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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Economia do nitrogênio em árvores tropicais / Nitrogen economy in tropical trees

Latansio, Sabrina Costa Ribeiro, 1982- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Silveira Buckeridge / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T12:30:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Latansio_SabrinaCostaRibeiro_D.pdf: 3607049 bytes, checksum: c52d621e9ef89b42d0f5fc2c9df1f6d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: O Resumo poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital / Abstract: ...Note: The complete Abstract is available with the full electronic document / Doutorado / Biologia Vegetal / Doutora em Biologia Vegetal

Efeitos do armazenamento em parâmetros de avaliação de qualidade de grãos de quatro genótipos de arroz / Storage effects in quality evaluation parameters of grains from four rice genotypes

Costa, Cláudia Militz da 18 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Lopes (gmachadolopesufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-10-10T17:31:26Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese - Cláudia Militz da Costa.pdf.pdf: 2514954 bytes, checksum: 6ff53df6aea30c61f0946c80d9ddf869 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-10-11T20:51:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Cláudia Militz da Costa.pdf.pdf: 2514954 bytes, checksum: 6ff53df6aea30c61f0946c80d9ddf869 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-11T20:51:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Cláudia Militz da Costa.pdf.pdf: 2514954 bytes, checksum: 6ff53df6aea30c61f0946c80d9ddf869 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-18 / Sem bolsa / Em grãos de arroz de duas cultivares híbridas e duas variedades, beneficiadas logo após a colheita e após 6 meses de armazenamento dos grãos em casca na temperatura de 20ºC, foram analisados teores de 18 aminoácidos, proteínas totais, amilose, umidade, temperatura de gelatinização (estimativa), mais os parâmetros de qualidade industrial, de cocção, de textura, de viscosidade e sensorial, preferência e aceitação. Os resultados permitiram concluir que: (a) o aumento do tempo de armazenamento provoca reduções no conteúdo e alterações no perfil de aminoácidos, não havendo diferenças de comportamento entre variedades e híbridos; (b) o conteúdo de proteínas totais do endosperma não define o grau soltabilidade (ou de empapamento) dos grãos e nem está relacionado com a preferência do consumidor pelo arroz após a cocção; (c) a elevação do conteúdo de cisteína provoca aumento na soltabilidade do arroz cozido ao longo do armazenamento; (d) os parâmetros de avaliações texturométricas e reológicas refletem os resultados da análise sensorial e da aceitação do arroz após a cocção; e, (e) o aumento do tempo de armazenamento provoca aumento inicial no rendimento industrial e reduções na brancura e no grau de polimento, mas não altera a transparência do arroz. / In rice grains from two hybrids cultivars and two varieties, milled immediately after harvest and after 6 months of storage of grains with husk at the temperature of 20°C, were analyzed levels of 18 amino acids, total protein, amylose, moisture, gelatinization temperature (estimation), plus the parameters of industrial quality, cooking, texture, viscosity and sensory attributes, also preference and acceptance. The results allowed to conclude that: (a) the increase of storage time causes reductions in the amino acid content and changes in amino acid profile, with no significant differences among varieties and hybrids; (b) total protein content from endosperm does not define the degree of loose cooked grains (or of grain stickiness) and it is not associated with the consumer preference for the rice after cooking, (c) elevation in cysteine content causes an increase in loose cooked grain (reduction of stickiness) during storage; (d) parameters of texturometric and rheological evaluations reflect the results from sensory analysis and acceptance of the rice after cooking; and (e) the increase of storage time causes an initial increasing in industrial yield and leads to reductions in whiteness and polishing degree (milling degree), but does not change the transparency of rice .

Exigência em lisina pelo "black bass" Micropterus salmoides. / Lysine requirements of largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides.

