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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Técnica de varredura-Z com pulsos de femtossegundo e geração de terceiro harmônico / Z-scan tecnique with femtosecond pulse and third-harmonic generation

Émerson Cristiano Barbano 09 February 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho fizemos um estudo da geração de terceiro harmônico (GTH) usando pulsos de femtossegundos (fs). A GTH é uma importante técnica que permite estudar propriedades ópticas não lineares de terceira ordem de materiais. Estudamos a GTH aplicando as técnicas de franjas de Maker e a de varredura-Z em diferentes materiais levando em conta as contribuições de suas interfaces. A técnica de franjas de Maker com GTH permite a determinação de propriedades ópticas lineares e não lineares de volume, mas não de interface, portanto, a técnica de varredura-Z na condição de focalização forte foi implementada para estudar a influência da interface na GTH. Estudamos diversos vidros ópticos (sílica, K10, SK11, LLF1 e LLF6) e também diferentes soluções (acetona, clorofórmio, DMSO e tolueno) em uma cubeta. Em termos de número de interfaces, usando uma lâmina de vidro temos duas, no caso de um sanduíche de dois vidros temos três (entrada, meio e saída) e temos quatro interfaces para a cubeta. Observamos que elas contribuem tanto nas intensidades quanto nos espectros dos terceiros harmônicos (TH) gerados. Dependendo do tipo de interface e do sentido de propagação, tanto a intensidade quanto o espectro do TH são diferentes. Observamos que a reflexão de Fresnel atua significativamente nas diferenças de intensidades da GTH nas interfaces entre dois meios com índices de refração lineares diferentes. Uma interferência construtiva ocorre quando o feixe de laser propaga de um material com índice de refração mais alto para outro com índice mais baixo, aumentando a intensidade do laser e, consequentemente, gerando mais TH. Uma interferência destrutiva ocorre numa propagação oposta. Outro efeito interessante observado foi que, além da magnitude da não linearidade do meio, existem as contribuições da propagação e da modulação de fase cruzada no alargamento espectral do TH. Dessa forma, o alargamento espectral depende da não linearidade do meio e também do sentido de propagação no caso de interfaces. Em resumo, esse estudo nos levou a uma melhor compreensão dos fenômenos não lineares de GTH nas interfaces, e também possibilitou o surgimento de um novo método que pode ser usado para a determinação da susceptibilidade de terceira ordem de materiais. / In this work we did a study of the third-harmonic generation (THG) using femtosecond pulses. The THG is an important technique which allows studying thirdorder nonlinear optical properties of materials. We studied the THG by the Maker fringes and the Z-scan techniques in different materials taking into account their interfaces contributions. The Maker fringes technique with THG allows the determination of the bulk linear and the nonlinear properties, but not of the interface. Therefore, the Z-scan technique in the tight focused condition was implemented to study the interface influences on the THG. We studied several optical glasses (silica, K10, SK11, LLF1 and LLF6) and different solutions (acetone, chloroform, DMSO and toluene) in a cuvette. In term of numbers of interfaces, using a glass slab we have two, in the case of two sandwiched optical glasses we have three (input, middle and output) and for the cuvette we have four interfaces. We have observed that they play an important role on the third-harmonic (TH) intensities and spectra. Depending of the interface type and propagation direction, the TH intensity and spectrum are different. We have observed that the Fresnel reflection has a significant effect on the THG intensity differences between two media with different linear refractive indices. A constructive interference occurs when the laser beam propagates from one material with higher refractive index to one with lower refractive index, increasing the laser intensity and, consequently generating more TH. A destructive interference occurs in the opposite propagation case. Another important effect observed was that, beside the materials nonlinearity magnitude, there are propagation and cross-phase modulation contributions to the TH spectrum broadening. In this way, the spectrum broadening depends on the materials nonlinear properties and the propagation direction on the case of interfaces. In summary, this study leads to a better understanding of the TH nonlinear phenomena, and also, has allowed one new method for third-order nonlinear susceptibility determination.

