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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis of Bio-Based Polymers Containing D-Isosorbide by Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization

Yalamanchili, Chinni 17 May 2014 (has links)
The utilization of renewable sources as alternatives for petroleum and natural gas products has immense commercial, health and global warming significance. D-Isosorbide (2) is a bifunctional, polar, chiral and rigid molecule, which is produced from renewable sources. Synthesis of new polymers containing 2 is of interest for polymers and in drug delivery. The aim of the present work is to synthesize various polymers (homo- and copolymers) containing 2 via the olefin metathesis routes, ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) and acyclic-diene metathesis polymerization (ADMET). N-Phenyl-7-oxanorbornene-dicarboximide, and norbornene functionalized onto 2 were used as the monomers for ROMP. These monomers were polymerized using Grubbs’ catalysts to generate a series of homo-, co-, block and cross-linked-polymers. These polymers were characterized using GPC, NMR, and IR. In addition, ADMET polymerization of a terminal diolefinunctionalized D-isosorbide (2) was also conducted to produce ADMET polymers.

Linear network codes on cyclic and acyclic networks

Esmaeili, Ali 02 May 2016 (has links)
Consider a network which consists of noiseless point to point channels. In this network, the source node wants to send messages to a specific set of sink nodes. If an intermediate node v has just one input channel then the received symbol by that node can be replicated and sent to the outgoing channels from v. If v has at least two incoming channels then it has two options. It can either send the received symbols one-by-one, one symbol in each time unit, or v can transmit a combination of the received symbols. The former choice takes more time compared to the latter option, which is called network coding. In the literature, it has been shown that in a single source finite acyclic network the maximum throughput can be achieved by using linear network codes. Significant effort has been made to efficiently construct good network codes. In addition, a polynomial time algorithm for constructing a linear network code on a given network was introduced. Also an algorithm for constructing a linear multicast code on an acyclic network was introduced. Finally, a method for finding a representation matrix for the network matroid of a given network G was also introduced. This matrix can be used to construct a generic code. In this thesis we first provide a review of some known methods for constructing linear multicast, broadcast and dispersion codes for cyclic and acyclic networks. We then give a method for normalization of a non-normal code, and also give a new algorithm for constructing a linear multicast code on a cyclic network. The construction of generic network codes is also addressed. / Graduate / 0984 / 0544 / esmaeili@uvic.ca

Tenothiovir et Adethiovir : Nouveaux analogues phosphonates acycliques pour cibler les VIH-1 résistants / Tenothiovir and Adethiovir : new acyclic phosphonate analogs targering HIV-1 resistant strains

Roux, Loic 23 April 2012 (has links)
Les virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine de type 1 et 2 (HIV-1 et HIV-2) et de l'Hépatite B (HBV) représentent un intérêt particulier en santé publique. En effet, on estime à plus de 33 millions le nombre de personnes infectées par le virus HIV dans le monde et 360 millions par HBV. La transcriptase inverse (RT) est une enzyme nécessaire à leur réplication et constitue donc une cible majeure des drogues antivirales. Parmi les NRTI commercialisés, les analogues de nucleotides de type phosphonates acyclique, comme l'Adefovir (HEPSERA®, Gilead) et le Tenofovir (VIREAD®, Gilead) sous forme prodrogue, ont révolutionné les traitements contre les virus HBV et HIV. Devant l'emmergence de virus résistants, il est urgent de développer de nouveaux antiviraux plus puissants et surtout actifs sur ces souches afin d'optimiser les multithérapies antivirales. Dans ce but, nous avons conçu des analogues thiophosphonates dérivés de l'Adefovir (PMEA) et du Tenofovir (PMPA), non toxiques pour la cellules et actifs contre HIV-1, HIV-2 et HBV en culture de cellules infectées. Ces composés, baptisés Adethiovir et Tenothiovir, ont été synthétisés selon une méthode originale et ont fait l'objet d'un dépôt de brevet. Nous avons synthétisé les formes diphosphates correspondantes : incorporés par la RT, terminateurs de chaîne, ils contournent la résistance associée au mutant K65R. Notre objectif est donc de les pousser plus loin dans le « pipe-line » du développement de médicaments antiviraux. / The Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 and type 2 (HIV-1 and HIV-2) and Hepatitis B (HBV) constitue a special interest in public health. Indeed, it is estimated that more than 33 million people infected with HIV worldwide and 360 million with HBV. Reverse transcriptase (RT) is an enzyme required for their replication and is therefore a key target for antiviral drugs. Among the NRTI marketed, nucleotide analogues like acyclic phosphonates, such as adefovir (Hepsera ®, Gilead) and Tenofovir (VIREAD ®, Gilead) as a prodrug form, have revolutionized the treatment against HBV and HIV. With the emmergence of resistant virus, there is a need to develop new antiviral compounds that are targetting especially these to optimize antiviral combination therapies. For this purpose, we designed analogues thiophosphonates derivatives Adefovir (PMEA) and tenofovir (PMPA), that are non-toxic in cells and active against HIV-1, HBV and HIV-2 infected cell cultures. These compounds, named Adethiovir Tenothiovir, were synthesized according to an original method and were the subject of a patent. We synthesized the corresponding diphosphates forms: incorporated by RT, chain terminators, they bypass the resistance associated with the K65R mutant. Our goal is to push them further in the "pipeline" development of antiviral drugs.

