Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda traceability."" "subject:"ando traceability.""
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Traceability and model management with executable and dynamic hierarchical megamodelsSeibel, Andreas January 2012 (has links)
Nowadays, model-driven engineering (MDE) promises to ease software development by decreasing the inherent complexity of classical software development. In order to deliver on this promise, MDE increases the level of abstraction and automation, through a consideration of domain-specific models (DSMs) and model operations (e.g. model transformations or code generations). DSMs conform to domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs), which increase the level of abstraction, and model operations are first-class entities of software development because they increase the level of automation. Nevertheless, MDE has to deal with at least two new dimensions of complexity, which are basically caused by the increased linguistic and technological heterogeneity. The first dimension of complexity is setting up an MDE environment, an activity comprised of the implementation or selection of DSMLs and model operations. Setting up an MDE environment is both time-consuming and error-prone because of the implementation or adaptation of model operations. The second dimension of complexity is concerned with applying MDE for actual software development. Applying MDE is challenging because a collection of DSMs, which conform to potentially heterogeneous DSMLs, are required to completely specify a complex software system. A single DSML can only be used to describe a specific aspect of a software system at a certain level of abstraction and from a certain perspective. Additionally, DSMs are usually not independent but instead have inherent interdependencies, reflecting (partial) similar aspects of a software system at different levels of abstraction or from different perspectives. A subset of these dependencies are applications of various model operations, which are necessary to keep the degree of automation high. This becomes even worse when addressing the first dimension of complexity. Due to continuous changes, all kinds of dependencies, including the applications of model operations, must also be managed continuously. This comprises maintaining the existence of these dependencies and the appropriate (re-)application of model operations. The contribution of this thesis is an approach that combines traceability and model management to address the aforementioned challenges of configuring and applying MDE for software development. The approach is considered as a traceability approach because it supports capturing and automatically maintaining dependencies between DSMs. The approach is considered as a model management approach because it supports managing the automated (re-)application of heterogeneous model operations. In addition, the approach is considered as a comprehensive model management. Since the decomposition of model operations is encouraged to alleviate the first dimension of complexity, the subsequent composition of model operations is required to counteract their fragmentation. A significant portion of this thesis concerns itself with providing a method for the specification of decoupled yet still highly cohesive complex compositions of heterogeneous model operations. The approach supports two different kinds of compositions - data-flow compositions and context compositions. Data-flow composition is used to define a network of heterogeneous model operations coupled by sharing input and output DSMs alone. Context composition is related to a concept used in declarative model transformation approaches to compose individual model transformation rules (units) at any level of detail. In this thesis, context composition provides the ability to use a collection of dependencies as context for the composition of other dependencies, including model operations. In addition, the actual implementation of model operations, which are going to be composed, do not need to implement any composition concerns. The approach is realized by means of a formalism called an executable and dynamic hierarchical megamodel, based on the original idea of megamodels. This formalism supports specifying compositions of dependencies (traceability and model operations). On top of this formalism, traceability is realized by means of a localization concept, and model management by means of an execution concept. / Die modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung (MDE) verspricht heutzutage, durch das Verringern der inhärenten Komplexität der klassischen Softwareentwicklung, das Entwickeln von Software zu vereinfachen. Um dies zu erreichen, erhöht MDE das Abstraktions- und Automationsniveau durch die Einbindung domänenspezifischer Modelle (DSMs) und Modelloperationen (z.B. Modelltransformationen oder Codegenerierungen). DSMs sind