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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The interchange, exchange and appropriation of traditional healing, modern medicine and Christian healing in Africa today

Morekwa, Othusitse 30 November 2004 (has links)
This research work is set out to investigate healing practised in Africa today. There are many ways of healing in African; others are classified as foreign because they came out of Africa especially from European influence while others are considered local or traditional. The research shall dig out the influence of what is known as foreign methods or approaches of healing in Africa today and what African healing can learn from other methods of healing practised today. There shall be contemporary stories and facts about the situation of healing today and relevant statistics where necessary. The research also comes out with appropriate suggestions on how to combat contemporary illnesses of today. This includes what should be improved and how. This work covers the whole of Africa. / Philosophy & Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Systematic Theology)

Genesis 1-11 and the African worldview : conflict or conformity?

Chalk, Jack Pryor 30 November 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to present an analysis of the belief systems of the worldviews behind the religions of Christianity and African Traditional Religion with a view toward aiding the Christian church in African help its converts from African Traditional Religion to hold a biblical worldview in the areas where the biblical and traditional African worldviews conflict. The two worldviews were analyzed, and compared using the philosophical elements of a worldview and the religious dimensions of how a worldview is lived out in culture. Genesis 1-11 of the Christian Bible was used as the basis for the biblical or Christian worldview. The Christian believes that the Bible is God's inspired word to mankind and that what is recorded in Genesis 1-11 gives God's answers to the basic philosophical questions that make up a worldview. Therefore, Christian philosophy and the Christian worldview are postulated on God's special revelation as recorded in the Bible. The African worldview is based upon the sayings and traditions of the elders as received from the ancestors. The traditional African believes in the trustworthiness of the ancestors as strongly as the Christian believes in the trustworthiness of the Bible. When an African converts from African Traditional Religion to Christianity he encounters a conflict of beliefs in certain philosophical elements of his worldview. Upon the conviction that beliefs determine practice, unless the African convert to Christianity changes his beliefs he will not change his practice, and syncretism will be the result. After analyzing the two worldviews, the areas of conflict in beliefs were presented with recommendations for bringing the African Christian's worldview beliefs into conformity with the Christian worldview. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Litt. et Phil. (Religious Studies)

South africa's axial religious transformation: the utilization of the axial Hebrew prophets' response models in the revision of South Africa's maladaptive pre-axial response models

Krawitz, Lilian 31 March 2007 (has links)
This study searches for the origin and history of the concept of individual accountability and the reason for its absence in the African Traditional Religion framework. This search begins in the Axial Age (800-200 BCE), and discusses ancient Israel's Axial Age and its Axial Hebrew prophets' response models. The study tracks the introduction of Axial ideals to South Africa, via Christianity since 1826, and examines the Xhosa prophets' response models to their Axial context. The Social Christians attempts to impart Axial ideals during the period of segregation and the Tuskegeean response model are also examined. The similarities between ancient Israel and South Africa as revealed by Biblical archaeology, underlie this study's call for the utilisation of the power of religions such as Christianity, and of South Africa's religious elite, to rapidly alter current maladaptive beliefs within the African Traditional religious framework that impedes Africans' ability to adopt individual accountability. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. A. (Biblical Archaeolgy)

Junge Menschen in einer sich ändernden afrikanischen Gesellschaft: eine Fallstudie über die presbyterianische Jugendarbeit und die Akan von Südghana

Knispel, Martin 31 July 2005 (has links)
Text in German / This doctoral thesis deals with the changes the youth grapple with in Southern Ghana today. These changes permeate all fabrics of society, from the traditional society with its values to the modern society that is undergoing radical social changes. The First Part presents to the reader the traditional Akan Society. It points out how it has assisted young people to get into the world of the adult. It gives an insight into the traditional religions, the rites and practices associated with them and their relation to young people. The Second Part deals with the History of the Presbyterian Youth Work from its inception to the present day. The Presbyterian Church of Ghana was set up in the early 20th Century from the toils of the Basel Mission and the United Free Church of Scotland. This new Christian way of life brought a clash between two world views: the traditional African Religion (ATR) and the Christian Religion that brought about, so to say, farreaching consequences to the culture and the development of the country. Part three focuses attention on the present changes in the Ghanaian Society. It shows the effects of migration and the economic conditions on the Ghanaian Society at the turn of the 21st Century especially for young people. Part four sums up the findings and discusses them on the basis of two leading concepts: Contextualization and Identity. I evaluated a contextualization project of a church parish in southern Ghana. Here are, in my opinion, the first signs that could show the way into the future, i.e. a way of preaching the Gospel within the context of the traditional mindset of the local people by taking into account the Ghanaian Culture and with due regard to the feelings of the youth. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Contextualization and folk Islam : a case study in the Sudan

