Spelling suggestions: "subject:"zytomegalievirus"" "subject:"cytomegalievirus""
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Two strategies for prevention of cytomegalovirus infections after liver transplantationSimon, Philipp, Sasse, Max, Laudi, Sven, Petroff, David, Bartels, Michael, Kaisers, Udo X., Bercker, Sven 23 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Aim: To analyze differences in patients’ clinical course, we compared two regimes of either preemptive therapy or prophylaxis after liver transplantation. Methods: This retrospective study was reviewed and approved by the institutional review board of the University of Leipzig. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) prophylaxis with valganciclovir hydrochloride for liver transplant recipients was replaced by a preemptive strategy in October 2009. We retrospectively compared liver transplant recipients 2 years before and after October 2009. During the first period, all patients
received valganciclovir daily. During the second period all patients included in the analysis were treated following a preemptive strategy. Outcomes included one year survival and therapeutic intervention due to CMV viremia or infection. Results: Between 2007 and 2010 n = 226 patients underwent liver transplantation in our center. n = 55 patients were D+/R- high risk recipients and were excluded from further analysis. A further 43 patients had to be excluded since CMV prophylaxis/preemptive strategy was not followed although there was no clinical reason for the deviation. Of the remaining 128 patients whose data were analyzed, 60 received prophylaxis and 68 were treated following a preemptive strategy. The difference in overall mortality was not significant, nor was it significant for one-year mortality
where it was 10% (95%CI: 8%-28%, P = 0.31) higher for the preemptive group. No significant differences in blood count abnormalities or the incidence of sepsis and infections were observed other than CMV. In total, 19 patients (14.7%) received ganciclovir due
to CMV viremia and/or infections. Patients who were treated according to the preemptive algorithm had a significantly higher rate risk of therapeutic intervention with ganciclovir [n = 16 (23.5%) vs n = 3 (4.9%), P = 0.003)].
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Beeinflussung von Pathogenese und klinischen Aspekten der Rheumatoiden Arthritis durch das humane Zytomegalievirus und die Generierung von CD4+CD28null T-ZellenLendholt, Katharina 06 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Two strategies for prevention of cytomegalovirus infections after liver transplantationSimon, Philipp, Sasse, Max, Laudi, Sven, Petroff, David, Bartels, Michael, Kaisers, Udo X., Bercker, Sven January 2016 (has links)
Aim: To analyze differences in patients’ clinical course, we compared two regimes of either preemptive therapy or prophylaxis after liver transplantation. Methods: This retrospective study was reviewed and approved by the institutional review board of the University of Leipzig. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) prophylaxis with valganciclovir hydrochloride for liver transplant recipients was replaced by a preemptive strategy in October 2009. We retrospectively compared liver transplant recipients 2 years before and after October 2009. During the first period, all patients
received valganciclovir daily. During the second period all patients included in the analysis were treated following a preemptive strategy. Outcomes included one year survival and therapeutic intervention due to CMV viremia or infection. Results: Between 2007 and 2010 n = 226 patients underwent liver transplantation in our center. n = 55 patients were D+/R- high risk recipients and were excluded from further analysis. A further 43 patients had to be excluded since CMV prophylaxis/preemptive strategy was not followed although there was no clinical reason for the deviation. Of the remaining 128 patients whose data were analyzed, 60 received prophylaxis and 68 were treated following a preemptive strategy. The difference in overall mortality was not significant, nor was it significant for one-year mortality
where it was 10% (95%CI: 8%-28%, P = 0.31) higher for the preemptive group. No significant differences in blood count abnormalities or the incidence of sepsis and infections were observed other than CMV. In total, 19 patients (14.7%) received ganciclovir due
to CMV viremia and/or infections. Patients who were treated according to the preemptive algorithm had a significantly higher rate risk of therapeutic intervention with ganciclovir [n = 16 (23.5%) vs n = 3 (4.9%), P = 0.003)].
