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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of corpus choice in domain specific knowledge representation

Lewenhaupt, Adam, Brismar, Emil January 2017 (has links)
Recent advents in the machine learning community, driven by larger datasets and novel algorithmic approaches to deep reinforcement learning, reward the use of large datasets. In this thesis, we examine whether dataset size has a signicant impact on the recall quality in a very specic knowledge domain. We compare a large corpus extracted from Wikipedia to smaller ones from Stackoverow and evaluate their representational quality of niche computer science knowledge. We show that a smaller dataset with high-quality data points greatly outperform a larger one, even though the smaller is a subset of the latter. This implicates that corpus choice is highly relevant for NLP-applications aimed toward complex and specic knowledge representations.

Benchmarking authorship attribution techniques using over a thousand books by fifty Victorian era novelists

Gungor, Abdulmecit 03 April 2018 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Authorship attribution (AA) is the process of identifying the author of a given text and from the machine learning perspective, it can be seen as a classification problem. In the literature, there are a lot of classification methods for which feature extraction techniques are conducted. In this thesis, we explore information retrieval techniques such as Word2Vec, paragraph2vec, and other useful feature selection and extraction techniques for a given text with different classifiers. We have performed experiments on novels that are extracted from GDELT database by using different features such as bag of words, n-grams or newly developed techniques like Word2Vec. To improve our success rate, we have combined some useful features some of which are diversity measure of text, bag of words, bigrams, specific words that are written differently between English and American authors. Support vector machine classifiers with nu-SVC type is observed to give best success rates on the stacked useful feature set. The main purpose of this work is to lay the foundations of feature extraction techniques in AA. These are lexical, character-level, syntactic, semantic, application specific features. We also have aimed to offer a new data resource for the author attribution research community and demonstrate how it can be used to extract features as in any kind of AA problem. The dataset we have introduced consists of works of Victorian era authors and the main feature extraction techniques are shown with exemplary code snippets for audiences in different knowledge domains. Feature extraction approaches and implementation with different classifiers are employed in simple ways such that it would also serve as a beginner step to AA. Some feature extraction techniques introduced in this work are also meant to be employed in different NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis with Word2Vec or text summarization. Using the introduced NLP tasks and feature extraction techniques one can start to implement them on our dataset. We have also introduced several methods to implement extracted features in different methodologies such as feature stack engineering with different classifiers, or using Word2Vec to create sentence level vectors.

Estudiando obras literarias con herramientas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural

Gouron, Romain Víctor Olivier January 2017 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil Matemático / En los últimos años, el procesamiento de lenguaje natural (Natural Language Proces-sing, o NLP) ha experimentado importantes avances. Específicamente, en 2013, Google lanzó "word2vec", un algoritmo que propone, a partir de un corpus dado, una representación vecto-rial de las palabras que lo componen. Dicho algoritmo ha tenido un gran éxito principalmentepor dos razones: La primera es el bajo costo computacional de su entrenamiento que permitióun uso masivo, mientras que la segunda es la intuitiva topología inducida por la representación vectorial ilustrada por el popular ejemplo: word2vec("king") - word2vec("man") + word2vec("woman") = word2vec("queen") En esta memoria, presentamos en un primer lugar un ejemplo ilustrativo del algoritmo "word2vec" mediante su implementación para determinar preguntas duplicadas en Quora, una competencia propuesta por el sitio Kaggle.com. Una vez familiarizados con el algoritmo, nos enfocamos en un problema más abierto que considera el análisis de 45 obras de literatura francesa. En particular, queremos atacar la siguiente pregunta: ¿cómo se puede definir una distancia entre dos libros? Después de haber preparado los libros con el propósito de poder usar el algoritmo, propondremos varios métodos originales para comparar pares de libros. Luego, nos interesará representar estas obras en un espacio, y determinar si dicha representación revela propiedades literarias de las obras consideradas tales como la paternidad o el estilo literario.

Comparison of methods applied to job matching based on soft skills

Elm, Emilia January 2020 (has links)
The expression ''Hire for attitude, train for skills'' is used as a motive to create a matching program where companies and job seekers' soft qualities are measured and compared against each other. Are there better or worse methods for this purpose, and how do they compare with each other? By associating soft qualities with companies and job seekers, it is possible to generate a value for how well they match. Therefore, data has been collected on several companies and job seekers. Their associated qualities are then translated into numerical vectors that can be used for matching purposes, where vectors closer together are more equal than vectors with greater distances. When it comes to analyzing and comparing the qualities, several methods have been used and compared with a subsequent discussion about their suitability. One consequence of the lack of a proper standard for presenting the qualities of companies and job seekers is that the data is messy and varied. An expected conclusion from the result is that the most flexible method is the one that generates the most accurate results.

