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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Permittivity and conductivity imaging in electrical capacitance tomography

Zhang, Maomao January 2016 (has links)
Electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) is a technology that images the dielectric permittivity distribution of materials under test. ECT has been used as a tool for process monitoring in particular for two-phase flow measurement. These applications mainly focus on the dielectric samples, whose conductivity is negligibly small. This thesis studies ECT imaging with conductivity considerations. The conductive materials will affect the capacitance measurements and introduce difficulties in the ECT image reconstruction. This thesis presents solutions based on ECT to image material of different values of conductivity in different practical process or monitoring scenarios: the conductivity within materials under test is considered to be higher than 10^6 S/m, or less than 10 S/m. This work consists of the following innovative steps. (i) Through an ECT monitoring, floating (i.e., electrically non-grounded) metallic samples are imaged as dielectric illusions and the analysis of capacitance measurements over the conductors is delivered. (ii) Magnetic induction tomography (MIT) is firstly used for locating grounded metallic samples, thereafter as an assistant method to guide ECT to image the dielectric components. (iii) In low conductivity case MIT, as an indicator of conductive material again, helps ECT to solve multiphase flow problems. (iv) The multi-frequency complex ECT measurement provides a potential method to improve the ECT imaging ability for both conductive and dielectric materials. The first three ideas have been testified by both simulated and experimental results, while the fourth part is simulation-based results only on current stage.

Behörighetskrav inför gymnasial yrkesutbildning - vem innesluts och vem utesluts? / Admittance Criteria to Upper Secondary Vocational Schools - who is to be included and who is to be excluded?

