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Six Degree of Freedom Morphing Aircraft Dynamical Model with AerodynamicsNiksch, Adam 14 January 2010 (has links)
Morphing aircraft are envisioned to have multirole capability where the ability
to change shape allows for adaptation to a changing mission environment. In order to
calculate the properties of many wing configurations efficiently and rapidly, a model
of a morphing aircraft is needed. This paper develops an aerodynamic model and
a dynamic model of a morphing
flying wing aircraft. The dynamic model includes
realistic aerodynamic forces, consisting of lift, drag, and pitching moment about the
leading edge, calculated using a constant strength source doublet panel method. The
panel method allows for the calculation of aerodynamic forces due to large scale
shape changing effects. The aerodynamic model allows for asymmetric configurations
in order to generate rolling and yawing moments. The dynamic model calculates
state information for the morphing wing based on the aerodynamic forces from the
panel method. The model allows for multiple shape changing degrees-of-freedom
for the wing, including thickness, sweep, dihedral angle, and chord length. Results
show the model provides a versatile and computationally efficient tool for calculating
the aerodynamic forces on the morphing aircraft and using these forces to show the
associated states.
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Development and Validation of Single-Engine General Aviation Aircraft Models within Merlin 521 Motion-Based Flight SimulatorsMoidel, Benjamin Aaron 18 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the Path Towards using Additive Manufacturing in Scale Aircraft Model Production / Utforska Vägen mot att Använda Additiv Tillverkning i Skalenlig FlygplansmodellproduktionZhang, Yuyu January 2023 (has links)
Additive Manufacturing is a fast-growing new technology with the advantages of manufacturingvirtually any shape and low-cost when the production volume is low, it would be a good solutionfor scale aircraft model production, which has complex-shape parts and small-batch production.However, this industry has not yet introduced this technology. Through method of modeling, prototyping and comparing, this project investigates the AMtechniques and materials suitable for the production of scale aircraft models, and how to assignthem to specific parts, which is the path towards using Additive Manufacturing in scale aircraftmodel production. / Additiv tillverkning är en snabbväxande ny teknik med fördelarna av att tillverka praktiskt tagetvilken form som helst och till låg kostnad när produktionsvolymen är låg, det skulle vara en bralösning för tillverkning av skalenlig flygplansmodell, som har komplexa delar och små partierproduktion. Men denna industri har ännu inte introducerat denna teknik. Genom metoder för modellering, prototypframställning och jämförelse undersöker detta projektAM-tekniker och material som är lämpliga för produktion av skalenlig flygplansmodell, och hurman tilldelar dem till specifika delar, vilket är vägen mot att använda Additive Tillverkning iskalenlig flygplansmodellproduktion.
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Estudo das características modais de um modelo de aeronave em alumínio / Study of the modal characteristics of an aluminum aircraft modelOliveira Junior, Adelmo Fernandes de [UNESP] 02 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Adelmo Fernandes de Oliveira Junior null (ligley@gmail.com) on 2017-01-27T18:02:21Z
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Dissertação Adelmo - 26-01-2017.pdf: 2029608 bytes, checksum: 09e6922ea4afa079b64bac18ef6882ba (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-01-31T16:02:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
oliveirajunior_af_me_guara.pdf: 2029608 bytes, checksum: 09e6922ea4afa079b64bac18ef6882ba (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-31T16:02:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-02 / A análise modal experimental é uma das técnicas mais importantes na caracterização dinâmica de estruturas. No setor aeroespacial a analise modal experimental é conhecida como Ground Vibration Test (GVT). Na Força Aérea Brasileira, o órgão responsável para executar o GVT é o Laboratório de Ensaios de Vibração (LEVI) da Divisão de Integração e Ensaio (AIE) do Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço (IAE). Esta pesquisa foi realizada neste laboratório que possui as facilidades para a execução de GVT. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi aprimorar a metodologia de ensaio de análise modal aplicada a um modelo de aeronave em alumínio do tipo GARTEUR SM-AG-19. O estudo desenvolvido possibilita que em ensaios futuros os resultados sejam replicados, no intuito de avaliar a integridade do sistema de medição, levando em consideração aspectos da influência do torque na junta aparafusada entre a asa e a fuselagem. Para validar a metodologia os resultados obtidos neste estudo foram comparados com os resultados de dois estudos desenvolvidos no Brasil. A contribuição principal desta pesquisa é relacionada ao estudo do efeito da variação do torque na junta aparafusada entre a asa e a fuselagem sobre os parâmetros modais da estrutura. / The experimental modal analysis is one of the most important techniques in the dynamic characterization of structures. In the aerospace industry, the experimental modal analysis is known as Ground Vibration Test (GVT). In the Brazilian Air Force, the institution responsible for executing the GVT is the Laboratory of Vibration Testing (LEVI) of the Integration and Testing Division (AIE) of the Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE). This research was carried out on this laboratory that has the facilities to perform the GVT. The main objective of this study was to improve the modal analysis test methodology applied to an aluminium aircraft model named GARTEUR SM-AG-19. This study allows the results to be replicated in future tests in order to evaluate the integrity of the measurement system, taking into account aspects of the influence of the torque on the bolted joint between wing and fuselage. In order to validate the methodology the results obtained in this study were compared to the results of two studies developed in Brazil. The main contribution of this research is the study of the torque variation effect on the bolted joint between wing and fuselage on the modal parameters of the structure.
