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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O pai e profissional no mundo contemporâneo: benefícios e conflitos da paternidade na carreira / Being a dad in the contemporary workplace: benefits and conflicts of the fatherhood on career

Nogueira, Cristiane de Andrade 11 April 2017 (has links)
Tornou-se cada vez mais desafiadora a busca dos profissionais por adequar o trabalho e a carreira ao seu modo de viver, visando integrar sua atividade profissional às diferentes necessidades da vida familiar e pessoal. As questões financeiras e os ajustes familiares aumentaram a necessidade de mulheres também contribuírem para o aumento da renda familiar, sendo necessária a participação mais ativa dos homens no trabalho doméstico e nos cuidados com seus filhos. Notícias na mídia relacionadas à ampliação da licença paternidade no Brasil têm sido destaque para reflexões sobre esse tema nas empresas. Entretanto, ainda há um número restrito de estudos sobre a experiência dos homens em relação à paternidade no contexto de trabalho. Considerou-se nesta dissertação a concepção da paternidade numa abordagem construcionista social, que não pode ser compreendida sem a articulação com a maternidade e com a cultura em que está inserida. Como fundamentação teórica, foram apresentados também estudos e pesquisas sobre integração entre vida profissional e familiar, carreira, relações de gênero no ambiente de trabalho e licença parental. Com o propósito de ampliar o conhecimento acerca dos benefícios e conflitos da paternidade na carreira, foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva e quantitativa com uma amostra não probabilística de 113 profissionais pais, em relação conjugal heterossexual e com pelo menos um filho de até 18 anos de idade. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de questionário eletrônico. Para a análise dos dados, utilizaram-se técnicas de análise estatística descritiva, testes não paramétricos (Kruskall-Wallis H e Jonckheere-Tepstra) e análise multivariada (análise fatorial exploratória). Foi feita também uma breve análise qualitativa referente à parte final do questionário, uma vez que os respondentes tiveram a oportunidade de acrescentar comentários espontâneos sobre os benefícios e conflitos da paternidade na vida pessoal, familiar e profissional. A maior parte dos achados confirmou as pesquisas internacionais que evidenciam a mudança do papel do pai que era somente um provedor financeiro para outro de maior envolvimento com os filhos. Além disso, os resultados da análise estatística revelaram associações significativas entre a paternidade e as questões de carreira. Foram constatados benefícios como maior satisfação, realização, mudança na visão de sucesso e também conflitos como a falta de flexibilidade para desenvolver a carreira, maior responsabilidade e complexidade na atividade profissional, bem como a necessidade de se trabalhar mais tempo para aumentar a renda familiar. Os resultados também destacam a importância da cultura organizacional e da postura da liderança em relação às práticas e políticas relacionadas às questões familiares no ambiente de trabalho. / It has become increasingly challenging for professionals to adapt work and career to their style of life, aiming to integrate the work activities and the several needs of family and personal life. Financial issues and family adjustment have increased the need for women to contribute to the household income, requiring more active participation of men in domestic work and in childcare. News in the media related to the expansion of the paternity leave in Brazil, have also been highlighted for companies\'s reflections on this topic. However, there are still a limited number of studies of paternity on men\'s experience in the work context. It was considered in this dissertation a social constructionism approach for the conception of paternity, that can not be understood without the articulation with the motherhood and the culture in which it is inserted. As a theoretical basis, were also introduced studies and researches about work-life integration, career, gender relations at work and parental leave. With the purpose of increasing knowledge about the benefits and the conflicts of the paternity in careers, a descriptive and quantitative research was carried out with a non-probabilistic sample of 113 workers, which were fathers of at least one child up to 18 years old, married, and in a heterosexual relationship. Data collection was performed using an online survey. For data analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, nonparametric tests (Kruskall-Wallis H and Jonckheere-Tepstra) and multivariate analysis (exploratory factor analysis) were done. A brief qualitative analysis was also made regarding the final part of the questionnaire, since the respondents had the opportunity to add spontaneous comments about the benefits and conflicts of paternity in personal, family and professional life. Most of the findings corroborated with international research, showing the shift from the role of the father who was only a financial provider to a father of greater involvement with the children. In addition, the results of the statistical analysis revealed significant associations between paternity and career issues. Benefits and conflicst were found in this study, such as satisfaction, achievement, changes in the success vision and also lack of flexibility to develop the career, greater responsibility and complexity in the professional activity, as well as the need to work longer to increase family income. The results also highlight the importance of the organizational culture and the leadership attitude to the practices and policies related to family issues in the work environment.

