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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckla single-page kundvagnar för e-handel med AngularJS eller Vue / Developing single-page carts for e-commerce with AngularJS or Vue

Hermansson, Karl January 2019 (has links)
Arbetet undersöker huruvida laddtider för en single-page applikation av typen kundvagn påverkas beroende på vilket av JavaScript ramverken AngularJS och Vue som använts under utvecklingsfasen. Undersökningen görs mot bakgrunden att e-handeln hastigt växt på webben under det senaste decenniet till att bli globalt konkurrenskraftig. Den mest centrala delen all e-handel är kundvagnen och det finns en uppsjö av ramverk som kan förenkla utvecklandet som alla har olika styrkor och svagheter. Studien kommer genomföras som ett experiment där en applikation för respektive ramverk skapas på en lokal webbserver och jämförs mot varandra. Testerna kommer genomföras på en MacBook genom automatiserade script i Tampermonkey. Dessa skillnader framhäver behovet av att göra ett val. Resultatet visar tydligt att vilket ramverk som använts påverkar laddtider men till fördel för olika ramverk vid olika tillfällen. Arbetet kan ge en rad framtida arbeten härledas där resultat kan styrkas och utvidgas för att bli än mer givande.

Informační systém pro podporu drobné rostlinné výroby

Dohnálek, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on design and implementation of an ERP system, dedicated to support small farmers and their enterprises in crops production in the Czech republic. ERP system is divided into three bases. First of them aims on working with land blocks, the other one focuses on stock operations and the third one focuses on economical operations of small farmers. Based on the processed data, ERP system provides control of costs and yields of single land blocks. Furthermore, the ERP is dedicated for creation of crop rotation plans and a compliance of which it helps to keep track of. The system also provides desired data for management of farming control. The ERP system was being developed in cooperation with an entrepreneur Karel Procházka, further refered to as an authority, who was testing the final application. The ERP system was developed as an web application.

Mätning av svarstider på grafiskt tunga webbutiker : Med användning av AngularJS, Twitter Bootstrap och Foundation / Measuring response time of heavy graphic e-commerce : Using AngularJS, Twitter Bootstrap and Foundation

Saleh, Jango January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

DigiExam Cross Platform-Klient : Cross platform-klient för att göra digitala prov / DigiExam Cross Platform Client : Cross platform client for digital assessment

Krupalija, Amar January 2016 (has links)
DigiExam är ett Edtech företag med huvudfokus kring digital kunskapskontroll och som utvecklar en plattform för digitala prov. Fördelen med digital kunskapskontroll är att lärare kan minimera den tid det tar att skapa och administrera prov samt att elever får tillgång till verktyg som både kan underlätta och effektivisera deras skrivande. Digitala prov kräver någon form av mjukvara för att vara möjligt. I DigiExams fall så tillhandahölls till en början fyra klienter för fyra möjliga operativsystem för att göra prov. Två utav klienterna var säregna medan de resterande två baserades på samma kodbas. För att minimera utvecklingstiden men även utvecklingskostnaden så valde man att ta fram en så kallad cross platform-klient. Denna klient skulle göra det möjligt att ha stöd för fyra olika operativsystem men basera applikationen på samma kodbas. Arbetet visar att det är fullt möjligt att skapa cross platform-klienter som baseras på webbteknologi och som kan använda operativsystemets fulla potential.  Resultatet blev en applikation som implementerade samma funktionalitet som de tidigare Mac OSX och Windows-klienterna, men som baserades på samma källkod som iPad- och Chromebook-klienterna. / DigiExam is an Edtech company with main focus on digital assessment. The company develops a platform that enables schools to minimize administrative overhead for teachers and enables students to use tools to help and improve their writing during an exam. In order to be able to take a test on a computer or tablet, the student needs to have some kind of software installed for digital exams. DigiExam used to have four clients for four operative systems. Two of the clients were based on the same source code while the other two were unique which made implementation and maintenance of features unnecessarily costly and time consuming. To deal with these issues the company decided to develop a cross platform-client which enables the developers to use one base source code for all clients and operative systems. The cross platform client developed in this dissertation proves that it is possible to create an application based on web technology and that uses the operative systems full potential. This dissertation gives an example how a cross platform client can be developed and resulted in client for Mac OSX and Windows that shares the same base source code as the Chromebook and iOS clients.

