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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interakce steroidu s NMDA receptorem: Strukturně-aktivitní studie a vliv na mutované lidské formy NMDA receptorů / Steroid - NMDA receptor interaction: Structure-activity study and effect on mutant forms of human NMDA receptors

Krausová, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are glutamate-gated calcium permeable ion channels that play a key role in excitatory synaptic transmission and plasticity, and their dysfunction underlies several neuropsychiatric disorders. The overactivation of NMDA receptors by tonically increased ambient glutamate can lead to excitotoxicity, associated with various acute and chronic neurological disorders, such as ischemia, Alzheimer and Parkinson's disease, epilepsy or depression. On the opposite, NMDA receptor hypofunction is thought to be implicated in autism, schizophrenia, or intellectual disability. Recent DNA screening for neurological and psychiatric patients revealed numerous mutations in genes encoding for NMDA receptor subunits. The activity of NMDA receptors is influenced by a wide variety of allosteric modulators, including neurosteroids that could both inhibit and potentiate the activity of NMDA receptors, which makes them promising therapeutic targets. In this thesis, we describe new classes of neurosteroid analogues which possess structural modifications at carbons C3 and C17 of the steroidal core, and analogues without D-ring region (perhydrophenanthrenes). We evaluated the structure-activity relationship (SAR) for their modulatory effect on recombinant GluN1/GluN2B receptors. Our results...

Détermination du mode d’action et de la cible cellulaire de la tomatidine chez Staphylococcus aureus

Guay, Isabelle January 2014 (has links)
Dans le but de mieux comprendre le mode d’action et de nous permettre de déterminer la cible de la tomatidine, nous avons dans un premier temps tenté de mieux circonscrire le spectre d’activité de la tomatidine. Grâce à ces travaux, nous sommes, en effet, maintenant en mesure de dire que la tomatidine possède une activité antibactérienne contre les espèces de la division des Firmicutes et plus précisément contre les bactéries de l’ordre des Bacillales dont font partie les genres Bacillus, Staphylococcus et Listeria. Nous avons également découvert, grâce à des expériences en collaboration avec le laboratoire d’Éric Marsault, qu’un analogue de la tomatidine (FC04-100) avait non seulement des propriétés similaires à la molécule naturelle, mais démontrait une activité par lui-même contre S. aureus à phénotype normal alors que la tomatidine possède uniquement une activité contre les « small colony variants ». De plus, alors que la tomatidine possède plutôt une activité bactériostatique contre la forme SCV de L. monocytogenes, le nouveau composé (FC04-100) démontre quant à lui, une forte activité bactéricide contre cette souche, tout comme contre la forme SCV des autres Bacillales. Parallèlement, et toujours dans le but de rechercher le mode d’action et la cible de la tomatidine, nous avons obtenu, par passages successifs dans un milieu avec antibiotiques, des mutants de S. aureus à phénotype normal et des SCV résistants à la tomatidine ou à la combinaison tomatidine et gentamicine. Après le séquençage de ces mutants, l’étude de la position de ces mutations, à l’aide de différents logiciels de bio-informatique, nous a permis d’émettre un modèle-hypothèse quant au mode d’action et à la cible de la tomatidine. Selon les résultats que nous avons à ce stade-ci, la cible de la tomatidine chez S. aureus serait la sous-unité c de l’ATP synthase. Cependant, son mode d’action serait également dépendant de la fonctionnalité de la chaine de transport des électrons et donc de la polarisation membranaire et de la production de ROS intracellulaire, ce qui expliquerait la différence d’activité entre les souches à phénotype normal et les SCV.

Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel ferroquine and phenylequine analogues

Jacobs, Leon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Please refer to full text to view abstract.

Raman spectroscopic application for the analysis of organic compounds and minerals of astrobiological significance : the detection and discrimination of organic compounds and mineral analogues in pure and mixed samples of astrobiological significance using raman spectroscopy, XRD and scanning electron microscopy