konform zu domänenspezifischen Modellierungssprachen (DSMLs), die dazu dienen das Abstraktionsniveau der Softwareentwicklung zu erhöhen. Modelloperationen sind essentiell für die Softwareentwicklung da diese den Grad der Automatisierung erhöhen. Dennoch muss MDE mit Komplexitätsdimensionen umgehen die sich grundsätzlich aus der erhöhten sprachlichen und technologischen Heterogenität ergeben. Die erste Komplexitätsdimension ist das Konfigurieren einer Umgebung für MDE. Diese Aktivität setzt sich aus der Implementierung und Selektion von DSMLs sowie Modelloperationen zusammen. Eine solche Aktivität ist gerade durch die Implementierung und Anpassung von Modelloperationen zeitintensiv sowie fehleranfällig. Die zweite Komplexitätsdimension hängt mit der Anwendung von MDE für die eigentliche Softwareentwicklung zusammen. Das Anwenden von MDE ist eine Herausforderung weil eine Menge von heterogenen DSMs, die unterschiedlichen DSMLs unterliegen, erforderlich sind um ein komplexes Softwaresystem zu spezifizieren. Individuelle DSMLs werden verwendet um spezifische Aspekte eines Softwaresystems auf bestimmten Abstraktionsniveaus und aus bestimmten Perspektiven zu beschreiben. Hinzu kommt, dass DSMs sowie DSMLs grundsätzlich nicht unabhängig sind, sondern inhärente Abhängigkeiten besitzen. Diese Abhängigkeiten reflektieren äquivalente Aspekte eines Softwaresystems. Eine Teilmenge dieser Abhängigkeiten reflektieren Anwendungen diverser Modelloperationen, die notwendig sind um den Grad der Automatisierung hoch zu halten. Dies wird erschwert wenn man die erste Komplexitätsdimension hinzuzieht. Aufgrund kontinuierlicher Änderungen der DSMs, müssen alle Arten von Abhängigkeiten, inklusive die Anwendung von Modelloperationen, kontinuierlich verwaltet werden. Dies beinhaltet die Wartung dieser Abhängigkeiten und das sachgerechte (wiederholte) Anwenden von Modelloperationen. Der Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist ein Ansatz, der die Bereiche Traceability und Model Management vereint. Das Erfassen und die automatische Verwaltung von Abhängigkeiten zwischen DSMs unterstützt Traceability, während das (automatische) wiederholte Anwenden von heterogenen Modelloperationen Model Management ermöglicht. Dadurch werden die zuvor erwähnten Herausforderungen der Konfiguration und Anwendung von MDE überwunden. Die negativen Auswirkungen der ersten Komplexitätsdimension können gelindert werden indem Modelloperationen in atomare Einheiten zerlegt werden. Um der implizierten Fragmentierung entgegenzuwirken, erfordert dies allerdings eine nachfolgende Komposition der Modelloperationen. Der Ansatz wird als erweitertes Model Management betrachtet, da ein signifikanter Anteil dieser Arbeit die Kompositionen von heterogenen Modelloperationen behandelt. Unterstützt werden zwei unterschiedliche Arten von Kompositionen. Datenfluss-Kompositionen werden verwendet, um Netzwerke von heterogenen Modelloperationen zu beschreiben, die nur durch das Teilen von Ein- und Ausgabe DSMs komponiert werden. Kontext-Kompositionen bedienen sich eines Konzepts, das von deklarativen Modelltransformationen bekannt ist. Dies ermöglicht die Komposition von unabhängigen Transformationsregeln auf unterschiedlichsten Detailebenen. Die in dieser Arbeit eingeführten Kontext-Kompositionen bieten die Möglichkeit eine Menge von unterschiedlichsten Abhängigkeiten als Kontext für eine Komposition zu verwenden -- unabhängig davon ob diese Abhängigkeit eine Modelloperation repräsentiert. Zusätzlich müssen die Modelloperationen, die komponiert werden, selber keine Kompositionsaspekte implementieren, was deren Wiederverwendbarkeit erhöht. Realisiert wird dieser Ansatz durch einen Formalismus der Executable and Dynamic Hierarchical Megamodel genannt wird und auf der originalen Idee der Megamodelle basiert. Auf Basis dieses Formalismus' sind die Konzepte Traceability (hier Localization) und Model Management (hier Execution) umgesetzt.
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Nachverfolgbarkeit zwischen Anforderungen und CodeKrause, Julia 11 June 2020 (has links)
Today, Software is becoming increasingly important. Systems are growing and will continue to increase in complexity in the future. This makes maintenance complicated and expensive. Therefore traceability between requirements and source code by trace-links is becoming more important. But many software systems either have no or few trace-links. In some cases, it is urgent to recover these links, for example, to find out the status of a project. This recovery is made more difficult by distributed or incomplete requirements documents. Experts and strong tools are necessary. These theses visualize and analyze the items and their dependencies within the requirements document and the source code based on the results of an expert tool. We found six attributes that support the recovery of trace-links between these items of the requirements document and source code.:1 Einleitung
