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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

N-acetylaspartate in brain : studies on efflux and function /

Tranberg, Mattias, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Studium senzitivity signální dráhy přes receptor Notch na aminokyseliny v potravě

STEFFAL, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
The sensitivity of Notch signaling pathway to metabolism has been proposed in several recent studies but it is unclear if the changes in fly diet composition can directly lead to changes in Notch phenotype in vivo. In this work we show that activity of Notch pathway is sensitive to amino acids via the TOR pathway. In addition we will test a candidate protein as a sensor for amino acid level in the fat body of Drosophila melanogaster but also independently in other tissues.

Espalhamento Raman polarizado em cristais de L-arginina.HCl:H2O e estudo da L-arginina.2H2O sob altas pressões e sob altas temperaturas / Polarized Raman scattering in crystals of L-arginine.HCl: H2O and study of L-arginine.2H2O under high pressures and high temperatures

Gonçalves, Ricardo Oliveira January 2012 (has links)
GONÇALVES, Ricardo Oliveira. Espalhamento Raman polarizado em cristais de L-arginina.HCl:H2O e estudo da L-arginina.2H2O sob altas pressões e sob altas temperaturas. 2012. 127 f. Tese (Doutorado em Física) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, Departamento de Física, Centro de Ciências, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2012. / Submitted by Edvander Pires (edvanderpires@gmail.com) on 2015-06-08T19:50:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_tese_rogoncalves.pdf: 5273230 bytes, checksum: e2ecec57843458258d1b0a7a56cfc839 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Edvander Pires(edvanderpires@gmail.com) on 2015-06-08T19:51:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_tese_rogoncalves.pdf: 5273230 bytes, checksum: e2ecec57843458258d1b0a7a56cfc839 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-08T19:51:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_tese_rogoncalves.pdf: 5273230 bytes, checksum: e2ecec57843458258d1b0a7a56cfc839 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / The objective of this Thesis is the study through Raman spectroscopy of two crystals containing amino acid L-arginine: L-arginine monohydrated hydrochloride (LARHCL) and L-arginine dihidrated (LARDH). In the first part of the work it was presented structural and vibrational aspects of LARHCL and LARDH, particularly the distribution of normal modes in terms of the irreducible representations of factor groups C2 and D2, respectively. The room temperature normal modes of LARHCL observed through polarized Raman spectroscopy using nine different scattering geometries was presented. Using ab initio calculations it was possible to tentatively assign the Raman-active normal modes of LARHCL. In another part of the work it is presented the analysis of Raman spectra of LARDH under several temperature and pressure conditions. It was studied the normal modes of LARDH crystal through Raman spectroscopy in the range between 30 oC and 200 oC. From this study it was observed the occurrence of anomalies in the Raman spectra, such as change in the curves dw/dT related to modes of low frequency (at about 45 oC), as well as the fact that, starting from 50 oC, in a heating process, some bands decrease intensity. Such a picture suggested that LARDH crystal undergoes a phase transition between 45o and 50oC. Also, it was possible to note that the spectra recorded between 45o and 60oC were different from those recorded for T < 45oC and for T > 60oC suggesting the coexistence of phases in this temperature interval. Another hypothesis was that the crystal undergoes a phase transition at 45oC, remaining in this phase up to the temperature of 60oC. Additionally, it was possible to perform thermal analysis measurements, differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG). From the DTA it was observed that between 45o and 50oC begins an endothermic event that is observed up to 84oC. A second endothermic event begins and remains up to 109oC. By using TG data it was possible to understand that these two events are related to water that left the crystal, although a small quantity remains in the crystal, as pointed out by Raman spectroscopy. In the final part of the work LARDH crystal under high pressure conditions was studied up to 8 GPa. From this study, in particular the analysis of external modes, it was revealed that the crystal undergoes a phase transition at ~ 2,5 GPa. However, for pressures between 2,5 and 8,0 GPa no additional phase transition was observed, pointing to a great stability of the crystal when compared with other amino acid hydrated crystals. Additionally, there is no great change in the internal mode region of the Raman spectrum, suggesting that the phase transition undergone by LARDH under high pressure conditions can be classified as a conformational one. / Esta Tese teve como objetivo o estudo por meio de espectroscopia Rama de dois cristais contendo o aminoácido L-arginina em sua constituição: a L-arginina monohidratada clorohidrato (LARHCL) e a L-arginina dihidratada (LARDH). Na primeira parte do trabalho foram discutidos aspectos estruturais gerais da LARHCL e da LARDH, em particular a distribuição dos modos normais do material em termos das representações irredutíveis do grupos fatores C2 e D2, respectivamente. Foi realizado um estudo detalhado dos modos normais de vibração da LARHCL à temperatura ambiente através de espesctroscopia Raman polarizada observando-se os modos normais de vibração do material em nove diferentes geometrias de espalhamento. Com o auxílio de cálculo ”ab initio” foi feita a classificação tentativa dos modos normais de vibração da LARHCL ativos no Raman. Numa outra etapa do trabalho analisou-se os espectros Raman da LARDH sob diversas condições de temperatura e de pressão. Realizou-se um estudo dos modos normais do cristal de LARDH através da espectroscopia Raman no intervalo entre 300 e 2000C. Deste estudo observou-se a existência de algumas anomalias nos espectros Raman, como mudança de inclinação de curvas dw/dT para modos de baixa frequência em torno de 45oC, além do fato de que a partir de 50oC algumas bandas vão perdendo intensidade. Estes fatos foram interpretados como uma transição de fase sofrida pelo cristal entre 45o e 50oC. Observou-se que os espectros Raman entre 450 e 60oC eram diferentes dos espectros Raman para T < 45oC e para T > 60oC sugerindo a coexistência de fases neste intervalo de temperatura. Uma outra hipótese foi que o cristal sofreria uma transição de fase em 45oC, ficando nesta fase até a temperatura de 60oC. Foram realizadas medidas térmicas do tipo análise térmica diferencial (DTA) e análise termogravimétrica (TG). Da análise de DTA observou-se que entre 45o e 50oC começa um evento endotérmico que se prolonga até cerca de 84oC. A seguir, um segundo evento endotérmico se inicia, prolongando-se até 109oC. Com o auxílio das medidas de TG compreendeu-se que estes dois eventos endotérmicos estão associados à expulsão das moléculas de água, embora uma pequena quantidade permaneça no cristal como demonstrado pela espectroscopia Raman. Como parte final do trabalho estudou-se cristais de LARDH sob condições de altas pressões até cerca de 8 GPa. Deste estudo inferiu-se pela análise da região dos modos externos, que o cristal sofre uma transição de fase em torno de 2,5 GPa. Entretanto, para pressões no intervalo entre 2,5 e 8,0 GPa nenhuma outra transição de fase foi percebida, o que aponta para uma grande estabilidade do cristal quando comparado a outros cristais hidratados de aminoácidos. Além disso, nas regiões dos modos internos não foram observadas grandes mudanças nos espectros Raman, sugerindo que a transição de fase com a pressão seja do tipo conformacional.


