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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of land and agrarian reforms on poverty alleviation: lessons from the Jay Dee Rovon workers trust and Mon Desire in Joubertina, Eastern Cape-South Africa

Mqikela, Ntombozuko January 2014 (has links)
The broad objective of the study is to investigate the impact of Land and Agrarian reforms on poverty alleviation in Joubertina. Purposive sampling method (non-probability sampling) was carried out mainly on two groups of people, land reform beneficiary in Jay Dee Rovon and non-beneficiary in Mon Desire. Moreover, the stratified random sampling method was also applied in Jay Dee Rovon to choose a sample of 60 households from 129 land reform beneficiaries in Jay Dee Rovon and simple random sample of 60 applied to Mon Desire household subsistence. Binary Logistic Regression model was used to test factors that influenced beneficiary on level of production. Results indicated that age and farming experience were significant variables. Age had a negative coefficient value, meaning an increase in age was less likely to cause beneficiary to produce at commercial level. Descriptive statistics revealed that farming activities in the study areas seems to be performed mostly by relatively medium age people followed by younger people and lastly by the older people. Moreover, farming experience with positive coefficient revealed that it is highly likely to influence the beneficiary to produce at commercial for marketing. The older the farmer the more the experience s/he had in farming activities. However, descriptive revealed, medium and young age people with little knowledge tend to be more active than older people on farming activities but on the other hand they are more capable of carrying out physical activities. The results revealed that land reform beneficiaries likely to influence the level of production for marketing while non-beneficiaries produce for home consumption and little for sale in local market. An improvement on yield results an increase on income and thus leading to a change in ownership of household’s durable assets. An increase in yield also indirectly results employment recreation, increasing real wage and improve farm income thus leading to poverty reduction in JDR as compare to MD. The study recommends that the government should also assist non-beneficiaries in MD with agricultural infrastructure to improve their level of production and food security at household level.

Perspectives on policing domestic violence in Lepelle-Nkumpi Municipality : the case of Lebowakgomo, Magatle And Zebediela policing area.

Nkwana, Mmabatho Portia. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Policing / Since the advent of democratic dispensation in South Africa, domestic violence is one of the societal issues that have increasingly emerged as a local as well as global concern. This study focused on analysing the prevalence of, and responses to domestic violence in the Lebowakgomo, Magatle and Zebediela policing areas of Limpopo Province, with the aim of the aim of investigating and evaluating perceptions by the police and community members regarding the prevalence of the domestic violence, and how the police responds towards policing domestic violence at the Lebowakgomo, Magatle and Zebediela policing area.

A study of research in the Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University 1990-2009

Van Der Waag-Cowling, Noelle Milto 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The changing higher education environment in South Africa has led to a greater emphasis being placed on research production at universities. Currently Stellenbosch University is one of only a handful of strongly research intensive universities in South Africa. The Faculty of Military Science at the South African Military Academy functions (operates) within a partnership agreement between the Department of Defence and Stellenbosch University. The aim of officer education at SAMA is to imbue young officers with a knowledge framework and the attributes of a broad liberal education. As a full Faculty of the University it is incumbent upon personnel in the Faculty to engage in knowledge production and associated scholarly pursuits. This is critical for several reasons: Firstly, for the required intellectual development of each scholar, secondly so as to ensure high quality teaching, and thirdly for funding purposes which are essential for the effective functioning of all faculties. Research is furthermore absolutely indispensable with regards to its contribution to the international and national scientific reach and reputation of the Faculty. To date the Faculty of Military Science has been the lowest performing faculty of Stellenbosch University every year by some considerable margin. The main research question of this study seeks to identify and interpret the reasons for this. In so doing both a bibliometric study and a more qualitative study of the environmental factors between 1990 and 2009 have been conducted. In closing the predominant factors which either drive or inhibit research are identified and possible interventions are suggested. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die veranderende hoër onderwys omgewing in Suid-Afrika het tot 'n groter klem op navorsing produksie by universiteite gelei. Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is tans een van slegs 'n handvol sterk navorsingsgeoriënteerde universiteite in Suid-Afrika. Die Fakulteit van Krygskunde by die Suid-Afrikaanse Militêre Akademie funksioneer binne die raamwerk van 'n vennootskapsooreenkoms tussen die Departement van Verdediging en die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die doel van offisiersopvoeding by die SAMA is om jong offisiere met 'n kennis raamwerk en die eienskappe van 'n breë liberale opvoeding toe te rus. As 'n volle Fakulteit van die Universiteit is dit die plig van die fakulteitspersoneel om betrokke te raak in kennisproduksie en verwante wetenskaplike aktiwiteite. Dit is vir 'n paar redes van kritieke belang. Eerstens, is dit nodig vir die intellektuele ontwikkeling van elke akademikus, tweedens verseker dit hoë gehalte-onderrig, en derdens word dit vereis vir befondsingsdoeleindes vir die effektiewe funksionering van alle fakulteite. Navorsing is ook absoluut onontbeerlik vir die nasionale en internasionale wetenskaplike omvang en reputasie van die Fakulteit. Die Fakulteit Krygskunde was tot op hede die laagspresterende fakulteit van die Universiteit Stellenbosch en die agterstand vergroot elke jaar met 'n aansienlike marge. Die sleutel navorsingsvraag van hierdie studie poog om te redes hiervoor vas te stel en te verduidelik. Gevolglik is beide ‘n bibliometriese en ’n kwalitatiewe studie van die faktore wat kennisproduksie in die Fakulteit tussen 1990 en 2009 beinvloed het, gedoen. Ter afsluiting is die oorheersende faktore wat navorsingsbestuur inhibeer geïdentifiseer en moontlike intervensies is voorgestel.