1.1 Motivation - Warum Traceability?
1.2 Aufgabenstellung
1.3 Aufbau der Arbeit
2 Grundlagen & Begriffsklärungen
2.1 Softwareartefakt
2.2 Softwareprojekt
2.3 Vollständigkeit eines Softwareprojektes
3 Traceability
3.1 Bedeutung von Traceability
3.1.1 Traceability Ziele
3.1.2 Traceability in der Realität
3.2 Herausforderungen von Traceability
3.2.1 Vorbereitung und Planung
3.2.2 Erstellung und Pflege von Links
3.2.3 Ergebnis und Auswertung
3.2.4 Austausch
3.3 Vorhandene Methoden zum Traceability Recovering
3.3.1 Basierend auf Feature Analysis
3.3.2 Basierend auf Information Retrieval
3.3.3 Basierend auf dem Verhalten der Programmierer
3.3.4 Basierend auf Versionsverwaltung
3.4 Vergleich der Methoden
4 Traceability Werkzeuge
4.1 Erwartungen
4.2 SoftRepo
4.3 Eclipse Capra
4.4 YAKINDU Traceability
4.6 Vergleich der Anwendungen
5 Trace-Link Visualisierung
5.1 Vorhandene Arbeiten zur Trace-Link Visualisierung
5.2 Anforderungen
5.2.1 Anforderungen an Trace-Link Informationen
5.2.2 Anforderungen an die Visualisierungsanwendung
5.3 Visualisierungsformen
6 Entwurf und Implementierung
6.1 Verwendete Technologien
6.1.1 Prototyp
6.1.2 Resultierende Anwendung
6.2 Architektur
6.3 Datengrundlage
6.3.1 Entitäts Daten
6.3.2 Relation
6.4 Datenverarbeitung
6.4.1 Erstmalige Datenaufbereitung (von Schritt 3)
6.4.2 Berechnung der Koordinaten (von Schritt 6)
6.5 Benutzeroberfläche
6.5.1 Menüs
6.5.2 Dashboard
6.5.3 Exportfunktionen
6.6 Visualisierungen
6.6.1 Netzwerkgraph
6.6.2 Segeldiagramm
6.6.3 Sankey Diagramm
7 Evaluation
7.1 Testdaten
7.2 Resultate der Visualisierungen
7.2.1 Networkgraph
7.2.2 Segeldiagramm
7.2.3 Sankey Diagramm
7.3 Zusammenfassung
8 Zusammenfassung & Aussicht
8.1 Zusammenfassung
8.2 Bewertung der erstellten LinkViz Anwendung
8.3 Rückblick auf Forschungsfragen
8.4 Ausblick
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Automatic Generation of Trace Links in Model-driven Software DevelopmentGrammel, Birgit 17 February 2014 (has links)
Traceability data provides the knowledge on dependencies and logical relations existing amongst artefacts that are created during software development. In reasoning over traceability data, conclusions can be drawn to increase the quality of software.
The paradigm of Model-driven Software Engineering (MDSD) promotes the generation of software out of models. The latter are specified through different modelling languages. In subsequent model transformations, these models are used to generate programming code automatically. Traceability data of the involved artefacts in a MDSD process can be used to increase the software quality in providing the necessary knowledge as described above.
Existing traceability solutions in MDSD are based on the integral model mapping of transformation execution to generate traceability data. Yet, these solutions still entail a wide range of open challenges. One challenge is that the collected traceability data does not adhere to a unified formal definition, which leads to poorly integrated traceability data. This aggravates the reasoning over traceability data. Furthermore, these traceability solutions all depend on the existence of a transformation engine.
However, not in all cases pertaining to MDSD can a transformation engine be accessed, while taking into account proprietary transformation engines, or manually implemented transformations. In these cases it is not possible to instrument the transformation engine for the sake of generating traceability data, resulting in a lack of traceability data.
In this work, we address these shortcomings. In doing so, we propose a generic traceability framework for augmenting arbitrary transformation approaches with a traceability mechanism. To integrate traceability data from different transformation approaches, our approach features a methodology for augmentation possibilities based on a design pattern. The design pattern supplies the engineer with recommendations for designing the traceability mechanism and for modelling traceability data.
Additionally, to provide a traceability mechanism for inaccessible transformation engines, we leverage parallel model matching to generate traceability data for arbitrary source and target models. This approach is based on a language-agnostic concept of three similarity measures for matching. To realise the similarity measures, we exploit metamodel matching techniques for graph-based model matching. Finally, we evaluate our approach according to a set of transformations from an SAP business application and the domain of MDSD.
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Uma técnica baseada em eventos para rastreabilidade entre requisitos modelados com SysMLJesus, Telmo Oliveira de 12 June 2017 (has links)
Managing a software project is an increasingly complex task as it demands the quality of the
final product to increase. Thus, e ective management is required from project design to software
deployment and maintenance. According to the literature found, Requirements Engineering is
the most important phase in terms of final impact on a software project. Changes in software
requirements occur throughout the software process, from elicitation and requirements analysis
to software operation. Requirements traceability enables one to identify the source and the
dependency among software requirements. Studies show that current requirements traceability
tools and methods are insu cient which makes it di cult to use traceability in practice. The goal
of this work was the proposal of a requirements traceability technique combined with a modeling
language and supported by a tool. To achieve this goal, bibliographic review, state-of-the-art
research, comparative analysis, questionnaire and interviews were used as research instruments.