Dutra, Fabrício André 30 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-27T18:56:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 Fabricio Andre Dutra.pdf: 2324263 bytes, checksum: d976987810d5ee8632aeb3895a29aaee (MD5) Fabricio Andre Dutra.pdf.txt: 94667 bytes, checksum: 3ec4dfa78936dd7176d06ab5f58e1a7a (MD5) Fabricio Andre Dutra.pdf.jpg: 3282 bytes, checksum: 74e36c65b551d6f29699776af43cf2a7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The graphene is a two-dimensional network composed of carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal rings; characterized as "thinner material of the universe", which exhibits high crystal quality and ballistic electrical transport at low temperatures. This material presents electronic properties and large surface area that are interesting to adsorb or substitut aminoacids, to increase the hydrophilicity of the structure originally constituted only of carbon atoms and then enable the development of new sensors with high molecular sensitivity. This work aim to evaluate the structural and electronic properties of the grapheme interacting with the aminoacid cysteine, and the type of interaction established between this and monolayer graphene perfect or structural defect. These properties are investigated through computer simulation from first principles methods using the density functional theory that indicate the electronic and structural properties of the resulting systems. We found that the binding energy between the amino and graphene monolayer varies, being totally dependent on the reaction site and among the three sites considered (carboxyl, amine and thiol), both, in considering the perfect layer of graphene or with as structural defect, present the thiol group with a stronger interaction. In the electronic properties, we demonstrate little interaction between the systems, because the levels of isolated systems appear clearly in the structures of interacting systems, which demonstrates the low binding energy found. Thus, this study demonstrated, the properties associated with the interaction of amino acids adsorbed on graphene encouraging potential technological application of this innovative material as a sensor of more complex molecules. / O grafeno consiste numa rede bidimensional, composta unicamente de átomos de carbono dispostos em anéis hexagonais; sendo recentemente caracterizado como material mais fino do universo , o qual exibe alta qualidade cristalina e transporte elétrico balístico em baixas temperaturas. Neste material as propriedades eletrônicas e a grande área superficial são algumas das propriedades mais interessantes de modo que podem ser adsorvidos ou substituídos aminoácidos, visando aumentar a hidrofilicidade da estrutura originalmente constituída apenas de átomos de carbono. Neste trabalho visamos avaliar as propriedades estruturais e eletrônicas resultantes da adsorção ou substituição de átomos de carbono pelo aminoácido cisteína, bem como investigar o tipo de interação estabelecida entre este e a monocamada de grafeno perfeita ou com defeito estrutural. Avaliamos estas propriedades por meio de simulação computacional de primeiros princípios utilizando a Teoria do Funcional da Densidade. Indicamos as propriedades eletrônicas e estruturais de aminoácidos substituindo átomos de carbono na estrutura do grafeno ou adsorvendo na superfície. Constatamos que a energia de ligação entre o aminoácido e a monocamada de grafeno varia, sendo totalmente dependente do sítio reacional que aproximamos, sendo que dentre os três sítios considerados (carboxila, amino e tiol), tanto na aproximação da camada de grafeno perfeita quanto da camada com defeito estrutural, o grupo tiol foi o que demonstrou uma interação mais forte com o grafeno, além de apresentar também uma menor distância de ligação entre a monocamada e a molécula de aminoácido. Nas estruturas de bandas, demonstramos a pouca interação entre os sistemas, pelo fato de os níveis dos sistemas isolados aparecerem claramente nas estruturas dos sistemas interagentes, o que evidencia a baixa energia de ligação encontrada. Desta forma, este trabalho demonstrou, de forma inédita, as propriedades associadas com a interação da cisteína adsorvida no grafeno fomentando o potencial de aplicação tecnológica deste material inovador como sensor de moléculas mais complexas.


