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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of Biophilic Design Concept for Educational Spaces / Utveckling av Biofiliskt Designkoncept för Utbildningsutrum

Ravichandran, Saranathan January 2023 (has links)
As urbanization encourages more people to stay indoors for longer periods of time, there is an increased need to reconnect with nature, using design as a tool. The concept of biophilic design aims to do just this, by bringing natural elements into human spaces. This industrial design project aims to create a product for educational workspaces that incorporates natural elements in a metaphorical way, so as to try and create a positive perception of such workspaces among humans. The project explores the different ways in which biophilia can be implemented in product design, and the factors and aspects that need to be considered in order to do so.  The project also tests the developed concept using a Virtual Reality setup and a questionnaire, which had 9 respondents. The results from the questionnaire showed that 89% of respondents felt the concept expressed natural elements, and 44% felt ‘Peaceful’ after observing the concept in Virtual Reality. The positive responses from participants indicate that the concept is successful both in incorporating natural elements and in transmitting a positive perception of workspaces where it is used. / Eftersom urbanisering uppmuntrar fler människor att stanna inomhus under längre perioder, finns det ett ökat behov av att återknyta kontakten med naturen med design som ett verktyg. Konceptet med biofil design syftar till att göra just detta, genom att föra in naturliga element i mänskliga utrymmen. Detta industriella designprojekt syftar till att skapa en produkt för pedagogiska arbetsplatser som innehåller naturliga element på ett metaforiskt sätt, för att försöka skapa en positiv uppfattning om sådana arbetsplatser bland människor. Projektet utforskar de olika sätten på vilka biofili kan implementeras i produktdesign, och de faktorer och aspekter som måste beaktas för att göra det. Projektet testar också det utvecklade konceptet med hjälp av en Virtual Reality-uppsättning och ett frågeformulär, som hade 9 respondenter. Resultaten från enkäten visade att 89 % av de tillfrågade ansåg att konceptet uttryckte naturliga element, och 44 % kände sig "fredliga" efter att ha observerat konceptet i Virtual Reality. De positiva svaren från deltagarna indikerar att konceptet är framgångsrikt både när det gäller att införliva naturliga element och att förmedla en positiv uppfattning om arbetsytor där det används

Reconfigurations discrètes de robots parallèles à câbles / Discrete Reconfigurations of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots

Gagliardini, Lorenzo 19 September 2016 (has links)
Les Robots Parallèles à Câbles (RPCs) sont des robots parallèles dont les jambes se composent de câbles. Les applications industrielles potentielles des RPCs sont nombreuses telles que le grenaillage et la peinture de structures massives et de grandes dimensions.La première partie de ce manuscrit est dédié à la modélisation des RPCs. Deux modèles élasto-statiques ont été introduits dans ce manuscrit, pour décrire le petit déplacement de la plate-forme mobile en raison de la nature non-rigide des câbles. Le modèle élasto-statique basé sur des câbles pesants a été exprimé en faisant la différence entre la matrice de raideur active et la matrice de raideur passive du RPC.La deuxième partie de ce manuscrit traite de l’analyse d’espaces de travail de RPCs vis-à-vis de leurs performances statiques et dynamiques. Deux nouveaux espaces de travail ont été définis : (i) l'Espace des Vitesses Générables (EVG);(ii) l’Espace de Travail Dynamique Amélioré (ETDA). La troisième partie de ce manuscrit décrit une stratégie de conception générique de RPCs et des Robots Parallèles à Câbles Reconfigurables (RPCRs). Les reconfigurations sont limitées uniquement aux points de sortie des câbles. Dans ce manuscrit, les points de sortie des câbles peuvent être placés dans une large mais limité ensemble de positions. La stratégie proposée envisage la possibilité de déplacer les points de sortie des câbles du RPCR sur une grille prédéfinie d'emplacements.La quatrième partie de ce manuscrit présente un algorithme pour calculer une stratégie de reconfiguration optimale pour les RPCRs. Cette stratégie peut être utilisée lorsque l'environnement de travail de RPCRs est extrêmement encombré et qu’il n'est pas possible de prévoir le nombre de configurations nécessaires pour compléter la tâche.L'efficacité de l'algorithme a été analysée en étudiant les reconfigurations d’un robot parallèle à câbles planaire et d’un robot parallèle à câbles spatial en lien avec des applications industrielles. / Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CDPRs) are parallel robots whose legs consist of cables. CDPRs may be used successfully in several industrial applications such as sandblasting and painting of large and heavy structures.The first part of this manuscript is dedicated to the modelling of CDPRs. Two elasto-static models have been introduced in this manuscript, in order to describe the small displacement of the moving platform due to the non-rigid nature of the cables. These models can be used for the modal analysis of the CDPRs, as well. The elasto-static model based on linear cables has been computed including the effect of the pulleys orienting the cables into the CDPR workspace.The second part of this manuscript deals with the investigation of the workspace of CDPRs, in terms of their moving platform static and dynamic equilibria, and in terms of their moving platform kinematic constraints. Two novel workspaces have been defined: (i) the Twist Feasible Workspace (TFW); (ii) the Improved Dynamic Feasible Workspace (IDFW). The third part of this manuscript describes a generic design strategy for CDPRs and a novel design strategy for Reconfigurable Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (RCDPRs). In this manuscript, reconfigurations are limited to the thedisplacement of the cable exit points, assuming the cables exit points can be installed on a large but finite set of locations.The fourth part of this manuscript introduces an algorithm to compute an optimal reconfiguration strategy for RCDPRs. This strategy can be used when the working environment of the RCDPR is extremely cluttered and when it is not possible to predict how many configurations are necessary to complete the task. The effectiveness of the algorithm hasbeen analysed by means of a planar and a spatial casestudies reproducing some industrial tasks.

