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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dysfonctionnements de la synergie vergence et accommodation chez les jeunes adultes : impact sur les saccades, la lecture et la cognition / Effect of vergence/accommodation synergy on binocular coordination of saccades and cognition

Daniel, François 06 November 2017 (has links)
La qualité de la vision sensorielle, l’aspect oculomoteur et la cognition ont très souvent été abordés de façon individuelle. D’un côté, les désordres de la vergence, liés fréquemment à des désordres de l’accommodation, entraînent des symptômes tels que douleurs, diminution de la qualité de vision mais aussi problèmes d’attention et de concentration, pouvant avoir une incidence sur l’apprentissage. D’un autre côté, les désordres de la vergence sont aussi liés à des problèmes oculomoteurs dans la coordination et la précision des saccades, domaine sur lequel repose l’aptitude à la lecture. L’ambition de cette thèse est d’approfondir ces constats et d’introduire des moyens expérimentaux afin de mettre en évidence les liens entre accommodation/vergence (A/V), contrôle des saccades et leur interférence avec la cognition. Dans une première partie, nous avons étudié l’impact des dysfonctionnements A/V classique et l’impact d’un conflit A/V induit sur les performances au test de Stroop, reconnu pour évaluer certains types de fonctions cognitives, faisant appel aux capacités basiques de lecture et exigeant un déploiement attentionnel élevé. Pour une population d’étudiants, les résultats ont montré des performances diminuées en cas de désordres de la vergence existant et en cas de conflit A/V induit, attestant d’une incidence négative des dysfonctionnements et des déséquilibres A/V induits sur les fonctions exécutives et les processus attentionnels. Ici, l’hypothèse d’une interaction des processus visuels et cognitifs en parallèle apparait plus plausible que celle d’un model sériel, avec une performance cognitive retardée par un problème visuel. Dans un deuxième temps, une réhabilitation de la vergence chez les sujets en présentant des désordres a permis une restauration des capacités, a montré une amélioration de la coordination des saccades et a eu une incidence positive sur l’aspect cognitif pendant la lecture, venant confirmer la théorie d’interférence en parallèle. L’ensemble des travaux apportent des ouvertures de recherches (1) sur le plan théorique, en croisant des domaines comme la neurologie, la psychologie cognitive, l’oculomotricité, l’optométrie et l’orthoptie ; (2) sur le plan clinique, en proposant des tests caractéristiques de dépistage ainsi que des solutions d’amélioration ; (3) sur le plan éducatif, en proposant des pistes pour expliquer l’incidence que le système visuel peut avoir sur les performances académiques. / Quality of sensory vision, eye movements and cognition have been broached one by one so far. However, recent studies suggest possible interactions between these fields without clarifying the link. On the one hand, vergence/accommodative (V/A) dysfunctions leads to visual symptoms like sore eyes, blurry or double vision but also problems of attention, concentration, and appear to have a negative impact on academic performances. On the other hand, people diagnosed with vergence disorders also show poor coordination of their saccades, which are essential in reading and cognitive demanding activities. The goal of this thesis is to go into this analysis in depth and to propose experimental ways to evidence the links between V/A disorders, control of the saccades and their influence on cognition. In a first part, we studied the impact of typical V/A disorders and the impact of an induced A/V conflict on the performances during the Stroop test, which is a neurological test known for evaluating cognitive executive functions like inhibition, demanding a high attentional deployment and stimulating basic reading skills. Results show that vergence dysfunctions and V/A inducted conflict have a negative influence on the Stroop performances in students, leading to a diminished control of cognitive functions. These results suggest a more parallel interaction between visual and attentional processes instead of a serial model where vision would be a prerequisite to cognition, slowing down the cognitive processes when disturbed. Secondly, we pursue this theory: vergence rehabilitation in subjects diagnosed with vergence disorders permitted an increase of the vergence capacities, showed an improvement on the coordination of the reading saccades and had a positive influence on the cognitive aspect during reading. This work gives new research possibilities at different level: (1) at a theoretical level, it permits to cross fields like neurology, cognitive psychology, eye movements and optometry; (2) at a clinical level, it suggests typical tests for a more efficient screening and opens new perspectives on solutions to rehabilitate people with V/A disorders; (3) at an educational level, it gives clues on how visual functions could affect academic performances.

