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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neurotoxinas de anêmonas do mar como ferramentas para o estudo da fisiologia de canais voltagem - dependentes de potássio / Sea anemones neurotoxins as tools to study the physiology of voltage-gated potassium channels

Orts, Diego Jose Belato y 25 April 2013 (has links)
A peçonha das anêmonas do mar é uma fonte de compostos bioativos, incluindo toxinas peptídicas que são ferramentas para o estudo da estrutura e função dos canais voltagem dependentes de K+ (KV). Neste trabalho, quatro neurotoxinas foram purificadas da peçonha das anêmonas do mar Actinia bermudenesis e Bunodosoma caissarum. AbeTx1 e BcsTx4 possuem um motivo estrutural semelhante à das \"kappa-toxinas\" e análises funcionais e estruturais permitiram concluir que são os primeiros membros de um novo (tipo 5) de neurotoxinas de anêmonas do mar que atuam em canais KV. Por sua vez, a similaridade estrutural das toxinas BcsTx 1 e BcsTx2 nos permitiu inferir que estas são membros do já descrito tipo 1 (subtipo 1b) de neurotoxinas de anêmona que também atuam em canais KV. A caracterização funcional foi realizada utilizando-se diferentes subtipos de canais KV, expressos em ovócitos de Xenopus laevis e as medidas eletrofisiológicas foram feitas empregando-se a técnica de \"voltage-clamp\" com dois microelétrodos. AbeTx1, BcsTx1 e BcsTx2 (3 μM) apresentaram uma seletividade de atividade para os subtipos de KV1.1-KV1.3, KV1.6 e Shaker IR, ao passo que a BcsTx4 (3 μM) é somente capaz de bloquear a corrente dos subtipos de KV1.1, KV1.2 e KV1.6. Os mecanismos de ação envolvidos na seletividade da atividade e na potência com que estas se ligam aos seus alvos biológicos foram discutidos com base nos resultados obtidos e análises fisiológicas permitiram propor que estas toxinas atuam como \"armas\" para defesa contra predadores e/ou para captura de presas / The sea anemones venom is a rich source of bioactive compounds, including peptide toxins which are tools for studying the structure and function of voltage-dependent channels K+ (KV). In this work, four neurotoxins were purified from the venom of the sea anemones Actinia bermudenesis and Bunodosoma caissarum. AbeTx1 and BcsTx4 have a structural motif similar to that of kappa-toxins and functional and structural analysis showed that they are the first members of a new type (type 5) of sea anemone neurotoxins acting on KV channels. Moreover, the structural analysis of BcsTx1 and BcsTx2 toxins allowed us to conclude that they are members of the previously described type 1 (subtype 1b) of sea anemone neurotoxins. Functional characterization was performed by means of a wide electrophysiological screening on different KV channels using oocytes of Xenopus laevis and electrophysiological measurements were performed employing the voltage-clamp technique. AbeTx1, BcsTx1 and BcsTx2 (μM) showed a selective activity for KV1.1-KV1.3, KV1.6 and Shaker IR, while BcsTx4 (3 μM) only blocks KV1.1, KV1.2 and KV1.6. The mechanisms involved in potency and selectivity were discussed based on the results obtained and physiological analyses have provided new insights on the role of these toxins in the physiology of the sea anemones

Genetické mapování u rodu Xenopus / Genetic mapping in Xenopus

Seifertová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The diploid amphibian Xenopus tropicalis represents a significant model organism for studies of early development, genes function and evolution. Such techniques as gynogenesis, injection of morpholino antisense oligonucleotide into fertilized eggs or transgenesis were established. In the recent ten years, many efforts have been made to complete the sequence information. X. tropicalis genome has been sequenced but the completion of its assembly only on the basis of sequence data has been impossible. Therefore, our first work was focused on one of approaches for a genome completing- genetic mapping. First of all, the genetic map of Xenopus tropicalis was established pursuant linkage and physical positions of markers. Since the map contained gaps, we developed a new method for genetic mapping based on the next generation sequencing of laser microdissected arm. Using Illumina next generation sequencing of fifteen copies of a short arm of chromosome 7, we obtained new insights into its genome by localizing previously unmapped genes and scaffolds as well as recognizing mislocalized portions of the genome assembly. This was the first time laser microdissection and sequencing of specific chromosomal regions has been used for the purpose of genome mapping. These data were also used in the evolution study of...

