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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cinética da fermentação e da destilação na produção de aguardente de abacaxi. / Kinetics of fermentation and distillation in the production of pineapple brandy.

PARENTE, Gisleânia Dourado Landim. 05 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-05T17:07:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GISLEÂNIA DOURADO LANDIM PARENTE - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2014..pdf: 1646252 bytes, checksum: 69d7142e823523d864edc041288b9b0c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-05T17:07:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GISLEÂNIA DOURADO LANDIM PARENTE - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2014..pdf: 1646252 bytes, checksum: 69d7142e823523d864edc041288b9b0c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-26 / A Paraíba é o maior produtor de abacaxi do Brasil, sendo esta uma das frutas tropicais mais apreciadas, devido seu sabor e aroma característico. As exigências estabelecidas pelo mercado in natura estão entre as causas do desperdício de frutas, descartando-se as que estão fora do perfil exigido pelo consumidor. Desta forma, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi utilizar o abacaxi como matéria-prima para elaboração de aguardente de fruta. A fermentação alcoólica foi conduzida, em sistema de batelada, e avaliou-se a concentração celular (X), concentração de sólidos solúveis (S) e concentração de etanol (P) durante a fermentação para o estudo cinético através dos experimentos dispostos no planejamento fatorial. Utilizando o planejamento fatorial 22 e análise de superfície de resposta avaliou-se a influência das concentrações de sólidos solúveis e de levedura no processo de fermentação alcoólica, sobre as respostas (% conversão, produtividade, YX/S e YP/S). O fermentado alcoólico foi destilado em alambique de cobre e armazenado em barril de freijó onde permaneceu por 90 dias, para descanso. Com base nos resultados, pode-se observar que a produção de etanol nas condições operacionais do ponto central da matriz de planejamento, foi a mais adequada, alcançando um teor alcoólico de 70,66g/L (8,98ºGL). Pela superfície de resposta e o diagrama de Pareto verificou-se uma influência significativa das duas variáveis de entrada sobre a produtividade, sendo que a concentração de levedura exerceu maior influência. Por fim, a aguardente de abacaxi apresentou características físico-químicas dentro dos parâmetros exigidos pela legislação vigente, com exceção do cobre. Portanto, foi possível comprovar a viabilidade técnica do uso de abacaxi como matéria-prima na elaboração de aguardente como uma excelente alternativa de aproveitamento dos excedentes de safra, contribuindo para o crescimento da agroindústria e colaborando para melhores condições de emprego e renda nas propriedades rurais, principalmente no Estado da Paraíba. / Paraíba is the largest producer of pineapple in Brazil , this being one of the most prized tropical fruits , due to its characteristic flavor and aroma. The requirements set by the market in nature are among the causes of wasted fruit , discarding those that are out of profile required by the consumer . Thus the objective of this research was to use the pineapple as a feedstock for production of spirits from fruit. The alcoholic fermentation was conducted in a batch system, and evaluated the cell concentration (X), soluble solids concentration (S) and ethanol concentration (P) during fermentation for the kinetic study through experiments in the factorial design. Using 22 factorial design and response surface analysis evaluated the influence of concentrations of soluble solids and yeast in the fermentation process, on the responses ( % conversion, productivity, Yx\s and Yx\p) . The alcoholic fermentation was distilled in copper stills and stored in barrel freijó where he remained for 90 days of rest . Based on the results , it can be seen that ethanol production in the operating conditions of the center point of the planning matrix , was optimal , achieving an alcohol content of 70.66 g / L ( 8.98 ° GL ) . The response surface and the Pareto diagram there was a significant influence of the two input variables on productivity, whereas the concentration of yeast had greater influence. Finally, brandy pineapple presented physicochemical characteristics within the parameters required by law, with the exception of copper. Therefore, it was possible to prove the technical feasibility of using pineapple as a feedstock in the production of spirits as an excellent alternative use of surplus crop, contributing to the growth of agribusiness and helping to better conditions of employment and income in rural properties, mainly in the state of Paraíba

Cinética de secagem de resíduos de abacaxi (ananas comosus l.) Enriquecidos com a levedura saccharomyces Cerevisiae.

