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Avaliação dos parâmetros de soldagem na resistência ao desgaste abrasivo de revestimentos duros / Evaluation of the welding variables on the abrasion resistance of hardfacingsMarcia Fernanda Martins Dias 11 November 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise das condições de soldagem sobre o desgaste abrasivo de um revestimento duro. O revestimento foi feito pela deposição metálica por arco submerso variando os parâmetros de soldagem e utilizando fluxos comerciais. Foram utilizados dois conjuntos de parâmetros de soldagem (conjunto 01 com velocidade de soldagem de 55 cm/min, extensão do eletrodo de 35,0 mm, tensão de 30V, corrente de 450A e o conjunto 02 com velocidade de soldagem de 50 cm/min, extensão do eletrodo de 25,5 mm, tensão do arco de 26V e corrente de 440A) e quatro fluxos comerciais (identificados como E, M, L e R) formando assim oito condições de soldagem. Foram feitas duas camadas com três cordões de solda cada sobre uma chapa base de aço SAE 1020. Corrente contínua com polaridade direta (CC-) foi utilizada em ambas condições. A resistência ao desgaste abrasivo a baixa-tensão foi avaliada pelo ensaio de desgaste do tipo Roda de borracha/areia seca conforme a norma ASTM G65-94. A análise microestrutural foi feita por microscopia óptica e a análise da região desgastada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A resistência ao desgaste abrasivo dos revestimentos do conjunto 01 foi superior em comparação com os revestimentos do conjunto 02, para todos os fluxos utilizados. Os fluxos E e R proporcionaram os melhores desempenho e a martensita de agulhas foi a microestrutura com a qual foram obtidos os melhores resultados de desgaste abrasivo a baixa-tensão neste estudo realizado. / This work presents an analysis of the welding conditions and its effects in the abrasive wear of hardfacings. The hardfacings were obtained by submerged arc surfacing. The welding variables were changed and the commercials fluxes were used. Two groups of welding variables were used (group 01: a traveI speed of 55 cm/min, an electrode extension of 35,0 mm, a voltage of 30V and an amperage of 450A; group 02: a traveI speed of 50 cm/min, an electrode extension of 25,0 mm, a voltage of 26V and an amperage of 440A) and four commercials fluxes (E, M, L e R designated) establishing eight welding conditions. Double-Iayered ot three beads were deposited (applied) on a SAE 1020 base metal plate. Direct current electrode negative polarity (CC-) were used in both groups of welding. The low stress abrasion resistance evaluation was carried out by dry sand/rubber wheel apparatus according to the ASTM G65-94. The microstructural analysis were done by optical microscopy and the worn surface analysis were done by scanning electronic microscopy. The abrasion resistance of the group 01 was superior as compared to the group 02, independent of the fluxe was used. The fluxes E and R presented the best results and the befter abrasion resistant microstructure was lath martensite.