Initially, an analysis of requirements traceability techniques and evaluation of requirements
traceability tools were performed to evaluate if the techniques are used in practice and are being
supported by software tools. After these analysis, an event-based traceability technique was
proposed using concepts from the SysML modeling language. A software tool was developed to
support this technique. Whenever a requirement is modified, the tool notifies stakeholders of
such change made to the system requirements through e-mail. The technique and the tool were
evaluated by twenty four information technology professionals using a questionnaire based on
the TAM model that encompasses the concepts of perceived utility, perceived ease of use and
perceived use, and interviews. As a result, the lack of relationship between the techniques and the
tools surveyed was observed, and the criterion of automatic communication with stakeholders
was not addressed in any evaluated tool. With regard to the proposed technique and tool, a wide
acceptance of technique and tool was observed. The acceptance of the proposals was carried out
by professionals with varied experiences in software development. / Gerenciar um projeto de software é uma tarefa cada vez mais complexa à medida que as
exigências sobre a qualidade do produto final aumentam. Assim, é preciso um gerenciamento
eficaz desde a concepção do projeto até a implantação e manutenção do software. Segundo a
literatura encontrada, a Engenharia de Requisitos é a fase que possui maior impacto em um
projeto de software. As mudanças nos requisitos de software ocorrem ao longo do processo de
software, desde a elicitação e análise de requisitos até a operação do software. A rastreabilidade
de requisitos possibilita identificar a origem e a dependência entre os requisitos de software.
Estudos mostram que as ferramentas e métodos de rastreabilidade de requisitos atuais são
insuficientes e dificultam o uso prático da rastreabilidade. O objetivo deste trabalho é a criação de
uma técnica de rastreabilidade de requisitos combinada com uma linguagem de modelagem e que
seja apoiada por uma ferramenta. Para atingir este objetivo, foram utilizados como instrumentos
de pesquisa a revisão bibliográfica, uma pesquisa do tipo estado da arte, análise comparativa,
questionário e entrevistas. Inicialmente, foram realizadas análise das técnicas de rastreabilidade
de requisitos e avaliação de ferramentas de rastreabilidade de requisitos com intuito de avaliar
se as técnicas são utilizadas na prática, e se estão sendo apoiadas por ferramentas de software.
Após estas análises, foi proposta uma técnica de rastreabilidade entre requisitos baseada em
eventos utilizando conceitos da linguagem de modelagem SysML. Uma ferramenta de software
foi desenvolvida para apoiar essa técnica. Sempre que um requisito é modificado, a ferramenta
notifica aos stakeholders a alteração realizada nos requisitos do sistema por meio de e-mails.
A técnica e a ferramenta foram avaliadas por vinte e quatro profissionais de tecnologia da
informação utilizando questionário, baseado no modelo TAM, que engloba os conceitos de
utilidade percebida, facilidade de uso percebido e uso percebido, e entrevistas. Como resultado,
foram observados a falta de relação entre as técnicas e as ferramentas pesquisadas e que o critério
de comunicação automática com stakeholders não foi abordado em nenhuma ferramenta avaliada.
Com relação à técnica e ferramenta propostas, observou-se uma ampla aceitação da técnica e da
ferramenta. A aceitação das propostas foi realizada por profissionais com experiências variadas
em desenvolvimento de software.
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Decision traceability in agile software projects : Enabling alignment between changing requirements and product goals / Beslutsspårbarhet i agila projekt : att möjliggöra samverkan mellan förändrande krav och produktmålWalden, Alice January 2019 (has links)
Agile project management emphasizes flexibility and adapting to change. Embracing change often means that specified requirements get changed, removed or replaced under the course of a software project. Another consequence of the nature of agile projects is that everything that does not directly contribute to the working software gets dropped from the product lifecycle. Traceability – the ability to trace requirements back to their origins and forward to design artifacts, code, and testcases – is one such thing that may be overlooked. At the same time, traceability may be crucial to making sure that the delivered product meets the product goals. This thesis investigates the concept of decision traceability – the ability to trace decisions that relate to the evolution of a software product, as well as the fulfillment of product goals. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the importance of decision traceability in relation to product goals and changing requirements in agile software projects. For this purpose, two research questions were developed. (1) What are the challenges of achieving decision traceability in agile projects? And (2) What are important aspects of achieving decision traceability in agile projects? An interpretive qualitative case study was conducted at an IT-consultancy firm. In the case study, two of the organization’s in-house projects were observed, and six informants were interviewed. In answer to the research questions, seven challenges and six important aspects of achieving decision traceability were identified. A conclusion that can be made from the findings is that other aspects than just well-defined processes– such as team engagement, value perception, and communication – may be essential to achieving decision traceability in agile software projects.
