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Adam Abell's 'The Roit or Quheill of Tyme' : an editionThorson, Stephanie Malone January 1998 (has links)
This thesis presents an edition of the complete text of The Roit or Quheill of Tyme a chronicle composed in Scots by the Scottish Franciscan friar Adam Abell during the 1530s. An example of the mediaeval genre of "universal" chronicle, it opens with a retelling of the creation story of Genesis and continues its narrative through biblical, classical Greek and Roman, mediaeval Scottish and European history. The main body of the chronicle ends in 1533, but Abell later added a continuation which follows events to 1537. The edition is based on the unique manuscript preserved in the National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh, NLS MS 1746. An introduction which places the chronicle within not only its social and cultural context in late mediaeval Scotland, but also the contexts of Scottish and international mediaeval historiography, is included. A glossary has also been appended to provide guidance with vocabulary. The Roit or Quheill of TyLne, which has never before been edited in full, is significant for a number of reasons. It is the last surviving Scottish chronicle composed before the Reformation, and provides an eyewitness narrative of the reigns of James III, James IV and James V. Furthermore, it is one of the very few examples of Franciscan secular historical writing which survive from mediaeval Europe, and is therefore an international rarity. Although much about Abell himself is obscure, the variety of materials quoted within the chronicle and his awareness of contemporary events provide insights into the education of, and resources available to, an ordinary Scottish religious in the early sixteenth century.
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Magellan/M2FS Spectroscopy of Galaxy Clusters: Stellar Population Model and Application to Abell 267Tucker, Evan, Walker, Matthew G., Mateo, Mario, Olszewski, Edward W., Bailey, John I., Crane, Jeffrey D., Shectman, Stephen A. 29 August 2017 (has links)
We report the results of a pilot program to use the Magellan/M2FS spectrograph to survey the galactic populations and internal kinematics of galaxy clusters. For this initial study, we present spectroscopic measurements for 223 quiescent galaxies observed along the line of sight of the galaxy cluster Abell 267 (z similar to 0.23). We develop a Bayesian method for modeling the integrated light from each galaxy as a simple stellar population, with free parameters that specify the redshift (v(los)/c) and characteristic age, metallicity ([Fe/H]), alpha-abundance ([alpha/Fe]), and internal velocity dispersion (sigma(int)) for individual galaxies. Parameter estimates derived from our 1.5 hr observation of A267 have median random errors of sigma(vlos) = 20 km s(-1), sigma(Age) = 1.2 Gyr, sigma([Fe/H]) = 0.11 dex, sigma([alpha/Fe]) = 0.07 dex, and sigma(sigma int) = 20 km s(-1). In a companion paper, we use these results to model the structure and internal kinematics of A267.
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We present a range of steady-state photoionization simulations, corresponding to different assumed shell geometries and compositions, of the unseen postulated rapidly expanding outer shell to the Crab Nebula. The properties of the shell are constrained by the mass that must lie within it, and by limits to the intensities of hydrogen recombination lines. In all cases the photoionization models predict very strong emission from high ionization lines that will not be emitted by the Crab’s filaments, alleviating problems with detecting these lines in the presence of light scattered from brighter parts of the Crab. The NIR [Ne VI] λ 7.652 mm line is a particularly good case; it should be dramatically brighter than the optical lines commonly used in searches. The C IV λ1549Å doublet is predicted to be the strongest absorption line from the shell, which is in agreement with HST observations. We show that the cooling timescale for the outer shell is much longer than the age of the Crab, due to the low density. This means that the temperature of the shell will actually “remember” its initial conditions. However, the recombination time is much shorter than the age of the Crab, so the predicted level of ionization should approximate the real ionization. In any case, it is clear that IR observations present the best opportunity to detect the outer shell and so guide future models that will constrain early events in the original explosion.
Infrared observations have discovered a variety of objects, including filaments in the Crab Nebula and cool-core clusters of galaxies, where the H2 1-0 S(1) line is stronger than the infrared H I lines. A variety of processes could be responsible for this emission. Although many complete shock or PDR calculations of H2 emission have been published, we know of no previous simple calculation that shows the emission spectrum and level populations of thermally excited low-density H2. We present a range of purely thermal collisional simulations, corresponding to constant gas kinetic temperature at different densities. We consider the cases where the collisions affecting H2 are predominantly with atomic or molecular hydrogen. The resulting level population (often called “excitation”) diagrams show that excitation temperatures are sometimes lower than the gas kinetic temperature when the density is too low for the level populations to go to LTE. The atomic case goes to LTE at much lower densities than the molecular case due to larger collision rates. At low densities for the v=1 and 2 vibrational manifolds level populations are quasi-thermal, which could be misinterpreted as showing the gas is in LTE at high density. At low densities for the molecular case the level population diagrams are discontinuous between v=0 and 1 vibrational manifolds and between v=2, J=0, 1 and other higher J levels within the same vibrational manifold. These jumps could be used as density diagnostics. We show how much the H2 mass would be underestimated using the H2 1-0 S(1) line strength if the density is below that required for LTE. We give diagnostic diagrams showing level populations over a range of density and temperature. The density where the level populations are given by a Boltzmann distribution relative to the total molecular abundance (required to get the correct H2 mass), is shown for various cases. We discuss the implications of these results for the interpretation of H2 observations of the Crab Nebula and filaments in cool-core clusters of galaxies.
