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Sintering of Zirconium Diboride-Silicon Carbide (ZrB2-SIC) and Titanium Dibor'ide-Silicon Carbide (TiB2-SIC) Ceramic Composites and Laser Surface Treatment : Application in Low Temperature Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells (LTPCFCs) / Frittage des Composites Diborure de Zirconium-Carbure de Silicium (ZrB2-SiC) et Diborure de Titane-Carbure de Silicium (TiB2-SiC) Traitement de Surface par Laser : Application Potentielle aux Piles à Combustibles Fonctionnant à Basse TempératureAbang mahmod, Dayang Salyani Binti 09 October 2017 (has links)
Le frittage et le traitement par laser sont des techniques remarquables, couramment utilisées dans de nombreux domaines d’applications du fait des qualités qu’ils confèrent aux surfaces traitées. Ces technologies permettent de substantielles économies d’énergie comparée aux traitements de surfaces conventionnels. Le chauffage est par ailleurs, strictement localisé à la zone choisie. Notre recherche a pour objectif de développer une fine couche de verre de silice à la surface de céramiques poreusescomposites : le diborure de zirconium-carbure de silicium (ZrB2-SiC) et le diborure de titane-carbure de silicium (TiB2-SiC) frittées avec une porosité contrôlée d’environ 30%. La principale application de ces matériaux concerne les piles à combustibles protoniques fonctionnant à basse température (de type LTPCFCs). Les poudres ZrB2-SiC et TiB2-SiC sont soigneusement mélangées et pressées à froid dans un moule à la pression de 40 MPa. Le frittage naturel est conduit dans un four à 1900 et 2100 °C durant 2,5 heures, sous atmosphère contrôlée d’argon. Après polissage, le traitement de surface est effectué par laser verre-ytterbium. Les paramètres du traitement ont été optimisés (puissance et trajet du faisceau laser, temps de traitement, atmosphère) et ont permit d’obtenir une couche superficielle d’un verre à forte conduction protonique, sans affecter la structure et la composition des couches situées au-dessous de la surface. Les échantillons ont été caractérisés en utilisant les méthodes classiques : EDS, XRD, MEB, microscopie optique. Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus avec des échantillons de composition 61 mol. % ZrB2-SiC et 61 mol. % TiB2-SiC traités thermiquement a 1900 °C. La porosité obtenue, de l’ordre de 30%, assure une bonne circulation des gaz. La couche de verre produite sur le composite ZrB2-SiC, d’une épaisseur moyenne de 8 μm, est continue et exempte demacro fissuration. Une microfissuration est cependant détectée par MEB aux plus forts grossissements. Les essais ont été conduits à plus haute température de frittage (2100 °C) et avec des compositions différentes dans le but d’améliorer les propriétés du substrat. ZrB2-SiC. A la composition de 80 mol. % ZrB2-SiC les analyses révèlent la présence de cristaux de forme cuboïdale, attribuée à la formation de carbure de bore B4C dont la formation est admise par l’analyse thermodynamique. Les essais sur le composite ZrB2-SiC conduisent à l’apparition de bulles et de défauts dans la couche de verre. Une optimisation des conditions de traitement sera nécessaire pour contrôler ce phénomène. Cette étude démontre qu’il est possible de développer des couches poreuses de matériaux céramiques de type ZrB2-SiC, et de former à leur surface une couche de verre dense et exempte de fissuration par traitement laser. Les propriétés générales de cette couche permettent d’envisager une utilisation comme électrolyte solide dans les piles à combustibles de type LTPCFCs. / Sintering and laser are a remarkable technology with a broad range of applications especially material processing. It offers a wide variety of desired surface properties depending on the type of usage. Sintering allows high reliability and repeatability to the large mass production. Laser benefits in the aspect of energy saving compared to conventional surface heat treatment due to the heating is restricted and localized only to the required area. Therefore, this research aims to develop a silica-glass-layer onto a porous non-oxide, Zirconium Diboride-Silicon Carbide (ZrB2-SiC) and Titanium Diboride-Silicon Carbide (TiB2-SiC) ceramic composites by sintering and laser surface treatment for potential application in the Low-Temperature Protonic Fuel Cells (LTPCFCs). ZrB2-SiC and TiB2-SiC mixed powders at different composition were cold-pressed around 40 MPa under ambient environment. Next, the composites were pressureless sintered at 1900 °C and 2100 °C for 2.5 h dwell time under argon atmosphere, respectively. The pressureless sintering was conducted by Nabertherm furnace and followed by surface treatment via an ytterbium fibre laser (Yb). Anew round spiral laser pattern was inspired, designed and scanned onto the surface of pellets to obtain a smooth glass surface layer that acted as proton-conducting (electrolyte) while preserving the beneath structures of laser-treated pellets that served as an electrode. Characterization techniques such as Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) were performed accordingly onto the samples. Pressureless sintering of 61 mol.