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Analysis of CMV-specific T cell responses and CMV-associated changes in the ageing human immune systemLachmann, Raskit 10 June 2013 (has links)
Die Veraenderungen des Immunsystems mit zunehmendem Alter, Immunseneszenz genannt, resultieren in erhoehter Infektanfaelligkeit. Infolge dessen leiden aeltere Menschen unter haeufigeren und schwerer verlaufenden Infekten, Autoimmunerkrankungen und vermindertem Impfschutz. Immunseneszenz entsteht nicht nur aufgrund chronologischen Alterns, sondern wird auch durch andere teils ungeklaerte Faktoren verursacht. Cytomegalievirus (CMV) ist ein Herpesvirus, dass in immunkompetenten Menschen lebenslang persistiert. Infolge chronischer Immunaktivierung traegt CMV zur beschleunigten Immunseneszenz bei. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Alters- und CMV-induzierten Veraenderungen in humanen T-Zellen analysiert. Dafuer wurden PBMC von 50 gesunden Spendern in drei verschiedenen Altersgruppen antigenspezifisch (CMV-Proteine pp65 und IE1 und protein purified derivate von Mycobacterium tuberculosis (PPD)) und polyklonal (OKT3) in vitro stimuliert. Ein 11-Farben-Panel wurde etabliert, um die simultane Expression der Differenzierungsmarker CD45RA und CD27 und der Aktivierungsmarker CD40L, IFNg, IL2 und TNF auf T-Zellen durchflusszytometrisch zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigten, dass die antigenabhaengige Differenzierung der Gedaechtnis-T-Zellen mit zunehmendem Alter und CMV-Infektion zunahm. Die Differenzierung der Gedaechtnis-T-Zellen in CMV-positiven Spendern war ausserdem mit der Antwortgroesse gegen pp65 korreliert. Die pp65-spezifische, aber nicht die IE1-spezifische polyfunktionale T-Zell-Antwort nahm mit zunehmendem Alter der Probanden zu. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass CMV einen grossen Einfluss auf das Immunsystem gesunder Individuen hat. Die Differenzierung der Gedaechtnis-T-Zellen ist nicht nur abhaengig von der Infektion mit CMV, sondern auch davon, wie das Immunsytem auf CMV reagiert. Polyfunktionale CMV-spezifische T-Zellen, die wahrscheinlich CMV kontrollieren, sind vorhanden und werden nicht von dysfunktionalen T-Zellen im Alter verdraengt. / Ageing of the immune system, also called immunosenescence, is a phenomenon that leads to increased susceptibility to infections in elderly people. Persistent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection induces strong T cell responses in humans and is thought to be one of the driving forces of immunosenescence. In this work CMV-induced alterations in the T cell compartment of human individuals were analysed in terms of frequencies and absolute numbers per ml blood. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from 50 donors in three different age groups were stimulated in vitro and examined for the phenotypic markers CD45RA and CD27 and the effector molecules CD40L, IFNg, IL2 and TNF by polychromatic flow cytometry. The frequency of responding polyfunctional T cells to stimulation with OKT3 or CMV peptide pools phosphoprotein 65 (pp65) or immediate-early protein1 (IE1) increased with the age of the donor. The memory subset distribution differed between CMV-seronegative and CMV-seropositive donors and was correlated with the response size in the CMV-seropositive group. Polyfunctional T cells expressed quantitatively and qualitatively more activation marker on a per cell level than monofunctional cells and therefore appeared to be more effective. Furthermore, polyfunctional T cells expressed reduced amounts of surface CD3, CD4 and CD8 compared to monofunctional or non-responding T cells. In summary, the results indicate that CMV has a significant influence on the immune system of healthy people. The memory subset composition of the entire T cell compartment depends on how the immune system responds to CMV (large or small responses) rather than the presence or absence of infection. Irrespectively of response size or age a robust population of polyfunctional CMV-specific T cells is present and may be in control of CMV.
