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IcebreakerHietarinta, Daniel, Norström, Markus, Vilic, Husein January 2016 (has links)
In this report, we describe an application which we created for AndroidOS whose task is to make it easier to find a gym partner. The application (aptly named Icebreaker) is meant to make it easier for people to socially interact in the gym by pairing them and allowing them to make contact through predetermined messages. The goal is to make it easier for the user to get help or find a training partner. The help can either come from another user of the application or from a personal trainer at the gym, who will also use the application. The social interaction part of the application has been implemented and the application works as intended with a test group of six users. This was the core part of the project. Other minor components such as a point system, profile page, and parts of a page with functionality focused on the actual training are not fully implemented. / I denna rapport beskrivs en applikation som har designats för operativsystemet Android som ska underlätta för användarna att hitta och para ihop sig med en gympartner. Applikationen ska hjälpa folk att socialt interagera på gymmet. Användare ska, när de parat ihop sig via förutbestämda meddelanden, kunna hjälpa varandra med allt möjligt. Allt från ett par repetitioner på bänkpressen, till ett längre träningspass. Utöver detta ska applikationen också användas av gympersonal. Medlemmar ska på detta sätt erbjudas möjligheten att få hjälp av personliga tränare. Kommunikationsdelen är implementerad och applikationen fungerar som tänkt med en testgrupp bestående av sex användare. Denna del är den viktigaste delen av detta projekt. Andra mindre delar som ett betygsystem, profilsida och delar av en träningssida är inte helt implementerade.
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Návrhová studie realizace cloudletů pomocí komponentového modelu DEECo / DEECo Cloudlets Exploratory StudyKinšt, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores possibilities of using recently introduced ensemble-based component models (represented by the DEECo model) as a management layer in a cloudlet-like environment for mobile computation offloading, which can lead to savings of limited mobile-specific resources such as battery life. As a part of the solution, the goal is analyzed, possible issues and problems are identified and then addressed by designing and implementing a reference architecture for computation offloading of parts of mobile applications managed by a DEECo-based control layer. The implementation is presented in the form of an offloading framework, whose use is demonstrated on two applications for the Android platform. Finally, the framework's performance and utility is evaluated by comparing offloaded and local executions of the same application. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Android application of restaurant finderParne, Spoorthy Reddy January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Computing and Information Sciences / Daniel Andresen / Mobile applications can be one of the best ways to keep consumers engaged with a brand as they are on the move. With the increase in demand for smartphones and efficiency of wireless networks, the demand for mobile applications has increased incredibly. Android is one of the most popular open source platforms that offers the developers full access to the framework API’s so as to build innovative applications. The main aim of this project is to build an Android application that helps the users to find a Restaurant in a specified location and according to the specified tastes. The main features provided by the Restaurant Finder application are as follows:
1) Basic Search where the user can search for a particular restaurant based on any keyword and Advanced Search where the user can specify the category, rating and the distance range for the restaurants.
2) Google Maps that shows the top 5 restaurants in the city of the current location and the routes to a particular restaurant.
3) The users can write a review, see the reviews and invite a friend/colleague to meet at a particular restaurant.
4) Google Calendar where the user can mark an event.
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Použití gyroskopů a akcelerometrů k doostření fotografií pořízených mobilním telefonem / Použití gyroskopů a akcelerometrů k doostření fotografií pořízených mobilním telefonemŠindelář, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
Long exposure handheld photography is coupled with the problem of blurring, which is difficult to remove without additional information. The goal of this work was to utilize motion sensors contained in modern smartphones to detect exact motion track of the image sensor during the exposure and then to remove the blur from the resulting photograph according to this data. A system was proposed which performs deconvolution using a kernel from the recorded gyroscope data. An implementation on Android platform was proved on a test smartphone device.
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Utveckling av Androidapplikation för airsoftSticko, Simon, Arfwedson, Viktor, Hallström Mayrhofer, Love January 2011 (has links)
An Android-application that is intended to be used during airsoftgames (a gamesimilar to paintball) has been developed. In this application, which is called TactiX,players can join different teams and see their team members on a map. Through theapplication players can interact with one another in a variety of ways. They can send text messages, give orders and send drawings to each other. Players can also make observations of enemy players on the map. The application has been developed as athesis work at a bachelor of science level at Sweden Connectivity in Kista. Both theapplication and the server communication software have been developed.
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Network usage profiling for applications on the Android smart phoneEgnell, Jakob January 2012 (has links)
Android, a platform for smartphones and mobile devices, is becoming more and more present in the market. Nevertheless, the battery runtime of smartphones is short and strongly influenced by the network usage. Some proposals exist to reduce the energy consumption associated to the network usage and increase the smartphone runtime. But for adjusting them for a real improvement it is required to study the network utilisation triggered by the smartphone applications. With this analysis the applications communication patterns can be obtained and used to predict the network usage and the amount of data expected. In order to gather network statistics of the running applications, a logger application is implemented for the Android platform to log network statistics of running applications. The statistics are analysed on a PC computer to obtain the applications' communication patterns. A number of applications are selected, sorted by the rankings of downloads and type. A detailed analysis of the network usage is presented. This analysis identifies some of their patterns, some application characteristics and groups of applications from the determined network usage. The network usages for applications with similar functionalities are compared and lessons learnt from the analysis are discussed. Finally, some improvements for our logger application and analysis are discussed.
