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Metody odhadu rizik a hodnocení dopravních havárií / Methods of Risk Assessment and Evaluation of Traffic AccidentsKlimešová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to research the methodological approaches used for reducing traffic accidents. One part of the methods is focused on methods of evaluating traffic accident rate on roads in terms of macro-analysis. Another group of methods for the prediction of traffic accidents. Subsequently, in the practical part the methodology is applied on two selected sections of roads and the resulting values are then compared with the actual dates that can explanatory power of these methods. Another part relates to the economic evaluation of road accidents on selected sections of roads and applications of integral indicators.
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Úrazovosti u hráčů florbalu s dřívější zkušeností s ledním hokejem / Accident rate at floorball players with previous experience with ice hockeyVeselý, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
Title: Accident rate at floorball players with previous experience with ice hockey. Objectives: To determine whether there is an increased rate of injuries of ankle joint at floorball players with previous experience with ice hockey than at floorball players without this experience. To evaluate the impact of the operation of ice hockey, the sport with permanently fixed foot in the skate, at followed up playing of floorball at the top level. Methology: For the purposes of this thesis was compiled multiple-standard questionnaire - questionnaire form. The research sample consisted of 100 probands - the first group of 25 probands top floorball players who have played at least 5 years of ice hockey at the highest level, the second group 25 floorball extra-league players, third group of 25 professional ice hockey players. Last fourth group consisted of 25 probands athletes meeting the conditions of at least 3 times a week training and 1 championship match - non focus on ice hockey and floorball. The resulting data were first analyzed and clearly captured in tables in Microsoft Office Word 2003. Then were analyzed only data relating to the ankle joint injuries in floorball players using statistical methods to confirm the hypothesis - method of association - association coefficient, Chi-square test....
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Analýza úrazů v tělesné výchově na vybraných středních školách\\ / The injury analysis at Physical exercises at chosen grammar schools\\VINICKÝ, Radek January 2009 (has links)
This work is focused on the injury analysis at Physical exercises at three chosen grammar schools. The work can be divided into two parts. The first part focuses on multitude and injury substitution. The second part deals with safety and pupils´ health protection. At the close of the work there is a suggestion of precautionary measures to cut down the pupils´ accident rate.
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Řešení křižovatky 1. máje a Palackého v Moravských Budějovicích / Intersection of 1.máj and Palacký in Moravské BudějoviceSoukup, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the solution of the crossroads of the 1st Máje and Palackého in Moravské Budějovice. Part of the work is security inspection, calculation of uncontrolled intersection capacity, traffic survey. The findings are applied to possible solutions of crossing of the 1st Máje and Palackého in Moravské Budějovice.
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Způsoby vyhodnocování nehodovosti a jejich optimalizace / Methods of accident evaluation and their optimizationSoukupová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the comparison of accident assessment methods and their optimization in the Czech Republic and other selected countries. The work is based on the methodologies of individual countries, which were examined and then compared and evaluated in terms of practical use. The gained theoretical knowledge was applied to practical examples in the form of selected section of roads and crossroads. Every area was evaluated and compared in terms of accident rate.
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Analysis of Mobility and Traffic Safety with Respect to Changes in Volumes; Case Study: Stockholm, SwedenJohansson, Sofia, Vasireddy, Sri January 2021 (has links)
The growing population and motorization generate more movements. In many cities, the increase of population and motorization is much greater than the development of the capacity of the transportation network. For unprotected road users, the risk of getting in a traffic accident increases and the risk of being more severely injured in an accident. In March 2020, a pandemic was declared because of a Coronavirus. More people started to work/study from home to prevent the virus from spreading by avoiding unnecessary trips, gatherings, and crowded areas. Therefore, travel behaviours have shifted during the pandemic compared to previous years. This project aims to get knowledge of how mobility and traffic accidents are affected by significant shifts of travel flow, predict the effect of traffic accidents based on mobility, and evaluate the risk of travelling on a particular road segment. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>
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Analýza dopravy a návrh zlepšení ve městě Červený Kostelec / Transport analysis and improvement proposal in Červený KostelecZelinka, Martin January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the transport analysis in the town Červený Kostelec in the Hradec Králové Region. The work contains analysis of transport modes, especially road transport and parking, concurrently proposes their optimization. The first part of the thesis provides basic informations of the town Červený Kostelec. Next there is described the current traffic situation in the town. The second part of the work focuses on the analysis and solution of the difficult places.
