Spelling suggestions: "subject:"zoologi."" "subject:"cosmologi.""
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How using live bait affects longline bycatch in the artisanal fishing fleet of Costa Rica : The dilemma between live and dead baitBaeck, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
Long-lining is a frequently used method in marine fisheries. Similarly to trawling and nets, also long-lining is associated with bycatch which may have negative impacts on the ecosystems. However, different methods of long-lining may vary in the amount and ratio of bycatch but methods have rarely been compared directly. This study investigates whether the fishing method of floated demersal longlining baited with live Pacific Anchoveta (Cetengraulis mysticetus) has a lower bycatch ratio or bycatch amount than using demersal long lines baited with filet pieces of dead fish. The study was carried out in collaboration with artisanal small-scale fishermen in the Paquera area of the Gulf of Nicoya in Costa Rica. Six efforts were made in February of 2023, and were then compared to dead bait data from the same area from 2015 and 2016 collected by Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. This comparison showed no significant difference between the two methods in bycatch ratio but showed that live bait longlining captures significantly more total fish and bycatch per catch per unit effort (CPUE). There are also ethical issues and issues with bait fish acquirement that points against live bait fishing. However, there are certain arguments in support of the method, such as broadening the exploitation strain across more species and not hindering financially struggling artisanal fishermen further.
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Coevolutionary adaptations in avian brood parasites and their hostsStokke, Bård Gunnar January 2001 (has links)
<p>Dette prosjektet har satt søkelyset på to problemstillinger knyttet til samevolusjonen mellom parasitt og vert; 1) utvikling av vertstilpasninger som mottrekk mot tilpasninger hos parasitten, med spesiell fokus på eggtilpasninger, og 2) mekanismer som kan forklare den store variasjonen i forsvarsatferd mot kullparasittisme blant ulike verter.</p><p>1) Flere gjøk- (Cuculus canorus) stammer eller gentes har utviklet egg som er veldig like vertens egne egg, såkalt eggmimikry, for å vanskeliggjøre vertenes eggavvisning. For å svare på dette har mange verter på sin side gjort det vanskeligere for parasitten ved å utvikle en lavere variasjon i utseende mellom sine egg innen kullet (innenkull-variasjon), og en høyere variasjon mellom egg fra kull til kull (mellomkull-variasjon). Mange nordamerikanske spurvefugler blir benyttet som verter av brunhodetrupialen (Molothrus ater), men denne parasitten har ikke utviklet eggmimikry i forhold til vertseggene. Vi sammenlignet kullvariasjonen mellom spurvefugler i Europa og Nord-Amerika og fant en høyere innenkull-variasjon og en lavere mellomkull-variasjon i eggutseende hos nordamerikanske spurvefugler, selv om forskjellen i innenkull-variasjon mellom kontinentene var mindre enn forventet.Hos europeiske spurvefugler er det i tidligere eksperimenter funnet at det er en sammenheng som forventet mellom avvisningsraten overfor parasittiske ikkemimikry egg og kullvariasjonen i eggutseende. Vi fant at det ikke var noen slik sammenheng hos spurvefugler i Nord-Amerika. Resultatene gir støtte til hypotesen om at parasitter med eggmimikry utøver et betydelig seleksjonstrykk for utvikling av bestemte eggkarakterer hos sine verter.</p><p>Vi undersøkte om det var noen forskjell i innenkull-variasjon hos avvisere og akseptorer av parasittegg innen bestemte populasjoner av tre europeiske spurvefugler; rørsanger (Acrocephalus scirpaceus), bokfink (Fringilla coelebs) og munk (Sylvia atricapilla). Det ble funnet at det var en signifikant forskjell i innenkull-variasjon i eggutseende mellom avvisere og akseptorer av kunstige ikke-mimikry gjøkegg i en rørsanger-populasjon i Tsjekkia; avviserne hadde en lavere innenkull variasjon enn akseptorer av slike egg. Denne vertspopulasjonen har en intermediær avvisningsrate overfor ikke-mimikry egg. Et tilsvarende forsøk ble utført hos en bokfink-populasjon i Norge og en munk-populasjon i Tsjekkia. Begge artene er meget gode avvisere av ikke-mimikry egg, noe som indikerer at de aller fleste individer er i stand til å avvise slike egg. Vi