Dutra, Fabricio Andre 30 July 2010 (has links)
Submitted by MARCIA ROVADOSCHI (marciar@unifra.br) on 2018-08-15T13:37:56Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_FabricioAndreDutra.pdf: 2597820 bytes, checksum: b29ce7e5a23a5e29c3f38199420d805a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T13:37:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_FabricioAndreDutra.pdf: 2597820 bytes, checksum: b29ce7e5a23a5e29c3f38199420d805a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-30 / The graphene is a two-dimensional network composed of carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal rings; characterized as "thinner material of the universe", which exhibits high crystal quality and ballistic electrical transport at low temperatures. This material presents electronic properties and large surface area that are interesting to adsorb or substitut aminoacids, to increase the hydrophilicity of the structure originally constituted only of carbon atoms and then enable the development of new sensors with high molecular sensitivity. This work aim to evaluate the structural and electronic properties of the grapheme interacting with the aminoacid cysteine, and the type of interaction established between this and monolayer graphene perfect or structural defect. These properties are investigated through computer simulation from first principles methods using the density functional theory that indicate the electronic and structural properties of the resulting systems. We found that the binding energy between the amino and graphene monolayer varies, being totally dependent on the reaction site and among the three sites considered (carboxyl, amine and thiol), both, in considering the perfect layer of graphene or with as structural defect, present the thiol group with a stronger interaction. In the electronic properties, we demonstrate little interaction between the systems, because the levels of isolated systems appear clearly in the structures of interacting systems, which demonstrates the low binding energy found. Thus, this study demonstrated, the properties associated with the interaction of amino acids adsorbed on graphene encouraging potential technological application of this innovative material as a sensor of more complex molecules. / O grafeno consiste numa rede bidimensional, composta unicamente de átomos de carbono dispostos em anéis hexagonais; sendo recentemente caracterizado como “material mais fino do universo”, o qual exibe alta qualidade cristalina e transporte elétrico balístico em baixas temperaturas. Neste material as propriedades eletrônicas e a grande área superficial são algumas das propriedades mais interessantes de modo que podem ser adsorvidos ou substituídos aminoácidos, visando aumentar a hidrofilicidade da estrutura originalmente constituída apenas de átomos de carbono. Neste trabalho visamos avaliar as propriedades estruturais e eletrônicas resultantes da adsorção ou substituição de átomos de carbono pelo aminoácido cisteína, bem como investigar o tipo de interação estabelecida entre este e a monocamada de grafeno perfeita ou com defeito estrutural. Avaliamos estas propriedades por meio de simulação computacional de primeiros princípios utilizando a Teoria do Funcional da Densidade. Indicamos as propriedades eletrônicas e estruturais de aminoácidos substituindo átomos de carbono na estrutura do grafeno ou adsorvendo na superfície. Constatamos que a energia de ligação entre o aminoácido e a monocamada de grafeno varia, sendo totalmente dependente do sítio reacional que aproximamos, sendo que dentre os três sítios considerados (carboxila, amino e tiol), tanto na aproximação da camada de grafeno perfeita quanto da camada com defeito estrutural, o grupo tiol foi o que demonstrou uma interação mais forte com o grafeno, além de apresentar também uma menor distância de ligação entre a monocamada e a molécula de aminoácido. Nas estruturas de bandas, demonstramos a pouca interação entre os sistemas, pelo fato de os níveis dos sistemas isolados aparecerem claramente nas estruturas dos sistemas interagentes, o que evidencia a baixa energia de ligação encontrada. Desta forma, este trabalho demonstrou, de forma inédita, as propriedades associadas com a interação da cisteína adsorvida no grafeno fomentando o potencial de aplicação tecnológica deste material inovador como sensor de moléculas mais complexas.