Ett kvinnligt perspektiv på work-life balance : samhälleliga förutsättningar, jämställdhet och strategier

Fajersson, Malin January 2011 (has links)
I mitten av 1900-talet steg antalet kvinnor på arbetsmarknaden dramatiskt vilket fick tillföljd att debatten kring möjligheten till balans mellan arbete och fritid, work-life balance, tog fart på allvar. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att bringa en bredare förståelse kring kvinnor i förhållande till aspekter av arbete, som berör balansen mellan privatliv och yrkesliv. Intentionen är att tillföra personalområdet en djupare och bredare förståelse kringde villkor som kvinnliga arbetstagare dagligen måste förhålla sig till och därmed också arbetsgivare. Resultatet visar, utifrån kvinnornas berättelser, att samhälleliga förutsättningar för balans och integration, jämställdheten i parrelationen och dess betydelse för balans och integration samt kvinnornas egna strategier kring balans och integration är viktiga aspekter för kvinnorna i hur de balanserar och hanterar work-life balance. Det har även visat sig att förändringar i ovannämnda perspektiv av work-life balance är små mellan generationerna. I de samhälleliga förutsättningarna för balans och integration syns tydliga förändringar mellan generationerna. Politiska och organisatoriska förutsättningar har förändrats över tid. Nya hjälpmedel och möjligheter för individen har etablerats och den samhällsekonomiska situationen förändrats. Jämställdheten i parrelationen och dess betydelse för balans och integration förhåller sig till de samhälleliga förutsättningarna och har förändrats i takt med att förutsättningarna förändrats så som nya politiska beslut, lagar och omsorgsmöjligheter. Kvinnornas egna strategier kring balans och integration tycks däremot vara liknande över tid. Visserligen finns dessa i ett sammanhang som förändrats. Strategierna förhåller sig till de ovannämnda perspektiven och i och med det så påverkas kvinnorna av den tid de lever i. Men problematiken är fortfarande densamma som de försöker lösa.

The Relationship of Work Life Integration Policy and Supportive Supervisor Behavior to Happiness and Job Search Behavior

Hsu, Ching-chih 12 July 2012 (has links)
Work-life issues have been concerned by employees and employers from decades ago. The family structure has been transformed for the work style and most practices have been changed with human resource policy. However, the organizational climate of work and life is not clear and few of organizations implement comprehensive evaluation for the work-life culture. This research proceeds the cross-level analysis by using the hierarchical linear model which provides more precise outcomes. Besides, supervisor support has been recognized one of social supportive and informal organizational supportive resources, included by the work-life culture. Because of the unclear conception of informal organizational support, this research talks about the relationship of supportive supervisor behavior and organizational work-life policy. Furthermore, supervisor support comes up with employees¡¦ subjective well-being. Many scholars recognize employees who have supervisor support experience can reduce work-family conflict and turnover rate. Reasonably, job search behavior is the priority of voluntary quitting and job choosing, which helps to understand the process of employees¡¦ mind changing. To sum up, this research emphasizes on the influence among supportive supervisor behavior to work-life integration policy, subjective well-being and job search behavior. There are three dimensions for individuals, departments and organizations, combing employees¡¦ subjective well-being and objective job research behavior, excluding individual segmentation preference and segmentation support of workplace so as to strengthen the casual relationship and impersonal evaluation.