% ZrB2-SiC and 61 mol.% TiB2-SiC pellets at 1900 °C exhibited ca. 29% porosity. The resulting porosity was in the best range of effectiveness for gas diffusion. SEM micrographs revealed the formation of semiglassy layer on the surface of sintered 61 mol.% ZrB2-SiC pellets. The bulk structures remained unaffected and unoxidized. SEM micrographs and EDS patterns displayed thatsilica (SiO2) at a thickness of 8 μm, presence on the surface of ZrB2-SiC structures. It demonstrated that the surface treatment by Yb-fibre laser on sintered ZrB2-SiC ceramic composites at 1900 °C had accomplished. The laser surface treatment was ineffective for TiB2-SiC pellets due to several bubbles formation and crack deflection. Nevertheless, at higher magnification of the SEM for laser-treated ZrB2-SiC ceramic composites, cracks were observed. Therefore, the pressureless sintering at high temperature was conducted to improve the ZrB2-SiC structural properties. Sintering at 2100 °C had demonstrated increment of density and at 80 mol.% ZrB2-SiC sintered pellet unpredictably exhibited the presence of boron carbide (B4C) compounds. SEM micrographs revealed the dark cuboidal shapes and XRD patterns identified as B4C peaks. The reactions of B4C formation were proposed andsupported by thermodynamic analysis. In conclusion, the present research had developed a glassy layer on the surface of ZrB2-SiC ceramic composites which has potential in the application of LTPCFCs. It proved that B4C was possible to be developed by pressureless sintering at 2100 °C and it might assist in developing better morphology for ZrB2-SiC ceramic composites.
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Etude du comportement à l'oxydation de céramiques ultra-réfractaires à base de diborure d'hafnium (ou zirconium) et de carbure de silicium sous oxygène moléculaire et dissocié / Study of the oxidation behavior of HfB2 (or ZrB2) based-ultra-high temperature ceramics with silicon carbide under molecular and dissociated oxygenPiriou, Cassandre 07 November 2018 (has links)
Ce travail se place dans le cadre des matériaux thermo-structuraux utilisés dans les applications aéronautiques et aérospatiales. Les composites HfB2-SiC et ZrB2-SiC se sont avérés très prometteurs pour ces domaines, dans la mesure où ceux-ci présentent de bonnes tenues à l’oxydation à très haute température. L’enjeu principal de ce travail réside dans l’amélioration de leurs performances (durée de vie, résistance aux attaques chimiques et aux chocs thermiques) ainsi que dans la compréhension des mécanismes d’oxydation impliqués dans deux environnements distincts (sous oxygène moléculaire, à pression atmosphérique, de 1450 K à 2000 K et sous oxygène dissocié, à faible pression partielle d’oxygène, de 1800 K à 2200 K). Pour cela, une première étape a consisté à élaborer, par Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), plusieurs nuances de matériaux homogènes en termes de microstructure et de densité relative. Leur comportement dans ces deux environnements a ensuite été étudié grâce à l’utilisation de dispositifs d’oxydation adaptés (four solaire et analyseur thermogravimétrique) et de techniques de caractérisation complémentaires (microscopie électronique à balayage, diffraction des rayons X, spectroscopies Raman et de photo-électrons). / This work is part of thermo-structural materials used in the aeronautic and aerospace fields. HfB2-SiC and ZrB2-SiC composites turned out to be very promising for these areas insofar as they present good oxidation resistance at very high temperature. The main issue of this work consists in improving their performances (lifetime, chemical attacks and thermal shocks resistance) and in the understanding of the oxidation mechanisms involved in two different environments (under molecular oxygen, at atmospheric pressure, from 1450 K to 2000 K and under dissociated oxygen, at low oxygen partial pressure, from 1800 K to 2200 K). To this end, a first step consisted in synthesizing, by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), several compositions of homogeneous materials in terms of microstructure and relative density. Then, their behavior in both environments has been studied thanks to the use of adapted oxidation facilities (solar furnace and thermogravimetric analyzer) and complementary characterization techniques (scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman and photo-electron spectroscopies).
