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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efektivita výuky syntetické metody čtení a psaní v anglickém jazyce u EFL studentů / Effectiveness of teaching synthetic phonics to EFL students

Urbanová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The effectiveness of teaching synthetic phonics to EFL students Abstract The diploma considers the effectiveness of systematic and explicit Synthetic Phonics teaching methods in the EFL learning environment. The theoretical section examines foreign language methodology - the field of reading acquisition in young learners, especially English language pronunciation. It studies how systematic explicit Phonics approach can help in learning how to read and pronounce words correctly. It explores the similarities and differences between teaching Synthetic and Analytic Phonics, and compares them. Furthermore it discusses whether synthetic phonics is useful not only for native English speakers, but also for EFL students. The practical part focuses on testing two groups of children who have different experiences of phonics. The data were collected in Prague and the Hradec Králové region. There were 62 students tested out of whom 33 were in a control group and 29 were taught using a systematic Phonics approach. A specially designed test consisting of two different activities was applied. It tested word reading, non-word pronouncing and sight word recognition. The aim of the research was to find out whether explicit Synthetic Phonics teaching instruction helps not only native English speakers, but also EFL learners in...

Plánování lidských zdrojů v hotelnictví

Štenclová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to suggest to the management of the newly opened hotel Boby centrum an HR plan of needs of the employees and plan of personnel activities all based on available information and processed analyzes. Partial aim is to propose measures of strategic management of the demand for hotel Boby centrum´s services. There is used available internal work studies and at the same time a quantitative survey to determine the current staffing situation at hotel Boby centrum. There is suggested an increase of employees in the sector front office, housekeeping and catering department due to staffing shortages and positive need for employees. A framework for personnel activities includes recommendations of making an inventory of work positions and related work activities, establishment of a joint enterprise system and regular meetings of staff, developing of training and evaluation system according to established norms and operational objectives and mainly adherence to the statutory working hours and paid leave of employees. After confirming of the trend of seasonality in the hotel environment, it is possible to stimulate demand by using of revenue / yield management technique which is specifically clear segmentation of hotel customers and adapting the marketing mix for their needs, flexible pricing policy and maximum capacity utilization of hotel Boby centrum according to established standards.

Psychologická linka jako vyprávěcí prostředek / Psychoanalysis like a narative tool

Dvořák, Michal January 2018 (has links)
We see the film like a reality because our perception of the film is like a reality around us. Movie as a dream and like a dream has unique tools how describe our soul and unconscious processes. This advantage is a crucial for my research, how can be useful for understanding how our unconscious works. C. G. Jung and Joseph Campbell and his work helps me with looking for the answer. How can film speak to us through the psychological layer instead of the narrative layer.

Pohledávky z právního, účetního a daňového pohledu v podmínkách ČR / Receivables with respect to legal, accounting and tax aspects under the conditions of the Czech Republic

KUREŠOVÁ, Miroslava January 2008 (has links)
This thesis provides a summary of knowledge required for the introduction of a systematic procedure for handling of receivables. I focused on the phenomena that had to be assessed during the practical valuation of receivables in LD INVEST a.s. In this respect my thesis may be used by the company managers as one of the aids used during the execution of the analytic accounts to individual nominal accounts in terms of tax. The approach to the company's receivables from 1 January 2008 is recommended in the draft of the In-company Regulation, recapitulating the current meaning of basic terms and stipulating the principles for the creation and use of adjusting entries. The chief measurable economic contribution of the theses is the suggestion for the optimization of the tax base for the year 2007.

Problém estetických pojmů v analytické estetice 20. století. / The Problem of Aesthetic Concepts in the 20th Century Analytic Aesthetics

Kubalík, Štěpán January 2018 (has links)
Author: Štěpán Kubalík Supervisor: doc. Tomáš Kulka, Ph.D. Sibley's "Aesthetic Concepts" and Kendall L. Walton's "Categories of Art". Sibley's

Charakteristika odlišných pojetí výuky matematiky na příkladu dvou učitelů gymnázia / Characteristics of Different Teaching Styles on the Example of Two Secondary Mathematics Teachers

Pelcová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to describe teaching styles of two secondary mathematics teachers with very different approaches. One of them represents traditional frontal instruction and one prefers students to be more actively involved in the learning process. Their styles are compared based on their teaching a concrete mathematical topic, namely plane analytic geometry of lines. Examined teaching styles (frontal instruction and so-called realistic education) and selected research with a similar focus are described in the theoretical part of the thesis. The research consisted of observations in lessons of both teachers and a final test for their students. The acquired data has been analyzed by qualitative and quantitative methods. The teacher representing traditional frontal instruction emphasizes practising and explaining the new topic. Problems are solved by herself or one chosen student on the blackboard. Questions, which she is asking, require mainly short answers and are focused on reproduction of the previously learnt knowledge. During the lessons of the teacher who is the creator and also an exponent of the so-called realistic education, students are solving problems independently. New topics are discussed collectively, the teacher often asks questions focused on the application of previous knowledge,...

