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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos paslaugų savikainos kalkuliavimo modelis / The model of hospital’s service unit costing

Dainytė, Aistė 05 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Pritaikyti N ligoninės bendrosios apskaitos sistemą paslaugų savikainos skaičiavimui. Uždaviniai: Išanalizuoti ASPĮ finansavimo būdus ir jų sąsajas su sąnaudų įvertinimu; Aptarti ASPĮ valdymo apskaitos sistemas ir parinkti tinkamą savikainos kalkuliavimo modelį; Atlikti ASPĮ paslaugų savikainos kalkuliavimo modelio realizaciją N ligoninėje; Įvertinti savikainos modelio taikymo galimybes ir perspektyvas. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimo objektas - N ligoninės bendroji apskaitos sistema. Atlikta mokslinės literatūros analizė ir sintezė; taikytas matematinio modeliavimo metodas – sukurtas tiesinis daugelio lygčių modelis; modelio realizacijai naudoti N ligoninės 2010 metų duomenys (ligoninės veiklos rezultatų ataskaitos, operatyvinės apskaitos duomenys iš „Visma business“, „Alga“ programų ir “Sveidros“ duomenų bazės. Tyrimo rezultatai. Parinktas pakopinis savikainos kalkuliacijos modelis, realizuotas EXCEL bazėje. N ligoninės padaliniams atidarytos virtualios sąskaitos, kai kuriais atvejais sukurti sąnaudų centrai. Apskaičiuota klinikinių padalinių pilnoji, o kitiems padaliniams nepilna savikaina. Išvados: 1. ASPĮ paslaugų apmokėjimo įkainiai teoriškai grindžiami paslaugų teikimui reikalingomis sąnaudomis. Tačiau praktikoje paslaugų kainos (įkainiai) labiau atspindi biudžeto galimybes bei santykius tarp įvairaus sudėtingumo DRG grupių nei realias gydymo įstaigų sąnaudas. 2. Universalios išlaidų klasifikacijos sistemos nėra. Kiekvienos įstaigos vadovybė numatydama... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To adapt Hospital’s N accounting system to service unit costing. Objectives: To analyze hospital funding methods and their correlation with cost evaluation; To discuss hospital management accounting systems and select the suitable model of service unit costing; To implement the model of service unit costing in the hospital N; To evaluate the possibilities and prospects of implementation of service unit costing model. Methods. The object of the research was the accounting system of hospital N. The scientific literature was analyzed; the mathematical modeling method was applied – the model of most linear equations was developed; the implementation of service unit costing model was based on hospital’s N 2010 year data (reports of hospital’s activity results, operational accounting data taken from “Visma business” and “Alga” programs, “Sveidra” data base. Results. Step-down method for service unit costing was selected and implemented in Excel base. Virtual accounts were opened for hospital’s N departments. In some cases, cost centers were created. Full costing was made for clinical departments, while marginal costing was prepared for the other hospital departments. Conclusions: 1. The tariffs for hospital services are theoretically based on necessary costs of service provision. However, in practice, prices (tariffs) of hospital services reflect budget possibilities and relations between various diagnosis related groups rather than factual hospital costs... [to full text]

Diseño de un sistema contable que permite optimizar legalmente la declaración del IVA en Ecuador / Design of an accounting system that legally optimizes the IVA declaration in Ecuador

Díaz Montenegro, José 10 April 2018 (has links)
Most of Ecuador’s contributors don’t prepare a well elaborate tax credit application form for their IVA declarations, which lead them to give a payment that goes unnecessary above the actual value, due to the inadequate form filling. In this article, we can see that through the implementation of a simple accounting system, taxpayers can optimize their IVA declaration without breaking any current tax provision, even more, going side by side with our country’s established law. / Gran parte de los contribuyentes en el Ecuador no realizan una aplicación correcta del crédito tributario en sus declara­ciones de IVA, lo que los lleva a pagar un valor mucho más alto del que pagarían si hicieran una aplicación adecuada. En el presente artículo, demostramos que a través de la implementación de un sencillo sistema contable, los contribuyentes pueden optimizar su declaración del IVA sin infringir ninguna disposición tributaria vigente, sino, por el contrario, apegándose estrictamente a lo que dice la ley en el país.

