Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fitness violence"" "subject:"itness violence""
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The Cumulative Effects of Chronic and Acute Stress on HPA Activity and Depression in Children Who Witness ViolencePinna, Keri Lynn Marie 19 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Barn som bevittnat våld i hemmet : En studie ur kuratorers perspektiv / Children that witnessed domestic violence : A study from counselors' perspectiveRosenson, Émile, Esen, Yasemin January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur skolkuratorer uppmärksammar barn som bevittnat våld i hemmet samt hur barnpsykiatrikuratorer uppfattar att barnen påverkas av detta. Vi har valt att använda en kvalitativ metod och samlat in material från respondenterna genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Enligt tidigare forskning kan barn påverkas negativt av att bevittna våld i hemmet, vilket visas genom inåtagerande eller utåtagerande beteende samt genom att barnet upplever somatiska besvär. Resultatet från respondenterna överensstämmer till stor del med forskningen gällande hur barnen visar att de inte mår bra samt hur de kan påverkas både kort- och långsiktigt. Slutsatserna för denna studie är att barnen oftast uppmärksammas av skolkuratorer genom att en lärare eller skolsköterska gör dem medvetna om att ett barn har problem, samt att en empatisk kurator i en inbjudande miljö skapar trygghet för barnen. Det behövs dessutom mer resurser vid vidarehänvisning av barnen, för att de skall få nödvändigt stöd och skydd. Ytterligare slutsatser är att det inte finns några specifika signaler som barnen uppvisar vid den här problematiken, utan det kan vara inåtagerande likväl som utåtagerande signaler, samt psykosomatiska signaler. Barnen kan få både kort- och långsiktiga symtom i form av till exempel koncentrationssvårigheter, aggressivitet och passivitet. / The aim of this study is to research how school counselors note children that has witnessed domestic violence and how child psychiatry counselors perceive that children are affected by this. We have chosen to use a qualitative method and collect material from respondents through semi-structured interviews. According to previous research children can be adversely affected by witnessing domestic violence, as shown by the inward or outward behavior, and by the child experiencing somatic pains. The result from the respondents comply largely with the research regarding how children show that they aren’t doing well and how they can be affected both short and long term. The conclusions of this study show that children often are encountered by school counselors through a teacher or school nurse making them aware of a child that has problems, and that an empathetic counselor in an inviting environment creates security for the children. At times of referring the children further for necessary support and protection, there is a need for more resources. Further conclusions are that there are no specific signals that children exhibit at this problem, but it can be inward as well as outward behavior signals, as well as psychosomatic signals. The children can have both short and long term symptoms such as, for example, concentration difficulties, aggression and passivity.
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Barns påverkan av att bevittna våld i nära relationer : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas beskrivningar av barns utsatthet och stödbehov / The impact on children witnessing violence in intimate partner relationships : A qualitative study of professional descriptions of children's vulnerability and support needsGunnarsson, Evelinn, Sand, Alma January 2022 (has links)
I Sverige lever cirka 200 000 barn i familjer där våld förekommer och att bevittna våld kan få allvarliga konsekvenser för ett barns utveckling och välbefinnande. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur professionella uppfattar barns påverkan av att bevittna våld i nära relationer samt vilken hjälp som finns att tillgå. Metoden i studien var kvalitativ och semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med professionella som möter barn i sin yrkesutövning. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att de professionella upplevde att barn uppvisar ett brett spektrum av svårigheter. Barn påverkas i sitt psykiska och fysiska välbefinnande och uppvisar olika grad av känslomässiga och beteendemässiga problem som en konsekvens av att bevittna våld. Studien visade att barn inte bara bevittnar våld utan upplever våld. För att stödja yngre barn i att bearbeta sina upplevelser krävs stöd på individuell nivå som inkluderar omsorgspersonen. / In Sweden, approximately 200,000 children live in families where violence occurs, and witnessing violence can have serious consequences for a child's development and well-being. The purpose of the study was to investigate how professionals perceive children's impact of witnessing violence in intimate partner relationships and what help is available. The method in the study was qualitative and semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals who meet children in their professional practice. The collected data was analysed using thematic analysis. The results showed that the professionals experienced that children show a wide range of difficulties. Children are affected in their mental and physical well-being and show varying degrees of emotional and behavioral problems as a consequence of witnessing violence. The study showed that children not only witness violence but experience violence. To support children in processing their experiences, support is required at individual level that includes the caregiver.
