs baie meer kondisie-afhanklik is in vergelyking met etanol. Temperatuur en gliserol het ‘n direkte verbandskap met mekaar getoon, wat die bevindinge van vorige studies bevestig. Alhoewel verhogings in temperatuur wel gliserol produksie vermeerder het, was die effek nie genoeg om ‘n meetbare impak op die finale etanol konsentrasie te hê nie. Verskillende giste in verskeie verskillende fermentasie toestande het soortgelyke etanol opbrengste gelewer. Die mees merkbare verskille wat bevind is was spesifiek tot individuele gisras en kondisie kombinasies, maar geen algemene afleiding kon gemaak word rakende behandelings wat etanol opbrengste kan verlaag nie.

Chitin synthesis in response to environmental stress

Pauw, Marina 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Previous studies have indicated that fermentation with yeast strains whose cell walls contain higher chitin levels may lead to reduced wine haze formation. In order to adjust cell wall chitin levels, more information on the regulation of chitin synthesis in wine-relevant yeast is required. Yeast cells are known to increase chitin levels when subjected to certain environmental changes such as an increase in temperature. The main aim of this project was to investigate chitin accumulation and synthesis in wine yeast strains when exposed to environmental change. This was achieved by subjecting the strains to various environmental conditions and comparing chitin levels. The information gained may aid future selection and/or manipulation of yeast strains for the production of higher chitin levels. Three Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains and two Saccharomyces paradoxus strains were subjected to conditions that had been linked to a change in chitin synthesis in past studies in laboratory yeast strains. Of the conditions used in this study, the addition of calcium to a rich media led to the highest cell wall chitin levels. The data also show that chitin synthesis is largely strain dependant. Two conditions which resulted in increased chitin deposition were chosen for gene expression analyses, using strains with strongly diverging average chitin levels. Results showed that an increase in chitin levels correlates with an increase in expression of GFA1, the gene encoding for the first enzyme of the chitin synthesis pathway. Overall, this study provides novel insights into chitin synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae wine yeast strains as well as Saccharomyces paradoxus strains, with possible future implications on haze prevention studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vorige studies het aangetoon dat fermentasie met gisrasse waarvan die selwande hoë chitienvlakke bevat, kan lei tot verminderde wynwaasvorming. Om selwandchitienvlakke aan te pas, word daar meer inligting rakende die regulering van chitienvlakke in wyn gisrasse verlang. Dit is bekend dat gisselle chitienvlakke verhoog wanneer die selle onderwerp word aan sekere veranderinge in die omgewing soos ’n verhoging in temperatuur. Die hoofdoel van hierdie projek was om die chitienopbou en -sintese in wyngisrasse te ondersoek waar gis blootgestel word aan omgewingsveranderinge. Dit is bereik deur die selle aan verskeie omgewingstoestande bloot te stel en chitienvlakke met mekaar te vergelyk. Die inligting hieruit verkry kan toekomstige gisraskeuses asook die manipulering van gisrasse met die oog op hoër vlakke van chitienproduksie vergemaklik. Drie Saccharomyces cerevisiae rasse en twee Saccharomyces paradoxus rasse is onderwerp aan toestande wat in vorige studies gekoppel is aan ’n verandering in chitienvorming in laboratorium-gisrasse. Van die toestande toegepas in hierdie studie, het die toevoeging van kalsium tot ’n nutrientryke medium gelei tot die hoogste chitienvlakke in selwande. Die data toon ook aan dat chitiensintese hoofsaaklik rasverwant is. Twee toestande wat gelei het tot verhoogde chitienafsetting is gekies vir geen-uitdrukkingsanalise, terwyl rasse gebruik is met gemiddelde chitienvlakke wat wyd uiteenlopend is. Die resultate het getoon dat ’n verhoging in chitienvlakke ooreenstem met ’n verhoging in die uitdrukkingsvlakke van GFA1, die geen wat kodeer vir die eerste ensiem in die chitiensintesebaan. Oor die algemeen verskaf hierdie studie nuwe insigte oor chitiensintese in Saccharomyces cerevisiae wyngisrasse en Saccharomyces paradoxus rasse en verskaf dit belangrike inligting vir moontlike toekomstige studies oor waasvoorkoming.

Antioxidant capacity of Pinotage wine as affected by viticultural and enological practices

De Beer, Dalene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Food Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The aim of the study was to provide the South African wine industry with guidelines for the production of Pinotage wines with optimal total antioxidant capacity (TAC), while retaining sensory quality. The contribution of individual phenolic compounds to the wine TAC is important in this regard. The wine TAC was measured with the 2,2 -azino-di(3-ethylbenzo-thiazoline-sulphonic acid radical cation) (ABTS +) scavenging assay. The contributions of individual phenolic compounds to the wine TAC were calculated from their content in the wines and the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) of pure phenolic standards. The effects of climate region, vine structure, enological techniques (pre-fermentation maceration, juice/skin mixing, addition of commercial tannins, extended maceration) and maturation (oak barrels, alternative oak products, oxygenation) on the phenolic composition, TAC and sensory quality of Pinotage wines were also investigated. The TEAC values of quercetin-3-galactoside, isorhamnetin and peonidin-3-glucoside were reported for the first time. TEAC values observed for most compounds were much lower than those reported previously, although TEAC values for gallic acid, caftaric acid, caffeic acid and kaempferol were consistent with some previous reports. Caftaric acid and malvidin-3-glucoside were the largest contributors to the wine TAC. The contents of monomeric phenolic compounds and procyanidin B1, however, only explained a small amount (between 11 and 24%) of the wine TAC, with the remaining TAC attributed to oligomeric and polymeric phenolic compounds and other unknown compounds. Some synergy between different monomeric phenolic compounds was also demonstrated. All the viticultural and enological factors investigated affected the phenolic composition of Pinotage wines, while the wine TAC was only affected by some treatments. Changes in wine TAC could not always be explained by changes in phenolic composition as the contribution of oligomeric, polymeric and unknown compounds could not be assessed, but could play a large role. Differences in wine colour were also difficult to explain due to the large number of factors involved and the dark wine colour, which made objective measurements difficult. The concentration of vitisin A, an orange-red pyranoanthocyanin, was increased consistently as a result of prefermentation maceration treatments and affected the wine colour of oxygenated wines. Increased wine TAC was observed when cultivating Pinotage grapes on bush vines and in cooler climatic regions, compared to cultivation on trellised vines in warmer climatic regions. All the climatic regions and vine structure treatments, however, resulted in wines with good sensory quality. In terms of enological techniques, pumping-over, as opposed to punching-down and rotor treatments, is not recommended as a juice/skin mixing technique, due to reduced wine TAC, colour and sensory quality. Pre-fermentation maceration, addition of commercial tannin preparations, and oak maturation using traditional and alternative treatments, resulted in improved sensory quality, but with no change in wine TAC. However, optimisation of the tannin addition protocol may result in increased wine TAC if additions are made after fermentation or higher dosages are used. Oxygenation of Pinotage wine needs further investigation to optimise the protocol, as improvements to the wine colour and fullness were observed for some treatments, but loss of sensory quality and TAC were observed in most cases.

Application of marketing strategies in wine retailing business in HongKong

Tong, Yee-kin, Philip., 唐怡健. January 1992 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration

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