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Regulation des Zellzyklus durch das Maus- und Ratten-ZytomegalievirusNeuwirth, Anke 29 November 2005 (has links)
Das humane Zytomegalievirus, ist ein ubiquitäres Pathogen, welches akute und persistierende Infektionen verursacht. Bei immunsupprimierten Patienten kann das Virus zu schweren Erkrankungen, wie Hepatitis, Pneumonie und bei kongenitaler Infektion außerdem zu Schädigungen des ZNS führen. HCMV blockiert die Zellproliferation durch einen Arrest am G1/S-Übergang des Zellzyklus, andererseits wird aber gleichzeitig die Expression S-Phase spezifischer Gene aktiviert. Teilweise lässt sich dies durch eine Virus vermittelte spezifische Inhibition der zellulären DNA-Repliaktion sowie durch eine massive Deregulation Zyklin-assozzierter Kinasen erklären. Zellkulturexperimente deuten darauf hin, dass die Zellzyklusalterationen wichtige Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Virusreplikation darstellen. Es ist hingegen nicht bekannt, welche Relevanz sie für die Virusvermehrung in vivo und das pathologische Erscheinungsbild im erkrankten Organismus besitzen. Diese Frage kann nur in einem Tiermodell sinnvoll angegangen werden. Aufgrund der Wirtsspezifität der Zytomegalieviren, ist man dabei auf die Verwendung der jeweiligen artspezifischen CMV angewiesen. Murines CMV (MCMV) und Ratten-CMV (RCMV) sind dabei die bislang bestuntersuchtesten Systeme. Das Anliegen dieser Arbeit war es zu prüfen, inwieweit die für HCMV beschriebenen Zellzyklusregulationen in MCMV und RCMV auf Zellkulturbasis konserviert sind. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl RCMV als auch MCMV einen antiproliferativen Effekt auf infizierte Zellen besitzen und ebenso wie HCMV zu einem Zellzyklusarrest führen. Nager-Zytomegalieviren können Zellen auch in der G2-Phase arretieren und in dieser Zellzyklusphase auch effizient replizieren können. Die Infektion mit Nager-CMV führt außerdem auf breiter Basis zur Veränderung Zyklin-assoziierter Kinaseaktivitäten. Allen Zytomegalieviren ist die Hemmung der zellulären DNA-Synthese am G1/S-Übergang durch die Inhibition des replication licensing, dem Beginn der DNA-Synthese gemein. Durch diese vergleichende Studie wird einerseits deutlich, dass wesentliche funktionelle Schritte der Zellzyklusregulation zwischen den Zytomegalieviren konserviert sind, aber andererseits die zu Grunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen zum Teil deutlich variieren. / Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is an ubiquitous, species-specific beta-herpesvirus that, like other herpesviruses, can establish lifelong latency following primary infection. HCMV infection becomes virulent only in immunocompromised patients such as premature infants, transplant recipients and AIDS patients where the virus causes severe disease like hepatitis, pneumonitis and retinitis. Congenital infection produces birth defects, most commonly hearing loss. To develop rational-based strategies for prevention and treatment of HCMV infection, it is crucial to understand the interactions between the virus and its host cell that support the establishment and progression of the virus replicative cycle. In general, herpesviruses are known to replicate most efficiently in the absence of cellular DNA synthesis. What is more, they have evolved mechanisms to avoid the cell´s DNA replication phase by blocking cell cycle progression outside S phase. HCMV has been shown to specifically inhibit the onset of cellular DNA synthesis resulting in cells arrested with a G1 DNA content. Towards a better understanding of CMV-mediated cell cycle alterations in vivo, we tested murine and rat CMV (MCMV/RCMV), being common animal models for CMV infection, for their influence on the host cell cycle. It was found that both MCMV and RCMV exhibit a strong anti-proliferative capacity on immortalised and primary embryonic fibroblasts after lytic infection. This results from specific cell cycle blocks in G1 and G2 as demonstrated by flow cytometry analysis. The G1 arrest is at least in part caused by a specific inhibition of cellular DNA synthesis and involves both the formation and activation of the cells’ DNA replication machinery. Interestingly, and in contrast to HCMV, the replicative cycle of rodent CMVs started from G2 as efficiently as from G1. Whilst the cell cycle arrest is accompanied by a broad induction of cyclin-cdk2 and cyclin-cdk1 activity, cyclin D1-cdk4/6 activity is selectively suppressed in MCMV and RCMV infected cells. Thus, given that both rodent and human CMVs are anti-proliferative and arrest cell cycle progression we found a surprising divergence of some of the underlying mechanisms. Therefore, any question put forward to a rodent CMV model involving cell cycle regulation has to be well defined in order to extrapolate meaningful information for the human system.
