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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'n Opvoedkundige-sielkundige begeleidingsprogram vir gesinne blootgestel aan veranderde werksomstandighede

Van Biljon, Magdalena Katharina 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Die studie handel oor die probleme wat veranderende werksomstandighede vir die werker en sy gesin veroorsaak. In 'n tydvak waar die wereld van werk dramaties verander, toon baie mense onkundigheid oor wat die veranderende wereld van werk impliseer. Hierdie veranderende wereld van werk vereis dat die werker groter verantwoordelikheid sal neem vir sy/haar eie loopbaantoekoms en -sekuriteit. 'n Loopbaan waar vaste ure, 'n vaste salaris, 'n pensioenfonds en ander byvoordele vanselfsprekend is, is in die veranderende wereld van werk nie meer die norm nie. Mense is nie voorbereid op veranderende werksomstandighede nie en ervaar verskeie probleme soos stres, 'n verswakte selfbeeld, depressie en 'n gevoel van magteloosheid. Die meeste mense wat blootgestel word aan veranderende werksomstandighede ervaar toekomsskok en hunker na die ou bedeling waar dinge seker en voorspelbaar was. Omdat persona blootgestel aan veranderende werksomstandighede nie voldoende op verandering voorberei word nie, ervaar hulle en hul gesinne probleme. Hulle probeer dikwels om so vinnig moontlik van die pyn en angstigheid wat met die verandering gepaard gaan, te ontsnap en neem daarom dikwels ondeurdagte besluite en voortydige aksies. Dit het dikwels mislukking tot gevolg wat verreikende ekonomiese en psigologiese implikasies mag inhou. Die begeleidingsprogram vir die studie is daarom ontwerp met die doel om aan gesinne wat blootgestel word aan veranderende werksomstandighede die nodige insig in die veranderende wereld van werk te gee, en om aan hulle die nodige vaardighede te gee om die probleme wat veranderinge meebring, te kan hanteer. Die persone en hulle gesinne word bemagtig deurdat aan hulle die begrip "portefeulje -werk" met die uitgangspunt dat almal altyd oor sekere bemarkbare vaardighede beskik, en daarom tegnies nooit werkloos hoef te wees nie, bekendgestel word. Daar word gepoog dat hulle hierdie konsep sal internaliseer en dat hulle daarom 'n paradigmaskuif sal maak sodat hulle meer op hulself en hulle eie vaardighede aangewese is as op eksterne faktore in die wereld van werk. Uit die terugvoergesprekke met die proefpersone aan die begin van die groepsessies en die vraelyste wat hulle voltooi het, blyk dit dat hulle gebaat het by die bywoning van die groepsessies. / This study deals with the problems experienced by a person and his/her family when faced with changing work circumstances. In a time where the world of work is undergoing dramatic changes, many people lack knowledge about the implications of the changing world of work. This changing world of work requires that the worker will take greater responsibility for his own career future and career security. A career where fixed work hours, a fixed salary, a pension fund and other benefits are a given, is no longer the norm in the changing world of work. People are not prepared to deal with changing work circumstances. They experience a variety of problems like stress, a poor self image and depression. Most people who are facing changing work circumstances experience future shock and long for the old times when things were certain and predictable. Persons and their families who are facing changing work circumstances are not sufficiently prepared for the changes. They often try to escape the pain and anxiety which accompany the changes by making quick decisions and by taking premature actions. This often leads to failure and has serious economic and psychological implications. The counselling programme for this study is thus designed with the purpose to give the families who are faced with changing work circumstances the necessary insight in the changing world of work, and to equip them with the necessary skills to deal with the problems which accompany the changes. The persons and their families are also empowered by introducing them to the concept "portfolio work". The implications of portfolio work is that people always have some marketable skills, and by marketing themselves and their skills they should technically never be unemployed. It is attempted to help the participants to internalise these concepts in order to make a paradigm shift so that they will be more self reliant and less dependent on employers in the world of work. From feedback with participants in the investigation at the beginning of the group sessions, and the questionnaires they completed, it seems that they have benefited from attending the group sessions. / Psychology of Education / Ph. D. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Die rol van die maatskaplike werker in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens

Schoeman, Gertruida Anna Magdalena. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die rol van die maatskaplike werker verbonde aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens Hoofkantoor en sy afdelings is die onderwerp van hierdie studie. Hierdie rol is aan die hand van die take wat deur middel van die studie geTdentifiseer is, bepaal. Personeelmaatskaplikewerk het die teoretiese agtergrond vir hierdie studie gevorm. Maatskaplike werk in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens is fundamenteel in terme van sy ontstaan en ontwikkeling, missie en doelstellings beskryf.Die empiriese opname het volgens die nominale groepstegniek en 'n gestruktureerde onderhoudskedule plaasgevind. Maatskaplike werkers, kapelane, sielkundiges en bestuurders/bevelvoerders verbonde aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens Hoofkantoor en sy afdelings was as respondente gebruik. Die navorser het die kennis wat deur hierdie studie opgedoen is, gebruik om spesifieke aanbevelings te maak ten opsigte van Maatskaplikewerkdienste in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens, Hoofkantoor-afdelings. / The role of the social worker attached to the South African Police Service, Head Office and its divisions is the subject of this study. This role has been prescribed by tasks which were dictated by the study. Industrial social work formed the theoretical background for this study. Social work in the South African Police Service is described in foundation in terms of its origin and development, mission and objectives. The empirical survey was carried out according to the nominal group technique and a structured interview schedule. Social workers, chaplains, psychologists and managers/ officers commanding on the staff of the South African Police Service, Head Office and its divisions, were used as respondents. The researcher has used the information gained by this study to make specific recommendations regarding Social Work Services, Head Office Divisions, in the South African Police. / Social Work / M.A.(Social Work)

Evangelisasie in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika / Evangelisation in the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika

Schutte, Philippus Jacobus Wilhelmus 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Evangelisasiewerk het in die Hervormde Kerk nog nooit regtig van die grand af gekom nie. Jaar na jaar word daar op vergaderings verslag gedoen dat daar in die meeste gemeentes op hierdie gebied nie·veel gebeur nie. Hierdie studie het gevra na die werklike stand van sake tans in die Kerk; die paradigmaverskuiwing wat besig is om plaas te vind; en na 'n moontlike nuwe teorie om die huidige praxis mee te probeer wysig. Die resultate van die ondersoek het die volgende opgelewer: - Tans is daar ongeveer 15% van die gemeentes wat hoegenaamd op 'n georganiseerde wyse by evangelisasiewerk betrokke is; - 0,38% van die totale lidmaattal van die Kerk is toegerus vir evangelisasiewerk, en gebruik hulle opleiding; - Die Kerk het egter reeds die regte besluite in sy vergaderings geneem, soos bv dat die gemeente die evangelis is en dat elke lidmaat betrokke moet wees. Hierdie besluite moet geimplementeer word. Myns insiens kan dit alleen gebeur wanneer daar op gemeentevlak met harde teologiese arbeid deelgeneem word aan die huidige gesprek random 'n prakties-teologiese ekklesiologie. / When the annual reports of the Hervormde Kerk are being studied, it becomes clear that the church finds itself in a crisis. The essence of this crisis manifests itself in the fact that the church is not evangelising the world as it is suppose to do. This study was undertaken to ask what is really going on in the field of evangelisation in the church; to look at the paradigm shift that is taken place at the moment; and, to ask for a new theory to try to alter the current praxis. The results of this study are: - Only 15% of the congregations of the church are involved in organised evangelisation activities; - 0,38% of churchmembers are trained and are using their training to do evangelisation; - The church has already realised that the congregation is suppose to be the evangelist and that every member must be involved in this ministry. But it has not yet come from the ground. This can only happen, I believe, when the congregation starts to participate in finding an ecclesiology for the time and context that we are living in. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

The Weblight-District : a study of how women use the internet to work independently as sex workers, their investments in this kind of work, and the challenges this poses

Van Rooi, Wildo Alvir 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the characteristics of discourses about people who are marginalised such as sex workers, in many societies, is the way they are rendered through these very discourses as "Other‟ through, for example, forms of generalisation and homogenisation, attributions of immorality and infantilisation, which construct sex workers as bad or as helpless victims with little or no agency. In opposition to these discourses, my research is primarily concerned with advancing the voices of sex workers engaged in particular contemporary forms of sex work made possible by the access to the internet, and exploring with them how they construct and experience sex work: how they present and identify themselves. A qualitative, netnographic methodology influenced by grounded theory was employed, drawing extensively on semi-structured interviews with 15 independent escorts who advertise on a South African escorting website, referred to as Redlace.com. Content analysis of this website provided an additional source of data. The construction of the sex worker as someone who is simply controlled and exploited by others and who has no mind of her or his own, I found, was very much at odds with the manner through which the independent escorts in my study presented themselves. As I started conducting the interviews, I discovered that even the term "sex worker‟, which I had always understood as non-judgmental, was considered inappropriate and pejorative by most of the women in my study. In my discussion, I illustrate how, by soliciting clients via the internet, escorts are able to gain control over their working conditions allowing them to work independently and anonymously, which in turn renders them less publicly visible compared to other sex workers who solicit clients form the street. While I identify various continuities and discontinuities between independent escorting and other forms of sex work, the most profound and unanticipated difference was how some independent escorts whose independence and dissociation from organised forms of sex work in institutions such as brothels or escorts, placed them in a position where they were able to, and wanted to, present the "girlfriend experience‟. Herein the independent escorts performed and/or became like girlfriends offering sex, but sex mediated by "dating‟, and expressions of care and warmth symbolically associated with developing girlfriend/boyfriend relations.