Não linearidades de segunda e terceira ordem de sistemas moleculares ramificados / Second and third order nonlinearities of branched molecular systems

Rodriguez, Ruben Dario Fonseca 26 October 2016 (has links)
Compostos orgânicos constituem uma classe interessante de materiais para aplicações em óptica por apresentarem boa processabilidade, relativa facilidade para integração em dispositivos e, principalmente, pela possibilidade de otimização de suas propriedades ópticas através da engenharia molecular. Várias estratégias têm sido empregadas para sintetizar moléculas orgânicas, que exibam singificativos efeitos ópticos não lineares. Nesta direção, nos últimos anos moléculas multi-ramificadas vêm sendo produzidas com o objetivo de intensificar efeitos não lineares, já que estas podem exibir um forte efeito cooperativo entre seus ramos. Nesta tese estudamos a relação da absorção de dois fótons (A2F) e da primeira hiperpolarizabilidade com a estrutura molecular, para um conjunto de nove derivados de trifenilamina com diferentes grupos aceitadores de elétrons arranjadas em geometrias dipolar, quadrupolar e octopolar. O processo A2F foi estudados através da técnica de Varredura-Z, enquanto que a primeira hiperpolarizabilidade foi caracterizada pela técnica de espelhamento hiper Rayleigh. Os dados experimentais para a absorção de dois fótons revelaram espectros bem definidos, com valores razoáveis de seção de choque na região do visível e infravermelho próximo. Observamos ainda um engrandecimento para a seção de choque de A2F para as moléculas quadrupolares. Os resultados obtidos para a primeira hiperpolarizabilidade (β) mostraram que moléculas quadrupolares apresentam maior β do que as dipolares e octopolares, portanto, nossos resultados permitem concluir que o acoplamento eletrônico entre os ramos contribuem fortemente para a seção de choque por A2F e β nas moléculas quadrupolares, não sendo este processo relevante nas moléculas octopolares. Todos os resultados foram interpretados por meio de estudos teóricos empregando a teoria do funcional da densidade (DFT). / Organic compounds constitute an interesting class of materials for optical applications due to their excellent processability, easy integration into devices and, mainly, the possibility of optimizing its optical properties through molecular engineering. Several strategies have been employed to synthesize organic molecules, which exhibit significant nonlinear optical effects. In this direction, in the last few years multi-branched molecules have been obtained aiming at intensifying nonlinear optical effects, since they may exhibit a strong cooperative effect among their branches. On this thesis we have studied the relationship of two-photon absorption (2PA) and first hyperpolarizability with the molecular structure of a group of nine triphenylamine derivatives attached to distinct electron acceptor groups arranged in dipole, quadrupole and octopolar geometries. The 2PA process was studied by Z-scan technique, while the first hyperpolarizability was characterized by the hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique. The experimental data for two-photon absorption revealed well-defined spectra with reasonable cross section magnitude in the visible and near infrared range. We also observed an enhancement of the 2PA cross-section for the quadrupolar molecules in comparison to the dipolar and octopolar ones. The results obtained for the first hyperpolarizability (β) shown that the quadrupolar molecules present higher β than the dipolar and octopolar, suggesting that the electronic coupling between the branches strongly contribute to the 2PA cross-section and β in quadrupolar molecules, being not relevant in the octopolar molecules. All results were interpreted through theoretical studies based on the density functional theory (DFT).

Absorção de multi-fótons em polímeros e resinas poliméricas: espectroscopia não linear e microfabricação / Multi-photon absorption in polymers and polymeric resins: nonlinear spectroscopy and microfabrication