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The risk of vaccine non-preventable infections in daycare workers: a systematic review and meta-analysisRomero de Starke, Karla 29 April 2020 (has links)
Background: Although infectious diseases are less common in high-income countries compared to low-income countries, they should still be seriously considered as a relevant public health issue. Some professions, such as healthcare workers, laboratory workers, and care providers may be at a particularly high risk of acquiring infections. In Germany, work-related infectious diseases are after skin diseases, the most common cause of occupational diseases reported to the Institution for Statutory Social Accident Insurance and Prevention in the Health Care and Welfare Services (BGW). An occupational disease, as defined by the WHO, is “any disease contracted primarily as a result of an exposure to risk factors arising from work activity”, although this definition varies between countries. In order for infections to be recognized as an occupational disease, either the identification of an index case is needed or it must be shown that the likelihood in which a particular case of illness was attributable to the occupation: the probability of causation must be greater than 50% (the “more-likely-than-not” rule). A general “rule-of-thumb” is to equate the probability of causation of 50% with a relative risk of disease equal to two (the “doubling of the risk”). This principle is used by many countries for the recognition of an occupational disease. Few studies have concentrated on the risk of infectious disease in daycare workers, who may be at higher risk than the general population due to their frequent and close contact to young children.
Research questions: The primary aim of this review was to summarize the evidence on the relationship between being a daycare worker working with children and the possible increased risk for infections not preventable by vaccines. Furthermore, research gaps were to be identified. Finally, the implications for practice and health policy based on the evidence were to be described.
Methods: For the systematic reviews with meta-analysis, the Medline and Embase databases were searched using search strings defined according to the Population, Exposure, Comparison, and Outcomes (PECO) applicable to the research questions in order to find studies on vaccine non-preventable infections in daycare workers published since 2000. The search hits were evaluated using predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria by two independent reviewers. A separate manual search was performed by reviewing the reference lists of key articles and systematic reviews. The “citation tracking factor” by Google scholar was used to find additional relevant studies. The resulting studies were extracted and were assessed in eight risk of bias domains for the judgement of study quality. With a meta-analysis, the pooled risk of infections for daycare workers compared to the general or a reference population was calculated. The quality of evidence was assessed by the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE).
Results: After evaluating the 6879 records, ten methodologically adequate studies were identified regarding parvovirus B19 infection (four studies) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection (six studies). No adequate studies on other infections were found. For parvovirus B19 infection, three cross-sectional studies and one retrospective cohort study were identified. The pooled parvovirus B19 seroprevalence in daycare workers was 70.3% (95% CI 59.5-80.4). Of three studies investigating the relative risk (RR) of parvovirus B19 infection on daycare workers, only one study evaluated seroconversion rates. There was an indication for an increased risk of parvovirus B19 infection for daycare workers compared to the unexposed population (RR = 1.12, 95% CI 0.98–1.27) using prevalence estimators. Furthermore, daycare workers had a higher parvovirus B19 seroconversion rate compared to the unexposed population (RR = 2.63, 95% CI 1.27–5.45) in the low risk of bias study. For CMV infection, five cross-sectional studies and one cohort study were included. The pooled CMV seroprevalence of daycare workers was 59.3% (95% CI 47.6-70.9). The four studies investigating risk of infection indicated an increased seroprevalence for daycare workers compared to a reference population (prevalence ratio, RR=1.54, 95% CI 1.33-1.77). No study evaluated CMV seroconversions for daycare workers.