Převod účetnictví dle ČÚS do US GAAP - aplikace v konkrétním podniku / TRANSFER OF ACCOUNTING BY CAS TO U.S. GAAP - APPLICATION IN A PARTICULAR COMPANY

SOSINOVÁ, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of my thesis was to explain US GAAP to Czech public by comparing operations that are reported differently according to Czech accounting system and the US GAAP. Accounting of fixed assets of the Company was chosen as specific area of comparision due to its great significance in total assets and due to my personal experience in this area.

Zpracování mezd v systému Targer 2100 / Working of wages in the system Target 2100

Filounková, Eliška January 2009 (has links)
Thesis presents a system for personal management and management of wages administration, Target 2100, and by means of it maps the content of wage accountant's work. It defines one of the possible processes how to work up the wages and solve problems. The thesis is finished by comparison the program Target2100 with a complex accounting system, that describes main advantages of the program Target 2100 as a professional instrument of the wages accounting.

Komparace dopadů české a maďarské finanční legislativy na výkonnost obchodní korporace / Comparison of the impact of Czech and Hungarian legislation on the financial performance of the business corporations

Farkas, Orsolya January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to compare the tax and accounting system of Hungary and the Czech Republic and through the aforementioned analysis, to attempt to determine in which country the company would be more efficient. In the theoretical part, the differences between particular types of taxes and accounting standards in Hungary and in the Czech Republic are examined in detail. Subsequently, the theoretical basis of the financial analysis of the company is mentioned. The practical part is dedicated to the application of the theory to a real Hungarian company. All balance sheet items and income statement items of the studied Hungarian company are recalculated in accordance with the Czech legislation what creates a new company, with the same characteristics, but in the Czech Republic. The final part of the thesis presents the financial analysis that allows us to compare the two companies and to determine which one is more efficient.

Bilanční politika účetních jednotek sestavujících účetní závěrku dle IFRS / Accounting policy of the entities preparing their financial statements in accordance with IFRS

Čontošová, Katarína January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of measures to prevent accounting fraud for units compiling IFRS financial statements. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part describes the theory of creating international harmonization of accounting systems. The second part is devoted to the analysis and description of selected, the most frequently used international accounting standards, from which the part of own solutions is based. The third part, own solution proposals, deals with the application of the analytical part to a specific selected company, ČD Cargo, a. s. Differences between accounting in different accounting systems are discussed, namely the impact of differences on selected indicators of financial analysis.


GRAPS, CHIARA 11 March 2016 (has links)
Nel mondo delle imprese, l’efficacia del sistema di contabilità analitica per il miglioramento delle performance organizzative è ampiamente dimostrata. I risultati della letteratura del settore pubblico sulla relazione diretta tra MAS e performance sono invece ancora scarsi e controversi. La presente ricerca si propone di colmare questo gap e di indagare, con metodo quantitativo, se la presenza di questo strumento nelle aziende sanitarie pubbliche implichi effettivamente una buona performance, misurata sulla base di indicatori, sia economico-finanziari, sia non economico-finanziari. In particolare, lo studio di propone di verificare se le caratteristiche di base di un sistema di management accounting abbiano un significativo impatto positivo sulle performance economico - finanziarie e sull’efficienza e appropriatezza dell’organizzazione; un sistema di contabilità analitica più sviluppato migliori significativamente i risultati economico - finanziari, l’efficienza e l’appropriatezza dell’organizzazione; il livello di sviluppo del MAS comporti un differente impatto sulle performance in funzione di alcune caratteristiche delle organizzazioni sanitarie pubbliche, come l’appartenenza o meno della azienda ad una regione sottoposta ad un piano di rientro dal deficit finanziario, o il fatto di essere o meno una ASL piuttosto che un’Azienda ospedaliera, o di avere una casistica particolarmente complessa. / Management accounting theory has generally assumed that accounting information improves decision-making and, thereby, organizational outcomes. The Italian Legislative Decree no. 502/92 introduced the Management accounting systems in the public health care organizations, within the New Public Management reforms. According to NPM theories, “Management is management” in public and private sectors, so the use of private sector management tools can improve public sector performance. However, “no prior studies have systematically tested whether the same kind of management principles and techniques have the same effects in both public and private organizations” (Hvidman, Andersen, 2013). Indeed, concerning impacts, management accounting research is still mainly focused on manufacturing firms while public sector is largely unexplored. In response to this gap, this study investigates the impact of MAS on financial and non-financial organizational performance of a large sample of health care organizations. More specifically, the purpose of this work is to verify whether: 1) The presence of MAS has positive effects on financial performance, on efficiency and appropriateness; 2) The functionality of the costing system is positively correlated with financial and non-financial organizational performance; 3) The relationship between MAS and organizational performance will be more likely in the presence of some contextual factors.