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Etude de la relation microstructure-propriétés de revêtements ultra-réfractaires mis en forme par projection plasma : application à la protection de composites / Study of the relationship between microstructure and properties of ultra-refractory coatings performed by plasma spraying : application to composites protectionBarré, Charlotte 17 September 2015 (has links)
Afin de pallier les faiblesses des composites face à l’oxydation à très haute température (> 2000 °C) dans le domaine aérospatial, une solution est de les protéger par un revêtement. La solution proposée au cours de cette étude consiste à mettre en forme ce revêtement par projection plasma. Après une étude bibliographique, une composition adaptée à la protection anti-oxydation a été retenue. Celle-ci est constituée d’un matériau ultra-réfractaire le ZrB2, auquel du SiC est ajouté. Un additif a également été sélectionné, l’oxyde de terre-rare Y2O3. Ces revêtements ont été développés via le procédé de projection plasma sur des substrats en composites. Une attention particulière a été portée sur la réalisation de dépôts aux microstructures variées, afin de pouvoir évaluer l’influence de celle-ci sur les propriétés à très haute température. En effet, les revêtements ainsi réalisés ont pu être testés dans des conditions très sévères, à des températures supérieures à 2200 °C sous un flux gazeux comportant des espèces dissociées (O, OH…). Les résultats ont permis de discriminer les microstructures et les compositions les plus prometteuses au vu des applications visées. / In order to overcome composite weakness against oxidation at very high temperature (> 2000 °C), a solution would be to coat them, which can be done potentially by plasma spraying. After a bibliographic study, a specific composition has been chosen: ZrB2-SiC. A potential additive, Y2O3, also has been selected. These coatings were developed by plasma spraying directly on composite substrates. A particular attention was given to the microstructure of the coatings, different kinds were prepared in order to look for its influence on the high temperature properties. Indeed, these coatings were tested under temperature higher than 2200 °C and a very oxidative and corrosive atmosphere. Results allowed distinguishing the most promising compositions and microstructure considering applications in the aerospace field.
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ZrB2-SiC Based Ultra High Temperature Ceramic Composites: Mechanical Performance and Measurement and Design of Thermal Residual Stresses for Hypersonic Vehicle ApplicationsStadelmann, Richard 01 January 2015 (has links)
Ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs), such as ZrB2-based ceramic composites, have been identified as next generation candidate materials for leading edges and nose cones in hypersonic air breathing vehicles. Mechanical performance of ceramic composites play an important role in the ultra-high temperature applications, therefore SiC is added to ZrB2 as a strengthening phase to enhance its mechanical performance. The high melting temperatures of both ZrB2 and SiC, as well as the ability of SiC to form SiO2 refractory oxide layers upon oxidation make ZrB2-SiC ceramics very suitable for aerospace applications. Thermal residual stresses appearing during processing are unavoidable in sintered ZrB2-SiC ceramic composites. Residual microstresses appear at the microstructural level (intergranular microstresses) or at the crystal structure level (intragranular microstresses). These microstresses are of enormous importance for the failure mechanisms in ZrB2-SiC ceramics, such as ratio of the trans- and intergranular fracture; crack branching or bridging, microcracking, subcritical crack growth and others, as they govern crack propagation–induced energy dissipation and affect the toughness and strength of the ceramic material. Therefore, understanding the evolution of residual stress state in processed ZrB2-SiC ceramic composites and accurate measurements of these stresses are of high priority. In the present research the ZrB2-17vol%SiC, ZrB2-32vol%SiC, and ZrB2-45vol%SiC ultra-high temperature particulate ceramic composites were sintered using both Hot Pressing (HP) and Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) techniques. The mechanical performance of the ZrB2-SiC composites was investigated using 3- and 4-point bending techniques for measurements of instantaneous fracture strength and fracture toughness. Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy was used for measurement of Young's, shear, and bulk moduli as well as Poisson's ratio of the composites. The distribution of thermal residual stresses and the effect of the applied external load on their re-distribution was studied using micro-Raman spectroscopy. Piezospectroscopic coefficients were determined for all compositions of ZrB2-SiC ceramic under study and their experimentally obtained values were compared with the piezospectroscopic coefficients both published in the literature and calculated using theoretical approach. Finally, the novel ZrB2-IrB2-SiC ceramic composites were also produced using Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), where IrB2 powder was synthesized using mechanochemical route. It is expected that the IrB2 additive phase might contribute to the improved overall oxidation resistance of ZrB2 based ultra-high temperature ceramic composites.