Conclusions: The findings suggest higher parvovirus B19 and cytomegalovirus seroprevalence for daycare workers compared to the general population. There is a need for longitudinal and higher-quality studies regarding infections not preventable by vaccines in daycare workers, as well as a need to study other infections for which daycare workers may be at higher risk. Nonetheless, when the actual occupational seroconversion risk is considered by taking into account the pre-occupational seroprevalences, the pooled relative risks for both parvovirus B19 and CMV infection are compatible with a doubled seroconversion risk corresponding to a probability of causation due to the occupation of at least 50%. Preventative efforts in the workplace are needed based on the legally required risk assessment at the workplace. Moreover, it is important to raise awareness of the potential risk of infection in women trying to conceive or during pregnancy. Recommendations to prevent infections in the day care center include using gloves and frequent handwashing after exposure to young children’s bodily fluids, cleaning surfaces, and avoiding intimate contact with young children if pregnant, although these measures alone may not completely protect the daycare worker from infection. Currently, in Germany, an employment ban for pregnant daycare workers depends on the federal state. To avoid occupational risks for pregnant daycare workers, scientific-based guidelines should be developed and applied consistently.
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Influence of HCMV proteins pUL71 and pUL77 on viral maturationMeissner, Christina Sylvia 01 December 2011 (has links)
Die Bildung infektiöser Viruspartikel des humanen Zytomegalievirus (HCMV) ist ein mehr-stufiger Prozess. Sie beginnt mit der Verpackung der DNA in die Kapside im Kern, gefolgt von weiterer Reifung während des Transports durch das Zytoplasma und der abschließenden Freisetzung aus der Zelle. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit wurden zwei Proteine, die Einfluss auf die ebengenannten Prozesse haben, analysiert. Der erste Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit der funktionellen Charakterisierung des HCMV Pro-teins pUL77. Es ist bekannt, dass das homologe Protein pUL25 in alpha-Herpesvirinae essentiell für die DNA-Verpackung ist. Zunächst konnte das Protein als Kapsid-assoziiertes strukturelles Protein identifiziert werden. Es wurden Interaktionen von pUL77 mit DNA-Verpackungs- und Kapsidproteinen gezeigt. Weiterhin wurde die DNA-Bindungsfähigkeit von pUL77 in verschiedenen „in vitro“-Experimenten untersucht. Zusammengefasst weisen unsere Ergebnisse auf eine Funktion von HCMV pUL77 bei der DNA-Verpackung hin. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde das HCMV Protein pUL71 charakterisiert, das in allen Herpesviren konserviert vorkommt, dessen Funktion jedoch nicht charakterisiert ist. Zunächst wurde das Protein als strukturelles Tegumentprotein mit “earlylate“ Expressionskinetik klassifiziert. Weiterhin wurden die subzelluläre Lokalisation sowie virale und zelluläre Interaktionspartner untersucht. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf eine Funktion von HCMV pUL71 bei der Reifung und beim Transport der Virionen im Zytoplasma hin. „In silico“-Vorhersagen zeigten ein „Leuzin Zipper“-Motiv in pUL71, das als mögliche Oligomerisationsdomäne dienen könnte. Mutationen wurden in dieses Motiv eingebracht und die resultierenden Proteine auf ihre Oligomerisationsfähigkeit mit „in vitro“-Methoden und in rekombinanten Viren untersucht. Zusammenfassend konnten wir zeigen, dass das „Leuzin Zipper“-Motiv wichtig für die Funktion von pUL71 ist und diese mit einer unbeeinträchtigten Oligomerisation des Proteins zusammen hängt. / The morphogenesis of Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) virions starts with the capsid assem-bly and DNA insertion in the nucleus followed by maturation during transport through the cytoplasm prior to release of virus progeny. In this study we are functionally characterising two proteins that are involved in those steps. The function of essential HCMV protein pUL77 is characterised in the first part of the study. HCMV pUL77 was shown to be a structural protein associated with capsids. Furthermore, our experiments demonstrated that HCMV pUL77 interacts with DNA packaging motor compo-nents and capsid proteins. The ability of HCMV pUL77 to bind double-stranded DNA was studied in “in vitro” assays designed for this study. The homologue α-Herpesvirinae protein pUL25 is described to be involved in processes connected with DNA packaging. Data ob-tained in this study demonstrates that HCMV pUL77 might serve a similar function. In the second part of the study HCMV pUL71, conserved throughout the Herpesvirus family but to date unclassified, was functionally characterised. HCMV pUL71 was defined a struc-tural tegument protein with early-late expression kinetics. We studied the sub-cellular local-isation and interactions of pUL71 with a subset of cellular and viral proteins. Thereby we could show that HCMV pUL71 function might be connected with processes of viral egress. By in silico analyses we identified a leucine zipper motif in pUL71 that might serve as a puta-tive oligomerisation domain. In order to investigate the function of the leucine zipper motif, we performed in vitro assays and investigated the alterations of the motif in the viral context. Taken together we can conclude that (i) an intact leucine zipper motif is crucial for the func-tion of pUL71 and (ii) this function is dependent upon undisturbed oligomerisation of the pro-tein.