Understanding and Improving the Quality of Experience in 3D media perception : Accommodation/Vergence conflict in Stereopsis / Comprendre et optimiser la qualité de l’expérience en perception 3D

Vienne, Cyril 27 March 2013 (has links)
Les technologies de relief tridimensionnel (3D) ont récemment reçu un nouvel attrait. Lesraisons potentielles sont que ces technologies peuvent fournir une expérience visuelle plusriche et plus immersive. En effet, un observateur peut extraire les disparités binoculairesprésentées entre les vues gauche et droite, pour retrouver plus efficacement la profondeur dela scène visuelle observée, et ainsi, trouver une nouvelle dimension dans le contenu.Cependant, tandis que la valeur de la profondeur est plutôt bien appréciée, un certain nombrede problèmes qui impactent la qualité de l’expérience dans les représentations 3D ont étéidentifiés. L’objective de cette thèse est d’étudier les principaux facteurs qui affectent laqualité de l’expérience en stéréoscopie dans le but de fournir des méthodes qui pourraientaméliorer l’utilisation des systèmes stéréoscopiques. Trois aspects majeurs de la qualité del’expérience sont adressés : (1) les sources et causes de la fatigue visuelle, (2) les distorsionsperceptives et (3) l’amélioration de la qualité de l’expérience en 3D au travers de l’adaptationdu contenu visuel. Pour étudier la fatigue visuelle, les mouvements de vergence étaientmesurés à la fois avec un écran 3D et avec un système à double écran qui permettaient laprésentation de stimuli avec les informations de disparité et de flou présentés en congruencecomme en incongruence. L’effet de la stéréoscopie sur les mouvements de vergence a étéétudié dans le but de tester si la mesure oculaire pouvait être utilisée comme indicateur defatigue visuelle. Le sujet suivant étudiait la consistance de la perception des formes 3Dstéréoscopiques en fonction de distances virtuelles induites par la disparité et par le signald’accommodation. Le rôle de la taille de la pupille et de la profondeur de champ enstéréoscopie étaient étudiés par la manipulation de la taille de la pupille avec deux conditionsd’illumination contrôlée. Finalement, l’amélioration de la perception de la forme 3D estquestionnée au travers de l’adaptation du contenu visuel en fonction de la mesure de seuilsperceptifs individuels pour des stimuli se déplaçant en profondeur. / Stereoscopic 3-Dimensional (S3D) technology has recently received growing attraction,potentially because it provides a more informative and more immersive visual experience.Indeed, the viewer may extract the binocular disparities displayed between the left and theright views, more efficiently retrieve the depth of the observed visual scene, and thus, givevisual content another dimension. However, while the additional value of depth is ratherappreciated, a number of problems have been raised that impact the Quality of Experience(QoE) in S3D representations. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the main factorsaffecting QoE in stereopsis in order to provide guidelines towards the improvement andfurther use of stereoscopic systems. Three main aspects of QoE in S3D are addressed: (1) thesources and causes of visual fatigue, (2) the perceptual distortions arising in S3D and, (3) theimprovement of S3D QoE through content adaptation. To study visual fatigue in S3D,vergence eye movements were measured both in S3D display and in dual-screen display thatenables the presentation of matched disparity and defocus stimuli. The effect of stereopsis onvergence movements was studied so as to test whether vergence tracking can be used asindicator of visual fatigue. The next topic investigated the consistency in stereoscopic 3Dshape perception as a function of vergence distance and accommodation distance. The role ofthe pupil size and the depth of focus in S3D were evaluated by manipulating the pupilaperture with two controlled lighting conditions. Finally, the improvement of 3D shapeperception is addressed through content adaptation according to individual perceptionthresholds measurement for motion-in-depth stimuli.

Valstybės paramos būstui įsigyti ar išsinuomoti probleminiai aspektai / The problematic aspects of state support to buy or rent accommodation

Mockienė, Liubov 12 February 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra analizuojama valstybės vykdoma būsto politika, būsto srityje vykdomos ir valstybės finansuojamos programos ir projektai, iškeliamos būsto srities problemos, aptariamas valstybės remiamas būsto kreditas kaip socialinio būsto alternatyva. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas su socialinio būsto suteikimu ir nuoma susijusioms problemoms bei aptariamos įstatymo, reglamentuojančio šią sritį, spragos. Tiriamojoje dalyje atlikta anketinė apklausa Tauragės rajono savivaldybėje ir savivaldybės būstus prižiūrinčioje įmonėje UAB Tauragės butų ūkis. / The accommodation policy the state pursues, the programmes and projects financed by the state in the field of accommodation, problems with accommodation, credits for accommodation supported by the state as an alternative of social accommodation are analysed in the master's paper. The main attention is paid to the problems connected with the provision and rent of social accommodation and gaps of the law which finetunes sphere are also analysed. The survey in Tauragė Municipality and the joint stock company Tauragės butų ūkis supervised by Tauragė Municipality has been carried out.

