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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anàlisi mutacional i estudi d'associació del gen receptor domini discoidina 1 (ddr1) en l'esquizofrènia.

Virgos Matilla, Carmen 16 September 2004 (has links)
Aquest treball té com a objectiu l'anàlisi de l'associació de variants genètiques en el gen receptor domini discoidina 1 (DDR1) en l'esquizofrènia i de les eines necessàries per la identificació i genotipació d'SNPs.En el primer estudi, es va realitzar una anàlisi mutacional per seqüenciació de pools de mostres de DNA de malalts d'esquizofrènia de les regions exòniques i exó-intró de DDR1. Es van identificar 17 variants: 16 SNPs i una deleció de 2 pb.En el segon estudi, es va dur a terme un estudi d'associació d'haplotips i de desequilibri de lligament (LD) per anàlisi de 5 SNPs en la regió de DDR1 en una mostra de 297 pacients i 298 controls d'origen espanyol. Es van detectar diferències significatives en la distribució d'haplotips entre els dos grups d'estudi (p=0.002, 500 permutacions, Phase), però no en la distribució al.lèlica o genotípica de les variants individuals. El LD entre parelles d'SNPs va tenir valors D' superiors a 0.8 en en ambdós grups. A excepció de la variant N502S per la qual es van observar valors de D' baixos (entre 0.17 i 0.72) solsament en el grup de malalts. Es va descartar que l'associació observada es pogués explicar per una estratificació genètica per estudi de 25 marcadors no lligats. Malgrat no es va trobar una correlació directa entre cap dels al.lels o haplotips de la regió DDR1 i l'esquizofrènia, no es pot excloure la presència d'altres variants en DDR1 o regions flanquejants podrien tenir un paper en l'etiologia l'esquizofrènia.En el tercer estudi, es va avaluar un nou mètode de genotipació d'SNPs per combinació del sistema eTag amb la tècnica Invader®. Un total de 10 SNPs es van analitzar simultàniament en 540 mostres i i els resultats es van comparar amb els obtinguts mitjançant el mètode PCR-RFLP. La concordança entre ambdós mètodes va ser del 100%. Aquest és el primer treball on es demostra que el mètode anomenat eTag Multiplex Invader SNP Assay és una aproximació vàlida per la genotipació simultània d'SNPs. / The aim with this thesis has been to assess the association between the DDR1 gene and schizophrenia and the necessary tools to identify and score SNPs.In the first study, a mutational screening of the coding and exon-intron sequences of DDR1 was performed in 100 samples of schizophrenic patients using the sequencing approach of pooled DNA. A total of 17 genetic variants were identified: 16 SNPs and a deletion of 2 bp.In the second study, a population association and linkage disequilibrium (LD) analyses were carried out on 297 patients and 298 controls of Spanish origin for 5 SNPs within DDR1 region. Significant differences were observed between the haplotype distribution between patients and controls (p=0.002, 500 permutations, Phase). No significant differences were observed in allele and genotype frequencies between groups of study. In addition, pair-wise LD showed that all five SNPs were highly linked with D' values higher than 0.8, except for the N502S variant in the patient group (D' values ranging from 0.17 to 0.72). The potential for population stratification artifact was evaluted by genotyping a set of 25 unlinked markers. Formal testing showed that population structure did not explain the findings. Although no direct correlation was found betweenthe allelic combinations and schizophrenia, it can not be ruled out that other genetic variants in DDR1 or flanking regions could be involved in the disease.In the third study, a new approach for multiplex SNP analysis combining the eTag System with the Invader® method was evaluated. A total of 10 SNPs were analyzed in 540 samples using both the eTag Multiplex Invader Assay and the conventional assay PCR-RFLP to measure genotyping accuracy and reproducibility. The typing concordance between both methods was 100%. This is the first study that demonstrates that the method eTag Multiplex Invader SNP Assay is a valid approach for SNP scoring.

Esquema morfologico del leones antiguo en el fuero de Zamora /

Pardo, Aristóbulo V. January 1967 (has links)
No description available.

