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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of the Cross-strait Reviews on Yang Kui

Hsi, Yi-hsien 26 July 2006 (has links)

Social Image of Fictions by Yang Kui

Ke, Hong-Cen 01 September 2011 (has links)
¡@¡@The literature of Yang Kui clearly reflects his perception and expectation towards the social-reality life at the time. Yang Kui casts his ideas into literature as a manifestation of social consciousness and literature. Nonetheless, what is the major discussion of social consciousness for the literature of Yang Kui? Which social issues are presented from his literature? Has he proposed any kind of mindset for social reform among his works? Most importantly, what is the origin of his social thought? What shall be the outlook when we conduct research on these issues through social science other than from literature fields? ¡@¡@The paper applies ¡§Culture Research Method¡¨ as the research approach in attempt to analyze the formation of social thought by Yang Kui through literature, history and sociology dimensions, as well as incorporating social thoughts into literature. With regards to analysis on literature and history, the novels published by Yang Kui before his death is used as the scope of the paper analysis with historical review on the content of novels and life course. With regards to the sociology with basis from the ¡§National System: Social Theory¡¨ proposed by Lorenz von Stein and interpreted by Daw-Yih Jang, the social issues portrayed from Yang Kui¡¦s novels and the methods of social reform proposed are hence communicated. ¡@¡@With regards to the origin of the Yan Kui¡¦s social thoughts, all books regarding to political or thinking were subject to tight control due to the Japanese colonization over Taiwan. The enlightenment of the social thoughts by Yang Kui originated from his study in Japan, during the Taisho period (1912-1926) when coincided with the surge of democracy. Yang Kui was able to absorb new knowledge and thereby solidified his ideas of socialism. To trace the origin, the paper discussed the social democratic atmosphere shaped from the Taisho Period after Meiji Restoration, from the dimension of how Japanese Constitutional System turned to Prussia German and the profound impact of the development of contemporary Japanese Constitutional System on German Scholar, Lorenz von Stein. ¡@¡@Yang Kui underwent twice regime changes in his life and in terms of novels, Yang Kui implemented anti-monarchy and anti-colonial oppression as the manifestation of social consciousness and literature during the Japanese Colonial Period. During the National Government Period, Yang Kui announced the ¡§Peace Declaration¡¨ to ease ethnic conflict however he ended up in prison for 12 years. His literature style also changed; who no longer confronted authorities but continued to care for the society through inspirational articles. The paper divides the social issues discussed in the novels by Yang Kui and organized his ideas towards social reform, then supplemented by the social issues concerned by Yang in order to observe the legislative trends on social issues from Taiwanese Government.


黃惠禎, Huang,Hui-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
楊逵在臺灣史上既是重要的社會運動家,也是知名的文藝工作者。從實地領導臺灣農民組合與臺灣文化協會,至以創作批判臺灣總督府扶植資本家成立製糖株式會社、臺灣拓殖株式會社等企業,假借農村繁榮和開闢山林為由,對臺灣土地進行的強取豪奪,楊逵從普羅大眾的視角出發,以左翼的社會運動與社會主義現實主義文學創作積極介入社會改造,堅定地表達反對殖民統治與階級壓迫的基本態度,擘畫公平、正義、民主、自由的理想社會。 一九四○年代,歷經日本殖民統治與國民黨政府兩個威權體制的高壓統治,臺灣人不僅因政權之遞嬗兩度變換國籍,也由於皇民化運動的推行與戰後全盤的中國化運動,遭逢兩次不同的國語政策與文化措施。毫無疑問,四○年代短短十年間是臺灣歷史上變動最為劇烈,也是考驗知識分子最為關鍵的時刻。可惜由於牽涉到皇民文學與二二八事件等政治上的禁忌,楊逵在這段時期的活動記錄幾乎呈現空白的狀況。本論文以《楊逵全集》編譯計畫進行期間,所蒐羅楊逵各類型的作品及其各種版本為基礎,配合近年間出土的第一手史料,藉由文學文本、歷史語境、文化現象等各方面的交互考察,為四○年代楊逵的社會運動與文藝活動進行補白的工作。此外,並借助薩伊德後殖民論述,檢視楊逵知識分子的文化立場,重構楊逵圖像。 在爬梳豐富的文獻資料之後,筆者發現無論外在環境如何艱困,楊逵總是能從艱難的時局縫隙中找尋出路;無論以文學創作針砭時政,或藉編輯刊物傳布左翼文學思潮與作品,或與日本、中國左翼作家間的交流與合作,莫不延續二○、三○年代勇敢對抗國家機器與霸權文化的批判精神,自始至終未曾偏離社會主義的階級立場。透過四○年代楊逵文學與思想的歷史研究,希望本論文不僅能為日後更為深入與更為全面性的楊逵研究做出貢獻,並能有助於了解臺灣知識菁英面臨政權更迭時的困頓與掙扎,及其社會參與和文化抗爭等諸多面向。

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