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Densification, Oxidation, Mechanical And Thermal Behaviour Of Zirconium Diboride (ZrB2) And Zirconium Diboride - Silicon Carbide (ZrB2-Sic) CompositesPatel, Manish 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Sharp leading edges and nose caps on hypersonic vehicles, re-entry vehicles and reusable launch vehicles are items of current research interest for enhanced aerodynamic performance and maneuverability. The unique combination of mechanical properties, physical properties, thermal / electrical conductivities and thermal shock resistance of ZrB2 make it a promising candidate material for such applications. In the recent past, a lot of work has been carried out on ZrB2-based materials towards processing as well as characterization of their mechanical, oxidation and thermal behaviour. ZrB2 based materials have been successfully processed by conventional hot pressing, pressureless sintering, reactive hot pressing and spark plasma sintering. Densification of ZrB2 gets activated when the oxide impurities (B2O3 and ZrO2) were removed from particle surfaces, which minimized coarsening. B4C is widely used as a sintering additive for ZrB2 because it reduces ZrO2 at low temperature. It is found that full densification in ZrB2 based materials by hot pressing is achieved either at 2000 C and higher temperatures with moderate pressure of 20-30 MPa or at reduced temperature (1790-1840 C) with much higher pressure (800-1500 MPa). But no study is available that identifies the dominant hot pressing mechanism at different temperatures and pressures. On the other hand, reinforcement of SiC in ZrB2 is known to increase flexural strength, fracture toughness and oxidation resistance. It has been shown that oxidation resistance of ZrB2-SiC composites is superior to that of monolithic ZrB2 and SiC. For high temperature applications in air, the residual strength (room temperature strength after exposure in air at high temperatures) of non oxide ceramics after oxidation is important. A few reports are available on residual strength of ZrB2 –SiC composite after thermal exposure at high temperatures. In contrast to the literature on composites, there are no reports available on the residual strength of monolithic ZrB2 after exposure to high temperatures. Also, previous studies on residual strength of ZrB2-SiC composites have been limited to a single temperature of exposure. But there is a need to measure the residual strength after exposure to a range of temperatures since the oxide layer structure changes with temperature. The room temperature thermal conductivity data for ZrB2 and ZrB2-SiC composite shows a wide scatter in value as well as a dependence on microstructural parameters, especially porosity and grain size. Also, there is insufficient data available for the high temperature thermal conductivity of ZrB2-SiC. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate the effect of SiC content on thermal conductivity of ZrB2-SiC composites at high temperatures. The present thesis seeks to address some of these gaps to better understand the suitability of ZrB2 and ZrB2-SiC composites for ultra-high temperature applications.
In the present work, hot pressing is used for densification of ZrB2 and ZrB2-SiC composites. Different amounts of B4C (0, 0.5, 1, 3 & 5 wt %) were used as sintering additives in ZrB2 and hot pressed at 2000 C with 25 MPa applied pressure. The hot pressed samples are characterized for their microstructural, mechanical properties and oxidation behaviour. By addition of B4C, density as well as micro-hardness increased. For lower B4C content (0.5 & 1 wt %), hot pressed ZrB2 has shown considerable improvement in flexural strength after exposure in air at 1000 C for 5 hours, while higher B4C content (3 & 5 wt %) leads to marginal or no improvement.