Alajtal, Adel Imhemed January 2010 (has links)
Raman spectroscopy has been used to characterise both organic and geological samples in order to build a database for the future characterization of biomarker molecules that are of astrobiological relevance. Characteristic geological features and hydrated minerals recently found on the surface of Mars by the NASA planetary rovers Spirit and Opportunity suggest that a possible biosphere could have once existed there. Analytical instrumentation protocols for the unequivocal detection of biomarkers in suitable geological matrices are critical for future unmanned explorations, including the forthcoming ESA ExoMars mission scheduled for 2018. Several geological features found on the surface of Mars by planetary rovers suggest that a possible extinct biosphere could exist based on similar sources of energy as occurred on Earth. For this reason, analytical instrumental protocols for the detection of isolated biomarkers preserved in suitable geological matrices unequivocally and non-destructively have to be evaluated for future unmanned missions. Raman spectroscopy is currently part of the Pasteur instrumentation suite of the ExoMars mission for the remote detection of extant or extinct life signatures in the Martian surface and subsurface. Terrestrial analogues of Martian sites have been identified and the biogeological modifications resulting from extremophilic survival activity have been studied. Here we present the Raman spectral characterization of several examples of organic compounds which have been recorded using 785 nm, 633 nm and 514 nm laser excitation -polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organic acids, chlorophyll and carotenoids. Experimental mixtures of ß-carotene in usnic acid, PAHs in usnic acid and PAHs in mineral matrices have also been investigated. Organic compounds and PAHs located under crystalline minerals samples were identified using a 5x objective lens and 785 nm III excitation. The pure compounds and compound mixtures were also analysed using X-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results of this study indicate that near infrared laser at 785 nm provided the clearest and the most informative spectra due to the reduction of fluorescence emission. Higher energy lasers operating in the visible region have resulted in the emission of significant background fluorescence. Few samples fluoresce even with the use of 785 nm excitation and FT-Raman spectroscopy remains the instrument of choice for the analysis of these samples.

Du nucléaire à la conservation du patrimoine - Compréhension des mécanismes de corrosion des alliages ferreux sur le long terme grâce à la caractérisation multi-échelles

Neff, Delphine 05 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les phénomènes de corrosion des métaux tels que les aciers présentent une grande variabilité en fonction des milieux d'altération (aqueux aéré et désaéré, atmosphère, liants et béton...) et des durées prises en compte. Dans le cadre de mes activités de recherche, afin d'appréhender ces mécanismes sur le très long terme il a été choisi d'étudier des objets archéologiques corrodés sur plusieurs dizaines à centaines d'années. Cet axe de recherche est en effet crucial dans plusieurs domaines d'applications, allant de la conservation des objets du patrimoine culturel aux études menées pour l'entreposage et le stockage des déchets radioactifs en milieu géologique profond. Dans ce domaine les objets archéologiques constituent des analogues sans équivalents pour la corrosion des éléments en acier constitutifs de la multibarrière destinée à séparer les radioéléments de la biosphère. La caractérisation des systèmes de corrosion a été menée grâce à une méthodologie d'étude basée dans un premier temps sur le couplage de techniques de caractérisation des matériaux multi-échelles (MEB-EDS, , microspectroscopie Raman, microXRD, XAS sous rayonnement synchrotron...) donnant des informations sur la localisation, la morphologie, la composition et la structure des phases cristallines présentes dans une couche de produits de corrosion. Par ailleurs les études des processus réactionnels et de la réactivité chimique ou électrochimique des systèmes à l'aide de remise en corrosion de ces objets archéologiques en milieu marqué (D2O, O18) ou sous sollicitations externes (chimique, électrochimique) ont mis en évidence des phénomènes à l'échelle micrométrique contrôlant les processus de corrosion d'objets archéologiques. Les perspectives de mes recherches sont d'une part l'étude de nouvelles perturbations des processus de corrosion telles que la présence de bactéries dans le milieu, l'étude des processus à l'échelle nanométrique (MET, STXM) mais également sur le plan méthodologique, le développement de nouvelles approches analytiques basées sur la combinaison de méthodes d'imagerie de morphologie (MEB-FEG), de composition (EDS), de structure (µXRD sous rayonnement synchrotron) ou hyperspectrale (microspectroscopie Raman) afin de déterminer la synergie des phénomènes nano et microscopiques à l'échelle d'un objet. L'ensemble de ces études devra conduire à d'une part développer les protocoles de diagnostic, de conservation et de traitement des objets culturels ferreux et d'autre part conforter les modèles mécanistiques mis en place pour le dimensionnement des éléments ferreux inclus dans les dispositifs de stockage des déchets radioactifs.