The management and development of multi-cultural social work practice in the South African National Defence Force

Pretorius, Andre Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Multi-cultural social work practice necessitates that the social worker possesses specific knowledge and practice skills in order to render a competent service to a diverse client system. To date, the SANDF does not possess any definite guidelines regarding multi-cultural social work practice. Consequently social work practitioners are ill-equipped to render a needs-based, multi-cultural competent service to the culturally different client system. The purpose of this study, was to develop theoretical and practical guidelines for multi-cultural social work practice within the SANDF. An attempt is made to ensure that the social service delivery system is attentive to cultural diversity among clients, whilst providing social work interventions to the client system. The objectives of the study were: firstly, to present a profile of the current consumers of social work services within the SANDF; secondly, to reflect on the nature and function of military social work within the SANDF, and to investigate the need to incorporate multi-cultural social work practice into the military setting; thirdly, to determine how the existing social work programmes in the SANDF are meeting the needs of the client system of diverse origin and culture; fourthly, to investigate the extent to which the social worker gives attention to the different cultural backgrounds of the client system; and fifthly, to explore the knowledge and practice skills needed by the social work practitioner to render multi-cultural social work services in the military setting. The study was confined to a purposive sample of 557 clients to assess their need for multi-cultural social work services. They were representative of the unique diversity in ethnic and cultural heritage, gender, and religious affiliations. The results were analysed qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Structured interviews were conducted with 16 key figures in social work management in order to assess how existing social work programmes have been designed and are managed to meet the requirements of multi-cultural social work. The results were also analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, group interviews with a randomly selected sample of 45 social work officers [production workersl, were conducted to determine their knowledge and perceptions of and attitudes towards multi-cultural social work and to investigate the extent to which they were attentive to the cultural backgrounds of clients when rendering social work services. These results were again analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The empirical study enabled the researcher to draw certain conclusions. From the client system's responses it was obvious that social workers should be aware of the client system's cultural, ethnic and/or religious background. Social work managers on the other hand must be skilled in the management of a multi-cultural social work personnel system. The processes used during strategic planning, which should always be preceded by an environmental study, would have an effect on service rendering within multi-cultural social work practice. Most social work programmes have been adapted to suit the needs of a diverse client system. The research results pointed out that the DSW's business plan should focus more on developmental issues like HIV/AIDS. The majority of the social work managers regarded their service rendering as being culturally competent. Although certain misconceptions were evident, social work practitioners do understand the meaning of a multi-cultural competent service rendering. Social work practitioners are not clear whether their cultural, ethnic and/or language background has an influence on their service rending. Concerning communication it was pointed out that communication in a person's mother tongue is most effective during social work intervention. Although all social work approaches are utilised by the practitioners, their overall theoretical knowledge and skills application of these approaches are questionable. In the light of these aspects confusion exists amongst the respondents as to whether social work programmes are meeting the needs of a multi-cultural client system. A number of recommendations flow from the findings and conclusions. The DSW's business plan should focus more on developmental social work aspects, and should continuously stress the importance of having a diverse knowledge and skills base of the most significant models and approaches. The social work delivery system requires more theoretical knowledge and skills in the management and implementation of a multi-culturally competent social work service, and should be skilled in how to convert social work programmes into culturally competent programmes. The workers should further be competent at addressing problems experienced within their own cultural/ethnic background, before engaging in any social work intervention with a diverse client system. Social workers should further be empowered regarding the role, function and implementation of social development strategies within the daily service rendering and thus be guided to work in a multi-cultural social work environment. In the broader sense, staff in each social work office and/or section should identify the stumbling blocks that communication has on their service delivery. Training programmes should be developed for preparing or ongoing education of the social service delivery system regarding cultural competence. Further research should be undertaken concerning factors such as: decreasing stress experienced by social workers towards a diverse client system; the effectiveness of social work programmes in reaching cultural competence; and lastly, the effect of social work management on culturally competent practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die praktyk van multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk vereis dat die maatskaplike werker oor spesifieke kennis en praktykvaardighede moet beskik ten einde 'n bevoegde diens aan die kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem te lewer. