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Generationsskillnader i arbetsrelaterad social self- efficacyRunius Båverud, Nathalie January 2022 (has links)
Samhällets utveckling tillsammans med teknikens framfart har lett till tydliga skillnader mellan generation X, Y och Z. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i hur generationerna skattade sin social self-efficacy (SSE), sin tilltro till sin sociala förmåga. Studien genomfördes med en enkätstudie, målgruppen togs fram med ett snöbollsurval som resulterade i 124 respondenter, varav 82 var kvinnor. För att besvara frågeställningarna om skillnader mellan generationer och kön i SSE användes flervägs ANOVA och för att undersöka sambandet mellan ålder och graden av SSE användes produktmomentkorrelationskoefficient. Resultatet visade på en signifikant skillnad mellan kön, där kvinnor hade en tendens att skatta högre i informationskällan och andras erfarenheter. Slutsatsen var att kvinnor i högre grad använder sig av sin omgivnings erfarenheter och lärdomar. I denna studie går det inte dra någon slutsats om generationstillhörigheten påverkar ens tro på sin sociala förmåga. Framtida studier om SSE bör fortsätta fokusera på målgruppen vuxna för att fylla kunskapsluckor.
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Blueberry spanworm, Itame argillacearia (Packard), is an important defoliator of wild (syn. ‘lowbush’) blueberry in north-eastern North America. Identification of I. argillacearia sex pheromone(s) could be useful for monitoring, mating disruption or mass trapping, as a way to improve integrated pest management programs for this pest. Thus, the main goal of this study was to identify sex pheromone(s) of I. argillacearia. The courtship, mating and oviposition patterns of I. argillaceara, was studied in the laboratory. GC/MS, GC/EAD and EAG analysis of pheromone gland extracts, in combination with y-tube experiments and two field trapping studies confirmed the chiral-alkenyl-epoxide, (3R,4S)-epoxy-(Z,Z)-6,9-17:H and tri-ene, (Z,Z,Z)-3,6,9-17:H as the major female-produced sex pheromone components. Contech Wing traps® placed at canopy level were effective for capturing male I. argillacearia moths.
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Le livre sous la loupe : Nouvelles formes d’écriture électroniqueVasilescu, Florentina 08 1900 (has links)
Les fichiers qui accompagnent le document incluent une archive .jar du zoom-éditeur (qui peut être lancé via un browser) et des exemples de z-textes réalisés avec ce logiciel. / L’objectif du projet est la construction d’un nouveau type d’éditeur, appelé ici zoom-éditeur, permettant à l’utilisateur d’augmenter ou de diminuer le degré de détail du texte par des opérations de zoom-in et zoom-out. La principale caractéristique de cette nouvelle forme de textualité sera l’organisation du texte sous la forme d’une structure spatiale à trois dimensions (X, Y, Z), c’est-à-dire une disposition intégrant des niveaux de « profondeur » correspondant à différents degrés de détail et de signification. Nous avons appelé ce type de texte, représentable à plusieurs échelles, z-texte et les processus de création et d’exploration impliqués par cette structure, z-écriture et z-lecture.
La première partie décrira le cadre et les enjeux théoriques du projet. Les deux premiers chapitres seront dédiés à la dialectique code / texte et aux méthodes d’analyse de l’esthétique du texte électronique, dans une perspective comparatiste par rapport aux formes textuelles imprimées. Le troisième chapitre présentera l’analyse de cinq types d’ouvrages sur support électronique, parmi les plus connus (hypertexte littéraire, cyberpoésie, blog, encyclopédie libre et journal en ligne).
La deuxième partie décrira les sources du modèle proposé, le modèle proprement dit, ainsi que les composantes et la fonctionnalité du zoom-éditeur. Ce volet se réfèrera au cadre théorique décrit dans les trois premiers chapitres. La troisième partie proposera quelques hypothèses sur les applications possibles du modèle, à partir de l’idée de z-texte comme espace multidimensionnel. Chaque dimension correspondrait ainsi à un certain type de loupe, i.e. d’analyse ou d’exploration, applicable à un texte donné. Les domaines mis en discussion seront la critique et la création littéraire, la pédagogie, l’écriture de scénarios, la construction de documentation électronique, la conception de dictionnaires et d’encyclopédies. Le projet inclura également la construction des z-textes, selon les principes de la z-écriture et en utilisant le zoom-éditeur. / The project proposes a new type of interface, that we have called zoom-editor, allowing the user to increase and decrease the degree of detail of the text by zooming-in and out. The main feature of this new kind of textuality would be a 3D textual layout on the three axis (X, Y, Z), i.e. an in-depth structure based on several layers of details and meaning. We have called this type of text, z-text, and the corresponding processes of reading and writing, z-reading and z-writing.