Jony Koji Dairiki 08 July 2005 (has links)
Os elevados custos atribuídos à nutrição na piscicultura ligam a eficiência alimentar ao sucesso da atividade e à redução do impacto ao meio ambiente. Estudos sobre a nutrição e determinação de exigências nutricionais em aminoácidos são, portanto, ferramentas importantes para a consolidação da piscicultura comercial racional e com viabilidade econômica. A determinação da exigência em lisina para o “black bass” Micropterus salmoides foi feita em ensaio de dose-resposta e os dados coletados foram analisados por meio de três modelos estatísticos: regressão polinomial, regressão segmentada e modelagem matemática específica, para estimar a utilização e exigência dos aminoácidos. Foi utilizada a relação A/E = [(aminoácido essencial ÷ total de aminoácidos essenciais + cistina + tirosina) x 1.000], para estimar as exigências nutricionais dos demais aminoácidos essenciais em relação à lisina determinada no experimento dose-resposta. As unidades experimentais foram constituídas por lotes de 25 alevinos de black bass (1,29 ± 0,03 g; 4,35 ± 0,17 cm) condicionados a aceitar ração seca, alojados em gaiolas de PVC atóxico (abertura de malha 5 mm) com capacidade de 60 L e instaladas em caixas de polipropileno com capacidade de 1.000 L, com troca parcial de água num sistema fechado de recirculação e aeração. Os tratamentos correspondiam aos níveis crescentes de lisina: 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0 e 3,5% na dieta n=4), num delineamento inteiramente aleatorizado (DIA). O modelo estatístico da regressão segmentada foi o modelo mais apropriado para determinação da exigência dietética de lisina para os alevinos de black bass em experimento dose-resposta. A exigência dietética em lisina para peso final, ganho de peso e taxa de crescimento específico foi de 2,1% da dieta ou 4,9% da proteína dietética. A exigência dietética de 1,69% de lisina na dieta ou 3,9% de lisina na proteína condicionou o melhor índice de conversão alimentar. O uso do perfil de aminoácidos corporais do black bass foi adequado como referência para estimar as exigências nutricionais de aminoácidos. / Adequate nutrition of fish stocks interconnects fish feeding efficiency, profitability and mitigation of environmental impact of fish farming. Knowledge on amino acids requirement of farmed fish boosts rationalization and profitability of fish farming systems. This study compares estimation of amino acids requirements of largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides from data of lysine dose-response trials, analyzed through different statistical models: polynomial regression, broken-line analysis and specific mathematical modeling. Amino acids requirements were estimated through the A/E relationship [A/E = (essential amino acid ÷ total essential amino acids + cystine + tyrosine) x 1.000]. Groups of 25, feed-conditioned largemouth bass fingerlings (1.29 ± 0.03 g; 4.35 ± 0.17 cm), were stocked in 60-L cages (5 mm mesh) placed in 1,000-L plastic, indoor tanks, closed circulation system, and fed diets containing 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, or 3.5% lysine, in a totally randomized experimental design trial (n = 4). The broken-line analysis method yielded more reliable and precise estimations of lysine requirements – 2.1% of diet or 4.9% dietetic protein – for final weight, weight gain and specific growth rate. Best feed conversion ratio was attained with 1.69% lysine in the diet or 4.9% lysine in dietetic protein. Body amino acids profile was an adequate reference for estimation of largemouth bass amino acids requirements.

Změny ve složení mléka po dotaci dojnic vybraným aditivem / Milk composition changes after fortification milch cow feed with selected additive

Tůmová, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with effect of supplement limiting aminoacid histidin, that was applied as duodenal infusion, on yield and composition of high production dairy cows milk. The theoretical part describes overview about milk composition and metabolism of dairy cows. There are described nutrition requirements of dairy cows for esential aminoacids. In this part are also presented principles of analytical methods used for analysis of milk. For determination of basic components of milk were used infrared spectroscopy and enzymatic-conductometry. Aminoacid profile of casein was determined by ion exchange liquid chromatography. In the experimental part is described method of experiment. There is described technique of acid and oxidative hydrolysis of lyofilized casein and technique of determination aminoacids in this hydrolyzated casein. Results of analysis were interpreted and discussed with literature. This diploma thesis was made as a cooperation between the Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology, the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Technology, Brno and the Research Institute for Cattle Breeding, Department of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Pohorelice.