O pai e profissional no mundo contemporâneo: benefícios e conflitos da paternidade na carreira / Being a dad in the contemporary workplace: benefits and conflicts of the fatherhood on career

Cristiane de Andrade Nogueira 11 April 2017 (has links)
Tornou-se cada vez mais desafiadora a busca dos profissionais por adequar o trabalho e a carreira ao seu modo de viver, visando integrar sua atividade profissional às diferentes necessidades da vida familiar e pessoal. As questões financeiras e os ajustes familiares aumentaram a necessidade de mulheres também contribuírem para o aumento da renda familiar, sendo necessária a participação mais ativa dos homens no trabalho doméstico e nos cuidados com seus filhos. Notícias na mídia relacionadas à ampliação da licença paternidade no Brasil têm sido destaque para reflexões sobre esse tema nas empresas. Entretanto, ainda há um número restrito de estudos sobre a experiência dos homens em relação à paternidade no contexto de trabalho. Considerou-se nesta dissertação a concepção da paternidade numa abordagem construcionista social, que não pode ser compreendida sem a articulação com a maternidade e com a cultura em que está inserida. Como fundamentação teórica, foram apresentados também estudos e pesquisas sobre integração entre vida profissional e familiar, carreira, relações de gênero no ambiente de trabalho e licença parental. Com o propósito de ampliar o conhecimento acerca dos benefícios e conflitos da paternidade na carreira, foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva e quantitativa com uma amostra não probabilística de 113 profissionais pais, em relação conjugal heterossexual e com pelo menos um filho de até 18 anos de idade. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de questionário eletrônico. Para a análise dos dados, utilizaram-se técnicas de análise estatística descritiva, testes não paramétricos (Kruskall-Wallis H e Jonckheere-Tepstra) e análise multivariada (análise fatorial exploratória). Foi feita também uma breve análise qualitativa referente à parte final do questionário, uma vez que os respondentes tiveram a oportunidade de acrescentar comentários espontâneos sobre os benefícios e conflitos da paternidade na vida pessoal, familiar e profissional. A maior parte dos achados confirmou as pesquisas internacionais que evidenciam a mudança do papel do pai que era somente um provedor financeiro para outro de maior envolvimento com os filhos. Além disso, os resultados da análise estatística revelaram associações significativas entre a paternidade e as questões de carreira. Foram constatados benefícios como maior satisfação, realização, mudança na visão de sucesso e também conflitos como a falta de flexibilidade para desenvolver a carreira, maior responsabilidade e complexidade na atividade profissional, bem como a necessidade de se trabalhar mais tempo para aumentar a renda familiar. Os resultados também destacam a importância da cultura organizacional e da postura da liderança em relação às práticas e políticas relacionadas às questões familiares no ambiente de trabalho. / It has become increasingly challenging for professionals to adapt work and career to their style of life, aiming to integrate the work activities and the several needs of family and personal life. Financial issues and family adjustment have increased the need for women to contribute to the household income, requiring more active participation of men in domestic work and in childcare. News in the media related to the expansion of the paternity leave in Brazil, have also been highlighted for companies\'s reflections on this topic. However, there are still a limited number of studies of paternity on men\'s experience in the work context. It was considered in this dissertation a social constructionism approach for the conception of paternity, that can not be understood without the articulation with the motherhood and the culture in which it is inserted. As a theoretical basis, were also introduced studies and researches about work-life integration, career, gender relations at work and parental leave. With the purpose of increasing knowledge about the benefits and the conflicts of the paternity in careers, a descriptive and quantitative research was carried out with a non-probabilistic sample of 113 workers, which were fathers of at least one child up to 18 years old, married, and in a heterosexual relationship. Data collection was performed using an online survey. For data analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, nonparametric tests (Kruskall-Wallis H and Jonckheere-Tepstra) and multivariate analysis (exploratory factor analysis) were done. A brief qualitative analysis was also made regarding the final part of the questionnaire, since the respondents had the opportunity to add spontaneous comments about the benefits and conflicts of paternity in personal, family and professional life. Most of the findings corroborated with international research, showing the shift from the role of the father who was only a financial provider to a father of greater involvement with the children. In addition, the results of the statistical analysis revealed significant associations between paternity and career issues. Benefits and conflicst were found in this study, such as satisfaction, achievement, changes in the success vision and also lack of flexibility to develop the career, greater responsibility and complexity in the professional activity, as well as the need to work longer to increase family income. The results also highlight the importance of the organizational culture and the leadership attitude to the practices and policies related to family issues in the work environment.

