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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação e tratamento da água de lavagem dos filtros e dos resíduos sedimentados gerados pela tecnologia de ciclo completo contendo oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. e cistos de Giardia spp. / Evaluation and treatment of water treatment plants backwashing water and sedimented residue with Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts and Giardia spp. cysts

Allan Pretti Ogura 27 February 2018 (has links)
Os oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. e os cistos de Giardia spp. podem gerar doenças de veiculação hídrica associadas a problemas de saúde pública. Os (oo)cistos são de difícil remoção e inativação durante o tratamento de água, principalmente devido ao tamanho reduzido e à resistência ao processo de cloração. Além disso, os métodos de detecção de protozoários na água apresentam elevado custo e estão sujeitos à grande variabilidade e à baixa reprodutibilidade, especialmente em águas de elevada turbidez. Com água de estudo com turbidez de aproximadamente 110 uT, ensaios de tratabilidade com cloreto de polialumínio foram feitos em jarteste para a obtenção da água de lavagem dos filtros (ALF) e do resíduo sedimentado. O método escolhido para detecção de (oo)cistos foi a centrifugação direta com adição de solução de dispersão ICN 7X seguido de IMS com duas dissociações ácidas (CD + ICN 7X). O tratamento dos resíduos objetivou a inativação dos (oo)cistos, por meio de danos à estrutura celular dos parasitos, identificada pela incorporação do corante iodeto de propídio no microrganismo. Para o método CD + ICN 7X, menor interferência na viabilidade dos (oo)cistos foi observada em relação à floculação em carbonato de cálcio e melhor recuperação do que a centrifugação direta. O controle de qualidade analítica desse método, feito com suspensão do kit EasySeed®, apresentou recuperação de 2,8±0,8% de oocistos e 7,8±2,9% de cistos para a ALF e de 3,3±2,0% e 24,8±8,0%, para oocistos e cistos no resíduo sedimentado. Apenas a recuperação de cistos de Giardia spp. no resíduo sedimentado atendeu aos padrões recomendados pelo Método 1623.1 da USEPA. A presença de microesferas magnéticas aderidas aos (oo)cistos foi observada nos poços de leitura após a IMS, indicando limitações desse método de purificação. Para o tratamento alcalino do resíduo sedimentado, a dosagem de 27mg/100mL foi testada para os tempos de 3 e 5 dias e, respectivamente, foram obtidos 1,85 e 3,0 log de inativação de oocistos e 2,05 e 2,14 log de inativação para cistos. Para o processo de ozonização da ALF, avaliado apenas para oocistos, as inativações de 2,83 log e 3,44 log foram obtidas para as dosagens de 7,5 mg O3 L-1 por 10 min e 10 mg O3 L-1 por 5 min, respectivamente. / Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts and Giardia spp. cysts are infectious forms and can cause public health problems due to associated waterborne diseases. (Oo)cysts are difficult to remove and inactivate during water treatment, mainly because of reduced size and resistance to chlorination. In addition, protozoan detection methods in water are expensive and subject to high variability and low reproducibility, especially in high turbidity water. In jartest treatability tests, 110 uT study water was treated with polyaluminium chloride to obtain backwashing water (BW) and sedimented residue. The method chosen for detection of (oo)cysts was direct centrifugation with addition of 7X ICN dispersion solution followed by IMS with two acid dissociations. Treatment of residuals objectified inactivation of (oo)cysts by damages on parasites cellular structure, identified by inclusion of propidium iodide as an indicator. The method of detection chosen showed less interference in the viability of (oo)cysts in comparison to flocculation in calcium carbonate and better recovery than direct centrifugation. The analytical quality control of this method, performed with EasySeed® suspension, obtained recovery of 2.8±0.8% oocysts and 7.8±2.9% cysts for BW and of 3.3±2.0% and 24.8±8.0%, for oocysts and cysts in sedimented residue. Only Giardia spp. recovery in sedimented residue complied with the standards recommended by USEPA Method 1623.1. Magnetic microspheres were found attached to (oo)cysts in microscope slides after IMS, indicating limitations of this purification method. For the alkaline treatment of sedimented residue, dosage of 27mg / 100mL was tested for 3 and 5 days and respectively 1.85 and 3.0 log inactivation were obtained for oocysts while 2.05 and 2.14 log of. For ozonation of BW, evaluated only for oocysts, 2.83 log and 3.44 log inactivation were obtained for dosages of 7.5 mg O3 L-1 for 10 min and 10 mg O3 L-1 for 5 min, respectively.