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Caracterização do desgaste em punção de forjamento a quente em prensa horizontal automática de múltiplos estágios. / Characterization of hot forging punch wear used in multi-stage mechanical horizontal automatic press.Pereira, Marcio Henrique 10 April 2017 (has links)
Concebido há milhares de anos, o forjamento passa por melhorias contínuas, mantendo-se como um processo de fabricação moderno, capaz de agregar características importantes a produtos forjados que são utilizados em inúmeras aplicações. Na indústria automobilística, responsável pelo consumo de cerca de 60% de todos os produtos forjados, o forjamento mostrou-se como um processo de conformação plástica eficaz no atendimento das especificações de resistência mecânica e nos quesitos de produtividade. Esta demanda por produtos forjados estimulou a busca por processos mais robustos, nos quais as ferramentas de forjamento possuem papel fundamental para possibilitar a produção de lotes maiores sem paradas de máquina devido a falhas. Cerca de 70% das falhas estão relacionadas ao desgaste das ferramentas. Este trabalho buscou identificar no ambiente industrial, os modos de desgaste responsáveis pela degradação da superfície de contato de um punção, fabricado em aço H-10. Um conjunto de punções foi utilizado no forjamento a quente em prensa mecânica excêntrica horizontal e automática de múltiplos estágios, que utiliza água na refrigeração das ferramentas, durante a fabricação de porcas de roda, em aço SAE 1045. Os resultados obtidos basearam-se: (i) nas análises da superfície e da seção transversal de seis punções em microscópio eletrônico de varredura, (ii) na análise da nanodureza e (iii) na variação dimensional e da massa dos punções. Os resultados apontaram para o desgaste da superfície dos punções logo nas primeiras peças forjadas devido à transferência de óxidos do blank para a superfície da ferramenta. Nesta camada transferida para a superfície dos punções, foram encontrados danos causados pelo desgaste abrasivo e pela fadiga térmica. / Since the initial development, thousands of years ago, forging has faced continuous improvements, remaining as a modern manufacturing process, capable of adding important characteristics to forged products that are used in numerous applications. In the automotive industry, responsible for the consumption of approximately 60% of all forged products, the forging has proved to be an effective metal forming process in terms of mechanical strength specifications and productivity requirements. This demand for forged parts has stimulated the search for more robust processes in which the forging tool has a fundamental role to enable the production of larger batches without downtime due to failures. Approximately 70% of these failures are related to tool wear. This work aimed identifying, in an industrial environmental, the wear modes responsible for the degradation of the contact surface of a punch, made of H-10 steel. A series of punches was used for hot forging in a horizontal and automatic multi-stage eccentric mechanical press which uses water for tool cooling, during the manufacture of wheel nuts, made of SAE 1045 steel. Results were based: (i) on the analysis of the surface and cross section of six punches in a scanning electronic microscope, (ii) on nanohardness analyses and (iii) as well as on mass and dimensional variations. Results pointed to the punch wear in the first forged pieces, due to oxides transferring from blank to the punch surface. On this transferred layer to punch surface, have also found damage caused by abrasive wear and thermal fatigue.
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Estudo da influência do tratamento térmico de austenitização seguida de resfriamento ao ar forçado na resistência ao desgaste abrasivo do ferro fundido branco ASTM A532 II DSilva, Joélson Vieira da January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é realizar um estudo sobre o desgaste abrasivo do ferro fundido branco alto cromo de acordo com a norma ASTM A532 II D, submetidas à diferentes faixas de temperatura de austenitização, decompondo a faixa de 950 a 1.150 ºC, amplamente usada nas fundições, em intervalos de 50 ºC. Esta liga foi escolhida para estudo em virtude de sua extensa aplicação na indústria de mineração, possuindo como principal característica a utilização em revestimentos de moinhos e martelos de britadores, onde a resistência ao desgaste abrasivo é exigida. Os corpos de prova foram caracterizados através de análise química, dureza, e estrutura metalográfica, avaliando as mudanças na microestrutura, e consequentemente, alterações nas propriedades de resistência ao desgaste abrasivo do material. Na avaliação das amostras, foi utilizada a microscopia ótica e, para simular a condição de desgaste abrasivo, determinando a perda de massa, foi empregando o abrasômetro do tipo roda de borracha, seguindo a norma ASTM G65. Os testes práticos demostraram que o ciclo de temperatura é uma etapa importante na determinação da dureza, que por sua vez, é uma característica fundamental à resistência ao desgaste abrasivo, visto que para o material estudado, quanto maior a dureza, maior foi a resistência ao desgaste abrasivo. / The objective of this research is to perform a study on the abrasive wear of high chromium white cast iron according to ASTM A532 II D, submitted to different austenitizing temperatures, in the range of 950 to 1150 ºC with 50 ºC steps, widely used in foundries. This alloy was chosen for study because of its extensive application in the mining industry, having as main characteristic the use in mill and hammer coatings of crushers where abrasive wear resistance is required. The specimens were characterized by chemical analysis, hardness, and metallographic analysis, evaluating the changes in the microstructure, and consequently changes in the abrasive wear properties of the material. In the evaluation of the samples, optical microscopy was used and, to simulate the abrasive wear condition, determining the mass loss, the rubber wheel type abrasive test was used, following the ASTM G65 standard. The practical tests demonstrated that the temperature cycle is an important step in determining the hardness, which in turn is a fundamental characteristic to the abrasive wear resistance, since for the material studied, the higher the hardness, the higher the resistance to abrasive wear.