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) beskik tans oor geen definitiewe riglyne rakende multi-kulturele maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering nie. Gevolglik is maatskaplike werkers nie toegerus om 'n behoefte-gebaseerde, multi-kulturele diens aan die kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteme te lewer nie. Die doel van hierdie studie is om teoretiese en praktiese riglyne vir multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk in die SANW daar te stel. Daar is gepoog om die maatskaplikewerk-diensleweringsisteem bedag te maak op die variasies van kultuur wat by kliënte tydens maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering teenwoordig is. Die doelwitte van die studie is soos volg: eerstens, om die huidige profiel van die verbruikers van maatskaplikewerk-dienste in die SANW weer te gee; tweedens, om te fokus op die aard en funksie van militêre maatskaplike werk in die SANW, en die nut van multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk binne die militêre omgewing te ondersoek; derdens, om vas te stel of die huidige maatskaplikewerk-programme binne die SANW wel aan die behoeftes van 'n kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem voldoen; vierdens, om die mate waarin die maatskaplike werker aandag skenk aan die kulturele agtergronde van kliëntsisteme te ondersoek; en laastens om vas te stel watter kennis en vaardighede maatskaplike werkers benodig ten einde 'n multi-kulturele maatskaplikewerk-diens binne die weermag opset daar te stel. Die studie het 'n doelbewuste steekproef van 557 kliënte ingesluit om die behoefte aan multi-kulturele maatskaplikewerk-dienste vas te stel. Hulle was verteenwoordigend van 'n verskeidenheid van etniese en kulturele agtergronde, geslag asook godsdienstige affiliasies. Die resultate is beide kwalitatief en kwantitatief ontleed. Gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer met 16 sleutel figure wat deel vorm van maatskaplikewerk-bestuur ten einde vas te stel hoe huidige maatskaplikewerk-programme ontwerp en bestuur word ten einde aan die vereistes van multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk te voldoen. Hierdie resultate is ook kwalitatief en kwantitatief ontleed. Voorts is groepsonderhoude gevoer met 'n ewekansige geselekteerde steekproef van 45 maatskaplikewerk-offisiere [produksie werkers] om hulle kennis, en menings van en houdings teenoor multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk vas te stel. Daar is verder bepaal in hoe 'n mate hulle wel sensitief is vir kliënte se kulturele agtergronde tydens dienslewering. Hierdie resultate is ook kwalitatief en kwantitatief ontleed. Na aanleiding van die empiriese ondersoek is bepaalde gevolgtrekkiogs gemaak. Die kliëntsisteem het aangedui dat dit belangrik is vir maatskaplike werkers om bewus te wees van die kulturele, etniese en godsdienstige agtergronde van die kliënte. Maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders moet vaardig wees in die bestuur van 'n multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk personeel sisteem. Die proses wat tydens strategiese beplanning gebruik word, en voorafgegaan word deur 'n omgewingsontleding, sal wel 'n effek hê op dienslewering binne 'n multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk. Maatskaplikewerk-progamme is wel aangepas om aan die behoeftes van 'n kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem te voldoen. Die navorsing het aangedui dat die Direktoraat Maatskaplikewerk-dienste se besigheidsplan meer op ontwikkelingsaspekte soos MIV/VIGS moet fokus. Die meerderheid maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders beskou hul dienslewering as kultureel aanvaarbaar. Ten spyte van sekere wanopvattings, verstaan maatskaplikewerk-praktisyns wel die betekenis van multi-kultureel bevoegde dienslewering. Onduidelikheid bestaan egter of hulle eie kulturele/etniese/taal agtergrond wel dienslewering kan beïnvloed. Met betrekking tot kommunikasie is aangedui dat maatskaplikewerk-intervensie meer effektief is indien dit in 'n persoon se moedertaal plaasvind. Alhoewel die meeste maatskaplikewerk-benaderings wel deur die praktisyns benut word, word hul teoretiese kennis en die toepassing daarvan, bevraagteken. In die lig van veral hiervan is die respondente in die war of die maatskaplikewerk-programme wel aan die behoeftes van die multi-kulturele kliënt sisteem voldoen. Aanbevelings na aanleiding van die bevindinge sluit in dat die besigheidsplan van die Direktoraat Maatskaplikewerk-dienste meer moet fokus op ontwikkelingsaspekte en die noodsaaklikheid moet aandui dat 'n verskeidenheid kennis- en vaardigheidsbasisse nodig is van toepaslike modelle en benaderings in die praktyk. Die maatskaplikewerk-diensleweringsisteem benodig meer teoretiese kennis en vaardighede in die bestuur en implementering van In multi-kulturele bevoegde maatskaplikewerk-diens, asook die vaardigheid om maatskaplikewerk-programme in kultureel aanvaarbare programme om te skakel. Hulle moet verder ook oor die vaardigheid beskik om probleme binne hul eie kulturele/etniese agtergrond effektief te hanteer, alvorens enige maatskaplikewerk-intervensie met In kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem kan plaasvind. Maatskaplike werkers moet ook bemagtig wees met betrekking tot die rol, funksie en implementering van maatskaplike ontwikkelingsstrategieë binne die konteks van daaglikse dienslewering en dus gehelp word om binne die multi-kulturele maatskaplikewerk-omgewing te werk. Verder moet personeel in elke maatskaplikewerk-kantoor en/of -afdeling kommunikasie stuikelblokke identifiseer wat dienslewering negatief kan beïnvloed. Opleidingsprogramme moet ontwikkel word vir die voorbereiding en voordurende onderrig van die maatskaplikewerk-diensleweringsisteem rakende kulturele bevoegdheid. Voorts moet navorsing onderneem word oor die verligting van spanning by maatskaplike werkers teenoor In kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem; die effektiwiteit van maatskaplikewerk-programme om kulturele bevoegdheid te bereik; en die effek van maatskaplikewerk-bestuur op In kutureelbevoegde-praktyk.