Avaliação na produção e qualidade de ovos em duas gerações sucessivas de codornas de corte alimentadas com rações contendo diferentes níveis de lisina / Evaluation in the production and quality of eggs in two successive generations of meat quails fed diets containing different levels of lysine

Della-Flora, Raquel Pillon 28 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:38:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_raquel_pillon-della_flora.pdf: 1108522 bytes, checksum: fe40661b1843d277467507a344cc4ed8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-28 / This study aimed to evaluate performance and egg quality in two successive generations of female broiler quails genetically improved, fed diets with increasing levels of lysine and aged between 42 and 126 days. Treatments were established in six levels with increasing percentage doses of lysine inclusion: 0,98% (T1); 1,03% (T2); 1,08% (T3); 1,13% (T4); 1,18% (T5) e 1,23% (T6). These values were distributed in a split plot design (split-plot), equivalent to the design of repeated measures in time, where each treatment showed 19 and 25 repetitions in the first and second generation. In the productive performance, egg production, feed intake, egg mass, feed per dozen eggs and per kg and body weight were evaluated. Egg quality was individually determined by weight, width and length thereof, specific gravity, height of the albumen and yolk weight, egg white and egg shell. Concerning lysine levels, no effect was statistically significant for any variables. However, there was interaction treatment*generation for bird weight, feed intake, feed conversion per dozen, egg production, egg white weight, egg length and weight, being that in two generations the lowest minimum point presented was 1.05% and the highest point of maximum 1.18%. It was observed that any of the diets used in the experiment was efficient for this line of quails, therefore the lowest lysine-level diet can be used in order to reduce feed costs. / Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar o desempenho produtivo e a qualidade dos ovos em duas gerações sucessivas de matrizes de codornas de corte geneticamente melhoradas, arraçoadas com dietas contendo níveis crescentes de lisina, nas idades entre o 42º a 126º dias. Os tratamentos foram estabelecidos em seis níveis, com doses percentuais crescentes de inclusão de lisina: 0,98% (T1); 1,03% (T2); 1,08% (T3); 1,13% (T4); 1,18% (T5) e 1,23% (T6). Estes valores foram distribuídos em delineamento de parcelas subdivididas (split-plot), equivalentes ao delineamento de medidas repetidas no tempo, onde cada tratamento apresentou 19 e 25 repetições na primeira e segunda geração. No desempenho produtivo foram avaliadas a produção de ovos, consumo de ração, massa de ovos, conversão alimentar por dúzia de ovos e por quilograma e peso corporal. A qualidade dos ovos foi determinada através do peso, largura e comprimento dos mesmos, gravidade específica, altura do albúmen e pesos da gema, clara e casca individualmente. Para todas as variáveis nenhum efeito foi estatisticamente significativo em relação aos níveis de lisina. Porém, para o peso da ave, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar por dúzia, produção de ovos, peso da clara, comprimento e peso do ovo houve interação tratamento*geração, sendo que nas duas gerações o menor ponto de mínimo apresentado foi 1,05% e o maior ponto de máximo 1,18%. Neste estudo foi possível observar que qualquer uma das dietas utilizadas no experimento foi eficiente para essa linhagem, podendo ser utilizada a dieta com nível mais baixo de inclusão da lisina, diminuindo os custos da alimentação.