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Durchgängige Verfolgbarkeit im Vorfeld der Softwareentwicklung von E-Government-Anwendungen : ein ontologiebasierter und modellgetriebener Ansatz am Beispiel von Bürgerdiensten / Continuous pre-requirements specification traceability for e-government : ontology based and model driven approach using the example of citizen servicesOff, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
Die öffentliche Verwaltung setzt seit mehreren Jahren E-Government-Anwendungssysteme ein, um ihre Verwaltungsprozesse intensiver mit moderner Informationstechnik zu unterstützen. Da die öffentliche Verwaltung in ihrem Handeln in besonderem Maße an Recht und Gesetz gebunden ist verstärkt und verbreitet sich der Zusammenhang zwischen den Gesetzen und Rechtsvorschriften einerseits und der zur Aufgabenunterstützung eingesetzten Informationstechnik andererseits. Aus Sicht der Softwaretechnik handelt es sich bei diesem Zusammenhang um eine spezielle Form der Verfolgbarkeit von Anforderungen (engl. Traceability), die so genannte Verfolgbarkeit im Vorfeld der Anforderungsspezifikation (Pre-Requirements Specification Traceability, kurz Pre-RS Traceability), da sie Aspekte betrifft, die relevant sind, bevor die Anforderungen in eine Spezifikation eingeflossen sind (Ursprünge von Anforderungen). Der Ansatz dieser Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur Verfolgbarkeit im Vorfeld der Anforderungsspezifikation von E-Government-Anwendungssystemen.
Er kombiniert dazu aktuelle Entwicklungen und Standards (insbesondere des World Wide Web Consortium und der Object Management Group) aus den Bereichen Verfolgbarkeit von Anforderungen, Semantic Web, Ontologiesprachen und modellgetriebener Softwareentwicklung. Der Lösungsansatz umfasst eine spezielle Ontologie des Verwaltungshandeln, die mit den Techniken, Methoden und Werkzeugen des Semantic Web eingesetzt wird, um in Texten von Rechtsvorschriften relevante Ursprünge von Anforderungen durch Annotationen mit einer definierten Semantik zu versehen. Darauf aufbauend wird das Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) verwendet, um die Annotationen als spezielle Individuen einer Ontologie auf Elemente der Unified Modeling Language (UML) abzubilden. Dadurch entsteht ein neuer Modelltyp Pre-Requirements Model (PRM), der das Vorfeld der Anforderungsspezifikation formalisiert. Modelle diesen Typs können auch verwendet werden, um Aspekte zu formalisieren die sich nicht oder nicht vollständig aus dem Text der Rechtsvorschrift ergeben. Weiterhin bietet das Modell die Möglichkeit zum Anschluss an die modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung.
In der Arbeit wird deshalb eine Erweiterung der Model Driven Architecture (MDA) vorgeschlagen. Zusätzlich zu den etablierten Modelltypen Computation Independent Model (CIM), Platform Independent Model (PIM) und Platform Specific Model (PSM) könnte der Einsatz des PRM Vorteile für die Verfolgbarkeit bringen. Wird die MDA mit dem PRM auf das Vorfeld der Anforderungsspezifikation ausgeweitet, kann eine Transformation des PRM in ein CIM als initiale Anforderungsspezifikation erfolgen, indem der MOF Query View Transformation Standard (QVT) eingesetzt wird. Als Teil des QVT-Standards ist die Aufzeichnung von Verfolgbarkeitsinformationen bei Modelltransformationen verbindlich. Um die semantische Lücke zwischen PRM und CIM zu überbrücken, erfolgt analog zum Einsatz des Plattformmodells (PM) in der PIM nach PSM Transformation der Einsatz spezieller Hilfsmodelle. Es kommen dafür die im Projekt "E-LoGo" an der Universität Potsdam entwickelten Referenzmodelle zum Einsatz.