Hadaway, Robin Dale 11 1900 (has links)
Estimates suggest that seventy percent of Muslims follow folk Islam (popular Islam), rather than the orthodox Islamic faith. Most methods for reaching Muslims with the Gospel have concentrated on one of two broad approaches with a third blending the first two methods. Apologetic, polemic and dialogue techniques argue that Christianity is more valid or reasonable than Islam. Other approaches consist of contextualized methods seeking some common ground between Christianity and Islam. Apologetic arguments have not been very effective with folk Muslims because cognitive propositions fail to answer the “why” questions posed by popular Islam. Most contextualized methods also miss the mark with folk Muslims; they rarely attend Islamic worship, observe the five pillars of Islam, or read the Qur’an. A few missiologists propose a fourth category for reaching Muslims – contextualizing according to their worldview. This thesis explores what are the best approaches for evangelizing folk Muslims who are particularly influenced by African Traditional Religion (ATR). The Beja tribe of the Sudan and the Sukuma tribe of Tanzania serve as case studies. I argue for a contextualized approach to folk Muslims, addressing their unique worldviews. ATRinfluenced folk Muslims lean toward a fear-power worldview, while the Sufis among them hold to an existential- transcendent worldview. Each group, therefore, necessitates a different evangelism approach. The first chapter presents preliminary matters, the research question, a literature review, and a rationale for the thesis. The second chapter analyzes the case study example of Beja folk Islam. Chapter three examines folk Islam and its relationship to orthodox Islam,including further illustrations from the Beja tribe. The fourth chapter explores the subject of ATR and its relationship to folk Islam. The Sukuma tribe of Tanzania serves as a base-line model of ATR for a comparison with Beja folk Islam. Chapter five introduces the topic of contextualization in Muslim evangelization and assesses the effectiveness and validity of methods that have been used. Chapter six suggests worldview approaches for reaching ATR and Sufi-influenced folk Muslims. The final chapter summarizes the thesis content, reviews the response to the research question, and analyzes the implications of the findings of the case study. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

Creating a culture of life : a Catholic ethical analysis of the causes and consequences of the breakdown of family life in Mariannhill, South Africa

Mcunu, Tobias Nhlanhla 09 1900 (has links)
Vatican II provided the Catholic Church with an opportunity for deep reflection and to align its theological teachings with modern times. This reflection resulted in a resurgence of the importance of Christian marriage and family living. Beyond Vatican II, the Christian family has been described as a ‘domestic’ church. This description defines the family founded on marriage as a cornerstone for the church and society. The Church has realised that if she has to succeed in her mission of evangelisation, she needs to strengthen the families founded on the sacrament of marriage and also to take care of broken families. The theme of a ‘domestic church’ was further explored and discussed in the 1994 Special Synod for the Bishops of Africa. This synod strongly used the image of the family as an effective tool for evangelisation in Africa. The rationale for this emphasis was that the institution of the family founded on marriage is held in high esteem in Africa and it is one of the most important custodians of cultural values. This institution, the bishops argued, can now be used as a custodian for Christian values. Hence, the family founded on marriage will become a school where these values are cherished and taught to offspring. The family founded on marriage is celebrated across the global cultural spectrum. It is through the family that the age old wisdom of ancestors is propagated. This ensures the survival and the development of the different communities. Communities develop because they are built upon strong ethical, religious and cultural values which are safeguarded by the institution of the family founded on marriage. The Catholic Church teaches that marriage is the custodian of life. Marriage is about life. Hence, the respect of human life is safeguarded by the family. The collapse of such a pivotal institution has serious implications for the community. The institution of the family founded on marriage is presented in this thesis as a turn around strategy to the challenge of moral permissiveness in our country. It is a commonly accepted theory that development can only take place where there is stability. The lack of infrastructural development in most African countries is due to lack of political stability. Instability often results in chaos and anarchy. Marriage promises stability which is rooted in the self giving of the couples. Such an environment becomes conducive for human life to be propagated, nurtured and developed. It further creates a sense of being loved and belonging to the child. These qualities are essential for proper and integral human development. Furthermore, marriage ties together the goals of parenting, namely, procreation and parenthood and they are inseparable. They prepare children for social integration.The purpose of this research is to demonstrate how the institution of the family founded on marriage can help us develop a coherent moral vision in South Africa. This turn around strategy is proposed by systematically analysing the causes and consequences of family breakdown. The thesis establishes that the institution of the family founded on marriage is undergoing a crisis. This crisis manifests itself through single-parenthood, high rate of divorce, fatherlessness, etc. The consequences of this crisis are not favourable for individuals and the society. / Philosophy & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Theological ethics)