Novel Strategies Towards Condenced Triazoles, Ferrocene Aminoacids, Conjugates And Selenosulfides

Sudhir, V Sai 11 1900 (has links)
Chapter 1: Facile entry into triazole fused tetrahydropyrazinones from amines and amino acids. In this chapter, A practical and high yielding regioselective synthesis of several new, enantiopure 4,5,6,7-tetrahydro[1,2,3]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrazin-6-ones is described starting from primary amines in a three step reaction sequence (alkylation, acylation, one-pot displacement with azide followed by cycloaddition) employing constrained intramolecular ‘click’ reaction as the key step. The method obviates chromatographic purification of products. This methodology was also extended to the synthesis of diverse triazole fused tetrahydropyrazinones derived from amino acids. The scope of this methodology was extended by varying the alkyl as well as acyl components which furnished other triazole fused novel heterocycles. Chapter 2: Facile entry into triazole fused heterocycles via sulfamidate derived azido-alkynes. Direct synthesis of condensed triazoles from diverse sulfamidates by ring opening of sulfamidates with sodium azide followed by one-pot propargylation and cycloaddtion furnished title compounds. The methodogy in general has been demonstrated on diverse sulfamidates derived from amino acids, amino acid derivatives to obtain a variety of triazole fused scaffolds. In one example, a condensed triazole containing amino acid has been synthesized by ring opening of a sulfamidate derivative with propargyl amine. This methodology has also been extended to the synthesis of condensed triazoles derived from D-glucose. Chapter 3: ‘Click Chemistry’ Inspired Synthesis of Novel Ferrocene-Amino acid, Peptide Conjugates. In this chapter synthesis of a wide range of ferrocene-amino acid and peptide conjugates in excellent yield is presented. Conjugation is established via copper catalyzed Huisgen 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition. Two complementary strategies were employed for conjugation, one involving cycloaddition of amino acid derived azides with ethynyl ferrocene and the other involving cycloaddition between amino acid derived alkynes with ferrocene derived azides. Labeling of amino acids at multiple sites with ferrocene is discussed. A new route to 1, 1’ unsymmetrically substituted ferrocene conjugates is reported. A novel ferrocenophane is accessed via bimolecular condensation of amino acid derived bis alkyne with azide. The electrochemical behavior of a few selected ferrocene conjugates has been studied by cyclic voltammetry. Chapter 4: Click Chemistry inspired Synthesis of Ferrocene Amino acids and other derivatives. This work reports the synthesis of a wide range of ferrocenyl-amino acids and other derivatives in excellent yield. Diverse amino acid containing azides were synthesized and ligated to ferrocene employing click reaction to access ferrocenyl amino acids. Chiral alcohols, esters, diols amines containing azido group were tagged to ferrocene via click reaction to generateferrocene derived chiral derivatives. A novel strategy for direct incorporation of ferrocene into a peptide and a new route to 1, 1’ disubstituted ferrocene amino acid derivative are reported. Synthesis of mono and disubstituted ferrocene derivatives employing ferrocene derived azides is also described. Chapter 5: Convenient synthesis of Ferrocene Conjugates mediated by Benzyltriethylammonium Tetrathiomolybdate in a multi-step tandem process. The synthesis of a wide range of ferrocene derived sulfur linked mono and disubstituted Michael adducts and conjugates mediated by benzyltriethylammonium tetrathiomolybdate in a tandem process is reported. New route to access acryloyl ferrocene and 1,1’-bis acryloyl ferrocene is discussed. Conjugation of amino acids to ferrocene is established via their Nand Ctermini and also via side chain employing conjugate addition as key step to furnish monovalent and divalent conjugates. This methodology has also been extended to access several ferrocene carbohydrate conjugates. The electrochemical behavior of a few selected ferrocene conjugates has been studied by cyclic voltammetry. Finally, 1,1’-bis acryloyl ruthenocene was synthesized and it was utilized for the preparation of ruthenocene-carbohydrate conjugate in good yield. Chapter 6: Formation of Intramolecular S-Se bond mediated by tetrathiomolybdate. In this chapter, we have disclosed our preliminary results on reactivity of tetrathiomolybdate towards compounds containing both thiocyanate and selenocyanate functionalities. Several such compounds have been synthesized from the corresponding dibromides in two steps. We have observed selective reductive dimerization of selenocyanate over thiocyanate. In all the cases we also obtained seleno-sulfides via disulfide diselenide exchange reaction upon addition of excess tetrathiomolybdate. In the case of substrates on benzene scaffold, disulfide and diselenide bridged macrocycles were obtained apart from seleno sulfides whereas in the case of ferrocene derived substrates, formation of macrocycles was not observed. A tentative mechanism for the formation of these novel seleno sulfides is also discussed.(For structural formula pl see the pdf file)

