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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rechnungslegung nach deutschem Handelsrecht und US-amerikanischen generally accepted accounting principles (US-GAAP) : ein internationaler Vergleich und Reformempfehlungen /

Mader, Martin. January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Bayreuth, Universiẗat, Diss., 2004.

Bilanzierung von Software nach HGB, US-GAAP und IFRS : integrative Analyse der Regelungen zu Ansatz, Bewertung und Umsatzrealisation von Software aus Hersteller- und Anwendersicht / Accounting for Software based on HGB, US-GAAP and IFRS

Suermann, Jan-Christoph January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit stellt die Grundsätze zur Bilanzierung von Software nach US-GAAP, IFRS und HGB gegenüber. Dabei werden sowohl die Bilanzierungsprobleme beim Anwender bzw. Nutzer von Software beleuchtet, als auch beim Hersteller von Software. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Fragen der bilanziellen Ansatzfähigkeit von Software sowie die bilanzielle Bewertung von Software. Ferner werden die Kriterien zur Umsatzrealisation im Zusammenhang mit Softwareprodukten untersucht. / The dissertation compares the HGB-, US-GAAP and IFRS standards regarding the accounting for software. The analysis deals with accounting problems of the producer of software as well as of the user of software. The center of the examination is the question whether to capitalise software costs or not and how to valuate software on the balance sheet. Furthermore the criteria for revenue recognition of software is investigated.

How Users Actually Use Financial Statements: A New Tool for Research in Experimental Accounting

Burke, Kevin 01 January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents a new methodology based on directly measuring user behavior and making decisions based on experimental results. I have built and tested a tool which will enable researchers to use the methodology to determine whether particular financial statement presentations are more beneficial than others. The tool records user movement on a computer screen with mouse tracking, which allows researchers to track user behavior in greater detail than ever before. The methodology was tested on a subject pool of non-professional financial analysts and junior professionals, who were presented with a company’s financial data in the current GAAP and a new proposed FASB presentation format. The results show that this methodology could be useful in differentiating between present GAAP and proposed alternatives.

Apskaitos politikos formavimas įmonėje / Formation Of Accounting Policy In A Company

Pelurytytė, Elinga 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – įmonių finansinės apskaitos politika. Tyrimo dalykas – finansinės apskaitos politikos formavimas įmonėje. Darbo tikslas – nustačius apskaitos politikos formavimo įmonėse ypatumus, parengti teorinį įmonės finansinės apskaitos politikos formavimo modelį ir patikrinus jo praktinį pritaikomumą Lietuvos įmonėse, suformuluoti atitinkamas išvadas bei pateikti pasiūlymus apskaitos politikos formavimo metodikai tobulinti. Uždaviniai: 1) ištirti apskaitos politikos reglamentavimą bei įvairių autorių pateikiamą apskaitos politikos sampratą; 2) apibrėžti apskaitos politikos parengimo etapus bei nustatyti apskaitos politikos pasirinkimą sąlygojančius veiksnius; 3) atskleidus įmonės apskaitos politikos konceptualiąj���� esmę sudaryti teorinį finansinės apskaitos politikos formavimo įmonėje modelį; 4) patikrinti parengto teorinio apskaitos politikos formavimo įmonėje modelio praktinį pritaikomumą Lietuvos įmonių pavyzdžiu bei pateikti išvadas ir pasiūlymus apskaitos politikos parengimo metodikai tobulinti. Tyrimo metodai - monografinis, loginė analiz�� ir sintezė, loginis abstrahavimas, anketinė apklausa, ekspertų vertinimo metodas, palyginimo ir apibendrinimo metodai bei loginis ir grafinis modeliavimas. Išanalizavus užsienio bei lietuvių autorių literatūrą bei apskaitos politikos reglamentavimą, darbe pateikiamas apskaitos politikos formavimo įmonėje modelis, kuriame atspindimas ryšys tarp apskaitos politikos pasirinkimą sąlygojančių veiksnių ir apskaitos politikai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the research is a company’s financial accounting policy. The subject of the research is accounting policy formation in a company. The goal of the work is to prepare the theoretical company‘s financial accounting policy formation model, after the peculiarities of accounting policy formation in a companies have been determinated and to settle appropriate conclusions and suggestions for the improving of the methodology of the accounting policy formation, after the adaptation of theoretical company‘s financial accounting policy formation model have been verified. The tasks of the research are as follows: 1) to investigate the reglamentation of accounting policy and the conception of accounting policy given by different authors; 2) to determine the preparation stages of accounting policy formation and ascertain the factors influencing accounting policy choice; 3) to compose the theoretical company’s accounting policy formation model, after conceptual essentiality of company’s accounting policy have been detected; 4) to verify the adaptation of theoretical company’s financial accounting policy formation model in Lithuanian companies and to settle conclusions and suggestions for the improving of the methodology of the accounting policy formation. The research methods include the monographic, logical analysis and synthesis, logical abstracting, questioning interrogation, estimation of experts, comparison and generalization methods and the methods of logical and... [to full text]

Internationale Rechnungslegung und Regulierungstheorie /

Watrin, Christoph. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Zugl.: Köln, Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2001.