Software Requirements Classification Using Word Embeddings and Convolutional Neural Networks

Fong, Vivian Lin 01 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Software requirements classification, the practice of categorizing requirements by their type or purpose, can improve organization and transparency in the requirements engineering process and thus promote requirement fulfillment and software project completion. Requirements classification automation is a prominent area of research as automation can alleviate the tediousness of manual labeling and loosen its necessity for domain-expertise. This thesis explores the application of deep learning techniques on software requirements classification, specifically the use of word embeddings for document representation when training a convolutional neural network (CNN). As past research endeavors mainly utilize information retrieval and traditional machine learning techniques, we entertain the potential of deep learning on this particular task. With the support of learning libraries such as TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn and word embedding models such as word2vec and fastText, we build a Python system that trains and validates configurations of Naïve Bayes and CNN requirements classifiers. Applying our system to a suite of experiments on two well-studied requirements datasets, we recreate or establish the Naïve Bayes baselines and evaluate the impact of CNNs equipped with word embeddings trained from scratch versus word embeddings pre-trained on Big Data.

Machine Learning Based Sentiment Classification of Text, with Application to Equity Research Reports / Maskininlärningsbaserad sentimentklassificering av text, med tillämpning på aktieanalysrapporte

Blomkvist, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, we analyse the sentiment in equity research reports written by analysts at Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB). We provide a description of established statistical and machine learning methods for classifying the sentiment in text documents as positive or negative. Specifically, a form of recurrent neural network known as long short-term memory (LSTM) is of interest. We investigate two different labelling regimes for generating training data from the reports. Benchmark classification accuracies are obtained using logistic regression models. Finally, two different word embedding models and bidirectional LSTMs of varying network size are implemented and compared to the benchmark results. We find that the logistic regression works well for one of the labelling approaches, and that the best LSTM models outperform it slightly. / I denna rapport analyserar vi sentimentet, eller attityden, i aktieanalysrapporter skrivna av analytiker på Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB). Etablerade statistiska metoder och maskininlärningsmetoder för klassificering av sentimentet i textdokument som antingen positivt eller negativt presenteras. Vi är speciellt intresserade av en typ av rekurrent neuronnät känt som long short-term memory (LSTM). Vidare undersöker vi två olika scheman för att märka upp träningsdatan som genereras från rapporterna. Riktmärken för klassificeringsgraden erhålls med hjälp av logistisk regression. Slutligen implementeras två olika ordrepresentationsmodeller och dubbelriktad LSTM av varierande nätverksstorlek, och jämförs med riktmärkena. Vi finner att logistisk regression presterar bra för ett av märkningsschemana, och att LSTM har något bättre prestanda.

Decentralizing Large-Scale Natural Language Processing with Federated Learning / Decentralisering av storskalig naturlig språkbearbetning med förenat lärande

Garcia Bernal, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the most popular and visible forms of Artificial Intelligence in recent years. This is partly because it has to do with a common characteristic of human beings: language. NLP applications allow to create new services in the industrial sector in order to offer new solutions and provide significant productivity gains. All of this has happened thanks to the rapid progression of Deep Learning models. Large scale contextual representation models, such asWord2Vec, ELMo and BERT, have significantly advanced NLP in recently years. With these latest NLP models, it is possible to understand the semantics of text to a degree never seen before. However, they require large amounts of text data to process to achieve high-quality results. This data can be gathered from different sources, but one of the main collection points are devices such as smartphones, smart appliances and smart sensors. Lamentably, joining and accessing all this data from multiple sources is extremely challenging due to privacy and regulatory reasons. New protocols and techniques have been developed to solve this limitation by training models in a massively distributed manner taking advantage of the powerful characteristic of the devices that generates the data. Particularly, this research aims to test the viability of training NLP models, in specific Word2Vec, with a massively distributed protocol like Federated Learning. The results show that FederatedWord2Vecworks as good as Word2Vec is most of the scenarios, even surpassing it in some semantics benchmark tasks. It is a novel area of research, where few studies have been conducted, with a large knowledge gap to fill in future researches. / Naturlig språkbehandling är en av de mest populära och synliga formerna av artificiell intelligens under de senaste åren. Det beror delvis på att det har att göra med en gemensam egenskap hos människor: språk. Naturlig språkbehandling applikationer gör det möjligt att skapa nya tjänster inom industrisektorn för att erbjuda nya lösningar och ge betydande produktivitetsvinster. Allt detta har hänt tack vare den snabba utvecklingen av modeller för djup inlärning. Modeller i storskaligt sammanhang, som Word2Vec, ELMo och BERT har väsentligt avancerat naturligt språkbehandling på senare tid år. Med dessa senaste naturliga språkbearbetningsmo modeller är det möjligt att förstå textens semantik i en grad som aldrig sett förut. De kräver dock stora mängder textdata för att bearbeta för att uppnå högkvalitativa resultat. Denna information kan samlas in från olika källor, men ett av de viktigaste insamlingsställena är enheter som smartphones, smarta apparater och smarta sensorer. Beklagligtvis är det extremt utmanande att gå med och komma åt alla dessa uppgifter från flera källor på grund av integritetsskäl och regleringsskäl. Nya protokoll och tekniker har utvecklats för att lösa denna begränsning genom att träna modeller på ett massivt distribuerat sätt med fördel av de kraftfulla egenskaperna hos enheterna som genererar data. Särskilt syftar denna forskning till att testa livskraften för att utbilda naturligt språkbehandling modeller, i specifika Word2Vec, med ett massivt distribuerat protokoll som Förenat Lärande. Resultaten visar att det Förenade Word2Vec fungerar lika bra som Word2Vec är de flesta av scenarierna, till och med överträffar det i vissa semantiska riktmärken. Det är ett nytt forskningsområde, där få studier har genomförts, med ett stort kunskapsgap för att fylla i framtida forskningar.