Les cyclopropanes monofluorés : nouvelle architecture pour la conception de peptidomimétiques / Fluorinated cyclopropanes : a new scaffold for the conception of peptidomimetics

Milanole, Gaëlle 08 November 2013 (has links)
L’intérêt des composés organiques fluorés est de nos jours de plus en plus important en raison de leur large domaine d’application (agrochimie, nucléaire, matériaux, chimie médicinale…). Par exemple, en chimie médicinale, la présence d’un ou plusieurs atomes de fluor au sein de biomolécules conduit très souvent à une amélioration de leur profil thérapeutique. Par ailleurs, le cyclopropane, le plus petit et le plus tendu des cycloalcanes, permet également de modifier les caractéristiques pharmacologiques de composés biologiques de par sa géométrie inhabituelle. En effet, la rigidification structurale apportée par ce motif influe sur la biodisponibilité d’une biomolécule en améliorant sa sélectivité et son affinité pour un récepteur biologique. Dans ce contexte, nous avons choisi d’associer les propriétés remarquables de l’atome de fluor à la contrainte structurale du cyclopropane dans le but d’élaborer deux nouvelles classes de fluoropeptidomimétiques.Tout d’abord, nous nous sommes intéressés à la modification de la chaîne latérale d’acides aminés naturels en développant la synthèse des analogues cyclopropaniques fluorés de la méthionine, de la leucine, de la lysine et de l’arginine. Nous avons ensuite appliqué l’un de nos acides aminés cyclopropaniques fluorés à la synthèse totale de l’analogue fluoré d’un inhibiteur de la sérineprotéase NS3/4A, le TMC 435.Enfin, dans le but de proposer une voie de synthèse générale permettant l’accès aux pseudopeptides fluorés comportant un monofluorocyclopropane à la place du lien peptidique, nous avons développé une nouvelle stratégie basée sur une étape d‘addition nucléophile de réactifs organométalliques sur des N-(tert-butanesulfinyl)-α-fluoroimines chirales. / Fluoroorganic compounds are increasingly popular owing to their wide range of applications. For instance, in the field of medicinal chemistry, fluorinated molecules often lead to an improvement of the therapeutic profile compared to non-fluorinated derivatives. Besides, with its unique bonding properties, the cyclopropane ring provides unusual physical and pharmacological properties to structures that incorporate it. Indeed, the structural constraint provided by the cyclopropane ring clearly alters the selectivity and the affinity for a binding site. In this context, we decided to combine the cyclopropane and the fluorine atom to develop two new classes of peptidomimetics. First, we focused on the modification of the side chain of natural aminoacids (methionine, leucine,lysine and arginine) and the synthesis of fluorinated cyclopropyl analogues was achieved. Then, we applied our strategy to the synthesis of the fluorinated analogue of the TMC 435, a NS3/4A serine protease inhibitor involved in the replication cycle of Hepatitis C virus. Finally, in our project aiming at proposing a general method to access pseudopeptides featuring a fluorinated cyclopropane moiety as the peptide bond isostere, we develop a new strategy based on the nucleophilic addition of organometallic reagents to N-(tert-butanesulfinyl)-α-fluoroimines. This methodology allows us to control the asymmetric center on the N-terminal side of the peptide.

Espalhamento Raman em Policristais de L-alanina deuterados sob pressÃo. / Raman spectroscopy on deuterated L-alanine crystals under hydrostatic pressure.