Formy bydlení a ubytování studentů a jejich vliv na danou lokalitu / Forms of housing and accommodation of students and their influence on the given locality

Velek, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This work considers various possibilities and forms of housing and accommodation of students and their influence on the given locality.

Influence of sentence-level rhythmic regularity and phonological phrasing on linguistic accommodation during conversational interactions : the case of Spanish speaking dyads / .

Baron Birchenall, Leonardo Francisco 14 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a deux objectifs principaux. En premier lieu, on voudrait offrir un aperçu des connaissances académiques actuelles, tant théoriques qu'empiriques, des processus d’accommodation linguistique entre interlocuteurs, au sens général, et des caractéristiques rythmiques de la langue espagnole, en particulier. En second lieu, on présente deux études empiriques conçues pour analyser l’influence de la régularité rythmique au niveau des phrases et de l’arrangement phonologique sur les processus d’accommodation linguistique. Dans l'ensemble, les données rassemblées dans cette thèse indiquent que les phrases avec un rythme régulier, disposées en groupes accentuels, produisent une plus grande ressemblance entre les hispanophones en matière de rythme et de l’étendue de la F0, par rapport aux phrases avec un rythme irrégulier et aux phrases disposées en pieds accentuels. De plus, certains faits connus concernant les femmes ayant une moyenne de F0 supérieure, une étendue de F0 plus large, et un débit de parole plus lent quant aux hommes ont également été observés au cours de la première expérience. En outre, une valeur inférieure de la moyenne de F0 et une étendue de F0 plus étroite ont été observées lors de l’utilisation de phrases avec un rythme régulier et de phrases disposées en groupes accentuels, par rapport aux conditions expérimentales opposées. En ce qui concerne la tâche de perception, les phrases des dyades mixtes ont été notées de manière plus similaire les unes aux autres par rapport aux phrases des dyades de femmes et des dyades d’hommes (parmi d'autres résultats trouvés). / This thesis has two principal aims. In the first place, we would like to offer an overview of the current academic knowledge, both theoretical and empirical, of the processes of linguistic accommodation between interlocutors, in a general sense, and of the rhythmic characteristics of the Spanish language, in particular. In the second place, we present two empirical studies designed to analyze the influence of sentence-level rhythmic regularity and phonological phrasing on the processes of linguistic accommodation. Taken together, the data gathered in this thesis indicate that regular rhythmic sentences, arranged in accentual groups, generate a greater amount of resemblance between Spanish speakers in terms of rhythm and F0 range, with respect to irregular rhythmic sentences and sentences arranged in accentual feet. Moreover, a lower value of F0 mean and a narrower F0 range were observed during the use of both regular rhythmic sentences and sentences arranged in accentual groups compared to the opposite conditions. In addition, some known facts related to women having a higher F0 mean, a wider F0 range, and speaking slower regarding men were also found during the first experiment. As for the perceptual task, sentences of mixed dyads were rated more similar to each other with respect to sentences of female only and male only dyads (among other patterns found).

Vybrané aspekty sdílené ekonomiky s důrazem na Airbnb a Uber / Selected Aspects of Sharing Economy with emphasis on Airbnb and Uber

Zábranský, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Selected aspects of sharing economy with emphasis on Airbnb and Uber Abstract This paper focuses on the legal regulation of digital platforms which are used to arrange short-term accommodation (the most popular representative is Airbnb) and passenger transport (where Uber is the best-known platform). In the introduction the author explains why he considers it inappropriate to say these platforms are part of "sharing economy", although this term is currently widely used. In addition, the author examines the benefits of Airbnb and Uber platforms in general, such as user comfort, a rating system that allows quality control of provided services, lower prices for the customer than with traditional service providers and a simple way to earn some extra money. At the same time, the author mentions negative aspects of these platforms, such as lower collection of taxes and fees, poor protection of employees and potentially also customers, or reduction of availability and quality of housing. In the next part of the paper the author focuses on each of the mentioned platforms and evaluates the regulation of these platforms, or rather service providers that use these platforms, in the light of both Czech and European case law. The author concludes that the use of apartments for the continuous provision of accommodation...

