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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pracovní doba a s ní související instituty ve zdravotnictví / Working hours and some other related institutions of healthcare workers

Nyklová, Aneta January 2020 (has links)
1 Working hours and some other related institutions of healthcare workers Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the working hours of workers working in healthcare, but also comments on other areas that are associated with working hours. It is possible to find in it a comprehensive overview of valid and effective legislation, which is supplemented by relevant European case law related to the area currently addressed. In addition to the current situation, the aim of the thesis is also to verify whether the legislation is effective and whether it is complied with. The thesis is divided into several chapters, beginning with an explanation of labor law principles and central concepts of the whole thesis - the worker and the employer in healthcare. The most comprehensive chapter is the chapter devoted to the main topic of this thesis, working hours. The concept of working hours, its records and length are discussed here, while the concept of shortened and shorter working hours was not omitted. Other chapters deal with institutes such as night work, overtime, on-call time or rest periods. The chapter devoted to overtime work also discusses its remuneration, as the only remuneration in this whole thesis, because remuneration for overtime work in healthcare forms a large part of monthly remuneration and it is...

Lärarnas förändrade villkor under den svenska skolans decentralisering

Åkesson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker konsekvenserna av den svenska skolans kommunaliseringen under perioden tidigt 1990 - tal till början av 2012. Huvudsyftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur arbetsförhållandena har förändrats för lärarna samt ge förslag på hur rådande system kan förbättras. Tre olika områden har undersökts närmre; förändringen av lärarnas lönenivå, lärarnas arbetstid och lärarnas arbetsuppgifter. Den rent konkreta frågeställningen i uppsatsen är: Hur har den kommunala skolan utvecklats när det gäller lönenivå, arbetstid och arbetsuppgifter och vilka konsekvenser har det fått för lärarna under perioden början av 1990-talet fram till början av 2012? Material till detta arbete har hämtats ifrån intervjuer med två rektorer och två lärare som har arbetat i skolan före, under och efter kommunaliseringen, samt de kollektivavtal som slutits mellan den offentliga skolans arbetsgivare och de två största fackförbunden för lärare, Lärarförbundet och Lärarnas Riksförbund, under den undersökta tidsperioden. Fokus på undersökningen av avtalen har varit på de tre tidigare nämnda huvudområdena och resultaten av dessa undersökningar har sedan jämförts med de utsagor som framgått i intervjuerna med lärarna och rektorerna. Uppsatsen avslutas med en diskussion där det framgår att tre tydliga linjer kan skönjas när det gäller den svenska skolans kommunalisering. Till att börja med så har lärare haft en väldigt låg ökning av lönenivån i jämförelse med många andra yrkeskategorier med en likartad längd på utbildningen, vidare har lärarnas självständighet gällande kontroll av den egna arbetstiden minskat i omfattning och slutligen har lärarnas uppdrag ändrats från att handla om att "undervisa elever" till att "planera arbete tillsammans med elever och arbeta som en pedagogisk ledare". Författaren till uppsatsen argumenterar för att en ökning av antalet karriärsteg för lärare, ett förtydligande av hur och till vad arbetstiden ska användas, samt en återgång till det läraruppdrag som handlade om att "undervisa eleverna", skulle leda till högre lönenivåer och status samt en generell ökning av lärarnas arbetsvillkor i Sverige. / This paper examines the consequences of the decentralization of the Swedish school system since the early 1990’s until the beginning of 2012. The main purpose of this paper is to examine how the change influenced the working environment for the teachers. Focus has been on three specific areas regarding the teacher’s wage, working hours and task assignments. The main question for this paper is as follows: How has the decentralization since the early 1990’s to the early 2012 of the Swedish public school system, developed with regard to wages, working hours and task assignments – and what impact has it had on the teachers? Material for this paper has been gathered from interviews from two teachers and two headmasters who has been working in the school before and after it was decentralized and from collective bargaining contracts between the public school employers and the two main trade unions for teachers in Sweden, Lärarförbundet and Lärarnas Riksförbund. Every contract has been examined with regards to the three main areas to be examined and the results from these has been cross-referenced with the answers from the interviews to create what could be described as a chronicle of the decentralization of the Swedish school system. The paper concludes with a discussion that states that since the decentralization three visible trends are shown. First the teachers has had a very low wage increase in comparison with other fields of work with a similar length of education, second they have lost some of their former independence when it comes to the possibility to control their own working hours and third, their main purpose in school has moved from “teaching students” to “planning work together with the students and work as an educational leader”. The author argues that by creating more career steps for teachers, giving the teachers more clear directives on what they should do on their working hours and by changing back the teachers purpose to start teaching students again, would lead to both higher wages and status and a better working environment for the teachers in Sweden.