valgte derfor å benytte egg fra artsfrender i forsøkene med disse artene. I motsetning til hos rørsangeren fant vi at det ikke var noen forskjell i innenkullvariasjon mellom akseptorer og avvisere av fremmede egg hos bokfink og munk. Hos begge artene ble det funnet at avvisningen av fremmede egg i stor grad avhenger av kontrasten (grad av mimikry) mellom egne egg og parasittegget. Dette viser at selv om individene er i stand til å avvise parasittegg, så finnes det kognitive begrensninger som medfører at egg som utseendemessig ligger under en viss terskelverdi med hensyn til likhet med egne egg vil bli akseptert. Det ble ikke funnet noen indikasjoner på at avvisningsatferden var avhengig av vertenes alder eller av kondisjonelle stimuli for noen av de tre artene. Dette kan tyde på at det er en genetisk basert kobling mellom det å kunne gjenkjenne fremmede egg og innenkull-variasjon. </p><p>2) Mange vertsarter viser ingen eller kun intermediære avvisningsrater overfor fremmede ikke-mimikry egg. En slik tilsynelatende suboptimal atferd kan skyldes at det er kostnader forbundet med avvisningen som forhindrer evolusjon av perfekt avvisningsatferd. Slike kostnader kan være feilaktig avvisning av egne egg i uparasitterte reir (gjenkjenningsfeil), eller avvisning av egne egg i tillegg til parasittegget i parasitterte reir (avvisningskostnader). Hos gjøkverter, som ved suksessfull gjøkparasittisme har en reproduktiv suksess tilnærmet lik null, vil kun gjenkjenningsfeil være kilde til et potensielt seleksjonstrykk mot utvikling av høy avvisning av fremmede egg. Vi undersøkte om slike kostnader forekommer hos bokfink og munk; to arter som antas å ha blitt benyttet av gjøken tidligere, men som i dag ikke blir regelmessig parasittert. På grunn av at avvisningsatferden opprettholdes i fravær av parasittisme, forventet vi at disse artene begår få gjenkjenningsfeil.</p><p>Undersøkelsen gav støtte til denne prediksjonen; avvisningskostnader i parasitterte reir var relativt høye, men gjenkjenningsfeil i uparasitterte reir var meget sjeldent forekommende.</p><p>En hypotese ("spatiell habitat-struktur hypotesen") basert på metapopulasjonsdynamikk og med vekt på karakteristikker vedrørende vertsartenes hekkebiotop ble framsatt for å forklare de store variasjonene i avvisning hos europeiske spurvefugler. Hypotesen bygger på at gjøken benytter de verter som hekker nær utkikkspunkter for parasitten, dvs. nær trær. Arter som hekker både nær og langt fra trær er de beste gjøkvertene, i og med at genflyt fra uparasitterte populasjoner vil forhindre utvikling av perfekt avvisning i parasitterte populasjoner. Arter som alltid hekker nær trær har høye avvisningsrater fordi få eller ingen populasjoner har unnsluppet parasittering, og det har derfor vært sterk seleksjon for utvikling av vertsforsvar. Data for gjøkverter i Europa gav god støtte til hypotesen. Grad av parasitt eggmimikry og parasitteringsrater er høyest hos de vertsarter som kan hekke både langt fra trær og nær trær, noe som tyder på at gjøken har størst suksess hos slike arter.</p> / <p>This thesis deals with two topics in the coevolution between brood parasites and their hosts: 1) evolution of host adaptations against parasite egg mimicry, and 2) sources that could explain the considerable variation in rejection behaviour found among various passerines.</p><p>1) Several common cuckoo (<i>Cuculus canorus</i>) tribes or gentes in Europe have evolved eggs that are remarkably similar to the host eggs in both size and appearance (i.e. egg mimicry). To counter this adaptation in the parasite, hosts can produce eggs with similar appearance within clutches (low intraclutch variation) as well as eggs with diverging appearance between different clutches (high interclutch variation). Many North American passerines are utilised as hosts by the brown-headed cowbird (<i>Molothrus ater</i>). However, this parasite generally lays non-mimetic eggs. As predicted, we found that European passerines had a lower intraclutch variation and a higher interclutch variation in egg appearance than North American passerines.</p><p>However, the difference in intraclutch variation between the continents was less than expected. A relationship has previously been found among European passerines between the rejection rate of non-mimetic eggs and clutch variation in egg appearance, and this is thought to reflect the stage in the coevolution between parasite and host. We found no evidence of such patterns among North American species. These results provide support for the hypothesis that specific host clutch variation is a counteradaptation against parasite egg mimicry.