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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barn som bevittnat våld i hemmet : En studie ur kuratorers perspektiv / Children that witnessed domestic violence : A study from counselors' perspective

Rosenson, Émile, Esen, Yasemin January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur skolkuratorer uppmärksammar barn som bevittnat våld i hemmet samt hur barnpsykiatrikuratorer uppfattar att barnen påverkas av detta. Vi har valt att använda en kvalitativ metod och samlat in material från respondenterna genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Enligt tidigare forskning kan barn påverkas negativt av att bevittna våld i hemmet, vilket visas genom inåtagerande eller utåtagerande beteende samt genom att barnet upplever somatiska besvär. Resultatet från respondenterna överensstämmer till stor del med forskningen gällande hur barnen visar att de inte mår bra samt hur de kan påverkas både kort- och långsiktigt. Slutsatserna för denna studie är att barnen oftast uppmärksammas av skolkuratorer genom att en lärare eller skolsköterska gör dem medvetna om att ett barn har problem, samt att en empatisk kurator i en inbjudande miljö skapar trygghet för barnen. Det behövs dessutom mer resurser vid vidarehänvisning av barnen, för att de skall få nödvändigt stöd och skydd. Ytterligare slutsatser är att det inte finns några specifika signaler som barnen uppvisar vid den här problematiken, utan det kan vara inåtagerande likväl som utåtagerande signaler, samt psykosomatiska signaler. Barnen kan få både kort- och långsiktiga symtom i form av till exempel koncentrationssvårigheter, aggressivitet och passivitet. / The aim of this study is to research how school counselors note children that has witnessed domestic violence and how child psychiatry counselors perceive that children are affected by this. We have chosen to use a qualitative method and collect material from respondents through semi-structured interviews. According to previous research children can be adversely affected by witnessing domestic violence, as shown by the inward or outward behavior, and by the child experiencing somatic pains. The result from the respondents comply largely with the research regarding how children show that they aren’t doing well and how they can be affected both short and long term. The conclusions of this study show that children often are encountered by school counselors through a teacher or school nurse making them aware of a child that has problems, and that an empathetic counselor in an inviting environment creates security for the children. At times of referring the children further for necessary support and protection, there is a need for more resources. Further conclusions are that there are no specific signals that children exhibit at this problem, but it can be inward as well as outward behavior signals, as well as psychosomatic signals. The children can have both short and long term symptoms such as, for example, concentration difficulties, aggression and passivity.

Smurto prieš senyvo amžiaus žmones kriminologinė charakteristika Vilniaus rajone / Criminological characteristic of violence against elders in Vilnius district

Liutkevičius, Donatas 05 July 2011 (has links)
Smurto prieš senyvo amžiaus asmenis kaip vieną pažeidžiamiausių visuomenės sluoksnių problemos tyrimas ir analizė yra sąlyginai nauja. Nors tarptautinė bendruomenė pripažino visuomenės senėjimo faktą ir smurto prieš senyvo amžiaus žmones problemos aktualumą, Lietuvoje moksliniuose darbuose ši problema nėra nagrinėta, taip pat nėra oficialios statistikos atskleidžiančios smurto prieš senyvo amžiaus žmones paplitimą. Ši situacija sąlygoja prevencinių priemonių taikomų kovojant su smurtu prieš senyvo amžiaus asmenis neefektyvumą ir Europos Sąjungos rekomendacijų netinkamą įgyvendinimą. Be to visuomenė dėl informacijos stokos lieka menkai informuota apie senyvo amžiaus žmonių padėtį, jų patiriamą smurtą, o tai sąlygoja tikrovės neatitinkantį minėtos problemos vertinimą. Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – ištirti smurto prieš senyvo amžiaus žmones paplitimą Vilniaus rajone. Naudojant empirinius teisinių dokumentų analizės, matematinės statistinės analizės, anketinės apklausos ir teorinius apibendrinimo, indukcinį ir dedukcinį, lyginamąjį bei analizės ir sintezės metodus magistro baigiamajame darbe buvo patvirtinta kelta hipotezė, jog smurtas prieš senyvo amžiaus žmones Vilniaus rajone yra paplitęs, tačiau klaidingai suvokiamas ir vertinamas reiškinys. Šio smurto aukomis dažniausiai tampa senyvo amžiaus vyrai gyvenantys kaime kartu su vaikais. Senyvo amžiaus asmenų nuomonę dėl smurto ir jo prevencijos pagrinde formuoja žiniasklaidos priemonės. Magistro baigiamasis darbas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research on and analysis of violence against elders as one of the most vulnerable community layers is relatively new. Though international community has acknowledged the fact of aging society and the relevance of violence against elders, in Lithuania this problem is still not examined, there is no official statistic data on the prevalence of violence against elders. This situation determines the ineffectiveness of the measures on violence prevention and inaccurate implementation of European Union recommendations. What is more society still remains uninformed about the status of elders, violence against them and this causes inadequate evaluation of the problem. The goal of this Master‘s thesis is to analyze the prevalence of violence against elders in district of Vilnius. Empirical methods of legal document analysis, case analysis, mathematical statistical analysis, questionnaire survey and theoretical methods of induction, deduction, comparison, analysis and synthesis confirmed hypothesis that violence against elders in Vilnius district is widely prevalent, but mistakenly recognized and valuated phenomenon. Victims of this violence are usually elder men living in villages with their children. The opinion of the elders on violence and its prevention is mostly influenced by media. This Master’s thesis is divided into four parts, which are subdivided into smaller chapters. First part of this thesis examines the concept of violence in various fields of science, defines main... [to full text]

