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Role extension and role advancement - Is there a difference? A discussion paperHardy, Maryann L., Snaith, Beverly 05 March 2020 (has links)
No / The terms ‘extended’ and ‘advanced’ practice are commonly used to describe clinical practitioner roles. However, these terms have not been clearly defined within the context of modern radiography practice despite their fundamental importance to establishing the 4 tier structure, implementing Agenda for Change and promoting a coherent clinical radiography career structure. This paper discusses the terms ‘extension’ and ‘advancement’ in relation to radiography practice and, using evidence from the debates of other health professions, attempts to offer some clarity to the terminology, presenting one interpretation of its possible application to the radiographer role in the United Kingdom.
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Career Advancement Barriers for Women in Sweden and the Philippines : A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Women’s Workplace ExperiencesPehrson, Amanda, Pescador Dahlén, Xandee January 2024 (has links)
Hofstede and the GLOBE study explain Sweden as highly equal while men still hold a higher status, and the Philippines as more masculine highlighting the differentiation of men and women. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of barriers and challenges for women when trying to climb the career ladder in Sweden and the Philippines through the lens of women's experiences, grounded in the national culture of each country. A qualitative method using semi-structured interviews was used with twelve participants, six from each country, including women currently working in HR and recruiting. The research reveals that cultural expectations and societal norms continue to pose significant obstacles. In Sweden, even with supportive work-life balance policies, implicit biases and deep-rooted cultural expectations that prioritize men’s careers over women’s persist. Conversely, in the Philippines, although there are advantageous maternity benefits and strides toward equality, traditional gender roles deeply rooted in patriarchal values significantly slow the pace of visible change. While differences in expectations shape the cultural landscapes of these nations, shared experiences bind women in both countries, highlighting the universal struggle against gender inequality. Cultural expectations were found to explain the barriers and challenges women face when trying to advance in their careers in Sweden and the Philippines. This study highlights the need for awareness of one's expectations. Organizations should implement clear and structured equality policies and work procedures ensuring unbiased practices throughout the organization preventing the impact of expectations that might lead to discrimination.
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Perspective vol. 6 no. 5 (Sep 1972)Eells, Robert J., Hollingsworth, Marcia, Wilson, Carol R. 30 September 1972 (has links)
No description available.
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Perspective vol. 15 no. 5 (Oct 1981)Vanderiet, Casper C., Witvoet, Bert, Zylstra, Bernard, VanderVennen, Robert E. 31 October 1981 (has links)
No description available.
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Perspective vol. 6 no. 5 (Sep 1972) / Perspective: Newsletter of the Association for the Advancement of Christian ScholarshipEells, Robert J., Hollingsworth, Marcia, Wilson, Carol 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Perspective vol. 15 no. 5 (Oct 1981) / Perspective: Newsletter of the Association for the Advancement of Christian ScholarshipVanderiet, Casper C., Witvoet, Bert, Zylstra, Bernard, VanderVennen, Robert E. 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Workplace perceived gender discrimination in the Bahraini banking sector : a case analysis of Islamic and conventional banksAlalawi, Esam Ismaeel January 2017 (has links)
This qualitative study explores the interrelationship between perceived gender discrimination and its antecedents and consequences while examining the concept of the glass ceiling that presents some barriers to the career advancement of Bahraini female workers in the banking sector. The study examines female bankers’ perception of the existence of both gender discrimination and the glass ceiling concept in this sector. It first examines the factors that cause such phenomena at three different levels namely societal, institutional and individual. The study then verifies the effects of some identified antecedents i.e. whether they foster or lower the perceived gender discrimination and how such effects happen. Furthermore, the study examines the same factors to ascertain if they are barriers that hinder women’s career advancement or enablers that support their advancement as there is a lack of empirical studies on the effect of the factors of the three mentioned levels to women’s career advancement especially in non-western context (Tlaiss, 2010; Hejase et al., 2013; Yokkongdi & Benson, 2005). The study also examines the consequences of perceived gender discrimination that occurs at the individual level. Some previous studies related to this research topic adopted the quantitative approach, hence; this