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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genetische Faktoren der humanen Cholesterinbiosynthese

Baier, Jan 22 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Genome-wide association studies (GWAs) have identified almost one hundred genetic loci associated with variances in human blood lipid phenotypes including very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglycerides. Nevertheless the revealed loci only explain a small fraction of heritability and therefore a subtile phenotype of cholesterol homoestasis was examined in our study for the very first time. Methods and Results: Using a multi-stage approach of a GWA, firstly, a genome-wide analysis (Affymetrix 500K GeneChip) for serum lanosterol and serum total cholesterol using LC-MS/MS was conducted in 1495 participants of the KORA-S3/F3 cohort with subsequent replication in two additional independent samples of the the KORA-S3/F3 cohort (n = 1157) and CARLA cohort (n = 1760). Two genetic variants, SNP rs7703051 and rs17562686, in the HMGCR locus were significantly associated with serum lanosterol and showed similar effects of elevated serum lanosterol for each minor allele (combined n = 4412: p = 1,4 x 10-10, +7,1% and p = 4,3 x 10-6, +7,8%). Furthermore, rs7703051 showed a nominal statistical significance to serum cholesterol (p = 0,04). A combined analysis of both SNPs demonstrated that observed associations of rs17562686 can be partly explained by LD with rs7703051 being the primary polymorphism in that study. Nevertheless, rs17562686 shows consistent independent effects on serum lanosterol, thus being associated to a lipid phenotype for the very first time. The following SNP-fine mapping of the HMGCR locus was carried out in the CARLA cohort with subsequent validation in the LE-Heart cohort (n = 1895). The recently published SNP rs3846662 being in tight LD with rs7703051 could be associated with variances of serum lanosterol in both cohorts and functional in vivo studies of gen expression using qRT-PCR assays demonstrated a highly significant association of higher expression of alternatively spliced HMGCR mRNA lacking exon 13 with homozygosity for the rs3846662 major allele in 51 human liver samples (p < 0,01) and 958 human PBMCs (p = 2,1 x 10-7). The overall HMGCR gen expression was not affected. Further investigation of in vivo HMG-CoA reductase enzyme activity in both human samples (n = 48 and n = 55) using anionic exchange column chromatography and scintillation counting of [3-14C]-HMG-CoA and [5-3H]-mevalonolacton did not show any significant results. In addition there was not any association in the LE-Heart cohort between these SNPs and the development of CAD. Finally, rs7703051 could be replicated for already published total cholesterol (combined n = 4412) and rs3846662 for LDL-cholesterol (LE-Heart n = 1895). Since fine mapping in CARLA showed several SNPs throughout the HMGCR locus being in LD with rs17562686 we performed a DNA sequencing of the extended 5´-HMGCR promotor region in six human liver samples. A unknown SNP was discovered in the promotor but could not be associated with any of the examined phenotypes mentioned above. The minor allele of SNP rs5909 situated next to the stop codon and being in high LD with rs17562686 was associated with elevated serum lanosterol and slightly reduced HMGCR gen expression, but further studies including the above mentioned as well as measurement of 3’-UTR transcript lengths using qRT-PCR assays did not produce significant results. Conclusion: The phenotype serum lanosterol could be associated with genetic polymorphisms (e.g. rs7703051) in the HMGCR locus. Therefore already published associations of HMGCR with total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol can be explained by variances of cholesterol homeostasis. The SNP rs17562686 could be associated with a phenotype of human blood lipids for the very first time. Subsequent gen expression analyses demonstrated a highly significant association of rs3846662 with variant patterns of HMGCR alternative splicing. A significant effect of alternatively spliced protein on enzyme activity and a association of these SNPs with CAD could not be shown.