Os espaços experimentais das escolas públicas de arquitetura do Brasil: realidade ou utopia? / The experimental workspaces in public schools of architecture in Brazil: reality or utopia?

Laverde, Albenise 23 June 2017 (has links)
Esta tese está inserida no debate sobre a utilização da experimentação construtiva ao longo da concepção da materialidade e seu papel como recurso pedagógico. Trata mais especificamente, dos espaços e práticas experimentais no contexto acadêmico nacional, objetivando compreender o processo de configuração dos espaços da área técnico-construtiva implantados nas escolas públicas de arquitetura de acordo com as particularidades advindas de diferentes contextos do país, das políticas educacionais e das ações dos atores envolvidos, com a identificação das condições essenciais para que estas práticas sejam implantadas e potencializadas no contexto acadêmico. O trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de pesquisas documentais e por meio de visitas técnicas realizadas em 21 escolas públicas de arquitetura localizadas em diferentes regiões do país, com entrevistas direcionadas aos principais atores que atualmente estão à frente da área da Tecnologia da Construção. O trabalho trouxe contribuições de ordem teórica a partir da sistematização de uma bibliografia abrangente sobre um tema pouco estudado no contexto nacional. Quanto às contribuições de ordem prática, os dados obtidos nas visitas técnicas possibilitaram contextualizar os desafios enfrentados no ensino da Tecnologia da Construção, que não se resumem ao arranjo físico laboratorial, mas a uma dimensão mais ampla, abrangendo aspectos político-educacionais, estruturais e sócio-econômicos e também, questões de fundo, como as relações interpessoais e burocráticas. Estes resultados permitiram identificar as condições consideradas como essenciais na (re)formulação de estratégias voltadas à área da Tecnologia da Construção e sua infraestrutura, de maneira que as experiências existentes possam ser potencializadas e novas implantações tenham maior respaldo técnico de acordo com as particularidades contextuais. / This thesis is inserted in the debate about the use of experimentation in building along with the conception of materiality and its role as pedagogical resource. It approaches, more specifically, the experimental workspaces and practices in the Brazilian academic context. It aims to understand the process of shaping the workspaces of the technology and construction fields established in public schools of architecture according to the singularities from different contexts of the country, educational policies and activities of the actors involved, identifying the essential conditions for those practices to be implemented and strengthened in the academic context. The work was developed based on documentary research and through technical visits in 21 public schools of architecture located in different regions of the country, with interviews directed to the main actors who are currently in charge of the field of Technology of Construction. In relation to the practical contributions, the data obtained in the technical visits made it possible to contextualize the challenges faced in the education of Technology of Construction. These challenges are not limited to the physical arrangement of the laboratory; they embrace a broader dimension, covering education politics, structural and socioeconomic aspects and, still, background issues such as interpersonal relations and bureaucracy. These results enabled the identification of conditions considered essential in the (re) formulation of strategies directed to the field of Technology of Construction and its infrastructure, so that the existing experiences can be strengthened and new applications can have a greater technical support according to the contextual singularities.

Os espaços experimentais das escolas públicas de arquitetura do Brasil: realidade ou utopia? / The experimental workspaces in public schools of architecture in Brazil: reality or utopia?

