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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ABCD of Employee Motivation in Large Organizations in Northern Sweden

Syed, Khurram, Khuluzauri, Ketevan January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

ABCD of Employee Motivation in Large Organizations in Northern Sweden

Syed, Khurram, Khuluzauri, Ketevan January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The Impact Of Perceptions Of Ethical Work Climates And Organizational Justice On Workplace Deviance

Yuksel, Suna 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The current study analyzes the impact of ethical work climates (caring, law and code, rules, instrumental and independence climates) and perceptions of organizational justice (distributive, procedural and interactional justice) on workplace deviance (organizational and interpersonal deviance) which is associated with huge financial, social and psychological costs for the organizations and organizational members. The findings of the research are based on a quantitative survey conducted among 219 employees in a public organization. The results obtained after controlling the significant effect of demographic variables revealed that it was only the perceptions of procedural justice that had a significant negative impact on organizational deviance. Distributive and interactional justice predicted neither interpersonal nor organizational deviance. Among the ethical work climates, caring climate was found to be the only ethical climate type that predicted organizational deviance. The remaining types of ethical work climates had significant relationships with neither one of the interpersonal or organizational deviance. Results also showed that ethical work climate was a better predictor of organizational deviance than interpersonal deviance.

Study of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Justice, Job Insecurity, Turnover Tendency, Organizational Commitment, and Self-Efficacy: Taking C Bank as An Example

Chen, Ching-chung 10 September 2007 (has links)
Abstract Title: Study of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Justice, Job Insecurity, Turnover Tendency, Organizational Commitment, and Self-Efficacy: Taking C Bank as An Example University: National Sun Yat-sen University, Institute of Human Resource Management Date: 2nd Semester of Year 2006 Graduate student: Ching-Chung Chen Advisors: Drs. Liang-Chih Huang & Cheng-Chen Lin In Year 2000 and 2001, the respective passage of the Financial Institutions Merger Act and Financial Holding Company Act encouraged the merger of financial institutions to reach the effect of scale economy with a view to developing capital efficiency, cost saving, and cross selling, the 0so-called 3C. Along with the rapid change of the external environment, the privatization of state-owned banks is both a trend and the way to increase competition. When the environmental changes, the organizations will be merged or have to transform if the service provided are not competitive anymore or substituted by other service. In order to increase the competition of banking industry, the purpose of the study is to explore the relationships among transformational leadership, organizational justice, job insecurity, turnover tendency, affective commitment, and self-efficacy in the banking industry. Accordingly the subjects of this study were the current employees of C bank in Kaohsiung city, Kaohsiung county, Pingtung area, and Taitung area. Data was collected through the survey with a 447 valid questionnaires. Through the statistical analysis including t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression, the findings were as follows. 1. Job insecurity which employees felt significantly differed from their ages, working years for current company, working years for banking and years of colleague with director. However, it showed that demographic statistics variables didn¡¦t make any difference for transformational leadership and organizational justice. 2. With diverse ages, working years for current company, working years for banking and years of colleague with director, employees would show great difference in turnover tendency and affective commitment. 3. Transformational leadership and organizational justice had no significant effect on job insecurity, but there were strong negative correlation with turnover tendency and significant positive correlation with affective commitment. 4. Self-efficacy did not have a significantly moderating effect on referring transformational leadership and organizational justice to job insecurity, turnover tendency, and affective commitment. Key Words: transformational leadership, organizational justice, job insecurity, turnover tendency, ffective commitment, self-efficacy

Why and when workplace interactions can go wrong: Multilevel mediation and moderation of workplace social stressor-strain relations