Corrêa, Daniel Souza 12 February 2009 (has links)
Nesta tese, estudamos o processo de absorção multifotônica em polímeros e resinas poliméricas, abordando tanto aspectos fundamentais quanto aplicados. Com relação aos aspectos fundamentais, estudamos processos de absorção multifotônica (absorção de dois, três e quatro fótons) no polímero conjugado MEH-PPV (poly(2-methoxy-5-(2´-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4- phenylenevinylene)), utilizando a técnica de Varredura-Z com pulsos ultracurtos. Através desta técnica, determinamos o espectro da absorção de dois, três e quatro fótons do MEHPPV. As seções de choque de absorção de multi-fótons correspondentes a cada processo foram determinadas através do ajuste das curvas experimentais com um conjunto de equações desenvolvidas neste trabalho. Os resultados obtidos permitiram traçar relações entre os espectros não lineares e os níveis de energia do polímero. Na vertente mais aplicada do projeto, estudamos a fotopolimerização de resinas acrílicas através do processo de absorção de dois fótons. Devido ao confinamento espacial da polimerização, graças à absorção de dois fótons, este método permite a confecção de micro-estruturas complexas para diversas aplicações tecnológicas. Além da fabricação de microestruturas convencionais não dopadas, neste trabalho desenvolvemos uma metodologia que possibilita a fabricação de microestruturas dopadas com MEH-PPV, visando a produção de micro-elementos fluorescentes para dispositivos fotônicos, e microestruturas dopadas com quitosana, um polímero biocompatível que pode ser utilizado em aplicações médicas e biológicas. / In this thesis we have studied the multi-photon absorption process in polymers and polymeric resins, exploiting its fundamental as well as technological aspects. Regarding the fundamental aspects, we have studied the multi-photon absorption (two-, three- and four-photon absorption) in the conjugated polymer MEH-PPV (poly(2-methoxy-5-(2´-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene)), by using the Z-scan technique with ultrashort laser pulses. Through this technique, we determined the two-, three- and four-photon absorption spectra of MEH-PPV. The multi-photon absorption cross-sections, corresponding to each specific process, have been determined by fitting the experimental data with a set of equations developed in this work. The results allowed us to correlate the nonlinear absorption spectra to the energy level of the polymer. On the technological side of this thesis, we have investigated the photopolymerization of acrylic resins by two-photon absorption. Because of the spatial confinement of the polymerization, resulting from the two-photon excitation, this method allows the fabrication of complex microstructures which can be used for several technological applications. In addition to the fabrication of undoped microstructures, in this work we have developed a methodology that allows the fabrication of microstructures doped with MEHPPV, aiming the production of fluorescent micro-elements for photonics applications, and microstructures doped with chitosan, a biocompatible polymer, that can be used for medical and biological applications.

Μελέτη των μη-γραμμικών οπτικών ιδιοτήτων φουλλερενίων, παραγώγων φουλλερενίων και διθειολενικών συμπλόκων / Investigation of the non-linear optical properties of some fullerenes, fullerene derivatives and dithiolene complexes

Αλούκος, Παναγιώτης 27 November 2008 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής ήταν ο προσδιορισμός της υπερπολωσιμότητας δεύτερης τάξης διάφορων φουλλερενίων, παραγώγων φουλλερενίων και διθειολενικών συμπλόκων και η συσχέτιση αυτής με τη χημική δομή των υπό μελέτη υλικών. Για τη μελέτη των μη-γραμμικών οπτικών ιδιοτήτων των υλικών αυτών χρησιμοποιήθηκε η τεχνική Z-scan. Η μη-γραμμική τους απόκριση μελετήθηκε για παλμική διέγερση 35 ps και 8 ns, στα 532 και 1064 nm. Παράγοντες όπως ενίσχυση λόγω συντονισμού, μείωση της συμμετρίας, απεντοπισμός ηλεκτρονίων και μεταφορά φορτίου βρέθηκαν ότι επηρεάζουν σημαντικά τις μη-γραμμικές οπτικές ιδιότητες των συστημάτων αυτών. / The objective of this thesis was the determination of the second-order hyperpolarizability of some fullerenes, fullerene derivatives and dithiolene complexes and the understanding of the relation between the hyperpolarizability and the molecular structure. The non-linear optical properties of the above systems were investigated by the Z-scan technique. In particular, their non-linear optical response was studied under pulsed laser excitation having duration 35 ps and 8 ns, at 532 and 1064 nm. Several factors, like resonant enhancement, symmetry reduction, electron delocalization and charge transfer, were found to influence significantly the non-linear optical properties of these molecules.