</p><p>We investigated whether there was any difference in clutch variation between acceptors and rejecters of parasitic eggs within populations of three European passerines; reed warblers (<i>Acrocephalus scirpaceus</i>), chaffinches (<i>Fringilla coelebs</i>), and blackcaps (<i>Sylvia atricapilla</i>). In a Czech reed warbler population with an intermediate rejection rate of non-mimetic cuckoo eggs, it was found that rejecters had a statistically significant lower intraclutch variation than acceptors of such eggs. Age or conditional stimuli did not seem to have any influence on the rejectionbehaviour. A similar experiment was carried out in a Norwegian chaffinch population and a Czech blackcap population, which, however, were experimentally parasitised with foreign conspecific eggs because they are both very good rejecters of nonmimetic parasitic eggs. We found no difference in intraclutch variation among acceptors and rejecters of foreign eggs in chaffinches and blackcaps. However, it was found that the rejection of conspecific eggs greatly depends upon the contrast (i.e. mimicry) between the parasitic and their own eggs. It therefore seems that even though individuals have the ability to reject foreign eggs, limitations in their cognitive system entails that parasitic eggs that are too similar to the host eggs will be accepted. We also looked for potential effects of age on rejection behaviour and intraclutch variation, but no relationship between these variables was found. The results indicate that in these three species both rejection behaviour and clutch variation are more or less innate features, and also that there is a genetically based linkage between recognition of odd eggs and intraclutch variation in egg appearance.</p><p>2) Many hosts of brood parasites show no or only intermediate rejection rates of foreign non-mimetic eggs. Evolution of proper rejection behaviour could be prevented by costs related to egg rejection. Important in this respect are erroneous rejection of their own eggs in non-parasitised nests (recognition errors) and rejection of their own eggs in addition to the parasitic egg in parasitised clutches (rejection costs). Because successful cuckoo parasitism usually is detrimental to the breeding success of the host, only recognition errors are believed to be important as an opposing selective pressure against proper host defence in cuckoo hosts. We examined whether such costs exist in chaffinches and blackcaps. These species maintain a high rejection rate of foreign eggs, even though they are not currently used as hosts by the cuckoo. We therefore predicted that recognition errors should be absent or at least rare in these species. We found support for this prediction; rejection costs were relatively high but recognition errors were at best rare events.</p><p>In another investigation, we proposed a hypothesis (the "spatial habitat structure hypothesis") based upon metapopulation dynamics and characteristics concerning host breeding habitats to explain the variation in rejection behaviour found among European passerines. This hypothesis is based upon the fact that the cuckoo, as well as other avian brood parasites, needs access to vantage points in trees to monitor host nests, and thus only species breeding near trees are available as hosts. Our results were very much in accordance with this hypothesis. Species that breed both near and far away from trees are the best cuckoo hosts, because gene flow from non-parasitised populations breeding far from trees will prevent the evolution of proper rejection behaviour in parasitised populations breeding near trees. However, species that always breed near trees have high rejection rates because the majority of the populations have been utilised as hosts, and thus there has been a strong selection for the evolution of host defences. Furthermore, the level of parasite egg mimicry and the level of parasitism was found to be highest among hosts breeding both near and far away from trees, indicating that the cuckoo is most successful when utilising such species as hosts.</p> / Paper VI is not included as a paper in this thesis, but is included as the introduction.