Lundberg, Kjell January 2008 (has links)
<p>Behörighetskrav inför</p><p>gymnasial yrkesutbildning -</p><p>vem innesluts och vem utesluts?</p><p>Kjell Lundberg</p><p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Bakgrunden till mitt valda ämne är att jag arbetar på ett fordonstekniskt PRIV program. Elever</p><p>som går detta program har inte blivit antagna till ett nationellt program på grund av behörighetskraven</p><p>i Lpf-94. Flera av dessa elever skulle klara karaktärsämnena på ett nationellt program,</p><p>men skulle ha stora svårigheter i kärnämnena, även med extra hjälp.</p><p>De läroplansutredningar och behörighetskrav som jag har studerat är för: 1955 års yrkesskolreform,</p><p>Lgy-70, Lpf-94 och SOU 2008:27 Framtidsvägen – en reformerad gymnasieskola (förslag</p><p>till gymnasiereform GY-10).</p><p>Syftet med studien:</p><p>• Hur ser behörighetskraven till yrkesutbildning ut i de olika läroplanerna?</p><p>• Vad är tankarna bakom läroplanerna?</p><p>• Hur kan kraven i utredningarna till läroplanerna ses i ljuset av perspektiv på kunskap?</p><p>Metoden jag har använt mig av är en dokumentstudie och kunskapsbegreppet används som</p><p>teoretiskt perspektiv.</p><p>Studien börjar med en historisk utblick på yrkesutbildningar. Den fortsätter sedan med en</p><p>förklaring av syftet med läroplaner och framarbetningsstrategier av läroplaner.</p><p>Resultaten av min studie är: Med 1955 års yrkesskolreform flyttades yrkesutbildningen in i</p><p>skolmiljö. De två huvudargumenten till detta var att statsmakten ville göra det möjligt att fostra</p><p>ungdomar till demokratiska medborgare och man såg inte hur arbetsmarknaden skulle hinna</p><p>med att utbilda lärlingar.</p><p>Lgy-70 har de generösaste antagningsvillkoren. I denna läroplan blev nästan alla ungdomar</p><p>antagna till yrkesutbildning förutom att det fanns chans att bli antagen under fri kvot. Den fria</p><p>kvoten öppnade dörren för bl.a. ungdomar med utländskt utbildning och sökande som på grund</p><p>av handikapp inte kunnat uppnå full behörighet.</p><p>Lpf-94 är unik på det sättet, att det var första gången kärnämnesbetyg från grundskolan användes</p><p>som behörighetskrav till yrkeslinjerna. Samtliga program blev treåriga och gemensamma</p><p>kärnämnen infördes.</p><p>Gymnasieutredningen SOU 2008:27 (GY-10) föreslår en tydlig skärpning av behörighetskraven</p><p>för yrkesprogrammen. Utredaren föreslår minst godkänt i åtta kärnämnen, i jämförelse</p><p>med dagens tre. Nu är cirkeln sluten vad gäller yrkeskunskaperna. Utredaren föreslår vidare en</p><p>yrkesexamen, som ger en erkänd kompetens i yrket och med en komplimenterande lärlingsutbildning</p><p>till yrkesprogrammen. Nu hoppas utredarna att arbetsmarknaden skall ha kapacitet att</p><p>utbilda lärlingar, som man inte var övertygad om arbetsmarknaden hade på 50-talet.</p><p>Vidare resultat av min studie ger vid handen följande: Det källmaterial till läroplanerna jag</p><p>har analyserat har använt i stort sett samma argument till att ändra läroplanerna. Näringslivet</p><p>vill ha förändring t.ex. bättre yrkeskunskaper och statsmakten vill försäkra sig om en bred medborgarfostran</p><p>tillsammans med en möjlighet för individen att senare i livet genomgå kompetensutveckling</p><p>och högskolestudier.</p><p>Abstract</p><p>The decision to select this particular content of my thesis was due to my present occupation as a</p><p>teacher attached to a vehicle mechanics “PRIV” programme (reduced national program). Students</p><p>who participate in this programme have been excluded from the national programme due</p><p>to the criteria of admittance in Lpf-94. Several of these students would pass the trade subjects at</p><p>the national programme, but encounter difficulties with the basic subjects, in spite of added</p><p>support.</p><p>I have scrutinized the following curriculum proposals and admittance rules for: 1955 Trade</p><p>School Reform, Lgy-70, Lpf-94 and SOU 2008:27 Framtidsvägen – en reformerad gymnasieskola</p><p>(the current proposal to a new Upper Secondary School Reform, GY-10). The hypothesis</p><p>of my study is to find answers to the following questions:</p><p>• What rules of admittance applies to Vocational Schools in the different Curriculums?</p><p>• What is the basic content of thoughts behind the different Curriculums?</p><p>• How do the demands for in the proposals of the curriculums meet the conceptions of</p><p>knowledge in perspective?</p><p>The method used is a literature study and conception of knowledge is used as the theoretical</p><p>perspective.</p><p>The literature study commences with a historical retrospection of vocational training. From</p><p>there it elaborates on the purpose of curriculums and the design strategies of same.</p><p>The conclusion of my thesis is: The 1955 Reform of the trade school established the vocational</p><p>training within the existing educational training system, due to the desire from the government</p><p>to avail the possibilities in bringing up young people as responsible and democraticly</p><p>aware citizens. There was also a fear that the market did not have the capacity to train enough</p><p>trainees.</p><p>Lgy-70 has got the most generous admittance conditions. The authorities at that time realised</p><p>the importance of that education above elementary school level was availed to everybody. Even</p><p>in the case of not being born in Sweden or being a handicapped student.</p><p>Lpf-94 is unique in the following way: It introduced restrictions to enrol to the Upper Secondary</p><p>School (vocational school). All programmes became three years and all students studied</p><p>the same basic subjects.</p><p>The proposal which forms GY-10 reinforces the trend of restrictions to enrol to the Upper</p><p>Secondary School. At the same time this proposal is back to the 1955 Trade School ambition of</p><p>acquiring final trade skill. An apprenticeship as a complement to the in-house training is proposed</p><p>and further, now, the researchers are hopeful that the market shall have the capacity to</p><p>train trainees, contrary to what the researchers believed in the fifties.</p><p>Finally, all the proposals to curriculums have used the same argument to the content of the</p><p>curriculums. The business environment demands a change and the authorities will ensure a</p><p>broad civil obedience, together with a possibility for the citizen to study at the next level.</p>

Behörighetskrav inför gymnasial yrkesutbildning - vem innesluts och vem utesluts? / Admittance Criteria to Upper Secondary Vocational Schools - who is to be included and who is to be excluded?