Durch die Aufzeichnung der Abbildung annotierter Textelemente auf Elemente im PRM und der Transformation der Elemente des PRM in Elemente des CIM kann durchgängige Verfolgbarkeit im Vorfeld der Anforderungsspezifikation erreicht werden. Der Ansatz basiert auf einer so genannten Verfolgbarkeitsdokumentation in Form verlinkter Hypertextdokumente, die mittels XSL-Stylesheet erzeugt wurden und eine Verbindung zur graphischen Darstellung des Diagramms (z. B. Anwendungsfall-, Klassendiagramm der UML) haben. Der Ansatz unterstützt die horizontale Verfolgbarkeit zwischen Elementen unterschiedlicher Modelle vorwärts- und rückwärtsgerichtet umfassend. Er bietet außerdem vertikale Verfolgbarkeit, die Elemente des gleichen Modells und verschiedener Modellversionen in Beziehung setzt.
Über den offensichtlichen Nutzen einer durchgängigen Verfolgbarkeit im Vorfeld der Anforderungsspezifikation (z. B. Analyse der Auswirkungen einer Gesetzesänderung, Berücksichtigung des vollständigen Kontextes einer Anforderung bei ihrer Priorisierung) hinausgehend, bietet diese Arbeit eine erste Ansatzmöglichkeit für eine Feedback-Schleife im Prozess der Gesetzgebung. Stehen beispielsweise mehrere gleichwertige Gestaltungsoptionen eines Gesetzes zur Auswahl, können die Auswirkungen jeder Option analysiert und der Aufwand ihrer Umsetzung in E-Government-Anwendungen als Auswahlkriterium berücksichtigt werden. Die am 16. März 2011 in Kraft getretene Änderung des NKRG schreibt eine solche Analyse des so genannten „Erfüllungsaufwands“ für Teilbereiche des Verwaltungshandelns bereits heute verbindlich vor. Für diese Analyse kann die vorliegende Arbeit einen Ansatz bieten, um zu fundierten Aussagen über den Änderungsaufwand eingesetzter E-Government-Anwendungssysteme zu kommen. / Public administration is using electronic government (e-government) application systems for several years to support their processes more intensive with modern information and communication technology than ever before. This increases and broadens the relationship between law and legislation executed by the administration on the one hand and requirements to e-government application systems used to support administrative execution on the other hand. This relationship is subject matter of pre-requirements specification traceability (pre-RS traceability).
This work introduces an approach to pre-RS traceabiliy for e-government application. It combines research efforts and standards (i.e. of World Wide Web Consortium and Object Management Group) from different fields: traceability, semantic web, ontology engineering and model driven software engineering. Using this approach it is possible to add a semantic to elements of law and legislation texts using annotations. Annotation semantics is based on an ontology of public administration execution developed especially for this approach. A mapping from annotated text elements as a special kind of ontology individuals to elements of Unified Modeling Language (UML) is created using the Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM). This mapping results in a new model type referred to as Pre-Requirements Model (PRM). This model uses elements that exist before requirements are explicitly documented in a requirements specification. Therefore it can be primary used to formalize elements and their relationships in the pre-requirements scope. Through the mapping rules of ODM it keeps a traceable relationship from each model element to its corresponding annotated text elements. PRM can also be used to model and refine elements that are not or not completely derived directly from text of law and legislation.
In this work is argued that Model Driven Architecture (MDA) might profit from extending the existing model types Computation Independent Model (CIM), Platform Independent Model (PIM) and Platform Specific Model (PSM) by using a PRM. This extension leads to an Architecture that starts with a pre-requirements viewpoint before any requirements are formalized and documented in models of type CIM. It offers also the opportunity to use model transformation to create an initial CIM from PRM by allying the MOF Query View Transformation standard (QVT). Using QVT ensures the traceability of model transformation because standard enforces recording of traceability information. A Transformation from PRM to CIM creates an initial requirements specification that can be refined using common techniques, methods and tools. To bridge the semantic gap between PRM and CIM the approach follows the pattern of PIM to PSM transformation which uses the Platform Model (PM). Analogues PRM to CIM transformation uses special reference models for e-government developed in the project "E-LoGo" at university of Potsdam.
By recoding traces of mapping annotation to elements in PRM and transforming elements of PRM to elements in CIM using reference models continuous pre-RS traceability can be achieved. The approach uses simple Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) to create a hypertext documentation that links all relevant elements. Navigating along these links makes it possible for example to start with an annotated element of a law text and follow to all resulting requirements in a CIM. Using the opposite direction it is possible to see for each requirement from which text element of a law it is derived or even if there is no relation to law. By integrating the graphical representation of a model element this navigation can even start directly in a UML diagram. This illustrates that the approach offers vertical and horizontal traceability in forward and backward direction.