Inocencio Haedo Ganza, director y compositor: estudio, catalogación y análisis de su obra

Villar Fernández, Rubén 04 November 2021 (has links)
[EN] If we speak about the musical life in the city of Zamora in the first half of the 20th Century, an obligatory reference is Inocencio Haedo Ganza (Santander 1878-Zamora 1956). Performer, conductor of several ensembles and composer, he left us a legacy that is worthy to recover, a work in which this doctoral dissertation is centered. Before studying his work, we contextualize it, in the first place by studying of the composer's biography, starting with his father, whose music career represented, in a way, a model to Haedo. In our contextualization we also present the history of the main music ensembles created by the musician: Banda Provincial de Zamora, Orfeón El Duero and Coral Zamora. After carrying out this general contextualization, we center us in the work itself, first by cataloging all the author's known works and arrangements.Subsequently, we analyse each original work for wind ensemble and for choir, including an individual contextualization of each composition and, in case of pieces recorded by Haedo himself conducting his Coral Zamora, a performative analysis. All of that leads us to a number of conclusions that allow us to define the style of this author's work and the circumstances in which it was created and performed, thus contributing to bring attention to a person who was one of the most important musicians in Zamora during the first half of the 20th Century. / [ES] Si hablamos de la vida musical de la ciudad de Zamora durante la primera mitad del s. XX una referencia obligada es Inocencio Haedo Ganza (Santander 1878-Zamora 1956). Intérprete, director de varias formaciones y compositor, nos dejó un legado que merecía ser recuperado, labor en la que se centra el presente trabajo de investigación. Antes de investigar su obra procedemos a contextualizarla, primero mediante un estudio de la biografía del compositor, comenzando en el precedente que supuso la figura de su padre, cuya trayectoria proporcionó, en cierto modo, el modelo que siguió la de Haedo. Dentro de esta contextualización abordamos, igualmente, la historia de las principales formaciones creadas por el músico: la Banda Provincial de Zamora, el Orfeón El Duero y la Coral Zamora. Tras llevar a cabo esta contextualización general, pasamos a centrarnos en la obra propiamente dicha, lo que hacemos primero mediante la catalogación de todas las obras originales de autor y de todos sus arreglos localizados. Posteriormente, realizamos los análisis de cada una de las obras originales para banda y para coro, incluyendo en ellos una contextualización individual de cada composición y, en el caso de piezas grabadas por el propio Haedo al frente de la Coral Zamora, un análisis de la interpretación. Todo ello nos lleva a una serie de conclusiones que nos permiten definir el estilo de la obra de este autor, así como las circunstancias en las que esta surgió y se interpretó, contribuyendo así a dar a conocer al que fue uno de los músicos más importantes de Zamora durante la primera mitad del s. XX. / [CAT] Si parlem de la vida musical de la ciutat de Zamora durant la primera meitat de s. XX una referència obligada és Inocencio Haedo Ganza (Santander 1878-Zamora 1956). Intèrpret, director de diverses formacions i compositor, ens va deixar un llegat que mereixia ser recuperat, tasca en la qual se centra el present treball de recerca. Abans d'investigar la seva obra procedim a contextualitzar, primer mitjançant un estudi de la biografia del compositor, començant en el precedent que va suposar la figura del seu pare, la trajectòria va proporcionar, en certa manera, el model que va seguir la d'Haedo. Dins d'aquesta contextualització abordem, igualment, la història de les principals formacions creades pel músic: la Banda Provincial de Zamora, l'Orfeó El Duero i la Coral Zamora. Després de dur a terme aquesta contextualització general, passem a centrar-nos en l'obra pròpiament dita, el que fem primer mitjançant la catalogació de totes les obres originals d'autor i de tots els seus arranjaments localitzats. Posteriorment, vam realitzar les anàlisis de cadascuna de les obres originals per a banda i per a cor, incloent-hi una contextualització individual de cada composició i, en el cas de peces gravades pel propi Haedo a el front de la Coral Zamora, una anàlisi de la interpretació. Tot això ens porta a una sèrie de conclusions que ens permeten definir l'estil de l'obra d'aquest autor, així com les circumstàncies en què aquesta va sorgir i es va interpretar, contribuint així a donar a conèixer a què va ser un dels músics més importants de Zamora durant la primera meitat de s. XX. / Villar Fernández, R. (2021). Inocencio Haedo Ganza, director y compositor: estudio, catalogación y análisis de su obra [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/176065

LIber contra venena et animalia venenosa. Estudio preliminar, edición crítica y traducción