Lundberg, Kjell January 2008 (has links)
Behörighetskrav inför gymnasial yrkesutbildning - vem innesluts och vem utesluts? Kjell Lundberg Sammanfattning Bakgrunden till mitt valda ämne är att jag arbetar på ett fordonstekniskt PRIV program. Elever som går detta program har inte blivit antagna till ett nationellt program på grund av behörighetskraven i Lpf-94. Flera av dessa elever skulle klara karaktärsämnena på ett nationellt program, men skulle ha stora svårigheter i kärnämnena, även med extra hjälp. De läroplansutredningar och behörighetskrav som jag har studerat är för: 1955 års yrkesskolreform, Lgy-70, Lpf-94 och SOU 2008:27 Framtidsvägen – en reformerad gymnasieskola (förslag till gymnasiereform GY-10). Syftet med studien: • Hur ser behörighetskraven till yrkesutbildning ut i de olika läroplanerna? • Vad är tankarna bakom läroplanerna? • Hur kan kraven i utredningarna till läroplanerna ses i ljuset av perspektiv på kunskap? Metoden jag har använt mig av är en dokumentstudie och kunskapsbegreppet används som teoretiskt perspektiv. Studien börjar med en historisk utblick på yrkesutbildningar. Den fortsätter sedan med en förklaring av syftet med läroplaner och framarbetningsstrategier av läroplaner. Resultaten av min studie är: Med 1955 års yrkesskolreform flyttades yrkesutbildningen in i skolmiljö. De två huvudargumenten till detta var att statsmakten ville göra det möjligt att fostra ungdomar till demokratiska medborgare och man såg inte hur arbetsmarknaden skulle hinna med att utbilda lärlingar. Lgy-70 har de generösaste antagningsvillkoren. I denna läroplan blev nästan alla ungdomar antagna till yrkesutbildning förutom att det fanns chans att bli antagen under fri kvot. Den fria kvoten öppnade dörren för bl.a. ungdomar med utländskt utbildning och sökande som på grund av handikapp inte kunnat uppnå full behörighet. Lpf-94 är unik på det sättet, att det var första gången kärnämnesbetyg från grundskolan användes som behörighetskrav till yrkeslinjerna. Samtliga program blev treåriga och gemensamma kärnämnen infördes. Gymnasieutredningen SOU 2008:27 (GY-10) föreslår en tydlig skärpning av behörighetskraven för yrkesprogrammen. Utredaren föreslår minst godkänt i åtta kärnämnen, i jämförelse med dagens tre. Nu är cirkeln sluten vad gäller yrkeskunskaperna. Utredaren föreslår vidare en yrkesexamen, som ger en erkänd kompetens i yrket och med en komplimenterande lärlingsutbildning till yrkesprogrammen. Nu hoppas utredarna att arbetsmarknaden skall ha kapacitet att utbilda lärlingar, som man inte var övertygad om arbetsmarknaden hade på 50-talet. Vidare resultat av min studie ger vid handen följande: Det källmaterial till läroplanerna jag har analyserat har använt i stort sett samma argument till att ändra läroplanerna. Näringslivet vill ha förändring t.ex. bättre yrkeskunskaper och statsmakten vill försäkra sig om en bred medborgarfostran tillsammans med en möjlighet för individen att senare i livet genomgå kompetensutveckling och högskolestudier. Abstract The decision to select this particular content of my thesis was due to my present occupation as a teacher attached to a vehicle mechanics “PRIV” programme (reduced national program). Students who participate in this programme have been excluded from the national programme due to the criteria of admittance in Lpf-94. Several of these students would pass the trade subjects at the national programme, but encounter difficulties with the basic subjects, in spite of added support. I have scrutinized the following curriculum proposals and admittance rules for: 1955 Trade School Reform, Lgy-70, Lpf-94 and SOU 2008:27 Framtidsvägen – en reformerad gymnasieskola (the current proposal to a new Upper Secondary School Reform, GY-10). The hypothesis of my study is to find answers to the following questions: • What rules of admittance applies to Vocational Schools in the different Curriculums? • What is the basic content of thoughts behind the different Curriculums? • How do the demands for in the proposals of the curriculums meet the conceptions of knowledge in perspective? The method used is a literature study and conception of knowledge is used as the theoretical perspective. The literature study commences with a historical retrospection of vocational training. From there it elaborates on the purpose of curriculums and the design strategies of same. The conclusion of my thesis is: The 1955 Reform of the trade school established the vocational training within the existing educational training system, due to the desire from the government to avail the possibilities in bringing up young people as responsible and democraticly aware citizens. There was also a fear that the market did not have the capacity to train enough trainees. Lgy-70 has got the most generous admittance conditions. The authorities at that time realised the importance of that education above elementary school level was availed to everybody. Even in the case of not being born in Sweden or being a handicapped student. Lpf-94 is unique in the following way: It introduced restrictions to enrol to the Upper Secondary School (vocational school). All programmes became three years and all students studied the same basic subjects. The proposal which forms GY-10 reinforces the trend of restrictions to enrol to the Upper Secondary School. At the same time this proposal is back to the 1955 Trade School ambition of acquiring final trade skill. An apprenticeship as a complement to the in-house training is proposed and further, now, the researchers are hopeful that the market shall have the capacity to train trainees, contrary to what the researchers believed in the fifties. Finally, all the proposals to curriculums have used the same argument to the content of the curriculums. The business environment demands a change and the authorities will ensure a broad civil obedience, together with a possibility for the citizen to study at the next level.