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Estudo do desgaste abrasivo e propriedades mecânicas de um aço Hardox 500 soldado por MAG convencionalPontel, Henrique Ferreira January 2016 (has links)
Os aços Hardox possuem microestrutura de martensita revenida e são caracterizados pelas elevadas dureza e resistência à tração, sendo empregados em situações que requerem alta resistência ao desgaste. Entretanto, os processos de soldagem alteram significativamente a sua microestrutura e propriedades. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resistência ao desgaste de juntas soldadas de um aço Hardox 500 produzidas através do processo MAG convencional e, juntamente, com o Hardox sem soldagem (metal base), para comparação. A soldagem ocorreu utilizando dois consumíveis, um recomendado pela empresa fabricante do aço, o AWS ER80S-G, e outro de maior resistência mecânica, o consumível AWS ER120SG. As propriedades mecânicas das juntas soldadas foram avaliadas através de perfis de microdureza, ensaios de tração e dobramento. Ainda, foi realizada uma análise da superfície de fratura dos corpos de prova do ensaio de tração, em microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Foram executados ensaios de desgaste por um abrasômetro do tipo roda de borracha. Análises através de microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura foram utilizadas para verificar os mecanismos de desgaste nas superfícies submetidas à abrasão Nos ensaios de dobramento, constatou-se que a condição soldada com o arame de menor resistência apresentou maior ductilidade. Verificou-se, também, que com a soldagem houve uma diminuição da resistência mecânica das juntas em comparação ao metal sem soldagem. Em relação aos ensaios de desgaste, com o uso do arame de maior resistência foi atingido um melhor desempenho no desgaste abrasivo em comparação ao de menor resistência, pois as taxas de desgaste foram de 0,058 e 0,083 mm³/m, respectivamente, mas o comportamento foi ainda inferior ao exibido pelo aço Hardox 500 sem soldagem, que apresentou uma taxa de desgaste de 0,031 mm³/m. Constatou-se, também, que os mecanismos de desgaste foram dúcteis em todas as condições estudadas, pois as superfícies desgastadas mostravam predominantemente micro sulcamento e regiões com micro fadiga; essa última parece ter aumentado de tamanho à medida que a dureza do material testado aumentava. / The Hardox steels have a martensite microstructure and are characterized by high hardness and tensile strength. This steel has been used in situations that require high resistance to wear. However, the welding processes significantly alter their microstructures and properties. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the wear resistance of welded joints of Hardox 500 steel produced by the conventional MAG process and with Hardox without welding (base metal), for comparison. The welding took place using two consumables, one recommended by the steel manufacturer, the AWS ER80S-G and another with higher resistance, the consumable AWS ER120S-G. The mechanical properties of welded joints were evaluated through micro hardness profiles, tensile and bending tests. In addition an analysis of the fracture surface of the tensile test specimen was carried out by scanning electron microscopy. Wear tests were performed by a rubber wheel type abrasometer. Analyses by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to verify the mechanisms of wear on surfaces subjected to abrasion In the bending tests, it was verified that the welded condition with the filler metal of lower resistance presented greater ductility. It was also verified that with the welding, there was a decrease in the mechanical strength of the joints in comparison with the base metal. In relation to the wear tests, with the use of the higher strength wire, a better performance was obtained when compared to the lower one, since the wear rates were 0.058 and 0.083 mm³/m respectively, but the behavior was lower in the Hardox 500 steel without welding, which presented a wear rate of 0.031 mm³/m. It was also observed that the wear mechanisms were ductile in all the studied conditions, since the worn surfaces showed predominantly micro plowing and regions with micro fatigue, the latter seem to have increased in size as the hardness of the tested material increased.
