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Clément-type interpolation on spherical domains - interpolation error estimates and application to a posteriori error estimationApel, Thomas, Pester, Cornelia 31 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper, a mixed boundary value problem for
the Laplace-Beltrami operator is considered for
spherical domains in $R^3$, i.e. for domains on
the unit sphere. These domains are parametrized
by spherical coordinates (\varphi, \theta),
such that functions on the unit sphere are
considered as functions in these coordinates.
Careful investigation leads to the introduction
of a proper finite element space corresponding to
an isotropic triangulation of the underlying
domain on the unit sphere. Error estimates are
proven for a Clément-type interpolation operator,
where appropriate, weighted norms are used.
The estimates are applied to the deduction of
a reliable and efficient residual error estimator
for the Laplace-Beltrami operator.
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The robustness of the hierarchical a posteriori error estimator for reaction-diffusion equation on anisotropic meshesGrosman, Serguei 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problems
exhibit in general solutions with anisotropic
features, e.g. strong boundary and/or interior
layers. This anisotropy is reflected in the
discretization by using meshes with anisotropic
elements. The quality of the numerical solution
rests on the robustness of the a posteriori error
estimator with respect to both the perturbation
parameters of the problem and the anisotropy of the
mesh. The simplest local error estimator from the
implementation point of view is the so-called
hierarchical error estimator. The reliability
proof is usually based on two prerequisites:
the saturation assumption and the strengthened
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. The proofs of these
facts are extended in the present work for the
case of the singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion
equation and of the meshes with anisotropic elements.
It is shown that the constants in the corresponding
estimates do neither depend on the aspect ratio
of the elements, nor on the perturbation parameters.
Utilizing the above arguments the concluding
reliability proof is provided as well as the
efficiency proof of the estimator, both
independent of the aspect ratio and perturbation
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A residual a posteriori error estimator for the eigenvalue problem for the Laplace-Beltrami operatorPester, Cornelia 06 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The Laplace-Beltrami operator corresponds to the Laplace operator on curved surfaces. In this paper, we consider an eigenvalue problem for the Laplace-Beltrami operator on subdomains of the unit sphere in $\R^3$. We develop a residual a posteriori error estimator for the eigenpairs and derive a reliable estimate for the eigenvalues. A global parametrization of the spherical domains and a carefully chosen finite element discretization allows us to use an approach similar to the one for the two-dimensional case. In order to assure results in the quality of those for plane domains, weighted norms and an adapted Clément-type interpolation operator have to be introduced.
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Konzeption und Implementierung eines Agenten zur ereignisorientierten Adaptation von WorkflowsGreiner, Ulrike 20 October 2017 (has links)
Im Rahmen des Projektes 'AgentWork' wird ein Workflow-Management-System entwickelt, das es ermöglicht, Workflows zur Laufzeit zu adaptieren, wenn aufgrund eines Anwendungsereignisses die logische Struktur des Workflows nicht mehr adäquat ist. Dazu ist es insbesondere erforderlich, solche Ereignisse zu erkennen, den betroffenen Workflow zu unterbrechen, zu adaptieren und anschließend den adaptierten Workflow weiter auszuführen. In der Arbeit wurden die Algorithmen für die Arbeit des sogenannten Adaptations-Agenten entwickelt, der die eigentlichen Adaptationen an nicht mehr adäquaten Workflows vornimmt. Dazu wird zuerst der Teil des Workflows bestimmt, der von einem Anwendungsereignis betroffen ist. Anschliessend wird dieser Teil durch Adaptationen des Kontroll- und Datenflusses an die veränderte Situation angepasst. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurde auch eine prototypische Implementierung des Adaptations-Agenten erstellt.
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Partial Fourier approximation of the Lamé equations in axisymmetric domainsNkemzi, Boniface, Heinrich, Bernd 14 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper, we study the partial Fourier method for
treating the Lamé equations in three-dimensional
axisymmetric domains subjected to nonaxisymmetric loads.
We consider the mixed boundary value problem of the
linear theory of elasticity with the displacement u,
the body force f \in (L_2)^3 and homogeneous Dirichlet
and Neumann boundary conditions. The partial Fourier
decomposition reduces, without any error, the
threedimensional boundary value problem to an infinite
sequence of twodimensional boundary value problems,
whose solutions u_n (n = 0,1,2,...) are the Fourier
coefficients of u. This process of dimension reduction
is described, and appropriate function spaces are given
to characterize the reduced problems in two dimensions.
The trace properties of these spaces on the rotational
axis and some properties of the Fourier coefficients u_n
are proved, which are important for further numerical
treatment, e.g. by the finite-element method.
Moreover, generalized completeness relations are described
for the variational equation, the stresses and the strains.