Algoritmos para junções em digrafos acíclicos e uma aplicação na Antropologia / Algorithms for junctions in acyclic digraphs and an application in the Anthropology

Franco, Álvaro Junio Pereira 18 December 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho consideramos um problema da Antropologia. A modelagem de sociedades e casamentos de indivíduos é feita com grafos mistos e encontrar caminhos disjuntos é uma questão central no problema. O problema é NP-completo e, quando visto como um problema parametrizado, ele é W[1]-difícil. Alguns subproblemas que surgem durante o processo de obter uma solução para o problema, envolvem caminhos disjuntos e podem ser resolvidos em tempo polinomial. Implementamos algoritmos polinomiais que são usados em uma ferramenta desenvolvida para solucionar o problema na Antropologia considerado. Nossa solução funcionou bem para as sociedades fornecidas pelos nossos parceiros. / In this work we consider a problem from the Anthropology. The model of the societies and the marriages of individuals is done with mixed graphs and to find disjoint paths is a central question in the problem. The problem is NP-complete and W[1]-hard when it is considered a parameterized problem. Some subproblems that arise during the process to obtain a solution for the problem, involve disjoint paths and can be solved in polynomial time. We implemented some polynomial algorithms that are used in a tool developed to solve the problem in the Anthropology considered. Our solution worked well for the societies provided by our partners.