Não linearidades de segunda e terceira ordem de sistemas moleculares ramificados / Second and third order nonlinearities of branched molecular systems

Ruben Dario Fonseca Rodriguez 26 October 2016 (has links)
Compostos orgânicos constituem uma classe interessante de materiais para aplicações em óptica por apresentarem boa processabilidade, relativa facilidade para integração em dispositivos e, principalmente, pela possibilidade de otimização de suas propriedades ópticas através da engenharia molecular. Várias estratégias têm sido empregadas para sintetizar moléculas orgânicas, que exibam singificativos efeitos ópticos não lineares. Nesta direção, nos últimos anos moléculas multi-ramificadas vêm sendo produzidas com o objetivo de intensificar efeitos não lineares, já que estas podem exibir um forte efeito cooperativo entre seus ramos. Nesta tese estudamos a relação da absorção de dois fótons (A2F) e da primeira hiperpolarizabilidade com a estrutura molecular, para um conjunto de nove derivados de trifenilamina com diferentes grupos aceitadores de elétrons arranjadas em geometrias dipolar, quadrupolar e octopolar. O processo A2F foi estudados através da técnica de Varredura-Z, enquanto que a primeira hiperpolarizabilidade foi caracterizada pela técnica de espelhamento hiper Rayleigh. Os dados experimentais para a absorção de dois fótons revelaram espectros bem definidos, com valores razoáveis de seção de choque na região do visível e infravermelho próximo. Observamos ainda um engrandecimento para a seção de choque de A2F para as moléculas quadrupolares. Os resultados obtidos para a primeira hiperpolarizabilidade (β) mostraram que moléculas quadrupolares apresentam maior β do que as dipolares e octopolares, portanto, nossos resultados permitem concluir que o acoplamento eletrônico entre os ramos contribuem fortemente para a seção de choque por A2F e β nas moléculas quadrupolares, não sendo este processo relevante nas moléculas octopolares. Todos os resultados foram interpretados por meio de estudos teóricos empregando a teoria do funcional da densidade (DFT). / Organic compounds constitute an interesting class of materials for optical applications due to their excellent processability, easy integration into devices and, mainly, the possibility of optimizing its optical properties through molecular engineering. Several strategies have been employed to synthesize organic molecules, which exhibit significant nonlinear optical effects. In this direction, in the last few years multi-branched molecules have been obtained aiming at intensifying nonlinear optical effects, since they may exhibit a strong cooperative effect among their branches. On this thesis we have studied the relationship of two-photon absorption (2PA) and first hyperpolarizability with the molecular structure of a group of nine triphenylamine derivatives attached to distinct electron acceptor groups arranged in dipole, quadrupole and octopolar geometries. The 2PA process was studied by Z-scan technique, while the first hyperpolarizability was characterized by the hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique. The experimental data for two-photon absorption revealed well-defined spectra with reasonable cross section magnitude in the visible and near infrared range. We also observed an enhancement of the 2PA cross-section for the quadrupolar molecules in comparison to the dipolar and octopolar ones. The results obtained for the first hyperpolarizability (β) shown that the quadrupolar molecules present higher β than the dipolar and octopolar, suggesting that the electronic coupling between the branches strongly contribute to the 2PA cross-section and β in quadrupolar molecules, being not relevant in the octopolar molecules. All results were interpreted through theoretical studies based on the density functional theory (DFT).

Absorção de multi-fótons em polímeros e resinas poliméricas: espectroscopia não linear e microfabricação / Multi-photon absorption in polymers and polymeric resins: nonlinear spectroscopy and microfabrication