Daňová problematika v účetnictví a její řešení v praxi / The issue of taxes in accounting and its solving in practice

Čermáková, Kristýna January 2011 (has links)
The thesis focuses on accounting and taxation system and their different approach in solving particular problems. The first part of this thesis characterizes the essence of accounting, its role and the importance for its users. It also describes the regulation of accounting, influences that contributed to the creation of a legislative framework and the accounting standards nowadays. The description of the tax system is focused on the definition of basic elements of taxes, a brief overview of the current tax system in the Czech Republic and the taxes in accounting. Particular attention is paid to differences and complications that arise from different perspective of tax and accounting system. This concerns the area of provisions, depreciation, valuation allowance and their connection with deferred tax.

Medelyno išlaidų apskaitos modelis taikant ABC išlaidų apskaitos sistemą / Nursery Cost Accounting Model Using Activity-Based Costing

Stravinskaitė, Monika 21 June 2013 (has links)
Tinkamos išlaidų apskaitos sistemos pasirinkimui įtakos turi visa eilė veiksnių ir aplinkybių. Įmonėms, kurių produkcijos gamybai yra priskiriama daug netiesioginių išlaidų, buvo sukurta ABC (Activity-based costing) išlaidų apskaitos sistema, kuri padeda įvertinti veiklą, priimti valdymo sprendimus, kontroliuoti bei mažinti išlaidas, atsisakyti vertės nepridedančių veiklų. Atlikti tyrimai “N” medelyno pavyzdžiu parodė, kad netiesioginės sodmenų gamybos išlaidos paskirstomos miško sėjinukų, sodinukų ir dekoratyvinių sodinukų auginimo išlaidoms pagal tiesioginio darbo užmokesčio sumą. Toks netiesioginių išlaidų paskirstymas sodmenų grupėms iškraipo sodmenų savikainą, nes išanalizavus „N“ medelyno gamybos technologinį procesą, pastebėta, kad skirtingų grupių sodmenys kaupia ne vienodas išlaidas, t.y. jų poreikiai yra skirtingi ir reikalauja skirtingų veiklų. Todėl autorė siūlo medelyno gamybos procesą suskirstyti į tris pagrindinius etapus: produkto sukūrimą (idėją), produkto pagaminimą-išauginimą ir pardavimą, pagal šiuos etapus išskirti veiklas ir kaupti sodmenų auginimo išlaidas. / Choice of appropriate cost accounting system is influenced by a number of factors and circumstances. Companies whose production is attributed to a lot of indirect costs have set up ABC (Activity-Based Costing) cost accounting system, which helps to evaluate performance, make management decisions to control and reduce costs, to refuse activities of value decrease. The studies in nursery 'N' show that the indirect costs of seedlings are allocated to forest seedlings, plants and ornamental plants growing costs under the amount of direct salary. This allocation of indirect costs distorts the cost of seedlings, because the analysis of the nursery "N" production process technology shows that different groups of seedlings accumulate different costs because their needs are different and require different activities. Therefore, the author suggests three basic steps of nursery production process: creation of the product (the idea), production-cultivation and sales, to exclude activities and to collect costs of seedling production.

Vaistinės verslo procesų automatizavimas panaudojant Navision / Business process automation of drugstore network using Microsoft “Navision” software

Ramanauskas, Edvardas 19 January 2005 (has links)
Urgency of research. Nowadays business competition is large. So if managements want to keep in the fight of competition, they must make decisions efficiently. According researchers about 80% of information needed for decisions making is obtained out of accounting. So data of accounting must be processed quickly and operatively. Such way to get information necessitates purchasing of computerized accounting system. Newness of research. The supply of computerized accounting systems is large in Lithuania, so it is difficult to choose the best computerized accounting system for management of company. Besides time in time there appear new products, new versions of programs. Choosing the system that meets the needs of company �� difficult task because there aren’t mucj information and experience on that situation Goal of research. We will analyze Navision Attain Business Solution possibilities for computerization of drugstore network. We will analyze Navision Attain Business Solution and compare it with other systems. Object of research. Preparation of the accounting system for drugstore network using Navision Business Solutions Tasks of research: • To present main principles of accounting • To analyze the peculiarities of computerized accounting system • To describe the possibilities of Navision attain Business Solutions Results of research: • Requirements for computerized accounting system Navision are analyzed • Posibilities of programming product Navision are analyzed •... [to full text]

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