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A novel method for measuring IgG-dependent triggering of host FcgammaRs CD16, CD32 and CD 64 reveals a selective inhibition through herpesviral FcgammaRsCorrales-Aguilar, Eugenia 16 December 2008 (has links)
Um die Wirkung herpesviral-kodierter FcgammaRezeptoren auf wirtskodierte zelluläre FcgammaRezeptoren und IgG-vermittelten Effektorfunktionen untersuchen zu können, einen methodisch neuen Ansatz wurde entwickelt, der die Detektion FcgammaR-aktivierender Antikörper ermöglicht. Dieses neuartige Assay beinhaltet die Kokultivierung virusinfizierter Zellen, die mit virusspezifischen IgG-Antikörpern opsoniert sind, mit FcgammaR-zeta BW5147-Transfektanten als Reporterzellen. Diese stabilen Transfektanten exprimieren chimäre Rezeptoren, die aus der extrazellulären Domäne der zellulären FcgammaRezeptoren bestehen, welche mit der TM und intrazellulären Domäne der murinen CD3zeta-Kette fusioniert wurden. Die Aktivierung der CD3zeta-Kette führt zu einer IgG-dosisabhängigen mIL-2 Sekretion, die im ELISA gemessen werden kann. Die FcgammaR-spezifische immune IgG könnte eine wichtige biologische Rolle in der antiviralen Immunabwehr spielen. Herpesviren exprimieren auf der Oberfläche infizierter Zellen viral-kodierte Fc-bindende Glykoproteine. Um zu bestimmen, ob virale FcgammaRezeptoren die IgG-abhängige Aktivierung von wirtskodierten FcgammaRezeptoren beeinflussen können, wurde das oben beschriebene Assay angewandt. Es wurde festgestellt, dass der HCMV-kodierte FcgammaR gp68 die Aktivierung und die nachfolgende Signalkaskade von CD16>CD32=CD64 inhibiert, während der HCMV-kodierte FcgammaR gp34 die Aktivierung von CD16>CD64>CD32 inhibiert. In klarem Kontrast dazu wirkt der HSV-kodierte FcgammaR gE, der CD16 Aktivierung vermindert, CD32 hingegen nur sehr schwach und CD64 gar nicht beeinflußt. Der MCMV-kodierte FcgammaR m138/fcr-1 vermindert die Aktivierung des murinenCD16. Zusammenfassend betrachtet zeigen die ermittelten Daten, dass es sich bei den herpesviral-kodierten FcgammaRezeptoren um hierarchische und redundante Antagonisten der wirtskodierten zellulären FcgammaRezeptoren handelt. Herpesviral-kodierte FcgammaRezeptoren wirken somit der Aktivierung des Immunsystems entgegen. / To study the possible interference of the herpesviral vFcgammaRs with the host FcgammaRs and IgG-mediated effector functions, a new methodological approach to detect FcgammaR activating antibodies was developed. The novel assay comprises the co-cultivation of virus infected cells upon opsonization with immune IgG antibodies and the stably transfected FcgammaR-zeta BW5147 transfectants as responder cells. The transfectants express chimeric receptors bearing the extracellular domain of the host FcgammaRs fused to the transmembrane and tail domains of the murine CD3zeta chain. Triggering the CD3zeta chain is sufficient to elicit IL-2 secretion in a dose dependent manner which is measured in an ELISA. The setup of the new assay provides a defined effector cell population bearing one Fcgamma receptor on the surface, which becomes activated in the presence of immune IgG antibodies bound to the native viral antigens displayed on the surface of infected cells. The assay system allows us to detect and quantify Fc gamma receptor-activating immune IgG in an FcgammaR-specific way, which is thought to have an important biological function in antiviral defense. Several alpha- and beta- herpesviruses express on the surface of infected cells virally encoded Fc binding glycoproteins. The assay described above was applied to determine if the viral FcgammaRs are able to impair IgG-mediated activation of host FcgammaRs. In a systematic approach, the effect on each host FcgammaR by each of the herpesviral FcgammaR was investigated. It was found that HCMV FcgammaR gp68 affects activation and downstream signaling of CD16 > CD32 = CD64, while gp34 attenuates CD16 > CD64 > CD32. In clear contrast, HSV gE impairs CD16 activation and weakly CD32, but has no effect on CD64. Furthemore, MCMV m138/fcr-1 diminishes activation of mouse CD16. Taken together, this data uncover herpesviral FcgammaRs as hierarchical and redundant antagonists precluding host FcgammaRs from triggering immune responses.