Daniel Souza Corrêa 12 February 2009 (has links)
Nesta tese, estudamos o processo de absorção multifotônica em polímeros e resinas poliméricas, abordando tanto aspectos fundamentais quanto aplicados. Com relação aos aspectos fundamentais, estudamos processos de absorção multifotônica (absorção de dois, três e quatro fótons) no polímero conjugado MEH-PPV (poly(2-methoxy-5-(2´-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4- phenylenevinylene)), utilizando a técnica de Varredura-Z com pulsos ultracurtos. Através desta técnica, determinamos o espectro da absorção de dois, três e quatro fótons do MEHPPV. As seções de choque de absorção de multi-fótons correspondentes a cada processo foram determinadas através do ajuste das curvas experimentais com um conjunto de equações desenvolvidas neste trabalho. Os resultados obtidos permitiram traçar relações entre os espectros não lineares e os níveis de energia do polímero. Na vertente mais aplicada do projeto, estudamos a fotopolimerização de resinas acrílicas através do processo de absorção de dois fótons. Devido ao confinamento espacial da polimerização, graças à absorção de dois fótons, este método permite a confecção de micro-estruturas complexas para diversas aplicações tecnológicas. Além da fabricação de microestruturas convencionais não dopadas, neste trabalho desenvolvemos uma metodologia que possibilita a fabricação de microestruturas dopadas com MEH-PPV, visando a produção de micro-elementos fluorescentes para dispositivos fotônicos, e microestruturas dopadas com quitosana, um polímero biocompatível que pode ser utilizado em aplicações médicas e biológicas. / In this thesis we have studied the multi-photon absorption process in polymers and polymeric resins, exploiting its fundamental as well as technological aspects. Regarding the fundamental aspects, we have studied the multi-photon absorption (two-, three- and four-photon absorption) in the conjugated polymer MEH-PPV (poly(2-methoxy-5-(2´-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene)), by using the Z-scan technique with ultrashort laser pulses. Through this technique, we determined the two-, three- and four-photon absorption spectra of MEH-PPV. The multi-photon absorption cross-sections, corresponding to each specific process, have been determined by fitting the experimental data with a set of equations developed in this work. The results allowed us to correlate the nonlinear absorption spectra to the energy level of the polymer. On the technological side of this thesis, we have investigated the photopolymerization of acrylic resins by two-photon absorption. Because of the spatial confinement of the polymerization, resulting from the two-photon excitation, this method allows the fabrication of complex microstructures which can be used for several technological applications. In addition to the fabrication of undoped microstructures, in this work we have developed a methodology that allows the fabrication of microstructures doped with MEHPPV, aiming the production of fluorescent micro-elements for photonics applications, and microstructures doped with chitosan, a biocompatible polymer, that can be used for medical and biological applications.

Μη γραμμική οπτική απόκριση αζοβενζολικών μοριακών συστημάτων / Nonlinear optical response of azobenzene molecules for photo-switching applications