is a qualitative based research that examines the perception of the respondents whose experiences and opinions expound the context. This led to understanding subjective areas such as respondents’ emotions and experiences that address the nature of perceived gender discrimination and the concept of glass ceiling in the Bahraini banking sector, focusing on “How” and “Why” type of questions instead of stressing on the quantities. The existing literature of gender discrimination especially about the area of underrepresentation of female workers in higher positions especially in financial services sector including banking is minimal. (Bruckmuller & Branscombe, 2010; Elumti et al., 2009; Durbin & Conley, 2010). This approach unveils the research questions by conducting in-depth semi-structured interviews with 26 Bahraini females as most of the previous studies examined both male and female perceptions while this research focusing at female only to make it more gender specific. The respondents hold managerial and non-managerial positions in both Islamic and conventional banks in the kingdom of Bahrain. The aim of the interview was to extract their perceptions on the factors and the consequences of gender discrimination as well as the barriers and challenges that hinder their advancement to higher managerial levels. The study captures the factors and the consequences of gender discrimination as well as the most common barriers that impede the Bahraini females’ career advancement within an Islamic and Arabic cultural context. The themes that emerged from the analysis are used to discuss the research issues in the light of previous research findings from different empirical studies. This study identifies different ways of finding factors of perceived gender discrimination and their effects as well as the challenges that may hinder the women’s career advancement in this sector. This study discovers that perceived gender discrimination exists in the Bahraini banking sector especially in areas such as hiring preference and receiving of benefits and compensations. This study also unearths the existence of glass ceiling, which is related to the gender inequality in the advancement opportunities to higher positions especially in the areas such as obtaining a promotion and holding managerial positions in the banks. The study finds out various factors that cause the perceived gender discrimination and the glass ceiling in the Bahraini banking sector which are classified at three levels as explained above.
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Eficácia do avanço do músculo genioglosso comparado ao avanço maxilo-mandibular no tratamento da síndrome da apneia e hipopneia obstrutiva do sono : uma revisão sistemática com metanálise / Genioglossus advancement vs. maxillomandibular advancement in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome: a systematic review with meta-analysisSilva Junior, Djalma Carmo Da 08 August 2016 (has links)
The obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome (OSAS) is characterized by repeated episodes of complete or partial interruption of the airflow as consequence of upper airway obstruction during sleep. Indications for the surgical treatment of OSAS, as well as the evidence on the efficacy and safety of the surgical techniques available merit further scientific scrutiny. Objective: To perform a systematic review on the efficacy of genioglossus advancement (GA) when compared to maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) for the treatment of patients with OSAS. Method: A systematic electronic search was conducted in the LILACS, PubMed and SciELO databases to identify studies involving patients undergoing MMA and GA for the treatment of OSAS. The guidelines presented by the PRISMA statement were followed. The eligible articles were subjectively evaluated regarding their methodological quality based on a checklist of the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP). A meta-analysis was carried out with the aid of RevMan. Results: The systematic literature search resulted in 889 records, of which 41 articles were examined for their content. After full text analysis, six studies were included in this review and allowed for inferences about the efficacy of surgical procedures at hand. Conclusion: GA showed lower treatment efficacy, as evidenced by the apnea-hypopnea index recorded by polysomnography. The results of the meta-analysis show that the MMA is superior to GA in the context of surgical treatments for OSAS. / A Síndrome da Apneia e Hipopneia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAHOS) caracteriza-se por repetidos episódios de interrupção completa ou parcial do fluxo de ar inspirado durante o sono em função da obstrução das vias aéreas superiores. Os critérios para a indicação de tratamento cirúrgico da SAHOS, bem como as evidências sobre a eficácia e segurança das técnicas cirúrgicas que impactam as vias aéreas superiores ainda merecem exploração científica adicional.Objetivo: Avaliar, por meio de uma revisão sistemática, a eficácia do avanço do músculo genioglosso (AMG) comparado ao avanço maxilo-mandibular (AMM) no tratamento de pacientes com SAHOS.Método:uma busca eletrônica sistemática foi realizada nas bases de dados LILACS, PubMed e SciELO com o intuito de