Third generation of reoxidant for osmium : extension and novel applications

Callens, Cedric Kofi Aurelien January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of new osmium-mediated methodologies providing novel applications through the use of a third generation of reoxidant for osmium. Chapter 1, The introduction: Summary of past and present methodologies towards the synthesis of the 1,2 amino alcohol motif. Chapter 2, Intramolecular processes: The studies of the tethered aminohydroxylation (TA) of amide and urea derivatives are being investigated. Chapter 3, Investigations towards an intermolecular process: The transposition of the TA methodology to an intermolecular process and the requirements involved are discussed. The role of acetamide is being investigated. Chapter 4, Successful transition to an intermolecular process: Amino acid derivatives became for the first time possible nitrogen sources and were efficiently employed through osmium-mediated reaction to afford interesting biological scaffolds. Chapter 5, Experimental: Full experimental procedures and characterisation of compounds are reported. References: A complete list of citations employed in the previous five chapters is provided. Appendix: Full documentation of X-ray crystal structures, key NMR spectra and HPLC traces is provided.

Synthesis and Antifungal Evaluation of Barbiturate Saponins And Progress Towards Cysteinyl Metal Peptides

Madhav, Monika 17 May 2013 (has links)
Invasive fungal infections are a major threat to immune-compromised patients. There is a critical need to develop new antifungal agents because of increasing resistance to the common antifungal drugs. In the first part of this dissertation, methods for preparation of novel barbiturate saponin as antifungals and their biological activities would be described. Barbiturates and steroidal saponins have shown remarkable antifungal activity in the biological assays. Therefore, attempts were directed to combine the barbiturate with the steroid to give novel antifungal agents. The need for extensive SAR studies and to better understand these compounds efforts were directed to synthesize novel saponin barbiturates. Glycosylation of barbiturates was achieved under basic conditions to synthesize mono and disaccharide barbiturates. Saccharide molecules were directly introduced into the barbiturate without requiring protection and deprotection of saccharides. Efficient methods were developed for synthesis of 3β derivatized steroid derivatives containing ether, carbonate, ester and carbamate linker. Synthesized mono and disaccharide barbiturates were incorporated into the steroidal skeleton to give the novel antifungal agents. Several reaction conditions were explored to give the best yield under the most efficient reaction conditions. However, a better understanding and extensive SAR study needs to be done in order to develop more promising and potent antifungal compounds. The second part of this dissertation describes the progress towards monocysteine metal complex synthesis and their biological activities. In this attempt, several protection deprotection strategies were explored and some novel protective groups were designed for peptide synthesis.

Hémisynthèse stéréosélective d’acides aminés hétérosubstitués sur la chaîne latérale : application au radiofluoromarquage pour l’imagerie de peptides / Streoselective hemisynthesis of heterosubstituted aminoacidsApplication on radiofluorolabeling for peptide imaging.