Der Aktivierungsmechanismus von Rhodopsin

Fritze, Olaf 05 December 2006 (has links)
Rhodopsin, der Rezeptor der visuellen Kaskade, gehört zu größten Klasse A der G-Protein-koppelnden Rezeptoren (GPCRs) und gilt als Modell-Rezeptor in der GPCR-Forschung. Über 3 % des humanen Genoms kodieren für GPCRs, doch trotz der physiologischen Bedeutung dieser Proteinfamilie sind die fundamentalen Mechanismen, mit denen diese Rezeptoren extrazelluläre Signale in das Zellinnere weiterleiten noch nicht verstanden. In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden Aspekte des Aktivierungsmechanismus von Rhodopsin sowie der Kopplung und Aktivierung des G-Proteins Transduzin untersucht. Die Arbeit ist in drei Schwerpunkte unterteilt: I. Es wurde ein in GPCR’s hochkonserviertes NPxxYx(5,6)F Motiv (Aminosäuresequenz Asn-Pro-x-x-Tyr-x(5,6)-Phe) in der siebten und achten Helix charakterisiert. In diesem konservierten Motiv sind mehrere für die Ausbildung der aktiven Rezeptorkonformation wichtige Funktionen vereint: Verknüpfung zu einem Wasserstoffbrückennetzwerk, Helixflexibilität sowie die exakte Positionierung der achten Helix. Letzteres hat nicht nur bei der Rezeptoraktivierung sondern auch bei der nachfolgenden Interaktion mit dem G-Protein eine Bedeutung. II. Anhand von chimären Rezeptoren, bei denen Teile der achten Helix durch homologe Sequenzen des beta2-adrenergen Rezeptors ausgetauscht wurden, wurde die Rolle der achten Helix bei der Rezeptor-Aktivierung und Bindung des G-Proteins untersucht. Auch bei dieser Studie wurde gezeigt, dass die exakte Positionierung der achten Helix essentiell für die Interaktion mit dem G-Protein ist. Zudem wurde ein bezüglich der G-Protein-Aktivierung funktionsfähiger chimärer Rezeptor gefunden, was auf einen übergeordneten Mechanismus bei der Aktivierung von G-Proteinen durch GPCRs hindeutet. III. Die Funktion des ß-Ionon-Rings des Retinals beim Aktivierungsmechanismus von Rhodopsin wurde an einem Retinal studiert, bei welchem Teile des Retinal-Rings fehlten (azyklisches Retinal). Auch diesem azyklischen Retinal können Eigenschaften eines partiellen Agonisten zugeschrieben werden. Beim Vergleich zu Pigmenten mit dem nativen 11-cis-Retinal wurden starke Analogien bei der initialen Energieaufnahme durch die Retinal-Isomerisierung sowie bei der Weiterleitung der Lichtenergie ins Protein gefunden. Allerdings wird die Energie schlechter auf das Protein übertragen, wodurch wesentlich weniger der aktiven G-Protein bindenden Rezeptorkonformation gebildet wird. Als wichtigste Funktion des Retinal-Rings wurde die Aufrechterhaltung der aktiven Meta-II-Konformation identifiziert. / Rhodopsin, the receptor of the visual cascade, belongs to the largest group A of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and can be seen as a model receptor in GPCR research. More than 3 % of the human genome code for GPCRs. But despite their physiological relevance, the detailed mechanism of signal transduction from extra cellular signal to different cellular pathways remains to be fully understood. Different aspects of receptor activation and the coupling and activation of the G-protein transducin are investigated in this dissertation. The thesis focuses on the following three subjects: I. A NPxxYx(5,6)F motif (amino acid sequence Asn-Pro-x-x-Tyr-x(5,6)-Phe) has been characterized for rhodopsin. It is localized in helix VII and VIII and is highly conserved throughout the GPCR family. Various roles for rhodopsin activation are combined in this motif: linkage to a hydrogen-bond network, helix flexibility and the exact positioning of helix VIII. The latter is not only relevant for the activation of the receptor but also for interaction with its G-protein. II. The role of helix VIII for receptor activation and G-protein coupling was studied on chimeric receptors, in which parts of helix VIII were exchanged against homologous sequences of the beta2 adrenergic receptor. This study confirmed the importance of helix VIII’s position for G-protein coupling. Furthermore, a chimeric receptor was found, which was fully functional concerning G-protein activation. This indicates that GPCRs might use a single, generic mechanism for G-protein activation. III. The role of the ß-ionone-ring for the activation mechanism of rhodopsin was studied by means of an acyclic retinal, which lacks four carbon atoms of the ß-ionone-ring. This modified retinal could be classified as a partial agonist for rhodopsin. Energy input by retinal isomerization and formation of the G-protein binding Meta-II conformation were found to be very similar to rhodopsin when bound to its native 11-cis-retinal. However, the lack of the ring structure resulted in a lower amount of Meta-II and a fast decay of activity. It was concluded that the main role of the ring structure is to maintain the active state of rhodopsin.

Sinteza i detaljna biološka ispitivanja tiazolnih C-nukleozida / Synthesis and detailed biological testing of thiazole C-nucleozides

