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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sicilian amphorae (1st-6th centuries AD) : typology, production and trade

Franco, Carmela January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a comprehensive investigation of the transport containers produced in Roman Sicily over a chronological period composed of five phases: Early Roman period (30 BC–AD 100); Middle Roman period (AD 100–300); Late Roman period (AD 300–440); Vandal Perios (AD 440/535) and Early Byzantine period (AD 536/600). The research investigates the production and transportation of Sicilian foodstuffs (especially wine) from the major ports of the island to Mediterranean ports and northern Europe. The results demonstrate the wide distribution of Sicilian amphorae and their important role within the wider economy of the Roman Empire. The importance of this research lies in the fact that, despite the agricultural prosperity of Sicily in the Roman Period and its strategic topographical position, transport amphorae remain understudied especially in economic terms. In regards to typology, chronology and distribution, our current knowledge of regional containers has not reached a level comparable to that of amphorae manufactured in other territories. The key discussion focuses on the commercial dynamics of Roman Sicilian amphorae from local, regional and Mediterranean-wide perspectives. The research aims to outline the distribution trends of Sicilian amphorae, looking at the different relative quantities of each amphora type and consequently the extent to which they are present in regions inside and outside Sicily, while considering presences and absences within the more general and homogeneous context of the Mediterranean basin. The organisation of Sicilian amphora production is also tackled through the presentation of probable production sites and excavated kilns. Using these examples, the study investigates the management of production of these containers on the island. The initial data obtained by this research represents a first step in determining differences between Sicilian amphorae workshops producing amphorae — therefore trading wine — for Mediterranean export and manufacturing sites specializing in local/regional trade. Other key achievements include the creation of a new illustrated typology with profile drawings of all the amphora forms and a summary and catalogue of Sicilian amphorae fabrics. In the thesis, the results of archaeometric analysis (thin-sections) carried out on more than 120 Sicilian amphora samples, provided by numerous institutions in Sicily and abroad, are presented. These results add significantly to our knowledge of the fabric composition, manufacture technology, origin and consequently movement of these amphorae around the Mediterranean over six centuries. More generally the research shows that the study of Sicilian material culture along with archaeological evidence is essential for recording the economic dynamics of Sicily, with the intent of dispelling the stereotype that Sicily's primary role was as a grain supplier to Rome. Besides grain — widely produced and exported throughout the imperial period, as attested by ancient sources and inscriptions — the archaeological evidence clearly indicates the export of foodstuffs, especially wine, at an inter-provincial level from the 1<sup>st</sup> until the second half of the 6<sup>th</sup> century AD.

Vikten av våra älskade husdjur : En studie i produktionen och konsumtionen av animalprodukter i Västergarn på Gotland under sen vikingatid och tidig medeltid / The importance of our beloved pets : A study of the production and consumption of animal products in Västergarn on Gotland during the late Viking Age and early Middle Ages

Renmarker, Emmi January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar att utröna om indikationer på produktion av animalprodukter kan observeras i det osteologiska materialet från fastigheten Snauvalds 1:2, Västergarn, Gotland. Dessa produktioner kan vara kött-, mejeri- eller ullproduktion. Undersökningen ämnar även ge en inblick i den dåtida ekonomin genom handeln med animalprodukter. I den osteologiska analysen används ålders- och könsbedömningar samt artidentifiering för att skapa en bild av fördelningen i materialet. Resultaten från analysen har sedan tolkats ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv för att dra slutsatser kring handeln med och betydelsen av animalprodukter. Resultaten visade att nötkreaturen sannolikt har använts för både mejeri- och köttproduktion. Fåren har troligtvis främst använts för produktion av ull, men även kött. Svinen har enbart fötts upp för sitt kött. Utöver detta dras slutsatsen att varupengar sannolikt varit en viktig del av ekonomin på platsen. Slutligen konstateras det att denna typ av undersökningar ger en unik inblick i det dåtida vardagslivet genom kosthållning och sysselsättning. / This thesis aims to deduce whether indications of the production of animal products can be observed in the osteological material from the property Snauvalds 1:2, Västergarn, Gotland. These productions can consist of meat-, dairy- or wool production. It also aims to provide an insight into ancient economy through the trade in animal products. In the osteological analysis age and sex assessment as well as species identification are used to establish a pattern of distribution. The results from the analysis have then been interpreted from an economic perspective to draw conclusions about the trade in and importance of animal products. The results showed that the cattle have likely been used for both dairy and meat production. The sheep were probably mainly used to produce wool, but also meat. The pigs were raised solely for their meat. In addition to this, it’s concluded that commodity money likely was an important part of the economy at the site. Lastly, it’s stated that this type of research provides a unique insight into everyday life through dietary choices and occupation.

