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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do efeito da força, do módulo de elasticidade e do envelhecimento termomecânico no desgaste abrasivo da borracha de polibutadieno baixo cis. / Study of the load, the modulus of elasticity and the thermomechanical aging effect on the abrasive wear of low cis-polybutadiene rubber.

Renata Prata Ferreira 22 May 2015 (has links)
Esta Dissertação de Mestrado tem como Objetivo estudar a influência da tangente delta, envelhecimento termomecânico e força no comportamento de uma borracha de polibutadieno baixo cis perante o desgaste abrasivo através de experimentos em roda de borracha, utilizando planejamento fatorial completo em dois níveis (DOE 2k). A literatura possui muitas informações em relação à força indicando uma relação exponencial com a taxa de desgaste, todavia em relação à tangente delta e ao envelhecimento termomecânico quase não há dados. Ao final do trabalho foi possível verificar que todos os fatores estudados são significativos com relação ao desgaste da borracha, sendo a força a variável com maior influência, seguida pelo envelhecimento. A histerese medida pela tangente delta, apesar de ser um fator importante, só exerce influência no desgaste quando a borracha se encontra no estado envelhecido. Além disto, este trabalho também apresenta informações complementares sobre propriedades que são características da borracha e pouco difundidos, como o smearing, características de ondas de abrasão (abrasion pattern), comprimento de onda (Schallamach wavelength) e ondas de destacamento (waves of detachment). / This goal of this Master thesis is the study the influence of loss factor, thermomechanical aging and applied load to the abrasion behavior of low cis polibutadiene rubber through rubber wheel testing machine experiments using 2k factorial experiment design in two levels (DOE 2k). The literature has many information involving action of force showing exponential relationship between wear rate with applied load, almost no data related to the influence of loss factor and the thermomechanical aging. It was observed that all the studied factors are significant to the wear of rubber, the force being the variable with the greatest influence, followed by aging. The loss factor, despite being an important factor, only influences the wear behavior of aged rubber. In addition, this work presents some information regarding to the typical properties only for rubber and rubber products, such as smearing, abrasion pattern and Schallamach wavelength.

Análise multiescala da abrasão de aços austeníticos ao manganês aplicados em britadores de minério. / Multiscale abrasion analysis of austenitic manganese steels applied to ore crushers.