Modeling Customers and Products with Word Embeddings from Receipt Data

Woltmann, Lucas, Thiele, Maik, Lehner, Wolfgang 15 September 2022 (has links)
For many tasks in market research it is important to model customers and products as comparable instances. Usually, the integration of customers and products into one model is not trivial. In this paper, we will detail an approach for a combined vector space of customers and products based on word embeddings learned from receipt data. To highlight the strengths of this approach we propose four different applications: recommender systems, customer and product segmentation and purchase prediction. Experimental results on a real-world dataset with 200M order receipts for 2M customers show that our word embedding approach is promising and helps to improve the quality in these applications scenarios.

Word2vec2syn : Synonymidentifiering med Word2vec / Word2vec2syn : Synonym Identification using Word2vec

Pettersson, Tove January 2019 (has links)
Inom NLP (eng. natural language processing) är synonymidentifiering en av de språkvetenskapliga utmaningarna som många antar. Fodina Language Technology AB är ett företag som skapat ett verktyg, Termograph, ämnad att samla termer inom företag och hålla den interna språkanvändningen konsekvent. En metodkombination bestående av språkteknologiska strategier utgör synonymidentifieringen och Fodina önskar ett större täckningsområde samt mer dynamik i framtagningsprocessen. Därav syftade detta arbete till att ta fram en ny metod, utöver metodkombinationen, för just synonymidentifiering. En färdigtränad Word2vec-modell användes och den inbyggda funktionen för cosinuslikheten användes för att få fram synonymer och skapa kluster. Modellen validerades, testades och utvärderades i förhållande till metodkombinationen. Valideringen visade att modellen skattade inom ett rimligt mänskligt spann i genomsnitt 60,30 % av gångerna och Spearmans korrelation visade på en signifikant stark korrelation. Testningen visade att 32 % av de bearbetade klustren innehöll matchande synonymförslag. Utvärderingen visade att i de fall som förslagen inte matchade så var modellens synonymförslag korrekta i 5,73 % av fallen jämfört med 3,07 % för metodkombinationen. Den interna reliabiliteten för utvärderarna visade på en befintlig men svag enighet, Fleiss Kappa = 0,19, CI(0,06, 0,33). Trots viss osäkerhet i resultaten påvisas ändå möjligheter för vidare användning av word2vec-modeller inom Fodinas synonymidentifiering. / One of the main challenges in the field of natural language processing (NLP) is synonym identification. Fodina Language Technology AB is the company behind the tool, Termograph, that aims to collect terms and provide a consistent language within companies. A combination of multiple methods from the field of language technology constitutes the synonym identification and Fodina would like to improve the area of coverage and increase the dynamics of the working process. The focus of this thesis was therefore to evaluate a new method for synonym identification beyond the already used combination. Initially a trained Word2vec model was used and for the synonym identification the built-in-function for cosine similarity was applied in order to create clusters. The model was validated, tested and evaluated relative to the combination. The validation implicated that the model made estimations within a fair human-based range in an average of 60.30% and Spearmans correlation indicated a strong significant correlation. The testing showed that 32% of the processed synonym clusters contained matching synonym suggestions. The evaluation showed that the synonym suggestions from the model was correct in 5.73% of all cases compared to 3.07% for the combination in the cases where the clusters did not match. The interrater reliability indicated a slight agreement, Fleiss’ Kappa = 0.19, CI(0.06, 0.33). Despite uncertainty in the results, opportunities for further use of Word2vec-models within Fodina’s synonym identification are nevertheless demonstrated.