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The extraordinary amount of substructure in the Hubble Frontier Fields cluster Abell 2744Jauzac, M., Eckert, D., Schwinn, J., Harvey, D., Baugh, C. M., Robertson, A., Bose, S., Massey, R., Owers, M., Ebeling, H., Shan, H. Y., Jullo, E., Kneib, J.-P., Richard, J., Atek, H., Clément, B., Egami, E., Israel, H., Knowles, K., Limousin, M., Natarajan, P., Rexroth, M., Taylor, P., Tchernin, C. 21 December 2016 (has links)
We present a joint optical/X-ray analysis of the massive galaxy cluster Abell 2744 (z = 0.308). Our strong- and weak-lensing analysis within the central region of the cluster, i.e. at R < 1 Mpc from the brightest cluster galaxy, reveals eight substructures, including the main core. All of these dark matter haloes are detected with a significance of at least 5 sigma and feature masses ranging from 0.5 to 1.4 x 10(14) M-circle dot within R < 150 kpc. Merten et al. and Medezinski et al. substructures are also detected by us. We measure a slightly higher mass for the main core component than reported previously and attribute the discrepancy to the inclusion of our tightly constrained strong-lensing mass model built on Hubble Frontier Fields data. X-ray data obtained by XMM-Newton reveal four remnant cores, one of them a new detection, and three shocks. Unlike Merten et al., we find all cores to have both dark and luminous counterparts. A comparison with clusters of similar mass in the Millennium XXL simulations yields no objects with as many massive substructures as observed in Abell 2744, confirming that Abell 2744 is an extreme system. We stress that these properties still do not constitute a challenge to Lambda cold dark matter, as caveats apply to both the simulation and the observations: for instance, the projected mass measurements from gravitational lensing and the limited resolution of the subhaloes finders. We discuss implications of Abell 2744 for the plausibility of different dark matter candidates and, finally, measure a new upper limit on the self-interaction cross-section of dark matter of sigma(DM) < 1.28 cm(2) g(-1) (68 per cent CL), in good agreement with previous results from Harvey et al.
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Etude d'Amas de Galaxies observés avec le satellite ROSATPislar, Vincent 16 December 1998 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail est composé de deux parties.<br /><br />La première partie concerne l' étude de l'amas de galaxies Abell 85 en utilisant les données en rayons X du satellite ROSAT ainsi que des données optiques et radio. Plusieurs méthodes d'analyse ont été appliquées aux données. Nous avons ainsi pu étudier des régions particulières de l'amas comme la partie centrale, siège des courants de refroidissement ou la région de la radiosource 0038-096 où la mesure des flux X et radio a permis d'obtenir la valeur du champ magnétique.<br /><br />Une seconde partie du travail a consisté à étudier les <br />caractéristiques des courants de refroidissement ainsi que la masse de gaz et de matière noire dans 11 amas de galaxies, grâce à un programme conçu pour ajuster les données de ROSAT. Nous avons également obtenu la fraction de baryons de ces amas et discuté les conséquences cosmologiques des valeurs obtenues.
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A Study of the Cause of Failure of Rotationally Molded, High-Density Polyethylene, Sodium Hypochlorite Storage TanksAbell, Dixon Harold 17 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The topic of chemical oxidative degradation in rotational molded polyethylene (high-density cross-linked) chemical (sodium hypochlorite) storage tanks is an industry problem that ranks at the top of current business issues for manufacturers of chemical storage tanks. The degradation of these tanks not only compromises the physical and mechanical properties of the tank material, but reduces the life expectancy of the tank, eventually resulting in catastrophic tank failure. Premature tank failure comes at a hefty cost. The reputation of the manufacturer is questioned often resulting in immediate loss of customer satisfaction and future business. The leaking of the chemical from the failed tank serves as a liable environmental hazard that jeopardizes the safety and welfare of its surroundings – people and environment. And the associated manufacturer of the failed tank is almost certainly responsible for the repair or replacement of the tank. All these associated problems and many more related to chemical tank failure cost this relatively small industry millions of dollars annually. The need to determine the failure mechanisms of these tanks is critically important. Such an understanding will provide industry with useful knowledge that will open the door for improvements in tank performance. There is no question that a deeper understanding of failure mechanisms will improve a tank manufacturer's reputation, increase business sales, and assure environmental safety. The addition of this knowledge will also instill consumer confidence in an industry that is considered to lack refined manufacturing processes and proven quality controls. Such advancements are keys to making rotational molding a cutting-edge, technology-driven process that prepares industry for future growth and development. The purpose of this research is to provide tested empirical data and proven expert analysis that can be utilized by companies in understanding the failure mechanisms of these tanks. The information regarding this topic was collected from various tank samples taken from Poly Processing, a leading manufacturer of rotationally molded polyethylene chemical storage tanks and producer of the examined samples, and Odyssey Manufacturing, a manufacturer of bulk sodium hypochlorite and the end user of the examined samples. In the final chapter of this research, a summary is presented of the important findings regarding the purpose of the thesis study.