Smurtą šeimoje patyrusių vaikų būvis / Life of children who have felt the violence in the family / La vie des enfants qui ont subbit la violence dans la famille

Navikaitė, Rūta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Įtakos smurtui prieš vaikus turi tėvų gyvenimo istorija, asmenybės tipas, socialinė ir kultūrinė tėvų gyvenimo aplinka. Tiriant smurtą prieš vaikus išskiriamos trys jo formos: emocinis, seksualinis ir fizinis. Siekiant didesnio tikslumo ir aiškumo, įvardijamos ir kitokios smurto rūšys. Tai egzistencinis smurtas, religinis arba kulto smurtas, su lytėjimu susijęs smurtas. / The family is a place where are ensure emotional and physical security of children. International relations and laws guarantees the right to life in the family. But lately parents or others members of family commits acts of violence against children. Children felt violence every day. The violence was sudden and unexpectd. Parents, friends or classmates many of cases commit acts of violence against children. Children felt the violence psysical and psychological, insults, humiliations, discrimination and neglect. Consequences of violence are importants and dramatic. / La famille est le cadre le plus apte a proteger l'enfant et a assurer sa securite physique et emotionnelle. Ces dernieres annees on pu documenter la violence commise par des parents ou d'autres members de la famille sur des enfants. Les enfants rappellent qu'ils sont aussi blesses par la repetition frequente, quotidienne de petits actes de violence. La violence soit soudaine et inattendue, la plupart des auteurs des gestes violents contre les enfants sont des gens qu'ils connaissent et auxquels ils devraient pouvoir la confiance: parents, petit ami, camarades de classe. La violence contre les enfants inclue la violence physique ou psychologique comme les insults et humiliations, la discrimination, l'abandon ou la maltraitance.

A comparative study of experiences of violence in Malaysian and English hospitals

Mat Saat, Geshina January 2010 (has links)
This PhD thesis compared incidents of violence in two Malaysian hospitals and two English hospitals. Using a model of workplace violence, the aims of the thesis were to explore and compare six constructs: extrinsic, intrinsic, triggers, experiences, moderators, and consequences of workplace violence as perceived by Malaysian and English hospital staff. This study used data on experiences of violence gathered in 2005 for incidences in hospitals that occurred up to one year before the survey. The 2004 data from the Incident Report database (IRD) of the English hospitals was also used. Two instruments were developed for this thesis. First was the General Violence Victimization Questionnaire (GVQ), an instrument to identify the types, prevalence, nature, consequences, post-incident support, and reporting trends of violence in hospitals. The second instrument was the Violence Victimization Semi-structured Interview (VicQ) which explored factors leading to the violent incident, the violent incident itself, and psycho-social issues relating to the violent incident. Both instruments were translated into the Malay language for use in Malaysia. 227 people participated in the quantitative survey: 162 people from the Malaysian Government Hospitals (MGH) and 115 people from the National Health Service (NHS). A total of 25 people volunteered to be interviewed as part of the qualitative aspect of the study: 15 from the MGH and 10 from the NHS. Six categories of violence were compared: verbal, nonverbal, threat, physical, sexual, and psychologically-based. A total of 4118 violent incidents (1402 in MGH and 2716 in NHS) were reported. The most common type of violence was psychologically-based violence in the MGH and verbal violence in the NHS. Both samples perceived that the major source of workplace violence was from patients and involved one male perpetrator. There were differences between the two samples indicative of cultural differences. Of those interviewed, the Malaysian participants perceived that offenders were intrinsically motivated to offend. The English participants perceived that offenders had either intrinsic or extrinsic motivation for perpetuating violence. Differences were noted for substance abuse and customer relations as triggers of organisational violence. Comparisons of moderators were different for the two country samples. Comparisons of consequences were not significantly different. Comparisons across several demographic variables (gender, age, and occupational groupings) were not significant between the two country samples with regards to workplace violence victimisation. However, a comparison of length of service was found to be significant. The final path model differed from the original model of workplace violence. Additional findings include a difference between the established definition and participants‘ definition of workplace violence, a lack of anti-violence policies in Malaysian hospitals, under reporting, and unforeseen direct and direct relationships among the six constructs.