Gewässerbelastung mit endokrin wirksamen Substanzen

Levy, Gregor 21 March 2005 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, inwieweit die Reproduktionsbiologie von aquatischen Lebewesen durch die Gewässerbelastung mit endokrin wirksamen Substanzen (endocrine disruptors, ED) beeinflusst wird. Mit dem Amphib Xenopus laevis steht ein etabliertes Studienmodell zur Untersuchung der Wirkungen von ED auf die Reproduktionsbiologie zur Verfügung, das für die vorliegenden Studien modifiziert und erweitert sowie mit gewässeranalytischen Methoden verknüpft wurde. Die Gefährdung wasserlebender Tiere durch Gewässerbelastung mit ED kann erfasst werden, indem die Wirkung einer ausgewählten Einzelsubstanz auf die Reproduktionsbiologie untersucht wird. Anschließend erfolgt ein Nachweis der Substanz in Umweltproben. Durch Expositionsversuche, histologische Untersuchungen und Expressionsnachweis eines molekularen östrogenen Biomarkers konnte festgestellt werden, dass Bisphenol A (BPA) in Kaulquappen von Xenopus laevis verweiblichend wirkt und seine Effekte über eine Bindung an den Östrogenrezeptor vermittelt. Chemische Analysen während der Expositionsversuche zeigten, dass BPA von den Kaulquappen aufgenommen wird und dass eine geringe Abbaubarkeit der Substanz während eines Zeitraums von 48 Stunden besteht. Die Analyse von BPA in Wasserproben, die aus dem Fluss Alb oder aus Kläranlagenausläufen stammten, zeigte, dass BPA im Gewässer in relevanten Konzentrationen vorhanden ist und hauptsächlich durch eine Kläranlage in den Fluss eingeleitet wird. In einem Gewässer liegt allerdings ein Gemisch aus unterschiedlichen ED mit verschiedenen Wirkmechanismen vor. Die Gewässerbelastung mit endokrin wirksamen Substanzen kann weiterhin untersucht werden, indem Gewässerextrakte fraktioniert und in in vitro-Screeningmethoden getestet werden. Als Screeningmethoden dienten Rezeptorbindungsstudien an Östrogen- und Androgenrezeptoren sowie die Behandlung von Leberzellkulturen mit den Gewässerextrakten aus der Alb, um eine Regulation der Expression bestimmter Biomarkergene durch potenzielle ED nachzuweisen. Dazu wurde als neuer (anti)androgener und (anti)östrogener Biomarker das Retinol-binding Protein eingeführt. Die Untersuchung der Gewässerextrakte mit diesen Methoden zeigte, dass die Alb eine Belastung mit endokrin wirksamen Substanzen aufweist und dass hauptsächlich östrogen wirksame Substanzen vorkommen. Die Proben aus den Kläranlagenausläufen weisen die höchste endokrine Aktivität auf. / The present study examined the influence of endocrine active compounds (endocrine disruptors, ED), which are present in surface waters, on reproductive biology of aquatic organisms. The amphibian Xenopus laevis is a well-established model organism for the study of effects of ED on reproduction. It has been modified and broadened for the purpose of this study, and it was combined with chemical methods for water analyses. It is possible to assess water pollution with ED by detecting effects on repro-ductive biology of one particular substance, and then by looking for this substance in environmental water samples. We showed the feminizing potency of Bisphenol A (BPA) in conducting exposure experiments with tadpoles, in examining histological samples of gonads and in detecting the induction of the expression of a molecular estrogenic biomarker. BPA was recognized to mediate its effects via binding to the estrogen receptor. Moreover, analysis of BPA during exposure experiments revealed that BPA is taken up by tadpoles and is not readily degradable during a time period of 48 hours. Chemical analyses of environmental water samples from the river Alb or samples from sewage treatment works (STW) showed that BPA is released into the environment by STW effluents. In surface waters, there are different kinds of ED with different modes of action. Thus, it is another possibility to assess water pollution with ED by fractionating environmental water samples and by testing these fractions in rapid in vitro-screening methods. In the present work, receptor binding assays were carried out, both examining the binding to estrogen and androgen receptors. Furthermore, Xenopus laevis hepatocyte cultures were treated with fractions of environmental samples and biomarker expression was detected. A new biomarker to assess (anti)androgenic or (anti)estrogenic modes of action, respectively, was established. This new biomarker was the Retinol-binding Protein. The results obtained by these methods revealed that the river Alb is mainly polluted with estrogenic ED. Samples from STW effluents possessed the highest endocrine activity.