Bír Šawíš, Malá Oáza: Ostraka a další nápisový materiál / Bír Šawíš, Malá Oáza: Ostraka a další nápisový materiál

Dospěl, Marek January 2015 (has links)
MAREK DOSPĚL Bīr Shawīsh, Small Oasis: Ostraka and Other Inscribed Material ABSTRACT The present dissertation is primarily a publication of a group of primary sources. These sources come from the recent archaeological exploration by Charles University in Prague of the site of Bīr Shawīsh in the Baḥrīya Oasis ("Small Oasis" in Classical Antiquity) in Egypt's Western Desert and consist of inscribed material written in Hellenistic Greek or koinē. Their majority belongs in the family of documentary texts, while a smaller group consists of informal inscriptions. Both texts and inscriptions are written or incised on fired potter's clay supports and can be dated to around 400 CE. The core of this dissertation consists of an annotated edition of these texts and inscriptions (Chapter 3), immediately followed by a synthetic and interpretative Chapter 4 in which the cardinal issues inherent to the published material are treated in detail. An important part of the edition are the analytical indices and appendices. Chapter 1 serves as a general introduction to the work; Chapter 2 presents the historical and archaeological context of the edited inscribed material. The dissertation ends with Reference Bibliography and Plates of individual text-bearing artifacts. This work is the first comprehensive treatment of a group of...

Eksegeties-metodologiese vooronderstellings van die ondersoek na die ekonomie in die leefwêreld van Matteus: toegepas op land, grondbesit en die jubilee (Afrikaans)

Volschenk, G.J. (Gert Jacobus) 05 October 2001 (has links)
In Chapter 1 different phases of the application of exegetical methods with regard to texts in the New Testament were identified. Each phase provided a different perspective in response to questions about the contextuality of the New Testament. From the overview it became clear that the investigation of the historical background had received some attention, but it had not been as effectively utilized in the hermeneutical process as it could be, and had not been taken seriously enough. In Chapter 2, the place and function of the historical context or background of the New Testament in historical criticism, literary criticism and social scientific methods of exegesis were evaluated. Historical criticism often focuses on the different parts (forms) of the text, but does not consider the text as a whole to the degree required. Literary criticism focuses on the text as a whole. The Gospels are regarded as narrative texts. Narratology foregrounds the spatial aspects or topology of the Gospels. Socio-historical research on the world of the text, contributes to the study of the background of the New Testament. To enhance the progress already made, historical criticism and literary criticism can be supplemented by applying selected social scientific models. The use of such models makes it possible for socio-historical data to be systematized in a holistic interpretive framework. The use of social scientific models can bridge the historical distance between the text and its readers to avoid fallacies based on anachronism and ethnocentrism. A social scientific approach provides a holistic frame of reference for the interpretation of Biblical texts. However the approach may not pay enough attention to the topological or spacial aspects of the Gospel of Matthew. The model of advanced agrarian society and the pre-industrial city have not yet been applied effectively to the Gospel of Matthew. The current study fills this gap. In the study the model in terms of which an advanced agrarian society can be descibed, is used as a broad frame of reference within which the place and function of the Biblical jubilee can be studied. This diachronic overview of the research on the Biblical jubilee (Chapter 3) shows that no such study has as yet been undertaken with regard to the Biblical jubilee. Ancient economy developed from a simplistic agrarian society to an advanced agrarian society. The Roman Empire was the result of a long evolutionary process. Land was the primary economic resource in a self-sufficient society. The aim of the current research was to show that the socio-economic background of the first century forms the context within which the land and jubilee can be understood. The socio-economic background can be interpreted within a holistic perspective of first-century Mediterranean society. The social scientific model of advanced agrarian society includes four factors (family institutions, pre-industrial city, land tenancy and social stratification) that all influenced the land and economy of the first-century Mediterranean world. In Chapter 6, homomorphic models were used to simplify important and representative aspects of complex social structures, behaviour and relations. These models were used for the study of the political, economic and social systems of an empire or government. The current study used the social scientific model of advanced agrarian society as frame of reference for the interpretation of the place and function of the Biblical jubilee in the Gospel of Matthew. / Dissertation (DD(New Testament Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2001. / New Testament Studies / unrestricted