Work-Life Balance of Tenured and Tenure-Track Women Engineering Professors

Gossage, Lily Giang-Tien 01 January 2019 (has links)
Balancing the needs of family with career ambitions is often challenging for women who pursue science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) careers, particularly in academia. In these male-dominated workplaces, few incentives exist for women who decide to manage both work and family. In this basic qualitative research study, a modified approach combining in-depth interviewing with life-history interviewing was used to examine the work-life balance experiences of 12 tenured and tenure-track women engineering faculty who have children. The research question addressed participants' perceptions of engineering academia and experiences regarding family formation, child-raising, and the tenure process. Data were analyzed using the constant comparison method. The conceptual lens consisted of identity formation, feminine ethic of care, procedural knowing, and social learning. Four themes or key findings surfaced from this study: Participants experienced gender stereotyping in engineering academia, participants recognized overlap between the tenure and biological clocks, participants expressed a default arrangement in assuming the burden of childcare, and participants revealed that work-life balance is a false concept. The most significant finding was that the notion of work-life balance was inconsistent with participants' experiences with managing childcare and career; they described their experiences to be more about work-life integration. Implications for positive social change include improving gender diversity and the representation of women in engineering academia. Senior leaders and administrators at institutions of higher education may use study findings, for instance, to undertake program reform to recruit more women into engineering academia.

Parents, employment, gender and well-being: a time use study

Hilbrecht, Margo J. 09 January 2009 (has links)
Transformations in the economy have led to changes in employment practices that can create a mismatch between parents’ work schedules and family routines. At the same time, approaches to child-rearing have become more time-intensive, with expectations of increased parental involvement in all aspects of children’s lives compared to previous generations. Mothers are subject to a more intensified maternal role and for fathers, the provider role is no longer sufficient. There are strong social pressures for more active participation in children’s lives and to nurture greater emotional connectivity in the parent-child relationship. These transformations in parenting and employment practices have contributed to a situation where parents now report increased levels of time pressure and greater dissatisfaction with the balance between work and the rest of their lives. The purpose of this study was to develop a broader understanding of how mothers and fathers with school-age children allocate their time, how it varies by household composition, season of the year, and work schedule, and how time use is related to subjective well-being. Given the role that leisure may play in creating a more satisfactory work-life balance, special attention was given to the amount of time available for leisure, with whom this time was spent and the relationship to quality of life. The gender relations perspective provided a theoretical framework since role expectations and experiences of parenthood differ for mothers and fathers. By considering individual, interpersonal, institutional and socio-historical levels of influence, patterns of behaviour may be better understood within the Canadian social context. This study is a secondary analysis of the 2005 Canadian General Social Survey, Cycle 19. Using a sub-sample of 2,062 parents of school-age children (ages 5-17 years), patterns of time use and perceptions of quality of life were assessed and compared by gender according to household composition, season of the school year, work schedule and flexible work option. Work schedules were categorized as traditional (daytime, no weekends), non-standard (evening, weekend and rotating shifts) and irregular (unpredictable, with “on call”, casual, or other irregular patterns). Gender inequality in the allocation of time to important life spheres remained substantial even when faced with very complex challenges in coordinating employment arrangements, family routines, and the school year schedule. With the exception of single fathers, men spent more time on employment-related activities than women regardless of work schedule, while women continued to perform greater amounts of domestic and child care activities. Combined workloads of paid and unpaid labour were significantly different only among single mothers and fathers. For married or cohabitating parents, the distribution of paid and unpaid labour was asymmetrical but the combined workload was not significantly different. Fathers continued to be privileged with greater amounts of leisure time. This was especially noticeable for men with non-standard work schedules and fathers of teenage children. Seasonal differences in time use indicated that women’s routines were more linked to the school year than men’s because of their greater child care responsibilities. When irregular or non-standard schedules were in place that could create more optimal conditions for reconsidering time allocation, parents still followed activity patterns that reproduced traditional gender roles. For women, non-standard schedules were the most detrimental to quality of life, whereas for men irregular schedules decreased well-being. Flexible schedules also perpetuated inequality in the distribution of paid work, unpaid work and leisure although quality of life actually improved for women. This improved quality of life may be attributable to more time spent on activities with physical health benefits or increased options for daily schedules, but it also leads to questions about how much control mothers actually have over their time and whether they recognize or care to challenge the inequalities that persist in the distribution of labour and leisure. Quality of life was diminished by conditions that contributed to a deviation from traditional role expectations. Some of these included not having a partner, women’s work schedules that conflicted with other family members, and for men, having an irregular and unpredictable work schedule. Since these conditions are characteristic of a sizable minority of Canadians parents, their experiences should not be dismissed but rather given greater attention. Additionally, future discussions of work-life integration should consider access to leisure since time for leisure was shown to contribute to parents’ quality of life. The gender relations perspective proved to be helpful in interpreting and understanding the dynamics of time use and behaviour. The four levels of interaction were highly interconnected, but changing institutional conditions such as employment schedules did not lead to greater equality. Instead, non-traditional work schedules widened the gender gap, particularly for child care and domestic activities. Dominant parenting practices were shown to be so deeply imbedded that stereotypical patterns remained a prevailing force guiding men’s and women’s daily activities. The GSS data, despite some limitations, provided considerable insight into the effect of parents’ employment and gender on time use and well-being. The findings of this study underscore the relevance of considering multiple levels of influence when assessing parenting practices, gendered behaviour, and quality of life for employed parents.