Die benutting van musiek in maatskaplike groepwerk met dwelmafhanklikes

Pieterse, Luna 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An exploratory study was conducted to determine the nature and extent of the emotions and emotional experiences of alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. The study was also conducted to explore the theoretical field of music therapy and determine how music can be utilized to social group work with alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. The exploratory study was also conducted to determine how many knowledge social workers have about music therapy, and to what extent they believe it can practically be used in social group work with alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. The researchers' interest in group work and the importance of the use of creative aids during group work is the motivation for this study. The aim of the study is thus to establish guidelines for the use of music in social group work in order to provide effective intervention for alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. The most general personality traits, emotions, defence mechanisms, communication and motivational problems of alcoholics and chemically dependent adults, have been enclosed in the literature study. The corresponding principles, goals and intervention processes of group work and music therapy was also highlighted. Focus was especially placed on the corresponding functions of group work and music namely the handling of defence mechanisms, the exploration and expression of emotions, the improvement of communication, the development of a positive self-esteem, socialisation and the facilitation of personal motivation. The value of group work and music in the addressing of alcoholics' and chemically dependent adults' problems and needs, has been investigated because of the specific corresponding functions of group work and music. The umversum IS social workers at institutions that make use of group work interventions in their treatment programmes for alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. A combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods was used, namely structured interviews as well as structured questionnaires. The results of this study generally confirmed the findings of the literature study. The recommendations can be divided into three areas namely recommendations concerning policy, programmes and training of social workers, recommendations concerning the corresponding functions of group work and music, and recommendations concerning future research. The importance of further research in the testing of the value of music in group work for specific client groups was especially recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Verkennende studie is in hierdie ondersoek geïmplimenteer ten einde die aard en omvang van volwasse dwelmafhanklikes se emosies en emosionele belewenisse te beskryf, 'n teoretiese verkenning van musiekterapie te doen en dit in verband te bring met maatskaplike groepwerk, en te bepaal in watter mate musiek tydens groepwerk met volwasse dwelmafhanklikes toegepas kan word. Die verkennende studie is ook geïmplimenteer om te bepaal in watter mate maatskaplike werkers kennis oor bogenoemde vorm van intervensie het en in watter mate hulle van mening is dat die benutting van musiek in groepwerkprogramme vir dwelmafhanklikes in inrigtings uitvoerbaar is. Die motivering vir hierdie studie het na vore gekom weens die navorser se belangstelling in kreatiwiteit in die uitvoer van maatskaplike groepwerk. Die doel van hierdie studie is dus om riglyne daar te stel vir die benutting van musiek in maatskaplike groepwerk ten einde effektiewe intervensie aan dwelmafhanklikes in inrigtingsverband te lewer. Die literatuurstudie het die algemene persoonlikheidstrekke, emosies, verdedigingsmeganismes, kommunikatiewe en motiveringsprobleme van dwelmafhanklikes ingesluit. Die gemeenskaplike beginsels, doelstellings en intervensieproses van groepwerk en musiekterapie is ook in die literatuurstudie uitgelig. Daar is veral gefokus op die gemeenskaplike funksies van groepwerk en musiek naamlik die hantering van verdedigingsmeganismes, die eksplorering en uitdrukking van emosies, die bevordering van kommunikasie, die ontwikkeling van 'n positiewe selfbeeld, sosialisering en die fasilitering van persoonlike motivering. Weens die spesifieke gemeenskaplike funksies van groepwerk en musiek, is daar besluit om die waarde van groepwerk en musiek in die aanspreek van dwelmafhanklikes se probleme, te ondersoek. Die universum is maatskaplike werkers by inrigtings wat intervensie aan dwelmafhanklikes deur middel van groepwerk, bied. Die ondersoek is deur 'n kombinasie van gestruktureerde onderhoude sowel as gestruktureerde vraelyste, gerig. Kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe inligting is dus ingesamel. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek het tot 'n groot mate die bevindinge van die literatuurstudie bevestig naamlik dat dwelmafhanklikes met sekere persoonlikheidseienskappe, emosies, verdedigingsmeganismes en kommunikatiewe probleme presenteer; dat groepwerk 'n gewenste metode om bogenoemde behoeftes en probleme aan te spreek en te hanteer, is; en dat die benutting van musiek in groepsituasies waardevol in die fasilitering van die uitdrukking van emosies, die afbreek van verdedigingsmeganismes en die fasilitering van onder andere ontspanning, kan wees. Die aanbevelings het op drie areas gefokus naamlik algemene aanbevelings rakende inrigtingsbeleid, programme en skoling van maatskaplike werkers, aanbevelings ten opsigte van die gemeenskaplike funksies van groepwerk en musiek, en aanbevelings ten opsigte van verdere navorsing. Daar word aanbeveel dat die benuttingswaarde van musiek in groepwerk met 'n spesifieke kliëntegroep, getoets moet word.