Albenise Laverde 23 June 2017 (has links)
Esta tese está inserida no debate sobre a utilização da experimentação construtiva ao longo da concepção da materialidade e seu papel como recurso pedagógico. Trata mais especificamente, dos espaços e práticas experimentais no contexto acadêmico nacional, objetivando compreender o processo de configuração dos espaços da área técnico-construtiva implantados nas escolas públicas de arquitetura de acordo com as particularidades advindas de diferentes contextos do país, das políticas educacionais e das ações dos atores envolvidos, com a identificação das condições essenciais para que estas práticas sejam implantadas e potencializadas no contexto acadêmico. O trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de pesquisas documentais e por meio de visitas técnicas realizadas em 21 escolas públicas de arquitetura localizadas em diferentes regiões do país, com entrevistas direcionadas aos principais atores que atualmente estão à frente da área da Tecnologia da Construção. O trabalho trouxe contribuições de ordem teórica a partir da sistematização de uma bibliografia abrangente sobre um tema pouco estudado no contexto nacional. Quanto às contribuições de ordem prática, os dados obtidos nas visitas técnicas possibilitaram contextualizar os desafios enfrentados no ensino da Tecnologia da Construção, que não se resumem ao arranjo físico laboratorial, mas a uma dimensão mais ampla, abrangendo aspectos político-educacionais, estruturais e sócio-econômicos e também, questões de fundo, como as relações interpessoais e burocráticas. Estes resultados permitiram identificar as condições consideradas como essenciais na (re)formulação de estratégias voltadas à área da Tecnologia da Construção e sua infraestrutura, de maneira que as experiências existentes possam ser potencializadas e novas implantações tenham maior respaldo técnico de acordo com as particularidades contextuais. / This thesis is inserted in the debate about the use of experimentation in building along with the conception of materiality and its role as pedagogical resource. It approaches, more specifically, the experimental workspaces and practices in the Brazilian academic context. It aims to understand the process of shaping the workspaces of the technology and construction fields established in public schools of architecture according to the singularities from different contexts of the country, educational policies and activities of the actors involved, identifying the essential conditions for those practices to be implemented and strengthened in the academic context. The work was developed based on documentary research and through technical visits in 21 public schools of architecture located in different regions of the country, with interviews directed to the main actors who are currently in charge of the field of Technology of Construction. In relation to the practical contributions, the data obtained in the technical visits made it possible to contextualize the challenges faced in the education of Technology of Construction. These challenges are not limited to the physical arrangement of the laboratory; they embrace a broader dimension, covering education politics, structural and socioeconomic aspects and, still, background issues such as interpersonal relations and bureaucracy. These results enabled the identification of conditions considered essential in the (re) formulation of strategies directed to the field of Technology of Construction and its infrastructure, so that the existing experiences can be strengthened and new applications can have a greater technical support according to the contextual singularities.

Knowledge Management and ICT Adaptions as a Result of Pandemic Workplace Restrictions : A Case Study at a SME in Germany

Baesch, Tobias January 2021 (has links)
Aim. The purpose of this degree project was to assess the impact of the sudden, historically-unique COVID-19 workplace restrictions on the knowledge management and interrelated ICT utilization of a knowledge-intensive SME in Germany. Based upon the outcomes of this assessment, suggestions for future advancement were to be developed.Research Approach. The research approach entailed a qualitative case study addressing a single IT company with 42 employees. The research itself was conducted via triangulation, with the semi-structured interviews of four purposely sampled company executives serving as the focal part. Fundamental aspects of these interviews were further substantiated through four exploratory meeting observations and a company-wide questionnaire contributing 14 employee responses.Findings. Subject to the pandemic-related workspace restrictions, this company was forced to transition to predominantly virtual operations. The organization responded through the introduction of a new, integrated ICT for employee collaboration while simultaneously expediting the codification of tacit knowledge across two existing knowledge repositories. This focus on only a few essential ICTs led to a reduction of prior systems clutter and the company-wide accessibility of explicit knowledge – a quantum leap in terms of efficiency. Along with the primary collaboration via ICTs, a new interaction etiquette developed amongst employees, and IT-related staff was found to cooperate more actively than in the previous on-site environment. Given these insights, this German IT house is recommended to continue its emergently hybrid knowledge management strategy and consider the benefits of both the physical and virtual spaces for an office redesign past the COVID-19 limitations.Originality. Academic references attending to knowledge management during forced workplace restrictions were de facto nonexistent. Adding to it, previous studies on virtual knowledge management indicated a deterioration of performance as compared to on-site operations. This case study is hence not only unique by its pandemic link, but also countering apparent academic presupposition.