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Coevolutionary adaptations in avian brood parasites and their hostsStokke, Bård Gunnar January 2001 (has links)
Dette prosjektet har satt søkelyset på to problemstillinger knyttet til samevolusjonen mellom parasitt og vert; 1) utvikling av vertstilpasninger som mottrekk mot tilpasninger hos parasitten, med spesiell fokus på eggtilpasninger, og 2) mekanismer som kan forklare den store variasjonen i forsvarsatferd mot kullparasittisme blant ulike verter. 1) Flere gjøk- (Cuculus canorus) stammer eller gentes har utviklet egg som er veldig like vertens egne egg, såkalt eggmimikry, for å vanskeliggjøre vertenes eggavvisning. For å svare på dette har mange verter på sin side gjort det vanskeligere for parasitten ved å utvikle en lavere variasjon i utseende mellom sine egg innen kullet (innenkull-variasjon), og en høyere variasjon mellom egg fra kull til kull (mellomkull-variasjon). Mange nordamerikanske spurvefugler blir benyttet som verter av brunhodetrupialen (Molothrus ater), men denne parasitten har ikke utviklet eggmimikry i forhold til vertseggene. Vi sammenlignet kullvariasjonen mellom spurvefugler i Europa og Nord-Amerika og fant en høyere innenkull-variasjon og en lavere mellomkull-variasjon i eggutseende hos nordamerikanske spurvefugler, selv om forskjellen i innenkull-variasjon mellom kontinentene var mindre enn forventet.Hos europeiske spurvefugler er det i tidligere eksperimenter funnet at det er en sammenheng som forventet mellom avvisningsraten overfor parasittiske ikkemimikry egg og kullvariasjonen i eggutseende. Vi fant at det ikke var noen slik sammenheng hos spurvefugler i Nord-Amerika. Resultatene gir støtte til hypotesen om at parasitter med eggmimikry utøver et betydelig seleksjonstrykk for utvikling av bestemte eggkarakterer hos sine verter. Vi undersøkte om det var noen forskjell i innenkull-variasjon hos avvisere og akseptorer av parasittegg innen bestemte populasjoner av tre europeiske spurvefugler; rørsanger (Acrocephalus scirpaceus), bokfink (Fringilla coelebs) og munk (Sylvia atricapilla). Det ble funnet at det var en signifikant forskjell i innenkull-variasjon i eggutseende mellom avvisere og akseptorer av kunstige ikke-mimikry gjøkegg i en rørsanger-populasjon i Tsjekkia; avviserne hadde en lavere innenkull variasjon enn akseptorer av slike egg. Denne vertspopulasjonen har en intermediær avvisningsrate overfor ikke-mimikry egg. Et tilsvarende forsøk ble utført hos en bokfink-populasjon i Norge og en munk-populasjon i Tsjekkia. Begge artene er meget gode avvisere av ikke-mimikry egg, noe som indikerer at de aller fleste individer er i stand til å avvise slike egg. Vi valgte derfor å benytte egg fra artsfrender i forsøkene med disse artene. I motsetning til hos rørsangeren fant vi at det ikke var noen forskjell i innenkullvariasjon mellom akseptorer og avvisere av fremmede egg hos bokfink og munk. Hos begge artene ble det funnet at avvisningen av fremmede egg i stor grad avhenger av kontrasten (grad av mimikry) mellom egne egg og parasittegget. Dette viser at selv om individene er i stand til å avvise parasittegg, så finnes det kognitive begrensninger som medfører at egg som utseendemessig ligger under en viss terskelverdi med hensyn til likhet med egne egg vil bli akseptert. Det ble ikke funnet noen indikasjoner på at avvisningsatferden var avhengig av vertenes alder eller av kondisjonelle stimuli for noen av de tre artene. Dette kan tyde på at det er en genetisk basert kobling mellom det å kunne gjenkjenne fremmede egg og innenkull-variasjon. 2) Mange vertsarter viser ingen eller kun intermediære avvisningsrater overfor fremmede ikke-mimikry egg. En slik tilsynelatende suboptimal atferd kan skyldes at det er kostnader forbundet med avvisningen som forhindrer evolusjon av perfekt avvisningsatferd. Slike kostnader kan være feilaktig avvisning av egne egg i uparasitterte reir (gjenkjenningsfeil), eller avvisning av egne egg i tillegg til parasittegget i parasitterte reir (avvisningskostnader). Hos gjøkverter, som ved suksessfull gjøkparasittisme har en reproduktiv suksess tilnærmet lik null, vil kun gjenkjenningsfeil være kilde til et potensielt seleksjonstrykk mot utvikling av høy avvisning av fremmede egg. Vi undersøkte om slike kostnader forekommer hos bokfink og munk; to arter som antas å ha blitt benyttet av gjøken tidligere, men som i dag ikke blir regelmessig parasittert. På grunn av at avvisningsatferden opprettholdes i fravær av parasittisme, forventet vi at disse artene begår få gjenkjenningsfeil. Undersøkelsen gav støtte til denne prediksjonen; avvisningskostnader i parasitterte reir var relativt høye, men gjenkjenningsfeil i uparasitterte reir var meget sjeldent forekommende. En hypotese ("spatiell habitat-struktur hypotesen") basert på metapopulasjonsdynamikk og med vekt på karakteristikker vedrørende vertsartenes hekkebiotop ble framsatt for å forklare de store variasjonene i avvisning hos europeiske spurvefugler. Hypotesen bygger på at gjøken benytter de verter som hekker nær utkikkspunkter for parasitten, dvs. nær trær. Arter som hekker både nær og langt fra trær er de beste gjøkvertene, i og med at genflyt fra uparasitterte populasjoner vil forhindre utvikling av perfekt avvisning i parasitterte populasjoner. Arter som alltid hekker nær trær har høye avvisningsrater fordi få eller ingen populasjoner har unnsluppet parasittering, og det har derfor vært sterk seleksjon for utvikling av vertsforsvar. Data for gjøkverter i Europa gav god støtte til hypotesen. Grad av parasitt eggmimikry og parasitteringsrater er høyest hos de vertsarter som kan hekke både langt fra trær og nær trær, noe som tyder på at gjøken har størst suksess hos slike arter. / This thesis deals with two topics in the coevolution between brood parasites and their hosts: 1) evolution of host adaptations against parasite egg mimicry, and 2) sources that could explain the considerable variation in rejection behaviour found among various passerines. 