Die benutting van musiek in maatskaplike groepwerk met dwelmafhanklikes

Pieterse, Luna 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An exploratory study was conducted to determine the nature and extent of the emotions and emotional experiences of alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. The study was also conducted to explore the theoretical field of music therapy and determine how music can be utilized to social group work with alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. The exploratory study was also conducted to determine how many knowledge social workers have about music therapy, and to what extent they believe it can practically be used in social group work with alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. The researchers' interest in group work and the importance of the use of creative aids during group work is the motivation for this study. The aim of the study is thus to establish guidelines for the use of music in social group work in order to provide effective intervention for alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. The most general personality traits, emotions, defence mechanisms, communication and motivational problems of alcoholics and chemically dependent adults, have been enclosed in the literature study. The corresponding principles, goals and intervention processes of group work and music therapy was also highlighted. Focus was especially placed on the corresponding functions of group work and music namely the handling of defence mechanisms, the exploration and expression of emotions, the improvement of communication, the development of a positive self-esteem, socialisation and the facilitation of personal motivation. The value of group work and music in the addressing of alcoholics' and chemically dependent adults' problems and needs, has been investigated because of the specific corresponding functions of group work and music. The umversum IS social workers at institutions that make use of group work interventions in their treatment programmes for alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. A combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods was used, namely structured interviews as well as structured questionnaires. The results of this study generally confirmed the findings of the literature study. The recommendations can be divided into three areas namely recommendations concerning policy, programmes and training of social workers, recommendations concerning the corresponding functions of group work and music, and recommendations concerning future research. The importance of further research in the testing of the value of music in group work for specific client groups was especially recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Verkennende studie is in hierdie ondersoek geïmplimenteer ten einde die aard en omvang van volwasse dwelmafhanklikes se emosies en emosionele belewenisse te beskryf, 'n teoretiese verkenning van musiekterapie te doen en dit in verband te bring met maatskaplike groepwerk, en te bepaal in watter mate musiek tydens groepwerk met volwasse dwelmafhanklikes toegepas kan word. Die verkennende studie is ook geïmplimenteer om te bepaal in watter mate maatskaplike werkers kennis oor bogenoemde vorm van intervensie het en in watter mate hulle van mening is dat die benutting van musiek in groepwerkprogramme vir dwelmafhanklikes in inrigtings uitvoerbaar is. Die motivering vir hierdie studie het na vore gekom weens die navorser se belangstelling in kreatiwiteit in die uitvoer van maatskaplike groepwerk. Die doel van hierdie studie is dus om riglyne daar te stel vir die benutting van musiek in maatskaplike groepwerk ten einde effektiewe intervensie aan dwelmafhanklikes in inrigtingsverband te lewer. Die literatuurstudie het die algemene persoonlikheidstrekke, emosies, verdedigingsmeganismes, kommunikatiewe en motiveringsprobleme van dwelmafhanklikes