"Skulden förlamade mig och gjorde mig oförmögen att handla" : En kvalitativ studie om våldsutsatta kvinnors egna beskrivningar av deras känslor. / "The shame paralyzed me and made me unable to act" : A qualitative study of abused women's own descriptions of emotions.

Berggren, Samina, Arnerwik, Rebecka January 2022 (has links)
This study focuses on women’s own description of their experienced feelings. The described feelings in relation to being subjected to violence of a man in a close relationship. The standing points when working on the study has been that the women’s emotions can interfere with the opportunity to leave the violent man. The aim of the study is therefor to examine the emotions women experienced related to domestic abuse and how the emotions affect them. Furthermore, is this study based on theoretical grounds such as Symbolic interactionism, Mirror-image perception and Sociology of emotions. Secondary data has been collected based on autobiographies of women who has experienced violence of a man in a close relationship to obtain the purpose of the study. The data have then been analyzed in a thematic analysis which resulted in two main themes positive/neutral emotions and negative emotions. The result presents how the women experienced with violence described their feelings. The feelings can be understood in relation to the previous studies and presented theories. “Symbolic interactionism” as a standing point understands the result such as the described emotions of the women occurs through interaction with the violent man. The results show that the woman's emotions are dependent on the interaction with the violent man and that these are then created through isolation from the outside world and emotional ties. The emotions prove to be crucial for women as they greatly affect their ability to leave and their well-being. / Den här uppsatsen fokuserar på beskrivningar och berättelser av upplevda känslor från kvinnor som har varit utsatta för våld av en man de haft en nära relation med. I arbetet med uppsatsen är utgångspunkten att våldsutsatta kvinnors känslor skulle kunna påverka deras upplevda möjlighet att lämna relationen. Syftet är därför att ta reda på vilka känslor kvinnorna beskriver kopplat till våldsutsattheten och hur de påverkar dem. Vidare bygger uppsatsen på en teoretisk grund utifrån symbolisk interaktionism, jaget och spegeljaget samt emotionssociologiskt perspektiv. För att uppnå syftet med uppsatsen har sekundärdata samlats in från biografier av kvinnor som varit utsatta för våld i nära relation av en man. Data har sedan analyserats i form av en tematisk analys som landat i två huvudteman, positiva/neutrala känslor och negativa känslor. I resultatet presenteras det hur kvinnor beskriver sina känslor utifrån att de har erfarenhet av våld utfört av en man i en nära relation. Det går att förstå dessa känslor utifrån tidigare forskning samt de utvalda teorierna som presenteras. Resultatet visar på att kvinnans känslor är beroende av interaktionen med den våldsamma mannen och att dessa då skapas genom isolering från omvärlden och känslomässiga band. Känslorna visar sig vara avgörande för kvinnorna då de i hög grad påverkar deras möjlighet att lämna och deras välmående.