Elaboración de un sistema de evaluación en línea como proceso de formación de profesores de matemáticas / Élaboration d’une base d’exercices comme processus de formation des professeurs de mathématique / Elaboration of an online assessment system as a training process for mathematics teachers

Gaona, Jorge 11 December 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans la problématique de l’intégration de technologie dans le processus d’apprentissage et enseignement des mathématique. Particulièrement, ce travail a pour objet étudier quel est l’impact de la participation des professeurs dans la conception des tâches qui confortement un système d’évaluation en ligne en mathématique, dans ce thèse on étudie notamment las tâches sur les fonctions polynômes. Quand on parle d’impact, on l’écrit à double sens : l’impact sur l’utilisation des ressources et sur la valeur épistémique des ressources conçues pour les professeurs.Du point de vue méthodologique, cette thèse s’inscrit dans un travail de type qualitatif qui est complété avec des analyses quantitatives. Pour étudier l’impact dans l’utilisation des ressources de la plateforme on faite une comparaison selon les rôles des professeurs (concepteurs et utilisateurs) a partir des données générés pour la plateforme et complétées avec des analyses des enregistrements de classes et des entretiens aux professeurs concepteurs. On peut conclure que il n’y a pas de différence dans l’utilisation des ressources quand dans un campus s’il y a des concepteurs et utilisateurs, par contre, quand dans un campus il y a que des utilisateurs, la participation des étudiantes dans la plateforme est beaucoup plus faible. Pour caractériser la valeur épistémique des tâches de la plateforme on a utilisé comme principal cadre théorique les Espaces de Travail Mathématique (ETM). Après de observer certains phénomènes dans l’ensemble de tâches de la plateforme, en utilisant le même cadre théorique, on a caractérisé les tâches habituelles des professeurs pour finalement faire une comparaison entre l’ETM potentiel de la plateforme et l’ETM idoine des professeurs. On a utilisé comme sources des données les tâches de la plateforme sur fonctions polynômes, les enregistrements des classes des professeurs concepteurs pour caractériser les tâches habituelles et des entretiens d’explicitation pour comprendre les raisons des certains choix des professeurs. On a constaté qu’il y a certaines phénomènes observés dans les tâches de la plateforme qui son dû à la dimension instrumental et las limitations des logiciels, surtout les relatives à l’utilisation des graphiques. Néanmoins il y a autres phénomènes qui son influencés principalement pour l’ETM idoine. De ce travail se dégagent également des pistes d’amélioration pour l’enrichissement des ressources de la plateforme et faire évoluer l’ETM idoine des professeurs à partir d’un accompagnement didactique. / This research is part of the problem of integrating technology into the process of teaching and learning mathematics. Particularly, this work aims to study the impact of the participation of teachers in the design of tasks that make up an online assessment system in mathematics, specifically in this thesis are studied tasks on polynomial functions. When we speak of impact, this refers in two senses: impact on the use of resources and on the epistemic value of the resources created by teachers. From the methodological point of view, this thesis is part of a qualitative work complemented by some quantitative analyses. In order to study the impact on the use of the platform's resources, a comparison was made according to the roles of the teachers (designers and users), based on the data generated by the platform and complemented by analysis of the class register and interviews with the designer teachers. It can be concluded that there are no differences in the use of resources on a campus if there are designers and users, whereas when on a campus there are only users the participation of students on the platform is much lower. The Mathematical Workspaces (MTS) were used as a theoretical framework to characterize the epistemic value of platform tasks. After observing certain phenomena in the set of tasks of the platform, using the same theoretical framework, the usual tasks of the professors designers were characterized to finally make a comparison between the potential ETM of the platform and the suitable ETM of the professors. The platform tasks on polynomial functions, the class records of the design teachers were used as data sources to characterize the usual tasks and explanatory interviews to understand the reasons for certain teacher choices. It was concluded that certain phenomena observed in the tasks of the platforms are due to the instrumental dimension and the limitations of the software, especially those linked to graphics. However, there are other phenomena that are mainly influenced by the suitable ETM. This work also gives rise to suggestions for improvement to enrich the resources of the platform and to make the suitable ETM of the teachers evolve on the basis of a didactic accompaniment. It was concluded that certain phenomena observed in the tasks of the platforms are due to the instrumental dimension and limitations of software, especially those linked to graphics. However, there are other phenomena that are mainly influenced by the suitable ETM.This work also gives rise to suggestions for improvement to enrich the resources of the platform and to make the suitable MTE of the teachers evolve from a didactic accompaniment. / Esta investigación se inscribe en la problemática de la integración de tecnología en los proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas. Particularmente, este trabajo tiene por objetivo estudiar el impacto de la participación de profesores en el diseño de las tareas que conforman un sistema de evaluación en línea en matemáticas, específicamente en esta tesis se estudian las tareas sobre funciones polinómicas. Cuando se habla de impacto, esto se refiere en dos sentidos: impacto en la utilización de los recursos y sobre el valor epistémico de los recursos creados por los profesores.Desde el punto de vista metodológico, esta tesis se inscribe en un trabajo de tipo cualitativo complementados con algunos análisis cuantitativos.Para estudiar el impacto en la utilización de los recursos de la plataforma se hizo una comparación según los roles de los profesores (diseñadores y utilizadores) a partir de los datos generados por la plataforma et complementados con análisis del registro de clases y de entrevistas a los profesores diseñadores. Se puede concluir que no hay diferencias en la utilización de los recursos en un campus si hay diseñadores y utilizadores, en cambio, cuando en un campus hay sólo utilizadores la participación de los estudiantes en la plataforma es mucho más baja.Para caracterizar el valor epistémico de las tareas de la plataformas se utilizó como marco teórico los Espacios de Trabajo Matemático (ETM). Después de observar ciertos fenómenos en el conjunto de tareas de la plataforma, utilizando el mismo marco teórico, se caracterizaron las tareas habituales de los profesores diseñadores para finalmente hacer una comparación entre el ETM potencial de la plataforma y el ETM idóneo de los profesores. Se utilizaron como fuentes de datos las tareas de la plataforma sobre funciones polinómicas, los registros de clases de los profesores diseñadores para caracterizar alas tareas habituales y entrevistas de explicitación para comprender las razones de ciertas elecciones de los profesores.Se concluyó que ciertos fenómenos observados en las tareas de la plataformas son debido a la dimensión instrumental y las limitaciones de los programas informáticos, sobretodo los ligados a los gráficos. Sin embargo, hay otros fenómenos que son influenciados principalmente por el ETM idóneo.De este trabajo se desprenden también pistas de mejora para enriquecer los recursos de la plataforma et para hacer evolucionar el ETM idóneo de los profesores a partir de un acompañamiento didáctico.