Λιάρος, Νικόλαος 14 February 2012 (has links)
Ο όρος μη γραμμική οπτική (nonlinear optics) αναφέρεται στον κλάδο της φυσικής που μελετά τις μεταβολές που επέρχονται στις οπτικές ιδιότητες της ύλης, όταν αυτή αλληλεπιδρά με ισχυρά ηλεκτρομαγνητικά πεδία. Οι δέσμες λέιζερ (laser) αποτελούν το κατ’ εξοχήν ηλεκτρομαγνητικό πεδίο που χρησιμοποιείται για να προκαλέσει τη μη γραμμική οπτική απόκριση της ύλης, λόγω της ισχυρής ακτινοβολίας. Με την ανακάλυψη του λέιζερ τη δεκαετία του 1960, παράλληλα αναπτύχθηκαν πολλές τεχνικές μέσω των οποίων καθίσταται εφικτός ο προσδιορισμός της μη γραμμικής οπτικής απόκρισης των υλικών. Κίνητρο για αυτή την εκτεταμένη έρευνα αποτελεί το γεγονός ότι υλικά με σημαντική μη γραμμική απόκριση βρίσκουν πολλές εφαρμογές στη φωτονική και την οπτοηλεκτρονική. Ειδικότερα, τέτοια υλικά μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως οπτικοί περιοριστές (optical limiters) για την προστασία από υψηλές δέσμες λέιζερ, ως οπτικοί διακόπτες (optical switches), καθώς και ως οπτικές λογικές πύλες (optical logic gates) κ.α. Τα τελευταία χρόνια υπάρχει ιδιαίτερο ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον στο πεδίο των μοριακών διακοπτών (molecular switches). Ο όρος μοριακός διακόπτης αναφέρεται στην δυνατότητα ύπαρξης ενός μορίου μεταξύ δύο διαφορετικών καταστάσεων, ικανότητα που θα αποτελέσει την αφετηρία για μια λειτουργία “on/off”, σε μοριακό επίπεδο. Υποψήφια μόρια που μπορούν να υποστηρίξουν μια διακοπτική λειτουργία είναι εκείνα που παρουσιάζουν κάτω από ορισμένες συνθήκες αλλαγή σε μια εγγενή ιδιότητά τους, όπως ο φθορισμός, η αγωγιμότητα, η μαγνήτιση, ο στερεο-ισομερισμός, η μη γραμμικότητα κ.α. Σκοπός της παρούσας ειδικής ερευνητικής εργασίας ήταν ο προσδιορισμός της τρίτης τάξης μη γραμμικής οπτικής απόκρισης μοριακών συστημάτων που περιέχουν αζοβενζόλιο, υπό μορφή διαλυμάτων. Τα μόρια αυτά είναι ενδιαφέροντα γιατί αφ’ ενός εμφανίζουν trans/cis ισομερισμό, αφ’ ετέρου παρουσιάζουν μια αλλαγή στη μη γραμμικότητά τους εξαιτίας του φωτο-ισομερισμού του διπλού δεσμού –N=N-. Η δομή της εργασίας έχει ως εξής : Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο θα γίνει μια περιγραφή της μη γραμμικής αλληλεπίδρασης ύλης-πεδίου, η εξαγωγή της μη γραμμικής κυματικής εξίσωσης, καθώς επίσης και μερικών φυσικών διαδικασιών που περιγράφονται μέσω αυτής. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο θα περιγραφεί η πειραματική τεχνική που ακολουθήθηκε, θα αναφερθούν οι οπτικές παράμετροι που σχετίζονται με τη τρίτης τάξης μη γραμμικότητα και τέλος θα περιγραφεί η διαδικασία ανάλυσης των πειραματικών αποτελεσμάτων. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο θα γίνει μια σύντομη περιγραφή της πειραματικής διάταξης καθώς και των κυριότερων οργάνων που την αποτελούν. Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο θα παρουσιασθούν τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα που προέκυψαν από την εργασία. Αρχικά παρουσιάζεται μια σύντομη περιγραφή των μοριακών συστημάτων που μελετήθηκαν. Ακολουθεί η μη γραμμική οπτική απόκριση των συστημάτων για διέγερση με παλμούς χρονικής διάρκειας 35 ps, στα 532 και 1064 nm,και ακολουθεί ο προσδιορισμός της μη μεταβατικής μη γραμμικής απόκρισης για διέγερση με παλμούς διάρκειας 4 ns. Αναφέρονται τα συμπεράσματα από τη μελέτη των συστημάτων και ακολουθεί μια πρόταση για μελλοντική μελέτη. / Extensive research in the field of molecular switches promises a wide variety of switching mechanisms characterized by an eclectic range of intrinsic properties regarding their luminescence, conductivity, magnetic and optical outputs. Because of their controlled alternating properties and the ease of their preparation and modification, molecular switches hold the promise of becoming pivotal components of organic–integrated photonic devices. Among the many available systems, azobenzene dyes represent a particularly promising class of organic switchable materials. The advantage of azobenzene chromophores as molecular switches is based not only on the large geometrical change accompanying the cis–trans isomerization, but also on their photo–stability, and the ease of their preparation and derivatization. In addition, azobenzene chromophores, exhibiting in general large nonlinear optical response, are characterized by an important change in their third-order nonlinear optical response due to the photo-isomerization of the –N=N- double bond. The purpose of this work is hence to describe how the NLO properties of the azobenzene are influenced when surrounded by an always more electron-donating and conjugated environment. In order to do so, we are studying three azobenzene-centered molecules. In two of them, the switch is bonded to two electron-rich groups such as alkylated anilines via either one or two ethynil spacers. In the latter, a Zn-porphyrin was instead linked to the aza-core. The insertion of a porphyrin core was driven by its high polarizability and optical oscillator strength which gives the material remarkable NLO behavior, making it potentially useful for ultra-fast switching technologies. In that view, the nonlinear optical response of these novel azobenzene based molecules dissolved in dichloromethane are studied by means of Z-scan technique using 35 ps laser pulses at 532 and 1064 nm. From the measurements, the nonlinear absorption and refraction and the corresponding third-order susceptibility χ(3) and second hyperpolarizability are determined.

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