Due to the better mechanical and oxidation behavior of composites containing SiC, the densification behavior during hot pressing was studied. The densification behaviors as well as the microstructures for hot pressing of ZrB2-20 % SiC composite were found to change in a very
narrow temperature range. During hot pressing at 1700 C, the densification was found to be mechanically driven particle fragmentation and rearrangement. On the other hand, thermally activated mass transport mechanisms started dominating after initial particle fragmentation and rearrangement after hot pressing at 1850 C and 2000 C. At 2000 C, the rate of grain boundary diffusion was enhanced which resulted into annihilation of dislocation.
The effect of SiC contents (10, 20 & 30 vol %) on mechanical and oxidation behavior of ZrB2-SiC composite were also studied. The average micro-hardness and fracture toughness of ZrB2-SiC composites increased with SiC content. But the flexural strength of ZrB2-20 vol % SiC composites was found to be the highest. Oxidation and residual strength of hot pressed ZrB2 -SiC composites were evaluated as a function of SiC contents after exposure over a wide temperature range (1000-1700 C). Multilayer oxide scale structures were found after oxidation. The composition and thickness of these multilayered oxide scale structures were found to depend on exposure temperature and SiC content. After exposure to 1000 C for 5 hours, the residual strength of ZrB2 -SiC composites improved by nearly 60 % compared to the as-hot pressed composites with 20 & 30 vol % SiC. On the other hand, the residual strength of these composites remained unchanged after 1500 C for 5 hours. A drastic degradation in residual strength was observed in composites with 20 & 30 vol % SiC whereas strength was retained for ZrB2-10 % SiC composite after exposure to 1700 C for 5 hours in ZrB2 –SiC. Therefore, residual strength of ZrB2-10 % SiC composite was measured at different exposure times (up to 10 hours) at 1500 0C. An attempt was made to correlate the microstructural changes and oxide scales with residual strength with respect to variation in SiC content and temperature of exposure. Since the ZrB2-20 vol % SiC composite showed the maximum strength, the dependence of strength on various microstructural as well processing parameters was also studied. It was found that porosity, grain size as well as surface residual stress due to grinding influenced the strength of ZrB2-20 vol % SiC composites. Finally, thermal diffusivity and conductivity of hot pressed ZrB2 with different amounts of B4C and ZrB2-SiC composites were investigated experimentally over a wide temperature range (25 – 1500 C). Both thermal diffusivity as well as thermal conductivity was found to decrease with increase in temperature for all hot pressed ZrB2 and ZrB2-SiC composites. At around 200 C, thermal conductivity of ZrB2-SiC composites was found to be composition independent. Thermal conductivity of ZrB2-SiC composites was also correlated with theoretical predictions of the Maxwell-Eucken relation. The dominated mechanisms of heat transport for all hot pressed ZrB2 and ZrB2-SiC composites at room temperature were determined by Wiedemann-Franz analysis using measured room temperature electrical conductivity of these materials. It was found that the electronic thermal conductivity dominated for all monolithic ZrB2 whereas the phonon contribution to thermal conductivity increased with SiC contents for ZrB2-SiC composites. The heat conduction mechanism at high temperature was also studied by measuring the high temperature electrical conductivity of ZrB2 and ZrB2-SiC composites. The effect of porosity on thermal diffusivity and conductivity was also studied for ZrB2-20 vol % SiC composites.