Ricardo Oliveira GonÃalves 11 July 2008 (has links)
Nesta DissertaÃÃo sÃo apresentados os resultados oriundos do estudo do efeito da aplicaÃÃo de pressÃo hidrostÃtica sobre cristais de L-alanina deuterada. A L-alanina à um dos vinte aminoÃcidos formadores das proteÃnas, sendo entre os quirais o mais simples deles. A L-alanina cristaliza-se numa estrutura ortorrÃmbica (D24) com quatro molÃculas por cÃlula unitÃria formando uma complexa rede de sete diferentes ligaÃÃes de hidrogÃnio. Quando pressÃo à aplicada a um cristal de aminoÃcidos ocorre a aproximaÃÃo das molÃculas com a consequente variaÃÃo nas distÃncias e Ãngulos das ligaÃÃes de hidrogÃnio, eventualmente obrigando a estrutura a ir para uma nova simetria. Investigou-se nesta DissertaÃÃo o comportamento dos espectros Raman da L-alanina deuterada na regiÃo espectral entre 50 e 2500 cm-1 para pressÃes variando entre 0 e 6 GPa. AlÃm do usual comportamento do desvio da freqÃÃncia de quase todos os modos para altos valores, observou-se tambÃm descontinuidades nas freqÃÃncias de modos internos e modos externos para valores de pressÃo em 1,5 e 4,5 GPa. Estas descontinuidades foram interpretadas como sendo consequÃncias de transiÃÃes de fase estruturais de uma estrutura ortorrÃmbica para uma estrutura tetragonal e, a seguir, para uma estrutura monoclÃnica em analogia ao que ocorre com a L-alanina nÃo deuterada. O comportamento do modo de torÃÃo da estrutura ND3 tambÃm foi estudado e uma analogia do seu comportamento com aqueles observados na L-alanina, na L-treonina e na taurina em termos das dimensÃes das ligaÃÃes de hidrogÃnio tambÃm à fornecida. / In this dissertation we present of Raman spectroscopy on deuterated L-alanine crystals under hydrostatic pressure. L-alanine is one of twenty proteic amino acids, and among them it is the simplest chiral one. L-alanine crystallizes in an orthorhombic (D24) structure with four molecules per unit cell, forming a complex network of seven hydrogen bonds. When one applies pressure on an amino acid crystal the distances between molecules are changed and, eventually, the crystal goes to a new structure with different symmetry. In this work we present the Raman spectra of deuterated L-alanine in the 50 - 2500 cm-1 spectral region with pressures changing from 0 to 6 GPa. Beyond the conventional frequency blue shift of almost all modes, we observed frequency discontinuities of both internal and external modes at 1,5 and 4,5 GPa. These discontinuities were interpreted as structural phase transitions undergone by deuterated L-alanine crystal from the orthorhombic to the tetragonal, and from the tetragonal to a monoclinic symmetry, respectively. This suggestion is based on previous results on non - deuterated L-alanine. The behavion of torcional vibration of ND3 was also studied and a comparison with studies on L-alanine, L-threonine and taurine crystals (related with dimensions of hydrogen bonds) is also given.

Análise metabolômica não-direcionada de pimentas (Capsicum spp.) por CG-EM / Untargeted metabolomic analysis of peppers (Capsicum spp.) by GC-MS