Etude l'évolution des propriétés de surface d'un matériau minéral à porosité contrôlée lors de sa mise en oeuvre dans des tests d'ultrafiltration et de nanofiltration / Study of the surface properties evolution of a mineral material with controlled porosity during its implementation in ultra and nanofiltration tests

Bikai, Jacques 15 December 2015 (has links)
L'objet de ce travail concernait la compréhension de l'évolution des propriétés hydrauliques des membranes céramiques d'UF/NF durant l'étape du conditionnement, et suite à un traitement alcalin. Dans un premier temps, une étude expérimentale a été réalisée par des tests de flux à l'eau pure avec 6 membranes minérales asymétriques (Na-mordenite et TiO2). Ensuite, l'évolution de la perméabilité hydraulique de ces membranes a été modélisée précisément par une fonction mathématique, mettant en évidence deux phases distinctes au cours du conditionnement : une hydratation rapide de la surface des cristaux de Na-mordenite (mésoporosité intercristalline) suivie d'une hydratation lente des pores de la Na-mordenite (microporosité intracristalline). Cette étude a également permis de montrer que la cinétique d'hydratation des micropores est proportionnelle au volume microporeux des couches actives. Dans un deuxième temps, des caractérisations physico-chimiques (DRX, MEB, DFX, adsorption N2), des mesures de propriétés électriques ainsi que des tests de mouillabilité ont été réalisés sur la phase active des membranes de Na-mordenite avant et après un traitement alcalin (filtration d'une solution de carbonate de sodium) dans le but de pouvoir comprendre/expliquer la diminution de la perméabilité hydraulique observée à la suite du traitement alcalin. Les composantes de la tension de surface (polaires et apolaires) et l'énergie d'interaction entre la surface des membranes et les molécules d'eau ont été déterminées via l'équation de Young-Dupré (théorie de Lifshitz-van der Waals des états condensés). L'ensemble des résultats obtenus a montré que la modification des propriétés hydrauliques des membranes est due à une augmentation de l'hydrophilicité de surface de la zéolithe (par la présence des micro-défauts à la surface : extraction des atomes de silicium) provoquant la formation d'une couche ultra-polaire à la surface des cristaux de Na-mordenite. / The aim of this work was to understand hydraulic properties evolution of mineral UF/NF membranes during the conditioning step and after a mild alkaline treatment. First, experimental tests by filtration of pure water were carried out to determine the membrane permeation flux. Six tubular asymetric ceramic membranes were studied (Na-mordenite and TiO2) and a mathematical modelling of the hydraulic permeability (during the conditioning step) was performed. Two separate phases were identified: a fast decrease of the permeability that was attributed to the hydration of the crystal surface of Na-mordenite (inter-crystalline mesoporosity) and then a slow decrease until the stabilization of the permeability that was attributed to the hydration of the Na-mordenite internal pores (intra-crystalline microposity). During this study, it was also shown that the kinetic of micropore hydration is directly proportional to the microporous volume of the membrane active layer. Secondly, physicochemical characterizations, electric properties and contact angle measurements were carried out on the Na-mordenite active phase before and after a mild alkaline treatment (filtration of a sodium carbonate-water solution) to understand/explain the decrease of the hydraulic permeability after the alkaline treatment. The surface tension components (polar and apolar) and the energy of interaction between water molecules and the surface of the active layer were determined via the Young-Dupré equation according to the Lifshitz-van der Waals theory of the condensed states. The whole of these results showed that the modification of the hydraulic properties of the zeolite membranes is due to an increase of the surface hydrophilicity of the surface (surface defaults: extraction of the silicon atoms), leading to the formation of an ultra-polar layer on the surface of the zeolite crystals.