Pathophysiological role of fundic tension receptors in functional dyspepsia

Piessevaux, Hubert 15 January 2004 (has links)
This work has tried to provide better insight in some pathophysiological factors involved in functional dyspepsia. We have identified several experimental evidences supporting the hypothesis that activation of transducers of wall tension at the level the proximal stomach might be the key to the genesis of at least some of the symptoms. One of the mechanisms by which this activation may be enhanced in patients is the presence of defective accommodation of the proximal stomach in response to a meal. This abnormality was present in a large subgroup of patients and was associated to the presence of early satiety. Pharmacological modulation of the gastric wall tension resulted in concomitant changes in symptom severity, both in health and in functional dyspepsia patients. Special attention has been given to provide the clinician with better tools to investigate his patient, in the perspective of the prescription of a treatment aimed at restoring a defective mechanism. / Ce travail a tenté d'améliorer la compréhension de certains mécanismes physiopathologiques de la dyspepsie fonctionnelle. Nous avons identifié plusieurs arguments expérimentaux soutenant l'hypothèse disant que c'est l'activation de mécanorécepteurs sensibles à la tension pariétale qui est reponsable d'au moins un des symptômes de l'affection. Un des mécanismes par lesquels cette activation peut accrue chez les patients est la présence d'un défaut de l'accommodation gastrique post-prandiale. Cette anomalie a été retrouvée dans une large proportion des patients et est associée à la présence de satiété précoce. Les modifications du tonus gastrique ont résulté dans de modifications concomitantes des symptômes aussi bien chez les volontaires que chez les patients atteints de dyspepsie fonctionnelle.Une attention particulière a été portée sur le développement de nouveaux outils permettant de caractériser les patients dans la perspective de la prescription d'un traitement visant à corriger un mécanisme défectueux.

Pathophysiological role of fundic tension receptors in functional dyspepsia

Piessevaux, Hubert 15 January 2004 (has links)
This work has tried to provide better insight in some pathophysiological factors involved in functional dyspepsia. We have identified several experimental evidences supporting the hypothesis that activation of transducers of wall tension at the level the proximal stomach might be the key to the genesis of at least some of the symptoms. One of the mechanisms by which this activation may be enhanced in patients is the presence of defective accommodation of the proximal stomach in response to a meal. This abnormality was present in a large subgroup of patients and was associated to the presence of early satiety. Pharmacological modulation of the gastric wall tension resulted in concomitant changes in symptom severity, both in health and in functional dyspepsia patients. Special attention has been given to provide the clinician with better tools to investigate his patient, in the perspective of the prescription of a treatment aimed at restoring a defective mechanism. / Ce travail a tenté d'améliorer la compréhension de certains mécanismes physiopathologiques de la dyspepsie fonctionnelle. Nous avons identifié plusieurs arguments expérimentaux soutenant l'hypothèse disant que c'est l'activation de mécanorécepteurs sensibles à la tension pariétale qui est reponsable d'au moins un des symptômes de l'affection. Un des mécanismes par lesquels cette activation peut accrue chez les patients est la présence d'un défaut de l'accommodation gastrique post-prandiale. Cette anomalie a été retrouvée dans une large proportion des patients et est associée à la présence de satiété précoce. Les modifications du tonus gastrique ont résulté dans de modifications concomitantes des symptômes aussi bien chez les volontaires que chez les patients atteints de dyspepsie fonctionnelle.Une attention particulière a été portée sur le développement de nouveaux outils permettant de caractériser les patients dans la perspective de la prescription d'un traitement visant à corriger un mécanisme défectueux.

Dansk-svenska samtal i praktiken : Språklig interaktion och ackommodation mellan äldre och vårdpersonal i Öresundsregionen / Danish-Swedish Conversation in Practice : Linguistic Interaction and Accommodation Between the Elderly and their Caregivers in the Öresund Region

Ridell, Karin January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with what happens linguistically and interactionally in naturally occurring bilingual talk-in-interaction between Danes and Swedes. In the data – collected within the elderly care in a Danish municipality – three Swedish caregivers interact with Danish pensioners and colleagues. Previous research on inter-Scandinavian interaction has mostly been concerned with talk-in-interaction in arranged situations and/or situations where the participants do not interact regularly with other Scandinavians. The talk-in-interaction in the present data, however, has a clear activity context, and the participants are used to talking to people speaking the neighbour language. The aim of this study was to examine how comprehension, understanding and social affiliation were achieved and demonstrated across differences in language, age, nationality and institutional roles. The theoretical and methodological framework includes accommodation theory and conversation analysis. The linguistic aspects of the Swedish speakers’ accommodation to Danish were studied both in a detailed analysis of accommodation on five linguistic levels, and quantitatively in a study of five linguistic variables. One result was that the Swedish caregivers had individual ways of accommodating their language to Danish. The linguistic analyses also indicated that one reason for this accommodation was to make communication flow more efficiently. A CA-study of other-initiated repair showed that four factors in the interactional situation influenced understanding: context, physical distance and orientation, clearness of speech, and neighbour language and accommodation. It could, however, not be shown that the speakers’ use of different linguistic varieties caused a significant number of problems in understanding, or that the participants frequently oriented to such linguistic differences as part of the problem. Compliment sequences and their role in creating social affiliation were studied in another CA-study. They often played the role of introducing a new topic and leading the talk away from the practical chores at hand, thereby reducing the institutional aspect of the situation. The interactional ways of creating comprehension, understanding and social affiliation are likely to be at least as important as linguistic convergence in achieving these goals.