Ferrero Hernández, Cándida 15 October 2002 (has links)
La obra, escrita por el franciscano Juan Gil de Zamora, es una pequeña enciclopedia organizada alfabéticamente cuyo objetivo es presentar remedios contra venenos de origen mineral, vegetal y animal. Dentro del reino animal dedica especial atención a la diferencia que hay entre animales extraordinarios y extremadamente malignos y aquellos que, aun pequeños, resultan fastidiosos para la vida del hombre, tales son las pulgas, chinches, mosquitos.El trabajo ha consistido, en primer lugar, en la colación de los manuscritos, el 1404 del fondo de los Duques de Urbino, de la Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana, en Roma, (s. XIV), y el MF 139 de la Biblioteca de la Fundación Bartolomé March, en Mallorca, (s. XV). A partir de éstos, y teniendo en cuenta la primera edición que de la obra hizo Manuel de Castro, ("El tratado Contra Venena de Fr. Juan Gil de Zamora O. F. M.", AIA, Segunda época n. 141, 1976, 117pp), se ha realizado la primera edición que tiene en cuenta los dos manuscritos, así como correcciones de lectura a la primera edición.Asimismo, en segundo lugar, se ha realizado la traducción de la obra, la primera que de la misma se hace, incorporando un aparato de notas que incluyen textos de autores que tratan temas similares, anteriores o contemporáneos al autor. De igual manera en las notas se ofrece un comentario amplio sobre los nombres de plantas, así como sobre algunos términos aclaratorios, de carácter médico. A modo de prólogo se ha realizado el estudio de la obra, dentro del contexto de la época y de la producción literaria del autor, interesante personaje que formó parte del círculo de Alfonso X y de Sancho IV. En este estudio preliminar se realiza un estudio de las fuentes que maneja, y que demuestra la relación de esta obra con el Speculum Naturale de Vincent de Beauvais y con el Liber Canonis de Avicena.Como complemento al trabajo se incluyen unos índices relativos al texto latino, que se han organizado bajo cuatro epígrafes: plantas y sus derivados, animales y sustancias derivadas, minerales y nombres de persona, lugar y obras. / The work above mentioned, written by the Franciscan Juan Gil Zamora, is a small encyclopaedia, alphabetically organised, whose aim is to put forward remedies against poisons of mineral, vegetable and animal origin. Within the animal field he devotes special attention to the difference existing between those extraordinary animals extraordinarily harmful and those that, even though small in size, are annoying for man's life, such as fleas, bugs and mosquitoes.This piece of work was first done filtering the manuscripts 1404 of the Dukes of Urbino's collection, from the Apostolic Vatican Library in Rome (XIV c.) and MF 139 of the Bartolome March foundation Library, in Majorca (XV c.). Starting from these manuscripts and taking into account the first edition of the work done by Manuel de Castro ("The treatise Contra Venena by Fr. Juan Gil de Zamora, Franciscan" AIA, Second époque nr. 141, 1976, 117 pp), we did the first edition that takes into account both manuscripts, as well as reading corrections to the first edition.We have also effected the translation of the work , the first one effected adding a set of notes that include text of authors dealing in similar topics, older or contemporary to the author. In the notes we offer ample comment on the names of the plants, as well as some clearing terms of a medical character.As a prologue we have effected a study of the work within the context of the time and the literary production of the author, who was a very interesting character of the entourage of Alfonso X and Sancho IV. In this preliminary study we do a research into the sources that he uses that proves the relation of this work with Vincent de Beauvais' Speculum Naturale and Avicena's Liber Canonis.As a complement to our work we add some indexes relative to the Latin text, that have been organised under four epigraphs: plants and their derivatives, animals and derived substances, minerals and names of people, place and work.