1) Several common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) tribes or gentes in Europe have evolved eggs that are remarkably similar to the host eggs in both size and appearance (i.e. egg mimicry). To counter this adaptation in the parasite, hosts can produce eggs with similar appearance within clutches (low intraclutch variation) as well as eggs with diverging appearance between different clutches (high interclutch variation). Many North American passerines are utilised as hosts by the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater). However, this parasite generally lays non-mimetic eggs. As predicted, we found that European passerines had a lower intraclutch variation and a higher interclutch variation in egg appearance than North American passerines. However, the difference in intraclutch variation between the continents was less than expected. A relationship has previously been found among European passerines between the rejection rate of non-mimetic eggs and clutch variation in egg appearance, and this is thought to reflect the stage in the coevolution between parasite and host. We found no evidence of such patterns among North American species. These results provide support for the hypothesis that specific host clutch variation is a counteradaptation against parasite egg mimicry. We investigated whether there was any difference in clutch variation between acceptors and rejecters of parasitic eggs within populations of three European passerines; reed warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus), chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs), and blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla). In a Czech reed warbler population with an intermediate rejection rate of non-mimetic cuckoo eggs, it was found that rejecters had a statistically significant lower intraclutch variation than acceptors of such eggs. Age or conditional stimuli did not seem to have any influence on the rejectionbehaviour. A similar experiment was carried out in a Norwegian chaffinch population and a Czech blackcap population, which, however, were experimentally parasitised with foreign conspecific eggs because they are both very good rejecters of nonmimetic parasitic eggs. We found no difference in intraclutch variation among acceptors and rejecters of foreign eggs in chaffinches and blackcaps. However, it was found that the rejection of conspecific eggs greatly depends upon the contrast (i.e. mimicry) between the parasitic and their own eggs. It therefore seems that even though individuals have the ability to reject foreign eggs, limitations in their cognitive system entails that parasitic eggs that are too similar to the host eggs will be accepted. We also looked for potential effects of age on rejection behaviour and intraclutch variation, but no relationship between these variables was found. The results indicate that in these three species both rejection behaviour and clutch variation are more or less innate features, and also that there is a genetically based linkage between recognition of odd eggs and intraclutch variation in egg appearance. 2) Many hosts of brood parasites show no or only intermediate rejection rates of foreign non-mimetic eggs. Evolution of proper rejection behaviour could be prevented by costs related to egg rejection. Important in this respect are erroneous rejection of their own eggs in non-parasitised nests (recognition errors) and rejection of their own eggs in addition to the parasitic egg in parasitised clutches (rejection costs). Because successful cuckoo parasitism usually is detrimental to the breeding success of the host, only recognition errors are believed to be important as an opposing selective pressure against proper host defence in cuckoo hosts. We examined whether such costs exist in chaffinches and blackcaps. These species maintain a high rejection rate of foreign eggs, even though they are not currently used as hosts by the cuckoo. We therefore predicted that recognition errors should be absent or at least rare in these species. We found support for this prediction; rejection costs were relatively high but recognition errors were at best rare events. In another investigation, we proposed a hypothesis (the "spatial habitat structure hypothesis") based upon metapopulation dynamics and characteristics concerning host breeding habitats to explain the variation in rejection behaviour found among European passerines. This hypothesis is based upon the fact that the cuckoo, as well as other avian brood parasites, needs access to vantage points in trees to monitor host nests, and thus only species breeding near trees are available as hosts. Our results were very much in accordance with this hypothesis. Species that breed both near and far away from trees are the best cuckoo hosts, because gene flow from non-parasitised populations breeding far from trees will prevent the evolution of proper rejection behaviour in parasitised populations breeding near trees. However, species that always breed near trees have high rejection rates because the majority of the populations have been utilised as hosts, and thus there has been a strong selection for the evolution of host defences. Furthermore, the level of parasite egg mimicry and the level of parasitism was found to be highest among hosts breeding both near and far away from trees, indicating that the cuckoo is most successful when utilising such species as hosts. / Paper VI is not included as a paper in this thesis, but is included as the introduction.