The properties of the resulting system of twodimensional
problems are characterized. Particularly, a priori
estimates of the Fourier coefficients u_n and of the error
of the partial Fourier approximation are given. Read more
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Clément-type interpolation on spherical domains - interpolation error estimates and application to a posteriori error estimationApel, Thomas, Pester, Cornelia 31 August 2006 (has links)
In this paper, a mixed boundary value problem for
the Laplace-Beltrami operator is considered for
spherical domains in $R^3$, i.e. for domains on
the unit sphere. These domains are parametrized
by spherical coordinates (\varphi, \theta),
such that functions on the unit sphere are
considered as functions in these coordinates.
Careful investigation leads to the introduction
of a proper finite element space corresponding to
an isotropic triangulation of the underlying
domain on the unit sphere. Error estimates are
proven for a Clément-type interpolation operator,
where appropriate, weighted norms are used.
The estimates are applied to the deduction of
a reliable and efficient residual error estimator
for the Laplace-Beltrami operator.
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The robustness of the hierarchical a posteriori error estimator for reaction-diffusion equation on anisotropic meshesGrosman, Serguei 01 September 2006 (has links)
Singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problems
exhibit in general solutions with anisotropic
features, e.g. strong boundary and/or interior
layers. This anisotropy is reflected in the
discretization by using meshes with anisotropic
elements. The quality of the numerical solution
rests on the robustness of the a posteriori error
estimator with respect to both the perturbation
parameters of the problem and the anisotropy of the
mesh. The simplest local error estimator from the
implementation point of view is the so-called
hierarchical error estimator. The reliability
proof is usually based on two prerequisites:
the saturation assumption and the strengthened
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. The proofs of these
facts are extended in the present work for the
case of the singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion
equation and of the meshes with anisotropic elements.
It is shown that the constants in the corresponding
estimates do neither depend on the aspect ratio
of the elements, nor on the perturbation parameters.
Utilizing the above arguments the concluding
reliability proof is provided as well as the
efficiency proof of the estimator, both
independent of the aspect ratio and perturbation
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A residual a posteriori error estimator for the eigenvalue problem for the Laplace-Beltrami operatorPester, Cornelia 06 September 2006 (has links)
The Laplace-Beltrami operator corresponds to the Laplace operator on curved surfaces. In this paper, we consider an eigenvalue problem for the Laplace-Beltrami operator on subdomains of the unit sphere in $\R^3$. We develop a residual a posteriori error estimator for the eigenpairs and derive a reliable estimate for the eigenvalues. A global parametrization of the spherical domains and a carefully chosen finite element discretization allows us to use an approach similar to the one for the two-dimensional case. In order to assure results in the quality of those for plane domains, weighted norms and an adapted Clément-type interpolation operator have to be introduced.
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On the error-bound in the nonuniform version of Esseen's inequality in the Lp-metricPaditz, Ludwig 25 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this paper is to investigate the known nonuniform version of Esseen's inequality in the Lp-metric, to get a numerical bound for the appearing constant L.
For a long time the results given by several authors constate the impossibility of a nonuniform estimation in the most interesting case δ=1, because the effect L=L(δ)=O(1/(1-δ)), δ->1-0, was observed, where 2+δ, 0<δ<1, is the order of the assumed moments of the considered independent random variables X_k, k=1,2,...,n. Again making use of the method of conjugated distributions, we improve the well-known technique to show in the most interesting case δ=1 the finiteness of the absolute constant L and to prove L=L(1)=<127,74*7,31^(1/p), p>1.
In the case 0<δ<1 we only give the analytical structure of L but omit numerical calculations. Finally an example on normal approximation of sums of l_2-valued random elements demonstrates the application of the nonuniform mean central limit bounds obtained here. / Das Anliegen dieses Artikels besteht in der Untersuchung einer bekannten Variante der Esseen'schen Ungleichung in Form einer ungleichmäßigen Fehlerabschätzung in der Lp-Metrik mit dem Ziel, eine numerische Abschätzung für die auftretende absolute Konstante L zu erhalten.
Längere Zeit erweckten die Ergebnisse, die von verschiedenen Autoren angegeben wurden, den Eindruck, dass die ungleichmäßige Fehlerabschätzung im interessantesten Fall δ=1 nicht möglich wäre, weil auf Grund der geführten Beweisschritte der Einfluss von δ auf L in der Form L=L(δ)=O(1/(1-δ)), δ->1-0, beobachtet wurde, wobei 2+δ, 0<δ<1, die Ordnung der vorausgesetzten Momente der betrachteten unabhängigen Zufallsgrößen X_k, k=1,2,...,n, angibt.
Erneut wird die Methode der konjugierten Verteilungen angewendet und die gut bekannte Beweistechnik verbessert, um im interessantesten Fall δ=1 die Endlichkeit der absoluten Konstanten L nachzuweisen und um zu zeigen, dass L=L(1)=<127,74*7,31^(1/p), p>1, gilt.