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Strengthening the safety culture by an innovative project : A change project in the mining industry / Stärka säkerhetskulturen genom ett innovativt projekt : Ett förändringsprojekt i gruvindustrinStrömbom, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
Strengthening the safety culture with the aim to build safe and healthy workplaces is in focus for many organizations. Safety and health is affected by various factors as for example systematic safety management, management focus, an informed culture, participation, involvement, social processes and empowerment. The studied mining company Boliden have had an extensive safety culture project at one of the units, the concentrator in Garpenberg. The aim of this study was to find out what activities and methods the unit has implemented and which of these that seem to have the greatest influence on improving the safety culture. There are few studies giving managers and organizations more of practical guidance and previous studies of safety culture in the mining industry is also rare. This qualitative study was conducted through analysis of company documents, participative observation and interviews. The result showed employees perception of a strengthened safety culture with changed safety behaviours, ownership in the organization, confidence to give feedback and entrepreneurs on track with safety. The project was also perceived to have led to stress in the organization, with lack of resources partly affected by the time taken to participate. The accident rate has also been decreased, from several accidents with absence per year, to 490 days without accidents with absence. The result also showed that the most influential factors seems to be the safety and health management system that is fully integrated with production and quality, the visualization on whiteboards, the daily steering meetings and the communication coming from them, the management clear safety focus, the unit’s teamwork with behaviours and values and the broad and continuing participation. Improvement suggestions from the interviewees were both more standardization and instructions but also that too detailed instructions are perceived negative, the analyse is that it can hinder creativity. Other suggestions were stepwise implementation and a wish for more time to stabilize the result of the project. A conclusion from the study is that the safety culture project seems to have made a great effect at the unit, strengthening the safety culture. An overall conclusion is that the unit seems to have both a system and a cultural approach, with the somewhat unique and innovative health and safety management system that govern for a systematic and sustainable way of working, with integrated reminders of safety behaviours. This may be the core affecting factor of what seems to have been a very successful project. / Att stärka säkerhetskulturen med målet att bygga säkra och hälsosamma arbetsplatser är i fokus för många organisationer. Säkerhet och hälsa påverkas av olika faktorer som till exempel systematisk säkerhetsarbete, fokus hos chefer och ledare, en informerad kultur, delaktighet, involvering, sociala processer och delegerat ansvar. Det studerade gruvbolaget Boliden har haft ett omfattande säkerhetskulturprojekt på en av enheterna, anrikningsverket i Garpenberg. Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på vilka aktiviteter och metoder som enheten har genomfört och vilka av dessa som verkar ha störst påverkan på en förstärkt säkerhetskultur. Det finns få studier som ger chefer och organisationer mer av en praktisk vägledning och tidigare studier av säkerhetskultur i gruvindustrin är också sällsynta. Denna kvalitativa studie genomfördes med analys av företagsdokument, deltagande observationer och intervjuer. Resultatet visade medarbetarnas upplevelse kring en stärkt säkerhetskultur med förändrade säkerhetsbeteenden, ägarskap i organisationen, trygghet att ge feedback och att entreprenörerna medverkar i säkerhetsarbetet. Projektet uppfattas också ha lett till stress i organisationen, med brist på resurser som delvis påverkas av den tid det tar att vara delaktig. Olycksstatistiken har också minskat, från flera olyckor med frånvaro per år, till 490 dagar utan olyckor med frånvaro. Resultatet visade också att de mest påverkande faktorerna verkar vara arbetsmiljöledningssystemet som är fullt integrerat med produktion och kvalitet, visualiseringen på whiteboards, de dagliga styrmötena och kommunikationen runt dessa, ledningens tydliga säkerhetsfokus, arbetet i grupperna kring beteenden och värderingar samt den breda och löpande delaktigheten. Förbättringsförslag från de intervjuade var både mer standardisering och instruktioner men också att för mycket detaljerade instruktioner upplevs negativt och kan minska den egna kreativiteten. Andra förslag var att gradvis implementera förändringarna och också en önskan om mer tid att stabilisera resultatet av projektet. En slutsats från studien är att säkerhetskulturprojektet verkar ha gjort stor effekt på enheten och stärkt säkerhetskulturen. En övergripande slutsats är att enheten har både ett system- och ett kulturellt angreppssätt, med det något unika och innovativa arbetsmiljöledningssystemet som ger ett systematiskt och hållbart sätt att arbeta med integrerade påminnelser om säkerhetsbeteenden. Detta kan vara det som haft störst bidrag till vad som verkar ha varit ett mycket framgångsrikt projekt.
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Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví žáků a studentů škol a školských zařízení v legislativní oblasti a preventivní činnost při řešení školní úrazovosti. / Safety and health protection of pupils and students of schools and school institutions in legislation and prevention activities concerning school accident rate.SKÁCELÍK, Pavel January 2007 (has links)
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