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Dopo una delle peggiori crisi economica e finanziaria mondiale , gli studi sulla previsione delle insolvenze sono diventato uno degli argomenti più dibattuti tra gli studiosi e ricercatori. Al fine di soddisfare le esigenze sia di valutazione interna sia degli investitori professionali , lo studio riscopre il modello "Z - score" di Altman nella sua forma originale , nota per la sua semplicità. Il modello, ancora largamente utilizzato nei mercati statunitensi, è per sua natura poco utilizzato nell’analisi di società europee. La tesi analizza e descrive le caratteristiche dello Z -score, valutandone i risultati come strumento per la previsione di insolvenza nel mercato europeo. Lo studio è condotto su 568 società , prese dagli indici azionari di 7 mercati europei , tra il 2000 e il 2010 .
I risultati del test evidenziano una grande variabilità di risultato tra i diversi settori industriali. Il modello risulta semplice ed efficace, ma sostanzialmente incapace di prevedere il rischio di default in Europa, se utilizzato nella sua forma originale . La seconda parte della ricerca studia pertanto come i risultati del modello possano essere valutati da una nuova prospettiva per i mercati europei, concentrandosi su singoli settori industriali. Lo Z score viene testato su un campione di imprese in buona salute ed un altro di aziende insolventi, per 3 gruppi industriali diversi. La ricerca cerca anche di valutare elementi qualitativi accanto a quelli quantitativi, al fine di analizzare in maniera completa il rischio di insolvenza. / After one of the worst world economic and financial crisis, the insolvency prediction has become one of the most debatable topics among scholars. In order to satisfy both the professional investors’ needs and the internal evaluation process, the Thesis rediscovers the original Altman “Z-score” model, known for its convenience. This model is still largely used in the US equity markets but, also for its origin, has hardly been applied to the European equity index. The Thesis investigates and describes the operating characteristics of Altman’s Z-score, evaluating its performance as a tool for insolvency prediction in today's European market. The base model capability is tested examining 568 companies, listed in the main stock indexes of 7 European markets, between 2000 and 2010.
A large variability among different industries arises from the analysis conducted. The Thesis results prove that the model is user-friendly but a substantial inability to predict the risk of default in Europe if used in its original form. The second research question try to analyse how could the model be useful for the European markets, testing the Z score over good heath and insolvent firms from 3 industrial groups. The research studies how the model’s results could be evaluated from a new perspective, focusing on individual industrial sectors results. The research also tries to evaluate qualitative elements alongside the quantitative ones, in order to give a harmonized and comprehensive estimation of the insolvency risk.
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Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its ImprovementMeluzínová, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is a complete assessment of the financial situation of a company. Elementary methods of financial analysis are used to evaluate the current state. Proposals are presented in next part of the work. They are designed to improve the financial position of the company and then consolidate the whole economic situation.
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Hodnocení finanční situace podniku / The Evaluation of the Financial Situation’s CompanyKoudelková, Petra January 2009 (has links)
This master´s work deals with the evaluation of the financial situation in the company DEAS ltd. and it´s results. Evalution of the financial situation was done with the indexes of financial analysis. Events of this master´s work are specified solutions for improve market position and their possible implementation into the company.
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Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its ImprovementProtivová, Irma January 2010 (has links)
The master’s thesis analyses financial health of the company Veletrhy Brno, a. s. in the years 2005 to 2008 at the basis of selected methods of the financial analysis. It comprises proposal of possible of identified problem which should result in the improvement of financial situation of the company.
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Využití controllingu v podniku / Use of Controlling at a CompanyMrkvová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the analysis of current system of control and state of control in company PREMO Ltd. The SWOT analysis is processed in strategic planning, followed by Porter's Five Forces Model. To assess the economic situation there are selected indicators used of operational planning for the last 3 years, then evaluate the processes of Marketing and Sales and Altman Index and Du Pont Analysis. The result of controlling will be the implementation of the controller, defining his obligations and responsibilities. The second proposal is dealt with improving the internal processing of information using the reporting.
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Evaluation of the Financial Situation of a Company and Proposals for Improvement / Evaluation of the Financial Situation of a Company and Proposals for ImprovementStraňanek, Juraj January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to assess the financial situation of the company James Lakeland Ltd. between the years 2010 and 2015 based on the selected methods of financial and strategic analysis. The results of financial analysis are compared with recommended values, as well as with the results of two competing companies. The thesis also formulates appropriate proposals to solve the problematic areas.
