Spelling suggestions: "subject:"analytické"" "subject:"analytical""
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Struktury veřejné komunikace na zpravodajském serveru / Structures of Public Communication at the News ServerPilnáček, Matouš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis has an aim to bring theoretical and empirical knowledge, which can be used to improve quality of multi-agent based modelling of public opinion. In the theoretical part is introduced the analytical sociology as methodological basis and the theory of the public opinion process as substantive basis. Based on these theories is defined the aim of the empirical work: explore the stability of communication structures leading to emergence of mutual awareness of actors in the public debate. For the research are used news comments and its rating by other users from the news server iDNES.cz. The data are analyzed using social network analysis. It is revealed that a number of characteristics is applicable to multi-agent model. At the same time work brings interesting findings about the internet discussion and public communication. The main empirical finding is that despite large turn-over of discussing individuals, communication structures remain stable over time.
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Bezpečnost dopravního letounu při poškození draku teroristickým útokem / Safety of a Commercial Aircraft after Damage to Airframe due to Terrorist AttackLošťák, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
Modern-day terrorist attacks present a considerable danger for commercial aircrafts. This thesis analyzes potential methods of such attacks with a critical analysis of the most dangerous type: an attack from the outside of the aircraft via a fragmentation missile warhead. Such missiles cause damage to the airframe of the aircraft through fragments created by the explosion. In this thesis, analytical geometry is used to determine the area of the aircraft affected by the fragmentation. The aircraft’s geometry and the fragments’ dispersion are calculated by analytical functions, and the effect of the damage is analyzed. A shooting experiment was also carried out, in which fragments were shot at a reinforced skin panel that was manufactured according to the real design of commercial aircraft. The results of the experiment revealed that only directly hit sections of the structure are damaged. Data obtained by the experiment was then used for the creation and improvement of the model used in the simulation by means of the finite element method. This model is used for the numerical calculation of the damage sustained. Further included in the thesis is an analysis of the change in the load-bearing capacity after such an attack. The relationship between the size of the damage and its effect on the load-bearing capacity of the component as well as the entire structure is defined. First, the effect of component damage is analyzed via the FMEA/FMECA methods. This analysis is then extended using fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic analysis is based on the determination of the size of the damaged component area and the component’s importance on the structure’s carry loads. Application of the defined approach is described for several parts of an aircraft’s life cycle, including development, operation after the terrorist attack, and assessment of causes after a crash caused by a fragmentation missile warhead.
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Souhra nominačních tendencí v jazyce masových médií. Případ analytických adjektiv / Interplay Between Nomination Tendencies in the Language of Mass Media. The Case of the Analytical AdjectivesVačkov, Veselin January 2014 (has links)
The thesis aims to describe and theoretically explain the range of complex nominal word structures and phrases that evolved in all Slavic languages with staggering productivity during the last decades. In particular, it focuses on the so called analytical adjectives, i.e. formally invariant lexical units mostly of foreign origin that manifest their attributive syntactic role (and the word class they belong to) not through a morpheme but through fixed word order position. The thesis rejects the view that analytical adjectives are first parts of compound words and explores several transitional cases. In more general terms, the thesis explores phenomena that test the boundary between words and phrases, morphology and syntax. It concludes that in Bulgarian there already exists a well established word subclass of analytical adjectives. They have resulted from an originally lexical innovation that has been grammatcalized due to intensive borrowings of words and phrase models mainly from English and their replication. The comparative study of present-day Bulgarian and Czech provides evidence of the strategies that the two genetically related languages use to achieve their nomination goals. The search for an explanation of the similarities and differences between both languages offers insights into their...
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Analytická verbonominální spojení v humanistické češtině / Light verb constructions in Humanistic CzechMartínek, František January 2016 (has links)
Light verb constructions in Humanistic Czech This thesis surveys the supposed properties of light verb constructions (LVC, in Czech analytická verbonominální spojení, AVNS, in German Funktionsverbgefüge) on an extensive corpus of Czech texts dating from the Humanistic period. The LVC, a combination of a semantically bleached (light, semantically weak) verb and an abstract noun (a preposition and such a noun, respectively), are defined rather broadly and understood not necessarily as a syntactic unit (predicate) but rather as a lexical unit different from both free collocations and phrasemes. Special attention is paid to transitional examples of these constructions with non- prototypical properties of the verb or noun. In the individual chapters, the semantic and syntactical properties of the light verbs are discussed, as well as the word formation (derivation) patterns of the abstract nouns forming the LVC. The core of the analysis lies in the prepositional constructions, on which the LVC-delimitation criteria are applied. It is shown that the meanings of such constructions are subjects to stabilizing and develop from spatial (or directional, respectively) to abstract meanings, including their lexicalization. Moreover, the possibilities of using alternative means of expression are examined. The last chapter...