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Mécanismes et cinétiques d'oxydation de matériaux ultraréfractaires sous conditions extrêmes / Oxidation mechanisms and kinetics of ultrarefractory materials under severe conditionsGuérineau, Vincent 15 December 2017 (has links)
Les Céramiques Ultra-Haute Température (UHTC) sont des matériaux prometteurs dans le cadre d'applications en conditions extrêmes comme les parties proéminentes de véhicules à rentrée atmosphérique ou les chambres de combustion de moteurs aéronautiques. La compréhension des mécanismes d'oxydation à haute température présente donc un intérêt majeur, car les réactions en milieu oxydant limitent fortement leur durée de vie. Les matériaux ZrB2-SiC, HfB2-SiC et HfB2-SiC-Y2O3 ont été soumis pendant des durées et températures variables (jusqu'à 2400°C) à des environnements contrôlés contenant de la vapeur d'eau. Les microstructures formées ont été décrites, et les mécanismes et cinétiques d'oxydation régissant leur comportement ont été analysés. L'importance de la stabilité et de la nature de la phase vitreuse formée durant l'oxydation a été soulignée. En complément de ces analyses microstructurales, une campagne d'essais utilisant la Fluorescence Induite par Laser (LIF) a permis, via la détection in situ de la molécule BO2, de comprendre plus finement la dynamique de la phase vitreuse lors de l'oxydation. Enfin, une modélisation de la croissance de couches oxydées sur un matériau monophasé a été effectuée. / Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics (UHTC) are promising materials for applications in extreme environments such as prominent parts of atmospheric re-entry vehicles or the combustion chambers of aeronautic engines. The understanding of oxidation mechanisms at high temperature is of great interest, because reactions in oxidizing atmosphere strongly shorten their lifetime. ZrB2-SiC, HfB2-SiC and HfB2-SiC-Y2O3 materials have been subjected to controlled water vapor-containing environments for different durations and temperatures (up to 2400°C). The microstructures developed by the oxidized materials have been described, and oxidation mechanisms and kinetics governing their behavior have been analyzed. The importance of the stability and nature of the vitreous phase formed during the oxidation has been emphasized. In order to complement these microstructural analyses, tests using Light-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) have been performed, allowing us to finely understand the dynamics of the vitreous phase during oxidation thanks to the in situ detection of the BO2 molecule. Finally, a modelling of the growth of oxidized layers on a single-phased material has been performed.
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Reactive Hot Pressing Of ZrB2-Based Ultra High Temperature Ceramic CompositesRangaraj, L 12 1900 (has links)
Zirconium- and titanium- based compounds (borides, carbides and nitrides) are of importance because of their attractive properties including: high melting temperature, high-temperature strength, high hardness, high elastic modulus and good wear-erosion-corrosion resistance. The ultra high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) - zirconium diboride (ZrB2) and zirconium carbide (ZrC) in combination with SiC are potential candidates for ultra-high temperature applications such as nose cones for re-entry vehicles and thermal protection systems, where temperature exceeds 2000°C. Titanium nitride (TiN) and titanium diboride (TiB2) composites have been considered for cutting tools, wear resistant parts etc. There are problems in the processing of these materials, as very high temperatures are required to produce dense composites. This problem can be overcome by the development of composites through reactive hot processing (RHP). In RHP, the composites are simultaneously synthesized and densified by application of pressure and temperatures that are relatively low compared to the melting points of individual components.
There have been earlier studies on the fabrication of dense ZrB2-ZrC, ZrB2-SiC and TiN-TiB2 composites by the following methods:
Pressureless sintering of preformed powders at high temperatures (1800-2300°C) with MoSi2, Ni, Cr, Fe additions
Hot pressing of preformed powders at high temperatures (1700-2000°C) with additives like Ni, Si3N4, TiSi2, TaSi2, TaC
Melt infiltration of Zr/Ti into B4C preform at 1800-1900°C to produce ZrB2-ZrC-Zr and TiB2-TiC composites
RHP of Zr-B4C, Zr-Si-B4C and Ti-BN powder mixtures to produce ZrB2-ZrC, ZrB2-SiC and TiN-TiB2 powder mixtures at 1650-1900°C
Spark plasma sintering of powder mixtures at 1800-2100°C
There has been a lack of attention paid to the conditions under which ceramic composites can be produced by simple hot pressing (~50 MPa) with minimum amount of additives, which will not affect the mechanical properties of the composites. There has been no systematic study of microstructural evolution to be able to highlight the change in relative density (RD) with temperature during RHP by formation of sub-stoichiometric compounds, and liquid phase when a small amount of additive is used.