Aranha, Bianca Camargo 07 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Lopes (gmachadolopesufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-10-06T17:52:45Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertac_a_o final - Bianca Camargo Aranha -.pdf: 1387529 bytes, checksum: a4bb85a254c845fe10ce2dccb010c2ec (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-10-11T20:42:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertac_a_o final - Bianca Camargo Aranha -.pdf: 1387529 bytes, checksum: a4bb85a254c845fe10ce2dccb010c2ec (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-11T20:42:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertac_a_o final - Bianca Camargo Aranha -.pdf: 1387529 bytes, checksum: a4bb85a254c845fe10ce2dccb010c2ec (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / O gênero Capsicum pertence à família Solanaceae e compreende mais de 30 espécies, seus frutos são popularmente conhecidos como pimenta e já eram utilizados por povos nativos como temperos, conservantes alimentícios e em medicamentos. Com a finalidade de estudar e conservar a biodiversidade das espécies de Capsicum, a Embrapa Clima Temperado (Pelotas, RS) mantém um Banco Ativo de Germoplasma (BAG), o qual necessita de caracterizações agronômica, morfológica, genética, metabólica e de potencial tecnológico, possibilitando assim o conhecimento de seus indivíduos, auxiliando na seleção para diferentes aplicações. O conhecimento do total de compostos presentes nas pimentas pode ser obtido através da estratégia de análise metabolômica. Assim, objetivou-se caracterizar o perfil metabólico de 61 acessos de pimentas do BAG de Capsicum da Embrapa Clima Temperado das espécies C. baccatum, C. annuum, C. chinense e C. frutescens por Cromatografia Gasosa e Espectrometria de Massas em dois extratos (fração polar A e B). Foi observada grande diversidade de compostos como aminoácidos, açúcares simples, ácidos orgânicos, capsaicinoides, esteróis e ésteres. Os teores de aminoácidos variaram entre 3,7 e 13,4mg.g -¹ de massa seca (ms) sendo que a L-asparagina predominou em 75% dos acessos. Os teores de açúcares totais variaram entre 45,0 e 189,8mg.g -¹ ms, sendo o mais abundante a frutose, representando em média 59%. Na maioria dos acessos avaliados houve predominância do ácido cítrico em concentrações de até 11,3mg.g -¹ ms. O total de ácidos orgânicos foi quantificado entre 2,4 e 15,2mg.g -¹ ms. A capsaicina representou 59% do total de capsaicinoides avaliados enquanto a dihidrocapsaicina representou 30%. Não foram identificados capsaicinoides para os acessos P27 e P179 (C. baccatum), P135 (C. chinense) e P46 (C. annuum). Hidrocarbonetos e ésteres apresentaram teores entre 0,2–14,6mg.g -¹ ms e 0,5–57,9mg.g -¹ ms, respectivamente. A análise de componentes principais (PCA) da fração polar A, não evidenciou a formação de clusters por espécies. Separaram-se do grupo (outliers) os acessos P116 (C. chinense), P46 e P76 (C. annuum), principalmente em função da maior concentração de sacarose e frutose presentes nestes acessos. A PCA da fração polar B, indicou separação dos acessos P221 (C. annuum) e P200 (C. chinense), em função do elevado teor de dihidrocapsaicina nestes acessos. A caracterização do perfil metabólico por CG-EM permitiu a identificação e quantificação simultânea de 90 compostos. Estes resultados ampliam e complementam a base de dados metabólica do BAG de Capsicum spp.. / The genus Capsicum belongs to the Solanaceae family and comprises more than 30 species, their fruits are popularly known as pepper and were used by native people as spices, food preservatives, and medicines. With the purpose of studying and conserving the biodiversity of species of Capsicum, Embrapa Clima Temperado (Pelotas, RS) maintains an Active Germplasm Bank (AGB), which requires agronomic, morphological, genetic, metabolic, and technological potential characterizations, thus enabling the knowledge of the individuals, supporting the selection for different applications. The knowledge of the total of compounds present in peppers can be obtained by metabolomic analysis strategy. Therefore the objective was to characterize the metabolic profile of 61 accessions of peppers from Embrapa Clima temperado Capsicum AGB including C. baccatum, C. annuum, C. chinense, and C. frutescens by Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in two extracts (polar fraction A and B). It was observed wide variety of compounds such as amino acids, simple sugars, organic acids, capsaicinoids, steroids, and esters. The amino acid content varied between 3.7 and 13.4mg g -¹ dry weight (dw) and Lasparagine predominated in 75% of the accessions. Total sugar content ranged between 45.0 and 189.8mg g -¹ dw, the most abundant was fructose representing on average 59%. In most accessions citric acid predominated reaching concentrations of up to 11.3mg g -¹ dw. Total organic acid content was quantified between 2.4 and 15.2mg g -¹ . Capsaicin represented 59% of total capsaicinoids evaluated while dihydrocapsaicin represented 30%. Capsaicinoids were not identified for accessions P27 and P179 (C. baccatum), P135 (C. chinense) and P46 (C. annuum). Hydrocarbons and esters were present in concentrations between 0.2–14.6mg g -¹ dw and 0.5–57.9mg g -¹ dw respectively. Principal component analysis (PCA) of polar fraction A did not show the formation of clusters by species. Separated from the main group (outliers) were P116 (C. chinense), P46 and P76 (C. annuum), mainly due to the higher concentration of sucrose and fructose present in these access ions. PCA of polar fraction B, indicated the separation of P221 (C. annuum) and P200 (C. chinense), due to the high content dihydrocapsaicin of these accessions. The characterization of the metabolic profile by GC-MS allowed simultaneous identification and quantification of compounds 90. These results extend and complement the metabolic database of the AGB of Capsicum spp..