Konverze účetního výkaznictví podle ČÚS a US GAAP a jeho vliv na investorské rozhodování / Conversion of the financial statements according to the Czech accounting principles to the US GAAP and their influence on investors

Cernenco, Marina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the influence of financial reporting on present and potencial investors and creditors, in the context of the comparison of requirements and accounting policies applied by national regulations and U. S. GAAP. The comparison is done in the framework of the conversion of financial statements which is essensial for Czech companies simultaneously following different accounting principles. The theoretical part is devoted to examining the influence and role of financial statements prepared in accordance with accounting regulations and U. S. accounting standards, with a more detailed analysis of selected accounting areas of. Attention is also paid to the conversion process, possibilities of its implementation as well as limitations and problems associated with it. Based on the teoretical part the analysis of the conversion process is done on the example of a particular company.

Implementeringsprocessen av IFRS på företagsnivå i Sverige : En undersökning om processen för svenska onoterade och noterade företag vid övergången från K3 till IFRS / Implementation process of IFRS in a company level in Sweden

Ramhorn, Sebastian, Nordgren, Johannes January 2021 (has links)
Tidigare forskning kring implementeringen av IFRS fokuserar främst på varför företag väljer att övergå till IFRS samt vilka effekter det medför. Det finns väldigt lite forskning som studerar implementeringsprocessen på företagsnivå och den forskning som studerar processen fokuserar på länder och inte företag. Utifrån att det finns lite tidigare forskning kring ämnet finns det intresse av att utforska det närmare. Syftet med studien är att förstå implementeringsprocessen av IFRS på företagsnivå i Sverige samt påvisa utmaningar i processen som företag stöter på.  Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och data till studien samlades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och analys av dokument. Analysen av data har gjorts genom den institutionella teorin och tre delar ur isomorfismen: Tvingande isomorfism, imiterande isomorfism och normativ isomorfism. Genom dessa delar ur isomorfismen har därmed slutsatser kunnat göras.  Resultaten visar att en viktig del i implementeringsprocessen är företagens samverkan med konsulter. Konsulterna är delaktiga i hela processen och det är viktigt för företagen att sätta en tydlig plan kring hur implementeringsprocessen ska gå till.  Vidare visar det att mallar och riktlinjer används för att underlätta processen. Ett antal utmaningar som nämns i processen är framför allt hanteringen kring leasingavtal samt problematik kring revisorns oberoende. / Previous research regarding IFRS implementation focuses mostly on why companies choose to implement IFRS and what the effects are. There is very little research that studies the implementation process on company level and the research that studies the process focuses on countries and not companies. Since there is little research regarding this topic it is of interest to do further research. The purpose of this study is to understand the implementation process of IFRS on a company level and to show what challenges companies face in the process.  The study has a qualitative approach and the gathering of data was done through semi structured interviews and document analysis. The analysis of data has been made through institutional theory andits three parts of isomorphism: Coercive isomorphism, mimetic isomorphism and normative isomorphism. Through these parts of isomorphism, it has thus been possible to draw conclusions. The results show that an important part of the implementation process is the companies' collaboration with consultants. The consultants are involved in the entire process and it´s important for the company to set a clear plan for how the implementation process should go. Furthermore, it shows that templates and guidelines are used to facilitate the process. A number of challenges that are mentioned in the process are above all the handling of leasing agreements and problems regarding the auditor's independence.