Harmonic Models of Common Converter Topologies for Accurate Harmonic Analysis of Distribution Systems

Gray, Philippe 22 November 2013 (has links)
Harmonic distortion in a power system can excite non-characteristic harmonics from converter interfaced loads and generators which can then propagate back into the system, exciting other harmonics in the system. In this thesis, a harmonic analysis tool is presented that is designed to perform high accuracy, computationally efficient, steady-state harmonic analysis of distribution systems when multiple converter interfaced loads and generators exist in the system. The harmonic analysis tool requires less detail and engineering time than PSCAD/EMTDC while offering reliable assessment of harmonic coupling problems that are not captured by existing frequency-domain harmonic analysis tools. To do this, 5 harmonic models of common power electronic converter topologies were developed and implemented into this tool. The harmonic models are shown to be highly accurate; when tested in an unbalanced system with even and odd harmonic distortion, the harmonic models showed a maximum error of less than 0.4% when compared to PSCAD/EMTDC.

Harmonic Models of Common Converter Topologies for Accurate Harmonic Analysis of Distribution Systems

Gray, Philippe 22 November 2013 (has links)
Harmonic distortion in a power system can excite non-characteristic harmonics from converter interfaced loads and generators which can then propagate back into the system, exciting other harmonics in the system. In this thesis, a harmonic analysis tool is presented that is designed to perform high accuracy, computationally efficient, steady-state harmonic analysis of distribution systems when multiple converter interfaced loads and generators exist in the system. The harmonic analysis tool requires less detail and engineering time than PSCAD/EMTDC while offering reliable assessment of harmonic coupling problems that are not captured by existing frequency-domain harmonic analysis tools. To do this, 5 harmonic models of common power electronic converter topologies were developed and implemented into this tool. The harmonic models are shown to be highly accurate; when tested in an unbalanced system with even and odd harmonic distortion, the harmonic models showed a maximum error of less than 0.4% when compared to PSCAD/EMTDC.