ALEXANDRE, Hofsky Vieira. 02 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-10-02T18:21:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 HOFSKY VIEIRA ALEXANDRE - TESE (PPGRN) 2010.pdf: 1810958 bytes, checksum: 5d95f1b7e998d24184f2ebc2949754fb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-02T18:21:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HOFSKY VIEIRA ALEXANDRE - TESE (PPGRN) 2010.pdf: 1810958 bytes, checksum: 5d95f1b7e998d24184f2ebc2949754fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-30 / Capes / A crescente preocupação com o meio ambiente vem mobilizando vários segmentos do mercado. Inúmeros órgãos governamentais e indústrias estão se preparando para aplicar uma política ambiental que diminua os impactos negativos à natureza. Os resíduos industriais, depois de gerados, necessitam de destinos adequados, pois além de criar potenciais problemas ambientais, representam perdas de matérias-primas e energia. O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores de abacaxi do mundo e o maior da América do Sul. O fruto é a parte comercializável da planta, porém, esta porção representa somente 23% do total da planta, enquanto que o restante formado por caule, folha, casca, coroa e talos, é considerado resíduo agrícola e não tem sido devidamente aproveitado, resultando em perdas econômicas. Assim objetivou-se com este trabalho estudar a secagem dos resíduos de abacaxi enriquecidos (casca e coroa) utilizando a levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae em leito estático em camada fina. A caracterização dos resíduos in natura e enriquecidos consistiu na determinação de umidade, acidez total titulável, pH, cinzas e matéria orgânica, sólidos solúveis (°Brix), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), pectina, açúcares redutores totais (ART), matéria seca e proteína bruta. As isotermas de dessorção dos resíduos in natura e enriquecidos foram determinadas a fim de se conhecer os valores de umidade de equilíbrio, obtidas através do método gravimétrico estático, nas temperaturas de 25 a 40 °C. Os melhores ajustes aos dados das isotermas de dessorção de umidade dos resíduos in natura e enriquecidos foram obtidos utilizando-se o modelo de GAB. No estudo da cinética de secagem foi utilizada a metodologia de planejamento experimental fatorial 22, onde foram avaliadas as influências da temperatura e da velocidade do ar nas respostas: umidade nos tempos de 120 e 60 minutos para casca e coroa, espectivamente e proteína do resíduo seco. Os experimentos de secagem foram conduzidos com temperatura variando de 40 a 60 °C e velocidade do ar de 0,8 a 1,8 ms-1. De acordo com as análises dos dados, a cinética de secagem ocorreu no período de taxa decrescente. Os modelos Page, Henderson & Pabis e Lewis, ajustaram satisfatoriamente os dados experimentais. Foi verificado influência da variável temperatura apenas para variável resposta umidade, não sendo observada influência estatisticamente significativa da velocidade do ar de secagem. / Growing concerns with the environment have been mobilizing several segments of the market. Countless government offices and industries are preparing to employ an environmental politics that reduces negative impacts on nature. After they are generated, industrial residues need appropriate disposal for they create potential environmental problems and represent loss of raw materials and energy. Brazil is the largest producer of pineapple in South America and one of the largest in the world. The fruit is the marketable part of the plant; however, this portion represents only 23% of the plant total, while the remaining (formed by stem, leaves, peel, crowns and shafts) is considered agricultural residue and has not been properly used, thus, resulting in economic loss. The objective of this work was to study the drying of enriched pineapple residues (peel and crowns) by using Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast in static bed in fine layer. In natura and enriched residues characterization consisted of the determination of moisture content, total titratable acidity, pH, ashes and organic matter, soluble solids (oBrix), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), pectin, total reducer sugars (RS; TS), Dried matter and Rude protein. Desorption isotherms of in natura and enriched residues were determined in order to know the values of balance humidity, obtained through the gravimetric static method, at temperatures that ranged from 25 to 40 °C. The best fittings to data of desorption isotherms of humidity of in natura and enriched residues were obtained by using the GAB model. In the study of drying kinetics the methodology of factorial experimental planning 22 was used, which assessed temperature and air speed influences in the respouses: moisture content after 120 and 60 minutes for peel and crown, respectively, and protein of dried residue. Drying experiments were carried out with temperature varying from 40 to 60 °C and air speed from 0,8 to 1,8 m.s-1. According to data analyses, drying kinetics happened in the period of decreasing rate. The experimental data were adjusted to Page, Henderson & Pabis, and Lewis’ models, and the three represented experimental data satisfactorily. Influence of the variable temperature was verified only for the respouses variable humidity; no statistically significant influence of drying air speed was observed.