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Clonal Expansion and Epigenetic Inheritance Shape Long-Lasting NK cell MemoryRückert, Timo 09 December 2022 (has links)
Die Selektion klonal expandierender Zellen mit einzigartigen, somatisch rekombinierten Anti-gen-Rezeptoren und die Langlebigkeit der daraus hervorgehenden Gedächtniszellen sind definierende Eigenschaften adaptiver Immunität. Dahingegen ist das angeborene Immunsystem da-rauf programmiert, mittels einer breiten Palette konservierter Rezeptoren möglichst schnell auf Pathogene zu reagieren und wird dabei auf Populationsebene epigenetisch geprägt. In dieser Arbeit möchte ich dieses Paradigma auf der Basis von Natürlichem Killer (NK) Zell-Gedächtnis an das humane Zytomegalievirus (HCMV) als Beispiel für Pathogen-spezifische Anpassung innerhalb des angeborenen Immunsystems herausfordern. Indem wir multiparametrische Einzel-zellanalysen zur Kartierung von ex vivo NK Zellen mit endogenen Barcodes in Form von soma-tischen Mutationen in mitochondrialer DNA (mtDNA) verknüpfen, können wir drastische klonale Expansionen adaptiver NK Zellen in HCMV+ Spendern nachweisen. NK-Zell-Klonotypen waren durch eine ihnen gemeinsame, inflammatorische Gedächtnissignatur mit AP1 Motiven gekennzeichnet, die eine Reihe einzigartiger Chromatin-Regionen mit Klon-spezifischer Zugänglichkeit überlagerte. NK-Zell-Klone wurden über einen Zeitraum von bis zu 19 Monaten stabil aufrechterhalten und behielten dabei ihre charakteristischen, Klon-spezifischen epigenetischen Signaturen, was die entscheidende Rolle klonaler Vererbung von Chromatin-Zugänglichkeit für die Prägung des epigenetischen Gedächtnis-Repertoires unterstreicht. Insgesamt identifiziert diese Arbeit zum ersten Mal klonale Expansion und Persistenz innerhalb des angeborenen Immunsystems im Menschen und deutet daraufhin, dass diese zentralen Mechanismen zur Ausbildung von immunologischem Gedächtnis evolutionär unabhängig von diversifizierten Antigen-Rezeptoren entstanden sind. / A hallmark of adaptive immunity is the clonal selection and expansion of cells with somatically diversified receptors and their long-term maintenance as memory cells. The innate immune system, in contrast, is wired to rapidly respond to pathogens via a broad set of germline-encoded receptors, acquiring epigenetic imprinting at the population level. The presented work challenges this paradigm by studying Natural Killer (NK) cell memory to human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection as an example of pathogen-specific adaptation within the innate immune system. Leveraging single-cell multi-omic maps of ex vivo NK cells and somatic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations as endogenous barcodes, we reveal drastic clonal expansions of adaptive NK cells in HCMV+ individuals. NK cell clonotypes were characterized by a convergent inflammatory memory signature driven by AP1 transcription factor activity, superimposed on a private set of clone-specific accessible chromatin regions. Strikingly, NK cell clones were stably maintained in their specific epigenetic states for up to 19 months, revealing that clonal inheritance of chromatin accessibility shapes the epigenetic memory repertoire. Together, this work presents the first identification of clonal expansion and persistence within the human innate immune system, suggesting these central mechanisms of immune memory have evolved independently of antigen-receptor diversification.