ingesluit. Die gemeenskaplike beginsels, doelstellings en intervensieproses van groepwerk en musiekterapie is ook in die literatuurstudie uitgelig. Daar is veral gefokus op die gemeenskaplike funksies van groepwerk en musiek naamlik die hantering van verdedigingsmeganismes, die eksplorering en uitdrukking van emosies, die bevordering van kommunikasie, die ontwikkeling van 'n positiewe selfbeeld, sosialisering en die fasilitering van persoonlike motivering. Weens die spesifieke gemeenskaplike funksies van groepwerk en musiek, is daar besluit om die waarde van groepwerk en musiek in die aanspreek van dwelmafhanklikes se probleme, te ondersoek. Die universum is maatskaplike werkers by inrigtings wat intervensie aan dwelmafhanklikes deur middel van groepwerk, bied. Die ondersoek is deur 'n kombinasie van gestruktureerde onderhoude sowel as gestruktureerde vraelyste, gerig. Kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe inligting is dus ingesamel. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek het tot 'n groot mate die bevindinge van die literatuurstudie bevestig naamlik dat dwelmafhanklikes met sekere persoonlikheidseienskappe, emosies, verdedigingsmeganismes en kommunikatiewe probleme presenteer; dat groepwerk 'n gewenste metode om bogenoemde behoeftes en probleme aan te spreek en te hanteer, is; en dat die benutting van musiek in groepsituasies waardevol in die fasilitering van die uitdrukking van emosies, die afbreek van verdedigingsmeganismes en die fasilitering van onder andere ontspanning, kan wees. Die aanbevelings het op drie areas gefokus naamlik algemene aanbevelings rakende inrigtingsbeleid, programme en skoling van maatskaplike werkers, aanbevelings ten opsigte van die gemeenskaplike funksies van groepwerk en musiek, en aanbevelings ten opsigte van verdere navorsing. Daar word aanbeveel dat die benuttingswaarde van musiek in groepwerk met 'n spesifieke kliëntegroep, getoets moet word.

A case study: exploring students' experiences of a participative assessment approach on a professionally-orientated postgraduate programme

Du Toit, Pieter January 2009 (has links)
The study was undertaken as the first cycle of an action research project. It presents a case study that explores the potential of the combined use of self-, peer-, and tutor-driven assessment in enhancing students’ learning in a professionally orientated postgraduate media management course. The study also explores how such a process can contribute to students developing the skills and dispositions required by autonomous learners and professionals. In approaching these questions the study draws directly on students’ own accounts of their experiences and contrasts these accounts with the growing body of literature on participative assessment in higher education that has emerged over the past decade. The study begins by exploring how action research can aid in the development of valuable insights into educational practice. It draws on educational theorists’ use of Habermas’s (1971, 1972 and 1974 in Grundy, 1987: 8) theory of knowledge constitutive interests in developing a conceptual framework against which assessment practice can be understood and argues against instrumental approaches to assessment. Set against a background of outcomes-based education, the study presents an argument for privileging the role of assessment in promoting learning above its other function. It contends that this function is undermined if students are excluded from direct involvement in assessment practice. Informed by research into participative assessment, the study presents a thick description of a particular approach used during the action research cycle and explores how students experienced this process. The findings of the study support theories favouring the involvement of students in their own assessment and suggest that such processes can contribute to meeting students’ present and future learning needs.