Besides the obvious use cases continuous pre-requirements specification traceability offers in general (i.e. impact analysis on changes of law and legislation, consider context of a requirements when prioritizing them) is also offers the chance to create a feedback on the consequences of a change in law to existing e-government systems. As long as alternatives and the necessary scope in legislative process are still left, a feedback can be used to choose an alternative with less effort or faster implementation. For federal law it is in Germany since 2011 obligatory to make a similar estimation referred to as achievement effort (“Erfüllungsaufwand”). This work contributes to the first step of making a solid estimation of this kind of effort using pre-RS traceability.
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Rastreabilidade "do laboratório à mesa" : um estudo da cadeia produtiva da indústria de carne suína na empresa DouxSantos, Andréa Rivieri dos 21 September 2011 (has links)
A suinocultura tem se fortalecido no mercado internacional devido ao aumento de consumo, importação e exportação de seus produtos e subprodutos; e principalmente pela necessidade mundial por alimentos, pelos avanços tecnológicos voltados à produção e comercialização, e pela valorização à qualidade dos produtos. Neste contexto, destaca-se a utilização da rastreabilidade aplicada na cadeia suína, como condição primordial para a comercialização nas exportações da carne suína brasileira. Dentre os processos de rastreabilidade, o acompanhamento “do campo à mesa” é um dos mais discutidos nos últimos anos, devido à amplitude de seu sistema, envolvendo a cadeia de suprimentos, a cadeia produtiva, o rastreamento de ativos e inspeções. O Brasil dispõe do terceiro maior rebanho suíno para abate do mundo, e faz uso de diversas tecnologias de rastreabilidade. Este trabalho descreve um estudo do frigorífico Doux localizado em Ana Rech, Caxias do Sul–RS, considerando a rastreabilidade sob um novo enfoque que engloba o caminho do suíno desde “o Laboratório à Mesa”, através da observação de diferenciais competitivos e ganhos produtivos que possam ser fornecidos através de informações rastreadas de carga genética, produtores e níveis de referência produtiva. A metodologia utilizada envolveu a pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter exploratório, através do desenvolvimento de um estudo de caso, utilizando-se ainda material documental e entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas, considerando-se como embasamento
teórico as abordagens relacionadas à rastreabilidade da carne suína, cadeia de suprimentos e cadeia produtiva suína. Como resultados esperados, prevê-se que a utilização da rastreabilidade “do Laboratório à Mesa” possibilitará à empresa, fazendo uso da união da genética e a sua gestão, bem como das especificidades dos diferentes mercados, melhorar o produto, atender determinadas características solicitadas por esses mercados, garantindo uma maior competitividade. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-13T13:18:19Z
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Dissertacao Andrea Rivieri dos Santos.pdf: 3521893 bytes, checksum: 25dde28dbfb42f01f1e249487449f315 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-13T13:18:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Andrea Rivieri dos Santos.pdf: 3521893 bytes, checksum: 25dde28dbfb42f01f1e249487449f315 (MD5) / The pig industry has become stronger in the international market due to increased consumption, import and export of their products and by-products especially the need for food of the world, through technological advances aimed at production and marketing, and the enhancement of product quality. In this context, we highlight the use of the traceability chain applied in swine, as a prime condition for commercialization in Brazil's pork exports. Among the processes of tracking, monitoring "from farm to fork" is one of the most discussed in recent years due to the breadth of your system, involving the supply chain, production chain, asset tracking and inspections. Brazil has the third largest herd of pigs for slaughter in the world, and makes use of several technologies for traceability. This paper describes a study of the company Doux located in Ana Rech, Caxias do Sul-RS, considering traceability in a new
approach that encompasses the path of the pig from "Lab to the mouth", through the observation of competitive advantages and productivity gains that can be provided through the genetic information tracked, producers and production benchmarks. The methodology involved qualitative research, exploratory, by developing a case study, using documentary material and even individual semi-structured, considering as the theoretical framework approaches related to pork traceability, chain supplies and pork production chain. It is expected, as result, that the use of traceability "Lab to the mouth” will allow the company, by using the union of genetics and its management as well as the specificities of different markets, improvement of the product, meet certain characteristics required by these markets, ensuring greater competitiveness.