The first part describes the theoretical framework of the project. The first two chapters deal with the code/text dialectics and the analytic methods of the electronic text aesthetics, as compared with the printed forms. The third chapter analyses five types of digital documents: literary hypertext, cyberpoetry, blog, free encyclopaedia and on line newspaper.
The second part describes the sources of the proposed model, the model itself, and the components and functionality of zoom-editor. This section also contains references and discussions related to the theoretical framework portrayed in the first three chapters.
The third part proposes some hypotheses on the possible applications of the model, starting from the idea of a z-text as a multidimensional space. Each dimension would metaphorically correspond to a type of magnifying glass, implying a certain kind of analysis or exploration of a text. The domains considered for discussion are literary criticism, creative writing, pedagogy, encyclopaedias and dictionaries, documentation. The project also supposes the construction of a number of z-texts, according to the principles of z-writing, by using the zoom-editor.
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Le livre sous la loupe : Nouvelles formes d’écriture électroniqueVasilescu, Florentina 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif du projet est la construction d’un nouveau type d’éditeur, appelé ici zoom-éditeur, permettant à l’utilisateur d’augmenter ou de diminuer le degré de détail du texte par des opérations de zoom-in et zoom-out. La principale caractéristique de cette nouvelle forme de textualité sera l’organisation du texte sous la forme d’une structure spatiale à trois dimensions (X, Y, Z), c’est-à-dire une disposition intégrant des niveaux de « profondeur » correspondant à différents degrés de détail et de signification. Nous avons appelé ce type de texte, représentable à plusieurs échelles, z-texte et les processus de création et d’exploration impliqués par cette structure, z-écriture et z-lecture.
La première partie décrira le cadre et les enjeux théoriques du projet. Les deux premiers chapitres seront dédiés à la dialectique code / texte et aux méthodes d’analyse de l’esthétique du texte électronique, dans une perspective comparatiste par rapport aux formes textuelles imprimées. Le troisième chapitre présentera l’analyse de cinq types d’ouvrages sur support électronique, parmi les plus connus (hypertexte littéraire, cyberpoésie, blog, encyclopédie libre et journal en ligne).
La deuxième partie décrira les sources du modèle proposé, le modèle proprement dit, ainsi que les composantes et la fonctionnalité du zoom-éditeur. Ce volet se réfèrera au cadre théorique décrit dans les trois premiers chapitres. La troisième partie proposera quelques hypothèses sur les applications possibles du modèle, à partir de l’idée de z-texte comme espace multidimensionnel. Chaque dimension correspondrait ainsi à un certain type de loupe, i.e. d’analyse ou d’exploration, applicable à un texte donné. Les domaines mis en discussion seront la critique et la création littéraire, la pédagogie, l’écriture de scénarios, la construction de documentation électronique, la conception de dictionnaires et d’encyclopédies. Le projet inclura également la construction des z-textes, selon les principes de la z-écriture et en utilisant le zoom-éditeur. / The project proposes a new type of interface, that we have called zoom-editor, allowing the user to increase and decrease the degree of detail of the text by zooming-in and out. The main feature of this new kind of textuality would be a 3D textual layout on the three axis (X, Y, Z), i.e. an in-depth structure based on several layers of details and meaning. We have called this type of text, z-text, and the corresponding processes of reading and writing, z-reading and z-writing.
The first part describes the theoretical framework of the project. The first two chapters deal with the code/text dialectics and the analytic methods of the electronic text aesthetics, as compared with the printed forms. The third chapter analyses five types of digital documents: literary hypertext, cyberpoetry, blog, free encyclopaedia and on line newspaper.
The second part describes the sources of the proposed model, the model itself, and the components and functionality of zoom-editor. This section also contains references and discussions related to the theoretical framework portrayed in the first three chapters.
The third part proposes some hypotheses on the possible applications of the model, starting from the idea of a z-text as a multidimensional space. Each dimension would metaphorically correspond to a type of magnifying glass, implying a certain kind of analysis or exploration of a text. The domains considered for discussion are literary criticism, creative writing, pedagogy, encyclopaedias and dictionaries, documentation. The project also supposes the construction of a number of z-texts, according to the principles of z-writing, by using the zoom-editor. / Les fichiers qui accompagnent le document incluent une archive .jar du zoom-éditeur (qui peut être lancé via un browser) et des exemples de z-textes réalisés avec ce logiciel.