Paulo Cordeiro Machado 02 October 2017 (has links)
O desgaste abrasivo de dois aços austeníticos ao manganês, materiais com grande utilização na mineração, foi estudado empregando metodologia multiescala (escalas: macro, meso e micro). Na macroescala foram estudados os mecanismos de dano e de desgaste de revestimento de britador utilizado em campo. Na mesoescala foram realizados ensaios de britador de mandíbula e de esclerometria linear. Na microescala o ensaio de esclerometria linear foi utilizado para avaliar os efeitos da camada encruada em campo e da orientação cristalográfica dos grãos austeníticos dos aços com 12 %Mn e 20 %Mn. As técnicas de caracterização utilizadas nesta pesquisa foram: macro e microdureza, nanodureza instrumentada, MO, MEV, DRX, EBSD, FIB e MET. A pesquisa foi dividida em três Capítulos, intitulados: \"Desgaste abrasivo dos aços austeníticos com 12 %Mn e 20 %Mn via ensaio de britador de mandíbula\"; \"Efeito do encruamento e da orientação cristalográfica no desgaste por riscamento dos aços austeníticos 12 %Mn e 20 %Mn\"; e \"Microestrutura da subsuperfície do aço austenítico com 12 %Mn deformado por desgaste abrasivo\". O primeiro Capítulo mostrou, a partir do ensaio de britador de mandíbulas (mesoescala), que o aço com 20 %Mn tem tendência de maior resistência ao desgaste que o aço com 12 %Mn. Este resultado foi obtido para a mandíbula fixa do britador, na qual a severidade de desgaste foi superior a mandíbula móvel, por apresentar microcorte e microsulcamento como micromecanismos predominantes, enquanto na mandíbula móvel o micromecanismo predominante foi a microendentação. No segundo Capítulo observou-se que o desgaste por riscamento (mesoescala e microescala) não depende do perfil de encruamento gerado em campo. Entretanto, foi identificado o efeito da orientação cristalográfica, planos (001), (111) e (101), no desgaste por riscamento dos aços com 12 %Mn e 20 %Mn. No último Capítulo a análise multiescala mostrou que a microestrutura deformada na subsuperfície sofre alterações semelhantes em diferentes intensidades. Nas três escalas de análise foram observadas uma camada com grãos ultrafinos (nanométricos), na subsuperfície, e uma de transição com maclas de deformação. A formação dos grãos ultrafinos foi associada à recristalização dinâmica por deformação plástica, na qual faz parte do mecanismo de auto reparação superficial. Além dos resultados apresentados, o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa de doutorado permitiu a elaboração de duas metodologias: i. análise do efeito da orientação cristalográfica no desgaste por microesclerometria; e ii. análise de microestrutura revelada por ataque iônico - FIB. / The abrasive wear of two manganese austenitic steels, materials broadly used in mining industry, was studied using multiscale methodology (scales: macro, meso and micro). In the macroscale the mechanisms of damage and wear of in-service crusher liner were studied. In the mesoscale, jaw crusher and linear scratch tests were performed. In the microscale the linear scratch test was used to evaluate the effects of the hardening layer and the crystallographic orientation of the austenitic grains of steels with 12 %Mn and 20 %Mn. The characterization techniques used in this research were: macro and microhardness, instrumented nanohardness, OM, MEV, DRX, EBSD, FIB and TEM. The research was divided into three chapters, entitled: \"Abrasive wear of steels with 12 %Mn and 20 %Mn via jaw crusher test\"; \"The effect of the in-service workhardening and crystallographic orientation on the micro-scratch wear of austenitic steels with 12 %Mn and 20 %Mn\"; and \"Subsurface microstructure of the deformed austenitic steel with 12 %Mn by abrasive wear\". The first chapter showed, from the jaw crusher tests (i.e. mesoscale), that the steel with 20 %Mn tends to be more wear resistant than the steel with 12 %Mn. This result was obtained to the fixed jaw crusher, in which the wear severity was superior to the movable jaw, since it presents microcutting and microploughing as predominant micromechanisms, whereas in the mobile jaw the predominant micromechanism was microendentation. In the second chapter, it was observed that scratch wear (i.e. meso and microscale) does not depend on the in-service work-hardening profile. However, it was identified the effect of crystallographic orientation, (001), (111) and (101) planes, on the scratch wear of the steels with 12% Mn and 20% Mn. In the last chapter, the multiscale analysis showed that the subsurface deformed microstructure changes with different intensities. At the three analysis scales, a layer with ultrafine grains was observed in the subsurface and mechanical twins. The formation of this layer, with nanometric grains, was associated with dynamic recrystallization by plastic deformation, in which it is part of the self healing effect. In addition to the results found, the development of this doctoral research allowed for the elaboration of two methodologies: i. Analysis of the effect of crystallographic orientation on the scratch wear; and ii. Microstructure analysis revealed by ion etching - FIB.

Caracterização do resíduo de serragem de rochas ornamentais para aplicações geotécnicas / Sawing waste characterization of dimension stones for geotechnics applications