Rugeri, Baptiste 18 December 2017 (has links)
Hemisynthèse stéréosélective d’acides aminés hétérosubstitués sur la chaîne latérale.Applications au radio-fluoromarquage pour l’imagerie de peptides.Ce travail de thèse, qui a été réalisé à l’Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l’Université de Bourgogne et en collaboration avec l’Institut de Neuroscience Cognitives et Intégrative d’Aquitaine, porte sur la mise au point de nouvelles méthodes de synthèse d’acides aminés hétérosubstitués sur la chaine latérale par des groupements phosphorés ou silylés, ainsi que sur leurs applications. Dans une première partie, la synthèse d’acides aminés silylés sur la chaine latérale est réalisée sans racémisation par réaction de Wittig entre un sel de phosphonium, dérivé d’acide L-aspartique, avec un aldéhyde aromatique porteur du groupement silylé. Ces acides aminés ont été utilisés en synthèse peptidique pour donner des di- et tripeptides silylés par réaction avec des dérivés d’alanine et de phénylalanine. Il a été montré que les acides aminés et peptides silylés pouvaient être fluorés par réaction avec des fluorures, et que dans le cas de dérivés di-t-butylsilylés, les composés fluorés obtenus se révèlent d’une très grande stabilité à pH physiologique. L’étude de la fluoration des peptides di-t-butylsilylés par K18F/K222 a permis d’obtenir les dérivés radiomarqués avec des rendements radiochimiques et des activités molaires atteignant respectivement 39% et 410 GBq.mmol-1. Dans la seconde partie, la synthèse d’acides aminés et peptides hétérosubstitués ou fonctionnalisés sur la chaine latérale, a été mise au point. Le principe de cette synthèse repose sur une cycloaddition [3+2] entre un acide aminé porteur d’un groupement azido avec un alcyne disubstitué. Alors que la réaction par catalyse avec un sel de cuivre ou un complexe de ruthénium ne conduit pas aux produits recherchés, la cycloaddition a été mise au point sous microondes en utilisant le glycérol comme solvant. Dans ces conditions, 13 nouveaux acides aminés porteurs d’un noyau triazole en position γ, et des substituants silylés, phosphorés, amines, amides …ont été préparés sans racémisation et ce avec des rendements atteignant 89%. Les méthodologies mises au point dans ce travail de thèse offrent de nouvelles voies pour la synthèse de dérivés acides aminés silylés ou phosphorés utiles pour la chimie de coordination, la catalyse asymétrique et pour le radiomarquage par les ions fluorure 18F-.Mots clés : Phosphoniums, acides aminés, silanes ; [18F]-radiofluoration, triazoles. / Stereoselective hemisynthesis of lateral chain heterosubstituted aminoacids.Applications on radiofluorolabeling for peptide imaging.This thesis work, which was carried out at the Institute of Molecular Chemistry of the University of Burgundy and in collaboration with the Institute of Cognitive and Integrative Neurosciences of Aquitaine, focuses on the development of new methods for the synthesis of side chain heterosubstituted amino acids including phosphine containing or silyl groups, as well as on their applications. In a first part, the synthesis of side chain silylated amino acids is achieved without racemization using a key Wittig reaction between a phosphonium salt, derived from L-aspartic acid, and an aromatic aldehyde bearing the silyl group. These aminoacids have been used in peptide synthesis to give silylated di- and tripeptides by reaction with alanine and phenylalanine derivatives. It has been shown that the silylated aminoacids and peptides can be fluorinated by reaction with fluorides, and that in the case of di-t-butylsilyl derivatives, the fluorinated compounds obtained are found to be very stable at physiological pH. The study of the fluorination of di-t-butylsilyl peptides by K18F / K222 allowed to obtain radiolabelled derivatives with radiochemical yields and molar activities reaching 39% and 410 GBq.mol-1, respectively. In the second part, the synthesis of aminoacids and peptides heterosubstituted or functionalized on the side chain, was developed. The principle of this synthesis is based on a [3 + 2] cycloaddition between an aminoacid bearing an azido group with disubstituted alkyne. While the reaction catalyzed using a copper salt or a ruthenium complex does not lead to the desired products, the cycloaddition was developed under microwave irradiation using glycerol as a solvent. Under these conditions, 13 new amino acids carrying a triazole ring at the γ position, and bearing silyles, phosphines, amines, amides.. substituents were prepared without racemization and with yields up to 89%. The methodologies developed in this thesis offer new efficient ways for the synthesis of silyl or phosphorus amino acid derivatives, useful for coordination chemistry, asymmetric catalysis and radiolabeling by the fluoride ion18F-.Key words: Phosphoniums, aminoacids, silanes, [18F]-radiofluorination, triazoles

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