Approche des mécanismes de l'injection sableuse per descensum

Vandromme, Rosalie 28 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les affleurements de Bevons, Nyons et Rosans dans le Sud-Est de la France, comme ceux du Numidien (Sicile, Tunisie, Maroc...) ou de la Tourelle (Canada) permettent l'observation de nombreuses injectites sableuses alimentées par des chenaux turbiditiques. Deux types d'injectites sont présents : les sills (horizontaux) et les dykes (verticaux), les dykes étant issus des sills. Leurs processus de mise en place sont, selon les auteurs, per ascensum, post-dépositionnels, et (sans doute le plus souvent) per descensum, contemporains de la mise en place du sable nourricier et objet de la présente étude. L'approche des mécanismes intervenant dans cette fracturation et la modélisation de celle-ci ont notamment pour but de préciser l'évolution de l'étanchéité des matériaux argileux pouvant constituer un site de stockage de déchets. D'un autre point de vue, des injections sableuses étant localisées entre des réservoirs contenant des hydrocarbures, une détermination de leur géométrie est nécessaire pour prédire les circulations potentielles de fluides durant la production. Un modèle géométrique a été établi à partir de ces observations et a permis de faire certaines hypothèses sur les mécanismes à prendre en compte dans les modélisations de cette fracturation et/ou injection. Plusieurs approches sont menées en parallèle : - L'étude de la compaction dans le massif, avant l'injection : pour des concentrations en sable assez élevées (> 35 %), le poids de la colonne de mélange d'injection est supérieure à la contrainte verticale dans la partie superficielle du massif. Cette inversion de densité peut être responsable du fait que l'injection se propage plutôt vers le bas dans le cas des dykes ou le long de discontinuités stratigraphiques (telles que les niveaux de cendres par exemple). Lorsque l'on descend dans les sédiments, la pression dans la colonne de mélange sableux varie linéairement avec la profondeur alors que la contrainte dans les sédiments varie non linéairement (issue d'une courbe de porosité en exponentielle). A partir d'une certaine profondeur, la pression fluide devient inférieure aux contraintes dans la succession sédimentaire : l'injection ne peut pas dépasser cette profondeur. Ainsi, la propagation des dykes est limitée par le poids de son encaissant. - L'utilisation de la fracturation hydraulique comme mécanisme de l'injection : la mécanique des roches et plus précisément les mécanismes d'hydrofracturation ont été testés pour tenter de modéliser ces observations à grande échelle. La force responsable de l'initiation et de la propagation des fractures est la pression due à la mise en place du chenal turbiditique. Le modèle tient compte du fait que l'injection doit soulever les terrains sus-jacents. Les premiers résultats ont permis de montrer que dès qu'une fracture horizontale est initiée, la propagation est rapide. L'ouverture obtenue (épaisseur d'un sill) est décamétrique, soit du même ordre de grandeur que les observations de terrain. - L'utilisation d'un fluide à seuil dans un réseau établi, avec des probabilités cohérentes avec la réalité des phénomènes entrant en jeu, a permis de déterminer les extensions maximales d'injection en accord avec les observations de terrain : - Un sill seul peut se propager sur 2400 m en quelques dizaines d'heures, - Un dyke seul peut descendre jusqu'à 400 m sous le paléofond de mer en quelques secondes, - Un réseau de sills et de dykes connectés (ce réseau étant connecté au chenal par un sill) peut avoir une extension horizontale de 1200 m et verticalement de 400 m, et se mettre en place en quelques heures. La formation des sills est plus longue que celle des dykes, la formation d'un sill seul dure plusieurs heures alors que celle d'un dyke dure quelques secondes. Lorsque les sills et les dykes sont connectés, le temps de propagation du réseau est d'environ 2 heures. Les dykes se forment toujours en quelques secondes et ont un effet sur la propagation des sills qui se propagent deux fois moins loin que s'ils étaient seuls.

Biological Activity of Steroid Analogues:Synthesis and Receptor/Enzyme Interactions