ROCHA, Ana Lúcia Colares Lopes 25 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:01:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao ana lucia.pdf: 3901601 bytes, checksum: 03ec33115672e8cb73a4e8e1ddeb239f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-25 / The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of the alkaline treatment of sanitary sewage sludge produced in the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) of the Lages Sewage Treatment Plant, located in Aparecida de Goiânia, GO, Brazil and operated by Saneamento de Goiás, S.A. Saneago. The sludge, which was dewatered into drying beds until a mean moisture of 47.55%, was mixed in a cement mixer with hydrated lime and quicklime in two experiments. The limes were mixed with sewage sludge and four treatments were established, one of them without lime and the others with concentrations of, 12.6%, 21% and 29.4% for each experiment, with three repetitions. Samples of the treated sludge in each treatment were collected 0, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days after mixing. Thermotolerant coliforms, total helminth eggs, viable helminth eggs, volatile solids, total solids (TS), pH and moisture were evaluated. All treatments in the two experiments met the condition of reduction in vector attractiveness cited in appendix one of Conama resolution no.375 except the hydrated lime treatment, whose lime dosage was 12.6%. Although growth of thermotolerant coliforms occurred in association with the drop in pH in some treatments during the storage period, in all the results of both experiments the values were below the limit established in Conama resolution no.375 for type A sludge: 1,000 NMP.g.MS-1. Among the species of viable helminth eggs identified, Ascaris sp. was predominated. All the treatments with quicklime reached concentrations of viable helminth eggs below 0.25 egg.g.MS-1, the limit for type A sludge, immediately after mixing, except for the treatment with 12.6% of quicklime. For the hydrated lime treatments, this condition was met within 15 days except for the treatment whose lime dosage was 12.6%. Both, hydrated lime and quicklime, were efficient in meeting the requirements of Conama resolution no.375 for type A sludges in regard to the parameters for thermotolerant coliforms and viable helminth eggs. In terms of dosages applied and storage time, the quicklime treatments stood out because of their greater potential for raising and maintaining pH and because of their greater efficiency in removing thermotolerant coliforms and viable helminth eggs / O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a eficiência da higienização alcalina do lodo de esgoto sanitário, produzido no reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente e manta de lodo (UASB), da Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos ETE Lages, localizada em Aparecida de Goiânia GO e operada pela Saneamento de Goiás S.A. Saneago. O lodo desaguado em leitos de secagem, com umidade média de 47,55%, foi misturado em betoneira com cal hidratada e com cal virgem, caracterizando 2 experimentos. As cales foram misturadas ao lodo de esgoto e estabelecidos quatro tratamentos, um testemunha, sem adição de cal, e os demais nas concentrações de 12,6%, 21% e 29,4%, para cada experimento, com três repetições. Foram coletadas amostras do lodo higienizado de cada tratamento logo após a mistura a 0, 15, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias após a mistura. Avaliaram-se os coliformes termotolerantes, ovos totais e ovos viáveis de helmintos, sólidos voláteis, sólidos totais, pH e umidade. Todos os tratamentos dos dois experimentos atenderam à condição de redução de atratividade de vetores, citada no anexo I da resolução Conama no375, exceto o tratamento com cal hidratada na dosagem de 12,6% de cal. Embora tenha ocorrido o crescimento de coliformes termotolerantes, associado à queda do pH, em alguns tratamentos durante o período de estocagem, em todos os resultados de ambos os experimentos, os valores estiveram abaixo do limite estabelecido pela resolução Conama no375 para lodos tipo A, de 1.000 NMP.g.MS-1. Dentre as espécies de ovos viáveis de helmintos identificadas, Ascaris sp. foi predominante. Todos os tratamentos com cal virgem atingiram concentrações de ovos viáveis de helmintos abaixo de 0,25 ovo.g.MS-1, limite para lodos tipo A, logo após a higienização, exceto para o tratamento com 12,6% de cal. Nos tratamentos com a cal hidratada, essa condição foi atendida aos 15 dias, exceto para o tratamento cuja dosagem foi 12,6% de cal. Considerando o atendimento à resolução Conama no375 para lodos tipo A, com relação aos parâmetros de coliformes termotolerantes e ovos viáveis de helmintos, ambas as cales, virgem e hidratada, foram eficientes. Em função das dosagens aplicadas e do tempo de estocagem, os tratamentos com a cal virgem se destacaram pelo maior potencial de elevação e manutenção do pH e pela maior eficiência na remoção de coliformes termotolerantes e ovos viáveis de helmintos

Sustainability assessment of potential wastewater treatment techniques in Tupiza, Bolivia / Hållbarhetsanalys av potentiella lösningar för avloppsrening i Tupiza, Bolivia