Kojić Vesna 26 April 2013 (has links)
<p>U radu je ostvarena totalna sinteza novih acikličnih&nbsp;tiazolnih C-nukleozide sa dvostrukom &nbsp;vezom i&nbsp;2&prime;,3&prime;-dideoksi funkcijom u &scaron;ećernoj komponenti.&nbsp;Ostvarena vi&scaron;efazna sinteza &nbsp;pomenutih acikličnih&nbsp;analoga tiazofurina zasnovana je na D-arabinozi&nbsp;kao hiralnom prekursoru. Ispitana je in vitro&nbsp;citotoksična&nbsp;aktivnost&nbsp;novosintetizovanih&nbsp;nukleozida prema ćelijskim linijama K562, HL-60,&nbsp;HT-29, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, HeLa, Raji, PC3,&nbsp;Jurkat, Hs 294T i MRC-5, kao i provera ćelijskih&nbsp;mehanizama koji su u osnovi &nbsp;uočenog&nbsp;citotoksičnog potencijala novosintetisanih analoga&nbsp;u odnosu na tiazofurin kao referentno jedinjenje.</p> / <p>A total synthesis of new acyclic thiazole C-nucleozides&nbsp;bearing a double bond or 2&prime;,3&prime;-dideoxy functionality in&nbsp;the sugar moiety was achieved in this work. The multi-step synthesis of the mentioned thiazofurin analogues is&nbsp;based on&nbsp; D-arabinose as a chiral precursor. In vitro&nbsp;cytotoxic activity of newly synthesized compounds was&nbsp;evaluated against the following cell lines: K562, HL-60,&nbsp;HT-29, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, HeLa, Raji, PC3, Jurkat,&nbsp;Hs 294T and MRC-5. A study of cell mechanisms&nbsp;underlaying the significant cytotoxic potential of these&nbsp;molecules was caried out and the results were compared&nbsp;to thiazofurin that servad as a referent compound in all&nbsp;biological testings.</p>

Mesures subjectives et épidémiologie : problèmes méthodologiques liés à l’utilisation des techniques psychométriques / Subjective Measurements and Epidemiology : Methodological Issues Raised by the Use of Psychometric Techniques

Rouquette, Alexandra 16 December 2014 (has links)
L’utilisation des mesures subjectives en épidémiologie s’est intensifiée récemment, notamment avec la volonté de plus en plus affirmée d’intégrer la perception qu’ont les sujets de leur santé dans l’étude des maladies et l’évaluation des interventions. La psychométrie regroupe les méthodes statistiques utilisées pour la construction des questionnaires et l’analyse des données qui en sont issues. Ce travail de thèse avait pour but d’explorer différents problèmes méthodologiques soulevés par l’utilisation des techniques psychométriques en épidémiologie. Trois études empiriques sont présentées et concernent 1/ la phase de validation de l’instrument : l’objectif était de développer, à l’aide de données simulées, un outil de calcul de la taille d’échantillon pour la validation d’échelle en psychiatrie ; 2/ les propriétés mathématiques de la mesure obtenue : l’objectif était de comparer les performances de la différence minimale cliniquement pertinente d’un questionnaire calculée sur des données de cohorte, soit dans le cadre de la théorie classique des tests (CTT), soit dans celui de la théorie de réponse à l’item (IRT) ; 3/ son utilisation dans un schéma longitudinal : l’objectif était de comparer, à l’aide de données simulées, les performances d’une méthode statistique d’analyse de l’évolution longitudinale d’un phénomène subjectif mesuré à l’aide de la CTT ou de l’IRT, en particulier lorsque certains items disponibles pour la mesure différaient à chaque temps. Enfin, l’utilisation de graphes orientés acycliques a permis de discuter, à l’aide des résultats de ces trois études, la notion de biais d’information lors de l’utilisation des mesures subjectives en épidémiologie. / Recently, subjective measurements have increasingly been used in epidemiology, alongside the growing will to integrate individuals’ point of view on their health in studies on diseases or health interventions. Psychometrics includes statistical methods used to develop questionnaires and to analyze questionnaire data. This doctoral dissertation aimed to explore methodological issues raised by the use of psychometric techniques in epidemiology. Three empirical studies are presented and cover 1 / the validation stage of a questionnaire: the objective was to develop, using simulated data, a tool to determine sample size for internal validity studies on psychiatric scale; 2 / the mathematical properties of the subjective measurement: the objective was to compare the performances of the minimal clinically important difference of a questionnaire, assessed on data from a cohort study, computed using the classical test theory (CTT) framework or the item response theory framework (IRT); 3 / its use in a longitudinal design: the objective was to compare, using simulated data, the performances of a statistical method aimed to analyze the longitudinal course of a subjective phenomenon measured using the CTT or IRT framework, especially when some of the available items used for its measurement differ at each time of data collection. Finally, directed acyclic graphs were used to discuss the results from these three studies and the concept of information bias when subjective measurements are used in epidemiology.