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To bee or not to be : critical floral resources of wild-bees /Larsson, Magnus, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Reproductive Potential Difference of Artificially Inseminated and Naturally Mated Honey Bee Queens (Apis mellifera L.)Hasnat, Md. Abul January 2018 (has links)
Apis mellifera L. is the only commercially cultivated bee species in Bangladesh nowadays and has been practicing for migratory beekeeping since 1990. Notably, without taking initiatives to improve the bee stocks, intensified beekeeping has been making the species vulnerable to different threats of diseases, pests and inbreeding depression. Reproductive potentiality of the queens has been declining severely. The investigation was carried out to diagnose present problems regarding reproductive potentiality of the queen bees and finding out the possible solutions. Firstly, 56 numbers of naturally mated queens (Apis mellifera L.) were collected from problematic and non-problematic hives from three districts of Bangladesh. Samples were weighed, body length and thorax width were measured, and dissected to study spermathecae appearance. Average queen body weight (160.75±3.65 mg) was found much lower than the earlier studies in different countries. Moreover, 32.33% spermathecae of the queens were found poor in appearance. Again, 3 different queen rearing and mating procedures were applied in 12 replications each: naturally mated queen (NM), grafted and naturally mated queen (GNM) and grafted and artificially inseminated queen (AIQ). NM and GNM queens were allowed to mate naturally where AIQ queens were inseminated artificially in the laboratory. Interestingly, GNM (196.65±3.13 mg) and AIQ(196.55±2.41 mg) queens were significantly heavier than the NM (159.07±6.94 mg) queens. Likewise, their spermathecae radius, respective workers, drones, brood occupation area showed much better strength than the NM queens, though, latency period of AIQ queens were higher. Since grafted queens were reared with good larvae and implemented in artificial queen cups with increased brood support, hence that could make the queens heavier and reproductively more potential, whereas NM queens were left to grow naturally and found less potential. The findings will encourage beekeepers for practicing grafting procedure as the better queen rearing procedure in field condition. However, the procedure of AIQ queens also could be used for stock improvement and bee research because of its control mating system. / <p>My degree project was external, carried out in Sher e Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh, therefore, my presentation was done through skype from Bangladesh.</p>
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Exploration behaviour, habitat choise and territorial defence behaviour in captive reared and released naive adult tawny owls.Eriksson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Territoriality is a behaviour that has evolved to secure resources for survival and reproduction. We know very little about how individuals become territorial, and such information may be important in release programs for threatened species. In this paper I study the establishment of a territory and the habitat choice of captive-raised tawny owls, a year-round territorial bird of prey. The aim is to find out how fast these naïve tawny owls claim their own territory and what type of environment they most likely do establish territory within. In total 19 tawny owls were released, four of these owls were equipped with remote downloading GPS loggers attached as backpacks to study their habitat choice and explorative behaviour. My results suggest that 82 % of the owls successfully establish territory on average 22 days after the release. I was not able to download data from the GPS loggers with the downloading station, which is most likely due to the GPS signal having difficulties traveling through the closed forest which is interfering with the signal. This indicates that this type of automatic downloading GPS is not suitable for this type of forest-dwelling species. A large proportion of the owls became territorial very fast after they have been released, showing strong territoriality instinct in these naive individuals. This may suggest that released naïve tawny owls can successfully claim a territory and thereby contribute to the pool of reproductive individuals.