identificar estudos com pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de avanço maxilo-mandibular e avanço do musculo genioglosso para o tratamento da SAHOS. A metodologia seguiu as diretrizes do PRISMA statement.Os artigos elegíveis foram avaliados subjetivamente quanto à qualidade metodológica com baseem um dos questionários do Critical Appraisal Skills Programme(CASP).Uma meta-análise dos artigos incluídos foi realizada com o auxílio do software RevMan.Resultados:A busca sistemática da literatura resultou em889 registros, dos quais 41 artigos foram examinados quanto a seu conteúdo. Depois da análise dos textos completos, seis estudos foram incluídos nesta revisão, permitindo inferências sobre a eficácia dos procedimentos cirúrgicos em questão.Conclusão:O avanço do músculo genioglosso demonstrou eficácia inferior à do avanço do músculo genioglosso, o que foi evidenciado por meio do índice de apneia hipopneia registrados através de polissonografias.Os resultados da meta-análise mostram que o AMM apresenta eficácia superior àquela doAMG no contexto do tratamento cirúrgico da SAHOS. / Lagarto, SE
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Étude comparative à court terme d’orthèses d’avancée mandibulaire titrable vs. active dans le traitement du syndrome d’apnées obstructives du sommeil chez l’adulte.Roca, Olivier 06 1900 (has links)
Introduction : Le syndrome d’apnées obstructives du sommeil (SAOS) est un problème de santé publique fréquent. La gestion par pression positive continue (TPPC) est la référence, mais de nombreuses personnes le refusent ou ne s’y adaptent jamais. Ainsi, les orthèses d’avancée mandibulaire (OAM) titrables gagnent en popularité car elles apportent des solutions concrètes et bien souvent durables. L’approche myofonctionelle, soit d’offrir des activités linguales, est une piste complémentaire qui pourrait améliorer la gestion du SAOS. C’est dans ce but que nous avons observé la combinaison de ces deux éléments par la réalisation d’une OAM active (OAMA). En effet, le repositionnement actif de la mandibule en position avancée pourrait bien atténuer certains effets indésirables de l’OAM conventionnelle.
Objectifs : Comparer, dans un environnement de soins courants, l’efficacité de l’OAMA à une OAM conventionnelle titrable chez des patients adultes atteints d’un SAOS sévère qui refusent ou sont intolérants au TPPC. L’évaluation se fera notamment par le taux de réponse globale qui inclut l’évolution de l’index d’apnée-hypopnée (IAH) et l’observance.
Méthodologie : 18 participants complétèrent la totalité de l’étude, 8 dans le groupe OAM et 10 dans le groupe OAMA. Après avoir rempli des questionnaires, ils ont été invité à un examen dentaire, articulaire et à une première polysomnographie (PSG). Tous ont reçu le traitement par orthèse. Après minimum 3 mois de port, une nouvelle série de questionnaires a été remplie, un nouvel examen clinique a été réalisé ainsi qu’une seconde PSG.
Résultats : L’IAH (p<0,001), le temps passé avec une saturation pulsée en dioxygène supérieure à 90% (p=0,002), l’index de désaturation (p=0,004) et le nombre de micro-éveil (p=0,007) ont significativement diminué dans les 2 groupes, sans différence significative entre les groupes. L’ensemble des résultats des questionnaires ont mis en évidence une amélioration significative entre le début et la fin de l’étude pour les 2 groupes sans toutefois de différence significative entre les deux types d’orthèses pour les variables sur la somnolence, la fatigue et les fonctions usuelles ou la qualité du sommeil Toutefois il y a significativement plus de salivation rapportée avec l’OAMA, plus de temps en éveil lors du sommeil et une tendance vers un port moins long au cours de la nuit. Une qualité du sommeil qui se normalise moins qu’avec l’OAM conventionnelle à aussi été notée. De façon subjective de par les rapports patients, à court terme, moins de claquements aux articulations temporo-mandibulaires (ATM) (p=0,05) et moins de changements d’occlusion (p=0,05) ont été rapportés par le groupe OAMA par rapport au groupe OAM. Enfin le taux de réponse globale ne différait pas de façon significative entre les groupes (p=0,64).
Conclusion : L’OAMA est une option de traitement équipotente pour les index de sommeil lorsqu’on la compare à une OAM titrable conventionnelle. Bien que l’OAMA engendre moins de claquements au niveau des ATM et de modifications occlusales à court terme, il est essentiel, par une étude à plus grande taille, de confirmer si les tendances à moins bien dormir et à ne pas utiliser l’OAMA pour une durée semblable à l’OAM peut s’expliquer. / Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a common public health issue. Management with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the gold standard, but many people are unable to cope with it or refuse it. So, titratable mandibular advancement devices (MADs) are gaining in popularity, because they provide real long-term solutions. The myofunctional approach, which involves lingual exercises, is an additional measure that could improve OSAS management. To this end, we have observed the association of these two elements by creating an active MAD (AMAD). Indeed, actively repositioning the mandible in the advanced position may well mitigate some of the adverse effects of conventional MADs.