An investigation of near fields for HF shipboard antennas: surface PATCH and wire grid modeling using the Numerical Electromagnetics Code

Elliniadis, Panagiotis 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / The Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC) was used to evaluate the admittance, average power gain, and the electric near and far field of a monopole antenna mounted on a cubical box over a perfectly conducting ground plane. Two models of the box, employing surface patches and wire grids, were evaluated. The monopole was positioned at the center, the edge, and at a corner of the box's top surface. Admittance and average power gain of the antenna were calculated. NEC results were examined and compared with experimental data and with results from "PATCH", another independent electromagnetic modeling code. The near electric field was calculated for both models. Computer graphics techniques were presented for plotting NEC near field results using DISSPLA (Display Integrated Software System and Plotting Language), a commercial graphics package. Contour and 3-D amplitude, and phase plots of the near electric fields were presented. Radiation patterns were calculated to relate far field and near field behavior of the antenna. Surface patch and wire grid models are compared and conclusions were presented. / Naval Ocean Systems Center / http://archive.org/details/investigationofn00elli / O&MN, Direct Funding / Lieutenant, Hellenic Navy

Mesure par spectroscopie d'admittance de jonctions Métal/Oxyde/Semi-Conducteur Organique : Analyse de la réponse diélectrique du pentacène / Measurement by admittance spectroscopy of Metal/Oxyde/Organic Semi-conductor/Metal junctions : Analysis of pentacene dielectric response

Ledru, Romuald 10 December 2012 (has links)
Les transistors organiques sont la base de nombreuses applications de l'électronique organique mais leur rendement électrique ainsi que leur stabilité dans le temps sont encore des verrous technologiques devant être levés. De plus, le phénomène de transport de charges dans ces dispositifs reste une notion encore à l'étude même si différents modèles sont utilisés afin d'expliquer l'effet de champ des transistors organiques. C'est dans ce cadre que s'inscrit cette étude portant sur la caractérisation par spectroscopie d'admittance de jonctions Métal/oxyde/semi conducteur organique/métal. Elle a pour but d'analyser le comportement électrostatique du semi conducteur organique. Les mesures de spectroscopie d'admittance ont été réalisées sur une large bande de fréquence (0.1Hz à 1Mhz) dans laquelle les pertes diélectriques mesurées peuvent être associées à des phénomènes d'orientation (oscillation) de dipôles présents dans la structure. Les réponses en fréquences montrent trois types de comportements dynamiques. A basses fréquences, nous avons observé une diffusion ionique, liée au déplacement d'ions H+ à travers la structure. A hautes fréquences, la réponse est due aux imperfections de l'oxyde. Enfin, aux fréquences intermédiaires, la réponse du semi-conducteur organique est identifiée et attribuée à des dipôles permanents. A partir de ces différentes réponses, un modèle analytique est établi et permet de décrire l'ensemble des réponses dynamiques. Le comportement du semi-conducteur est décrit par la somme d'une fonction de type Debye et de type Cole-Cole. L'analyse des paramètres de ce modèle a permis de mettre en évidence l'influence des dipôles permanents sur la permittivité du film de semi-conducteur organique. Enfin, ce modèle a été validé sur différents échantillons à base de pentacène et a été ensuite appliqué au Poly-3-hexylthiophène. / Organic transistors are vital in many applications of organic electronics but the electrical performance and time stability are technological limitation in order to make this technology reliable. Moreover, in these devices, the charge transport phenomenon has not to be clearly understood even if different models are commonly used to explain the field effect in organic transistors. In this context, this thesis talks about the admittance spectroscopy characterization of metal / oxide / organic semiconductor / metal junctions and analysis the organic semiconductor electrostatic behavior.The admittance spectroscopy measurements were performed on a wide frequency range (0.1Hz to 1MHz) in which the measured dielectric loss may be associated with the orientation phenomenon (as oscillation) of dipoles present in the structure.The frequency responses show three dynamic behaviors. At low frequencies (<10Hz), we observed an ionic diffusion, which is related to the ions movement of H+ through the structure. At high frequencies, (>10kHz) the response is due to defects into the oxide. Finally, at intermediate frequencies, the organic semiconductor response is identified and assigned to the permanent dipoles into the bulk. From these responses, an analytical model is developed and used to describe the dynamic responses. The semi-conductor behavior is described by the sum of a Debye and Cole-Cole function type. The analysis of the model parameters has highlighted the influence of permanent dipoles on the organic semiconductor permittivity. Finally, this model has been agreed on different samples based on pentacene and was applied to the Poly-3-hexylthiophene.