La multi-ligation triazole : développement de nouveaux outils pour la synthèse de mimes de protéines par cycloadditions successives / Triazole multi-ligation : development of new tools for the synthesis of protein analogues through sucessive cycloadditions

Valverde, Ibai 14 April 2010 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré au développement d’une nouvelle méthode de synthèse d’analogues bioactifs de protéinesen utilisant des réactions successives de cycloaddition entre les alcynes terminaux et les azotures (CuAAC).Pour pouvoir effectuer des cycloadditions itératives, nous avons étudié la stabilité et les conditions de coupure dedifférents groupements masquants des alcynes terminaux. Cette étude a été valorisée par le développement d’unestratégie originale pour réaliser un triple cycloaddition successive une même molécule basée sur la protectiontemporaire de la fonction alcyne.La méthode a été appliquée à la synthèse d'un analogue de la stéfine A humaine, un inhibiteur naturel deprotéases à cystéine d’intérêt thérapeutique. Pour cela, nous avons mis au point des conditions de CuAACsuccessive compatibles avec des peptides déprotégés de façon beaucoup à obtenir in fine un analogue bis-triazolede la stéfine A. Les études par dichroïsme circulaire et d’inhibition de diverses protéases à cystéines confirmentque notre analogue synthétique conserve la structure et l’activité biologique de la protéine native.La stratégie de ligation triazole successive a été étendue par la mise au point de conditions pour réaliser desligations sur phase solide. La méthodologie développée permet la synthèse de protéines de façon plus rapide etplus simple que par des procédés classiques de ligation successive en solution. Dans l’optique de la synthèse destructures glycopeptidiques capables d’induire une réponse immunitaire contre MUC1 tumorale, nous avons réaliséla synthèse d’analogues peptidiques de MUC1 par ligation successive sur phase solide de 160 acides aminés. / The aim of this work was the development of a novel method for the synthesis of triazolo-proteins by multiplesuccessive copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloadditions (CuAAC).In order to achieve several successive cycloadditions, we have studied the stability and cleavage conditions ofseveral alkyne protective groups. This study leaded us to the development of an original strategy in order toachieve three successive cycloadditions on a same scaffold by temporal protection of alkyne functionalities.The method has been applied to the synthesis of an analogue of human stefin A, a natural inhibitor of severaltherapeutically relevant cysteine proteases. Therefore, we have developed CuAAC conditions compatible withunprotected peptide ligation. The strategy allowed us to obtain a bis-triazolo analogue of human stefin A. Circulardichroism and enzymology assays on several cysteine cathepsins revealed that the synthetic analogue hasretained the folding and full biological activity of the native protein.In order to expand the possibilities of this strategy, we have developed reaction conditions allowing us to performsuccessive triazole ligation on solid phase. This methodology avoids the need for a time-consuming and laborintensivepurification step before and after each ligation. With the aim of exploring the use of analogues of thetumor-associated form of the glycoprotein MUC1 to induce a specific immune response, we have synthesized atriazolo-analogue of MUC1 of 160 aminoacids using solid phase peptide ligation.