Parents, employment, gender and well-being: a time use study

Hilbrecht, Margo J. 09 January 2009 (has links)
Transformations in the economy have led to changes in employment practices that can create a mismatch between parents’ work schedules and family routines. At the same time, approaches to child-rearing have become more time-intensive, with expectations of increased parental involvement in all aspects of children’s lives compared to previous generations. Mothers are subject to a more intensified maternal role and for fathers, the provider role is no longer sufficient. There are strong social pressures for more active participation in children’s lives and to nurture greater emotional connectivity in the parent-child relationship. These transformations in parenting and employment practices have contributed to a situation where parents now report increased levels of time pressure and greater dissatisfaction with the balance between work and the rest of their lives. The purpose of this study was to develop a broader understanding of how mothers and fathers with school-age children allocate their time, how it varies by household composition, season of the year, and work schedule, and how time use is related to subjective well-being. Given the role that leisure may play in creating a more satisfactory work-life balance, special attention was given to the amount of time available for leisure, with whom this time was spent and the relationship to quality of life. The gender relations perspective provided a theoretical framework since role expectations and experiences of parenthood differ for mothers and fathers. By considering individual, interpersonal, institutional and socio-historical levels of influence, patterns of behaviour may be better understood within the Canadian social context. This study is a secondary analysis of the 2005 Canadian General Social Survey, Cycle 19. Using a sub-sample of 2,062 parents of school-age children (ages 5-17 years), patterns of time use and perceptions of quality of life were assessed and compared by gender according to household composition, season of the school year, work schedule and flexible work option. Work schedules were categorized as traditional (daytime, no weekends), non-standard (evening, weekend and rotating shifts) and irregular (unpredictable, with “on call”, casual, or other irregular patterns). Gender inequality in the allocation of time to important life spheres remained substantial even when faced with very complex challenges in coordinating employment arrangements, family routines, and the school year schedule. With the exception of single fathers, men spent more time on employment-related activities than women regardless of work schedule, while women continued to perform greater amounts of domestic and child care activities. Combined workloads of paid and unpaid labour were significantly different only among single mothers and fathers. For married or cohabitating parents, the distribution of paid and unpaid labour was asymmetrical but the combined workload was not significantly different. Fathers continued to be privileged with greater amounts of leisure time. This was especially noticeable for men with non-standard work schedules and fathers of teenage children. Seasonal differences in time use indicated that women’s routines were more linked to the school year than men’s because of their greater child care responsibilities. When irregular or non-standard schedules were in place that could create more optimal conditions for reconsidering time allocation, parents still followed activity patterns that reproduced traditional gender roles. For women, non-standard schedules were the most detrimental to quality of life, whereas for men irregular schedules decreased well-being. Flexible schedules also perpetuated inequality in the distribution of paid work, unpaid work and leisure although quality of life actually improved for women. This improved quality of life may be attributable to more time spent on activities with physical health benefits or increased options for daily schedules, but it also leads to questions about how much control mothers actually have over their time and whether they recognize or care to challenge the inequalities that persist in the distribution of labour and leisure. Quality of life was diminished by conditions that contributed to a deviation from traditional role expectations. Some of these included not having a partner, women’s work schedules that conflicted with other family members, and for men, having an irregular and unpredictable work schedule. Since these conditions are characteristic of a sizable minority of Canadians parents, their experiences should not be dismissed but rather given greater attention. Additionally, future discussions of work-life integration should consider access to leisure since time for leisure was shown to contribute to parents’ quality of life. The gender relations perspective proved to be helpful in interpreting and understanding the dynamics of time use and behaviour. The four levels of interaction were highly interconnected, but changing institutional conditions such as employment schedules did not lead to greater equality. Instead, non-traditional work schedules widened the gender gap, particularly for child care and domestic activities. Dominant parenting practices were shown to be so deeply imbedded that stereotypical patterns remained a prevailing force guiding men’s and women’s daily activities. The GSS data, despite some limitations, provided considerable insight into the effect of parents’ employment and gender on time use and well-being. The findings of this study underscore the relevance of considering multiple levels of influence when assessing parenting practices, gendered behaviour, and quality of life for employed parents.