Tatiane de Oliveira 31 August 2015 (has links)
O Brasil ocupa hoje posição de destaque na produção mundial de rochas ornamentais e de revestimento. Essa indústria gera diferentes tipos de resíduos, podendo atingir cerca de 83% de perda de matéria-prima. Nesse contexto o que tem causado mais transtornos é a denominada lama abrasiva, gerada no processo de desdobramento de blocos em placas sendo constituída de água, cal, pó de rocha e restos de limalha de aço e de lâminas. Esse material é produzido em grandes quantidades e pode ser estocado no pátio das empresas, ocupando vastas áreas ou podem ser armazenados em aterros o que é mais oneroso. Com vista a este problema, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi caracterizar o resíduo do corte de blocos de rochas ornamentais visando a possibilidade de diferentes aplicações na geotecnia. Para tanto, foram realizadas a classificação do resíduo conforme ABNT NBR 10004, caracterização química/mineralógica e geotécnica, avaliação de resistência e ensaios da metodologia Miniatura Compactada Tropical (MCT) da lama abrasiva produzida em uma empresa do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A partir desses ensaios foi possível classificar o resíduo como não perigoso e inerte, sendo que os parâmetros geotécnicos indicaram uma granulometria com cerca de 64% de silte, índice de plasticidade de 5%, massa específica dos sólidos de 2,823 g/cm³, massa específica máxima seca de 1,650 g/cm³ com umidade ótima de 21% na energia intermediária e 1,645 g/cm³ com 25,6% de umidade na energia normal. A resistência à compressão simples alcançou aos 28 dias de cura 0,354 MPa com o resíduo puro, 1,174 MPa com 2% de cimento e 2,294 MPa com 5% de cimento. Os ensaios de cisalhamento direto mostraram uma coesão de 54 kPa e 35º de ângulo de atrito. De acordo com a metodologia MCT o resíduo foi classificado como NS\' (silte não laterítico) de baixa permeabilidade que aumentou com o acréscimo de cimento, e baixa perda de suporte por imersão. Em linhas gerais a partir dos ensaios observou-se que esse material pode ter aplicações geotécnicas, mas para tanto outros ensaios deverão ser realizados. / Brazil currently occupies a prominent position in world production of dimension stones and coating. This industry generates different types of waste and may reach 83% loss of the raw material. In this context, the main problem of these wastes is the abrasive slurry, generated in the block sawing process on plates consisting of water, lime, stone powder and abrasive remaining. This material is produced in large quantities and can be stored in the companies courtyards, occupying vast areas or stored in landfills, which is more costly. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize the waste of cutting blocks of dimension stones analyzing the possibility of different applications in geotechnics. Therefore, it was carried out a environmental classification according ABNT NBR 10004, geotechnical and chemical/mineralogical characterization, strength assessment and Miniature, Compacted, Tropical methodology (MCT) of sawing abrasive slurry in the State of São Paulo. It was found the waste was classified as a non-hazardous and inert. The geotechnical parameters indicated 64% of silt, 5% of plasticity index, 2,823 g/cm³ of density of solids, maximum dry density of 1,650 g/cm³ with optimum moisture content of 21% in the intermediate energy and 1,645 g/cm³ with 25,6% moisture at normal energy. Unconfined compressive strength achieved after 28 days of curing 0,354 MPa with pure residue, 1,174 MPa with 2% of cement and 2,294 MPa with 5% cement. The direct shear tests showed a cohesion of 54 kPa and 35º of friction angle. According to the MCT results the residue was classified as NS\' (silt not lateritic), low permeability\'s that increased with the addition of cement, and a low loss of support by immersion. Thus, it was observed that this material may have geotechnical applications, however should be conducted further testing.

A tribological study of a detonation gun coating of tungsten carbide for use in a subsea gate valve