Crescimento, composição química e desempenho fisiológico de sementes de trigo submetido a regulador de crescimento / Growth, chemical composition and physiological performance of wheat seeds subjected to growth regulator

Koch, Felipe 28 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Beatriz Vieira (mbeatriz.vieira@gmail.com) on 2017-04-07T12:30:41Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_felipe_koch.pdf: 799099 bytes, checksum: 5d61cb7ae229b25b533d3f35001c2acc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-04-12T18:07:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 dissertacao_felipe_koch.pdf: 799099 bytes, checksum: 5d61cb7ae229b25b533d3f35001c2acc (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-04-12T18:09:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 dissertacao_felipe_koch.pdf: 799099 bytes, checksum: 5d61cb7ae229b25b533d3f35001c2acc (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-12T18:10:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 dissertacao_felipe_koch.pdf: 799099 bytes, checksum: 5d61cb7ae229b25b533d3f35001c2acc (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-28 / Sem bolsa / Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o crescimento de plantas de trigo submetidas a aplicação de regulador de crescimento vegetal e adubação para altos rendimentos, assim como, a composição química e a qualidade fisiológica de sementes produzidas. A cultivar utilizada foi a OR Topázio e o regulador de crescimento foi o trinexapac-ethyl, aplicado via foliar. No capítulo I, o experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação e o delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualisado, em esquema fatorial 5x8 (cinco doses e oito épocas de coleta) com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados a matéria seca total, a taxa de produção de matéria seca, as taxas de crescimento relativo e assimilatória liquida, a razão de área e massa foliar, o índice de área foliar. Foi determinada a eficiência de conversão da energia solar, a partição de assimilados, o índice de colheita, a altura das plantas, a emergência e o índice de velocidade de emergência de plântulas. No capítulo II, o experimento foi conduzido em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualisado com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições, sendo avaliados a germinação e primeira contagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, matéria seca de plântulas, condutividade elétrica e envelhecimento acelerado. No capítulo I, a alocação de matéria seca total, a taxa de crescimento relativo, a altura de plantas e o índice de colheita foram reduzidos, com intensidade variável, conforme a dose do regulador de crescimento. A taxa assimilatória líquida foi reduzida em plantas submetidas a doses de 400, 600 e 800 mL ha-1, a razão de massa e de área foliar foram superiores quando utilizadas as doses de 400 e 800 mL ha-1. A emergência e índice de velocidade de emergência não foram afetados pela ação do regulador de crescimento. No capítulo II, a primeira contagem de germinação aumentou até a maior dose. A condutividade elétrica após três horas de embebição foi reduzida, a partir da dose de 600 mL ha-1. Os teores de amido aumentaram até a dose de 448 mL ha-1; o de aminoácidos até a dose 243 mL ha-1 e os teores de proteína até a dose de 417 mL ha-1. Houve redução no teor de açúcares solúveis totais ao aumentar a dose do regulador. Portanto, plantas submetidas à aplicação do trinexapac-ethyl apresentam respostas diferenciais no crescimento e partição de assimilados, menor índice de colheita e altura de plantas. Já, as sementes possuem maior vigor e teores de amido, proteína e aminoácidos, contudo, menor teor de açúcares solúveis totais. / This work aimed to evaluate the growth of wheat plants subjected to the application of growth regulator and fertilization for high yields, as well as, chemical composition and physiological quality of seeds produced. The variety used was OR Topázio and the growth regulator was trinexapac-ethyl, via leaf application. On chapter I, the experiment was performed on greenhouse and the experimental design was completely randomized, factorial 5x8 (five doses and eight harvest dates) with four repetitions. Total dry matter, dry matter production rate, relative growth and net assimilation rates, leaf mass ratio, leaf area ratio and leaf area index were evaluated. The conversion efficiency of solar energy, assimilate partitioning, harvest index, plant height, seedling emergence and speed of emergence index were determined. On chapter II, the experiment was performed under completely randomized experimental design using five treatments and four repetitions, being evaluated germination and first count of germination, speed of germination index, seedling dry matter, electrical conductivity and accelerated aging. On chapter I, total dry matter allocation, relative growth rate, plant height and harvest index were reduced, with variable intensity, according to the growth regulator dose. The net assimilation rate was reduced in plants subjected to 400, 600 e 800 mL ha-1; leaf mass ratio and leaf area ratio were superior when doses of 400 and 800 mL ha-1 were used. The seedling emergence and the speed of emergence index were not affected by the action of the growth regulator. On chapter II, germination and first count of germination increased until the higher dose. Electrical conductivity after three hours of imbibition was reduced starting from the dose of 600 mL ha-1. The starch content increased until the dose of 448 mL ha-1; the amino acids up to the dose of 243 mL ha-1 and the protein content to the dose of 417 mL ha-1. There was a decrease on total soluble sugars content with the increase of growth regulator dose. Therefore, plants subject to the application of trinexapac-ethyl feature differential responses on growth and assimilate partitioning, lower harvest index and plant height. Seeds produced by these plants possess higher germination, vigor expression and starch, protein and amino acids contents, however, lower content of total soluble sugars.