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The Legacy of 48 Abell: Tales From A Gentrifying NeighbourhoodVan Eyk, Michelle January 2010 (has links)
Constructed in 1886 by Mr. John Abell, the former engine and machine works factory at 48 Abell Street is located near Queen and Dufferin Streets in Toronto, Ontario. This 100,000 square foot heavy timber and red brick building has housed approximately 80 live/work studios since the 1980’s. Recently, rapid gentrification and intensive development proposals in the West Queen West neighbourhood have threatened its existence as an authentic artistic incubator.
In a series of chronicles, this thesis documents the history of John Abell and the neighbourhood surrounding his former factory from the late 19th century to present day. Woven into this narrative are the author’s own stories of living in a loft at 48 Abell Street, observing the transformation of the neighbourhood and responding to potential eviction from her home. When the community rallies to the building’s defense, 48 Abell becomes the central figure in a battle over land development with the City and real estate developers in which the key issue is the cultural value of heritage buildings and protection of live/work spaces.
Research in the form of mapping and data collection shows the concentration of the arts in the area known as the Queen West Triangle has been a catalyst for gentrification. The resulting displacement of arts production space and low-income residents due to escalating land values is an unintended and sobering reality challenging the current orthodoxy of ‘creative city’ movements in North America.
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The Legacy of 48 Abell: Tales From A Gentrifying NeighbourhoodVan Eyk, Michelle January 2010 (has links)
Constructed in 1886 by Mr. John Abell, the former engine and machine works factory at 48 Abell Street is located near Queen and Dufferin Streets in Toronto, Ontario. This 100,000 square foot heavy timber and red brick building has housed approximately 80 live/work studios since the 1980’s. Recently, rapid gentrification and intensive development proposals in the West Queen West neighbourhood have threatened its existence as an authentic artistic incubator.
In a series of chronicles, this thesis documents the history of John Abell and the neighbourhood surrounding his former factory from the late 19th century to present day. Woven into this narrative are the author’s own stories of living in a loft at 48 Abell Street, observing the transformation of the neighbourhood and responding to potential eviction from her home. When the community rallies to the building’s defense, 48 Abell becomes the central figure in a battle over land development with the City and real estate developers in which the key issue is the cultural value of heritage buildings and protection of live/work spaces.
Research in the form of mapping and data collection shows the concentration of the arts in the area known as the Queen West Triangle has been a catalyst for gentrification. The resulting displacement of arts production space and low-income residents due to escalating land values is an unintended and sobering reality challenging the current orthodoxy of ‘creative city’ movements in North America.
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Peripheral Visions: Spanish Women's Poetry of the 1980s and 1990sMuñoz, Tracy Manning 21 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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A multi-wavelength study of a sample of galaxy clusters / Susan WilsonWilson, Susan January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation we aim to perform a multi-wavelength analysis of galaxy clusters. We discuss
various methods for clustering in order to determine physical parameters of galaxy clusters
required for this type of study. A selection of galaxy clusters was chosen from 4 papers, (Popesso
et al. 2007b, Yoon et al. 2008, Loubser et al. 2008, Brownstein & Mo at 2006) and restricted
by redshift and galactic latitude to reveal a sample of 40 galaxy clusters with 0.0 < z < 0.15.
Data mining using Virtual Observatory (VO) and a literature survey provided some background
information about each of the galaxy clusters in our sample with respect to optical, radio and
X-ray data. Using the Kayes Mixture Model (KMM) and the Gaussian Mixing Model (GMM),
we determine the most likely cluster member candidates for each source in our sample. We compare
the results obtained to SIMBADs method of hierarchy. We show that the GMM provides
a very robust method to determine member candidates but in order to ensure that the right
candidates are chosen we apply a select choice of outlier tests to our sources. We determine
a method based on a combination of GMM, the QQ Plot and the Rosner test that provides a
robust and consistent method for determining galaxy cluster members. Comparison between
calculated physical parameters; velocity dispersion, radius, mass and temperature, and values
obtained from literature show that for the majority of our galaxy clusters agree within 3 range.
Inconsistencies are thought to be due to dynamically active clusters that have substructure or
are undergoing mergers, making galaxy member identi cation di cult. Six correlations between
di erent physical parameters in the optical and X-ray wavelength were consistent with
published results. Comparing the velocity dispersion with the X-ray temperature, we found a
relation of T0:43 as compared to T0:5 obtained from Bird et al. (1995). X-ray luminosity
temperature and X-ray luminosity velocity dispersion relations gave the results LX T2:44
and LX 2:40 which lie within the uncertainty of results given by Rozgacheva & Kuvshinova
(2010). These results all suggest that our method for determining galaxy cluster members is
e cient and application to higher redshift sources can be considered. Further studies on galaxy
clusters with substructure must be performed in order to improve this method. In future work,
the physical parameters obtained here will be further compared to X-ray and radio properties
in order to determine a link between bent radio sources and the galaxy cluster environment. / MSc (Space Physics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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