Genetische Faktoren der humanen Cholesterinbiosynthese

Baier, Jan 10 October 2012 (has links)
Background: Genome-wide association studies (GWAs) have identified almost one hundred genetic loci associated with variances in human blood lipid phenotypes including very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglycerides. Nevertheless the revealed loci only explain a small fraction of heritability and therefore a subtile phenotype of cholesterol homoestasis was examined in our study for the very first time. Methods and Results: Using a multi-stage approach of a GWA, firstly, a genome-wide analysis (Affymetrix 500K GeneChip) for serum lanosterol and serum total cholesterol using LC-MS/MS was conducted in 1495 participants of the KORA-S3/F3 cohort with subsequent replication in two additional independent samples of the the KORA-S3/F3 cohort (n = 1157) and CARLA cohort (n = 1760). Two genetic variants, SNP rs7703051 and rs17562686, in the HMGCR locus were significantly associated with serum lanosterol and showed similar effects of elevated serum lanosterol for each minor allele (combined n = 4412: p = 1,4 x 10-10, +7,1% and p = 4,3 x 10-6, +7,8%). Furthermore, rs7703051 showed a nominal statistical significance to serum cholesterol (p = 0,04). A combined analysis of both SNPs demonstrated that observed associations of rs17562686 can be partly explained by LD with rs7703051 being the primary polymorphism in that study. Nevertheless, rs17562686 shows consistent independent effects on serum lanosterol, thus being associated to a lipid phenotype for the very first time. The following SNP-fine mapping of the HMGCR locus was carried out in the CARLA cohort with subsequent validation in the LE-Heart cohort (n = 1895). The recently published SNP rs3846662 being in tight LD with rs7703051 could be associated with variances of serum lanosterol in both cohorts and functional in vivo studies of gen expression using qRT-PCR assays demonstrated a highly significant association of higher expression of alternatively spliced HMGCR mRNA lacking exon 13 with homozygosity for the rs3846662 major allele in 51 human liver samples (p < 0,01) and 958 human PBMCs (p = 2,1 x 10-7). The overall HMGCR gen expression was not affected. Further investigation of in vivo HMG-CoA reductase enzyme activity in both human samples (n = 48 and n = 55) using anionic exchange column chromatography and scintillation counting of [3-14C]-HMG-CoA and [5-3H]-mevalonolacton did not show any significant results. In addition there was not any association in the LE-Heart cohort between these SNPs and the development of CAD. Finally, rs7703051 could be replicated for already published total cholesterol (combined n = 4412) and rs3846662 for LDL-cholesterol (LE-Heart n = 1895). Since fine mapping in CARLA showed several SNPs throughout the HMGCR locus being in LD with rs17562686 we performed a DNA sequencing of the extended 5´-HMGCR promotor region in six human liver samples. A unknown SNP was discovered in the promotor but could not be associated with any of the examined phenotypes mentioned above. The minor allele of SNP rs5909 situated next to the stop codon and being in high LD with rs17562686 was associated with elevated serum lanosterol and slightly reduced HMGCR gen expression, but further studies including the above mentioned as well as measurement of 3’-UTR transcript lengths using qRT-PCR assays did not produce significant results. Conclusion: The phenotype serum lanosterol could be associated with genetic polymorphisms (e.g. rs7703051) in the HMGCR locus. Therefore already published associations of HMGCR with total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol can be explained by variances of cholesterol homeostasis. The SNP rs17562686 could be associated with a phenotype of human blood lipids for the very first time. Subsequent gen expression analyses demonstrated a highly significant association of rs3846662 with variant patterns of HMGCR alternative splicing. A significant effect of alternatively spliced protein on enzyme activity and a association of these SNPs with CAD could not be shown.

Identifizierung und Charakterisierung einer alternativ gespleißten mRNA der Interleukin-4 Rezeptor alpha-Kette und Untersuchung der biologischen Funktion der verkürzten Rezeptorvariante