Women in Leadership: A Narrative Study on the Elements that Manifest Barriers and Opportunities

Sweat, Misty 01 May 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this narrative inquiry study is to explore the barriers and opportunities women in K-12 leadership face, particularly with how they navigate conflicts in their work-life balance and in what ways they have been afforded opportunities. Work-life balance will be generally defined as the reconciliation of the conflicting demands and obligations between a women’s professional requirements and her personal life. Opportunities will be defined as events that lead to a woman’s career advancements and accomplishments. The study was designed to identify perceived barriers and opportunities during both the ascension to and experience of holding a public K-12 educational leadership position in order to explore successful strategies and factors future female leaders might use to address career ascendency and leadership development challenges. For this study, a narrative research design was used to explore, examine, and understand the female K-12 public educational leaders’ personal reflections of events and experiences, and the meaning that was extracted from those experiences. Using a categorical content analysis, themes were inductively identified within the narrative. Although the public education workforce has historically been dominated by women, evidence remains that there is a disproportionate number of women in senior leadership positions. As suggested by the review of literature, it is necessary to investigate the journey of women’s leadership development to identify how to best develop future female leaders in public K-12 education.

Development Of A Multi-Construct Framework For Assessing Work-Life Balance : Validation And Its Applicability In the Indian Context

Das, Madhurima 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Introduction Work-Life Balance is an area of interest to both researchers and organizations who strive to understand the various facets of work, life and work-life. For an individual and society today, balance is of paramount interest affected by the personality aspects, family aspects, support scenario, organizational culture and the existence of policies and their usage at the organizational level. The changing aspirations of individuals with time, across economies have made this a global issue . In India, the rapid urbanization in major cities and the manner in which individuals are embracing a 24*7 work environment, makes it crucial to understand Work-Life balance in a holistic and contextual manner. The efforts of the government and the organization along with the individual drive determines how the scales tilt in this strive for Work-Life balance. Literature Review The gamut of literature shows that Work-Life balance has been studied across countries and industries. Work-Life balance as an issue has been explored from both an organizational and individual perspective. The impact of demographic aspects like gender, age, education, marital status, family type, children and care taking responsibility have been delineated, along with personality aspects like leadership and motivation. Support has been delved into, both at family level and at organizational level; coupled with the impact of mentoring and networking. Researchers have worked towards understanding policies at the organizational level that help an individual attain Work-Life balance, along with individual philosophy and family culture. Work-Life balance attained by an individual is exhibited in their behavior towards their team and organization; the loyalty and commitment exhibited by them. It is evident in the satisfaction they experience and their positive attitude towards work. The positive impact on their families is also evident, in terms of the time they are able to spend with their family. While the literature looks at various aspects, the view is an isolated one and there is a need for a holistic and multi-construct understanding of Work-Life Balance. Research Objectives and Methodology The ensuing gaps from literature lead to the objectives of the study. The specific objectives of the study are: 1 To evolve and validate a multi-construct model of Work-Life Balance (WLB) in the Indian Context 2 To identify and relate organizational, individual and family factors affecting WLB. 3 To critically analyze the role of gender, organizational policies, self efficacy and organization type in understanding work-life issues 4. To suggest ways and means of mitigating WLB in the Indian context. The various variables in the study were identified and the information framework was put in place. The preliminary study and the pilot study helped to finalise the questionnaire for the main study. The questionnaire comprised of two sections: Part B: My Perceptions of My Home and Work. Random sampling, coupled with the snowballing technique was the sampling technique adopted. The questionnaires were mostly administered in a face to face format; and in some cases, it was done over email as the respondents found that more convenient. The total sample of the study was 426 respondents 248 from public organizations, 118 from private organizations and 60 from entrepreneurial