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Influência do metal de adição na resistência ao desgaste abrasivo de dois aços estruturaisGiarollo, Daniela Fátima January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar ensaios de desgaste abrasivo em juntas soldadas pelo processo MAG, em dois aços estruturais de alta resistência e baixa liga utilizados no transporte ferroviário de minério, os quais apresentavam diferentes propriedades mecânicas. No aço de menor resistência (Aço A) foram utilizados os metais de adição AWS ER70S-G (Aço A-70) e AWS ER80S-G (Aço A-80), enquanto no aço de maior resistência (Aço B) os metais de adição AWS ER80S-G (Aço B-80) e AWS ER110S-G (Aço B-110). Os conjuntos soldados foram caracterizados quanto às suas microestruturas, dureza e resistência ao desgaste abrasivo em ensaios de degaste roda de borracha e ensaios de desgaste por deslizamento a seco e com adição de um meio corrosivo (NaCl 0,05M, água arti cial ). Os resultados obtidos a partir dos ensaios de desgaste roda de borracha mostraram que para o Aço A a junta soldada do Aço A-70 apresentou melhor resistência ao desgaste, enquanto para o Aço B a maior resistência ao desgaste foi obtida na junta soldada Aço B-110. Dos resultados dos ensaios de desgaste por deslizamento a seco, as zona afetada pelo calor de grãos grosseiros (ZAC-GG) foram as regiões que apresentaram a maior resistência ao desgaste. Das condições soldadas no Aço A, o metal base (MB) apresentou a menor resistência ao desgaste, entre os metais de solda (MS), o MS do Aço A-80 apresentou a maior resistência ao desgaste. No Aço B, o MS do Aço B-80 apresentou a menor resistência ao desgaste, e o MS do Aço B-110 apresentou a resistência ao desgaste similar ao MB. Foi observado um maior desgaste para as amostras que foram submetidas ao ensaio de desgaste por deslizamento com solução, comparativamente às amostras submetidas aos ensaios a seco, o que, de acordo com a literatura, está associado ao efeito sinérgico entre corrosão e desgaste. / The present work had the objective perform abrasive wear tests on GMA welded joints in two high strength low alloy structural steels used in rail transport of ore, which presented di erent mechanical properties. The AWS ER70S-G and AWS ER80S-G wires were used in the lower strength steel (Steel A), whereas the AWS ER80S-G and AWS ER110S-G wires were used in the higher strength steel (Steel B). The welded joints were characterized in terms of their microstructures, hardness and abrasive wear resistance in dry sand/rubber wheel tests and sliding wear tests dry and with a corrosive medium (0.05M NaCl, arti cial water ). The results obtained from the dry sand/rubber wheel tests showed that for Steel A the welded joint with the wire AWS ER70S-G showed better wear resistance, while for Steel B the highest wear resistance was obtained with the AWS ER110S-G wire. From the results of dry sliding wear tests, the coarse grained heat a ected zone were the regions that presented the highest wear resistance. In Steel A, the base metal (BM) showed the least resistance, and between the weld metals (WM), the WM Steel A-80 showed the highest wear resistance. In Steel B, WM Steels B-80 showed the least wear resistance, while the WM Steels B-110 showed the wear resistance similar to BM. It was observed a higher wear for the samples that were submitted to the sliding wear test with solution, compared to the samples submitted to the dry wear test, which, according to the literature, is associated with the synergic e ect between corrosion and wear.
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Investigation on the processing of wheat bran and condensed distillers solubles as animal feed2012 July 1900 (has links)
Owing to the increasing demand for alternative fuel additives, the Canadian ethanol industry has grown tremendously. In Western Canada, wheat has been the dominant feedstock for ethanol production because of steadily increasing domestic production and higher ethanol yields. Low protein and high starch wheat varieties have further increased the potential of grain-based ethanol production. As a consequence, the increased ethanol production has demonstrated an exponential increase in the availability of its co-products. Depending on the processes used, several co-products are produced, such as bran, condensed distillers solubles (CDS), and distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). Wheat bran is obtained as the co-product when debranning is incorporated in ethanol production.