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Framtagande av förslag på arbetsgång för plattformsmigrering : Från webbapplikation till mobilapplikationHansson, Gustaf, Engstrand, Pelle January 2011 (has links)
Det är första gången som Triona AB gör om en webbapplikation till en Androidapplikation och således saknas det information och dokumentation för hur det skall göras, det vill säga en plattformsmigrering.Vi gjorde i detta projekt om en webbaserad cykelreseplanerare till en androidapplikation och med utgångspunkt från de erfarenheter vi fick utifrån den tog vi fram en arbetsgång för plattformsbyte från en webbapplikation till en mobilapplikation.Den teoretiska grunden för projektet lades genom litteraturstudier samt intervjuer. Dessa la grunden för det preliminära förslaget för arbetsgång som skulle komma att testas hos Triona AB. Att genomföra en plattformsmigrering hos Triona AB vilket innebar att vi gjorde om deras webbapplikation till en androidapplikation gav oss vår empiriska grund. Efter att ha testat det preliminära förslaget på arbetsgång hos Triona kunde vi modifiera samt verifiera den.Vi skulle i efterhand försökt utvidga vår intervju-del med fler personer men detta var tyvärr inte möjligt vid genomförandet på grund utav av bristande intresse att delta från olika företags sida.
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MileageAIDE : a system for business mileage trackingChandler, Paul Adam 23 April 2013 (has links)
This report describes the MileageAIDE system for recording the business mileage
of a vehicle. The system consists of a mobile application for an Android phone and a
hardware device connected to the vehicle’s On-Board Diagnostic port (OBD-II). The two
interact via Bluetooth to record the time and odometer value for every trip in the vehicle
and remind the user to classify the trip as business or personal. The result is a system that
is easy to install, easy to use, inexpensive and keeps detailed and accurate records that are
acceptable for reporting to an employer for reimbursement or as business expenses on a
tax return. / text
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Prototyping of a mobile, Augmented Reality assisted maintenance toolBoodé, Henrik January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis work is to create a prototype for an augmented reality application that isaimed to support service technician when performing service and maintenance of machines andengines. The prototype will be used for investigating what technical limitations there is and toestablish basic usability for the user interface. The method that is used is user studies and analysis toevaluate use cases and user stories. An iterative work process is then applied for design and theprototype is continuously user tested.The resulting prototype uses a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 running on Android operating system. Theframework used for augmented reality is NyARToolkit which handles marker recognition andconnections to Android. NyARToolkit uses OpenGL to visualize 3D models. The 3D models used isin the metasequoia fileformat. The application that implements the framework gets reasonableperformance on Galaxy Tab 2 and the visualization of 3D model is accomplished. A stabile markerrecognition is not attained.The usability has not been studied thoroughly, but it is designed based on the unofficial standard fordesign on mobile devices and for 3D manipulation on mobile devices. The graphical design is aimingfor an open workspace with as few interrupting objects as possible. Clear descriptions of objects are apart that has resulted from usertesting.Judging by the functionality that the prototype indicates it could be assumed that an application of thistype is possible in the given field, which is worked performed by a service technician. The testingequipment that has been used is not of the latest generation of mobile devices which can mean thatnewer models perform better than the ones used for testing. What seems to be limiting the use of themarker recognition is the quality of the video input. The device’s processing power affects howadvanced the 3D environment can be, which in turn can reduce performance when more complex 3Dmodels are used. Since there are several frameworks for the Android platform there is also severalsolutions to making a prototype with the sane functionality. Since I have only explored oneframework there is a possibility that another framework could have produced a more stabile prototypeThe user testing that has been performed points out that a distinct design is needed. Clearly describingtexts for different objects should be used to make the user less confused. An unofficial user designthat is generally used has to be implemented so that the users fell at home when handling theapplication on mobile devices.
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Integration of BankID Services in a PhoneGap Based Mobile ApplicationEggestig, Lars, Wodajo, Mintesinot January 2014 (has links)
Security concerns became high with the rapid technology advancement andwith the open nature of the internet. BankID is the leading electronic identificationsystem in Sweden which is used by around 5 million people in a variety ofpublic and private services. BankID allows users to securely authenticate themselvesand digitally sign important documents and transactions over the internet.In 2011, BankID Security App was launched to be used in mobile smartphones and tablet computers. In this paper, different components of the PublicKey Infrastructure (PKI) which is a cryptographic technique that enables usersto safely communicate over the insecure internet has been studied in detail. Furthermore,a test BankID-integrated PhoneGap based app on the Android platformis implemented and a performance evaluation and security analysis wereperformed. The test implementation of the BankID-integrated app on theAndroid platform provides user authentication and digital signing functions.The implemented backend system consists of a server with digital certificateand a database. The performance test emphasizes on the measurement of the accesstime between the components of the system and usability of the application.Access time measurement includes a reasonable amount of time in whichthe user is able to perform different activities in the system. In usability assessmentnumber of actions to perform a certain task and the ease of the user interfacehas been taken into consideration. The security analysis aims to identifypotential security flaws in the system and discuss possible solutions. The potentialsecurity risks we identified during the implementation of the system are theman-in-the-middle-attack, the Heartbleed bug, losing the mobile device andphysical access to the backend system. The potential security risks in the systemwere examined with regard to severity and probability of occurrence. Finally,the thesis project has been discussed in terms of the future work and system expansions.The result of the thesis will be used as a base in production developmentby Dewire, the company for which the thesis work has been conducted.
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