McCarthy, Anna Rose January 2006 (has links)
This thesis investigates the biological activity of selected non-steroidal analogues of sex steroid hormones by examining two different effects of analogues on endogenous sex hormone activity. Non-steroidal analogues of sex hormones were synthesised to study their biological interactions with a sex steroid receptor and a sex steroid metabolising enzyme. Chapter One introduces the steroid hormones and their physiology, which leads to a review of the mechanisms by which steroids exert their effects. Their implication in disease is discussed, with particular emphasis on the sex steroids. As the biological activity of steroids is related to their chemical structure, the important features of steroid structure are identified, including the cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene nucleus, arrangement of ring substituents and ring junction conformation. The concept of non-steroidal analogues of steroids is introduced, and the harmful or beneficial effects analogues have on endogenous steroid activity are considered. Alteration of steroid activity and its consequences are focussed on two main areas; the potential adverse effects of environmental chemicals which mimic sex steroid activity, and the use of non-steroidal analogues in medicinal chemistry for treating sex steroid related disease. Chapter Two describes an investigation into the 17β-estradiol mimicking activity of non-steroidal analogues. Exogenous chemicals that mimic estradiol are of concern as they may alter endogenous estradiol activity and disrupt endocrine systems. Firstly, an introduction to the field of research concerned with environmental chemicals that mimic steroid hormones is given. The interaction of xenoestrogens with the estrogen receptor is described, as are the methods available for assessing the estrogen mimicking activity of xenoestrogens. The concern for insecticides mimicking estrogen activity is described by reviewing reported activities of insecticides, which leads into a discussion of work carried out as part of this thesis. Metabolites of the pyrethroid insecticides permethrin and cypermethrin, 2.14, 2.15, and 2.16 were synthesised while others were commercially obtained. The interaction of pyrethroid insecticide metabolites with the human estrogen receptor expressed in recombinant yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was studied, following the establishment and validation of the assay. Metabolites 2.11, 2.12, and 2.14 were found to weakly stimulate estrogen receptor-mediated estradiol responsive gene expression in the yeast assay (105 less active than 17β-estradiol). Since the activity of the metabolites using the yeast assay was greater than for the parent compounds, metabolic pathways need to be considered when assessing the impact of exposure to environmental estrogens. The low estrogenic activity suggests these compounds are not individually contributing significantly to the xenoestrogenic impact on humans, but will add to total xenoestrogen exposure. Chapter Three describes the inhibition of a sex steroid metabolising enzyme, steroid 5a-reductase, by novel non-steroidal compounds. Inhibitors of this enzyme are potentially useful therapeutic agents for regulating the activity of an androgen in prostate disorders. A review of the literature on non-steroidal inhibition of 5a-reductase identified three key structural features known to enhance inhibitor potency; ring substitution, position and nature of ring unsaturation and angular methyl group presence. These features were taken into account in the design of inhibitors synthesised in this thesis (3.55-3.57, 3.59, 3.61, 3.62, 3.110 and 3.111). Inhibitors consisting of non-steroidal 5- or 1-aryl pyridone scaffolds were synthesised to investigate SAR for 4'-substituents. The 5-aryl 1-methyl-2-pyridone/piperidone scaffold of compounds 3.55-3.57 and 3.59 was constructed by Suzuki cross coupling methodology, while the 1-aryl 2-methyl 2,3-dihydro-4-pyridone scaffold of 3.61 and 3.62 was constructed by aza Diels-Alder methodology. Long carbon chain olefin containing tethers 3.107 and 3.108 were synthesised for conjugation to inhibitor 3.57 by cross metathesis to give conjugates 3.110 and 3.111. Compounds 3.55-3.57, 3.59, 3.61, 3.62, 3.110 and 3.111 inhibited the type 1 5a-reductase isozyme expressed by HEK-I cells, with activities comparable to those of related literature compounds. The 1-aryl 2,3-dihydro-4-pyridone 3.62 inhibited both the type 1 and 2 isozymes (expressed by HEK-II cells) of 5a-reductase. The presence of bulky hydrophobic groups (benzoyl, long chain tethers) at the 4' position enhanced the potency of type 1 inhibition by 5-aryl pyridone type compounds in comparison to N,N-diisopropyl- and N-allylacetamide groups. This information provides further understanding of SAR within and across different classes of non-steroidal inhibitors of steroid 5a-reductase towards improved drug design.

The antidepressant properties of selected methylene blue analogues / Anzelle Delport

Delport, Anzelle January 2014 (has links)
The shortcomings of current antidepressant agents prompts the design of novel multimodal antidepressants and the identification of new antidepressant targets, especially those located at sub-cellular level. Such antidepressants should possess improved response rates as well as safety profiles. Methylene blue (MB) is reported to possess diverse pharmacological actions and is attracting increasing attention for the treatment of a variety of disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder, anxiety and depression. MB acts on both monoamine oxidase (MAO) and the nitric oxide (NO)-cGMP pathway, and possesses antidepressant activity in rodents. The principal goal of this study was to design a close structural analogue of MB and to evaluate the effects of these structural changes on MAO inhibition, a well-known antidepressant target. Furthermore, MAO inhibition is also responsible for cardiovascular toxicity in clinically used MAOI inhibitors. For this purpose we investigated the antidepressant properties of the synthetic MB analogue (ethyl-thioniniumchloride; ETC) as well as azure B, the major metabolite of MB, in the forced swim test (FST). ETC was synthesized with a high degree of purity from diethyl-p-phenylenediamine with 6% yield. ETC was firstly evaluated as a potential inhibitor of recombinant human MAO-A and MAO-B. Azure B and ETC were evaluated over a dosage range of 4-30 mg/kg for antidepressant-like activity in the acute FST in rats, and the results were compared to those obtained with saline, imipramine (15 mg/kg) and MB (15 mg/kg) treated rats. Locomotor activity was evaluated to ensure that changes in swim motivation are based on antidepressant response and not due to an indirect effect of the drug on locomotor activity. The results document that ETC inhibits MAO-A and MAO-B with IC50 values of 0.51 μM and 0.592 μM, respectively. Furthermore, ETC inhibits MAO-A and MAO-B reversibly, while the mode of inhibition is most likely competitive. In the acute FST, azure B and ETC were more effective than imipramine and MB in reversing immobility, without inducing locomotor effects. Azure B and ETC increased swimming behaviour during acute treatment, which is indicative of enhanced serotonergic neurotransmission. Azure B and ETC did not affect noradrenergicmediated climbing behaviour. These results suggest that azure B may be a contributor to the antidepressant effect of MB, and acts via increasing serotonergic transmission. Secondly, small structural changes made to MB do not abolish its antidepressant effect even though ETC is a less potent MAO-A inhibitor than MB. / MSc (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Development of Novel Hydroporphyrins for Light Harvesting and Sensitising NIR Lanthanide Luminescence