Binfield, Mark L. January 1995 (has links)
Detonation gun coatings of tungsten carbide have been widely recognised as one of the most effective anti-wear coatings for oilfield applications. However, very little fundamental tribological information exists for the material, which hinders coating development and the evolution of correct specifications. This study redresses this problem by conducting adhesive, abrasive and erosive tests upon the coating and relating the findings to the coated microstructure. The intention has been to simulate the in-service behaviour of parallel gate valves, which are used primarily to control flow in remote locations where reliability and freedom from maintenance are essential. Although problems with such valves are rare, costs associated with replacement are exceptionally high and therefore a high research priority has been placed on valves of this type. Currently, new designs of valve are tested using a pipe loop rig at BP Research Centre. However, such tests are both expensive and time consuming and with the increasing desire to bring products to market more quickly an alternative is sought. Probably, the area offering most scope for improvement is in material specification of the sealing surfaces and this work sets out to produce a first stage selection procedure for candidate materials. Uniquely, the study has taken one component, systematically categorised its failure mechanisms using non-destructive replication techniques and then reproduced them in the laboratory. The failure analysis has pointed to three-body abrasion, erosion and adhesion being the dominant failure modes and therefore, a suite of tribo-test methods have been developed to replicate them These are namely reciprocating diamond-on-flat, slurry erosion and reciprocating pin-on-plate tests. The material studied was a proprietary detonation gun coating of tungsten carbide, LW45, which is currently the most popular seal facing material specified for gate valves. A conformal contact geometry was chosen for the reciprocating pin-on-plate tests and problems with alignment were overcome by using a pre-test running-in procedure with 1 μm metallographic paste. Wear of LW45 occurring during the pin-on-plate test was not affected by test speed over the range selected, but was highly dependent upon load. Four different categories ranging from minimal wear to catastrophic wear have been identified. Extensive post test analysis using optical and scanning electron microscopy has further classified the failure that occurs into two groups, termed mild and severe. In the mild regime wear occurs by preferential removal of the binder phase, which is minimised on further sliding by protruding carbide particles. Eventually sufficient binder is removed for carbide fall-out to occur, upon which the cycle is repeated. A greater wear volume is produced by the severe wear mechanism which is caused by the interlinking of cracks present within the microstructure of the coating. To ensure operation in the mild regime, continuous sliding under operating pressures of above 7.84 MPa should be avoided. Abrasive wear simulated by the diamond-on-flat test increased with load. However, the failure mechanisms produced were independent of load and consist of a combination of plastic deformation and brittle fracture with plastic deformation representing the rate controlling step in the wear process. Slurry erosion tests have shown that LW45 wears by a brittle erosive mechanism and is therefore best able to resist erosion at low impingement angles. The volume loss per particle impact for LW45 is proportional to the kinetic energy of the impinging particles. The failure mechanism involved the growth of cracks in the microstructure by a fatigue action eventually leading to crack interlinking and material fall out. For all wear conditions, it is suggested that the removal of microcracking from the coating microstructure will lead to significant improvements in wear performance. A simplified design guide has been produced that gives a weighted importance to the various failure modes attributable to the respective tests. A significant improvement in performance was recorded by LW45 in comparison to typical substrate materials such as AISI 410 and Ferralium F255 stainless steels.

Tribological characteristics of coatings on aluminium and its alloys

Abdul-Mahdi, F. S. January 1987 (has links)
Hard anodising on aluminium and its alloys has been widely practised for many years in order to improve the resistance of the otherwise poor wear characteristics of aluminium. In recent years there has been an increasing interest in other treatments and coatings, on both aluminium and other base metals. The aim of this investigation is to explain the tribological performance and wear mechanism(s) of an uncoated aluminium alloy, four anodic coated alloys, and also an electroless nickel alloy. All of the coatings are produced on three different aluminium alloys. The thickness of the anodic films is 30-35 micron, as this thickness falls within the range commonly used by industry. In an endeavour to explain the role of coating thickness on wear life, electroless nickel alloy has been produced in a range of thicknesses of 10, 20 and 30 micron. To evaluate abrasive and adhesive wear, the samples were rubbed against a single point diamond and steel ball, respectively, in a reciprocating movement at room temperature and 65-75% relative humidity, under a wide range of load and sliding distance. Some tests continued to run until a breakdown of the coatings occurred, whilst other tests were interrupted at intermediate stages. This enabled the initiation and propagation of failure mechanisms to be studied. Abrasive wear was performed under dry conditions, whereas, adhesive wear was evaluated under both dry and lubricated conditions. Wear of these coatings was proportional to the applied load and sliding distance, but there was no direct relationship between wear and hardness. The tribological performance of these coatings appears to be dictated by a) the composition of the substrate, b) the chemical and physical nature of the coatings and c) the test conditions. Under boundary lubricated conditions there was a considerable increase in the wear life of the coatings. A three dimensional surface texture is superior to a machined surface, in controlling contact conditions. There is an approximate linear relationship between coating thickness and wear life for electroless nickel alloys. These coatings predominantly fail by adhesion, plastic deformation and brittle fracture. A microscopic model for fracture of brittle materials, under both static and dynamic conditions for abrasive and adhesive wear correlates very well with the behaviour of these coatings. Analytical interpretation of adhesive wear was made by separately calculating the coefficient of wear "K" of the counterbodies. This information enables an improved understanding of the wear test itself to be added to the model of the wear mechanisms involved.