Private practice, is it worth it? : the experiences of social workers in private practice : challenges, opportunities and benefits.

Budhoo, Arthee. January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of the study was the description of the experiences of opportunities, rewards and challenges faced by social workers in private practice in the Durban Metropolitan Area, Kwa Zulu Natal. This study used an exploratory design, which was qualitative in nature. The researcher administered interview schedules that contained both open–ended and close–ended questions. The findings of the study indicated that some of the challenges experienced are professional isolation, stress and burnout, difficulties of managing a business and role confusion and conflict between a social worker in private practice and a psychologist. Respondents indicated that some of the benefits of private practice were working with motivated clients, control over professional growth and work environment, financial rewards, escape from bureaucracy, flexibility and quality casework services. The opportunities offered to private practitioners were employee wellness programmes, legal work, training, work in schools and quality casework services that made private practice a lucrative business. In terms of support systems it was found that the South African Association of Social Workers in Private practice was supportive. Respondents regarded The South African Council for Social Services Professions and the Department of Social Development as unsupportive. Emanating from the findings, recommendations have been made with regards to making private practice a more viable option. The findings can also be used to inform future research on a national level as well as comparative studies on the experiences between social workers in private practice and those at an agency level. Some of the recommendations in relation to private practice are that the South African Council of Social Services Profession and the Government should acknowledge social workers in private practice, the community should become more responsive to private practitioners and tertiary institutions should offer training courses to prepare social workers for private practice. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2008.

Die rol van die maatskaplike werker in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens

Schoeman, Gertruida Anna Magdalena. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die rol van die maatskaplike werker verbonde aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens Hoofkantoor en sy afdelings is die onderwerp van hierdie studie. Hierdie rol is aan die hand van die take wat deur middel van die studie geTdentifiseer is, bepaal. Personeelmaatskaplikewerk het die teoretiese agtergrond vir hierdie studie gevorm. Maatskaplike werk in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens is fundamenteel in terme van sy ontstaan en ontwikkeling, missie en doelstellings beskryf.Die empiriese opname het volgens die nominale groepstegniek en 'n gestruktureerde onderhoudskedule plaasgevind. Maatskaplike werkers, kapelane, sielkundiges en bestuurders/bevelvoerders verbonde aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens Hoofkantoor en sy afdelings was as respondente gebruik. Die navorser het die kennis wat deur hierdie studie opgedoen is, gebruik om spesifieke aanbevelings te maak ten opsigte van Maatskaplikewerkdienste in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens, Hoofkantoor-afdelings. / The role of the social worker attached to the South African Police Service, Head Office and its divisions is the subject of this study. This role has been prescribed by tasks which were dictated by the study. Industrial social work formed the theoretical background for this study. Social work in the South African Police Service is described in foundation in terms of its origin and development, mission and objectives. The empirical survey was carried out according to the nominal group technique and a structured interview schedule. Social workers, chaplains, psychologists and managers/ officers commanding on the staff of the South African Police Service, Head Office and its divisions, were used as respondents. The researcher has used the information gained by this study to make specific recommendations regarding Social Work Services, Head Office Divisions, in the South African Police. / Social Work / M.A.(Social Work)

Evangelisasie in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika / Evangelisation in the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika

Schutte, Philippus Jacobus Wilhelmus 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Evangelisasiewerk het in die Hervormde Kerk nog nooit regtig van die grand af gekom nie. Jaar na jaar word daar op vergaderings verslag gedoen dat daar in die meeste gemeentes op hierdie gebied nie·veel gebeur nie. Hierdie studie het gevra na die werklike stand van sake tans in die Kerk; die paradigmaverskuiwing wat besig is om plaas te vind; en na 'n moontlike nuwe teorie om die huidige praxis mee te probeer wysig. Die resultate van die ondersoek het die volgende opgelewer: - Tans is daar ongeveer 15% van die gemeentes wat hoegenaamd op 'n georganiseerde wyse by evangelisasiewerk betrokke is; - 0,38% van die totale lidmaattal van die Kerk is toegerus vir evangelisasiewerk, en gebruik hulle opleiding; - Die Kerk het egter reeds die regte besluite in sy vergaderings geneem, soos bv dat die gemeente die evangelis is en dat elke lidmaat betrokke moet wees. Hierdie besluite moet geimplementeer word. Myns insiens kan dit alleen gebeur wanneer daar op gemeentevlak met harde teologiese arbeid deelgeneem word aan die huidige gesprek random 'n prakties-teologiese ekklesiologie. / When the annual reports of the Hervormde Kerk are being studied, it becomes clear that the church finds itself in a crisis. The essence of this crisis manifests itself in the fact that the church is not evangelising the world as it is suppose to do. This study was undertaken to ask what is really going on in the field of evangelisation in the church; to look at the paradigm shift that is taken place at the moment; and, to ask for a new theory to try to alter the current praxis. The results of this study are: - Only 15% of the congregations of the church are involved in organised evangelisation activities; - 0,38% of churchmembers are trained and are using their training to do evangelisation; - The church has already realised that the congregation is suppose to be the evangelist and that every member must be involved in this ministry. But it has not yet come from the ground. This can only happen, I believe, when the congregation starts to participate in finding an ecclesiology for the time and context that we are living in. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