Synthèse d’une nouvelle famille d’analogues de nucléosides pourtant un centre quaternaire en C3’

Lussier, Tommy 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Circular colorings and acyclic choosability of graphs

Roussel, Nicolas 23 December 2009 (has links)
Abstract: This thesis studies five kinds of graph colorings: the circular coloring, the total coloring, the (d; 1)-total labeling, the circular (r; 1)-total labeling, and the acyclic list coloring. We give upper bounds on the circular chromatic number of graphs with small maximum average degree, mad for short. It is proved that if mad(G)<22=9 then G has a 11=4-circular coloring, if mad(G) < 5=2 then G has a 14=5-circular coloring. A conjecture by Behzad and Vizing implies that £G+2 colors are always sufficient for a total coloring of graphs with maximum degree £G. The only open case for planar graphs is for £G = 6. Let G be a planar in which no vertex is contained in cycles of all lengths between 3 and 8. If £G(G) = 6, then G is total 8-colorable. If £G(G) = 8, then G is total 9-colorable. Havet and Yu [23] conjectured that every subcubic graph G ̸=K4 has (2; 1)-total number at most 5. We confirm the conjecture for graphs with maximum average degree less than 7=3 and for flower snarks. We introduce the circular (r; 1)-total labeling. As a relaxation of the aforementioned conjecture, we conjecture that every subcubic graph has circular (2; 1)-total number at most 7. We confirm the conjecture for graphs with maximum average degree less than 5=2. We prove that every planar graph with no cycles of lengths 4, 7 and 8 is acyclically 4-choosable. Combined with recent results, this implies that every planar graph with no cycles of length 4;k; l with 5 6 k < l 6 8 is acyclically 4-choosable.