Advanced intelligent lighting system for boosting personal comfort and energy saving of workspaces / ワークスペースの個別的快適性とエネルギー節約を増進する先端的知的照明システム / ワークスペース ノ コベツテキ カイテキセイ ト エネルギー セツヤク オ ゾウシン スル センタンテキ チテキ ショウメイ システム

Mohammed Awad Hajjaj 22 March 2021 (has links)
本論文は,知的照明システムの改良に関わるものであり,従来の課題であった色温度の実現精度の向上と高価な色温度センシング機材を無くす方法ならびにそれらの最適制御法,これまで不明であったシステムがもたらす省エネルギー性に関する詳細な解析方法を提案し,これらの提案手法の有効性を検証するため新たに改良した知的照明システムを用いて実験を行い,それらの手法の有効性を確認した. / An advanced intelligent lighting system has been proposed and introduced to provide a comfortable personal lighting environment for the workplace using the evaluation and biological information of workers. The research studies the appropriate perspectives of using the intelligent lighting system as a solution of the smart design in the office workspace. In the first part, the research paper has utilized the computerized system and the optimization method to generate the lighting automatically instead of using the sensing devices. The second part is related to energy consumption. The illuminance has been distributed based on the individual preference available of each user inside the office. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Méthode agile pour la conception collaborative multidisciplinaire de systèmes intégrés : application à la mécatronique / Agil method for the multidisciplinary and collaborative design of integrated systems : application to mechatronics