Vad är barnets röst egentligen värd i rätten? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av domar i beslut om umgängesrätt där våld påstås eller bevisligen har förekommit i familjen

Puttonen, Ida, Åhlénius, Jennifer January 2024 (has links)
In recent years, several cases have been brought to attention in media where children have been harmed while interacting with a violent parent. In some cases, the child has died due to the violence. The aim of this study is to analyze how district courts considers the best interest of the child in decisions regarding visitation rights where there is alleged or proven violence against the child. Examples from a well-known Swedish case “the case of Tintin” is used. Previous research was gathered through a literature search in the databases Scopus and Discovery. The method used was a qualitative literature analysis of seventeen verdicts concerning decisions on visitation rights. The theories that were used were the attachment theory and developmental ecology. Results showed that the best interest of the child is assessed differently in different courts and the right to both parents tend to outweigh the safety of the child. / Under de senaste åren har flera fall uppmärksammats i media där barn har farit illa vid umgänge med en våldsam förälder. I några av fallen har barnet dött till följd av våldet. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur tingsrätten tar barnets bästa i beaktande vid beslut om umgängesrätt där det påstås eller bevisligen har förekommit våld mot barnet. Exempel från ett känt svenskt fall vid namn ”fallet Tintin” används för att belysa det valda ämnet. Genom en litteratursökning i databaserna Scopus och Discovery inhämtades tidigare forskning. Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av sjutton domar rörande beslut om umgängesrätt. Teorierna som användes var anknytningsteorin och utvecklingsekologin. Resultatet visade att barnets bästa bedöms olika i olika tingsrätter och rätten till båda föräldrar tenderar att väga tyngre än barnets säkerhet.

Smurtas mokykloje : lyčių skirtumai / Violence in school : difference in sexes

Vaitiekūnas, Gediminas 15 June 2005 (has links)
Violence – especially violence against children – is one of the biggest problems in the world and in Lithuania as well. The consequences of violence are very painfull, it’s physical, moral and material damage is tremendous. In spite of that our society is still unable properly to solve this problem. The worrying fact is that quite a big number of children undergo violence not only at home or in the street, but also at school. The responsible authorities should pay more attention to this fact and should make every effort to prevent that. In order to organize prevention first of all we need objective, reliable and full information about the fact of violence and it’s spreading in school. The purpose of this paper is: a) to analize the atitude towards violence in school by schoolchidren themselves (what boys and girls think about that); b) to clear up the scale of violence among the teenagers of different sexes; c) to disclose the attitude of the schollchildren of different sexes towards the prevention of violence. In order to find out the attitude of the most interested group the main method of research was chosen as questionnaire. During the research the hypothesis was corroborated : the teenagers of juniour age at school undergo violence, their safety and the kind of violence depend on sex.

Kvinnors uppbrotts-, läknings- och återhämtningsprocess från en våldsam relation : Utifrån sociologisk-feministisk teori och anknytningsteori / Women's Breakup, Healing and Recovery Process from an abusive relationship

Alke, Marlene, Khabout, Ili, Molin, Veronica January 2024 (has links)
Föreliggande kvalitativa intervjustudie bygger på intervjuer med åtta kvinnor som i förfluten tid levt i en relation med förekomst av våld. Syftet med studien var att belysa heteronormativa kvinnors upplevelser av vad de anser har varit skadligt och/eller hjälpsamt i samband med och efter uppbrottet från en våldsam relation. Studien syftade även till att utröna förekomsten av kunskap, stödinsatser, behov och utmaningar som ställts under läknings- och återhämtningsprocessen. Det krävs större bildning om våld i nära relation på alla samhällsnivåer för att få en förståelse för hur hjälpinsatser och bemötande av kvinnor och barn bäst bör tillämpas. Det råder även brist på studier utifrån kvinnors egna upplevelser och insikter kring våldets mekanismer. Många kvinnor drabbas årligen av våldets konsekvenser, där förekomst och utevaro av kunskap och förmåga till stödjande hjälpinsatser i samhället kommit att påverka alla led av kvinnors uppbrotts-, läknings- och återhämtningsprocess. / The present qualitative interview studies are based on interviews with eight women who in the past have lived in a relationship with the occurrence of violence. The aim of this study was to illustrate heteronormative women's experiences of what they consider having been harmful and/or helpful in connection with and after the breakup from a violent relationship. The study also aimed to determine the prevalence of knowledge, support, needs and challenges that have been posed during the healing and recovery process. There is a need for greater education about domestic violence at all levels of society to gain an understanding of how relief efforts and the treatment of women and children should best be applied. There is also a lack of studies based on women's own experiences and insights into the mechanisms of violence. Many women are affected annually by the consequences of violence, where the presence and absence of knowledge and the ability to provide supportive assistance in society has come to affect all stages of the women's break-up, healing, and recovery process.

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