Výpočet frekvenčně-admitančních charakteristik z naměřených patchclampových dat / Evalution of Frequency-Admittance Characteristics from Meausured Patch Clamp Data

Podhorský, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The goal of diploma these is ‘Calculation of frequency-admittance characteristics from measured patchlamps dates’. Calculation is made on the basis of study of mentioned problematic measure ion current cell membrane by patch-clamp method and its using for measure frequency-admittance characteristics. After it selected method of calculation was realized in software calculator Matlab.

Development of Application Program for Harmonic Analysis

Uppalapati, Sunitha 13 December 2002 (has links)
Increased power quality problems due to intensive usage of power electronic devices resulted in development of software applications to perform quick harmonic analysis. However, the present harmonic analysis applications have special software or computer locks requirements and occupy huge memory and cost high. An application program (using Microsoft Visual C++) that is simple yet accurate in calculations; with no special software or high memory requirements is developed in this thesis work. The program uses the automatic acceptance criteria (AAC) and the harmonic penetration techniques in calculating the system voltages. Several userriendly features and tools that aid in better understanding of system harmonics are included in the program. Comparison of case study results with Superharm simulation results proves the program?s accuracy. This thesis work resulted in an informative and time saving program with which the user can document the study results and analyze them with minimum effort.

Influence of Carrier Freeze-Out on SiC Schottky Junction Admittance

Los, Andrei 12 May 2001 (has links)
Silicon carbide is a very promising semiconductor material for high-power, highrequency, and high-temperature applications. SiC distinguishes from traditional narrow bandgap semiconductors, such as silicon, in that common doping impurities in SiC have activation energies larger than the thermal energy kT even at room temperature. This causes incomplete ionization of such impurities, which leads to strong temperature and frequency dependence of the semiconductor junction differential admittance and, if carrier freeze-out effects are not taken into account, errors in doping profiles calculated from capacitance-voltage data. Approaches commonly used to study the influence of incomplete impurity ionization on the junction admittance are based on the truncated space charge approximation and/or the small-signal approximation. The former leads to impurity ionization time constant and occupation number errors, while the latter fails if the measurement ac signal amplitude is larger than kT/q. In this work, a new reverse bias Schottky junction admittance model valid for the general case of an arbitrary temperature, measurement signal frequency and amplitude, and doping occupation number and time constant distributions is developed. Results of junction admittance calculations using the developed model are compared with the results of traditional models. Based on the general model, a new method of admittance spectroscopy data analysis is created and used to determine impurity parameters more accurately than allowed by traditional approaches. Incomplete impurity ionization is investigated for the case of nitrogen donors and aluminum and boron acceptors in 4H- and 6H-SiC. It is shown that the degree of carrier freeze-out is significant in heavily N-doped 6H-SiC and in Al- and B-doped SiC. Frequency dispersion of the junction admittance is shown to be significant at room temperature in N- and B-doped SiC. Junction capacitance calculations as a function of applied dc bias show that calculated doping profiles deviate from the actual impurity concentration profiles if the impurity ionization time constant is comparable with the ac signal period. This is the case for N- and B-doped SiC with certain values of the impurity activation energy and capture cross-section. Validity of the new model and its predictions are successfully tested on experimental admittance data for N- and B-doped SiC Schottky diodes.

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