La Brittle Ware en Syrie: étude d'une production, de l'époque romaine à l'époque omeyyade

Vokaer, Agnès 25 February 2005 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat constitue une première étude de synthèse de la céramique de cuisine (Brittle Ware), de l’époque romaine à l’époque omeyyade en Syrie. Cette recherche repose sur une approche méthodologique combinant un classement typologique des formes et un classement par groupes de pâtes. Le corpus étudié provient de plusieurs sites archéologiques de Syrie du nord, dont la céramique de cuisine est encore inédite et pour laquelle on ignore les centres de production (Apamée, Andarin, Alep et Dibsi Faraj). Ce travail a entrepris d’identifier le nombre d’ateliers et leur localisation, leur profil de production et leur aire de diffusion. Les objectifs sont de caractériser la production de Brittle Ware depuis la manufacture jusqu’aux contextes de consommation, <p>L’étude chrono-typologique a permis de définir le répertoire de la Brittle Ware et de situer sa production entre l’époque hellénistique (3e av. J.-C.) et l’époque mamelouke (13e s. apr. J.-C.). Aux époques romaine, byzantine et omeyyade, un même assemblage formel, constituant un service de cuisine se diffuse dans toute la province antique de Syrie. Ce service de cuisine est constitué d’un pot à cuire haut et fermé qui devait servir aux liquides et aux bouillies, d’une casserole ouverte pour les plats mijotés et d’une cruche. <p>L’analyse minéralogique et chimique des pâtes a identifié cinq groupes de pâte, correspondant à cinq zones de production. L’origine des matières premières exploitées a pu être localisée dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie, à proximité de l’Euphrate et dans le sud-ouest de la Syrie. L’étude des pâtes et des formes de Brittle Ware dans leur contexte géographique et chronologique a de surcroît montré que ces cinq sources d’argile correspondent à cinq centres de production. Les profils de ces centres de production ont pu être définis :leur durée d’activité et l’aire géographique de leur diffusion varie pour chacun d’entre eux. Quatre sont des ateliers syriens alors que le dernier semble être localisé plus au sud. Deux centres de production ont une diffusion supra-régionale (couvrant plusieurs zones géographiques). L’un diffuse ses produits de Syrie occidentale jusqu’à l’Euphrate et l’autre, moins attesté à l’est, constitue l’unique fournisseur de la ville d’Apamée. Les trois autres centres ont une distribution régionale. La plupart de ces ateliers partagent le même service de cuisine, témoignant de la transmission d’un savoir-faire technique et formel sur plusieurs générations.<p>Alors qu’à l’époque hellénistique, on note sur quelques sites la présence d’une vaisselle culinaire différente, qui s’apparente aux traditions de l’Âge du Fer et de l’Âge du Bronze syrien, l’étude de la distribution de la Brittle Ware en Syrie révèle que celle-ci représente l’unique céramique de cuisine utilisée aux époques romaines et byzantines. En outre, les formes typiques de la Brittle Ware ne sont pas attestées en dehors des limites de la province antique de Syrie :en Cilicie, en Palestine ou à Chypre. Les céramiques culinaires des régions limitrophes de la Syrie constituent d’autres faciès régionaux qui partagent néanmoins des traditions formelles et techniques avec les productions de Brittle Ware. Ces autres faciès sont caractérisés par leurs répertoires typologiques spécifiques, par ailleurs inconnus en Syrie.<p>Les cartes de distribution de la Brittle Ware et la comparaison avec les productions des régions limitrophes montrent par conséquent que la production de Brittle Ware représente un commerce à échelle supra-régionale, tourné essentiellement vers l’intérieur de la Syrie. Le fait que ce commerce ne dépasse pas les limites de la province, loin d’être un facteur négatif, indique que la production de Brittle Ware est suffisamment prospère pour défier la concurrence. <p>L’étude des contextes de production de la Brittle Ware montre que cette catégorie de vaisselle, bien qu’utilitaire était l’objet d’une production de masse, diffusée à l’échelle d’une province et provenant sans doute de grands centres de production spécialisés. Cette recherche couvrant trois périodes historiques contribue à notre connaissance de l’économie syrienne, car elle illustre la pérennité des centres de production et de certains réseaux d’échange, depuis l’époque romaine jusqu’à la fin de l’époque omeyyade.<p> / Doctorat en philosophie et lettres, Orientation histoire de l'art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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