The present study has been undertaken to establish the experimental conditions and densification mechanisms during RHP of Zr-B4C, Zr-B4C-Si and Ti-BN powder mixtures to yield (a) ZrB2-ZrC, (b) ZrB2-SiC, (c) ZrB2-ZrC-SiC and (d) TiN-TiB2 composites. The following reactions were used to produce the composites:
(1) 3 Zr + B4C → 2 ZrB2 + ZrC
(2) 3.5 Zr + B4C → 2 ZrB2 + 1.52rCx- 0.67
(3) (1+y) Zr + C → (1+y) ZrCx- 1/ (1+y) (y=0 to 1)
(4) 2 Zr + B4C + Si → 2 ZrB2 + SiC
(5) 2.5 Zr + B4C + 0.65 Si → 2 ZrB2 + 0.5 ZrCx + 0.65 SiC
(6) 3.5 Zr + B4C + SiC → 2 ZrB2 + 1.5 ZrCx + SiC (5 to 15 vol%)
(7) (3+y) Ti + 2 BN → (2+y) TiN1/(1+y) + TiB2 (y=0 to 0.5)
(a) ZrB2-ZrC Composites:
The effect of different particle sizes of B4C (60-240 μm, <74 μm and 10-20 μm) with Zr on the reaction and densification of composites has been studied. The role of Ni addition on reaction and densification of the composites has been attempted. The effect of excess Zr addition on the reaction and densification has also been studied.
The RHP experiments were conducted under vacuum in the temperature range 1000-1600°C for 30 min without and with 1 wt% Ni at 40 MPa pressure. The RHP composites have been characterized by density measurements, x-ray diffraction for phase analysis and lattice parameter measurements, microstructural observation using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Selected samples have been analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. The hardness of the composites has also been measured.
The results of the study on the effect of different particle sizes B4C and Ni addition on reaction and densification in the stoichiometric reaction mixture as follows. With the coarse B4C (60-240 μm and <74 μm) particles the temperature required are higher for completion of the reaction (1600°C and above). The microstructural observation showed that the material is densified even in the presence of unreacted B4C particles. The composite made with 10-20 μm B4C and 1 wt% Ni showed completion of the reaction at 1200°C, whereas composite made without Ni showed unreacted B4C (∼3 vol%) and the final densities of both the composites are similar (5.44 g/cm3). Increase in the temperature to 1400°C resulted in the completion of the reaction (without Ni) accompanied with a relative density (RD) of 95%. The composites produced with and without Ni at 1600°C had similar densities of 6.13 g/cm3 and 6.11 g/cm3 respectively (~97.3% RD). The Zr-Ni phase diagram suggests that the addition of Ni helps in formation of Zr-Ni liquid at ~960°C and leads to an increase in the reaction rate up to 1200°C. Once the reaction is completed, not enough Zr is available to maintain the liquid phase and further densification occurs through solid state sintering. The grain sizes of ZrB2 and ZrC phases after 1200°C are 0.4 μm and 0.3 μm, which are much lower than those reported in literature (2-10 μm), and may be the reason for reducing the densification temperature to 1600°C for stoichiometric ZrB2-ZrC composites.
The effect of excess Zr (0.5 mol), over and above the stoichiometric Zr-B4C powder mixture, on reaction and densification of the composites is as follows. The formation of ZrB2 and ZrC phases with unreacted starting Zr and B4C is observed at 1000°C and with increase in temperature to 1200°C the reaction is completed. Since microstructural characterization reveals no indication of free Zr, it is concluded that the excess Zr is incorporated by the formation of non-stoichiometric ZrC (ZrCx-0.67). This observation is supported by lattice parameter measurements of ZrC in the stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric composites which are lower than those reported in the literature. X-ray microanalysis of ZrC grains in the stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric composites using transmission electron microscopy confirmed the presence of carbon deficiency. The composite produced at 1200°C showed the density of 6.1 g/cm3 (~97% RD), whereas addition of Ni produced 6.2 g/cm3 (~99% RD).
The reduction in densification temperature for the non-stoichiometric composites is due to the presence of ZrCx even in the absence of Ni. The mechanism of densification of the composites at 1200°C is attributed to the lowering of critical resolved shear stress with increasing non-stoichimetry in the ZrC, which leads to plastic deformation during RHP. An additional mechanism may be enhanced diffusion through the structural point defects created in ZrC. The hardness of the composites are 20-22 GPa, which is higher than those of reported in literature due to the presence of a dense and fine grain microstructure in the present work.
In order to verify the role of non-stoichiometric ZrC the study was extended to produce monolithic ZrC using various C/Zr ratios (0.5-1). Here again, stoichiometric ZrC does not densify even at 1600°C, whereas non-stoichiometric ZrC can be densified at 1200°C.
