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An exploratory study of mothers perceptions and experiences of an unplanned Caesarean section / Samantha Lynne RouxRoux, Samantha Lynne January 2010 (has links)
Objective The present study aimed to explore women's perceptions and experiences of childbirth by unplanned Caesarean section. Background New motherhood is characterised as a profound change, and research suggests that the psychological effects of childbirth can be significant and far–reaching for some women. The processes occurring during a traumatic birth experience could affect a woman's emotional and psychological state, and she may experience considerable adjustment difficulties in adapting to unfulfilled expectations of delivering her baby naturally. Methods In–depth interviews explored 10 women's lived experiences of childbirth, after which thematic content analysis was used to synthesise data. The elements of phenomenological theory served as a broad framework for the structuring, organizing and categorizing of data, with interpretation aimed at gaining a greater understanding of women's internalised childbirth accounts. Findings Women described their contact with medical personnel, as well as the physical, environmental, and emotional aspects of their unplanned Caesarean sections, as distressing and traumatic. A sense of loss of control was the most significant contributor to women's negative childbirth experiences. Feelings of failure and disappointment were primarily related to unmet expectations and a lack of preparedness. Negative experiences were mediated by attentive caregiving, inclusion in decision–making, and support from loved ones. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011. Read more
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An exploration of risk and protective variables in the bio–psychosocial field of South African adolescents with cystic fibrosis / Hugo C.J.Hugo, Carina Jacobie January 2011 (has links)
The general aim for this research was to explore and describe the risk and protective variables
in the bio–psychosocial field of adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and to describe how these
variables impact multi–dimensionally on such adolescents.
From the literature search it seemed as if interventions regarding CF focus mainly on the
medical condition. No literature could be found on the experiences of adolescents with CF. It is
clear that there is a dearth of research on adolescents with CF in general but also specifically on
the bio–psychosocial impact of this illness on adolescents in this challenging time of maturing.
The research design was a case study and focused on exploration and description of risk and
protective factors in the bio–psychosocial fields of adolescents with CF. Semi–structured
interviews were used as a data collecting method. Questions were open–ended, but focused on
the experience of adolescents having CF. Thematic analysis was used for data analysis based
on the following steps, which entailed among others transcribing data, reading, re–reading,
translation, coding, identifying and describing themes.
Facing a chronic illness and the intensive medical treatment required is a harsh reality that
influences the entire field of adolescents with CF. This research results expanded knowledge of
CF in adolescents within a Gestalt field perspective. Themes identified outline risk and
protective factors related to faith, daily routines and especially the effect of medical procedures
on time management, emotions, health and body–related aspects, frequent hospitalisation,
social support and future concerns. If the risk and protective variables in the field of adolescents
with CF is better understood from their own perspective, it is assumed that trans–disciplinary
interventions with a multi–dimensional focus will be targeted more accurately in intervention
strategies for this vulnerable group. / Thesis (M.A. (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012. Read more
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'n Prakties-teologiese narratiewe navorsing van die aanpassingsproses van 'n gesin wat van Suid-Afrika na Nieu-Seeland verhuis het (Afrikaans)Reyneke, Coenraad Jacobus Stephanus 11 May 2005 (has links)
This study sets of by investigating postmodernism and social constructionism. Postmodernism as 21st century world view (paradigm) influences everything in our lives, including the perspective from which a study is conducted. An attempt is made to follow the development of modernism (and with it the so-called pre-modern) and postmodernism. This culminates in a summary of a postmodern perspective on reality and the practical consequences of postmodernism. Social constructionism emphasises the reality that discourses and even the self is socially constructed and therefore dependent on context, time and place. Social constructionism leads to questions about the normative role of the Bible in the study and a postmodern society. The metaphor "a circle of circles" and "a meeting" are employed to describe the application of God's Word in postmodern context. The constructing community determines the normative role of the Bible. Concepts such as the gift, God, and community are central concepts with regard to postmodernism and Christianity, and can therefore be useful during communication of the gospel to postmodern people. Narrative research in the field of Practical Theology assumes practical theological wisdom (knowledge) of people to be a legitimate and rich resource for knowledge and understanding of certain experience within a certain context. This study employs a Postfoundationalist Practical Theology as a framework for narrative research. The adaptation process of the Vermaak family as result of a migration from South Africa to New Zealand was researched. The first movement of the of the framework explores context. New Zealand/Aotearoa, Hawera (the town they settled in) and the family within their parish (Baptist Hawera) is described as the context. The researcher's own context is also taken in consideration as an attempt to establish subjective integrity. The second movement describes the experiences of the Vermaaks just before and approximately a year after their move to New Zealand. During the third movement the experiences are interpreted in collaboration with