Derayeh, Mehrdad 31 October 2007 (has links)
Negative interpersonal workplace behaviours are an important but relatively infrequently studied occupational-stressor. The present research investigated the connection between these behaviours and employee well-being. This work had two main goals. The first goal was to provide greater insight into when and why social interactions at work can be harmful to employee well-being. Consistent with this goal, theory and research were reviewed, and results from two field studies were presented suggesting that (1) disrespect is an important characteristic of interpersonal workplace events that can explain detriments to employee well-being, and (2) both individual and contextual moderators are relevant in this process. In a first study, disrespectful leader behaviours were shown to negatively relate to employee well-being independent of demanding, production-focused leader behaviours. In a second study, perceived disrespectfulness mediated the relationship between exposure to negative interpersonal behaviour and well-being; workplace norms, social support, control-related self-beliefs, and negative affectivity moderated associations within the mediation sequence. Given the importance placed on objective measurement methods in the occupational stress literature, the inherent difficulties in measuring social stressors objectively, and the widespread use of self-report instruments in the literature, the second main goal of this work was to approach greater objectivity in the measurements of self-reported negative interpersonal workplace interactions. A number of approaches were used toward this end, including the development of a more objective self-report measure of interpersonal workplace behaviours, as well as the use of aggregate variables and the investigation of moderated relations within multilevel frameworks. Implications of this work and directions for further research are discussed.

Why and when workplace interactions can go wrong: Multilevel mediation and moderation of workplace social stressor-strain relations

Derayeh, Mehrdad 31 October 2007 (has links)
Negative interpersonal workplace behaviours are an important but relatively infrequently studied occupational-stressor. The present research investigated the connection between these behaviours and employee well-being. This work had two main goals. The first goal was to provide greater insight into when and why social interactions at work can be harmful to employee well-being. Consistent with this goal, theory and research were reviewed, and results from two field studies were presented suggesting that (1) disrespect is an important characteristic of interpersonal workplace events that can explain detriments to employee well-being, and (2) both individual and contextual moderators are relevant in this process. In a first study, disrespectful leader behaviours were shown to negatively relate to employee well-being independent of demanding, production-focused leader behaviours. In a second study, perceived disrespectfulness mediated the relationship between exposure to negative interpersonal behaviour and well-being; workplace norms, social support, control-related self-beliefs, and negative affectivity moderated associations within the mediation sequence. Given the importance placed on objective measurement methods in the occupational stress literature, the inherent difficulties in measuring social stressors objectively, and the widespread use of self-report instruments in the literature, the second main goal of this work was to approach greater objectivity in the measurements of self-reported negative interpersonal workplace interactions. A number of approaches were used toward this end, including the development of a more objective self-report measure of interpersonal workplace behaviours, as well as the use of aggregate variables and the investigation of moderated relations within multilevel frameworks. Implications of this work and directions for further research are discussed.

The Research of Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Contracted Employees and Formal Employees in the Legislative Yuan¡ÐThe Moderating Effect of Organizational Justice

Huang, Shu-fen 30 August 2006 (has links)
The Research of Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Contracted Employees and Formal Employees in the Legislative Yuan¡ÐThe Moderating Effect of Organizational Justice Abstract The organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is altruistic behavior beyond formal norms performed by members of an organization. Empirically, it has been established that OCB serves to lubricate within-organizational interactions, enhance organizational performance, improve service quality as well as customer satisfaction, and helps to prevent members from leaving the organization. Given these facts, OCB is especially important to the service-oriented public sector. Up to this stage, however, we have seen relatively few local discussions on how OCB can be affected by employment status, and even less on the moderating variables that influence the relationship between OCB and employment status. The purpose of this research is to study differences in organizational citizenship behavior between contracted and formal employees in the Legislative Yuan. Furhtermore, the study tries to explore how organizational justice moderates the impact employment status has on organizational citizenship behavior. The major findings of this study are as following: (1) Relative to formal employees, contracted employees are less conscientious,but not significantly different in the ¡§en-teamed¡¨, ¡§loyalty¡¨ and ¡§enthusiasm¡¨ variables. (2) The moderating effect of organizational justice is obvious. There are significant differences between contracted and formal employees in their ¡§en-team¡¨, ¡§conscientiousness¡¨, ¡§loyalty¡¨ and ¡§enthusiasm¡¨. Contracted employees scored lower than formal employees in these variables. Key words : Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Employment Status, Organizational Justice, Distributive justice, Formal procedural justice, Interactional justice

Workplace Bullying: Its Reflection Upon Organizational Justice And Organizational Citizenship Behavior Perceptions Among Public Sector Employees