"History should be told as a fact": Elena Zamora O'Shea's reconstruction of the Texas past

Pasternack, Natasha Miller 11 November 2010 (has links)
This report examines the life and works of Elena Zamora O'Shea, reading them as a form of resistance to the dominant narrative of Anglo conquest in south Texas. / text

El Monasterio de Santa María de Moreruela, (1143-1300)

Bueno Domínguez, María Luisa. January 1975 (has links)
Thesis--Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. / "Documentación del Monasterio de Santa María de Moreruela (siglos XII y XIII)": p. [123]-230. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Conflito, governo e política no generalato de Munio de Zamora da ordem dos pregadores (1285-1291)

Fleck, Luiz Otávio Carneiro January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar o governo de Munio de Zamora, que exerceu o cargo de mestre geral da Ordem dos Pregadores entre 1285 e 1291. Nossa reflexão está apoiada em dois tipos de documentação: atas dos Capítulos Gerais e cartas do mestre geral, priores provinciais e dos papas Honório IV e Nicolau IV. Para a análise das atas propomos as seguintes questões: Qual era a situação institucional da Ordem no final do século XIII? Há um contexto de crise interna? Quais eram os problemas mais urgentes que os dirigentes buscavam sanar? A leitura das cartas é guiada pelos seguintes questionamentos: É possível identificar um projeto político de Munio para a Ordem dos Pregadores para fazer frente ao contexto de conflitos internos e externos? Que fatores podem ter levado e possibilitado a deposição do mestre geral? Como estavam as relações da Ordem dos Pregadores com o papado, clero secular, frades Menores e outros atores externos à Ordem? A metodologia consistiu em uma análise do conteúdo das atas e a concomitância das epístolas. Essa documentação foi lida a partir de suas dimensões políticas, isto é, como tentativas institucionais de resolução de conflitos. O acompanhamento, ano a ano, do conteúdo das atas dos Capítulos Gerais proporcionou a aproximação ao contexto legislativo da Ordem. A compreensão deste contexto legislativo foi ampliado com a leitura das cartas. A dissertação está dividida em três capítulos. O capítulo 1 é dedicado à revisão de bibliografia. No capítulo 2 é construída uma narrativa sobre o governo de Munio de Zamora a partir das atas dos Capítulos Gerais. No capítulo 3 passamos à leitura das cartas relacionando-as com a análise sobre as atas. A hipótese para a deposição do mestre geral e suas consequências para a Ordem consiste em: o governo de Munio de Zamora pode ser considerado como um período de instabilidade institucional para a Ordem dos Pregadores. Esta instabilidade foi agravada, em 1291, com a deposição do mestre geral por Nicolau IV. Detratores da fama pública da Ordem deslegitimavam a atuação dos Pregadores nas dioceses. O cenário era de conflitos internos entre grupos de interesse formados por Pregadores e de conflitos externos com o clero secular e outros mendicantes. A instabilidade institucional vinha da dificuldade dos frades dirigentes de resolverem problemas estruturais originados nos primeiros anos da Ordem e agravados ao final do século XIII. / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the government of Munio of Zamora, who held the office of master general of the Order of Preachers between 1285 and 1291. Our reflection is supported by two types of documentation: Acts General Chapter and letters from the master general, provincial priors and the popes Honory IV and Nicholas IV. For the analysis of the Acts we propose the following questions: What was the institutional situation of the Order in the late thirteenth century? Is there a context of internal crisis? What were the most urgent problems that the leaders sought to fix? The reading of the letters is guided by the following questions: Is it possible to identify a Munio political project for the Order of Preachers to deal with the context of internal and external conflicts? What factors may have led and made possible the deposition of the master general? How were the relations of the Order of Preachers with the papacy, secular clergy, Friars Minor and other actors outside the Order? The methodology consisted of an analysis of the content of the Acts and the concomitance of the epistles. This documentation was read from its political dimensions, that is, as institutional attempts at conflict resolution. Year after year, the content of the Acts of the General Chapters provided an approximation to the legislative context of the Order. The understanding of this legislative context was amplified with the reading of the letters. The dissertation is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 is devoted to the review of bibliography. In chapter 2 a narrative on the government of Munio de Zamora is constructed from the Acts of the General Chapters. In chapter 3 we move on to reading the letters relating them to the analysis of the Acts. The hypothesis for the deposition of the master general and its consequences for the Order consists of: the government of Munio de Zamora can be considered as a period of institutional instability for the Order of Preachers. This instability was aggravated in 1291 with the deposition of the master general by Nicholas IV. Detractors of the public fame of the Order delegitimized the performance of the Preachers in the dioceses. The scene was of internal conflicts between groups of interest formed by Preachers and of external conflicts with the secular clergy and other mendicants. The institutional instability came from the difficulty of the ruling friars to solve structural problems originating in the first years of the Order and aggravated at the end of the thirteenth century.