co-researchers. Traditions of interpretations (discourses) that influenced their process of adaptation is described in the fourth movement. The next step was an attempt to honestly structure the family's experience of God's presence during this significant event in their lives. Insight from interdisciplinary investigation, mainly into psychology, is used during the sixth movement to further enrich and thicken understanding of the process. Lastly a few insights were formulated that may be useful beyond the researcher and co-researchers. An awareness and knowledge of postmodernism and social constructionism (the current 21st century paradigms) facilitates interpretation and understanding of experiences. A thorough grasp of narrative concepts is helpful to the process of adaptation after an overseas move. An active Christian faith provides a stable identity which contributes to a meaningful and successful adaptation process. / Thesis (PhD (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Practical Theology / unrestricted Read more
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Sosio-emosionele gesinsfunksionering na ‘n egskeiding: ‘n Ouerskapsprogram vir die gesin met voorskoolse kinders (Afrikaans)Nel, Gezina Elizabeth 19 September 2005 (has links)
This research was aimed at the development, implementation and evaluation of a parenting program for parents with pre-school children, after a divorce, in order to improve the sosio-emotional functioning of the adults, as well as the children. The motivation for this study stemmed from the reality of divorce in many family systems. Intervention research as applied research was utilised. A two-phase research approach was undertaken. A quantitative questionnaire approach as used during phase 1. The following research question was formulated for this phase: What should the content of a parenting program for parents after a divorce with pre-school children be? A needs assessment questionnaire was completed by 20 members of the population and an assessment of child-respondents, was undertaken. This data, complemented the literature study which was undertaken and brought information to the foreground which established the contents of the parenting program. The research question could therefore be answered. A child assessment was undertaken with the children of the parents who would attend the workshop during phase 2, in order to explore the children’s experience of their living environment. The quantitative approach was used in phase 2 as the single system design. The following research hypothesis was formulated for this phase: If parents and their pre-school children attend a parenting program after a divorce, a significant change in their sosio-emotional functioning should realise. Four workshops were implemented, in the following way: Theoretical workshops for the custodial and non-custodial parent respectively and practical workshops for the custodial parent and child and the non-custodial parent and child respectively. A quantitative questionnaire was completed prior to the workshops and thereafter by the 5 family systems involved. This instrument of measurement confirmed the hypotheses. A comparison was done between the literature and the empirical data. Conclusions and recommendations for future research were formulated, as a result of the research study. / Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted Read more
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Faktore wat die dissiplinering van kleuters tydens die egskeidingsproses beїnvloed (Afrikaans)Van Schalkwyk, Ilana 05 November 2007 (has links)
This research study focused on the factors that influence the disciplining of pre-school children during the divorce process. Divorce is an escalating phenomenon and more pre-school children are being exposed to divorce. A pre-school child’s development limits his abstract thinking processes which keep him to fully comprehending concepts like divorce. The verbal capacity of pre-school children is still limited and therefore they are not always able to communicate what they experience and observe. They are also not always able to express their emotions. The pre-school child communicates through behaviour and play. Divorce is not only the legal termination of the marriage for adults, but in fact entails more responsibilities, challenges, losses and adaptations. More pressure is placed on the parents and they tend to be emotional overwhelmed, physical exhausted and emotionally drained. This causes that the parents to not see their way open to care for and especially discipline their pre-school child. Discipline in general is left aside and is not followed through consistently. The purpose of this study is of ‘n explorative nature. It aims to explore the factors that have an impact on the disciplining of the pre-school child, prior to, during and after the divorce process. A quantitative research approach has been followed with this study and a questionnaire has been used for gathering information. A non-probability sampling method was used and the respondents were selected through a purposive sample. The respondents were selected from the Pretoria East region. The organisations that assisted the researcher in selecting the respondents were the Counselling centre of the Dutch Reformed Church of Moreletapark and the Child Trauma Clinic. For this study 19 respondents were selected. The questionnaires was given out by hand and collected by hand. The children of the respondents who participated in the study were all pre-school children when going through the divorce. It has been concluded from this study that the factors impacting the discipline of pre-school children during the divorce process, is of an emotional nature. A factor that played an important role in the disciplining of pre-school children is the guilt feelings that the respondents experienced for exposing their children to a divorce. Physical tiredness, emotional exhaustion, conflict between parents during and after the divorce and the number of times that one of the parents leaved the house, are factors that according to the respondents, influenced the disciplining of their pre-school children. / Dissertation (MSD (Play Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / MSD / unrestricted Read more
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