Ozturk, Deniz 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The present study intends to examine the influence of workplace bullying incidents on the organizational justice perceptions of targets and by-standers with respect to organizational procedures, supervisory treatment and distribution of pay/reward schemes together with the performance of organizational citizenship behavior. For this purpose, six different public institutions in Ankara and Izmir are selected. A total of 288 white-collar public employees filled out the questionnaire where one third of the participants label themselves as being exposed to workplace bullying behavior in the last six months. As hypothesized, findings support the view that workplace bullying experience plays a significant negative role in organizational justice and citizenship behavior perceptions after controlling the significant effect of demographic variables. Besides, within this context, the ultimate effect of bullying on employees is bifurcated in terms of whether an individual has either target or bystander status.

The Effects Of Organizational Justice On Work Satisfaction¡XWith Person-Environment Fit As A Moderator

Lin, Min-ping 10 August 2008 (has links)

Darbuotojų sociodemografinių veiksnių, suvokiamo organizacinio teisingumo, pasitenkinimo darbu ir organizacinio pilietiškumo sąsajos / Links among employee’s sociodemographic characteristics, perceived organizational justice, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior

Gradickienė, Aušra 03 June 2013 (has links)
Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo įvertinti darbuotojų suvokiamą organizacinį teisingumą, pasitenkinimą darbu ir organizacinį pilietiškumą atsižvelgiant į sociodemografines charakteristikas ir nustatyti darbuotojų suvokiamo organizacinio teisingumo, pasitenkinimo darbu ir organizacinio pilietiškumo ryšį. Tyrime dalyvavo 195 Lietuvoje dirbantys darbuotojai. 64,1% tiriamųjų - moterys, 35,9% tiriamųjų – vyrai. Darbuotojų amžius pasiskirstęs nuo 17 m. iki 63 m. Amžiaus vidurkis – 37 metai. 152 tiriamieji dirba nevadovaujančio pobūdžio darbą, o 45 - vadovaujančio pobūdžio darbą. Daugiau nei pusės tiriamųjų išsilavinimas – aukštasis (61 %). Suvokiamam organizaciniam teisingumui matuoti naudota Niehoff ir Moorman (1993) teisingumo skalė (Justice scale). Pasitenkinimas darbu matuotas Minesotos pasitenkinimo darbu klausimyno sutrumpinta versija (Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, short-form; Weiss, Davis, England, Lofquist, 1967). Organizacinis pilietiškumas matuotas Podsakoff ir MacKenzie (1989) organizacinio pilietiškumo elgesio skale (Organizational citizenship behavior scale). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad organizacinio teisingumo, pasitenkinimo darbu ir organizacinio pilietiškumo rodikliai skiriasi sociodemografinių kintamųjų grupėse. Moterų didesnis pasitenkinimas darbu ir organizacinis pilietiškumas. Įgijusių aukštąjį išsilavinimą darbuotojų organizacinis teisingumas, pasitenkinimas darbu ir organizacinis pilietiškumas didesni nei įgijusių kitokį nei aukštasis išsilavinimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this study was to assess perceived organizational justice of employees, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior considering sociodemographic characterizations and determine links among them. 195 employees participated in the study. 64,1 percent of them were women, 35,9 percent were men. Age of employees varied between 17 and 63 (mean age was 37 years). 152 respondents held a supervisor position. More than a half of respondents have high education (61%). Justice scale by Niehoff and Moorman (1993) was used to measure perceived organizational justice. Job satisfaction was measured using a short form of Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (Weiss, Davis, England, Lofquist, 1967). Organizational citizenship behavior was measured using Podsakoff and MacKenzie (1989) Organizational citizenship behavior scale. The results of the study showed, that scores of organizational justice, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior differs in various sociodemographic groups. Women's job satisfaction scores and organizational citizenship scores are higher than men’s. Employee’s with higher education perceived organizational justice, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship scores are higher. Respondents with supervisor position show higher organizational justice, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship scores. It was determined that increased job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior were related to increase of... [to full text]

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