Vytváření webové analytické zprávy z metabáze systému LISp-Miner / Creation of web-based analytics report from LISp-Miner metabase analytics

Nepomucký, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with ways how to represent results of LISp-Miner application on the world wide web. This thesis has three main sections. The first section is dedicated to description of data analysis process including description of newly established study of infography and its application in publishing results found du-ring the DZD process. The second part describes exporting of LISp-Miner as well as exporting formats of each module and its combining with other technologies, afterwards follows summarization of all kind of exports of lispminer and its im-provements or create a whole new templates. Third part is dedicated to develop-ment of a web-based application as a tool of repsentation results generated by lispminer. The very last part is contained of future improvements of this application.

Robust Issue Tracking Application (RITA) : Developing an issue tracker using modern web technologies

Åhman, Stefan January 2017 (has links)
Issue tracking is one of the vital parts in maintaining computer  systems.  It is utilized in anything from small independent companies to large enterprises. The tracking does not just provide developers and other personnel with crucial information regarding their systems current state, but additionally stores useful documentation if any error reoccurs in the future. However, if the tracking issue would be deficient in some way, the complete process of developing or maintaining a system could affected negatively in great extent. This thesis work has looked into a scenario where the tool has been to slow, overly complicated and obsolete. It has made a large negative impact on the work force that uses the tool and made tracking issue to a discouragement. The thesis work has thence investigated features of the existing tool, suggested a better solution to use based upon these findings, followed by the development of a web application. When the application was finished, its usability was tested by the intended staff and performance tests were conducted. The test results showed that the application had been implemented successfully in many aspects. Unfortunately, due to deficient technical choices, the project did struggle with implementing all features as expected. The thesis work did consequently learn the hard way the importance of a choosing development techniques very thoroughly.

Informační systém pro zubní kliniky / Dental Information System

Bačik, Radoslav January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis describes the creation of an information system for small to medium-sized dental clinics. The application will consist of a planning module (pa- tient ordering), a card index (patient information), a diagnosis and therapies system (the system will intelligently recommend treatment based on a speci ed health condi- tion) and a storage module (overview of the material). Administration takes doctors 1 to 2 hours a day and the goal of our application is to save this time.

Návrh vývoje webových aplikací s automatickým vytvářením databázového schématu / Web Application Development Scheme with Automatic Database Schema Creation

Prochocká, Kristína January 2015 (has links)
This thesis designs and implements an intermediary layer on both the backend and the frontend part of a web application, together with a user interface used to show analysis outputs and to manage the data. This layer was designed based on analysis of several existing solutions, in various languages and environments, and implemented using MongoDB and PostgreSQL databases, written in PHP on the server side and in JavaScript on the client side. It offers an immediately usable flexible persistence layer directly in the frontend, with analysis, feedback and an option to convert collections to PostgreSQL while keeping the same API, enabling a fluent transition.

Systém pro zpracování GPS dat z více mobilních zařízení / System for processing of GPS data from multiple mobile devices

Jurča, Josef January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to create an information system which consists of a mobile application, server and web application. Mobile application is designed for operating system Android and it is used for sending GPS coordinates of mobile devices to the server. These data are later processed by server and stored in database. Web application displays the current location of mobile devices in user group on a map, it also displays location history and statistics. Accuracy of the station location can be enhanced by using DGPS assuming that one of stations in a group does not change its location. The system was designed and then developed using modern web technologies and frameworks including PhoneGap, Ionic, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose and AngularJS. Further measurements, that were performed, are supposed to present the effect of DGPS to location accuracy determination.

Generátor webových aplikací s využitím algoritmu VIPS / Web Application Generator with Use of VIPS Algorithm

Pichler, Libor January 2012 (has links)
This thesis contains description of Visual Segmentation Algorithm, which is used for dividing web page to blocks. The purpose of this segmentation is to assign functional blocks to the visual blocks. It is possible to create a data model in the system, which is part of the definition of the functional blocks. The project also contains a generator of web applications, where the design is made by user interface layer. The generated application is extendable and reusable for next development.

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