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Steady-State Analysis of PWM Z-Bridge Source DC-DC ConverterKathi, Lokesh January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Functions annihilable by samplingHo, Joseph Ping-Liong. January 1961 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1961 H62
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Work values of Generation Z : A quantitative study explaining different groups of Generation Z’s work values.Gimbergsson, Evelin, Lundberg, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Course/ Level: 2FE21E, Bachelor thesis Authors: Evelin Gimbergsson & Sandra Lundberg Tutor: Viktor Magnusson Examiner: Åsa Devine Title: Work values of Generation Z: A quantitative study explaining different groups of Generation Z’s work values. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explain how the work values differ within different groups of Generation Z. Hypotheses: H1: Depending on major individuals value different work values. H2: Depending on gender individuals value different work values. Theory: Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Altruistic, Status-associated and Social work values. Methodology: Questionnaire Conclusion: Based on the findings, H1 was rejected and H2 was accepted. Keywords Employer branding, Generation Z, Work values, Intrinsic work values, Extrinsic work values, Altruistic work values, Status-associated work values and Social work values.
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CoDesign with dataDove, G. January 2015 (has links)
Design is a process of changing current situations into preferred ones, through conversations with design materials, and an understanding of the present practice of the designed artefact’s future users. Domain-relevant data, such as those generated by personal and autonomous computing systems, are an increasingly important design material presenting new ways to explore current practice. Examples of these data include that being generated by people using smartphones, health and fitness monitors, smart energy meters and social media; or that from official statistics made publicly available via Open Data initiatives. This thesis details research developing CoDesign With Data, a novel approach to collaborative early-stage design workshops in which working with domain-relevant data is the key distinguishing feature. During a CoDesign With Data workshop participants are given the tools and techniques to help them seek insight from data, gain an understanding of the context these data might come from, and to inspire creative design ideas. These tools and techniques build on an understanding of research into information visualization and applied creativity. The activities in which they are used build on the experiences reported from other approaches to creativity in collaborative requirements gathering and design workshops. The aim of this research is to support design innovation that results in new products or services appropriate to the contexts in which they will be used. To investigate the primary research question, and evaluate the tools and techniques being developed, two design experiments and three case studies were undertaken. In each study, examples of tools, in the form of workshop materials and information visualization interfaces, and techniques, in the form of workshop activities, are presented, and simple takeaways for design practice are offered. Finally, the knowledge and understanding gained during this research is presented as a series of guidelines and recommendations, and a description of the current state-of-the-art CoDesign With Data workshop.
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Zaměstnanecké benefity z pohledu daní z příjmů / Employment benefits from the perspective of an income taxČillíková, Dana January 2011 (has links)
Employees' benefits from the income taxes point of view Employee benefit can be defined as a certain advantage given to the employee by his employer on top of his salary. It is a voluntary fulfillment of the employer to which he is not obliged according to any law. Benefits represent significant motivator for current employees as well as attraction for new applicants. Benefits can be provided either in monetary or non-monetary form. The form of the benefit is usually crucial for the determination of its tax treatment on both employer's and employee's side. On the employee's side it has to be determined whether the benefit is taxable or tax exempt. On the employer's side it has to be determined whether the relating costs are tax deductible or not. The Income Taxes Act states explicitly that certain non-monetary benefits are tax non- deductible (e.g. gifts, expenses in the form of possibility to use cultural, leisure, medical, educational or sports facilities). In other cases the tax deductibility may be limited (e.g. contributions to alimentation provided by third parties including meal vouchers). On the other hand, non-monetary form is often one of the conditions for tax exemption for the employee (e.g. education, alimentation, soft drinks or possibility to use sports or medical facilities). The exemption...
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Daň z příjmů fyzických osob z podnikání a jiné samostatné výdělečné činnosti / Taxation of income of natural persons resulting from business and other forms of self-empolymentPenz, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The main goal of my thesis was to present a compact view on current adjustment of the taxation of income of natural persons resulting from business and other forms of self- employment with the emphasis on the description of tax records, lump-sump expenses and lump-sump tax. I tried to apply articular structural elements of the taxation of income of natural persons resulting from business and other forms of self-employment and to present its interpretation. Regarding the complexity of the act I consider to be useful to present some practical examples which would enable better understanding of the institutes described and I also tried not to forget the judgments relating the interpretation. Lump-sump tax which I tried to analyzed, is not very spread in the Czech Republic even though it should contribute to simplification of the setting of the Income Tax for tax-payers running their business on a mall scale. The reason for this state is, in my opinion, the impossibility to apply tax refund, impossibility to apply tax loss and one of the reason can also be uncertainty of economic result because if tax-payers reach lower income and higher expenses than those ones which were counted while setting lump-sum tax, their tax liability doesn't change. In connection with the change of the Act of Accounting, on the 1st...
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