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Možnosti enkapsulace přírodních antioxidantů / Encapsulation of natural antioxidantsŠtindlová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
In theoretical part of this diploma thesis the basic properties of antioxidants, especially anthocyanins and phenolic compounds are described, as well as the basic features and principles of free radicals formation. The theoretical part also describes some possible ways of encapsulation of antioxidants into polysaccharide and lipid particles. In the experimental part basic characteristics of extracts from selected lyophilized fruits and vegetables (carrots, apples and mixed berries) are described. As group parameters of plant extracts the total antioxidant activity, content of flavonoids and phenolics, carotenoids, anthocyanins and ascorbic acid were determined. In experimental part also various encapsulation techniques were tested, encapsulation effectiveness of each technique was evaluated and the stability and size of the created particles were determined. As the best encapsulation method in terms of encapsulation efficiency in most of samples/parameters ethanol injection was found. On the other hand the particles prepared by ethanol injection are relatively unstable in terms of zeta potential, which is followed by their tendency to aggregate. As the most stable particles prepared by thin layer evaporation (TLE) and reverse phase thin layer evaporation (RP-TLE) were evaluated. Particles prepared by TLE, RP-TLE and chitosan-alginate particles exhibited a negative charge, while particles prepared by ethanol injection stayed uncharged and chitosan particles have a positive charge.
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Modelování izocentricky fokusovaného gama záření / Simulation of dose distribution irradiationVečeřa, Petr January 2008 (has links)
This project deals with the issue of simulation of dose irradiation. This principle is used in a radiotherapeutic device known as a Leksell Gamma Knife for the treatment of intracranial tumours. With regard to the theoretical observations obtained by studying this device, the project suggests the use of analytical geometry for the creation of a mathematical model for calculation of the intensity in the rayed area. A demonstration program Leksell_xvecer08 has been created for this model in a MatLab software background, which enables the user to change various input arguments and simulate a picture of the dosage spread in the target scanned areas.
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Modelování šíření elektromagnetického pole v tunelech / Modeling of electromagnetic field propation in tunnelsGéze, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Cieľom predloženej diplomovej práce je numerické riešenie šírenia elektromagnetických vĺn v tuneli. Za týmto účelom bola sformulovaná integrálna rovnica a numericky riešená pomocou metódy hraničných prvkov (BEM). Implementácia v prostredí MATLAB sľubne poukazuje na nízke výpočtové nároky oproti štandardným diferenciálnych diskretizačným metódam. Súčasťou projektu je vykreslenie rozloženia elektromagnetického poľa pre rôzne profily tunelov. Overenie výsledkov je vykonané pomocou zjednodušeného analytického modelu. V rámci práce je pozorované štúdium vplyvov zmien profilu tunela a rôznych impedančných podmienok na stenách tunela na výsledné rozloženie elektromagnetického poľa vo vnútri tunela.
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Oceňování nemovitostí pro potřeby pojišťovnictví - RD v Brně poškozený sněhem. / Property Valuation for Insurance Purposes - a House in Brno Damaged by SnowHájek, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to determine the amount of indemnity for damage to the family house caused by excessive snow loads, calculation of material value (time value) immovable assets immediately before the insured event cost method using analytical methods wear, determining the cost of putting immovable in working condition, the calculation of substantive value of intangible assets for the repairs. In this thesis, the emphasis on the clarification process when the risk to the family house and a practical example of an insured event the immovable. At the same time the analysis of the results, which display graphs show how the event affected the development of insurance rates immovable.
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Ocenění výše škody způsobené přívalovým deštěm na rodinném domě v obci Nesovice / Valuation of damage caused by torrential rain to a house in the village of NesoviceKraus, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the valuation of damage caused by torrential rain to the family house in the village Nesovice. In the first part the basic terms and assessing methods are defined. In the second part, there are applied methods of appraisal of damage on the family house. There is the value of the property calculated before the insurance event. In the itemized budget, there are quantified the cost of repairs of damaged constructions and then detected current value after repairs. The aim of the thesis is to dedicate readers to the problem of assessment.
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Analytická chemie na gymnáziu / Analytical Chemistry in secondary grammar schoolSoučková, Danuše January 2011 (has links)
Mgr. Danuše Součková: Analytical chemistry in secondary grammar school. Summary of Ph.D.Thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Teaching and Didactics of Chemistry At the end of my thesis about the importace of chemical experiments in chemical education and especially about the importace of analytic chemistry in secondary grammar schools I'd like to summarize the most important ideas from particular chapters. I think that the objects I have determined at the beginnig, have been filled and my work will help to perceive analytic chemistry as an integral part of chemistry education in secondary grammar schools. I have emphasized importace of chemical experiment and its use in analytical chemistry education. I have pointed a possibility of working relation among school subjects and a possibility of putting several cross-sectional topics into analytic chemistry education. Other object was to check students' knowledge. I have also intent on particular experiments and I have dividend them into several groups and I have prepared them to be put just into lessons by teachers and some notices and solutions are added. I have described the work during the experimental lessons, the equipment for them, specific matter of analytical chemistry. When we understand the function and...
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