Mating behavior as non-invasive biomarker in Xenopus laevis for the assessment of endocrine disrupting compounds

Hoffmann, Frauke 23 May 2012 (has links)
Hormonell wirksame Chemikalien, wie Pflanzenschutzmittel oder Pharmaka gelangen durch Abwässer in die Umwelt und akkumulieren vor allem in Oberflächengewässern. Ein erhöhtes Augenmerk liegt auf Substanzen, die durch (anti)androgene und (anti)östrogene Wirkungsweise die Reproduktion von Tieren und Menschen beeinträchtigen. Bei den bisherigen Nachweismethoden für diese Stoffe handelt es sich um invasive Methoden, die das Töten der Tiere beinhalten. Diesen Methoden mangelt es jedoch an der nötigen Sensitivität, um umweltrelevante Konzentrationen der endokrinen Disruptoren (EDs) nach Kurzzeitexposition nachweisen zu können, sowie am Vermögen, alle vier Wirkmechanismen (androgen, antiandrogen, östrogen und antiöstrogen) mit einer einzelnen Testmethode feststellen und unterscheiden zu können. In dieser Studie wurde deshalb mit Hilfe männlicher Afrikanischer Krallenfrösche (Xenopus laevis) eine Testmethode entwickelt, bei der die Frösche verschiedenen (anti)androgenen und (anti)östrogenen EDs ausgesetzt wurden und ihr Rufverhalten untersucht wurde. Diese nicht-invasive Methode erwies sich als schnell und höchst sensitiv. Zudem war es erstmals möglich, die vier verschiedenen Wirkmechanismen allein anhand veränderter Ruftypen und Rufparameter zu bestimmen und zu unterscheiden. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei Anwendung dieser Methode die Möglichkeit besteht, die Versuchstiere in weiteren Tests wiederzuverwenden, da die Rufparameter nach einer expositionsfreien Zeit von sechs Wochen wieder Kontrollwerte erreichten. Zusammengefasst kann die hier vorgestellte verhaltensphysiologische und damit nicht-invasive Methode als Biomarker für den Nachweis von (anti)androgenen und (anti)östrogenen EDs verwendet werden. Ferner zeigt die hohe Sensitivität des Tests, sowie die Möglichkeit der vollautomatischen Analyse enormer Datenmengen, dass dieser schnelle Verhaltenstest ein großes Potential hat, ein sensitiver, standardisierter und nicht-invasiver Biomarker zu werden. / Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), such as herbicides, pesticides or pharmaceuticals enter the environment via sewage effluents and especially accumulate in surface waters. Research efforts so far mainly focused on EDCs with (anti)androgenic and (anti)estrogenic modes of action (MOAs), which can interfere with reproductive biology of vertebrates. To date, biomarkers for the assessment of such compounds are invasive techniques, which are not sensitive enough to detect EDCs after short-term exposures and which cannot distinguish between the four MOAs. Hence, in this study a non-invasive method for the assessment of EDCs was developed using male African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) as model species. Frogs were exposed to individual (anti)androgenic and (anti)estrogenic EDCs in the surrounding water and their calling behavior was analyzed. This non-invasive method turned out to be a fast and highly sensitive biomarker for the detection of (anti)androgenic and (anti)estrogenic EDCs. Moreover, this method was able to differentiate between the four different MOAs solely by determining affected parameters of the calling behavior. It was also shown that by using this method, it might be possible to reuse already tested experimental animals, because the measured affected parameters were reversed after a period of six weeks under control conditions. Taken together the here established non-invasive behavioral method can be used as biomarker for the detection of (anti)androgenic and (anti)estrogenic EDCs. Furthermore, the high sensitivity of this testing method, as well as the possibility of analyzing vast datasets rapidly in a completely automated fashion indicate the huge potential for this rapid behavior test to become a sensitive, standardized, non-invasive biomarker.