Autonomic Imbalance - a Precursor to Myopia Development?

Chen, Jennifer C. January 2003 (has links)
While prolonged nearwork is considered to be an environmental risk factor associated with myopia development, an underlying genetic susceptibility to nearwork-induced accommodative adaptation may be one possible mechanism for human myopia development. As the control of accommodation by the autonomic system may be one such genetically predetermined system, this research sought to investigate whether an anomaly of the autonomic control of accommodation may be responsible for myopia development and progression. The emphasis of this work was determining the effect of altering the sympathetic input to the ciliary muscle on accommodation responses such as tonic accommodation and nearwork-induced accommodative adaptation in myopes and non-myopes. The first study of the thesis was based on observations of Gilmartin and Winfield (1995) which suggested that a deficit in the sympathetic inputs to the ciliary muscle may be associated with a propensity for myopia development. The effect of ß-antagonism with timolol application on accommodation characteristics was studied in different refractive error groups. Our results support the previous findings that a deficit of sympathetic facility during nearwork was not a feature of late-onset myopia. However it was found that classifying myopes according to stability of their myopia and their ethnic background was important and this allowed differentiation between accommodation responses and characteristics of the ciliary muscle autonomic inputs, with the greatest difference observed between Caucasian stable myopes and Asian progressing myopes. Progressing myopes, particularly those with an Asian background, demonstrated enhanced susceptibility to nearwork-induced accommodative adaptation and this was suggested to result from a possible parasympathetic dominance and a relative sympathetic deficit to the ciliary muscle. In contrast, stable myopes, particularly those with an Asian background, demonstrated minimal accommodation changes following nearwork (counter-adaptation in some cases), and increased accommodative adaptation with ß-antagonism, suggesting sympathetic dominance as the possible autonomic accommodation control profile. As ethnic background was found to be an important factor, a similar study was also conducted in a group of Hong Kong Chinese children to investigate if enhanced susceptibility to nearwork-induced changes in accommodation may explain in part the high prevalence of myopia in Hong Kong. Despite some minor differences in methodology between the two studies, the Hong Kong stable myopic children demonstrated counter-adaptive changes and greater accommodative adaptation with timolol, findings that were consistent with those of the adult Asian stable myopes. Both Asian progressing myopic children and adults also showed greater accommodative adaptation than the stable myopes and similar response profiles following ß-adrenergic antagonism. Thus a combination of genetically predetermined accommodation profiles that confer high susceptibility and extreme environmental pressures is a likely explanation for the increase in myopia over the past decades in Asian countries. The hypothesis that a sympathetic deficit is linked to myopia was also investigated by comparing the effect of â-stimulation with salbutamol, a ß-agonist, on accommodation with that of ß-antagonism using timolol. It was hypothesized that salbutamol would have the opposite effect of timolol, and that it would have a greater effect on subjects who demonstrated greater accommodative adaptation effects, i.e. the progressing myopes, compared to those who showed minimal changes in accommodation following nearwork. Consistent with the hypothesis, the effect of sympathetic stimulation with salbutamol application was only evident in the progressing myopes whom we hypothesized may have a parasympathetic dominance and a relative sympathetic deficit type of autonomic imbalance while it did not further enhance the rapid accommodative regression profile demonstrated by the stable myopes. Characteristics of the convergence system and the interaction between accommodation and convergence were also investigated in the Hong Kong children. No significant differences in response AC/A ratios between the emmetropic, stable and progressing myopic children were found and it was concluded that elevated AC/A ratios were not associated with higher myopic progression rate in this sample of Hong Kong children. However, ß-adrenergic antagonism with timolol application produced a greater effect on accommodative convergence (AC) in stable myopic children who presumably have a more adequate, robust sympathetic input to the ciliary muscle, but had little effect on AC of progressing myopic children. This finding again points to the possibility that the autonomic control of the accommodation and convergence systems may be different between stable and progressing myopia. The primary contribution of this study to the understanding of myopia development is that differences in the autonomic control of the ciliary muscle may be responsible for producing anomalous accommodation responses. This could have significant impact on retinal image quality and thus results in myopia development. This knowledge may be incorporated into computer models of accommodation and myopia development and provides scope for further investigation of the therapeutic benefits of autonomic agents for myopia control.

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