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö : Upplevelser av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön beroende på anställningsform och kön / Psychosocial work environment : Experiences of psychosocial work environment depending on employment and sex

Möricke, Linnéa, Liljekvist, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka upplevelsen av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön beroende av anställningsform och kön. Datainsamlig genomfördes med ett nyutvecklat frågeformulär (EPA), som är baserat på de senaste föreskrifterna gällande organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö. EPA bestod av sju moduler; arbetsbelastning, arbetsorganisation, handlingsutrymme, kunskap och utveckling, ledarskap, stöd samt återhämtning. I studien deltog 80 personer, 40 personer hade reglerad arbetstid som jämfördes med 38 personer som hade oreglerad arbetstid,  35 var män och 45 var kvinnor. Resultatet visade att de med oreglerad arbetstid upplevde den psykosociala arbetsmiljön något bättre men det var inte statistiskt signifikant. Männen upplevde den psykosociala arbetsmiljön bättre än kvinnorna men det fanns ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad.  För modul ledarskap fanns en statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan könen, där männen upplevde ledarskapet bättre. Vidare förelåg inga skillnader i arbetsmiljön beroende på anställningsform eller kön. / The aim with the present study was to study the psychosocial work environment depending on employment and sex with a newly developed questionnaire (EPA), which was based on the latest regulations regarding organizational and social work environment. The questionnaire consisted of seven modules; workload, work organization, margin of action, leadership, support, knowledge and development and recuperation. In this study 80 persons participated, 40 of them had regulated working hours and 38 had unregulated working hours, 35 were men and 45 were women. The results of the study showed that persons with unregulated working hours experienced the work environment slightly better, but the result was not statistic significant. Men experienced the work environment better then women, but the result was not statistic significant. There was a statistic significant difference though, in module leadership, showing that men had a better experience of leadership. Further, the result showed that there was no diffrences in the workenvironment depending on employment and sex.

I det gränslösa landet : En kvalitativ studie som granskar uppfattning av arbete och arbetstid utifrån tillgänglighet efter arbetstid