The path to adoption: experiences of couples who have transitioned from infertility

Brophy, Mandy-Lee January 2017 (has links)
Parenthood is a life goal for the majority of individuals and couples who have reached a certain life stage. For many couples parenthood is, however, not a reality through expected means. Statistics gathered, in an unpublished information document, by the Port Elizabeth Infertility and Wellness Clinic, it is estimated that 10 to 15% of all married couples in the region experience infertility. After failed infertility treatment, adoption is considered an option for many couples wishing to have children. The social worker plays an integral role in the assessment and preparation for adoption. However, there is no legislated preparation for the fertility treatment process as there is for adoption in South Africa, yet both processes are intended to result in parenthood shadowed by stressful circumstances for prospective parents. The study explored the experiences of couples who have transitioned from being diagnosed as infertile and have successfully adopted. The study was conducted from a qualitative research perspective and employed the exploratory-descriptive strategy of inquiry. Purposive sampling was applied and eight married couples participated in the study. The participants were sourced from a support and information network for adoptive families as well as referrals from social workers working within the adoption field. Semi-structured interviews were conducted by an independent interviewer with thematic analysis being used for data analysis. Trustworthiness constructs were taken into account to ensure reliability and rigour. The major findings revealed the distinctive experiences regarding fertility treatment, the experiences regarding adoption and suggestions from couples for couples facing similar situations as well as for professionals in practice. The study is viewed as significant in guiding professional services to couples, who are intending to achieve parenthood via adoption, by adding to the body of existing knowledge in adoption and medical social work.

'n Begeleidingsprogram vir familiepleegouers

Slabbert, Ilze 11 June 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Social Work) / The goals of this study were viewed as the development and evaluation of a parent-training programme for foster parents related to their foster children; that 1s, to apply programme evaluation to a newly-developed social technological item, in this case a specific preventive intervention parent-training programme. The researcher formulated the following objectives towards the achievement of these goals: to present a theoretical perspective on foster care, on the ecological approach which was utilized in the development of the programme, and on programme evaluation; to develop the programme envisaged utilising the DR & U (Development Research and Utilization) model of Edwin Thomas; to evaluate the programme by inviting a group of foster parents, related to their foster children, to participate in the evaluation phase with a view to: * broadening the knowledge and insight of the participants on their foster care situation; * developing a more positive self-concept for programme participants, through improved insight into their foster care situation; * enhancing foster child-foster parent relationships through improved insight into the foster care situation; * improving the family relationships of the programme participants.

Identifying appropriate paths for establishing sustainable irrigated crop based farming business on smallholder irrigation schemes: a case of Ncora Irrigation Scheme

Mbizana, Nandipha January 2014 (has links)
The study examined the impact of small scale irrigation technology in crop production under Ncora areas of Cofimvaba. To achieve the objective of the study, data were collected from 212 farmers engaged in various crop enterprises under the Ncora. The farmers were randomly selected. Descriptive Statistics, DEA model, linear regression model and gross margin analysis were used to analyse the results obtained from the survey. The descriptive results showed that Ncora farmers are small-scale farmers cultivating small hectare of land and using simple farm tools, mainly using furrow irrigation. Furthermore, they produce more than one crop enterprises. The gross margin Analysis shows that Ncora cultivation is profitable. The most profitable crop was found to be maize than potatoes. Farm production function revealed that land, labour and purchased inputs had a positive relationship with the output of the enterprises. SPSS was used to run data for linear regression model (OLS). It was suggested that extension services and private organizations assist farmers especially the emerging ones via provision of training, processing and storage facilities. Furthermore, continuous monitoring of soil and water quality as well as ground water table was recommended, in order to ensure sustainability of Ncora irrigation in the area.

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