Mass Spectrometric Sequencing Of Acyclic And Cyclic Peptides

Sabareesh, V 08 1900 (has links)
Elucidation of the primary structure of peptides and proteins de novo by mass spectrometry (MS) has become possible with the advent of tandem MS methods. The most widely used chemical method due to Edman (Edman & Begg, 1967) has shortcomings with regard to N- terminal blocked peptides, cyclic peptides and posttranslational modifications, for example phosphorylation (Metzger, 1994). However, mass spectrometric sequencing methods are increasingly becoming applicable for a variety of peptides and proteins, including N- and C- termini modified peptides and cyclic peptides (Jegorov et al., 2003; Sabareesh & Balaram, 2006; Sabareesh et al., 2007). Further, conventional and tandem mass spectrometry have proven useful in the detection of post-translational modifications (Hansson et al., 2004; Nair et al., 2006; Mandal et al., 2007). This thesis details mass spectrometric sequencing of acyclic and cyclic peptides, involving tandem MS methods carried out using both electrospray ionization (ESI) ion trap (Esquire 3000 plus, Bruker Daltonics) and matrix assisted laser desorption and ionization time-of-flight/time-of-flight (MALDI TOF/TOF) (Ultraflex TOF/TOF, Bruker Daltonics) instruments. The peptides are either chemically synthesized or isolated from diverse natural sources. Synthetically designed peptides possessing modified N- and C- termini and peptaibols from the soil fungus Trichoderma constitute the acyclic peptides. The cyclic peptides include backbone cyclized depsipeptides from the fungus Isaria and disulfide bonded peptides from the venom of marine cone snails. Chapter 1 gives an account of various concepts of mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry and peptide fragmentation chemistry, providing necessary background information for the following chapters. Chapter 2 describes the fragmentation studies of [M + H]+ and [M + Na]+ adducts of six neutral peptides with blocked N- and C- termini investigated using an electrospray ion trap mass spectrometer. The N- terminus of these synthetically designed peptides is blocked with a tertiarybutyloxycarbonyl (Boc) group and the C- terminus is esterified. These peptides do not possess sidechains that are capable of complexation and hence the backbone amide units are the sole sites of protonation and metallation. The cleavage pattern of protonated adducts is strikingly different from that of sodium adducts. While the loss of the N- terminal blocking group happens quite readily in the case of MS/MS of [M + Na]+, the cleavage of C- terminal methoxy group seems to be a facile process in the case of MS/MS of [M + H]+. Fragmentation of the protonated adducts yields only bn ions, while yn and an type ions are predominantly formed from the fragmentation of sodium adducts. The an ions arising from the fragmentation of [M + Na]+ lack the N-terminal Boc group (termed as an*). MS/MS of [M + Na]+ species also yields bn ions of substantial lower intensities, that lack the N- terminal Boc group (bn*). Comparison of the fragmentation of [M + H]+ with [M + Na]+ of the peptides chosen in this study reveal that the combined use of both protonated and sodium adducts should prove useful in de novo sequencing of peptides that possess modified N- and C- termini, particularly naturally occurring neutral peptides, for example, peptaibols. Chapter 3 describes about the ESI-MS/MS investigation of an HPLC fraction from the soil fungus Trichoderma, which aided in identification of microheterogeneous trichotoxin peptaibols in that fraction. Dramatic differences were noted between the fragmentation spectra of [M + H]+ and [M + Na]+ species. While b-type ions were noted from the former, the latter yielded a-, b-and y- type ions (the same feature was noted in the cases presented in the previous chapter). Inspection of the isotope pattern of b-ions yielded from the dissociation of H+ species, clearly revealed the presence of three microheterogeneous trichotoxin sequences; two isobars (1718 Da), each possessing one Glu residue and another completely neutral peptide (1717 Da). The microheterogeneity is due to Gly ↔ Ala, Iva ↔ Aib and Gln ↔ Glu replacements and exchanges (Iva: DIva: R-Isovaline; Aib: α-aminoisobutyric acid). The MS/MS of [M + Na]+ adduct predominantly yielded product ions from the neutral peptaibol. Further, the fragmentation patterns of H+ and Na+ adducts of two N-acetyl peptide esters were found to be very similar to that of the neutral peptaibol component. The results presented in this chapter establish that under the electrospray ion trap conditions, the fragmentation patterns of the H+ and Na+ adducts of model peptides that possess modified N- (Boc and acetyl) and C- termini are indeed very similar to that of the neutral trichotoxin. Chapter 4 delineates the applicability of liquid chromatography coupled to conventional and tandem electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS, LC-ESI-MS/MS, LC-ESI-MS3) for the screening of novel cyclic hexadepsipeptide metabolites directly from the crude hyphal extract of the fungus Isaria. The fungal strain was grown on a solid medium (potato carrot agar), which yields aerial hyphae growing erect from the basal mycelial colony (Ravindra et al., 2004). A total of ten microheterogeneous components were identified to belong to the isariin class of cyclodepsipeptides from the LC-ESI-MS and LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis of the crude hyphal extract. Out of ten, six are determined to be new and the remaining four are previously reported isariins A-D. The primary structures of isariins A-D were from