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A deep dive into the Prinia atrogularis complex : A tale of birds and taxonomyGroot, Damon January 2021 (has links)
The taxonomy of the taxa in the Prinia atrogularis-khasiana-superciliaris complex has changed several times in recent history. To this day, different world bird lists classify this complex as 1–3 species. These classifications are based mainly on morphological comparisons of museum specimens. No study has analysed the songs and genetics of this complex. This thesis focuses on the integrative taxonomy of this complex by analysing and comparing their song and mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) gene. Seventeen different variables from in total 172 individual songs were measured and analysed. A linear discriminant analysis showed a clear separation in song between atrogularis, khasiana and the superciliaris group (latter including the taxa superciliaris, erythropleura, klossi, dysancrita and waterstradti). The mitochondrial cytb phylogenetic tree produced using Bayesian inference suggested that atrogularis and khasiana split from superciliaris around 4.9 million years ago (mya), with atrogularis and khasiana splitting from each other around 3.4 mya. Based on the combined results of the song and cytb analysis I propose to recognise three species: Black-throated Prinia Prinia atrogularis, Rufous-crowned Prinia P. khasiana and Hill Prinia P. superciliaris. The study also showed some support for classifying klossi as a separate species, but acquisition of additional information is needed to verify this.
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Cognition in black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi): A battery of behavioral testsBosshard, Tiffany Claire January 2020 (has links)
Cognition allows animals to acquire, process, and store sensory information from the environment and use it to adapt to their surroundings. A battery of behavioral tests was used to assess the cognitive abilities of black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Black and white cups were used to assess (1) object permanence by showing the animals under which cup the reward was placed, (2) associative learning by concealing where the reward was placed, and (3) long-term memory by repeating the second task after a 4-month break; petri dishes with varying amounts of food were used to assess (4) relative quantity discrimination; and boxes fitted with dotted cards were used to assess discrete number discrimination with (5) equallysized dots and (6) various-sized dots. For each task, one session comprised 10 trials (i.e. responses). All nine animals succeeded in all tests and, as a group, reached the learning criterion of 70% correct responses on session two in the object permanence and associative learning tasks; on session eleven in the quantity discrimination task; on session sixteen in the numerosity task with equally-sized dots; on session three in the numerosity task with various-sized dots; and averaged 84.4% correct responses in the long-term memory task. Their prompt high score in the numerosity task with various-sized dots suggests that the animals acknowledged the task for its numerical properties as opposed to the size or pattern of the dots. These cognitive abilities are thought to shape the necessary behaviors for the ecological and social needs of the species.
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Restaurering av våtmarker; Inventering av vadare och andfåglar vid Norra LingenäsetRydén Persson, Mathias January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Behavioural responses of wolves (Canis lupus) and dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) to the odour of mammalian blood and to a blood odour componentStubbs, Shannon January 2019 (has links)
Domestication is accompanied by marked changes in the phenotype of the domesticated form of a species relative to its wild ancestor. The domestic dog and its wild ancestor, the wolf, are a widely used model system to study the effects of domestication on cognition and behaviour. The aim of this study was therefore to compare the behavioural responses of wolves (Canis lupus) and domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) to different odour stimuli. To this end, wooden logs were impregnated with one of four odours and repeatedly placed into the enclosure of a wolf or dog pack. The dogs (n=10) and wolves (n=9) both performed a significantly higher number of interactions with the wooden logs when these were impregnated with real blood compared to the blood odour component trans-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal, the fruity odour iso-pentyl acetate and the solvent diethyl phthalate. No significant difference in the frequency of interactions per animal was found between the wolves and dogs with any of the four odour stimuli. Sniffing was the most frequent behaviour in both wolves and dogs, followed by licking, biting, toying, and pawing. The only qualitative difference in behaviour was that the dogs, but not the wolves, displayed guarding behaviour when presented with the odorized wooden logs. The results of the present study suggest that domestication had little, if any, effect on olfactory behaviour in domesticated dogs. The results also indicate that odour-impregnated wooden logs are a suitable method of olfactory enrichment for captive wolves and domestic dogs.
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