Debranning of wheat feedstock may be integrated into the ethanol production process to improve ethanol quality and yield. Debranning follows the principles of abrasion and friction. It improves the starch content of the feedstock and the fermentation efficiency of the ethanol plants. Several abrasive equipment that generate products having good quality and desirable ethanol yield are being used commercially. Among these, the Satake mill and the tangential abrasive dehulling device (TADD) are prominent, having high debranning efficiency, levels of sanitation, and improved production rates. In this thesis, the laboratory debranning process using these two equipment was optimized by varying the process variables in order to improve the ethanol production process. In the Satake mill, the sample size (30 and 200 g), rotational speed (1215, 1412, and 1515 rpm), grit size (30, 36, and 40), and retention time (30, 60, and 90 s) were varied. In the TADD mill, the sample size (30 and 200 g), grit size (30, 36, 50, and 80), and retention time (120, 180, 240, and 300 s) were varied while maintaining a constant rotational speed of 900 rpm. The experimental results indicated that in the Satake mill, 200 g sample size, 1515 rpm rotational speed, 30 grit size, and 60 s retention time provided optimal debranning and starch separation efficiency. For the TADD mill, 200 g sample size, 900 rpm rotational speed, 50 grit size, and 240 s retention time provided optimal results.
Increased availability of ethanol co-products from the pretreatments and other processes brings forth the need for broadening the areas of application of these co-products. Among the various applications, the usage of the co-products as animal feed is predominant. Ethanol co-products have been traditionally incorporated as ingredients for animal feed. This thesis is aimed at combining the wheat bran and CDS in varying proportions (70:30, 80:20, and 90:10) and producing high quality animal feed pellets. Laboratory-scale pelleting was done at varying pelleting temperatures, 60, 75, and 90°C, to optimize the pelleting process. The results of laboratory-scale single pelleting indicated that 90:10 bran-CDS ratio and 90°C pelleting temperature produced pellets having good physical properties. Pilot-scale pelleting was done to verify the optimized variables, and to produce dimensionally stable and highly durable feed pellets. The results showed that 70:30 bran-CDS mixture produced pellets with high nutrient content and physical properties (760.88±2.04 kg/m3 bulk density and 97.79±0.76% durability). Similar to the single pelleting results, high pelleting temperatures (75°C) produced pellets with desirable physical properties. However, on cooling, the bulk density and durability change was the highest for 70:30 bran-CDS pellets, indicating an improvement in the physical characteristics. In conclusion, the bran and CDS, the two co-products of the ethanol industry, could be combined to produce feed pellets having good physical and nutritional properties.
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Effects of Electro-chemical Buffing parameters on the Surface Roughness of 304 stainless steelLi, Cheng-yu 04 September 2012 (has links)
A novel mirror finishing method using a conductive polymer as the tool electrode is presented. It has been known that the conductive polymers have many advantages, such as to conduct a micro-current, to be easily processed into various shapes, to hold abrasives, and to have an excellent wear resistance. The effects of particle size, machining time, concentration of electrolyte, working current, and load on the surface roughness and the removal depth of SUS-304 stainless steel are investigated.When the operative parameters are set for the particle size of 3 £gm, the concentration of electrolyte of 10 wt%, the working current ranged from 10 to 20 mA, and the load of 10 N, the surface roughness Rmax, which originally is 1.4 £gm, can be reduced to 0.17~0.24 £gm after the machining time of 3 min. The surface roughness Ra can be achieved to 7.897 nm under the optimal condition. In addition, experimental results show that there is an optimal region of the working current at the concentration of electrolyte of 10 wt%. According to the surface profiles and SEM micrographs, three machining regions can be classified as (1) the mechanical polishing region, (2) the electro-chemical buffing (ECB) region, and (3) the excessive corrosion region. To achieve a high-quality mirror-like surface, the machining region must be operated at the ECB region.
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Production And Characterization Of Magnesium Oxychloride Cement Based Polishing Bricks For Polishing Of Ceramic TilesOzer, Muhammed Said 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Magnesium oxychloride cement (MOC) based grinding and polishing bricks developed for polishing of granite based ceramic tiles were produced and characterized. For surface grinding 46 and 180 grit size SiO2 powder embedded MOC based abrasive bricks / for polishing 600 and 1200 grit size SiC powder embedded MOC based abrasive bricks followed by neat (unreinforced) MOC pastes were applied on ceramic tiles.