the fungi Isaria cretacea and Isaria felina (Vining & Taber 1962; Deffieux et al., 1981) and the fungal strain used in this study resembles Isaria felina (Sabareesh et al., 2007). Isariins are backbone cyclized hexadepsipeptides composed of a D-β-hydroxy acid possessing a hydrocarbon sidechain and five α-amino acids; one of the α-amino acids is a D-amino acid (Vining & Taber 1962; Deffieux et al., 1981). The detection of fragment ions due to loss of CO concomitant with the loss of H2O from the protonated precursor ion ([M + H]+) ascertained the cyclic depsipeptide nature of both the known and the new components. The fragmentation behavior of the [M + H]+ of known isariins facilitated sequence determination of the new components. Therefore, the configuration of the amino acids and the β-hydroxy acid of the new components is assumed to be same as that of the reported peptides. The microheterogeneity of the ten sequences is due to changes in the D-β-hydroxy acid (residue 1) and the adjoining α-amino acid (residue 6), whose carbonyl is linked to the hydroxyl function by an ester linkage. The number of methylene units ((-CH2)n) in the hydrocarbon sidechain of the residue 1 differs between 2 and 8 and the variability of the residue 6 is limited to Ala/Val. The ester oxygen atom was chosen as the preferable site of protonation causing ring-opening, based on the observed distribution of the fragment ions. Chapter 5 demonstrates the utility of the LC-ESI-MS and LC-ESI-MS/MS methods in the identification and characterization of six microheterogeneous backbone cyclized hexadepsipeptides, isaridins, directly from the crude hyphal extract of the fungus Isaria. Among the six components, four were found to be novel. The other two peptides, isaridins A and B were identified earlier from this laboratory (Ravindra et al., 2004). The isaridins are characterized by the presence of unusual amino acids such as N-methylated residues, β-methylproline (β-MePro) and hydroxyleucine (HyLeu) (Ravindra et al., 2004). The cyclic nature of both the known and the new peptides were confirmed from the observation of peaks due to loss of CO and H2O from the protonated precursor ion ([M + H]+). However, unlike isariins (Chapter 4), the intensity of the peak corresponding to [M + H - H2O]+ was noted to be of very low intensity, in the case of isaridins. Detection of product ion peak due to [M + H - CO2]+ suggests an additional dissociation pathway involving cleavage at the depsipeptide linkage and is supportive of the cyclic depsipeptide nature (Eckart, 1994). The sequencing of the newly detected components was enabled by understanding the fragmentation mechanism of the known isaridins. The tertiary amide nitrogens of the N-methylated residues were regarded as the preferable sites of protonation leading to ring-opening, as noted from the fragmentation spectra. The microheterogeneity in the sequences was identified using the diagnostic product ions obtained from the protonated precursor of the known isaridins. The microheterogeneity can be attributed to the variations of two residues; Pro ↔ β-MePro and N-MePhe ↔ N-MeLxx (Lxx: Leu, Ile, alloIle). The recently reported ‘isarfelins’ from the fungus Isaria felina (Guo et al., 2005) were reassigned as ‘isaridins’. The reassignment was based on very similar fragmentation profiles observed for the [M + Na]+ adduct of isaridins and isarfelins; further, the fungal strain used in this study resembles Isaria felina (Sabareesh et al., 2007). Chapter 6 presents mass spectrometric sequencing of disulfide bonded peptides from marine cone snails (conopeptides), using the MALDI LIFT MS/MS method. Lo959, a single disulfide bonded octapeptide isolated from Conus loroisii, was identified to belong to the class of contryphans (Sabareesh et al., 2006). Contryphans are small single disulfide bonded conopeptides, whose length is in the range of 7-11 residues and are rich in tryptophan. A significant feature of the contryphans is the presence of conserved DTrp (DW) at the 3rd residue within the disulfide loop (Sabareesh et al., 2006). Lo959 displays an unusual behavior under reverse phase chromatographic conditions, typical of the DW containing contryphans (Jacobsen et al., 1998). It undergoes slow conformational interconversion on the chromatographic time scale exhibiting two distinct peaks. The presence of DW at the 4th position in Lo959 was established by comparing the chromatographic profiles of natural peptide with that of two chemically synthesized peptides, one containing LW (4) and another possessing DW (4). De novo sequencing of the two peptides Ar1446 and Ar1430 from Conus araneosus established that they belonged to M-superfamily of conotoxins, in particular m-2 branch. M-superfamily conotoxins are three-disulfide bonded peptides characterized by the consensus cysteine framework, CC…C…C…CC (Corpuz et al., 2005). Ar1446 and Ar1430 are fourteen residue long peptides, each possessing three disulfide bonds. The peptides have the cysteine scaffold typical of the M-superfamily, as shown above. Specifically, the peptides belong to m-2 branch of M-superfamily, where the fourth and fifth cysteines are separated by two residues (Corpuz et al., 2005). The sequences of the peptides were derived following chemical and enzymatic modifications. The carboxamidomethylation reaction established the presence of three disulfide bonds. Indeed, the sequences were deduced from the MALDI LIFT MS/MS of [M + H]+ of the tryptic peptides. The sequences of the two peptides are almost identical and they differ only at residue 12; hydroxyproline in Ar1446, proline in Ar1430.

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