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Bankruptcy prediction models on Swedish companies.Charraud, Jocelyn, Garcia Saez, Adrian January 2021 (has links)
Bankruptcies have been a sensitive topic all around the world for over 50 years. From their research, the authors have found that only a few bankruptcy studies have been conducted in Sweden and even less on the topic of bankruptcy prediction models. This thesis investigates the performance of the Altman, Ohlson and Zmijewski bankruptcy prediction models. This research investigates all Swedish companies during the years 2017 and 2018. This study has the intention to shed light on some of the most famous bankruptcy prediction models. It is interesting to explore the predictive abilities and usability of those three models in Sweden. The second purpose of this study is to create two models from the most significant variable out of the three models studied and to test its prediction power with the aim to create two models designed for Swedish companies. We identified a research gap in terms of Sweden, where bankruptcy prediction models have been rather unexplored and especially with those three models. Furthermore, we have identified a second research gap regarding the time period of the research. Only a few studies have been conducted on the topic of bankruptcy prediction models post the financial crisis of 2007/08. We have conducted a quantitative study in order to achieve the purpose of the study. The data used was secondary data gathered from the Serrano database. This research followed an abductive approach with a positive paradigm. This research has studied all active Swedish companies between the years 2017 and 2018. Finally, this contributed to the current field of knowledge on the topic through the analysis of the results of the models on Swedish companies, using the liquidity theory, solvency and insolvency theory, the pecking order theory, the profitability theory, the cash flow theory, and the contagion effect. The results aligned with the liquidity theory, the solvency and insolvency theory and the profitability theory. Moreover, from this research we have found that the Altman model has the lowest performance out of the three models, followed by the Ohlson model that shows some mixed results depending on the statistical analysis. Lastly, the Zmijewski model has the best performance out of the three models. Regarding the performance and the prediction power of the two new models were significantly higher than the three models studied.
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Går det att prediktera konkurs i svenska aktiebolag? : En kvantitativ studie om hur finansiella nyckeltal kan användas vid konkursprediktion / Is it possible to predict bankruptcy in swedish limited companies? : A quantitative study regarding the usefullness of financial ratios as bankruptcy predictorsPersson, Daniel, Ahlström, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
Från 1900-talets början har banker och låneinstitut använt nyckeltal som hjälpmedel vid bedömning och kvantifiering av kreditrisk. För dagens investerare är den ekonomiska miljön mer komplicerad än för bara 40 år sedan då teknologin och datoriseringen öppnade upp världens marknader mot varandra. Bedömning av kreditrisk idag kräver effektiv analys av kvantitativa data och modeller som med god träffsäkerhet kan förutse risker. Under 1900-talets andra hälft skedde en snabb utveckling av de verktyg som används för konkursprediktion, från enkla univariata modeller till komplexa data mining-modeller med tusentals observationer. Denna studie undersöker om det är möjligt att prediktera att svenska företag kommer att gå i konkurs och vilka variabler som innehåller relevant information för detta. Metoderna som används är diskriminantanalys, logistisk regression och överlevnadsanalys på 50 aktiva och 50 företag försatta i konkurs. Resultaten visar på en träffsäkerhet mellan 67,5 % och 75 % beroende på vald statistisk metod. Oavsett vald statistisk metod är det möjligt att klassificera företag som konkursmässiga två år innan konkursens inträffande med hjälp av finansiella nyckeltal av typerna lönsamhetsmått och solvensmått. Samhällskostnader reduceras av bättre konkursprediktion med hjälp av finansiella nyckeltal vilka bidrar till ökad förmåga för företag att tillämpa ekonomistyrning med relevanta nyckeltal i form av lager, balanserad vinst, nettoresultat och rörelseresultat. / From the early 1900s, banks and lending institutions have used financial ratios as an aid in the assessment and quantification of credit risk. For today's investors the economic environment is far more complicated than 40 years ago when the technology and computerization opened up the world's markets. Credit risk assessment today requires effective analysis of quantitative data and models that can predict risks with good accuracy. During the second half of the 20th century there was a rapid development of the tools used for bankruptcy prediction. We moved from simple univariate models to complex data mining models with thousands of observations. This study investigates if it’s possible to predict bankruptcy in Swedish limited companies and which variables contain information relevant for this cause. The methods used in the study are discriminant analysis, logistic regression and survival analysis on 50 active and 50 failed companies. The results indicate accuracy between 67.5 % and 75 % depending on the choice of statistical method. Regardless of the selected statistical method used, it’s possible to classify companies as bankrupt two years before the bankruptcy occurs using financial ratios which measures profitability and solvency. Societal costs are reduced by better bankruptcy prediction using financial ratios which contribute to increasing the ability of companies to apply financial management with relevant key ratios in the form of stock , retained earnings , net income and operating income.