Maladie des taches noires de l'ananas : étude des relations hôte-pathogène et compréhension des mécanismes physiologiques de résistance / Pineapple fruitlet core rot disease : host-pathogen interactions and physiological mechanisms of resistance involved

Barral, Bastien 14 December 2017 (has links)
La maladie de la tache noire affecte les fruits d’ananas mature, les rendant impropre à la consommation. Actuellement, aucune méthode de contrôle n'est disponible pour cette maladie. Une meilleure connaissance du pathosystème est nécessaire pour trouver des moyens de lutte efficaces.Des entretiens et échantillonnages menés auprès de producteurs durant l’hiver austral révèlent une prévalence de la maladie de 74%. Les champignons pathogènes appartiennent à plusieurs espèces : Fusarium ananatum (72% des isolats), Talaromyces stollii (21%), F. oxysporum (6%) et F. proliferatum (1%). Leur potentiel toxinogène a été déterminer, Les champignons du genre Fusarium ont produit des mycotoxines identifiées comme les fumonisines FB1, FB2 et la beauvericine. Sur un milieu de culture ananas, une concentration en beauvericine de 34959 µg kg-1 a été mesurée pour l’espèce F. proliferatum.Une méthode d’inoculation de Fusarium ananatum directement dans le parenchyme a permis de décrire la réponse du biochimique du fruit. La voie des phénylpropanoïdes est sollicitée, particulièrement avec l’élicitation du caffeoylisocitrate et du coumaroylisocitrate dans la zone infectée. Une comparaison des profils métaboliques montre que la réponse du fruit à une inoculation est plus importante chez le cultivar résistant ‘MD-2’ que chez le cultivar sensible ‘Queen’. La majorité des métabolites élicités par l’attaque sont déjà présents dans les fruits sains mature de la variété résistante. Le potentiel antifongique des composés phénoliques à était évalué. Les acides coumarique, caféoylquinique et férulique inhibent la croissance du mycélium à des concentrations similaires à celle trouvées dans les fruits infectés.Une approche par imagerie a permis de décrire l’anatomie des fruits des deux cultivars et notamment la fusion imparfaite des sépales et bractée chez ‘Queen’. Les nectaires et les parois carpellaires jouent un rôle clef dans le processus d'infection et de colonisation de Fusarium ananatum. / Fruiltet core rot (FCR) disease affects the fruits of mature pineapples. Current disease controls are not available. A deeper knowledge of the pathosystem is needed to find an effective means of control FCR.A diagnostic survey conducted with producers during the southern winter revealed a prevalence of the disease of 74%. Pathogenic fungi belong to several species: Fusarium ananatum (72% isolates), Talaromyces stollii (21%), F. oxysporum (6%) and F. proliferatum (1%). Their toxinogenic potential was determined. Fusarium fungi produced mycotoxins identified as fumonisins FB1, FB2 and beauvericin. On a pineapple culture medium, a concentration of beauvericine of 34959 μg kg-1 was measured for the species F. proliferatum.A method of inoculating Fusarium ananatum directly into the parenchyma allowed to describe the biochemical response of the fruit. The phenylpropanoids pathway is involved, particularly with the elicitation of caffeoylisocitrate and coumaroylisocitrate in the infected zone. A comparison of the metabolic profiles shows that the response to inoculation of resistant cultivar 'MD-2' is higher than in the sensitive cultivar 'Queen'. Most of the metabolites elicited by the attack are already present in healthy mature fruits of the resistant variety. The antifungal potential of the phenolic compounds was evaluated. Coumaric, caffeoylquinic and ferulic acids inhibit mycelial growth at concentrations similar to those found in infected fruits.An imaging approach allowed to describe the anatomy of the fruits of the two cultivars, to identify the key roles played by nectaries and carpel margins in the infection and colonization process of Fusarium ananatum.