The transformation of the construction sector in South Africa since apartheid = social inequality and labour = A transformação do setor da construção na África do Sul desde o apartheid : a desigualdade social e laboral / A transformação do setor da construção na África do Sul desde o apartheid : a desigualdade social e laboral

Cottle, Edward, 1968- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo Weishaupt Proni / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T08:14:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cottle_Edward_M.pdf: 2019150 bytes, checksum: 606c1f2485a4d685ad7911f7cbbb190b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: O principal objetivo desta dissertação foi estudar a transformação do setor da construção na África do Sul durante o período 1994-2013, investigando em que medida esse setor foi capaz de transformar a desigualdade social do apartheid e qual foi o impacto sobre as empresas construtoras e sobre a força de trabalho. O setor da construção passou por uma transformação significativa e forte expansão desde o fim do apartheid na África do Sul. Até 1994, o setor da construção, como a maioria dos outros setores da economia, estava constrangido por sanções e políticas raciais que cercearam seu crescimento. Uma constatação importante após o fim do apartheid é a falta de reparação de pendências herdadas da infraestrutura social e econômica, especialmente na prestação de serviços sociais, incluindo a habitação, água e eletricidade. Em consequência de políticas estatais de propriedade negra, junto com a crescente internacionalização das corporações multinacionais no setor da construção, aumentou a monopolização e a desigualdade social dentro do setor. Os enormes gastos de obras públicas, incluindo a Copa do Mundo FIFA 2010, também contribuíram para o processo de elevação da concentração e centralização do capital, incluindo um aumento maciço do exército de reserva de mão de obra. Políticas de Estado têm sido ineficazes para superar o legado do capitalismo excludente e a estratificação do mercado de trabalho pós-1994, mantendo a oferta de mão de obra negra barata herdada do apartheid. O setor é conhecido pelas relações de trabalho precárias. Trabalhadores da construção civil são em grande parte negros, não qualificados e semiqualificados. E são regidos por contratos esporádicos, de duração limitada, por tempo parcial. Na sua maioria, são trabalhadores subcontratados ou trabalhadores com poucos benefícios trabalhistas, com possibilidades limitadas de acesso à formalização e à qualificação. A transformação do setor de construção sul-africano continua tendo como principais beneficiárias as multinacionais. Os sindicatos, fechados em sua abordagem reformista ("sindicalismo de negócios"), tornaram-se mais fracos e, como consequência, não têm sido capazes de defender o padrão de vida dos trabalhadores. As opções políticas do governo e a ineficácia das estratégias sindicais resultaram na manutenção de elevadas desigualdades sociais, associadas com uma força de trabalho ainda marcada pelo racismo, com a maior parte dos trabalhadores africanos ¿ vulneráveis e desfavorecidos ¿ trabalhando sob condições precárias de emprego. Palavras-chave: apartheid, setor de construção, trabalho precário, sindicalismo, desigualdade, África do Sul / Abstract: The main objective of this thesis was to study the transformation of the construction sector in South Africa over the period 1994-2013; to investigate to what extent the construction sector has been able to transform apartheid social inequalities and what has been the impact on construction companies and the labour force. The construction sector has undergone significant transformation and marked expansion since the end of apartheid in South Africa. During apartheid the construction sector, like most other economic sectors, was constrained by sanctions and racial policies which curbed its growth. An important reality after the demise of apartheid is the lack of redress of inherited backlogs in social and economic infrastructure, especially in the delivery of social services, including housing, water and electricity. The consequence of state policies of black ownership together with the growing internationalisation of South African construction Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) has increased monopolisation and social inequality within the sector. The massive public works expenditures, including the 2010 FIFA World Cup, have also assisted in the process of increasing the concentration and centralisation of capital, including a massive increase in the reserve army of labour. State policies have been ineffective in overcoming the legacy of apartheid capitalism as the labour market stratification post-1994 maintained the cheap black labour system inherited from apartheid. The sector is renowned for its preferred choice of precarious employment relations. Construction workers are largely black, unskilled and semi-skilled; are casual, part-time, self-employed or employed on limited duration contracts mostly by sub-contractors or labour brokers with little work benefits and limited possibilities of accessing formalised skills training. The transformation of the South African construction sector has as its main beneficiaries the MNCs that also benefited under Apartheid. The trade unions, locked into their reformist "business unionism" approach, have become weaker and, as a consequence, have not been able to defend the living standards of workers. The policy choices of the government and the ineffectiveness of the trade unions have produced more social inequalities within which a continued racialised labour force, and the bulk of vulnerable and disadvantaged African workers in particular, finds itself working under deteriorating employment conditions. Keywords: apartheid, construction sector, transformation, workers, trade unions, inequality, South Africa / Mestrado / Economia Social e do Trabalho / Mestre em Desenvolvimento Econômico

Die funksionele gesin met adolessente kinders : 'n programprofiel vir gesinsverryking