Xenopus Laevis TGF-ß: Cloning And Characterization Of The Signaling Receptors

Mohan, D Saravana 01 1900 (has links)
The amphibian species Xenopus laevis, along with mouse and chicken is a very important model system, used widely to dissect the molecular intricacies of various aspects of vertebrate development. Study with Xenopus has clear advantages in terms of various technical considerations including the ease of handling early stage of embryos and due to the remarkable documentation of several early molecular events during development. The concept of inductive interactions between various cell types during early development was first revealed by the studies performed in Xenopus, and among the various factors proposed for mesoderm induction, the members of transforming growth factor-β (TGF- β) superfamily have been considered to be the most probable candidates. About forty different members of the TGF-β superfamily have been cloned and characterized from various organisms. The superfamily members like activins and BMPs have been studied extensively with respect to their functional role during development. While BMPs were assigned as candidates for inducing ventral mesoderm, activins oppose the role of BMPs by inducing dorsal mesoderm. Studies that helped in delineating their roles were performed using three approaches that utilized the ligands, receptors or down stream signaling components (Smads). All the three components were studied with respect to their endogenous expression pattern and effects of ectopic expressions of the wild type or dominant negative mutants. These approaches led to the accumulation of evidences supporting the importance of these signaling molecules. All the above mentioned studies were only possible due to the cloning and characterization of cDNAs of the various proteins involved in the signaling pathway including the ligands. TGF-β2 and 5 are the two isoforms of TGF-β cloned from the amphibian system. We have earlier cloned and characterized the promoter for TGF-β5 gene, which suggested possible regulation of this factor by tissue specific transcription factors. Messenger RNA in situ hybridization analysis to study the TGF-β5-expression pattern during Xenopus development, showed spatial and temporal expression pattern. The expression was confined to specific regions that include notochord, somites, and tail bud among others, in the various stages analyzed. This suggested a possible role for TGF-β5 in organogenesis during the amphibian development. To better understand the role of TGF-β in Xenopus development, studies to examine the specific receptor expression pattern for this growth factor is very essential. With the lack of any reports on cloning of TGF-β receptors from this system, the aim of the present study was to isolate and characterize the receptors for TGF-β from Xenopus laevis. PCR cloning using degenerate primers based on the conserved kinase domains of this class of receptors, coupled to library screenings enabled the identification of two novel receptor cDNAs of the TGF-β receptor superfamily. Characterization of the isolated cDNAs suggested that one of them codes for a type II receptor for TGF-β. Further the cDNAs were found to be ubiquitously expressed during development, as judged by RT-PCR analysis. The cloned cDNAs can now be employed as tools, to study the expression pattern by means of mRNA in situ hybridization, on the various developmental stage embryos and to perform studies using antisense and dominant negative mRNA injection experiments in vivo. Such studies will greatly assist in delineating the role of TGF-β ligands and receptors during amphibian development.

Identifikation von Zielen und molekulare Charakterisierung des RNA-Bindeproteins XSeb4R in Xenopus laevis / Target identification and molecular characterization of the RNA-binding protein XSeb4R in Xenopus laevis

Rust, Barbara 29 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Bilateral processing of thermoreception in the olfactory system of larval Xenopus laevis / Bilaterale Verarbeitung der Temperaturwahrnehmung im olfaktorischen System von larvalen Xenopus laevis

Kludt, Eugen 21 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Identifizierung neuer vegetal lokalisierter RNAs in der Xenopus laevis Oozyte und deren funktionelle Charakterisierung / Identification of novel vegetally localized RNAs and whose functional characterisation

Horvay, Katja 27 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Ueber die Funktion von Zinkfinger Proteinen bei der Induktion des Mesoderms in Xenopus laevis / On the Function of Zinc Finger Proteins in the Induction of Mesoderm in Xenopus laevis

Duerr, Ulrike 30 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Identifizierung und funktionelle Charakterisierung von vegetal lokalisierten RNAs in der Xenopus laevis Oozyte / Identification and functional characterization of vegetally localized RNAs in Xenopus laevis oocytes

Claußen, Maike 25 April 2002 (has links)
No description available.

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