Im Fall 0<δ<1 wird nur die analytische Struktur von L herausgearbeitet, jedoch ohne numerische Berechnungen. Schließlich wird mit einem Beispiel zur Normalapproximation von Summen l_2-wertigen Zufallselementen die Anwendung der gewichteten Fehlerabschätzung im globalen zentralen Grenzwertsatz demonstriert. Read more
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Heat kernel estimates based on Ricci curvature integral bounds / Wärmeleitungskernabschätzungen unter Ricci-KrümmungsintegralschrankenRose, Christian 09 October 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Any Riemannian manifold possesses a minimal solution of the heat equation for the Dirichlet Laplacian, called the heat kernel. During the last decades many authors investigated geometric properties of the manifold such that its heat kernel fulfills a so-called Gaussian upper bound. Especially compact and non-compact manifolds with lower bounded Ricci curvature have been examined and provide such Gaussian estimates. In the compact case it ended even with integral Ricci curvature assumptions. The important techniques to obtain Gaussian bounds are the symmetrization procedure for compact manifolds and relative Faber-Krahn estimates or gradient estimates for the heat equation, where the first two base on isoperimetric properties of certain sets. In this thesis, we generalize the existing results to the following.
Locally uniform integral bounds on the negative part of Ricci curvature lead to Gaussian upper bounds for the heat kernel, no matter whether the manifold is compact or not. Therefore, we show local isoperimetric inequalities under this condition and use relative Faber-Krahn estimates to derive explicit Gaussian upper bounds.
If the manifold is compact, we can even generalize the integral curvature condition to the case that the negative part of Ricci curvature is in the so-called Kato class. We even obtain uniform Gaussian upper bounds using gradient estimate techniques.
Apart from the geometric generalizations for obtaining Gaussian upper bounds we use those estimates to generalize Bochner’s theorem. More precisely, the estimates for the heat kernel obtained above lead to ultracontractive estimates for the heat semigroup and the semigroup generated by the Hodge Laplacian. In turn, we can formulate rigidity results for the triviality of the first cohomology group if the amount of curvature going below a certain positive threshold is small in a suitable sense. If we can only assume such smallness of the negative part of the Ricci curvature, we can bound the Betti number by explicit terms depending on the generalized curvature assumptions in a uniform manner, generalizing certain existing results from the cited literature. / Jede Riemannsche Mannigfaltigkeit besitzt eine minimale Lösung für die Wärmeleitungsgleichung des zur Mannigfaltigkeit gehörigen Dirichlet-Laplaceoperators, den Wärmeleitungskern. Während der letzten Jahrzehnte fanden viele Autoren geometrische Eigenschaften der Mannigfaltigkeiten unter welchen der Wärmeleitungskern eine sogenannte Gaußsche obere Abschätzung besitzt. Insbesondere bestizen sowohl kompakte als auch nichtkompakte Mannigfaltigkeiten mit nach unten beschränkter Ricci-Krümmung solche Gaußschen Abschätzungen. Im kompakten Fall reichten bisher sogar Integralbedingungen an die Ricci-Krümmung aus. Die wichtigen Techniken, um Gaußsche Abschätzungen zu erhalten, sind die Symmetrisierung für kompakte Mannigfaltigkeiten und relative Faber-Krahn- und Gradientenabschätzungen für die Wärmeleitungsgleichung, wobei die ersten beiden auf isoperimetrischen Eigenschaften gewisser Mengen beruhen. In dieser Arbeit verallgemeinern wir die bestehenden Resultate im folgenden Sinne.
Lokal gleichmäßig beschränkte Integralschranken an den Negativteil der Ricci-Krümmung ergeben Gaußsche obere Abschätzungen sowohl im kompakten als auch nichtkompakten Fall. Dafür zeigen wir lokale isoperimetrische Ungleichungen unter dieser Voraussetzung und nutzen die relativen Faber-Krahn-Abschätzungen für eine explizite Gaußsche Schranke.
Für kompakte Mannigfaltigkeiten können wir sogar die Integralschranken an den Negativteil der Ricci-Krümmung durch die sogenannte Kato-Bedingung ersetzen. In diesem Fall erhalten wir gleichmäßige Gaußsche Abschätzungen mit einer Gradientenabschätzung.
Neben den geometrischen Verallgemeinerungen für Gaußsche Schranken nutzen wir unsere Ergebnisse, um Bochners Theorem zu verallgemeinern. Wärmeleitungskernabschätzungen ergeben ultrakontraktive Schranken für die Wärmeleitungshalbgruppe und die Halbgruppe, die durch den Hodge-Operator erzeugt wird. Damit können wir Starrheitseigenschaften für die erste Kohomologiegruppe zeigen, wenn der Teil der Ricci-Krümmung, welcher unter einem positiven Level liegt, in einem bestimmten Sinne klein genug ist. Wenn der Negativteil der Ricci-Krümmung nicht zu groß ist, können wir die erste Betti-Zahl noch immer explizit uniform abschätzen. Read more
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