Smit, Christa 17 February 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Social Work) / In a society where the demands are increasing, it will be expected of the South African family to demonstrate competence and functionality. Disintegration in the family life is causing distress and doubt regarding the role of the family as the keeper of social standards. The Government's concern and the renewed interest of academici, once again focusses the attention on the family. The importance of the functional family must be stressed. In this study the characteristics, functions, the achievement of family goals and the process of development of the white functional family with adolescent children is discussed. The program profile which is presented for the enrichment of the functional family with adolescent children's interactional processes is systematized into eight steps, whereby the family can assess their present functioning by ways of a self initiated assessing index with a numerical value. This assessment can be obtained by tabulating variables towards each other. Depending on the identified need, a program is designed which will promote and enrich enhancement of the existing good relationships within the functional family. It is the responsibility of the program designer to provide this family enrichment program with contents and to see that it focusses on the development of competence rather than on the changing of behavior. It is important that the necessary care is taken for this program to be family-susceptible and that it meets with the requirements of the family and profession.

Analysis of decision making in smallholder irrigation practice: a case study of Shiloh and Zanyokwe irrigation schemes in Central Eastern Cape, South Africa

Isaac, Agholor Azikiwe Unknown Date (has links)
The study was conducted in Zanyokwe and Shiloh smallholder irrigation schemes located in Eastern Cape Province at Amathole and Chris Hani districts respectively. The choice of Zanyokwe and Shiloh smallholder irrigation scheme for this study is mainly supported by the fact that it had a substantial level of crop farming activity taking place especially at Zanyokwe while the Shiloh smallholder irrigation specialises dairy farming. The study examined decision making in smallholder irrigation practice with particular reference to Shiloh and Zanyokwe irrigation schemes. The general objective of the thesis was to analyse and model the determinants of SIS farmer‟s decision making. The specific objectives of the study are as follows: to investigate the determinants of decision making among smallholder irrigation farmers; to examine the relationship between household and farm characteristics and institutional factors that explain decision making in smallholder irrigation scheme; assess the contribution of smallholder irrigation farming to household food security; and determine the production and marketing constraints of smallholder farmers‟ in both schemes. The theoretical and conceptual framework of the study gave a detailed discussion on the determinants of decision making of households. The theories used to understand household behaviour under different assumptions were variously discussed. Comprehensive illustrations of analytical framework of the study were also conceptualised. This study used a survey design, quantitative and qualitative research methodologies involving the use of questionnaires and focus group discussions. The data was coded and analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). However, frequencies, percentages, bar and pie chart was also computed to describe the data. In consideration of the conceptual framework of the study, the agricultural household model was adopted to analyse smallholder farmer‟s household decision making. Twenty one explanatory variables identified in the conceptual framework of the study were discussed and some of these identified variables were incorporated into the model. The logistic regression model was used as a method of analysis because it can estimate the probability of a certain event occurring and it accommodates a lot of variables which can be ranked in order to illustrate which variables are significant. In the binary logistic model used, seven variables (farm experience, size of farmland, land rights/PTO, water sufficiency, farm asset, market information and production variation) out of the twelve predictor variables were found to have significant effect on influencing household decision making in Shiloh smallholder irrigation scheme, while five variables (gender, age, education, road distance and extension access) were not significant. Of the seven significant variables, four had positive signs (land rights/PTO, water sufficiency and market information); which means that an increase in either of these variables may be associated with an increase in household decision making in Shiloh. The other three predictor variables (farm experience, farm asset and product variation) had negative signs; this means an increase in either of these variables may be associated with a decrease in decision making. In Zanyokwe, six variables (farm experience, land rights/PTO, water sufficiency, farm asset, market information and production variation) out of the twelve predictor variables were found to have significant impact on influencing household decision making, while six variables (gender, age, education, size of farm land, road distance and extension access) were not significant. Of the six significant variables, two had positive signs (water sufficiency and farm asset); which means that an increase in either of these variables may be associated with an increase in household decision making in Zanyokwe. The other four predictor variables (farm experience, land rights/PTO, market information and product variation) had negative signs; this means an increase in either of these variables may be associated with a decrease in decision making. The study concludes that smallholder agriculture is essential for employment generation and food security of households. It is apparent that household food security will not be achieved without giving attention to the role played by smallholders‟ farmers in South Africa. It is pertinent to promulgate an efficient policy programme to address the diversity of smallholders‟ situations and identify the main constraints on investment. Therefore, all spheres of government, the private sector and NGOs should consider investment in smallholder agriculture through coordinated strategies and political support. This study also recommends that government should develop a strategic Smallholder Investment Plan which would improve investments in smallholder agriculture.

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