Historiebruk och historiemedvetande i Venezuelas Förenade Socialistiska Partis Libro Rojo

Andersson, Erik January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the use of history, historical narratives and the relation to Venezuelan historical consciousness in Libro Rojo, a publication of The Unified Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). It consists of four parts: an introduction, a declaration of principles, statutes and finally what is called the programmatical bases (bases programaticas) of the party. A starting point for this thesis is that this is an under prioritized area of research about the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela. It aims to show the centrality of history in these fundamental documents of the biggest left-wing party in Latin America. The thesis finds that symbolically charged historical figures – mainly national icons of Venezuela´s struggle for national liberation - are mobilized to back up contemporary aspirations and influence public perception of what kind of future is possible and desirable. Libro Rojo structures the relationship between past, present and future in order to influence historical consciousness. It also finds that Libro Rojo constructs a vision of socialism which aims to show that the ideas and actions of Venezuela´s symbolically charged historical figures are compatible with the ideas of 19th and 20th century western Marxism. An illustration of this is the reference to Peruvian Marxist José Carlos Mariáteguí and his saying that socialism on the American continent can neither be an imitation nor a copy of foreign models, but a heroic creation of the people. Furthermore in Libro Rojo, the ideas of liberation theology, Christianity as well as "all universal and humanist thought" are evoked as foundations for the contemporary aspirations of the PSUV. The present is situated within a context of contemporary history in which themes such as the struggle of the peoples against neoliberalism and the threats to the survival of humanity due to climate changes, economic crisis and war are central. It describes a near future in which humanity will have a choice: between its salvation and flourishing through socialism, or its extinction through world capitalism.

The Legal and Social Repercussions of the Media on the Sleepy Lagoon Trial and the Zoot Suit Riots

Romero, Lori 12 May 2012 (has links)
People v. Zamora was a case that was decided on January 12, 1943, which led to the conviction and sentencing of five defendants guilty of assault, nine guilty of second degree murder, and three of first degree murder. This equals a total of seventeen convictions for the murder of one man, out of twenty two who were arrested. Along with those convictions, five women were arrested and, due mainly to their refusal to cooperate were sent to a woman’s reformatory (Barajas, 36). Yet there emerged many different problems that were relevant in this trial, which were brought about by both legal and social injustices. Even prior to the start of the trial there began to be a growing suspicious sentiment surfacing amongst the American people, due in large part to the yellow journalism that was going on at the moment. There were also many legal injustices that came about due to personal and social prejudice that governed the trial from beginning to end. Through the analysis of this trial, and the ensuing events, I will analyze the trial and focus on how pivotal the Zamora trial was legally. I will also examine the results of the trial and if they had any effect on the severe police brutality and the injustices being faced by the Mexican American people in the following years, specifically focusing on the Zoot Suit Riots. I will in conjunction with that analyze the social and political effects that both of these occurrences had on Chicanos, and their growing awareness of their rights. This case and the effects of it had long lasting consequences, changing the lives of many people, “this case involves the civil rights of the Mexican people, and, as an attack upon the democratic fabric, it involves all the people” (Cullen, 5).

Transmission and tourism : the effects of globalization on how and why Maya backstrap weaving is taught

Waters, Emily Ann 09 October 2013 (has links)
The initial purpose of this study was to explore how tourism in Guatemala is affecting indigenous weavers, weaving practices, and the transmission of weaving knowledge and experience from the current generation of Guatemalans to the next. Through extended on-site study and interviews with weavers in three towns in Guatemala—San Antonio Aguas Calientes, Antigua, and Santiago Zamora—it was learned that weaving practices in Guatemala are much more culturally and socially complex than what is disclosed on the surface. This study revealed that the transmission of weaving practices between generations is influenced significantly by the growing effects of globalization. Not only is globalization shaping the emerging generation’s participation in weaving in Guatemala, but it was seen in this study that prevalent global ideas and practices are also molding education, clothing styles, entertainment, economics, technology, and social media within the current younger generation of Guatemalans. These growing influences on Guatemalan society contribute to a diminished interest in weaving and perceived need for weavers in this country, and are thus constricting the transmission of local Maya culture from past generations to the next. This research was a combination of the weavers’ stories and my own journey through the cultural complexities found in three Guatemalan towns in order to reveal a rich and purposed view of current cultural practices of weaving in Guatemala. / text

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