錢振琪, Chien, Penny Unknown Date (has links)
會計與財務報導之功能在於幫助企業主管透過財務資訊,分析歸納以作成各項經營管理決策。缺乏良好財會管理的企業,往往無法永續經營。而壽險業因為營運方式複雜,影響社會安定層面廣大,在各國均為受高度監理的特殊行業。由於我國尚無專屬保險會計原則,監理單位與壽險公司經營者無法根據保險公司之財務報表真實反映其經營成果,從而有效達到監理目的或防範保險公司所面臨的潛在風險。 先進國家如美國之財務會計準則委員會曾多次提出與美國保險業財務會計準則相關之規範。例如1982年針對保險業提出第60號「保險業會計及報導」,其後陸續發布第97號「保險業長期保險契約與投資已實現利得與損失之會計與報導」、第113號「短期契約與長期契約再保險會計處理與報導原則」公報等。對於保險業會計處理原則之規範可稱相當完備。 本論文依據國內壽險會計處理原則及美國相關財務會計準則公報之原理原則,擷取實際保險公司財務報表,依據不同會計制度下之相關規範,計算出其中差異。實證結果發現,有別於美國會計制度分別是一般公認會計原則(GAAP)及法定會計原則(SAP);國內壽險業會計制度、會計環境假設不明確,財務會計參酌法定會計(或稱監理會計)的概念,使得財務報表未能呈現壽險公司實際經營成果,因此造成會計制度無法與國際接軌。 本論文認為;現在國內既存新舊保險公司營運方式不同,保險財務複雜度高。國內保險公司引用美國會計準則雖可改善目前缺失,但必須作全面周全考量。顧全業者立場,考慮可能之衝擊,配合監理機關與實務可行性,持續進行,方能獲得最佳成效。 / Finance and Accounting reports have the function of providing business managers financial information. Through analysis and consolidating of this information the managers may make sound decisions in business operations. A company without sound finance and accounting management usually won’t last for long. Due to its complicated operation methodology, and the great impact to social security, life insurance industry is often under high degree supervisory of government in every country. In Taiwan there is no exclusive insurance accounting principles, as a result, the government supervisory unit and life insurers can’t have a standardized financial reporting to reflect their operation result truly, nor can they effectively achieve supervisory objectives or prevent the potential risks which insurers face. Developed countries such as U. S. has the Financial Accounting Standards Board, (FASB) raises many times related guidelines of US insurance industry’s accounting principles. For example in 1982 the Board raised FAS 60, and FAS 97, FAS 113 in later days. Such guidelines of insurance accounting principles are sufficient for the business operations needs. This paper is developed based on the Taiwan life insurance accounting process principles and US related financial accounting guidelines, taking the financial reports of one insurer as example, to calculate the variance under two different sets of accounting regulations. Our finding is, unlike the US accounting system which is based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, (GAAP) and Statutory Accounting Principle, (SAP), Taiwan’s life insurance accounting system, underlying assumptions are not clear enough, as well as the concept of adapting Statutory accounting (or supervisory accounting), makes our financial reports not able to present the real operating results of life insurers. As a result our accounting system fails to align with international practices. This paper suggests that, In Taiwan there are both newly set up insurers and insurers established for long time, while their business models are different, under the complicated insurance. Applying the US accounting principles may improve certain defects, however we must make comprehensive assessment, balance the insurers’ view, consider possible impact, comply with supervisory unit, and feasibility of practice, then implement consistently to obtain the best effects.

Skillnader mellan Swedish GAAP och US GAAP : väsentlighetsbegreppet och justeringsposter / Differences between Swedish GAAP and US GAAP : materiality and items to reconciliate

Karlsson, Lisa, Sandstedt, Theres January 2002 (has links)
Background: With an increased global market, where companies seek capital abroad, the demand for a more uniform accounting standard has been raised. This uniform accounting standard is not yet available, differences between accounting standards still exists. Several Swedish companies seek risk capital in the USA and some are part of a concern that is listed on the American stock exchange. This means that the Securities and Exchange Commission requires the companies to do a reconciliation to US GAAP on those items that are considered material. This can be an extensive work for the companies if the knowledge about the differences between Swedish GAAP and US GAAP does not exist. Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to describe Swedish GAAP and US GAAP and experienced differences between them, and identify items that should be taken into consideration at a reconciliation. Further we have the purpose to examine the meaning of the expression material and how that affects what items that are chosen for reconciliation, and to create a model for analysis of what items are material. Accomplishment: We have done a research among an assortment of Swedish companies that do a reconciliation of their reports to US GAAP. The purpose of the research have been to identify differences between Swedish GAAP and US GAAP and which ones that are considered material and therefore should be reconciled. We have then described the identified differences and what effect those differences have from the view of a case company. The case company is Sydkraft ÖstVärme that are part of a German group that are listed on the American stock exchange and therefore are affected by US GAAP accounting. Results: Through the information from the research we have created a guideline that could be used as help when doing reconciliation. This guideline consists partly of a model of how an analysis of material items could function when choosing reconciliation items and partly of a compilation of the differences that have been identified and how they should be treated.

Skillnader mellan Swedish GAAP och US GAAP : väsentlighetsbegreppet och justeringsposter / Differences between Swedish GAAP and US GAAP : materiality and items to reconciliate

Karlsson, Lisa, Sandstedt, Theres January 2002 (has links)
<p>Background: With an increased global market, where companies seek capital abroad, the demand for a more uniform accounting standard has been raised. This uniform accounting standard is not yet available, differences between accounting standards still exists. Several Swedish companies seek risk capital in the USA and some are part of a concern that is listed on the American stock exchange. This means that the Securities and Exchange Commission requires the companies to do a reconciliation to US GAAP on those items that are considered material. This can be an extensive work for the companies if the knowledge about the differences between Swedish GAAP and US GAAP does not exist. </p><p>Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to describe Swedish GAAP and US GAAP and experienced differences between them, and identify items that should be taken into consideration at a reconciliation. Further we have the purpose to examine the meaning of the expression material and how that affects what items that are chosen for reconciliation, and to create a model for analysis of what items are material. </p><p>Accomplishment: We have done a research among an assortment of Swedish companies that do a reconciliation of their reports to US GAAP. The purpose of the research have been to identify differences between Swedish GAAP and US GAAP and which ones that are considered material and therefore should be reconciled. We have then described the identified differences and what effect those differences have from the view of a case company. The case company is Sydkraft ÖstVärme that are part of a German group that are listed on the American stock exchange and therefore are affected by US GAAP accounting. </p><p>Results: Through the information from the research we have created a guideline that could be used as help when doing reconciliation. This guideline consists partly of a model of how an analysis of material items could function when choosing reconciliation items and partly of a compilation of the differences that have been identified and how they should be treated.</p>

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