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Identification of Potential Sources of Measurement Errors in an Isokinetic Dynamometer : Reliability Analysis of Shoulder Abduction and Flexion Data / Identifiering av potentiella källor till mätfel hos en isokinetisk dynamometer : Tillförlitlighetsanalys av axelabduktion och flexionsdataGrannerud, Malena January 2022 (has links)
The evaluation of shoulder abduction and flexion strength is important in the rehabilitation after rotator cuff tear. The purpose of this work is to assess the intra and inter-rater reliability of measurement data from an isokinetic dynamometer used to evaluate shoulder abduction and flexion strength, with the aim to identify sources of measurement errors and suggest improvements. The measurement data was collected by a research group at Karolinska Institute and contained load and torque data from thirteen healthy subjects in the ages of 25 to 87 years. The measurements were carried out on two occasions, one week apart. Systematic differences between occasions are analyzed using the Shapiro Wilk test, the paired t-test, and Wilcoxon signed rank test. The agreement of the measurements is analyzed quantitatively using the coefficient of variation and the Bland Altman plot, and quantitively, using the intraclass correlation coefficient. A significant systematic difference in shoulder abduction and flexion load measurements was found, and the recommendation to prevent this is that components should be calibrated in a standardized way. The measurements showed varying reliability within and between measurement occasions and that after familiarization with the isokinetic dynamometer, repeatability improved. The findings indicate a need of a standardized protocol for patient education and placement. Measurements from the position sensor contributed to more random torque values. To improve the repeatability in measurements from the position sensor, axis of rotation should be kept aligned. An increasing variability in measurements with increasing load and torque was found. The recommendation is to use a preload for patients using more force in the movement, to make sure a preset speed is not exceeded, which contributes to more reliable measurements. / Utvärderingen av axelabduktion och flexionsstyrka är viktig i rehabiliteringen efter skada i axelleden. Syftet med det här arbetet är att bedöma intra- och interbedömartillförlitligheten hos mätdata från en isokinetisk dynamometer som används för att utvärdera axelabduktion och flexionsstyrka, med syftet att identifiera källor till mätfel och föreslå förbättringar. Mätdatat samlades in av en forskargrupp vid Karolinska Institutet och innehöll belastnings- och vridmomentdata från tretton friska försökspersoner i åldrarna 25 till 87 år. Mätningarna utfördes vid två tillfällen med en veckas mellanrum. Systematiska skillnader mellan tillfällena analyseras med Shapiro Wilk-testet, det parade t-testet och Wilcoxon signed rank test. Mätningarnas överensstämmelse analyseras kvantitativt med hjälp av variationskoefficienten och Bland Altman-diagrammet, samt kvalitativt med hjälp av intraklasskorrelationskoefficienten. En signifikant systematisk skillnad i axelabduktion och flexionsbelastningsmätningar hittades, och rekommendationen för att förhindra detta är att komponenter bör kalibreras på ett standardiserat sätt. Mätningarna visade på en varierande tillförlitlighet inom och mellan mättillfällen och att efter bekantskap med den isokinetiska dynamometern, förbättrades repeterbarheten. Slutsatserna indikerar ett behov av ett standardiserat protokoll för patientutbildning och placering. Mätningar från positionssensorn bidrog till mer slumpmässiga vridmomentvärden. För att förbättra repeterbarheten i mätningar från positionssensorn bör rotationsaxeln hållas i linje. En ökande variation mellan mättillfällen med ökande belastning och vridmoment hittades. Rekommendationen är att använda en förspänning för patienter som använder mer kraft i rörelsen, för att säkerställa att en förinställd hastighet inte överskrids, vilket bidrar till mer tillförlitliga mätningar.
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Renal Arterial Blood Flow Quantification by Breath-held Phase-velocity Encoded MRIWallin, Ashley Kay 14 May 2004 (has links)
Autosomal dominant polycystic disease (ADPKD) is the most common hereditary renal disease and is characterized by renal cyst growth and enlargement. Hypertension occurs early when renal function is normal and is characterized by decreased renal blood flow. Accordingly, the measurement of blood flow in the renal arteries can be a valuable tool in evaluating disease progression. In studies performed in conjunction with this work, blood flow was measured through the renal arteries using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In order to validate these in vivo measurements, a vascular phantom was created using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and also scanned using MRI under controlled steady flow conditions. Ranges of vessel diameters and flow velocities were used to simulate actual flow in a normal and diseased population of adults and children.
With the vessel diameters studied in this experiment, minimization of field of view and an increase in spatial resolution is important in obtaining accurate data. However, a significant difference does not exist between the results when using the 160 or 200 mm FOV. An increase in the number of phase encodings provides improved results, although an increase in image acquisition time is observed. Velocity-encoding in all three orthogonal directions does not improve image data. This method of using MRI to measure flow through a vessel is shown to be both accurate and reproducible, and the protocol providing the most correct results is prescribed.
Breath-hold phase-velocity encoded MRI proves to be an accurate and reproducible technique in capturing flow and has the potential to be used for the purpose of observing hemodynamic changes in the renal arteries with the progression of ADPKD.
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