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Modeling of the Vertical Flight Profile / Modeling of the Vertical Flight ProfileValíček, Josef January 2011 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá modelováním letadla a simulací různých typů letu. Pro modelování letu bylo podle zadání vybráno proudové letadlo s dlouhým doletem – Gulfstream G550. V první části práce jsou podrobně popsány pohybové rovnice letadla. Dále je vysvětlen numerický model letadla, sestavený na základě pohybových rovnic. Pochopení modelu letadla je nezbytné pro modelování a simulaci vertikálních profilů letu. Práce se zaměřuje na nastavení parametrů modelu letadla podle reálného letadla Gulfstream G550 a modelování vertikálního profilu letu v letové fázi CRUISE. Posledním bodem práce je průzkum optimálního letu letadla vzhledem ke spotřebě paliva. V závěru jsou diskutovány dosažené výsledky a je nastíněn směr případného pokračování práce.
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Aerodynamic Modeling of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using a Computational Fluid Dynamics Prediction CodeRose, Isaac D. 27 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Návrh zdroje elektrické energie pro model letadla / Design of Power Supply for Aircraft ModelŠrámek, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práca, ktorú držíte v rukách, sa zaoberá návrhom elektrického generátoru pre modely lietadiel na diaľkové ovládanie poháňané spaľovacím motorom. Takýmto modelom je dodávaná energia pomocou batérií, ktoré sa musia po vybití vymieňať. Motiváciou tejto práce bolo potlačiť potrebu pristávania za účelom dobíjania batériových paketov. Práca vyvíja niekoľko analýz a simulačných modelov pre riešenie tohto problému.
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Implementation and comparison of the Aircraft Intent Description Language and point-mass Non-Linear Dynamic Inversion approach to aircraft modelling in ModelicaShreepal, Arcot Manjunath, Vijaya Kumar, Shree Harsha January 2021 (has links)
The study is conducted to determine practical modelling and simulation techniques to perform dynamic stability and performance analysis on a 3 Degrees of freedom aircraft model using a Modelica-based commercial tool called Modelon Impact. This study is based on a conceptual aircraft model where in-depth details about the aircraft configuration are unknown and the aim is to determine a suitable model that can capture the longitudinal dynamics and aerodynamic constraints of the aircraft during the conceptual design phase. Requirements include short execution time, easy model development, and minimal data requirements. Therefore, this thesis aims at developing plant and control architectures in Modelon Impact which can be utilized for the rapid development of aircraft concepts with adequate fidelity in a longitudinal mission-based tracking environment. In a conceptual aircraft design environment, to identify a suitable methodology that mitigates the limitations of a traditional feedback controller, two methodologies are considered for comparison: Sequential DAE resolution (SDR) and Dynamic inversion (DI) control which is discussed from an object-oriented aircraft model. The advantages and shortcomings of each of the models discussed above are compared by conducting several experiments in increasing order of longitudinal mission complexity, and the most appropriate model among the two for a conceptual stage of aircraft design development is ascertained. The two methodologies discussed are compared for their level of complexity, code structure, readability, and ease of usability.
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