(b) ZrB2-SiC Composites:
Since ZrB2 and ZrC do not have good oxidation resistance unless they are reinforced with SiC, the present study has been extended to produce ZrB2-SiC (25 vol%) composites using Zr-Si-B4C powder mixtures. The samples produced at 1000°C showed the formation of ZrB2, ZrC and Zr-Si compounds with unreacted Zr and B4C and as the temperature is increased to 1200°C only ZrB2 and SiC remained. A fine grain (~0.5 μm) microstructure has been observed at 1200°C. During RHP, it was observed that the formations of ZrC, Si-rich phases and fine grain size at low temperatures was responsible for attaining the high relative density at a temperature of ~1600°C. The relative densities of the composites produced with 1 wt% Ni at 40 MPa, 1600°C for 30 min is 97% RD, where as composites without Ni showed a small amount of partially reacted B4C; extending the holding time to 60 min eliminated the B4C and produced 98% RD. The hardness of the composites is 18-20 GPa.
(c) ZrB2-ZrC-SiC Composites:
Since ZrC plays a crucial role in densification of ZrB2-ZrC and ZrB2-SiC composites, the study has been extended to reduce the processing temperature for ZrB2-ZrCx-SiC composites by two methods. In one of the methods, Si is added to the non-stoichiometric 2.5Zr-B4C powder mixture which is resulted in ZrB2-ZrCx-SiC (15 vol%) composites with ~98% RD at 1600°C. In another method, SiC particulates are added to the non-stoichiometric 3.5Zr-B4C powder mixture to yield ZrB2-ZrCx-SiCp (5-15 vol%) composites at 1400°C. The density of the 5 vol% SiC composite is 99.9%, whereas addition of 15 vol% SiC reduced the density to 95.5% RD. The mechanisms of densification of the composites are similar to those observed in ZrB2-ZrC composites. The hardness of the composites is 18-20GPa
(d) TiN-TiB2 Composites:
ZrB2, ZrC, TiB2, and TiN are members of the same class of transition metal borides, carbides and nitrides; however, their densification mechanisms appear to be different. In earlier work, the RHP of stoichiometric 3Ti-2BN powder mixtures yielded dense composite at 1400-1600°C with 1 wt% Ni addition, whereas composites without Ni required at least 1850°C. The major contributor to better densification at 1600°C (with Ni) appeared to be the formation of local Ni-Ti liquid phase at ~942°C (Ti-Ni phase diagram). The present work explores the additional role of non-stoichiometry in this system. It is shown that Ti excess can lead to a further lowering of the RHP temperature, but with a different mechanism compared to the Zr-B4C system. Excess Ti allows the transient alloy phase to remain above the liquidus for a longer time, thereby permitting the attainment of a higher relative density. However, eventually, the excess Ti is converted into a non-stoichiometric nitride. Thus, the volume fraction of a potentially low melting phase is not increased in the final composite by this addition. The contrast between these two systems suggests the existence of two classes of refractory materials for which densification may be greatly accelerated in the presence of non-stoichiometry, either through the ability to absorb a liquid-phase producing metal into a refractory and hard ceramic structure or greater deformability.
The study on RHP of ZrB2-ZrC, ZrB2-SiC, ZrB2-ZrC-SiC and TiN-TiB2 composites led to the following conclusions:
• It has been possible to densify the ZrB2-ZrC composites to ~97 % RD by RHP of stoichiometric Zr-B4C powder mixture with or without Ni addition. The role of B4C particle size is important to complete both reaction as well as densification.
• Excess Zr (0.5 mol) to stoichiometric 3Zr-B4C powder mixtures produces dense ZrB2-ZrCx composite with 99% RD at 1200°C. The densification mechanisms in these non-stoichiometric composites are enhanced diffusion due to fine microstructural scale / stoichiometric vacancies and plastic deformation.
• In the case of ZrB2-SiC composites, the formation of a fine microstructure, and intermediate ZrC and Zr-Si compounds at the early stages plays a major role in densification.
• Starting with non-stoichiometric Zr-B4C powder mixture, the dense ZrB2-ZrCx-SiC composites can be produced with SiC particulates addition at 1400°C.
• Non-stoichiometry in TiN and ZrC is route to the increased densification of composites through enhanced liquid phase sintering in TiN based composites that contain Ni and through plasticity of a carbon-deficient carbide in ZrC based composites.
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