Isis and Asiis : Eastern Africa's Kalenjiin people and their pharaonic origin legend : a comparative study

Sambu, Kipkoeech Araap 11 1900 (has links)
Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Semitic Languages)

The liberal peace and post-conflict peacebuilding in Africa : Sierra Leone

Tom, Patrick January 2011 (has links)
This thesis critiques liberal peacebuilding in Africa, with a particular focus on Sierra Leone. In particular, it examines the interface between the liberal peace and the “local”, the forms of agency that various local actors are expressing in response to the liberal peace and the hybrid forms of peace that are emerging in Sierra Leone. The thesis is built from an emerging critical literature that has argued for the need to shift from merely criticising liberal peacebuilding to examining local and contextual responses to it. Such contextualisation is crucial mainly because it helps us to develop a better understanding of the complex dynamics on the ground. The aim of this thesis is not to provide a new theory but to attempt to use the emerging insights from the critical scholarship through adopting the concept of hybridity in order to gain an understanding of the forms of peace that are emerging in post-conflict zones in Africa. This has not been comprehensively addressed in the context of post-conflict societies in Africa. Yet, much contemporary peace support operations are taking place in these societies that are characterised by multiple sources of legitimacy, authority and sovereignty. The thesis shows that in Sierra Leone local actors – from state elites to chiefs to civil society to ordinary people on the “margins of the state” – are not passive recipients of the liberal peace. It sheds new light on how hybridity can be created “from below” as citizens do not engage in outright resistance, but express various forms of agency including partial acceptance and internalisation of some elements of the liberal peace that they find useful to them; and use them to make demands for reforms against state elites who they do not trust and often criticise for their pre-occupation with political survival and consolidation of power. Further, it notes that in Sierra Leone a “post-liberal peace” that is locally-oriented might emerge on the “margins of the state” where culture, custom and tradition are predominant, and where neo-traditional civil society organisations act as vehicles for both the liberal peace and customary peacebuilding while allowing locals to lead the peacebuilding process. In Sierra Leone, there are also peace processes that are based on custom that are operating in parallel to the liberal peace, particularly in remote parts of the country.

Pour un modèle chrétien de réconciliation dans la société luba : une interprétation des pratiques traditionnelles luba de réconciliation à partir de Genèse 32–33 et une proposition d’appropriation chrétienne contemporaine