Three different neat MOC pastes depending on MgO/MgCl2 molar ratio in the paste e.g. 6/1, 7/1, and 8/1, were formed and evaluated. Grinding bricks were formed by adding 30 weight percentage, wt%, of both SiO2 powders. Polishing bricks were formed by adding 20, 25, and 30 wt% of both SiC powders. X-Ray diffraction analyses revealed that MOC F5 was the main crystalline phase in the neat MOC pastes.
Additions of both SiO2 and SiC powders enhanced mechanical properties namely / compressive strength and abrasion resistance, chemical durability in water and polishing ability of MOC paste. More than 25 wt% addition of SiC powders had a tendency to decrease the compressive strength and water resistance of MOC paste. Polishing performance of abrasive bricks was evaluated in terms of mean surface roughness of ceramic tiles and abrasive brick consumption upon polishing. Scanning Electron Microscope examinations revealed the evidences of the reasons that 25 wt% SiC powder embedded abrasive bricks has the best qualifications in terms of abrasion resistance and polishing performance.
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Process optimization and consumable development for Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) processesMudhivarthi, Subrahmanya R 01 June 2007 (has links)
Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) is one of the most critical processing steps that enables fabrication of multilevel interconnects. The success of CMP process is limited by the implementation of an optimized process and reduction of process generated defects along with post CMP surface characteristics such as dishing and erosion. This thesis investigates to identify various sources of defects and studies the effect of factors that can be used to optimize the process. The major contributions of this work are: Understanding the effect of temperature rise on surface tribology, electrochemistry and post CMP pattern effects during the CMP process; investigating the effect of pad conditioning temperature and slurry flow rate on tribology and post CMP characteristics; development of novel slurries using polymer hybrid particles and improvement in slurry metrology to reduce surface damage during CMP.
From the current research, it was shown that the effect of temperature on CMP tribology is predominantly affected by the polishing parameters and the polishing pad characteristics more than the chemical nature of the slurry. The effect of temperature is minimal on the resulting surface roughness but the with-in die non-uniformity is significantly affected by the temperature at the interface. Secondly, in this research it was shown that the effectiveness and aggressiveness of the pad conditioning process is highly influenced by the conditioning temperature. This aspect can be utilized to optimize the parameters for the pad conditioning process. Further, post CMP characteristics such as dishing, erosion and metal loss on patterned samples were shown to decrease with increase in slurry flow rate. This research then concentrates on the development of novel low defect slurry using polymer hybrid abrasive particles.
Several varieties of surface functionalized polymer particles were employed to make oxide CMP slurries. These novel slurries proved to be potential candidates to reduce surface damage during CMP as they resulted in low coefficient of friction and much less surface scratches as compared to conventional abrasives. Thus, this research helps to reduce defects and non-planarity issues during CMP process thereby improving yield and reducing the cost of ownership.
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Polimerinių medžiagų atsparumo abrazyviniam dilimui tyrimas / The Research on the Resistance of Polymeric Materials to Abrasive WearStakvilevičius, Darius 09 June 2006 (has links)
Mechanical properties of polymers are reviewed and the phenomenon of the abrasive wear is analyzed in the literary part. The researches of other authors on the abrasive wear and their results are surveyed. Laboratory equipment for carrying out the abrasive wear researches is introduced. Optimal mount of laboratory simulation for modeling polymeric material wear in the abrasive environment is chosen. The testing materials‘ properties are characterized. The results of researches on polymeric materials, used in enginery, on the wear in the abrasive environment are presented. The carried out research showed that wear results of the same materials under different testing conditions (“polymer-abrasive”, “polymer-steel disc” ASTM G176-03) the dependence of wear on hardness end on the coefficient of friction differs. That is influenced by the choice of polymeric materials. The scope of the work is 62 pages: 57 pictures, 1 table, 7 appendixes are included, 25 sources of literature were referred to in this work.
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