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Hjälpa barn - vad kan jag, vad hindrar mig, hur gör jag? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av handlingsutrymme i barnavårdsutredningar där barn har bevittnat våld / Helping children - what can I do, what prevents me, how do I do? : A qualitative interview study on social service workers experiences of professionaldiscretion in childcare investigation where children have witnessed violence.Rahmonov, Adam January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to examine social service worker’s perception of factors that complicate and challenge their freedom of action in childcare investigation where children have witnessed violence between parents, and how they manage this in their assessments. Data was collected using qualitative semi-structured interviews with eight social workers from three social offices in Stockholm. The transcriptions from the interviews were analysed via thematic analysis. The results were analysed by using a social theoretical approach. Getting access to children’s perception of the experienced violence is shown in the study as achallenge for the social workers. The conclusions of the study show that high workload, co- operation within different units in the organisation and lack of authority for decision-making are the main factors that complicates the social workers freedom of action in their work. Consequences of these factors lead to less time for the social workers to meet the children and get their voice heard during the investigation work. The study also concludes that professional experience and support from colleagues enable the social workers to managetheir freedom of action during childcare investigations.
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Vad yrkesverksamma socionomer upplever som betydelsefullt stöd till barn som bevittnat våld i nära relation / What professional social workers perceive as significant support forchildren who have witnessed domestic violenceBansal, Samson, Jonsson, Anton, Wennberg, Benjamin January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Children who live with or witness domestic violence are a vulnerable group that is difficult for society to identify and help. The children who live in these conditions can develop psychological consequences which they can carry with them for large parts of their lives. The purpose of this research was to study what professional social workers perceive as significant support for children who have witnessed domestic violence. In our research report, parental role, the first meeting with the children and the development are aspects that are highlighted for the children to receive the right support they need. Society's role to intervene, support and care for children has also been highlighted as crucial points in order for the children to receive the right support. Although this is a more difficult approach since witnessing domestic violence often is a hidden social problem, it is also accentuated that cooperation and care from everyone is important to maintain and protect children's rights. The questions that the research is based upon concern how professional social workers work with children, what obstacles and difficulties exist in the line of work, what is considered good support in working with children who and what professional social workers feel needs to be developed when it comes to support measures for children who have witnessed domestic violence. Four semi structured interviews were conducted with four different social workers with vast experience within the field. The answers we got from the interviews were analyzed via a thematical analysis. The result accentuated how different children are and how they react differently to witnessing domestic violence. The result also showed how important knowledge is in this line of work. The result also showed that social workers thought the support that is given is good but there is room for improvement and development to make the support for kids even better.
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Socialtjänstens arbete utifrån dennya lagändringen om barnfridsbrott : - En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevelser av attarbeta med barn som upplevt våld mellan närstående / Social services’ work based on the new law regarding violation of children's integrityRingqvist, Felicia, Vilén, Oona January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med följande studie är att undersöka vilken verkan lagändringen i Brottsbalken (SFS1962:700, 4 kap. 3 §), avseende barnfridsbrott, har fått för socialtjänstens arbete. Vidare ämnarstudien belysa socialarbetares upplevelser av att arbeta med barn som upplevt våld mellannärstående. Studien antar en hermeneutisk utgångspunkt och använder sig av organisationsteorin,professionsteorin och begreppet handlingsutrymme för att tolka och förstå resultatet. Femsemistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med socialarbetare som dagligen kommer i kontaktmed barn i sitt arbete. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades därefter genom kodning ochen tematisk analys, vilket resulterade i att två huvudteman och sju delteman identifierades. Avstudiens resultat framgår att lagändringen inte haft någon större påverkan på det praktiskaarbetet, då socialtjänsten redan arbetade utifrån barnets bästa i stor utsträckning. Däremotupplever respondenterna att arbetet för rättsväsendet och andra samverkanspartner har förändratstill följd av lagändringen. Likaså har samverkan ökat, både internt inom socialtjänstens olikaenheter, och externt mellan olika myndigheter och andra samverkanspartner. Studien påvisar attbarns rättigheter delvis har stärkts då barn i allt större utsträckning ses som egen part. Samtidigtfinns brister i samverkan och begränsningar i svensk lagstiftning och praxis, som gör det svårtför socialarbetare att tillförsäkra barns rättigheter. / The aim of this study is to examine what effect the new law regarding violation of children’sintegrity has had on social services’ work. The study adopts a hermeneutic approach and usesorganizational theory, professional theory and social worker's use of discretion to interpret andunderstand the results. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five social workers. Theinterviews were transcribed and subsequently analyzed through coding and a thematic analysis,which resulted in the identification of two main themes and seven sub-themes. The studyconcluded that the change in the law did not have a particularly large impact, since the socialservices were already working in the best interest of the child to a large extent. However, socialworkers feel that the work of the judiciary and other cooperation partners has changednoticeably. Likewise, collaboration has increased, both internally within the social services, andexternally between different authorities and other collaboration partners. Furthermore, the studyshows that children's rights have been partially strengthened, as they are increasingly seen astheir own party. Despite this, there are shortcomings in cooperation and other limitations inSwedish legislation and practice that make it difficult for social workers to ensure that children'srights are met.
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