Studien zur Quervernetzung von Milchproteinen und zur Bildung individueller Crosslink-Aminosäuren

Siegl, Thomas 23 June 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Bei der Herstellung und Lagerung von Milch und Milchprodukten kommt es in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß zur Bildung von reversiblen und irreversiblen Proteinquervernetzungen. Dabei verändern sich neben technologischen auch ernährungsphysiologische Eigenschaften des Produktes. Die für die Oligomerisation verantwortlichen Strukturen sind bisher nur zum Teil bekannt. Daher soll in dieser Arbeit zunächst das Ausmaß der Quervernetzung in einer größeren Anzahl an handelsüblichen Milchprodukten ermittelt und mit den für diese Proben gemessenen Gehalten der für irreversible Quervernetzungsreaktionen in Lebensmitteln wichtigen Aminosäurederivate Lysinoalanin (LAL) und Histidinoalanin (HAL) verglichen werden. Der Beitrag dieser beiden Dehydroalanin-Derivate für Oligomerisationen ist jedoch stark von der Art ihres Bildungsweges abhängig. Da es in der Literatur keine abschließenden Untersuchungen über eine intra- oder intermolekularen Bildung von LAL und HAL gibt, ist dies eine grundlegende Aufgabe, um in der Folge den Anteil von unbekannten Crosslinks für die analysierten Lebensmittel bestimmen zu können. Die Identifizierung dieser vorhandenen, jedoch strukturell unbekannten Crosslinks ist ein weiteres Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchungen. Hierbei richtet sich das Interesse vor allem auf Quervernetzungsprodukte, die im Zusammenhang mit der nicht-enzymatischen Bräunung oder Maillard-Reaktion gebildet werden. Aus der Literatur ist eine Vielzahl von Verbindungen, die an der Oligomerisation und den damit verbundenen Eigenschaftsänderungen von Proteinen beteiligt sind, aus Modellansätzen oder in vivo-Studien bekannt. Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen dieser Strukturen in handelsüblichen Lebensmitteln fehlen jedoch in den überwiegenden Fällen. Dazu ist neben der Synthese einzelner Verbindungen als Standardmaterial die Entwicklung bzw. Optimierung der Analytik für Lebensmittelmatrices durchzuführen. Einige der bekannten, aber noch nicht in Lebensmitteln nachgewiesenen Crosslinkaminosäuren zeichnen sich durch eine charakteristische Fluoreszenz aus. Die Zunahme der Fluoreszenz in technologisch hergestellten Milchprodukten ist aus der Literatur bekannt, eine Identifizierung der dafür verantwortlichen Verbindungen fehlt hingegen. Daher ist ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit, individuelle, fluoreszierende Crosslinks in Milchprodukten zu charakterisieren und zu quantifizieren.

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