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Rastreabilidade "do laboratório à mesa" : um estudo da cadeia produtiva da indústria de carne suína na empresa DouxSantos, Andréa Rivieri dos 21 September 2011 (has links)
A suinocultura tem se fortalecido no mercado internacional devido ao aumento de consumo, importação e exportação de seus produtos e subprodutos; e principalmente pela necessidade mundial por alimentos, pelos avanços tecnológicos voltados à produção e comercialização, e pela valorização à qualidade dos produtos. Neste contexto, destaca-se a utilização da rastreabilidade aplicada na cadeia suína, como condição primordial para a comercialização nas exportações da carne suína brasileira. Dentre os processos de rastreabilidade, o acompanhamento “do campo à mesa” é um dos mais discutidos nos últimos anos, devido à amplitude de seu sistema, envolvendo a cadeia de suprimentos, a cadeia produtiva, o rastreamento de ativos e inspeções. O Brasil dispõe do terceiro maior rebanho suíno para abate do mundo, e faz uso de diversas tecnologias de rastreabilidade. Este trabalho descreve um estudo do frigorífico Doux localizado em Ana Rech, Caxias do Sul–RS, considerando a rastreabilidade sob um novo enfoque que engloba o caminho do suíno desde “o Laboratório à Mesa”, através da observação de diferenciais competitivos e ganhos produtivos que possam ser fornecidos através de informações rastreadas de carga genética, produtores e níveis de referência produtiva. A metodologia utilizada envolveu a pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter exploratório, através do desenvolvimento de um estudo de caso, utilizando-se ainda material documental e entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas, considerando-se como embasamento
teórico as abordagens relacionadas à rastreabilidade da carne suína, cadeia de suprimentos e cadeia produtiva suína. Como resultados esperados, prevê-se que a utilização da rastreabilidade “do Laboratório à Mesa” possibilitará à empresa, fazendo uso da união da genética e a sua gestão, bem como das especificidades dos diferentes mercados, melhorar o produto, atender determinadas características solicitadas por esses mercados, garantindo uma maior competitividade. / The pig industry has become stronger in the international market due to increased consumption, import and export of their products and by-products especially the need for food of the world, through technological advances aimed at production and marketing, and the enhancement of product quality. In this context, we highlight the use of the traceability chain applied in swine, as a prime condition for commercialization in Brazil's pork exports. Among the processes of tracking, monitoring "from farm to fork" is one of the most discussed in recent years due to the breadth of your system, involving the supply chain, production chain, asset tracking and inspections. Brazil has the third largest herd of pigs for slaughter in the world, and makes use of several technologies for traceability. This paper describes a study of the company Doux located in Ana Rech, Caxias do Sul-RS, considering traceability in a new
approach that encompasses the path of the pig from "Lab to the mouth", through the observation of competitive advantages and productivity gains that can be provided through the genetic information tracked, producers and production benchmarks. The methodology involved qualitative research, exploratory, by developing a case study, using documentary material and even individual semi-structured, considering as the theoretical framework approaches related to pork traceability, chain supplies and pork production chain. It is expected, as result, that the use of traceability "Lab to the mouth” will allow the company, by using the union of genetics and its management as well as the specificities of different markets, improvement of the product, meet certain characteristics required by these markets, ensuring greater competitiveness.
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Verification, Validation and Completeness Support for Metadata TraceabilityDarr, Timothy, Fernandes, Ronald, Hamilton, John, Jones, Charles 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2010 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Sixth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 25-28, 2010 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / The complexity of modern test and evaluation (T&E) processes has resulted in an explosion of the quantity and diversity of metadata used to describe end-to-end T&E processes. Ideally, it would be possible to integrate metadata in such a way that disparate systems can seamlessly access the metadata and easily interoperate with other systems. Unfortunately, there are several barriers to achieving this goal: metadata is often designed for use with specific tools or specific purposes; metadata exists in a variety of formats (legacy, non-legacy, structured and unstructured metadata); and the same information is represented in multiple ways across different metadata formats.
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Nytta med obruten spårbarhet från plantskola ut till planteringspunkt / Benefits of increased seedling traceability - from nursery to planting spotMalin, Lundström January 2016 (has links)
A successful forest generation is important for several operators and a lot can happen on the way from nursery to established plant. Therefore traceability of forest plants is important. Sveaskog is one of Sweden’s big producers of forest plants thru their business Svenska skogsplantor. Today it’s possible to trace forest plants grown by Svenska skogsplantor and planted by Sveaskog, but the chain of traceability cannot be considered unbroken since its partially uncertain under the treatment what happens to the plants. Today systems with barcodes, computer systems and applications in smartphones can be at help to create unbroken chains of traceability and the purpose of this work was to examine of what an extended traceability of forest plants could be. The work was done with qualitatively method and semi-structured interviews and the result show that people who work with establishment of forest plants where satisfied with the current traceability but could see benefits like increased control, more interesting work and substratum for statistics as good usage from improved traceability.
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