Intent classification through conversational interfaces : Classification within a small domain

Lekic, Sasa, Liu, Kasper January 2019 (has links)
Natural language processing and Machine learning are subjects undergoing intense study nowadays. These fields are continually spreading, and are more interrelated than ever before. A case in point is text classification which is an instance of Machine learning(ML) application in Natural Language processing(NLP).Although these subjects have evolved over the recent years, they still have some problems that have to be considered. Some are related to the computing power techniques from these subjects require, whereas the others to how much training data they require.The research problem addressed in this thesis regards lack of knowledge on whether Machine learning techniques such as Word2Vec, Bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) and Support vector machine(SVM) classifier can be used for text classification, provided only a small training set. Furthermore, it is not known whether these techniques can be run on regular laptops.To solve the research problem, the main purpose of this thesis was to develop two separate conversational interfaces utilizing text classification techniques. These interfaces, provided with user input, can recognise the intent behind it, viz. classify the input sentence within a small set of pre-defined categories. Firstly, a conversational interface utilizing Word2Vec, and SVM classifier was developed. Secondly, an interface utilizing BERT and SVM classifier was developed. The goal of the thesis was to determine whether a small dataset can be used for intent classification and with what accuracy, and if it can be run on regular laptops.The research reported in this thesis followed a standard applied research method. The main purpose was achieved and the two conversational interfaces were developed. Regarding the conversational interface utilizing Word2Vec pre-trained dataset, and SVM classifier, the main results showed that it can be used for intent classification with the accuracy of 60%, and that it can be run on regular computers. Concerning the conversational interface utilizing BERT and SVM Classifier, the results showed that this interface cannot be trained and run on regular laptops. The training ran over 24 hours and then crashed.The results showed that it is possible to make a conversational interface which is able to classify intents provided only a small training set. However, due to the small training set, and consequently low accuracy, this conversational interface is not a suitable option for important tasks, but can be used for some non-critical classification tasks. / Natural language processing och maskininlärning är ämnen som forskas mycket om idag. Dessa områden fortsätter växa och blir allt mer sammanvävda, nu mer än någonsin. Ett område är textklassifikation som är en gren av maskininlärningsapplikationer (ML) inom Natural language processing (NLP).Även om dessa ämnen har utvecklats de senaste åren, finns det fortfarande problem att ha i å tanke. Vissa är relaterade till rå datakraft som krävs för dessa tekniker medans andra problem handlar om mängden data som krävs.Forskningsfrågan i denna avhandling handlar om kunskapsbrist inom maskininlärningtekniker som Word2vec, Bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) och Support vector machine(SVM) klassificierare kan användas som klassification, givet endast små träningsset. Fortsättningsvis, vet man inte om dessa metoder fungerar på vanliga datorer.För att lösa forskningsproblemet, huvudsyftet för denna avhandling var att utveckla två separata konversationsgränssnitt som använder textklassifikationstekniker. Dessa gränssnitt, give med data, kan känna igen syftet bakom det, med andra ord, klassificera given datamening inom ett litet set av fördefinierade kategorier. Först, utvecklades ett konversationsgränssnitt som använder Word2vec och SVM klassificerare. För det andra, utvecklades ett gränssnitt som använder BERT och SVM klassificerare. Målet med denna avhandling var att avgöra om ett litet dataset kan användas för syftesklassifikation och med vad för träffsäkerhet, och om det kan användas på vanliga datorer.Forskningen i denna avhandling följde en standard tillämpad forskningsmetod. Huvudsyftet uppnåddes och de två konversationsgränssnitten utvecklades. Angående konversationsgränssnittet som använde Word2vec förtränat dataset och SVM klassificerar, visade resultatet att det kan användas för syftesklassifikation till en träffsäkerhet på 60%, och fungerar på vanliga datorer. Angående konversationsgränssnittet som använde BERT och SVM klassificerare, visade resultatet att det inte går att köra det på vanliga datorer. Träningen kördes i över 24 timmar och kraschade efter det.Resultatet visade att det är möjligt att skapa ett konversationsgränssnitt som kan klassificera syften, givet endast ett litet träningsset. Däremot, på grund av det begränsade träningssetet, och konsekvent låg träffsäkerhet, är denna konversationsgränssnitt inte lämplig för viktiga uppgifter, men kan användas för icke kritiska klassifikationsuppdrag.

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