Burström, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Aiming for sustainable sanitation systems can provide benefits among a vast range of Sustainable Development Goals. In this study the sustainability of potential options for renovating or upgrading thewastewater treatment plant in Tupiza, a rapidly growing city in theSouthern highlands of Bolivia, was evaluated. The local context was characterized by increasing issues of flooding which in recent years has destroyed important wastewater treatment infrastructure and polluted sources of water for several downstream communities. Three system options consisting of different treatment technologies were evaluated against four criteria of sustainability; health,technical, environmental and financial and institutional. A "conventional" option consisting of waste stabilization ponds was compared against two more options with added steps of treatment, such as constructed wetlands, anaerobic reactors and alkaline and ammonia treatment of sludge. Social acceptance and demand of reuse of treated wastewater and sludge in agriculture was evaluated using qualitative research analysis. Results indicate that the systems with added treatment steps could help improve several areas of sustainability such as risks of disease transmission, space efficiency, treatment capacity and efficiency as well as enable safe reuse of sludge and wastewater in agriculture. Implementation of funding mechanisms covering the entire sanitation service chain as well as flood mitigation measures resulted essential in ensuring the long-term functionality of such improvements. This project was intended as a pre-study and identified several areas of future research including additional evaluation of nutrient content in effluent, investigation of a possible certification process for recycled byproducts from the wastewater treatment plant, risk assessment of floods of different magnitudes, evaluation of the long-term economic impact of having improved systems and evaluationof local institutional capacity surrounding the sanitation service chain in Tupiza. / Hållbara sanitetssystem för med sig många fördelar som kan främja majoriteten av de globala hållbarhetsmålen. I denna studie utreds hållbarheten i potentiella alternativ för renovering eller uppgradering av ett avloppsreningsverk i Tupiza, en snabbt växande stad i södra Bolivias högland. Den lokala kontexten präglades av en tilltagande översvämmningsproblematik som de senaste åren bidragit till förstörelse av central infrastruktur for avloppsvattenrening samt påföljande vattenföroreningar i samhällen nedströms reningsverket. Tre systemalternativ beståendes av olika reningstekniker utreddes utefter fyra hållbarhetskategorier; hälsa, teknologi, miljö samt finansiell/institutionell. Ett konventionellt alternativ som utgjordes av stabiliseringsdammar jämfördes mot två mer avancerade alternativ med ytterligare reningssteg såsom anlagd våtmark, anaerobiska reaktorer samt alkali- och ammoniakbehandling av slam. Social acceptans och efterfrågan för återanvändning av behandlat avloppsvatten och slam inom lantbruket utreddes i en kvalitativ forskningsstudie. Resultaten tyder på att system med fler reningssteg kan främja flera hållbarhetsområden såsom risk för överföring av sjukdomar, yteffektivitet, reningskapacitet och effektivitet samt möjliggöra säkert återanvändande av slam och avloppsvatten i jordbruket. Implementering av mekanismer för finansiering som täcker hela sanitetskedjan samt åtgärder mor översvämningar visade sig vara centrala för att säkerställa långsiktig funktion av sådana förbättringar. \\\\Det här projektet var menat som en förstudie och identifierade flertalet områden för vidare forskning såsom ytterligare utvärdering av näringsinnehåll i utgående vatten, utredning av möjlig certifieringsprocess för återvunna produkter från avloppsreningsverket, analys av översvämningsrisker av olika magnituder, utvärdering av den indirekta ekonomiska effekten av att ha system med fler reningssteg samt utvärdering av lokal institutionell kapacitet för hela servicekedjan för sanitet i Tupiza. / En este estudio se evaluó la sostenibilidad de opciones potenciales para renovar o mejorar la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de Tupiza, una ciudad de rápido crecimiento en las tierras altas del sur de Bolivia. En los últimos años, el contexto local se ha caracterizado por la ocurrencia de lluvias de mayor intensidad. Estas ocasionaron inundaciones que en efecto causaron daños importantes en la infraestructura de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales (PTAR). El deterioro de la infraestructura provocó el derrame de aguas residuales al río y la contaminación del agua en las comunidades ubicadas en la cuenca baja. Trés opciones de sistemas de tecnologías de tratamiento de aguas residuales para la renovación y/o mejoro de la planta de Tupiza fueron evaluadas considerando cuatro criterios de sostenibilidad: Salud, tecnolgía, ambiental y financiera/institucional. Por otra parte la aceptación social y demanda de reúso de aguas residuales y lodos tratados en la agricultura se evaluaron mediante un análisis de investigación cualitativa. La opción convencional que consiste en estanques de estabilización de desechos, se comparó con dos otras alternativas que incluyen pasos adicionales de tratamiento, como son humedales artificiales, reactores anaeróbicos y tratamiento de lodos con urea y cal. Los resultados indican que los sistemas de pasos adicionales de tratamiento podrían ayudar a mejorar diferentes aspectos de sostenibilidad, como los riesgos de transmisión de enfermedades, la eficiencia espacial,  la capacidad y eficiencia de tratamiento y la posibilidad de reutilización segura de lodos y aguas residuales en la agricultura. La implementación de mecanismos de financiación que cubren toda la cadena de servicios de saneamiento, así como las medidas de mitigacióin de inundaciones se mostraron esenciales para garantizar la funcionalidad a largo plazo de tales mejoras. La tesis es un estudio preliminar e identificó varias áreas de investigación futuras, la evaluación adicional del contenido de nutrientes en el efluente, la investigación de un posible proceso de certificación de subproductos reciclados de la PTAR, la evaluación de riesgos de inundaciones de diferentes magnitudes, la evaluación del impacto económico a largo plazo de la implementación de sistemas con pasos adicionales de tratamiento y la evaluación  de capacidad institucional local a lo largo de la cadena de servicios de sanemiento.

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