Uma contribuição ao brunimento de precisão / A contribuition to the precision honing

Araújo, Gilberto de Lima, 1967- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Amauri Hassui / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T13:17:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Araujo_GilbertodeLima_M.pdf: 4592521 bytes, checksum: 2e679dc1a192c0f7897695fb43c81107 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Os processos de brunimento visam buscar precisão de usinagem mais acentuada em superfícies cilíndricas, principalmente em diâmetros internos, em que tais tolerâncias não podem ser obtidas por um processo de retificação cilíndrica. As operações anteriores deste processo também contribuem na qualidade final em termos de obtenção de características geométricas mais precisas. A determinação dos parâmetros de corte de usinagem, o tipo de ferramenta, neste caso a pedra de brunimento ou brunidor, as condições de fixação da peça a ser usinada e o fluido de corte também afetam tais requisitos de especificação geométrica no produto final. Quando as especificações do produto em erros de forma de circularidade e retilineidade demandam valores abaixo de 0,001mm e rugosidade média máxima de 0,10 µm Ra, para sua produção seriada é necessário a realização de uma operação complementar de lapidação, que em muitas aplicações são manuais e utilizam pastas de difícil remoção na superfície da peça. O presente trabalho busca estudar as operações de brunimento e lapidação, tendo como objetivo: realizar experimentos em busca de alternativas de processo para substituir a operação de lapidação diretamente pelo brunimento de precisão, aplicado em aços-liga de alta dureza. Como resultado final, obter erros de forma estatisticamente aceitáveis em produção seriada, inferiores à 0,001mm e rugosidade média abaixo de 0,10 µm Ra, através de experimentos planejados de todo sistema máquina e ferramenta. Os primeiros ensaios comprovaram a forte influência da baixa granulometria dos brunidores na rugosidade da peça, alcançando valores similares ao da lapidação. Os demais ensaios mostraram que a rotação do fuso da brunidora e o avanço dos brunidores em valores baixos, nos limites inferiores dos que foram definidos nos ensaios, proporcionaram melhores características geométricas de circularidade e retilineidade. A estabilidade dimensional do diâmetro da peça também foi melhorada nestas condições. A conclusão desta pesquisa foi de que é possível substituir uma operação de lapidação pelo brunimento de precisão. Palavras Chave: Brunimento, brunidor, brunidora, lapidação, circularidade, retilineidade, rugosidade / Abstract: Honing process is used when a high precision machining is required to correct bore errors on a cylindrical surface, mainly in internal diameters, which is more accurate than grinding process. The operations carried out before honing affect directly the final quality in order to achieve tighter tolerances. The specification of the cutting parameters, such as the tool type, in this case the honing stone, the fixturing condition and the honing coolant affect the geometric results on the final product. In some products applications when roundness and straightness specification is very tight, around or less than 0,001mm and surface finishing of 0,10 ?m Ra maximum, it is necessary a complementary operation of lapping, which is manual and uses the lapping paste, difficult to remove from the piece surface. The objective of this research is to analyze the behavior of the above parameters on precision honing process for hardened steels and suggest process alternatives to achieve the above tolerances directly from honing without lapping. The results must be statistically accepted in production environment by planned experiments in the machine and tooling system. The experiments confirmed the influence of lower honing stones grit size in the roughness quality and it was achieved equivalent surface from the lapping operation. In addition, it was demonstrated that lower spindle speed and stones feedrate figures, in the bottom limit from the range adopted in the trials resulted in a better geometry quality in the roundness and straightness. Also the diameter capability improved with this cutting condition. The conclusion of this research was that it is possible to replace a lapping operation to a precision honing. Keywords: Honing, honing stones, honing machine, lapping, cylindricity, roundness, straightness, surface finishing / Mestrado / Materiais e Processos de Fabricação / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Efeito das variáveis de nitretação por plasma na resistência à abrasão de um aço \"maraging\" / Effect of the plasma nitriding variables in the abrasion resistance of the maraging steel