Bricogne-Cuignières, Matthieu 13 February 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux portent sur la conception multidisciplinaire de systèmes intégrés. Ces systèmes sont soumis à un nombre d’exigences toujours croissant, entraînant des besoins en termes d’intégration fonctionnelle et spatiale. Ces différents types d’intégration relative au produit sont également la source d’une complexité organisationnelle, provenant à la fois de la multitude d’acteurs réalisant différentes activités d’ingénierie, mais également de la diversité des domaines impliqués, désignée dans ce manuscrit par « intégration multidisciplinaire ». Pour favoriser cette intégration multidisciplinaire, les phases de « conception préliminaire » et de « conception détaillée » ont été identifiées comme déterminantes, notamment car elles se caractérisent par la collaboration de nombreux experts, manipulant un grand nombre de données techniques de définition. Les systèmes conçus lors de conceptions multidisciplinaires restent faiblement intégrés. Cela est en partie dû au cloisonnement entre les disciplines et à un mode d’organisation projet basé sur une planification prédominante, caractérisé notamment par une diffusion de l’information principalement descendante (top-down). Afin d’assurer une meilleure collaboration entre ces différentes disciplines, de permettre des prises de décision éclairées par des indicateurs opérationnels et de pouvoir analyser et mieux comprendre les phénomènes d’intégration des expertises, l’introduction d’une méthode inspirée des principes fondateurs des méthodes agiles est proposée pour la conception collaborative de systèmes intégrés.La contribution de ces travaux s’appuie sur trois concepts complémentaires. Le premier, intitulé Collaborative Actions Framework correspond à un cadre de collaboration opérationnelle autour d’actions. Un des objectifs de ce framework est de faciliter la collaboration des acteurs des projets de conception, quelle que soit leur origine disciplinaire, mais également d’assurer une traçabilité entre les prises de décision et les corrections/modifications apportées sur les données techniques. Cette traçabilité est rendue possible grâce aux liens existants avec le second concept intitulé Workspace. Apportant un nouvel éclairage sur les possibilités offertes par la collaboration autour de ces espaces de collaboration, ce concept offre un certain nombre de possibilités,notamment la mise en commun continue des travaux, l’intégration multidisciplinaire et la validation des modifications. Les échanges de données techniques entre les workspaces, ou le travail simultané sur les mêmes données techniques, s’appuient quant à eux sur la possibilité de pouvoir gérer de façon parallèle différentes versions d’une même donnée technique. Ces possibilités sont proposées par le troisième concept, intitulé branch & merge, qui permet également à différents acteurs de travailler simultanément sur les mêmes données. Enfin, ces trois concepts sont ensuite illustrés par l’intermédiaire d’un démonstrateur composé d’un scénario et d’un prototype informatique. Un produit mécatronique, combinaison synergique et systémique de la mécanique, de l'électronique et de l'informatique temps réel, est utilisé afin d’illustrer les possibilités offertes par nos travaux en termes d'intégration multidisciplinaire lors de la conception collaborative. / This work focuses on the multidisciplinary and collaborative design of integrated systems. These systems are subject to an ever increasing number of requirements, leading to the need for more comprehensive functional and spatial integration. These different types of product integration are also at the origin of organizational complexity. This complexity arises not only from the great number of actors performing various engineering activities but also from the diversity of disciplines involved (designated in this manuscript as “multidisciplinary integration”). To encourage this multidisciplinary integration, “preliminary design” and “detailed design” have been identified as the most significant steps, especially since they are characterized by the collaboration of multiple experts handling a large number of product definition’ technical data. Systems that have been designed thanks to multidisciplinary approaches are generally poorly integrated. This is partially due to the compartmentalization of disciplines, as well as to the “project-planned” method, where project planning is predominant and information is mainly spread out “top-down”. To ensure better cooperation between the various disciplines, to enable decision making based on operational indicators and to analyze and understand the multidisciplinary integration processes, a method inspired by the founding principles of agile methods (the agile manifesto) is proposed for the collaborative design of integrated systems. This work is based on three complementary concepts. The first is, the Collaborative Actions Framework, an operational framework for collaboration around actions. One objective of this framework is to improve the collaboration among designers, whatever their disciplinary origin. It also ensures traceability between decision making and corrections/changes made to technical data. This traceability is made possible by the useof the second concept, called Workspace. Even if this term is already well known, we propose a new definition/usage to transform it into collaboration spaces. This concept offers great possibilities, including the continuous delivering/sharing of experts’ contributions, multidisciplinary integration and change validation. The exchange of technical data between workspaces, or simultaneous work on the same data, relies on the ability to manage several parallel versions of the same item into a single datamanagement system. These opportunities are offered by the third concept, called Branch & Merge. Finally, these three concepts are illustrated through a scenario and a computer prototype. A mechatronic product, “the synergistic combination of mechanical and electrical engineering, computer science, and information technology” (Harashima et al., 1996), is used to illustrate the opportunities offered by our work in terms of multidisciplinary integration during collaborative design.

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