Möricke, Anja 15 April 2002 (has links)
Alternatives mRNA-Splicing ist ein häufig beobachtetes Phänomen, das es der Zelle ermöglicht, unterschiedliche Proteine aus einem Gen zu generieren. In den letzten Jahren wurden immer mehr alternativ gespleißte Transkripte entdeckt, und einigen der daraus resultierenden Protein-Isoformen konnten geänderte biologische Funktionen zugeordnet werden. In dieser Arbeit ist erstmals ein alternativ gespleißtes Transkript der Interleukin-4 Rezeptor alpha (IL-4R-alpha) Kette beschrieben. Dieser mRNA Splice-Variante, genannt IL-4R-alpha-IT, fehlt im membranproximalen Bereich der zytoplasmatischen Domäne ein komplettes Exon. Dies führt zur Verschiebung des Leserasters und so zur Entstehung eines vorzeiten Stop-Codons. Der resultierenden Protein-Isoform fehlt der größte Teil der intrazellulären Kette mit den dort enthaltenen, für die Signaltransduktion essentiellen Domänen. Die Untersuchung der biologischen Funktion der Rezeptor-Varianten in einem geeigneten Zellsystem der Maus zeigte, daß die Splice-Variante IL-4R-alpha-IT keine Proliferation der Zellen vermitteln und auch den Übergang der Zellen in die Apoptose nicht verhindern kann. Bei der Quantifizierung der Expression von IL-4R-alpha-IT-mRNA in Relation zum IL-4R-alpha voller Länge mit einer kompetitiven RT-PCR an Knochenmark und peripheren Blutlymphozyten von Kindern mit ALL zeigte sich zunächst ein irreführender Unterschied zwischen Proben von Kindern mit ALL-Ersterkrankung und Rezidiv. Weitere Untersuchungen ergaben jedoch, daß der Zeitraum zwischen Abnahme und Aufarbeitung des Untersuchungsmaterials für diesen scheinbaren Zusammenhang verantwortlich war. Während direkt nach Abnahme aufgearbeitetes Untersuchungsmaterial eine nur niedrige relative Expression der Splice-Variante zeigte, nahm diese bei verzögerter Aufarbeitung drastisch zu. Diese Beobachtung wurde experimentell an Proben gesunder Probanden wiederholt bestätigt. Interessanterweise konnte derselbe Effekt in unterschiedlicher Ausprägung auch bei Splice-Variante anderer Zytokine und -Rezeptoren wie IL-7, IL-7R und beta-C beobachtet werden. mRNA-Stabilitäts-Assays und die Bestimmung der einzelnen Transkripte mit einer semiquantitativen RT-PCR zeigten, daß es tatsächlich zu einer absoluten Hochregulation der IL-4R-alpha-IT-mRNA in den verzögerte aufgearbeiteten Proben kommt. Wurden die Zellen wieder in Kultur genommen, war dies innerhalb weniger Stunden reversibel. Desweiteren scheinen auch unterschiedlichen mRNA-Stabilitäten eine Rolle zu spielen. / Alternative pre-mRNA splicing is a widespread mechanism contributing to the diversity of gene expression. The number of newly detected alternatively spliced transcripts has continuously risen, and distinct biological functions have been attributed to some protein isoforms resulting from these mRNA variants. We report on the detection of a novel alternatively spliced transcript of the human interleukin-4 receptor alpha (IL-4R-alpha) chain, which has been called IL-4R-alpha-IT mRNA. A premature stop codon due to omission of one exon in the membrane-proximal region of the cytoplasmic domain leads to an mRNA variant, which encodes an intracellular truncated receptor protein lacking domains which are essential for signal transduction. The investigation of the biological function of the IL-4Ra splice variants in a suitable mouse cell system showed, that the truncated receptor variant is not able to mediate cell proliferation or prevention of apoptosis. Bone marrow and peripheral blood samples from children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia were analyzed for the expression of IL-4R-alpha-IT mRNA relative to the full-length receptor transcript by competitive RT-PCR. Initially, there was found a difference of IL-4R-alpha-IT mRNA expression in patients with initial ALL versus relapsed ALL. However, this difference turned out to be due to the time interval between collection and preparation of samples. While freshly isolated material was associated with low levels of IL-4R-alpha-IT mRNA, samples with a longer period until cell preparation exhibited a drastic increase of IL-4R-alpha-IT mRNA levels. The same results were obtained for peripheral blood samples from healthy donors by imitating a prolonged time of transport until cell preparation. Interestingly, a similar effect could be demonstrated for splice variants of other cytokine receptors and cytokines (beta-C, IL-7R, and IL-7), although to different extents. mRNA stability assays and semiquantitative RT-PCR specific for IL-4Ra or IL-4R-alpha-IT, respectively, indicated that the expression of IL-4R-alpha-IT mRNA increases absolutely in these samples, although mRNA degradation may be of importance as well.

Xeroderma-Pigmentosum-Gruppe-C- und -G-Gen-Polymorphismen: Alternatives Splicing und funktionelle DNA-Reparatur beim multiplen Melanom / Xeroderma-Pigmentosum-group-C and -g-gene-polymorphisms: alternative splicing and functional DNA-repair in multiple melanoma patients

Vollert, Seike 23 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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