Rosamel Melita Muñoz Riofano 12 September 1997 (has links)
Visando-se a avaliação do desempenho de um sistema de nitretação por plasma que se construiu bem como a determinação da influência das variáveis do processo sobre o desempenho das camadas nitretadas ionicamente, foram nitretadas amostras do aço \"maraging\" com a seguinte composição: Fe - 18Ni - 4.2Mo - 12.3Co - 1.7Ti - 0.15Al - 0.03C. Foram variadas as seguintes condições de processo: tempo, temperatura, freqüência do pulso e condição de tratamento térmico prévio. Foram realizadas análises metalográficas, difração de raios-X, microdureza e ensaios de abrasão do tipo \"pino-sobre-disco\" para caracterização das camadas obtidas. O equipamento de nitretação apresentou excelente desempenho no tratamento das amostras utilizadas e o aço \"maraging\", excelente resposta ao tratamento de nitretação. O tempo de tratamento de 3 horas produziu as camadas mais resistentes à abrasão. Os tratamentos com corrente contínua produziram resistências à abrasão superiores às obtidas com corrente pulsada. As amostras nitretadas após o envelhecimento apresentaram resistências superiores às envelhecidas simultaneamente com a nitretação. / Pursuing the evaluation and performance of a nitration system via plasma for us constructed, as well as the determination of the influence of variables of the process on the performance of ionically nitrated layers, it was nitrated maraging steel samples with the next compositions: Fe -18Ni - 4,2Mo - 12,3Co - 1,7Ti - 0,15AI- 0,03C. The following processing conditions were modified: time, temperature, pulse frequency end previous thermal treatment condition. Metallografic analyses, X-ray diffraction, microhardness and pin-on-dick type abrasion test were practised on samples for characterization of their layers. The nitration equipment had excellent performance in the treatment of samples used while the \"maraging\" steel showed excellent answer to the nitration treatment. A treatment time of three hours produced the more resistant layers to abrasion. The treatments with continuous current produced abrasion resistance higher than in treatment with pulsed current post-aged nitrated samples showed higher resistances than those aged during the nitration.