Forsberg, Jens January 2018 (has links)
Utifrån ett historiskt perspektiv så har arbetsmarknaden blivit mer gränslös och flexibel. Gränslöshet har inneburit en förminskning av stabilitet och tydliga referensramar, exempelvis när arbetsdagen börjar och slutar. Arbetsmarknadens flexibilitetsförändring har bland annat inneburit introduktion av flextider, individuellt ansvar, nya och osäkrare arbetsförhållanden. För att komma underfund med dessa arbetsmarknadsförändringar har studien granskat arbetets och arbetstidens betydelse med utgångspunkt i tillgänglighet efter arbetstid. För att besvara syftet genomfördes 18 intervjuer med informanter från HRM-sektorn och analyserades med en tematisk analys. Studiens teoretiska referensram har utgjorts av Ulrich Becks och Zygmunt Baumans tankar om individualisering samt en förstudie om tillgänglighet efter arbetstid. Studiens resultat visar att det finns företeelser att beakta i arbetet och arbetstiden utifrån tillgänglighet efter arbetstid. De är ansvar, struktur- och flexibilitetsförändringar. Ansvaret handlar om en omfördelning av mer ansvar från organisation till person. Strukturförändringar som kan hämma flexibilitet, strypa produktiviteten eller avgränsa arbetet. Slutligen flexibilitetsförändringar som möjliggör nya arbetstider, arbetsplatser och arbetsförhållanden. / From a historical perspective, the labor market has become more boundless and more flexible. Boundlessness has thus led to a reduction of stability and clear reference frameworks, for example when the working day begins and ends. The labor market's flexibility change meant introducing flexible times, with individual responsibility, new and insecure working conditions. To undermine these labor market changes, the study has examined the importance of work and working time based on availability after working hours. In response to the purpose, 18 interviews were conducted with informants from the HRM-sector and analyzed by a thematic analysis. The theoretical reference frame of the study is based on Ulrich Beck's and Zygmunt Bauman's thoughts on individualization as well as a preliminary study on accessibility after working hours. The results of the study indicate that work and working hours have factors to consider. They are responsible, structural and flexible changes. Responsibility shows a redistribution of responsibility from organization to person. Structural changes that can hamper flexibility, iron out productivity or delimit work. Finally, flexibility changes that allow new working hours, workplaces and working conditions.

Hundra år med åtta timmars arbetsdag : En kvalitativ studie om arbetstidsförkortning och framtidens arbetstid / One hundred years with eight-hour work day : A qualitative study of working time reduction and the working hours of the future

Ask, Frida, Fransson, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att identifiera arbetsgivares attityder kring arbetstidsförkortning, samt finna svar på om de ser det som ett realistiskt alternativ inför framtiden. För att lyckas uppnå vårt syfte har vi utgått från en kvalitativ metod med ett induktivt synsätt. Vi har intervjuat fem representanter från olika företag för att undersöka hur de ser på arbetstidsförkortning som fenomen. Resultatet visar att arbetsgivare både ser för- och nackdelar med arbetstidsförkortning. De största hindren mot att införa arbetstidsförkortning som våra informanter ser är företagens okunskap, känsla av osäkerhet samt risken för ekonomiska förluster. Fördelarna som de ser är framförallt att arbetstidsförkortning kan öka balansen mellan arbete och fritid, gynna jämställdheten i samhället samt att det är ett sätt att orka arbeta högre upp i åldrarna när pensionsåldern höjs. Resultatet visar även att arbetsgivare ser ännu mer flexibilitet i framtiden och att de idag inte ser tillräckligt stort behov av kortare arbetsdagar för att det ska bli en prioriterad fråga för deras företag. Om sjuktalen däremot ökar kan de se arbetstidsförkortning som ett alternativ även i deras organisationer. / The purpose of this study is to identify the employers' attitudes concerning working time reduction, and find answers to whether they see it as a realistic alternative for the future. In order to succeed in achieving our goal, we have used a qualitative method with an inductive approach. We have interviewed five representatives from different companies in order to investigate what they think about work time reduction as a phenomenon. The result shows that employers see both advantages and disadvantages of working hours reduction. The biggest obstacles to the implement of working hours reduction that our informants see are the companies' lack of knowledge, a sense of uncertainty and the risk of financial losses. The advantages that they see are especially that working hours reduction can increase the balance between work and leisure, benefit gender equality in society and that it is a way for employees to be able to work all the way to retirement, even when the retirement age increases. The result also shows that employers see even more flexibility in the future and that they do not currently see sufficient need for shorter working days in order for it to be a priority issue for their company. On the other hand, if the sickness rate increases, they can see reduction of working hours as an alternative even in their organizations.