Objectives: To compare the efficacy of AMADs in a routine care environment with conventional titratable MADs in adult patients with severe OSAS who do not want or do not tolerate CPAP therapy. The evaluation will focus on the overall response rate, which includes changes in apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and compliance.
Methodology: 18 participants completed the entire study, 8 in the MAD group and 10 in the AMAD group. After completing a series of questionnaires, they were asked to undergo a dental and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) examination, and their first polysomnography (PSG). They all received the treatment. After the patients had used it for at least 3 months, another series of questionnaires was completed, and another clinical examination and a second PSG were carried out.
Results: AHI (p <0.001), time spent with SpO2>90 (p = 0.002), desaturation index (p = 0.004) and number of micro-arousals (p = 0.007) significantly decreased in both groups, with no significant difference between groups. The overall results of the questionnaires showed a significant improvement between the beginning and the end of the study for both groups with no significant difference between the groups for drowsiness, fatigue, normal activities and sleep quality variables. However, a much higher salivation rate was reported with the AMAD, as well as longer wake times during sleep periods and a tendency for the device to be worn for less time during the night. It was also observed that sleep quality does not normalize as much as with conventional MADs. Subjectively, patients in the AMAD group reported fewer TMJ clicks (p = 0.05) and fewer occlusion changes (p = 0.05) in the short term, compared to the MAD group. Finally, there were no significant differences between the groups in the overall response rate (p = 0.64).
Conclusion: AMAD is an equipotent treatment option, based on sleep indexes, when compared to conventional titratable MADs. While AMADs produce subjectively less TMJ clicking and occlusal changes in the short term, it is essential to conduct a large-scale study to confirm whether the tendencies to not sleep as well and to use AMADs for shorter periods than MADs can be explained.
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Grain sorghum in the hybrid-era, 1957-2008: yield with hybrid advancement and improved agronomic practicesAssefa, Yared January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Agronomy / Scott A. Staggenborg / Grain sorghum yield has notably increased from the beginning of hybrid production and commercialization in the late 1950s. The yield increases were the result of improved agronomic practices and hybrid advancement. The objectives of my research were: (1) to determine the magnitude of yield change in the hybrid era in irrigated and rain fed sorghum production, (2) to determine the contribution of agronomic and hybrid changes for yield in the hybrid era, (3) to investigate changes in sorghum morphology, physiology, and water use that contributed to yield increases, (4) to investigate changes that accompanied yield increase with hybrid improvement, and (5) to understand sorghum water and nutrient use and variations between hybrids in these regards. Fifty-two years of grain sorghum hybrid performance trial data (1957-2008), were analyzed and greenhouse and field studies were conducted on five selected hybrids to meet our objectives. The greenhouse and field studies were conducted from the summer of 2007 to the fall of 2009 on five selected hybrids, each representing a decade from the past fifty years. Results indicated that there was an increase in hybrid yield of nearly 50 kg ha-1 yr-1 in dryland sites over the 52 yrs (1957-2008) analyzed. Irrigated grain sorghum yields, however, remained unchanged over the same period. Agronomic practices such as planting date, phosphorus fertilizer use, and planting density changed over these years but were not found to contribute to increased dryland sorghum yields. There was no difference found between old and new hybrids tolerance to different densities. Hybrid advancement and increased nitrogen fertilizer application were responsible for changes in dryland yields. Total water use changed with hybrid advancement. New hybrids used the greatest total water and also had greater root-to-total biomass ratio than the old hybrids. Leaf biomass was also greater for the newest hybrid. There was a difference in amount of total nutrients extracted by hybrids, and there were differences among hybrids in allocation of nutrients to different tissues. In general the yield focus of sorghum hybrid development was effective in dryland sorghum production, likely because of intentional or inadvertent selection of hybrids with better drought tolerance. Results indicated that breeding programs created hybrids with improved morphological characteristics that might have resulted in better resource use (water and nutrient) and ultimately increased yield.
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