Yezhi Fu (7036865) 12 October 2021 (has links)
<div>Fresh produce has been the leading source of foodborne illness outbreaks in the US, surpassing typical pathogen carriers such as meat, dairy, and seafood. Among the fresh produce popular to the consumers, cantaloupe and sprouts are mostly susceptible to pathogen contaminations and outbreaks. However, it has been a challenge to address the key factor in the contamination - the biofilms formed by pathogens are highly resistant to conventional washing and cleaning procedures. For cantaloupe, the net-like and porous surface forms a barrier for washing. For sprouts, the fragile texture of seedlings prevents aggressive cleaning operation and biofilm removal.</div><div><br></div><div>In this study, innovative interventions were developed to improve microbial safety of fresh produce, using cantaloupe and alfalfa sprouts as models. For cantaloupe, abrasive brushing was designed to remove pathogen biofilm from cantaloupe. Our research found pathogens could form biofilm at cantaloupe rind surface as the residence time of pathogens increased. Biofilm formed on cantaloupe rind was imaged by cryo-scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM), and its resistance to sodium hypochlorite and lauroyl arginate ethyl (LAE) was confirmed. Furthermore, abrasive brushing with peroxyacetic acid (PAA) could effectively remove biofilm formed at cantaloupe rind. The efficacy of this novel cleaning technique was highly desirable, which could achieve 3 log reduction in pathogen population. Mechanism of abrasive brushing to remove biofilm at cantaloupe rind surface was also proposed. Conceivably, brushing with diatomaceous earth (DE) and PAA could be an innovative and cost-effective method to remove pathogen biofilm from cantaloupe rind.</div><div><br></div><div>For alfalfa sprouts, since most of the outbreaks are linked to the sprouting seeds, seed disinfection treatments are considered to be the most effective method to improve microbial safety of sprouts. In this study, a newly developed alginate-based, antimicrobial seed coating treatment was evaluated for its efficacy to reduce foodborne pathogens from alfalfa seeds and sprouts. The calcium alginate coating in the presence of 2.5% lactic acid (CA-LA coating) reduced foodborne pathogens inoculated on alfalfa seeds to an undetectable level on day 1 during 28 day-seed storage, while chlorine (20,000 ppm) or lactic acid (2.5%) treatment took longer time to reach the same level. With sprouts, CA-LA coating resulted in > 2.5 log reduction for pathogen cells. In contrast, log reduction was < 0.6 for either chlorine (20,000 ppm) or lactic acid (2.5%) treatment. In general, this study indicated the effect of calcium alginate coating on reducing bacterial load of alfalfa seeds and sprouts, however, the germination rate of treated seeds was compromised due to the addition of lactic acid in the seed coating. Further study is needed to select antimicrobial compounds with minimum impact on germination rate of seeds.</div><div><br></div>

Náhrada křemičitého plniva v opravných maltách umělým hutným materiálem / Substitution of silica filler in the correction mortars by artifical compact material

Jankovský, Július January 2009 (has links)
Master‘s thesis “Substitution of silica filler in the repair mortars by artifical compact material“ could by generally divided into two parts theoretical and experimental. The theoretical part is mainly focused on summarizing knowledge about repair mortars. The repair mortars are used for reprofilation of disrupted concrete layers, and therefore some of the most common defects of these layers, from which we can determine requirements for repair mortars are listed in the thesis. In the theoretical part, there is also mentioned a general formula of how to prepare a repair mortar, also there are described manufacture and characteristics of the most important ingredients of mortars such as cement, filler (aggregate), water and chemical modificators. Above all the theoretical part is focused on the effects that individual ingredients have on the resulting properties of repair mortars. The experimental part could be further divided into two parts. In the first part there are listed properties of the individual investigated materials and also there is introduced theoretical basis for particular tests of properties of repair mortars, such as analysis of grading distribution of a filler (aggragate), tests of flexular and compression strengths and frost resistance. In the first part there are also proposed formulae of mortar mixtures, where part of the original filler was substituted by an abrasive material TRYMAT, artificial compact aggregate made from blast furnace slag UHK d/D, or their combination. The properties of these mortar mixtures were compared to referential mortar mixture PANBEX R1. In the second part of experimental section is dedicated to summarization and discussion of the obtained results for individual mortar mixtures.

Řezání vodním paprskem / Cutting of Water Jet

Zouhar, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
The work developed in the master's program, describes the technology of water jet cutting. The theoretical part deals with the description of this technology and it explains the basic concepts used in this field. The practical part was designed to verify some theoretical knowledge. Therefore, several experiments were performed, while there was studied the influence of abrasives on the final quality of the surface and the level of the generated noise. The practical part was completed by the production of the selected component and its technical and economic evaluation.

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