Xiong, Ruisheng January 2017 (has links)
Chlorins, as the core structures of chlorophylls, have been extensively studied for harvesting solar energy, fluorescent imaging and photodynamic therapy against cancer. This thesis is concerned with design and synthesis of novel chlorins as antennae for harvesting light and sensitising near infrared lanthanide luminescence. In the first part, a series of chlorin monomers, dimers and polymers were synthesised and their photophysical properties were characterised. The chlorin monomers were substituted with five-membered heterocycles, such as thiophenes and furans. These heterocycles function as auxochromes analogous to the natural ones in chlorophylls, and extend chlorin absorption and emission strongly to the red (up to λem = 680 nm). A borylation method was developed to prepare borylated chlorins, which gave access to directly linked chlorin dimers through Suzuki coupling reaction. Different regioisomers of chlorin dimer were prepared, including β-meso homodimers, meso-meso homodimers and heterodimers. The dimerisation resulted in red-shifted absorption and emission. Chlorin polymerisations were performed both electrochemically and chemically. Bis-thienylchlorins yielded chlorin films and an organic solvent soluble copolymer with hexylthiophene, respectively. These polymers from both polymerisations have red absorptions beyond 700 nm, and might be used as light-harvesting antennae. In the second part, chlorins were used as chromophores to sensitise near infrared lanthanide luminescence. Two types of chlorin-lanthanide dyads were prepared through lanthanide coordination with cyclen derivatives and dipicolinic acids (DPA). The cyclen-based dyads were poorly soluble in water, thus their near infrared emissions were not observed. The other type of complexes was fully soluble in H2O and THF. Both Nd and Yb emission were recorded even upon excitation into the Q bands of chlorins. In the dyads with free base chlorins, the singlet state of chlorins might be involved in the sensitisation of lanthanide luminescence. These DPA-based dyads presented two-color emission based on one chlorin and two-color excitation based on one lanthanide ion. These dyads would enable in theory 4-color imaging. In the last part, a microwave-assisted two-step synthesis was described to prepare dipyrromethanes, which are the key intermediates in the chlorin synthesis. This mild method took advantage of the nucleophilicity of pyrrole and the electrophilicity of N,N-dimethylaminomethyl pyrroles. The usually used acid catalysis is detrimental to many functionalities, thus our methods enable the synthesis of dipyrromethanes with acid sensitive groups or a formyl group.

Antiproliferativní a kardioprotektivní potenciál nově syntetizovaných analogů dexrazoxanu. / Antiproliferative and cardioprotective potential of the newly synthetised analogues of dexrazoxane.

Gavurová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biochemical Sciences Candidate: Lucie Gavurová Supervisor: PharmDr. Anna Jirkovská, PhD. Title of diploma thesis: Antiproliferative and cardioprotective activity of novel dexrazoxane analogues Anthracycline antibiotics (such as daunorubicin, doxorubicin or epirubicin) forms the basis of anticancer therapy in many hematological malignancies and solid tumors. However, their clinical use is limited by adverse effects. The most serious of these effects is chronic form of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. Dexrazoxane is the only one clinically approved cardioprotective agent against anthracycline cardiotoxicity so far. Despite its well-evidenced cardioprotective effects, dexrazoxane use is very limited due to its possible adverse effects. The the synthesis of novel analogs of might contribute to understanding of the relationship between structure and effects of dexrazoxane. Finally, this approach could lead to the synthesis of structure with better pharmacological properties. The aim of this diploma thesis was to assess the antiproliferative activity of novel analogues of dexrazoxane (JR-281B, JR-311, JR-306A, JR-306B, JR-232 and JR-312B), and the study of the influence on the antiproliferative effect of anthracyclines....

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