organizations. The data thus collected was subjected to statistical analyses. Major Findings First part of the analysis was carried out to establish the validity and the reliability of the questionnaire. This was done through factor analysis and by calculating the Cronbach's alpha. The factors analysis shows that the explanatory factors that emerge significant are aspects of culture, leadership and support; along with motivation towards family and work; including aspects of mentoring and networking. The mediating factors that emerge important revolve around aspects of Work-Life issues and impact of conflict; awareness and benefit of organizational policies; the perception of policy usage and individual thought. The output factors that emerge with high scores are the team and organizational engagement, impact of organizational support on work and family; the perception of work, the satisfaction with job and career and the citizenship behaviour exhibited. To understand how different the groups, categorised by age, education, children, marital status, gender, family type, care taking responsibility and the organization type public, private and entrepreneurial, are on the factors; manova and t test was carried out. The groups emerge significantly different in terms of their understanding of organizational culture and involvement in networking. The way they view organizational support and the role of mentoring, how they view family support and responsibilities at home. How confident individuals feel about handling challenges and how satisfied they felt with their jobs and career, also differ between the groups. The next step in analysis involved understanding the experience of Work-Life balance and the individual impact of the explanatory, mediating and interaction factors on the various output factors of team and organizational engagement, the positive impact of policies on family, the perception of work, the job and career satisfaction experienced and the citizenship proactive behavior exhibited by the individual. Apriori models based on literature were developed and regression analysis was carried out. Many of the models emerged insignificant showing that Work as a phenomena cannot be understood through isolated factors. For this, a full model was developed with explanatory, mediating and interaction factors (explanatory*mediating) and their causal impact on the output factors was studied. It was seen that the model for team and organizational engagement emerged the strongest with the factors explaining 69% of the model. The results of the full model showed that different factors had major impacts on different output aspects. It was seen that organizational culture, self efficacy and family values and the motivation towards work, interacting with the existence and awareness of policies have the greatest impact on team and organizational engagement. The support seniors/boss, perceived stress and networking interacting with the usage effect of organizational policies have the greatest impact on organizational policy positive impact on family. Organizational culture, perceived stress and networking interacting with the existence and awareness of organizational factors have the greatest impact on work perception. Job and career satisfaction is impacted the most by the motivation towards work, organizational policy existence, awareness and benefit and organization focus leadership interacting with the usage effect of policies. Finally, it is seen that networking, perceived stress and support from seniors and boss interacting with perceived stress have the greatest impact on citizenship proactive behavior. We thus see that Work Life balance is a multi-dimensional phenomena and its' comprehensive understanding is attained through multiple constructs. Conclusion This study provides a holistic understanding of Work Life Balance and is understood by looking at aspects of organizational culture, leadership, motivation, networking, mentoring, and support factors at both the organizational and the family level. The mediating role of organizational policies their existence, awareness and benefit and the usage effects on an individual; along with the role of self efficacy and family values and individuals' perception of stress becomes important. The experience of Work Life balance is understood through various behaviors exhibited team and organizational engagement shown by the individual, the positive impact of policies on family, the perception of work, the job and career satisfaction experienced and the citizenship proactive behavior exhibited by the individual. The comparison across groups and organization types public, private and entrepreneurial, show the importance of individual thought in mitigating Work Life issues. This study makes contributions at the theoretical level by developing and validating a multi-construct model for WLB. The study highlights the importance of organizational culture, organizational policies and the role of mentoring and networking that the organizations and managers need to delve into. This study entails scope in terms of extension of the model across organizations and cities in India and the development of a WLB measurement scale.

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