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Struktur-Funktionsanalyse des Immediate-Early Proteins 2 (IE2) des humanen ZytomegalievirusAsmar, Jasmin 17 January 2005 (has links)
Das Immediate-Early Protein 2 (IE2) des humanen Zytomegalievirus ist ein essentieller Regulationsfaktor des lytischen Infektionszyklus. Es aktiviert verschiedene early Promotoren, autoreprimiert seine eigene Expression und besitzt darüber hinaus auch zellzyklusregulatorische Aktivitäten. Um einzelne Funktionen des IE2 Proteins gezielt analysieren zu können, ist eine genaue Kenntnis seiner regulatorischen Domänen unabdingbar. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde daher eine Struktur-Funktionsanalyse des IE2 Proteins durchgeführt mit dem Ziel, seine funktionellen Domänen genauer zu charakterisieren. Hierfür wurden verschiedene IE2-Mutanten hergestellt und ihre Aktivität im Hinblick auf Transaktivierung, Autorepression und DNA-Bindung sowie Zellzylusarrestinduktion bestimmt. Die Untersuchungen ergaben, dass innerhalb einer Core-Region im C-Terminus des Proteins (AS 450-544) die regulatorischen Domänen der untersuchten Funktionen überlappen und hier schon kleinere Mutationen zu einem Funktionsverlust führen. Im Gegensatz dazu ist der Bereich N-terminal des Core deutlich weniger sensitiv gegenüber Mutationen. Hier konnten Sequenzen identifiziert werden, die spezifisch für einzelne Funktionen wie die Transaktivierung oder die Zellzyklusarrestinduktion erforderlich sind. Darüber hinaus hat sich gezeigt, dass eine im bisherigen Verständnis essentielle putative Zinkfingerdomäne außerhalb des Core liegt und für die Funktionalität des Proteins, vor allem für seine DNA-Bindung, nicht benötigt wird. Somit ist der Bereich, in dem die regulatorischen Domänen der untersuchten Funktionen überlappen, deutlich kleiner, als bisher angenommen. Vor diesem Hintergrund lässt sich eine Strategie für die Erstellung von diskriminierenden Virusmutanten ableiten, bei der Einzelfunktionen von IE2 im Viruskontext eliminiert und somit im Sinne ihrer physiologischen Relevanz analysierbar werden. / The Immediate Early Protein 2 (IE2) of human cytomegalovirus is an essential regulatory factor of the viral replicative cycle. It fulfills several functions including transactivation, negative autoregulation and cell cycle regulation. In order to analyse the physiological significance of each of the IE2 functions a precise knowledge of the regulatory protein domains is needed. Therefore, a structure-function analysis of the IE2 protein was performed in this work. Different sets of IE2 mutants were tested in parallel with regard to transactivation, DNA-binding, autoregulation and cell cycle regulation. We found the IE2 protein to contain an unexpectedly clear-cut core domain (amino acids (aa) 450-544) that is defined by its absolute sensitivity to any kind of mutation. In contrast, the region adjacent to the core (aa 290-449) generally displays greater tolerance towards mutations. Although specific sequences correlate with distinct IE2 activities none of the mutations analysed completely abolished any particular function. The core is separated from the adjacent region by the putative zinc finger (428-452) which was found to be entirely dispensable for any function tested. Our work supports the view that the 100 amino acids of the core domain hold the key to most functions of IE2. A systematic, high-density mutational analysis of this region may identify informative mutants which discriminate between various IE2 functions. Such mutants could then be tested in a viral background.
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