Analýza pracovní doby v marketingové společnosti / Working time analysis in a marketing company

Daňková, Silvie January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of working time, as one of the main aspects of work. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the working time in concrete marketing company. The theoretical part introduces the issue and summarizes the basic knowledge of literature. In the practical part the company system of flexible working hours is being analyzed in detail. The aim is to analyze the behavior of employees in relation to working time and to recommend appropriate further steps for the company. This analysis should be useful particularly for managers and for HR department.

Work-sharing for a sustainable economy

Zwickl, Klara, Disslbacher, Franziska, Stagl, Sigrid 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Achieving low unemployment in an environment of weak growth is a major policy challenge; a more egalitarian distribution of hours worked could be the key to solving it. Whether worksharing actually increases employment, however, has been debated controversially. In this article we present stylized facts on the distribution of hours worked and discuss the role of work-sharing for a sustainable economy. Building on recent developments in labor market theory we review the determinants of working long hours and its effect on well-being. Finally, we survey work-sharing reforms in the past. While there seems to be a consensus that worksharing in the Great Depression in the U.S. and in the Great Recession in Europe was successful in reducing employment losses, perceptions of the work-sharing reforms implemented between the 1980s and early 2000s are more ambivalent. However, even the most critical evaluations of these reforms provide no credible evidence of negative employment effects; instead, the overall success of the policy seems to depend on the economic and institutional setting, as well as the specific details of its implementation. (authors' abstract) / Series: Ecological Economic Papers

Simulace dopadů pracovních zákonů na trh práce / Simulation of Impacts of Labor Laws on Labor Market

Dlouhá, Ilona January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis analyzes the differences in the labor laws and their impacts on the development of the labor markets in large selection of OECD countries, including the Czech Republic. The thesis covers both historical and current data including the late-2000s recession. The labor market performance is measured by hours worked per person, which combines the extensive margin (employment rate) and the intensive margin (hours worked by employed individuals). Labor laws are represented by the average and marginal tax wedges, employment protection legislation, labor market policies and trade union density. The thesis contains an empirical model of the relationship between the labor market performance and labor laws for 24 OECD countries for the period 2000-2008. The thesis shows that the lower hours worked are associated with more strict employment protection legislation and lower trade union density. The effect of taxation (in terms of tax wedges) varies substantially among different subgroups of the population, but it is generally quite weak (elasticity around -0.15) and it cannot explain the overall differences in the development of the labor market performance among countries.

Rozvržení pracovní doby / Scheduling the hours of work

Polická, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is written in the field of labor law. Content is the dismantling of the individual provisions of the existing legislation relating to the scheduling of working hours laid down in the Act no. 262/2006 Coll., The Labour Code, as amended, and other related regulations of the Czech legal order. The work is divided into ten chapters, which focus on individual provisions relating to the regulation of working hours and provisions linked. Work includes historical development of legal regulation of working time, the definition of working time, analyzing provisions relating to individual species scheduling of working hours, breaks and rest periods, overtime, night work and availability. Further, a working time under specific working conditions for employees caring for a child or another individual, especially the attitude of employers towards complying workers' requests for shorter working hours. In the second half discusses the regulation of working time of employees working on the basis of agreements on work performed outside employment, employees are governed by special regulations, employees working offsite or overseas employers and posted workers. The last chapter deals with records of working hours. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Flexibilní formy pracovní doby / Flexible forms of working hours

Fejfárek, Martin January 2013 (has links)
- Flexible forms of working hours This diploma thesis, in a broader context, represents the issue of flexible forms of working hours. Flexibility of working time is an important part of flexibility of labour law and also of flexibility of the whole labour market. Regulation and practical use of flexible forms of working hours are current issues and the aim of this thesis is to provide comprehensive but clear explanation of these issues. As theoretical bases, the thesis includes parts focused on selected legal principles, international and national regulation of working time and the concept of flexibility. The main part of the thesis is divided into three sections, of which the first one deals with the practical use of flexible forms of working hours, the second one presents particular forms of working hours which are regulated in the Labour Code and the third one is devoted to flexible forms of working time, regulation of which the Labour Code does not include.

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