Efektivita výuky syntetické metody čtení a psaní v anglickém jazyce u EFL studentů / Effectiveness of teaching synthetic phonics to EFL students

Urbanová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The effectiveness of teaching synthetic phonics to EFL students Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the effectiveness of systematic and explicit Synthetic Phonics teaching methods in the EFL learning environment. The theoretical part of the text investigates the similarities and differences between teaching Synthetic and Analytic Phonics. Whether synthetic phonics is essential not only for native English speakers, but also for EFL students is examined. Furthermore, it introduces the changes and development in phonics teaching in a historical context. The practical section describes the test preparation and presents how the research methodology was applied. It also examines the data collected from testing four groups of Prague primary school children who have different experience of phonics. Last but not least, the empirical section presents the results of 60 students' readings and analyses their performances concluding with an assessment as to whether explicit Synthetic Phonics teaching instruction helps EFL students in pronouncing words or not. Key words: synthetic phonics, analytic phonics, phonemes, graphemes, pronunciation and articulation, spelling, reading, writing

Filosofický výklad a možné interpretace Gödelových vět o neúplnosti / Philosophical analysis and possible interpretations of Gödel's incompleteness theorems

Arazim Dolejší, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
❆❜str❛❝t ❚❤❡ ❞✐♣❧♦♠❛ t❤❡s✐s ❞❡❛❧s ✇✐t❤ ♣♦ss✐❜❧❡ ♣❤✐❧♦s♦♣❤✐❝❛❧ ❛♥❛❧②s❡s ♦❢ ●ö✲ ❞❡❧✬s ✐♥❝♦♠♣❧❡t❡♥❡ss t❤❡♦r❡♠s ❛♥❞ t❤❡✐r ✐♥t❡r♣r❡t❛t✐♦♥s ✐♥ ❞✐✛❡r❡♥t ❜r❛♥❝❤❡s♦❢♣❤✐❧♦s♦♣❤②✭♣❤❡♥♦♠❡♥♦❧♦❣②✱❛♥❛❧②t✐❝❛❧♣❤✐❧♦s♦♣❤②♦❢♠✐♥❞✱ ❑❛♥t✬s ♣❤✐❧♦s♦♣❤②✮✳ P❛rt ♦❢ t❤❡ t❤❡s✐s ✐s ❞❡❞✐❝❛t❡❞ t♦ t❤❡ ❛tt✐t✉❞❡s t♦ ♠❛t❤❡♠❛t✐❝❛❧ ❞✐s❝✐♣❧✐♥❡s ❛♥❞ t❤❡✐r ❢✉♥❞❛♠❡♥t❛❧ tr❛♥s❢♦r♠❛t✐♦♥s ❝❛✉s❡❞ ❜② r❡✈♦❧✉t✐♦♥❛r② ❞✐s❝♦✈❡r✐❡s s✉❝❤ ❛s ◆♦♥✲❊✉❝❧✐❞❡❛♥ ❣❡♦♠❡t✲ r✐❡s ❛♥❞ ✐♥❝♦♠♣❧❡t♥❡ss t❤❡♦r❡♠s✳ ❚❤❡ r❡❧❛t✐♦♥s❤✐♣ ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ t❤❡ s❡❝♦♥❞ ●ö❞❡❧✬s ✐♥❝♦♠♣❧❡t❡♥❡ss t❤❡♦r❡♠✱ ●❡♥t③❡♥✬s ❝♦♥s✐st❡♥❝② ♣r♦♦❢ ♦❢ P❡❛♥♦ ❛r✐t❤♠❡t✐❝ ❛♥❞ ❍✐❧❜❡rt✬s ♣r♦❣r❛♠♠❡ ✐s ❛❧s♦ ❞✐s❝✉ss❡❞✳

Doménové znalosti, analytické otázky, systém LISp-Miner a data ADAMEK / Knowledge base, analytical questions, LISp-Mner system and ADAMEK data

Kubín, Richard January 2009 (has links)
The steps associated with the analytical question solving in terms of LISp-Miner system in ADAMEK medical data are the theme of this thesis. The operating sequence of using 4ft-Miner and SD4ft-Miner procedures in ADAMEK data together with the possibility of further use of formalized background knowledge and preparing routing for automatization of the downrighted steps are the objectiv of this thesis. The summary of the basic concepts and axioms of association rules and GUHA method is the content of the theoretical part of the thesis. Operativ part starts from CRISP-DM methodology. The operating sequence enabling searching for interesting association rules in different data, that is applied on STULONG medical data afterwards in order to get instigations for it's revision, is the produce of this thesis. Used data that come from EuroMISE are concern with cardiological patients.

Vizualizace asociačních pravidel ve webovém prostředí / Association rule visualization in web environment

Škrabal, Radek January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to implement a web interface for the LISp-Miner academic system which provides association rule mining capability. There is a new trend these days for knowledge discovery in databases applications which are being transformed from desktop applications to web applications and this arises both new opportunities and issues. This thesis describes new interactive approach for association rule mining in which the user is an essential part of the algorithm and can alter the task setting. Users can also collaborate by creating domain knowledge repository which helps finding new interesting information out of the data.

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