Ilunga, Kandolo Kasolwa 08 1900 (has links)
Pour des raisons de limitation, cette thèse analyse le thème de la réconciliation à partir des pratiques traditionnelles des Baluba du Katanga; elle concerne et s'applique également aux autres ethnies bantu en Afrique Centrale où ces pratiques sont similaires. / La détérioration des relations et la fragilité de la cohésion entre certains groupes sociaux en RD Congo remontent à 1958, peu avant l’indépendance du pays en 1960. Depuis ce temps, les conflits socio-politiques affectent profondément les groupes ethniques et les conditions économiques sont de plus en plus mauvaises. Depuis son indépendance, le pays a traversé de nombreuses périodes de conflits, sans aucune accalmie durable. De 1960 à 1964, les fréquentes guerres de sécessions, des rébellions et des guerres interethniques ont déstabilisé toute la structure sociale du pays. Les tentatives de réconciliation ont eu des résultats mitigés et parfois des solutions de courte durée. Le coup d’État de 1965, a plongé davantage le pays dans la violence : le pouvoir a été confisqué par les membres du parti unique et la gestion des biens publics a été confiée à quelques groupes ethniques privilégiés. Les frustrations et les injustices suscitèrent des insurrections et des soulèvements populaires, souvent réprimés dans le sang. Les efforts de démocratisation de 1990 n’ont pas rétabli l’équilibre des pouvoirs. Plusieurs groupes ethniques lésés se sont radicalisés et ont étayé leurs revendications par des actions violentes et meurtrières. La situation ne s’est guère améliorée depuis la fin de la dictature et perdure encore de nos jours. Pourtant, l’histoire montre qu’en RD Congo, les ethnies avaient un système traditionnel de résolution des conflits de diverses natures. Grâce à un enquête de terrain, nous avons reconstitué ce processus qui conduisait à une réconciliation durable parce qu’elle résultait d’une concertation communautaire sous l’arbre-à-palabre. Selon nos interlocuteurs, ces pratiques traditionnelles de réconciliation ont fait leurs preuves. Dans une perspective d’inculturation de l’Évangile, elles peuvent être interprétées et adaptées, puis intégrées à la vie de l’Église et à sa mission de réconciliation en RD Congo. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un modèle chrétien et inculturé de réconciliation, élaboré à partir des pratiques et des rites traditionnels des Baluba. Pour constituer ses composantes essentielles, nous avons fait une sélection critique de ces éléments traditionnels, qui ont des potentialités de paix. Nous les avons ensuite mis en corrélation avec ceux retenus d’une analyse du récit de la réconciliation entre Jacob et Ésaü (Gn 32–33) et de son appropriation chrétienne à partir des enseignements de Jésus (Mt 5. 21-26) et de Paul (2 Co 5. 11-21). Ce modèle chrétien inculturé est proposé à l’Église et ses partenaires pour être mis en œuvre auprès de la communauté chrétienne, dont les Baluba, et dans l’ensemble de la société congolaise. La première étape de cette mise en œuvre sera un travail de conscientisation et de concertation débouchant sur des expériences pratiques et concrètes de la réconciliation dans des communautés locales, qui pourront servir d’inspiration à d’autres niveaux. La démarche réalisée ici invite aussi à poursuivre des réflexions interdisciplinaires sur la réconciliation durable à partir des pratiques de la culture africaine traditionnelle. / The deterioration of relations and the fragility of cohesion between several social groups in the DR Congo date back to 1958, shortly before the country’s independence in 1960. Since then, socio-political conflicts have profoundly affected ethnic relations and economic conditions have even worsened. Since its independence, the country has gone through many periods of conflict, without any lasting peace. From 1960 to 1964, frequent secession wars, rebellions and inter-ethnic conflicts have destabilized the entire social structure of the country. Attempts for reconciliation have had mixed results and sometimes short-lived solutions. The 1965 coup plunged the country further into violence: power ended up in the hands of members of the sole ruling party and the management of public assets got entrusted to select members of influential ethnic groups. Frustrations and lack of distributive justice engendered insurrections and popular uprisings, which were often quelled by bloody repression. Attempts to democratization since 1990 have not restored the balance of powers. Several ethnic groups, feeling unfavourably treated, have become radicalized and have used deadly violence in support of their claims. The situation has hardly improved since the end of dictatorship and persists even these days. Yet, history shows that in the DR Congo, ethnic groups had a traditional system of resolving various kinds of conflicts. Through a field survey, we have reconstructed the process which usually brought about lasting reconciliation, since it was grounded in community consultations under a palaver tree. Accounts by participants in our survey suggest that such traditional practices of reconciliation have demonstrated their efficiency. From the theological perspective of an inculturation of the Gospel, they can be reinterpreted and adapted, then integrated into the life of the Church and into its mission of reconciliation in the DR Congo. In this dissertation, we propose a Christian and contextualized model of reconciliation, grounded in the traditional practices and rites of the Baluba. To constitute its essential components, we have critically selected traditional elements which have shown their potential for peace. We have then correlated them with elements from a narrative analysis of the reconciliation between Jacob and Esau (Gen. 32–33) and its Christian reinterpretation through the teachings of Jesus (Mt 5. 21-26) and Paul (2 Co 5. 11-21). This contextualized Christian model is being proposed to the Church and its partners for implementation within the Christian community, including the Baluba, and within the entire Congolese society. The first step of this implementation process will consist of the raising of awareness and of consultations, thus leading to practical and actual experiences of reconciliation in local communities, which, in turn, will serve as a source of inspiration at further levels. The approach taken here also invites continued interdisciplinary reflections on lasting reconciliation grounded in traditional African cultural practices.

The interchange, exchange and appropriation of traditional healing, modern medicine and Christian healing in Africa today

Morekwa, Othusitse 30 November 2004 (has links)
This research work is set out to investigate healing practised in Africa today. There are many ways of healing in African; others are classified as foreign because they came out of Africa especially from European influence while others are considered local or traditional. The research shall dig out the influence of what is known as foreign methods or approaches of healing in Africa today and what African healing can learn from other methods of healing practised today. There shall be contemporary stories and facts about the situation of healing today and relevant statistics where necessary. The research also comes out with appropriate suggestions on how to combat contemporary illnesses of today. This includes what should be improved and how. This work covers the whole of Africa. / Philosophy and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Systematic Theology)

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