Les plantes de service : une alternative au travail du sol dans les systèmes de culture d’ananas / The service plants : alternative tillage in pineapple cultivation systems

Govindin, Jean-Claude 26 June 2014 (has links)
Pour beaucoup de cultures, un sol non travaillé est une alternative de plus en plus crédible au travail intensif du sol, en particulier pour des raisons environnementales. Mais l’ananas (ananas comosus) présente un enracinement fragile très sensible à la structure, ce qui motive souvent un travail important du sol avant plantation. L’alternative d’une plantation sans travail du sol ne va donc pas de soi. L’objet de cette thèse est de répondre à la question de la faisabilité d’une culture d’ananas sans travail du sol, en remplaçant ce dernier par une plante de service « décompactante » dont les traits racinaires seraient favorables à la (re)structuration d’un sol compact. Le travail de cette thèse a donc porté sur l’évaluation de plusieurs espèces candidates, puis sur l’étude, au champ, des effets sur le sol de la plus prometteuse (Stylosanthes guianensis ). Enfin, dans le cadre d’un essai au champ comparant un système de culture innovant ananas sans travail du sol, on a étudié l’effet de la plante de service sur le fonctionnement de la culture de l’ananas. Dans un premier essai, c’est le Stylosanthes guianensis qui, comparé à huit autres espèces (Arachis pintoï, Brachiaria decumbens, Cajanus cajan, Crotalaria juncea, Cynodon dactylon, Eleusine coracana, Pueraria phaseoloides, et le maïs), a montré les traits racinaires les plus favorables à la structuration d’un sol compact. Les valeurs supérieures du diamètre racinaire moyen et de la densité de longueur racinaire (DRL) caractérisent les principaux traits impliqués. Dans un deuxième essai, les mesures de conductivité hydraulique, d’indice des vides du sol et d’analyse d’images de blocs de sol imprégné sur la répartition surfacique des différents types de porosité ont montré que la culture du Stylosanthes guianensis avait augmenté l’indice des vides du sol et provoqué l’apparition d’une porosité fissurale de grande taille, contribuant ainsi à l’amélioration de la structure du sol. Enfin, un troisième essai mettant en comparaison (i) un système de culture innovant où la culture d’ananas est implantée sans travail du sol après une culture de S. guianensis restructurante et (ii) un système conventionnel comportant un travail profond du sol (et pas de plante de service) a montré que le rendement en fruit est similaire dans les deux systèmes. Cet essai a permis de vérifier que l’enracinement de l’ananas en condition de sol non travaillé bénéficiait du précédent S. guianensis. / For many crops, direct drilling is a well-tried alternative facing the damaging effects of intensive tillage, mainly for environmental causes. But, pineapple (ananas comosus), presents a fragile rooting system which is very sensitive to soil structure. This leads frequently to intensive soil tillage before planting. Direct drilling is not so evident. The aim of this thesis is to give an answer to the feasibility of a no till system for pineapple cultivation, by using a plant with favorable roots traits for compacted soil (re)structuration. This work consisted in evaluating several candidate species, followed by the study, on the field, of the effects the most promising on soil (Stylosanthes guianensis). Finally, through a field experiment, comparing an innovating no till pineapple cultivation system we studied the use effects of Stylosanthes guianensis on the pineapple crop functioning. In a first experiment, Stylosanthes guianensis compared with eight other species (Arachis pintoï, Brachiaria decumbens, Cajanus cajan, Crotalaria juncea, Cynodon dactylon, Eleusine coracana, Pueraria phaseoloides and corn) showed better roots traits for structuring a compacted soil. Measures of average root diameter and root length density are the main implicated roots traits. In a second experiment, the measures of hydraulic conductivity, of the soil void ratio and the analysis of blocks of resin-impregnated soil on the surface distribution of the different type of porosity, all of this showed that Stylosanthes guianensis had increased the soil void ratio and had caused the creation of large-sized cracked porosity, thus contributing to the improvement of the soil structure. Finally, a third experiment involving a comparison between (i) an innovating cultivation system where pineapple is growing in a no till soil after a structuring crop of S. guianensis and (ii) a conventional system with deep tillage (without structuring crop), showed similar fruit yield. This experiment showed evidence that the rooting of pineapple in no till soil benefited from the previous Stylosanthes.

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